* Update release number to 106.
Public Issues:
* Add searchbox and generate search index for the chunked HTML target.
Note that doing this requires several new toolchain components to build
the `chunked` target (public issue 578 / internal issue 1352).
* Remove descriptions of flink:vkCreateSampler sampler constraints which
were repeated in the valid usage statements (public pull request 648).
* Fix sense of conditional around a valid usage statement in the
<<copies>> chapter (public issue 942).
Internal Issues:
* Add missing pname:extent.width and pname:extent.height valid usage
statements for flink:vkCmdClearAttachments (internal issue 1583).
* Fix some inconsistencies in structures and corresponding pname:sType
enumerant names by renaming
sname:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures ->
sname:VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointerFeatures ->
sname:VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointerFeaturesKHR ->
sname:VkPhysicalDeviceBufferAddressFeaturesEXT ->
The old names are still available as aliases for backwards
compatibility. This change required introducing valid XML markup which
externally written XML processing scripts may need to be modified to
accomodate, to support multiple aliases of a single command or token
name (internal issue 1592).
* Add slink:VkDevice as the first parameter to flink:vkSetLocalDimmingAMD
(internal issue 1618).
* Improve CI header compilation tests to test all Vulkan platform
includes, using fake platform headers where needed, and change the
`allchecks` Makefile target to use the more comprehensive
`check_spec_links.py` script instead of the retired `checkinc` and
`checklinks` targets.
* Move descriptions of the ASTC compressed texture decode mode from the
<<appendix-compressedtex-astc,appendix>> to the recently updated
external Khronos Data Format Specification.
* Fix minor markup and spelling issues in the `VK_NV_ray_tracing`
* Update release number to 103.
Public Issues:
* Remove (unnecessary) scoped modification order case from the memory
model <<memory-model-location-ordered, location-ordered>> definition
(public pull request 924).
* Add an <<memory-model-acyclicity, acyclicity>> axiom to the memory model
(public pull request 927).
Internal Issues:
* Fix reversed logic of slink:VkFormatProperties discussion of multi-plane
formats and ename:VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_DISJOINT_BIT (internal issue 1493).
* Clarify how slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT works, including new
valid usage statements for flink:vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage, and the
<<copies, Common Operation>> section of the Copy Commands chapter
(internal issue 1565).
* Update <<spirvenv-precision-operation, Precision and Operation of SPIR-V
Instructions>> section to require that denorms be preserved by several
instructions that don't perform any mathematical operations (internal
issue 1584).
* Remove duplicate valid usage statement from flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR
(internal merge request 3062).
* Update release number to 102.
Public Issues:
* Simplify flink:vkGetImageMemoryRequirements constraint for
ename:VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_LAZILY_ALLOCATED_BIT (public pull request 817).
* Fix typo in markup of the <<textures-texel-coordinate-systems-diagrams,
Texel Coordinate Systems, Corner Sampling>> image that was generating
complaints from chunked HTML output generation (public pull request
Internal Issues:
* Split the old <<features, Features>> chapter into four chapters:
<<features, Features>>, <<limits, Limits>>, <<formats, Formats>>, and
<<capabilities, Capabilities>>, with minor edits to the introductory
paragraph of each chapter. Anchor names in these chapters were changed,
with corresponding effects to xrefs to these anchors elsewhere in spec
markup . The purpose is to make the chunked HTML spec output load faster
on what was previously a single, gigantic chapter (internal issue 1554).
pipeline stages for ename:VK_ACCESS_UNIFORM_READ,
<<synchronization-access-types-supported>> table.
* Correct legal name of Google, LLC in vk.xml \<tags> section and a
copyright statement.
* Clarify that Vulkan treats the Android
application is responsible for forcing the X/A component to be read as
1.0, in the <<memory-external-android-hardware-buffer-formats>> table.
* Clarify the vertex order of various primitive topologies, and define the
order of transform feedback vertex capture based on that. This involves
a lot of refactoring and cleanup in the <<drawing-primitive-topologies,
Primitive Topologies>>, <<geometry-input, Geometry Shader Input
Primitives>> sections, and <<vertexpostproc-transform-feedback Transform
Feedback>> sections, and numerous places in the <<tessellation>>
New Extensions:
* `VK_EXT_metal_surface`
* `VK_EXT_ycbcr_image_arrays` (internal issue 1361).
* `VK_NVX_image_view_handle`
* Update release number to 99.
