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8 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Message | Date | |
b7b1c3a65d |
Change log for January 5, 2018 Vulkan 1.0.67 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 67 for this update. * Update copyright dates to 2018 Github Issues: * Fix texture lookup functions in `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification (public pull request 363). * Clarify the state waited semaphores are left in when a call to flink:vkQueuePresentKHR fails (public issue 572). * Cleanup descriptions of slink:VkObjectTablePushConstantEntryNVX and slink:VkObjectTableDescriptorSetEntryNVX (public issue 583) * Remove redundant flink:vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleEXT valid usage statements (public pull 586). * Make dynamic state array length valid usage statements implicit for flink:vkCmdSetViewportWScalingNV, flink:vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleEXT, and flink:vkCmdSetViewport (public pull 589). * Clarify meaning of window extent (0,0) in slink:VkSwapchainKHR for the Windows and X11 platforms, in their respective extensions (public issue 590). * Allow flink:vkGetPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE to return ename:VK_INCOMPLETE (public issue 604). * Add synchronization valid usage statements to flink:vkAcquireNextImage (public pull 611). * Fix some broken external links and internal xrefs (public pull 613). * Clean up slink:VkViewport valid usage statements in the presence or absence of relevant extensions (public pull 623). * Remove ename:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_READ_ONLY_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL_KHR token from VK_KHR_maintenance2 from the non-extension VU path for slink:VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo (public issue 628). * Miscellaneous minor markup fixes - extension name strings (public pull 631), Notes (pull 633), queue names emitted by generator scripts (pull 634), block formatting in slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateEntryKHR (pull 635), ename:VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_CUBIC_BIT_IMG (pull 641), quotes and apostrophes (pull 643), * Miscellaneous minor grammar fixes (public pull 644). * Fix markup macros so usage like ptext:*Src* works (public pull 647). Internal Issues: * Clarify in the `VK_KHR_surface` and `VK_KHR_swapchain` extensions that parameter combinations which aren't supported for normal images are also unsupported for presentable images, even if the parameter values are individually supported as reported by the surface capability queries (internal issue 1029). * Fixed XML typo in the valid value field of the pname:sType member of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceExternalMemoryHostPropertiesEXT (internal issue 1100). Other Issues: * Add memory semantics validity rules to the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section of the SPIR-V environment appendix, and specify that sequentiality consistency is not supported. This forbids certain cases like "`Load+Release`" that we don't expect to ever be meaningful. * Document mapping of OpenGL Shading Language barriers to SPIR-V scope and semantics in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization` |
64fa8ef4df |
Change log for November 27, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.66 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 66 for this update. Github Issues: * Clarified how and when ename:VK_ERROR_TOO_MANY_OBJECTS is generated in flink:vkAllocate Memory, and remove incorrect valid usage statement about exceeding the API limit (public issue 356). * Minor clarification of the description of flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR::pname:descriptorUpdateTemplate (public issue 564). * Minor fixes for flink:vkCmdSetViewportWScalingNV (public pull request 588). * Fix random name markup issues (public pull request 603). * Fix code:BuiltIn decoration typo in the <<fxvertex-attrib, Vertex Attributes>> section (public pull request 606). * Fix synchronization language following the definition of flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR (public issue 607). * Restore descriptions of several commands and structures missing from the generated spec due to a mistyped asciidoctor conditional (public issue 612). * Fix 1.0.41 changelog to refer to public issues 403/404 (public issue 618). Internal Issues: * Refactor valid usage statements with internal conditionals in `copies.txt`, `pipelines.txt`, `renderpass.txt`, and `resources.txt` so each branch of the conditional appears as a standalone statement which can contain a separate VUID. This should have no impact on the generated specs, but is necessary given the present state of the VU extractor and the validation layer code that consumes them (internal issue 1043). * Fix VkQueueGlobalPriorityEXT enum values missing _EXT suffix (internal issue 1045). * Clarified initial ownership of resources bound to shared memory objects, (internal issue 1068). * Fix duplicated valid usage ID tag for flink:vkCmdCopyImage, and make the required layouts include ename:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIONAL in both cases (internal issue 1084). Other Issues: * Remove the noise functions from GLSL for SPIR-V for Vulkan in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl.txt` extension. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` * `VK_EXT_external_memory_dma_buf` * `VK_EXT_queue_family_foreign` |
d0eb98eb89 |
Fix random name markup
- add missing `*name` and `*link` and `code` - change where wrong macro was used - swap `*name` and `*link` where appropriate - correct misspelled names - that sort of thing... |
0cc6bba634 |
