// Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Khronos Group. This work is licensed under a // Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License; see // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ VkRenderPassBeginInfo(3) ======================== Name ---- VkRenderPassBeginInfo - Structure specifying render pass begin info C Specification --------------- // refBegin VkRenderPassBeginInfo - Structure specifying render pass begin info The sname:VkRenderPassBeginInfo structure is defined as: include::../api/structs/VkRenderPassBeginInfo.txt[] Members ------- * pname:sType is the type of this structure. * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to an extension-specific structure. * pname:renderPass is the render pass to begin an instance of. * pname:framebuffer is the framebuffer containing the attachments that are used with the render pass. * pname:renderArea is the render area that is affected by the render pass instance, and is described in more detail below. * pname:clearValueCount is the number of elements in pname:pClearValues. * pname:pClearValues is an array of slink:VkClearValue structures that contains clear values for each attachment, if the attachment uses a pname:loadOp value of ename:VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR or if the attachment has a depth/stencil format and uses a pname:stencilLoadOp value of ename:VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR. The array is indexed by attachment number. Only elements corresponding to cleared attachments are used. Other elements of pname:pClearValues are ignored. Description ----------- pname:renderArea is the render area that is affected by the render pass instance. The effects of attachment load, store and resolve operations are restricted to the pixels whose x and y coordinates fall within the render area on all attachments. The render area extends to all layers of pname:framebuffer. The application must: ensure (using scissor if necessary) that all rendering is contained within the render area, otherwise the pixels outside of the render area become undefined and shader side effects may: occur for fragments outside the render area. The render area must: be contained within the framebuffer dimensions. [NOTE] .Note ==== There may: be a performance cost for using a render area smaller than the framebuffer, unless it matches the render area granularity for the render pass. ==== include::../validity/structs/VkRenderPassBeginInfo.txt[] See Also -------- slink:VkClearValue, slink:VkFramebuffer, slink:VkRect2D, slink:VkRenderPass, elink:VkStructureType, flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass Document Notes -------------- For more information, see the Vulkan Specification at URL https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0/xhtml/vkspec.html#VkRenderPassBeginInfo This page is extracted from the Vulkan Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification,not directly. include::footer.txt[]