Public Issues:
* Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to
flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896).
* Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900).
* Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in
public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR).
Internal Issues:
* Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the
<<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as
for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo
(internal issue 1361).
* Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the
<<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal
issue 1526).
* Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by
refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use
the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968).
* Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and
* Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR.
* Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the
<<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section.
* Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the
<<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use
spelling "`any-hit`" consistently.
* Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in
* Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations
require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the
<<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>>
* Update to KaTeX 10.0.
New Extensions:
* `VK_EXT_filter_cubic`
* `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
* Update release number to 97.
Public Issues:
* Add a special case to the <<renderpass-compatibility, Render Pass
Compatibility>> rules allowing single-subpass renderpasses to be
compatible even if they have different resolve attachment references
(public issue 835).
* Fix the miss shader binding table record address rule in the
<<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Miss Shaders>> section to index
by code:missIndex, not code:sbtOffset (public issue 875).
Internal Issues:
* Add a missing anchor to the elink:VkSamplerCreateFlagBits language
(internal issue 1483).
* Add missing implicit valid usage include for slink:VkHdrMetadataEXT and
corresponding `noautovalidity` attributes in `vk.xml` for the
externally-defined metadata properties (internal issue 1514).
* Remove restrictions on the `mask` parameter of SPIR-V's
code:OpGroupNonUniformXor in the <<spirvenv-module-validation,
Validation Rules within a Module>> appendix (internal merge request
* Restore `noautovalidity` attribute for
in `vk.xml` (internal merge request 2975).
* Update copyright dates on Khronos-copyrighted files to 2019 (internal
merge request 2980).
New Extensions:
* `VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve`
* `VK_EXT_buffer_device_address`
* `VK_EXT_memory_budget`
* `VK_EXT_memory_priority`
* `VK_EXT_validation_features`
* Update release number to 94.
Public Issues:
* Use the terms "`texel block`" and "`texel block size`" instead of "`data
element`" and "`element size`", and define "`element`" as an array slot.
In addition to the terminology changes, retitled the <<texel-block-size,
Representation and Texel Block Size>> section and added texel block size
/ no. of texels/block information to the
<<features-formats-compatibility, Compatible Formats>> table. There is
some additional work underway to make sure the compatibility language
makes sense for all of uncompressed, compressed, and multiplanar formats
(public issue 763).
* Cleanup `VK_NV_ray_tracing` language (public issues 858, 859).
Internal Issues:
* Specify in <<shaders-invocationgroups, Invocation and Derivative
Groups>> and <<textures-output-format-conversion, Texel Output Format
Conversion>> that derivative groups are quads when code:SubgroupSize >=
4 (internal issue 1390).
* Make the type of slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo::pNext
`const` following pattern for the other stext:Vk*CreateInfo structures
(internal issue 1459).
* Specify that flink:vkCmdClearAttachments executes as a drawing command,
rather than a transfer command (internal issue 1463).
* Update `VK_NV_ray_tracing` to use code:InstanceId instead of
New Extensions:
* `VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format`
* `VK_EXT_fragment_density_map`
* Update release number to 93.
Public Issues:
* Add spec language for ename:VK_INDEX_TYPE_NONE_NV and fix up
slink:VkAccelerationStructureTypeNV (public issue 848).
* Add missing suffix in description of slink:VkSubpassDescription2KHR
parameters (public pull request 851).
* Fix miscellaneous typos (public pull request 855).
* Add driver ID for Pastel (public pull request 856).
* Add missing include directive for slink:VkMemoryWin32HandlePropertiesKHR
implicit valid usage statements (public pull request 857).
Internal Issues:
* Restrict the storage classes permitted for SPIR-V atomics to what is
actually supported, in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation
Rules within a Module>> section (internal issue 1123).
* Add a missing Valid Usage statement to slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo for
the case pname:stencilLoadOp == ename:VK_LOAD_OP_CLEAR, pname:layout ==
* Modify optimize-pdf script and Makefile to retain non-optimized original
PDF on errors (internal issue 1435).
* Add <<spirvenv-module-validation, SPIR-V validation rules>> stating that
only the listed code:BuiltIn decorations are permitted, and only when
relevante features and extensions are enabled (internal issue 1449).
* Remove some duplicated Valid Usage IDs created via cut & paste error
(internal issue 1455).
* Build HTML output for extension reference pages (internal issue 1461).
