// Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Khronos Group. This work is licensed under a // Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License; see // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ vkGetRenderAreaGranularity(3) ============================= Name ---- vkGetRenderAreaGranularity - Returns the granularity for optimal render area. C Specification --------------- // refBegin vkGetRenderAreaGranularity Returns the granularity for optimal render area. To query the render area granularity, call: include::../api/protos/vkGetRenderAreaGranularity.txt[] Parameters ---------- * pname:device is the logical device that owns the render pass. * pname:renderPass is a handle to a render pass. * pname:pGranularity points to a slink:VkExtent2D structure in which the granularity is returned. Description ----------- The conditions leading to an optimal pname:renderArea are: * the pname:offset.x member in pname:renderArea is a multiple of the pname:width member of the returned slink:VkExtent2D (the horizontal granularity). * the pname:offset.y member in pname:renderArea is a multiple of the pname:height of the returned slink:VkExtent2D (the vertical granularity). * either the pname:offset.width member in pname:renderArea is a multiple of the horizontal granularity or pname:offset.x+pname:offset.width is equal to the pname:width of the pname:framebuffer in the slink:VkRenderPassBeginInfo. * either the pname:offset.height member in pname:renderArea is a multiple of the vertical granularity or pname:offset.y+pname:offset.height is equal to the pname:height of the pname:framebuffer in the slink:VkRenderPassBeginInfo. Subpass dependencies are not affected by the render area, and apply to the entire image subresources attached to the framebuffer. Similarly, pipeline barriers are valid even if their effect extends outside the render area. include::../validity/protos/vkGetRenderAreaGranularity.txt[] See Also -------- slink:VkDevice, slink:VkExtent2D, slink:VkRenderPass Document Notes -------------- For more information, see the Vulkan Specification at URL https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0/xhtml/vkspec.html#vkGetRenderAreaGranularity This page is extracted from the Vulkan Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification,not directly. include::footer.txt[]