36 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Jon Leech
789549ff08 Change log for November 25, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.35 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 35 for this update.

Github Issues:

  * Document in the <<memory-device-hostaccess,Host Access>> section that
    mapping and unmapping does not invalidate or flush the mapped memory
    (public issues 27, 126).
  * Redefine the entire <<synchronization>> chapter in terms of consistent
    and well defined terminology, that's called out at the start of the
    chapter. This terminology is applied equally to all synchronization
    types, including subpass dependencies, submissions, and much of the
    implicit ordering stuff dotted around the spec. Key terms are laid out
    in the <<synchronization-dependencies,Execution and Memory
    Dependencies>> section at the top of the rewritten chapter (public
    issues 128, 131, 132, 217, 299, 300, 302, 306, 322, 346, 347, 371, 407).
  * Specify order of submission for batches in the
    <<vkQueueSubmit,vkQueueSubmit>> and
    <<vkQueueBindSparse,vkQueueBindSparse>> commands (public issue 371).
  * Add valid usage statements to each of the WSI extension sections
    indicating that the WSI-specific structure parameters must be valid, and
    remove automatically generated valid usage statements now covered by the
    manual sections (public issue 383).
  * Clarify render pass compatibility for flink:vkCmdExecuteCommands (public
    issue 390).

Internal Issues:

  * Update +vk.xml+ to make previously explicit valid usage statements for
    <<vkDebugReportMessageEXT,vkDebugReportMessageEXT>> implicit instead
    (internal issue 553).
  * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkCreateImageInfo preventing
    creation of 1D sparse images (internal issue 573).
  * Fix Python scripts to always read/write files in utf-8 encoding, and a
    logic error in reflib.py which could cause a fatal error for
    malstructured asciidoc (internal issues 578, 586).
2016-11-26 02:33:44 -08:00
Jon Leech
08310a88df Change log for November 18, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.34 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 34 for this update.

Github Issues:

  * Allow vkUpdateDescriptorSets overflow to skip empty bindings. Clarify
    that unused bindings have a descriptorCount of zero. Improve some valid
    usage for vkUpdateDescriptorSets (public issue 256).
  * Require that slink:VkImageSubresourceRange always define a non-empty
    range of the resource (public issue 303).
  * Added valid usage for slink:VkPresentInfoKHR on the layout of presented
    images (public issue 397).

Internal Issues:

  * Add dependency in src/spec/Makefile so specversion.txt is regenerated
    when needed (internal issue 462).
  * Shorten the table of contents in the single-page ref page HTML output.
    Still working on the PDF (internal issue 536).
2016-11-18 02:33:28 -08:00
Jon Leech
6cdc56d0d7 Change log for November 11, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.33 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 33 for this update.

Github Issues:

  * Added implicit external synchronization parameters to
    vkBegin/EndCommandBuffer, and fixed missing command pool host
    synchronization from per-command lists (public issue 398).
  * Started using git tags including the spec release number, such as
    'v1.0.32-core', instead of tags including the date of release, such as
    'v1.0-core-20161025' (public issue 405).

Internal Issues:

  * Add validity constraint for
    slink:VkImportMemoryWin32HandleInfoNV::pname:handle (internal issue
  * Add scripts to compare two Vulkan HTML specifications, derived from W3
    htmldiff service (internal issue 525).
  * Relax requirement that memoryTypeBits can't depend on format, to allow
    it to differ only for depth/stencil formats (internal issue 544).
  * Add a new generator script to create a simple extension loader for
    Vulkan based on +vk.xml+ (internal issue 558).
  * Add the overlooked requirement that buffer and image memory
    alignment requirements must be a power of two in the
    <<resources-association,Resource Memory Association>> section
    (internal issue 569).

Other Issues:

  * Add a naming rule to the style guide for members of extension structures
    defining array lengths which are the same as array lengths of the core
    structure they are chained from.
  * Add a new generator to create a simple extension loader in
    +src/ext_loader/vulkan_ext.[ch]+ from +vk.xml+. This code can be
    included in your project, and is expected to be packaged in the Vulkan
    SDK provided by LunarG in the future.
2016-11-12 03:23:34 -08:00
Jon Leech
368b08a7b2 Change log for October 25, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.32 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 32 for this update.