** Improve genRef.py handling of aliases defined inside other refpages.
** Emit aliases in pygenerator.py.
** Add XML noautovalidity flag for VkRenderPassCreateFlags until there
are some corresponding FlagBits defined.
** Corrected types= attribute on some refpage blocks to 'flags'
** Added refpage blocks for some missing types detected by CI tests.
* Fixed many Valid Usage statement issues in slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo,
slink:VkSubpassDescription, slink:VkSubpassDescription2KHR,
slink:VkSubpassDependency2KHR, flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass,
flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass2KHR, and slink:VkRenderPassBeginInfo
discovered while adding `VK_KHR_create_renderpass2` to the validation
New Extensions:
* `VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout`
* `VK_EXT_separate_stencil_usage`
* Update release number to 87.
Public Issues:
* Merge flink:vkCmdPipelineBarrier self-dependency barrier VUs referring
to the same subpass dependency (public pull request 756).
* Describe default value of `"optional"` attribute in the registry schema
document (public issue 769)
* Fix links in <<VK_NVX_raytracing>> extension (public pull request 805).
* Mark the <<VK_KHR_mir_surface>> extension obsolete (see public issue 814
- does not close this, however).
* Fix missing endif in Image Creation block (public issue 817).
Internal Issues:
* Clarify that the compressed texture formats corresponding to
<<features-features-textureCompressionASTC_LDR>>, and
<<features-features-textureCompressionBC>> is not contingent on the
feature bits, and may be supported even if the features are not enabled
(internal issue 663).
* Clarify that code:FragStencilRefEXT is output only in the
<<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal
issue 1173).
* Identify and correct many overly-aggressive uses of "`undefined`", and
narrow them down, where straightforward to do so. Mark such resolved
uses of "`undefined`" with the custom undefined: macro. Add a new
<<writing-undefined, Describing Undefined Behavior>> section (internal
issue 1267).
* Don't require code:inline_uniform_block descriptors to be populated
before use in the flink:vkAllocateDescriptorSets section (internal issue
* Allow suppressing inline SVG images by controlling this with an
attribute set in the Makefile, rather than the explicit [%inline]
directive (internal issue 1391).
* Mark 'Khronos' as a registered trademark in several places, now that it
is one.
* Fix typo in the <<VK_KHR_shader_atomic_int64>> appendix using the GLSL
naming of the compare exchange op when referring to the SPIR-V op.
* Specify in the flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties section
that all implementations must support at least one queue family, and
that every queue family must contain at least one queue.
* Make slink:VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo::pname:dynamicStateCount,
slink:VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT::pname:sampleLocationsPerPixel, and
slink:VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT::pname:sampleLocationsCount optional, to
fix bogus implicit valid usage checks that were causing failures in the
conformance tests.
* Fix vendor tag in reserved extension 237 constants. Does not affect
anything since it's just a placeholder, but this should avoid further
* Minor markup fixes in some extension appendices.
New Extensions:
* `<<VK_FUCHSIA_imagepipe_surface>>`
* Update release number to 86.
Internal Issues:
* Add new <<resources-image-creation-limits, Image Creation Limits>>
section and reference that from valid usage statements, reducing
combinatorial complexity of extension-dependent VUs. Also fixes some
underspecified limits (such as pname:maxMipLevels) in the VUs for
slink:VkImageCreateInfo when
contains multiple bits, and fixes incorrectly (and underspecified)
limits when an Android external format is used (internal issue 1370).
* Remove unused "`Fragment Area Granularity`" glossary entry accidentally
introduced in the 1.1.85 update.
New Extensions:
* `VK_KHR_driver_properties`
* `VK_KHR_shader_atomic_int64`
* The specification sources contain text for another extension,
`VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier`, but this extension is not yet
complete, and is marked disabled in `vk.xml`. The extension will be
enabled, and become part of the spec, only when the authors decide it is
* Update release number to 85.
Public Issues:
* Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage
statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778).
* Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and
slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779).
* Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and
pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781).
* Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the
`<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782).
Internal Issues:
* Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for
Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue
Other Issues:
* Clean up redundant valid usage language for the
`VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension
interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo.
* Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for
* Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in
* For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set
structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make
* Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt.
New Extensions:
* `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives`
* `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image`
* `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric`
* `VK_NV_mesh_shader`
* `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test`
* `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive`
* `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint`
* `VK_NV_shading_rate_image`
* `VK_NVX_raytracing`
* Update release number to 82.