Change log for September 15, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.61 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 61 for this update. Github Issues: * Provide alternate length attributes (altlen=) in the XML schema, for those using length attributes to generate code instead of documentation (public issue 555). * Fix erroneous references to `latex:` being used for asciidoc math markup, rather than `latexmath:` (public pull request 556). * Add author ID to XML for Kazan software renderer (public pull request 557). Internal Issues: * Add the <<fundamentals-abi,Application Binary Interface>> section describing platform ABI requirements and recommendations, add examples of function and function pointer declarations to the <<boilerplate-platform-specific-calling-conventions, Platform-Specific Calling Conventions>> section, and remove related language that existed elsewhere in the specification (internal issue 64). * Describe where to document valid usage interactions of chained structures in the style guide, and fix one case now appearing in slink:VkBufferCreateInfo instead of the child slink:VkDedicatedAllocationBufferCreateInfoNV structure (internal issue 715). * Add example to the style guide of describing enumerated types which are empty when the spec is built without relevant extensions enabled, and apply it to existing examples for elink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlagBits and elink:VkSubpassDescriptionFlagBits (internal issue 864). * Add a note to the <<fundamentals-validusage-enums, Valid Usage for Enumerated Types>> section that the special values suffixed with etext:_BEGIN_RANGE, etext:_END_RANGE, etext:_RANGE_SIZE and etext:_MAX_ENUM are not part of the API and should: not be used by applications (internal issue 872). * Added note to flink:vkCmdUpdateBuffers explaining the performance penalty for copies done in this way, and why the upper copy limit is what it is (internal issue 952). * Update `VK_KHX_device_group` to split some functionality into the new `VK_KHR_bind_memory2` extension, and rename that functionality (internal issue 969). * Remove *Status* fields from extension appendices, since they are by definition published and complete by the time they reach the public github repository (internal issue 973). Other Issues: * Update Data Format specification dependency to version 1.2 and change references to DF sections accordingly. * Update XML to make the pname:pAllocator parameter of flink:vkRegisterDeviceEventEXT and flink:vkRegisterDisplayEventEXT in the `VK_EXT_display_control` extension as optional. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_bind_memory2` * `VK_KHR_image_format_list` * `VK_KHR_maintenance2` * `VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion` |
df88ded281 |
Change log for September 5, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.60 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 60 for this update. Github Issues: * Document that <<queries-timestamps, Timestamp Queries>> can only be meaningfully compared when they are written from the same queue (public issue 216). * Document that the `<extension>` tag `type` attribute is required for non-disabled extensions (derived from, but does not close public issue 354). * Clean up registry schema length attribute descriptions to be consistent and correct (public issue 555). Internal Issues: * Replace as much of the hand-written extension appendix metadata as possible with asciidoc includes generated from corresponding attributes of +vk.xml+, and enhance the style guide to match. This avoids inconsistencies between +vk.xml+ and the appendices, and produces a more uniform style (internal issue 137). * Remove the generated extDependency.{py,sh} files from the tree and create them dynamically on demand instead, reducing merge conflicts (internal issue 713). * Add a prototype tool for generating in-place difference markup for sections guarded by asciidoc conditionals, and new syntax for open blocks to support it (internal issue 833). * Remove unnecessary restriction of etext:*SYNC_FD_BIT_KHR external handle types to the same physical device in the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceIDPropertiesKHR, flink:VkImportMemoryWin32HandleInfoKHR, slink:VkImportFenceWin32HandleInfoKHR, slink:VkImportFenceFdInfoKHR, slink:VkImportSemaphoreWin32HandleInfoKHR, slink:VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR <<external-memory-handle-types-compatibility, External memory handle types compatibility>>, <<external-semaphore-handle-types-compatibility, External semaphore handle types compatibility>>, and <<external-fence-handle-types-compatibility, External fence handle types compatibility>> sections (internal issue 956). Other Issues: * Remove dependency of +VK_KHX_device_group+ on +VK_KHR_swapchain+ (there is an interaction, but not a strict dependency), and add a new `extension` attribute to the `<require` XML tag to allow classifying a subset of interfaces of an extension as requiring another extension. Update the registry schema and documentation accordingly. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_shader_fragment_mask` (and related `GL_AMD_shader_fragment_mask` GLSL extension) * `VK_EXT_sample_locations` * `VK_EXT_validation_cache` |
dbfd1b68c4 |
Change log for July 13, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.54 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 54 for this update. Github Issues: Internal Issues: * Fix tessellation domain to have an upper-left origin in the <<img-tessellation-topology-ul, tessellation toplogy image>> and related language. CTS and all implementations were already doing this, it was just a documentation bug that it was flipped to lower-left (internal issue 603). * Add a section to the style guide describing how VUID tags are changed and removed when the corresponding Valid Usage statements are modified (internal issue 829). * Add explicit Valid Usage statement to slink:VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo to require that members of pname:pDynamicStates must be unique (internal issue 851). New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_16bit_storage` * `VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation` * `VK_KHR_external_fence` * `VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities` * `VK_KHR_external_fence_fd` * `VK_KHR_external_fence_win32` * `VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2` * `VK_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class` * `VK_KHR_variable_pointers` Extensions Promoted From KHX To KHR Status: * `VK_KHR_external_memory` * `VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities` * `VK_KHR_external_memory_fd` * `VK_KHR_external_memory_win32` * `VK_KHR_external_semaphore` * `VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities` * `VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd` * `VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32` * `VK_KHR_win32_keyed_mutex` |
b9e9296cd8 |