Github Issues:

  * Add automatic visibility operations to the presentation engineE when
    doing a queue present in flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR. Removed all
    references to MEMORY_READ that referenced WSI - they no longer make
    sense (some aspects of public issues 128, 131, 132, 261, and 298).
  * Document valid non-boolean +externsync+ attribute values for <param>
    tags in +vk.xml+ (public issue 265).
  * Add valid usage to slink:VkImageCreateInfo requiring that
    pname:arrayLayers be 1 for images of type ename:VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D
    (public issue 319).
  * Add missing captions to figures in the <<textures,Image Operations>>
    chapter (public issue 334).
  * Clarify WSI interaction with exclusive sharing mode (public issue
  * Added explicit language clarifying the allowed queue usage of
    resources created with ename:VK_SHARING_MODE_CONCURRENT (public
    issue 386).
  * Require that the
    slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo::pname:binding members of the
    pname:pBindings array passed to
    flink:vkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo all be distinct (public issue

Internal Issues:

  * Remove empty validity blocks from +vk.xml+ and suppressed broken
    validity statements and added missing statements to explicit
    validity. Doesn't affect output, other than some statements
    appearing in another block now (internal issue 513).
2016-10-25 14:22:26 +09:00
Jon Leech
b97259786d Change log for October 14, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.31 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 31 for this update.

Github Issues:

  * Clarifying wording of slink:VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo parameters and
    adding Valid Usage statements on render pass compatibility to the
    <<drawing,drawing commands>> (public issue 375).
  * Replace 'texel size' with 'element size', and add a definition to the
    glossary (public issue 382).
  * Clarify the description of ename:VK_ERROR_NATIVE_WINDOW_IN_USE_KHR to
    make it accurate, but still generic (non-exhaustive). Remove two Valid
    Usage statements describing error situations that will return
    ename:VK_ERROR_NATIVE_WINDOW_IN_USE_KHR (public issue 387).
  * Fix refBegin tag for elink:VkDebugReportFlagBitsEXT (public issue 392).
  * The <<interfaces-builtin-variables,built-in variable>> code:PrimitiveId
    in a fragment shader needs the code:Input storage class (public issue

Internal Issues:

  * Unused ({y,z} and {height,depth} for 1D, z and depth for 2D) offsets
    must be 0 and unused extents must be 1. Added basic offset and extent
    valid usage for slink:VkImageResolve to match that of slink:VkImageCopy
    (internal issue 413).
  * Describe what flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties returns for
    pname:sampleCounts when for pname:usage only includes transfer-related
    flags (internal issue 478).
  * Remove mention of
    slink:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::pname:maxImageArrayLayers from the valid
    usage for slink:VkImageCreateInfo::pname:arrayLayers (internal issue
  * Tag usages of ``dynamically uniform'' as glossary terms and add a
    glossary entry pointing to the SPIR-V Specification's definition of the
    term (internal issue 531).
2016-10-14 04:31:51 -07:00
Jon Leech
49adf2575c Change log for October 7, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.30 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 30 for this update.

Github Issues:

  * Document missing pname:sType and pname:pNext parameters for
    slink:VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo (public issue 224).
  * As promised, we are removing the example code, from the appendix, for
    the VK_KHR_surface and VK_KHR_swapchain extensions. The cube demo
    (shipped in the official Khronos SDK) has been updated, and is the
    example code that we want people to look at for how to use these two
    extensions (public issues 279, 308, and 311).
  * Clarify the formats for which the slink:VkClearColorValue pname:float32
    member is used. Also clean up related language for flink:vkCmdBlitImage
    (public issue 369).
  * Reword the <<invariance, Invariance>> appendix chapter to better match
    Vulkan terminology (public issue 372).

Internal Issues:

  * Update slink:VkMemoryRequirements to not require a host_visible memory
    type exists that can be bound to sparse buffers (internal issue 494).
  * Modify the <<features-supported-sample-counts,Supported Sample Counts>>
    language to allow multisampled depth-stencil images (internal issue
2016-10-07 02:40:18 -07:00
Jon Leech
348990517c Change log for September 30, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.29 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 29 for this update.

Github Issues:

  * Remove redundant constraint on
    slink:VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo::pname:queryFlags (public issue
  * Fix typo and remove link in Note in the
    <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance
    Extensions and Device Extensions>> section (public issue 359).
  * Fix erroneous validation statement for the pname:layout member of
    slink:VkComputePipelineCreateInfo (public issue 362).

Internal Issues:

  * Restore long figure captions using asciidoc sidebar blocks, due to
    restrictions of asciidoc syntax (internal issue 101).
  * Replace most latexmath equations with comparable markup in straight
    asciidoc, which significantly improves time required to fully load and
    process the HTML forms of the Specification. There are known minor font
    and alignment inconsistencies with MathJax and PDF rendering of
    latexmath equations. Please do not file github issues about these. We
    are aware of the inconsistencies and will make refinements over time,
    while the performance improvements are compelling in at least some major
    browsers (internal issue 313).
  * Move handcoded validity statements from +vk.xml+ into the Specification
    body, easing work in the single-branch model. Specify the distinction
    between these explicit statements, and the implicit validity statements
    inferred from vk.xml. Validity statements now appear in two blocks for
    each command and structure - handcoded "Valid Usage" and the implicit
    "Valid Usage (Implicit)" (internal issue 392).
  * Add the +returnedonly="false"+ attribute to WSI output structures,
    removing incorrectly generated implicit validity statements for
    slink:VkDisplayPropertiesKHR, slink:VkDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR,
    slink:VkDisplayModePropertiesKHR, slink:VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR,
    slink:VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR, and slink:VkSurfaceFormatKHR structures
    (internal issue 486).
  * Update slink:VkImageLayout to require the
    ename:VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT be set for sampled depth/stencil images
    (internal issue 487).
  * Use an explicit format specifier string for the date command invocation
    in the +Makefile+ instead of the shorthand -R option, which doesn't work
    on BSD and MaxOS X date commands (internal issue 500).