Public Issues:
* Add flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement that the layout
must not have been used with command buffers still in the recording
state (public issue 730).
* Correct \<unused> tag for elink:VkResult in `vk.xml` (public merge
request 746).
Internal Issues:
* Add a valid usage statement to flink:vkQueueSubmit, and similar language
to the definitions of <<synchronization-queue-transfers-acquire, acquire
operations>> requiring that an acquire operation follow a previous
release of the same subresource (internal issue 1290).
* Add <<resources-image-format-features,Image Format Features>> and
<<resources-image-view-format-features,Image View Format Features>>
sections that precisely define the slink:VkFormatFeatures supported by
images and image views, and rewrite valid usage statements to reference
these sections instead of duplicating language (internal issue 1310).
* Reword and consolidate synchronization valid usage statements for
flink:vkCmdPipelineBarrier such that they correctly account for mutiple
possible self-dependencies (internal issue 1322).
* Change order of <<Standard sample locations>> for 2xMSAA (internal issue
* Add definitions of "`<<Correctly Rounded>>`" and "`<<ULP>>`" in the
SPIR-V environment appendix, and "`Units in the Last Place (ULP)`" in
the glossary.
New Extensions:
* `VK_NV_device_diagnostic_checkpoints`
* Update release number to 81.
Public Issues:
* Fix missing "`valid`" phrasing in some obscure cases (public pull
request 605).
* Replace improper use of cannot: referring to the implementation in the
description of the
pname:maxUpdateAfterBindDescriptorsInAllPools>> limit (public pull
request 738).
* Reorder description of bits in elink:VkPipelineStageFlagBits and the
<<synchronization-pipeline-stages-supported, Supported pipeline stage
flags>> table to match their definition order (public pull request 740).
to elink:VkBufferUsageFlagBits (public pull request 741).
* Fix value usage statement for slink:VkSubpassDependency stage mask
parameters (public pull request 742).
* Fix visible markup in registry schema document (public pull request
Internal Issues:
* Make the <<geometry-invocations, geometry shader invocation
description>> and <<shaders-geometry-execution, Geometry Shader
Execution>> descriptions consistent with other pipeline stages (internal
issue 1325).
* Mark the `VK_NV_glsl_shader` extension as deprecated.
* Adjust the per-instance vertex attribute offset formula specified by
`VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor` for
slink:VkVertexInputBindingDivisorDescriptionEXT so that the interaction
between pname:firstInstance and pname:divisor matches the OpenGL
convention (internal issue 1333).
- update script to detect better structs that do not need "valid"
- update vk.xml and schema to say `noautovalidity` as a hint to the
- fix missing const in VkValidationFlagsEXT
- update some cases that were probably avoiding the bug
* Update release number to 75.
Github Issues:
* Use Github handles (e.g. @handle) for contact information in vk.xml,
when available (partial fix for public issue 630).
* Add size invariance guarantee to slink:VkMemoryRequirements for
buffer/image memory requirements (public issue 661).
* Correct scope (conditional constructs) in valid usage statement for
slink:VkBindImageMemoryInfo (public pull request 684).
* Clean up minor markup issues and typos in the
`VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension appendix
(public pull request 698).
* Modify registry processing script to avoid irrelevant warnings of benign
enumerant redefinitions (public pull request 705).
* Fix some duplicate words and some misspelled "`stagess`" (public pull
request 712)
Internal Issues:
* Enable continuous integration tests on the internal Khronos gitlab
server by adding a .gitlab-ci.yml file. Note: this does not implement CI
on the public Github repository (internal issue 408).
* Add link from description of depth clamping in the <<fragops-depth,
depth test>> section to the
parameter which enables it, making it easily searchable / findable
(internal issue 1125).
* Clarify that arrays of arrays of descriptors are not allowed in the
<<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> and
<<interfaces-resources-setandbinding, DescriptorSet and Binding
Assignment>> sections (internal issue 1192).
* Comment out some redundant nested asciidoctor conditionals in the
slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo valid usage block, and explain in all cases
why the redundant conditional exist and are commented out (internal
issue 1231).
* Move a valid usage statement from slink:VkCommandPoolCreateInfo to the
parent flink:vkCreateCommandPool, where the device queue is known
(internal issue 1233).
* Add new slink:VkBaseInStructure and slink:VkBaseOutStructure types which
can be used by extensions and implementations for handling Vulkan
sType/pNext style structures in a more generic way (internal issue
* Clarify that
only applies to external-format images. Add references to this in valid
usage statements that previously only referred to
slink:VkFormatProperties (internal issue 1244).
