// Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Khronos Group. This work is licensed under a // Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License; see // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ include::meta/VK_KHR_variable_pointers.txt[] *Last Modified Date*:: 2017-09-05 *IP Status*:: No known IP claims. *Interactions and External Dependencies*:: - Requires the https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/extensions/KHR/SPV_KHR_variable_pointers.html[`SPV_KHR_variable_pointers`] SPIR-V extension. - Promoted to Vulkan 1.1 Core *Contributors*:: - John Kessenich, Google - Neil Henning, Codeplay - David Neto, Google - Daniel Koch, Nvidia - Graeme Leese, Broadcom - Weifeng Zhang, Qualcomm - Stephen Clarke, Imagination Technologies - Jason Ekstrand, Intel - Jesse Hall, Google The `VK_KHR_variable_pointers` extension allows implementations to indicate their level of support for the `SPV_KHR_variable_pointers` SPIR-V extension. The SPIR-V extension allows shader modules to use invocation-private pointers into uniform and/or storage buffers, where the pointer values can be dynamic and non-uniform. The `SPV_KHR_variable_pointers` extension introduces two capabilities. The first, code:VariablePointersStorageBuffer, must: be supported by all implementations of this extension. The second, code:VariablePointers, is optional. === New Enum Constants * Extending elink:VkStructureType: ** ename:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_VARIABLE_POINTER_FEATURES_KHR === New Structures * slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointersFeaturesKHR === New SPIR-V Capabilities * <> * <> === Promotion to Vulkan 1.1 All functionality in this extension is included in core Vulkan 1.1, with the KHR suffix omitted, however support for the <> feature is made optional. The original type, enum and command names are still available as aliases of the core functionality. === Issues 1) Do we need an optional property for the SPIR-V code:VariablePointersStorageBuffer capability or should it be mandatory when this extension is advertised? *RESOLVED*: Add it as a distinct feature, but make support mandatory. Adding it as a feature makes the extension easier to include in a future core API version. In the extension, the feature is mandatory, so that presence of the extension guarantees some functionality. When included in a core API version, the feature would be optional. 2) Can support for these capabilities vary between shader stages? *RESOLVED*: No, if the capability is supported in any stage it must be supported in all stages. 3) Should the capabilities be features or limits? *RESOLVED*: Features, primarily for consistency with other similar extensions. === Version History * Revision 1, 2017-03-14 (Jesse Hall and John Kessenich) - Internal revisions