Other Issues:

  * Use the terms ``allocation scope'' and ``extension scope'' instead of
    just ``scope'', and add them to the glossary.
2016-09-30 21:13:37 -07:00
Jon Leech
95dd2f34c5 Change log for September 23, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.28 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 28 for this update.

Github Issues:

  * Minor spelling and typography cleanup, add definitions of
    ename:VK_FALSE and ename:VK_TRUE as just what their names say
    (public issues 220, 318, 325, 365; internal issues 451, 496)
  * Clarify that the pname:maxDescriptorSet limits in the
    <<features-limits-required,Required Limits>> table are n *
    maxPerStage limit (where n=number of supported stages) (public issue
  * Minor cleanup to <<boilerplate-platform-macros,Platform-Specific
    Macro Definitions>> appendix (public issue 314).
  * Add valid usage statement to slink:VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo
    disallowing multiple push constant ranges for the same shader stage
    (public issue 340).
  * Clarify the elink:VkSharingMode description of what executing the
    "same" barriers means in case of ownership transfer (public issue
  * Rename copyright.txt and add COPYING.md to try and reduce confusion
    about applicable copyrights (public issue 350).
  * Extend the table in the <<boilerplate-wsi-header, Window System-Specific
    Header Control>> section to describe the external headers included when
    each etext:VK_USE_PLATFORM_* macro is defined (public issue 376).

Internal Issues:

  * Add "Revision History" to the PDF outputs following the table of
    contents, to match HTML outputs (internal issue 43).
  * Clarified that flink:vkMapMemory may fail due to virtual address
    space limitations (internal issue 346).
  * Add +refBody+ comment markup for ref page autoextraction when required
    (internal issue 400).
  * Document proper use of "mipmap" and "mip" in the style guide API
    naming rules, matching the spelling rules (internal issue 471).
  * Tweak the <<extensions,Layers and Extensions>> appendix to note that
    the Specification may be built with arbitrary combinations of
    extensions (internal issue 483).
  * Remove incorrect statement allowing
    slink:VkClearAttachment::pname:colorAttachment to be >=
    slink:VkSubpassDescription::pname:colorAttachmentCount (internal
    issue 488).
  * The <<features-limits-viewportboundsrange,viewportBoundsRange>> is
    expressed in terms of the pname:maxViewportDimensions but this is
    actually two values. Clarify that it's based on the larger of the two
    (if they differ) (internal issue 499).

Other Issues:

  * Reflowed text of the entire spec using the 'reflow' Makefile gater,
    to (hopefully) reduce future internal git churn as edits are made
    and extensions added in return for one-time pain. This has no
    perceptible change on the spec outputs but considerable changes on
    the asciidoc source (internal issue 367).
2016-09-24 01:54:47 -07:00
Jon Leech
ef053e7c82 Change log for September 16, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.27 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 27 for this update.

Github Issues:

  * Weaken flink:vkGetPipelineCacheData invariance conditions; previous
    conditions were stronger than agreed and can't be guaranteed (public
    issue 280).
  * Add link to "Vulkan Loader Specification and Architecture Overview"
    document to Normative References section (public issue 359).

Internal Issues:

  * Be more clear in the <<interfaces-resources-layout-std140, uniform
    buffer layout>> section that block offsets can be out of order
    (internal issue 396).
  * Document that extension authors should add support for their extensions
    to the validation layers (internal issue 398).
  * Clarify that the valid range of depth clear values should be limited
    to the 0..1 range and that copies to depth aspect must also be in this
    range (internal issue 412).
  * Specify ``a'' vs. ``an'' use in the style guide (internal issue 432).
  * Increase the maximum pname:nonCoherentAtomSize value in the
    <<features-limits-required,Required Limits>> section from 128 to 256
    (internal issue 435).
  * Fix vk_platform.h for compiler errors on some Android platforms
    (internal issue 441).
  * Clarify that slink:VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures::pname:pEnabledFeatures ==
    `NULL` disables all features, including the "required" feature
    pname:robustBufferAccess (internal issue 479).