Change log for June 24, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.53 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 53 for this update. Github Issues: Internal Issues: * Clarify mappings of coordinates for mutable, compatible image views in slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo (internal issue 815). * Make ename:VK_BIND_SFR_BIT require a logical device with multiple physical devices, so that standard sparse image block dimensions are only required on systems that support multi-GPU (internal issue 835). * Convert all files from use of // refBegin .. // refEnd comments to delimit ref pages, to use of open blocks, and update style guide accordingly (internal issue 839). * Add valid usage for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet when performing updates to a ename:VK_STORAGE_IMAGE descriptor with layout ename:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL. * Add a hack to the validity generator script to support an odd interaction between flink:vkCmdFillBuffer and an extension (internal issue 853). * Remove redundant text describing slink:VkBufferCreateInfo::pname:usage, which was already covered by implicit valid usage (internal issue 854). * Update implicit validity generator script to properly handle the pname:sType and pname:pNext members of "returnedonly" structures (internal issue 874). * Note that slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:pApplicationName & slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:pEngineName are optional, and add missing implicit valid usage statements for flink:vkDestroyInstance. * Added missing valid usage for flink:vkCmdWriteTimestamp to require a timestamp query pool. * Simplify and/or split "`non-atomic`" valid usage statements. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_gpu_shader_int16` * `VK_EXT_blend_operation_advanced` * `VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax` * `VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples` ----------------------------------------------------- Note: the 1.0.52 spec wasn't published on github, so the 1.0.53 release combines both change sets. ----------------------------------------------------- Change log for June 13, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.52 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 52 for this update. Github Issues: Internal Issues: * Clarify behavior when non-coherent memory has <<memory-device-unmap-does-not-flush, not been flushed before being unmapped>> (internal issue 819). * Fix description of code:WorkgroupSize builtin to note it decorates an object, not a variable (internal issue 836). * Fix asciidoc attributes so that trailing '{plus}' symbols in [eq] style equations are rendered properly (internal issue 845). * Add language to the "`Extension Handles, Objects, Enums, and Typedefs`" section of the Procedures and Conventions document stating that any new handle type requires a corresponding entry in the elink:VkObjectType enumerated type (internal issue 856). * Update style guide to use slink macro for Vulkan handle type names, and define narrow conditions under which to use the *name and *text macros instead of *link (internal issue 886). * Add a dependency of the <<VK_KHX_device_group,VK_KHX_device_group>> extension on VK_KHX_device_group_creation to +vk.xml+ and the extension appendix. * Change the copyright on Vulkan specification asciidoc *source* files to CC-BY 4.0, and update the proprietary Khronos copyright applied to the generated *output* formats (internal issue 327). This enables broader re-use and modification of the Vulkan specification sources, while not affecting the Reciprocal IP License between Vulkan Adopters and Working Group Members. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_fill_rectangle` * `VK_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color` |
ca4abe0d34 |
Change log for January 23, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.39 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 39 for this update. Github Issues: * Clarified that only accesses via the specified buffer/image subresource ranges are included in the access scopes (public issue 306). * Add missing valid usage statements for flink:vkCreateComputePipelines and flink:vkCreateGraphicsPipelines (public issue 427). Internal Issues: * Add a Note to the <<invariance,Invariance>> appendix about a difference between OpenGL and Vulkan with regards to how primitives derived from offsets are handled (internal issue 355). * Add the +<<VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2>>+, +<<VK_KHR_maintenance1>>+, and +<<VK_KHR_shader_draw_parameters>>+ extensions (internal issue 448). * Add the +<<VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_vote>>+ and +<<VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_ballot>>+ extensions (internal issue 449). * Update the texture level-of-detail equation in the <<textures-scale-factor,Scale Factor Operation>> section to better approximate the ellipse major and minor axes (internal issue 547). * Forbid non-explicitly allowed uses of interface decorations in the introduction to the <<interfaces,Shader Interfaces>> chapter (internal issue 607). * Replace use of MathJax with KaTeX, for improved load-time performance as well as avoiding the scrolling-and-scrolling behavior due to MathJax asynchronous rendering when loading at an anchor inside the spec. This change also requires moving to HTML5 output for the spec instead of XHTML, and there is a visible difference in that the chapter navigation index is now in a scrollable sidebar instead of at the top of the document. We may or may not retain the nav sidebar based on feedback (internal issue 613). * Improve consistency of markup and formatting in extension appendices (internal issue 631). Other Issues: * Add explicit valid usage statements to slink:VkImageCopy requiring that the source and destination layer ranges be contained in their respective source and destination images. * Add valid usage language for swapchain of flink:vkAcquireNextImage. If the swapchain has been replaced, then it should not be passed to flink:vkAcquireNextImage. * Add a valid usage statement to flink:vkCreateImageView, that the image must have been created with an appropriate usage bit set. * Noted that slink:VkDisplayPresentInfoKHR is a valid extension of slink:VkPresentInfoKHR in the <<wsi_swapchain,WSI Swapchain>> section. * Update valid usage for flink:vkCmdSetViewport and flink:vkCmdSetScissor to account for the multiple viewport feature. If the feature is not enabled, the parameters for these functions have required values that are defined in the <<features-features-multiViewport,multiple viewports>> section of the spec but were not reflected in the valid usage text for these functions. * Add the +<<VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace>>+ extension defining common color spaces. |