include::{generated}/meta/VK_AMD_shader_info.txt[] *Last Modified Date*:: 2017-10-09 *IP Status*:: No known IP claims. *Contributors*:: - Jaakko Konttinen, AMD This extension adds a way to query certain information about a compiled shader which is part of a pipeline. This information may include shader disassembly, shader binary and various statistics about a shader's resource usage. While this extension provides a mechanism for extracting this information, the details regarding the contents or format of this information are not specified by this extension and may be provided by the vendor externally. Furthermore, all information types are optionally supported, and users should not assume every implementation supports querying every type of information. === New Object Types None. === New Enum Constants None. === New Enums * elink:VkShaderInfoTypeAMD === New Structures * slink:VkShaderResourceUsageAMD * slink:VkShaderStatisticsInfoAMD === New Functions * flink:vkGetShaderInfoAMD === Examples This example extracts the register usage of a fragment shader within a particular graphics pipeline: [source,c++] ---------------------------------------- extern VkDevice device; extern VkPipeline gfxPipeline; PFN_vkGetShaderInfoAMD pfnGetShaderInfoAMD = (PFN_vkGetShaderInfoAMD)vkGetDeviceProcAddr( device, "vkGetShaderInfoAMD"); VkShaderStatisticsInfoAMD statistics = {}; size_t dataSize = sizeof(statistics); if (pfnGetShaderInfoAMD(device, gfxPipeline, VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, VK_SHADER_INFO_TYPE_STATISTICS_AMD, &dataSize, &statistics) == VK_SUCCESS) { printf("VGPR usage: %d\n", statistics.resourceUsage.numUsedVgprs); printf("SGPR usage: %d\n", statistics.resourceUsage.numUsedSgprs); } ---------------------------------------- The following example continues the previous example by subsequently attempting to query and print shader disassembly about the fragment shader: [source,c++] ---------------------------------------- // Query disassembly size (if available) if (pfnGetShaderInfoAMD(device, gfxPipeline, VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, VK_SHADER_INFO_TYPE_DISASSEMBLY_AMD, &dataSize, nullptr) == VK_SUCCESS) { printf("Fragment shader disassembly:\n"); void* disassembly = malloc(dataSize); // Query disassembly and print if (pfnGetShaderInfoAMD(device, gfxPipeline, VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, VK_SHADER_INFO_TYPE_DISASSEMBLY_AMD, &dataSize, disassembly) == VK_SUCCESS) { printf((char*)disassembly); } free(disassembly); } ---------------------------------------- === Version History * Revision 1, 2017-10-09 (Jaakko Konttinen) - Initial revision