Other Issues:

  * Expand style guide and make it more self-consistent.
  * Use ISO 8601 date format everywhere.
  * Emphasise the correct way of using
  * Added +VK_EXT_validation_flags+ extension for validation flag mechanism.
  * Fix an <<credits,author credit>> to include their current employer.
2016-09-16 21:22:17 -07:00
Jon Leech
eaea7d2709 Change log for September 6, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.26 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 26 for this update.

Github Issues:

  * Bring sample code in the +VK_KHR_surface+ and +VK_KHR_swapchain+
    extension summary appendices up to date, and note they will be replaced
    with pointers to the LunarG SDK examples in the future (public issue
  * Add a new <<fundamentals-commandsyntax-results-lifetime,Lifetime of
    Retrieved Results>> section specifying that ftext:vkGet* and
    ftext:VkEnumerate* results are invariant unless otherwise specified, and
    specify behavior for individual commands which are not invariant (public
    issue 280).
  * Remove conflicting definition of
    slink:VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR::pname:maxSrcPosition and clean up
    language of the remaining definition (public issue 351).
  * Fix many minor spelling errors and add rules to the style guide to
    prevent recurrences (public issue 352).

Internal Issues:

  * Remove redundant descriptions of the etext:VK_USE_PLATFORM_* macros from
    the <<wsi,Window System Integration>> chapter in favor of the
    description in the <<boilerplate-wsi-header,Window System-Specific
    Header Control>> appendix (internal issue 6).
  * Replace misleading 'can: be destroyed when not X' with more correct
    'must: not be destroyed while X' in the
    <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime,Object Lifetime>> section. Disallow
    destroying a pipeline layout while a command buffer using it is
    recording (internal issue 241).
  * Clarify that ename:VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSIENT_ATTACHMENT_BIT is valid for
    all images used as attachments in elink:VkImageUsageFlagBits and the
    slink:VkImageLayout validity language (internal issue 320).
  * Note that <<extended-functionality-layers,Layers>> may wrap object
    handles, but that this is a generally discouraged. A link to additional
    information in the documentation for layer authors is provided (issue
  * Replace the mustnot: and shouldnot: macros with equivalent must: not and
    should: not to get rid of non-English words while still highlighting
    normative language (internal issue 407).
  * Disallow creating multisampled images with
    ename:VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CUBE_COMPATIBLE_BIT in the slink:VkImageLayout
    validity language and the <<features-supported-sample-counts,Supported
    Sample Counts>> section (internal issue 445).
  * Fix typo so that flink:vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect is defined in terms of
    flink:vkCmdDrawIndexed rather than flink:vkCmdDrawIndirect (internal
    issue 446).
  * Reorganize the per-extension information sections to all be in the
    <<extensions,Layers & Extensions>> appendix. Also fix a typo in
    +VK_IMG_filter_cubic+ which incorrectly identified it as a +KHR+
    extension (internal issue 461).

Other Issues:

  * Use asciidoc markup instead of latexmath to simplify diagrams in the
    <<features-formats-non-packed,byte mapping tables>> for color formats.
  * Fix a markup problem with the wildcarded enumerant names in a NOTE in
    the <<textures-texel-replacement,Texel Replacement>> section.
  * Fix missing attributes in the XML interface for
    elink:VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBitsNV and
    elink:VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBitsNV (KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Hpp issue
  * Cleanup reference page builds so only core pages are built for releases.
2016-09-06 06:17:27 -07:00
Jon Leech
85184f305a Change log for August 26, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.25 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 25 for this update.
  * Structurally change the specification so that multiple extensions are
    included in the +1.0+ git branch, and specifications will include or not
    include those extensions at build time based on options passed to the
    Makefile. See +doc/specs/vulkan/README.html+ and the ``Layers and
    Extensions'' section of the ``Vulkan Documentation and Extensions''
    document for more information on this change.
  * Register and publish new extensions in the single-branch form:
  ** +VK_NV_external_memory_capabilities+
  ** +VK_NV_external_memory+
  ** +VK_NV_external_memory_win32+
  ** +VK_NV_win32_keyed_mutex+

Github Issues:

  * Clarify description of GetInstanceProcAddr and GetDeviceProcAddr (public
    issue 212).
  * Add SPIR-V <<textures-operation-validation, instruction validation>> for
    single-sampled images (public issue 316).
  * Fix spelling of ``tesselation'' in a few places and note it as an
    exception to the American spelling rules convention (public issue
  * Fix Makefile to create output directory for ``styleguide''
    target (public issue 329).
  * Fix numerous minor issues with incorrectly tags on enumerant names and
    table titles (public issue 330).
  * Generate specversion.txt date in UTC time and RFC 2822 format
    (public issue 335).
  * Convert link to the SPIR-V Specification for
    flink:VkShaderModuleCreateInfo into an internal link to the normative
    reference (public issue 336).
  * Add ename:VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY error code to
    flink:vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT (public issue 337).