* Fix the description of elink:VkPipelineCreateFlagBits enumerant
name (internal issue 1279).
* Add a NOTE to the <<interfaces-resources-setandbinding, DescriptorSet
and Binding Assignment>> section making it clear that variables sharing
a storage class may use identical descriptor set and bindings.
Specifically state the sometimes misunderstood ability to have one or
more differently typed image descriptors sharing a descriptor set and
binding (internal SPIR-V issue 264).
* Make DynamicIndexing features and capabilities also control the
uniformity of the descriptor used in memory access instructions in the
<<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> section. This
makes them also apply to variable_pointer usage, which can bypass the
array indexing operation (internal SPIR-V issue 289).
Other Issues:
* Correct flink:vkCmdBlitImage limitations on cubic blits to be 2D only,
not 3D.
* Update valid usage statements for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and
* Move YCbCr-related VU statements from slink:VkDescriptorImageInfo to
slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet, where all needed information is known, and
remove redundant statements.
* Move SPIR-V restriction that images be of either sampled or storage
types from the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set
Interface>> section to the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation
Rules within a Module>> section of the SPIR-V appendix.
* Update release number to 74.
Github Issues:
* Clarify which buffer locations are accessed in
flink:vkCmdCopyBufferToImage valid usage statements (public issue 676).
* Refine description of <<extended-functionality-extensions-dependencies,
extension dependencies>>, related NOTE in the
<<extended-functionality-extensions, Extensions>> section, and
"`Required Extensions`" glossary term (public pull request 693).
* Add support for specifying required Vulkan core version in `vk.xml` and
the extension metadoc generator (public issue 696).
* Update .gitignore for directory reorganization (public pull request
* Fix typo (public pull request 703).
Internal Issues:
* Update valid usage of slink:VkClearRect::pname:layerCount (internal
issue 1241).
Other Issues:
* Fix typo in <<NV_geometry_shader_passthrough>> issues list.
* Update release number to 72.
Github Issues:
* Restructure the repository to put the specification `Makefile` and
associated spec source material at the top level, `vk.xml` and
associated scripts material in `xml/`, and generated include and source
files in `include/vulkan/` and `src/ext_loader/`, respectively (public
issue 436).
* Add missing bullet point markup to flink:vkCmdCopyImage valid usage
statement, so it gets a VUID assigned (public issue 627).
* Fix broken links in a couple of extension appendices (public pull
request 665).
* Add the \<platform> tag to the index in section 4.1 of the registry
schema documentation, and add the protect= attribute of \<extension>
tags to the comments in `registry.rnc` (public issues 673, 678).
* Add missing valid usage statements for sparse image interactions to
flink:VkImageCreateInfo (public pull request 675).
* Fix improper usage and grammar of "`can: not`" (public pull request
* Remove duplicate spec language and NOTE on present layout between the
flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR and flink:vkAcquireNextImage2KHR commands
(public pull request 685).
* Fix some typos and markup issues (public pull request 689; public issues
642, 667, 687).
<<external-semaphore-handle-types-compatibility, External semaphore
handle types compatibility>> table (public pull request 691).
Internal Issues:
* Remove the need for the "`noautovalidity`" attribute on extension
structures in `vk.xml`. It is now implied by the "`structextends`"
attribute instead (internal issue 942).
* Replace uses of "`currently bound`" with "`bound`", since "`currently`"
is redundant and distracting, and add a corresponding rule to the style
guide (internal issue 993).
* Fixed subtle issues with the last updates to flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR
language that had resulted in ambiguities (internal issue 1178).
* Make it clear that only one query of a given type is allowed at a time
by reordering valid usage statements for flink:vkCmdBeginQuery and
flink:vkCmdEndQuery, and removing redundant ones (internal issue 1213).
* Swapped OL1 and OL3 in `tessparamUL.svg` to match previous version, and
fixed where "`(no edge)`" appears (internal issue 1215).
Other Issues:
* Fixed a minor problem with the valid usage statement extraction script,
and corresponding markup in the spec source.
New Extensions:
* `VK_AMD_shader_core_properties`
* `VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing`
* `VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned`
associated material at the top level, vk.xml and associated material in
xml/, and generated include and source files in include/vulkan/ and
src/ext_loader/, respectively (public issue 436).