// WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY! This file is automatically generated from the vk.xml registry ifndef::doctype-manpage[] .Valid Usage ******************************************************************************** endif::doctype-manpage[] ifdef::doctype-manpage[] Valid Usage ----------- endif::doctype-manpage[] * pname:commandBuffer must: be a valid sname:VkCommandBuffer handle * pname:queryPool must: be a valid sname:VkQueryPool handle * pname:dstBuffer must: be a valid sname:VkBuffer handle * pname:flags must: be a valid combination of elink:VkQueryResultFlagBits values * pname:commandBuffer must: be in the recording state * The sname:VkCommandPool that pname:commandBuffer was allocated from must: support graphics or compute operations * This command must: only be called outside of a render pass instance * Each of pname:commandBuffer, pname:queryPool and pname:dstBuffer must: have been created, allocated or retrieved from the same sname:VkDevice * pname:dstOffset must: be less than the size of pname:dstBuffer * pname:firstQuery must: be less than the number of queries in pname:queryPool * The sum of pname:firstQuery and pname:queryCount must: be less than or equal to the number of queries in pname:queryPool * If ename:VK_QUERY_RESULT_64_BIT is not set in pname:flags then pname:dstOffset and pname:stride must be multiples of `4` * If ename:VK_QUERY_RESULT_64_BIT is set in pname:flags then pname:dstOffset and pname:stride must be multiples of `8` * pname:dstBuffer must: have enough storage, from pname:dstOffset, to contain the result of each query, as described <> * If the pname:queryType used to create pname:queryPool was ename:VK_QUERY_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, pname:flags mustnot: contain ename:VK_QUERY_RESULT_PARTIAL_BIT ifndef::doctype-manpage[] ******************************************************************************** endif::doctype-manpage[] ifndef::doctype-manpage[] .Host Synchronization ******************************************************************************** endif::doctype-manpage[] ifdef::doctype-manpage[] Host Synchronization -------------------- endif::doctype-manpage[] * Host access to pname:commandBuffer must: be externally synchronized ifndef::doctype-manpage[] ******************************************************************************** endif::doctype-manpage[] ifndef::doctype-manpage[] .Command Properties ******************************************************************************** endif::doctype-manpage[] ifdef::doctype-manpage[] Command Properties ------------------ endif::doctype-manpage[] [options="header", width="100%"] |===================== |Command Buffer Levels|Render Pass Scope|Supported Queue Types |Primary + Secondary|Outside|GRAPHICS + COMPUTE |===================== ifndef::doctype-manpage[] ******************************************************************************** endif::doctype-manpage[]