Internal Issues:

  * Update style guide regarding use of code:NULL and dname:VK_NULL_HANDLE
    (internal issue 393).
  * Change the definition of latexmath:[$q$] in the
    <<textures-image-level-selection,texture image level selection>> section
    to be the index of the maximum defined level for the view, not the
    number of levels in the view (internal issue 406).
  * Allow developers to override dname:VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE
    with their own binary-compatible definition (internal issue 439).
  * Fix +vk_platform.h+ conditional logic causing compile failure with some
    Android compilers (internal issue 441).
  * Implement the single-branch model as described above (internal issue

Other Issues:
2016-08-28 03:47:19 -07:00
Jon Leech
2dd2b3579b Change log for August 12, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.24 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 24 for this update.

Github Issues:

  * Fix type mismatch in swapchain image equivalency table (public issue
  * Fix a copy-and-paste error in the description of
    flink:vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR::pname:pSwapchainImages, that said it
    was an array of ``sname:VkSwapchainImageKHR structures'' instead of
    an array of ``sname:VkImage handles'' (public issue 292).
  * Specify that ename:VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CUBE_COMPATIBLE_BIT is only valid
    for ename:VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D images (public issue 293).
  * Add a valid usage statement to flink:vkCmdExecuteCommands saying
    that when called outside a render pass instance, the secondary
    command buffers must not have been created with the
  * Fix description of +VK_NO_STDINT_H+ in the
    <<boilerplate-platform-macros,platform macros>> section (public
    issue 314).

Internal Issues:

  * Normalize the language for the remaining built-in variables in the
    <<interfaces-builtin-variables,Built-In Variables>> section. Fix
    code:FrontFacing and code:HelperInvocation, as they should be of
    code:boolean type rather than code:integer (internal issue 323).
  * Clarify that when ename:VK_WHOLE_SIZE is used for a buffer
    descriptor range, the effective range must still be within the max
    buffer range (internal issue 426).
  * Clarify that command buffers and descriptor sets are allocated
    rather than created. Also clarify when the recording state of a
    command buffer is relevant (internal issue 434).
2016-08-12 04:25:36 -07:00
Jon Leech
7f7686d7f2 Change log for August 5, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.23 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 23 for this update.

Github Issues:

  * Add explicit valid value attributes to pname:sType members in vk.xml
    (public issue 34).
  * Clarify usage of flink:vkGetInstanceProcAddr and
    flink:vkGetDeviceProcAddr (public issue 225).
  * Fix a copy-and-paste error in the description of
    pname:pSwapchainImageCount saying that it was the count of ``format
    pairs'' instead of ``swapchain images'' (public issue 292).
  * flink:vkCmdExecuteCommandBuffers requires all command buffers to be
    allocated from command pools created for the same queue family (public
    issue 296).
  * Remove bogus +optional+ attribute for
    flink:vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties::pname:physicalDevice from vk.xml
    (public issue 301).
  * Clean up the <<resources-image-views-compatibility,image and image view
    compatibility table>> reference and contents. Use full enumerant names.
    Refer to pname:layerCount in the ``view parameters'' column instead of
    pname:arrayLayers. Require N >= 1 for the cube array subview row, not
    just arrayLayers >= 6 N (public issue 304).
  * Modify description of <<resources-memory-aliasing,memory aliasing>> to
    be consistent with the description of
    <<resources-bufferimagegranularity,buffer image granularity>> (public
    issue 307).

Internal Issues:

  * Describe remaining +vk_platform.h+ macros in the <<boilerplate,API
    Boilerplate>> appendix (internal issue 6).
  * Clarify
    feature behavior; what memory can be accessed, how bounds checking is
    performed, and allowing for vectorization (internal issue 332).
  * Document markup for automatic extraction of reference pages from the
    spec sources in the style guide (internal issue 395).
  * Allow flink:vkCreateDisplayModeKHR to return
    ename:VK_ERROR_INITIALIZAION_FAILED_KHR if the user requests mode
    parameters that the specified display does not support (internal issue
  * Remove atomic counters (atomic_uint style) from KHR_vulkan_glsl, and
    more clearly remove the subroutine keyword alongside it (internal issue
  * Clarify behavior of flink:vkCmdBindDescriptorSets for descriptor sets
    not contained in the layout (internal issue 427).

Other Commits:

  * Change the order in which members of sname:VkAttachmentDescription and
    sname:VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo are described to match
    their order in the structures.
2016-08-05 05:11:02 -07:00
Jon Leech
1ca0ea1ef0 Change log for July 22, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.22 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 22 for this update.

Github Issues:

  * Translate the subpass self-dependency language into concrete
    validity statements, and added a validity statement about the
    restrictions on layout parameters (public issue 267).
  * Add validity requirement that
    slink:VkAttachmentDescription::pname:finalLayout and
    slink:VkAttachmentReference::pname:layout must not be
    ename:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PREINITIALIZED (public issue 268).
  * Clarify that slink:VkSubpassDescription::pname:pResolveAttachments
    layouts are used. Make language consistent with other attachment
    arrays (public issue 270).
  * Changed 64-bit definition for
    dname:VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE to work for x32 platform in
    +vk.xml+ and the resulting +vulkan.h+ (public issue 282).
  * Add missing error return code for
    flink:vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties and
    flink:vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties (public issue 285)
  * Fix several cases of stext::VkStructName.memberName markup to
    stext::VkStructName::pname:memberName, to match other usage in the
    spec, and describe this markup in the style guide (public issue
  * Modified validity language generation script to avoid redundant
    common ancestor language if covered by generic parent language, and
    used `Both' instead of `Each' when appropriate (public issue 288).

Internal Issues:

  * Add language about behavior of flink:vkAllocateDescriptorSets when
    allocation fails due to fragmentation, a new error
    ename:VK_ERROR_FRAGMENTED_POOL, and a Note explaining the situation
    (internal issue 309).
  * For the features of code:PointSize, code:ClipDistance, and
    code:CullDistance, the SPIR-V capability is required to be declared
    on use (read or write) rather than on decoration (internal issue
  * Have desktop versions of GLSL respect precision qualification
    (code:mediump and code:lowp) when compiling for Vulkan. These will
    get translated to SPIR-V's code:RelaxedPrecision decoration as they
    do with OpenGL ES versions of GLSL (ESSL). The default precision of
    all types is code:highp when using a desktop version (internal issue
  * Add validity statement for slink:VkImageCreateInfo specifying that
    multisampled images must be two-dimensional, optimally tiled, and
    with a single mipmap level (internal issue 369).
  * Add validity statements to slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo disallowing
    creation of images or image views with no supported features. Made
    some slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo validity statements more precise
    and consistent. Added a Note to the <<features,features>> chapter
    about formats with no features (internal issue 371).
  * Remove +manpages+ from default build targets. Nroff outputs
    containing imbedded latexmath will not render properly. Fixing this
    is a lot of work for limited use cases (internal issue 401).

Other Commits:

  * Fix flink:vkRenderPassBeginInfo::pname:clearValueCount validity
    statement to be based on attachment indices rather than the number
    of cleared attachments
  * Convert registry documentation from LaTeX to asciidoc source and
    rename from +src/spec/readme.tex+ to +src/spec/registry.txt+.
  * Fix lack of Oxford commas in validity language.
  * Lots of cleanup of generator scripts and Makefiles to move extension
    list for generator into the script arguments instead of the body of
    genvk.py, and express better dependencies between XML, scripts, and
    generated files.
2016-07-23 03:15:48 -07:00
Jon Leech
f4c4113d07 Change log for July 15, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.21 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 21 for this update.

Github Issues:

  * Clarify how <<features-supported-sample-counts,sample count queries>>
    relate to the limits in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits. (public issue
  * Clarify in the <<interfaces-iointerfaces,Shader Input and Output
    Interfaces>> section that shader output variables have undefined values
    until the shader writes to them (public issue 240).
  * Specify the implicit value of image parameters that cannot be set in
    slink:VkSwapchainCreateInfo::pname:flags, pname:imageType,
    pname:mipLevels, pname:samples, pname:tiling, and pname:initialLayout
    (public issue 243).
  * Make use of code:NULL and code:VK_NULL_HANDLE consistent in the
    VK_KHR_swapchain extension (public issue 276).

Internal Issues:

  * Clarify that presenting an image to a display surface swapchain applies
    the display surface's mode, and that destroying a display surface
    swapchain may reset the display's mode, in the VK_KHR_display_swapchain
    extension (internal issue 247).
  * Better describe what a slink:VkSurfaceKHR is, and that creating one does
    not set a mode, in the VK_KHR_display extension. This is a round-about
    way of pointing out that mode setting is not covered by the extension,
    but rather is performed as a side effect of presentation (internal issue
  * Add more valid usage statements to flink:vkQueuePresentKHR command when
    the VK_KHR_display_swapchain extension is present (internal issue
  * Add more includes to the VK_KHR_swapchain extension to better document
    interactions with VK_KHR_display_swapchain (internal issue 247).
  * Clarify restrictions on location aliasing in the
    <<fxvertex,Fixed-Function Vertex Processing>> section (internal issue
  * Add mathematical description of blitting to flink:vkCmdBlitImage, and
    link it to the <<textures,Image Operations>> chapter. Use mathematical
    notation for ranges of texel coordinates in the <<textures,Image
    Operations>> chapter. Fixed miscellaneous validity statements for
    flink:vkCmdBlit and slink:VkImageBlit (internal issue 382).

Other Commits:

  * Added a valid usage rule to flink:VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo that the
    ename:VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_PATCH_LIST topology must only be used when
    tessellation shaders are used.
  * Expand the style guide into a formal "Procedures and Conventions"
    document. Add a API Naming Conventions section, move most of the API
    Specification Appendix C (Layers and Extensions) content into the new
    document, and define the resulting procedures as mandatory (where
    relevant). This more clearly separates use vs. specification of Vulkan
  * Update vk_platform.h to handle 32-bit ARMv8 binaries.
  * Various minor cleanups to the Makefile and build process.
2016-07-15 19:05:43 -07:00
Jon Leech
e2d981c029 Change log for July 10, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.20 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 20 for this

Github Issues:

  * Replaced existing reference pages by text automatically extracted
    from the specification source, or generated from vk.xml in some
    cases. This isn't a complete solution for the reference pages, but
    puts them in a much better state. The ref pages (only) are now
    placed under a CC BY open source license, which is more current than
    the obsolete license previously used.

    Further improvements to the pages should not edit them directly, but
    instead concentrate on the specification source from which the ref
    pages are being extracted (public issues 44, 55, 160; internal issue
2016-07-10 18:13:41 -07:00
Jon Leech
e5b16130fe Change log for July 1, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.19 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 19 for this

Github Issues:

  * Clarified how flink:vkGetImageSubresourceLayout interacts with image
    layouts (public issue 247).
  * Remove ename:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PREINITIALIZED from valid usage rule for
    slink:VkImageMemoryBarrier::pname:oldLayout. It is only valid if it is
    the current layout (public issue 248).
  * Modify valid usage for flink:vkBindBufferMemory so implementations are
    free to require a different backing memory size than the buffer size
    (public issue 251).
  * Clarify that filtering rules for flink:vkCmdBlitImage always apply, and
    are usually no-ops if the formats are the same (public issue 253).
  * Remove 'non-sparse' from description of
    flink:vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements and
    flink:vkGetImageMemoryRequirements (public issue 257).
  * Remove ename:VK_ERROR_LAYER_NOT_PRESENT error code from
    flink:vkCreateDevice (public issue 259).
  * Change "must not" to "should not" in constraint on when
    flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR is called in the +VK_KHR_swapchain+ branch
    (public issue 262).
  * Change type of flink:vkCmdUpdateBuffer::pname:pData from
    basetype:uint32_t* to basetype:void* (public issue 263).
  * Change should: to must: in description of where additional segments are
    placed in the <<[tessellation-tessellator-spacing,Tessellator Spacing>>
    section (public issue 264).

Internal Issues:

  * Normalize the language of all the compute shader built-ins in the
    <<interfaces-builtin-variables,Built-in Variables>> section (internal
    issue 323).
  * Remove definition of presentation engine internal queue lengths
    associated with ename:VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_KHR and
    ename:VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_RELAXED_KHR in the <<Window System
    Integration,wsi>> chapter (internal issue 374).
  * The language of a Note was too broad, and implied that loaders for a
    given OS would statically export functions for WSI extensions that
    weren't relevant to (or supported on) the OS. Also, removed
    "Khronos-provided" since the Android loader isn't (internal issue 380)

Other Commits:

  * Add ename:VK_INCOMPLETE to list of return values for
    flink:vkGetPipelineCacheData. Spec says this value is returnable, but it
    wasn't listed in the error codes.
  * Fix "correponds" typo in member definitions for
2016-06-30 19:34:54 -07:00
Jon Leech
eb9997129d Change log for June 24, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.18 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 18 for this

Github Issues:

  * Added "queue operation" terminology, and modified spec to actually
    use this terminology (public issue 155). The act of submitting a
    piece of work to a queue now generates "operations" for the queue to
    execute, including operations to wait on/signal semaphores and
    fences. Synchronization waits on these operations, making execution
    dependency chains more obvious for semaphores and fences (though
    additional work is still needed here). These changes include:
  ** Overview of "queue submission" commands in chapter
  ** Updated descriptions for fence and semaphore waits and signals in
     the synchronization chapter <<synchronization-semaphores-waiting>>,
     <<synchronization-semaphores-signaling>> and
  ** Clarifications to semaphore and fence operation within queue
     submission functions.
  ** New glossary terms.
  ** Moved device idle and queue wait idle to synchronization chapter in
     order to describe them in terms of other synchronization
  ** Clarifications to semaphore and fence operation allowed removal of
     the "implicit ordering guarantees" section, as this information is
     now wholly covered where these primitives are described.
  *** The "host writes" section of this is still there for now - in its
      own section. This could probably be merged into other sections
  *** Modified fundamentals chapter on queue ordering to make sense in
      context of the new changes, and avoid duplication.
  * Added "aspect" and "component" definitions to the glossary, and made
    sure these terms are referenced correctly (public issue 163).
  * Update valid usage for ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr to only include
    conditions that must be met to get a valid result. In particular,
    it's okay to call flink:vkGetDeviceProcAddr with any string and will
    get a code:NULL if that string is not a core Vulkan function or an
    enabled extension function (addresses but does not fully close
    public issue 214).
  * Change the WSI extension dependencies to refer to version 1.0 of the
    Vulkan API, instead of the pre-1.0-release internal revisions
    numbers (public issue 238).
  * Specified that <<interfaces-fragmentoutput,undeclared fragment
    shader outputs>> result in undefined values input to the blending
    unit or color attachment (public issue 240).

Internal Issues:

  * Better documented that the registry XML "optional" tag for values
    only applies when that value is the size of an array (internal issue
  * Add a stronger definition for the valid usages of
    VkSpecializationMapEntry.size in the
    <<pipelines-specialization-constants,Specialization Constants>>
    section (internal issue 345).
  * Change code:OpName to code:OpDecorate (along with appropriate
    syntax) for vertex shader built-ins (internal issue 368).
  * Add missing ref pages (those which are not currently stubs) to
    apispec.txt for the single-page version of the ref pages (internal
    issue 378).

Other Commits:

  * Fix example in the <<descriptorsets,Descriptor Sets>> section to use
    M, N, and I, describing set, binding, and index, consistently
    throughout the example code.
2016-06-23 03:18:00 -07:00
Jon Leech
31018cf088 Change log for June 17, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.17 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 17 for this

Github Issues:

  * Update description of vertex shader reuse in
    <<shaders-vertex-execution>> (public issue 106).
  * Simplify validity language around pname:ppEnabledExtensionNames and
    pname:ppEnabledLayerNames (in the <<initialization-instances>> and
    <<devsandqueues-device-creation>> sections) (public issue 214).
  * Add missing validity rule to flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass requiring
    compatibility between slink:VkAttachmentDescription pname:initalLayout
    members and the corresponding attached framebuffer images (public issue
  * Fix Unicode arrows appearing in output instead of relational operators
    (public issue 239).
  * Correctly describe the required number of elements for
    code:TessLevelInner and code:TessLevelOuter arrays in the
    <<interfaces-builtin-variables,Built-In Variables>> section as two and
    four, respectively, instead of the other way around, and refer to this
    section from the <<tessellation,Tessellation>> chapter (public issue

Internal Issues:

  * Document deprecation of ename:VK_COLORSPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR in the
    VK_KHR_surface extension branch, and of
    VK_EXT_debug_report branch (internal issue 328).
  * Added language to define what a valid usage statement is and should be,
    with a note about some apparent weirdnesses this might entail (internal
    issue 357).

Other Commits:

  * Added missing ename:VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST error to
2016-06-17 15:39:39 -07:00
Jon Leech
5de77cf663 Change log for June 10, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.16 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 16 for this

Github Issues:

  * Clarify that integer border values are meant to be 0/1, and that
    integer texture lookups are sign-extended in the
    <<textures-format-conversion,Format Conversion>> and
    <<textures-texel-replacement,Texel Replacement>> sections (public
    issue 52).
  * Add logic to generate spec boilerplate without using the 'git'
    command-line client, needed when building from a tarball or another
    source of the Vulkan tree rather than a cloned git repo. Remove
    boilerplate as part of 'clean' target (public issue 195).
  * Document that color writes and clears to unused attachments have no
    effect for slink:VkClearAttachment and
    elink:VkColorComponentFlagBits (public issue 198).
  * Fixed flink:vkCmdExecuteCommands validity statement for
    sname:VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo::pname:framebuffer. If used, it
    must match the framebuffer in the current renderpass instance
    (public issue 226).
  * Added valid usage language to require for all functions that set
    dynamic state that the currently bound graphics pipeline has the
    corresponding dynamic state enabled (public issue 235).

Internal Issues:

  * Clarify for flink:vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties, in the
    <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance
    Extensions and Device Extensions>> section, and in the
    <<glossary,Glossary>> section when functionality should be exposed
    as an instance extension, as a device extension, or as both
    (internal issue 109).
  * Place WorkgroupSize in alphabetical order in the
    <<interfaces-builtin-variables,Built-in Variables>> section
    (internal issue 323).
  * Corrects valid usage in vkEndRenderPass to only affect primary
    render passes, as secondaries may be entirely within a render pass,
    and should be able to be ended (previous language disallowed that)
    (internal issue 338).
  * Fix relational operator from <= to >= in the
    <<features-extentperimagetype,Allowed Extent Values>> section
    (internal issue 343).
  * Disallow recursion under SPIR-V entry points in the
    <<spirvenv-module-validation,Validation Rules within a Module>>
    section (internal SPIR-V issue 37).

Other Commits:

  * Use standard Python ElementTree package instead of lxml.etree in
    header / validation layer / include autogeneration from XML,
    reducing platform dependencies.
2016-06-10 15:49:54 -07:00
Jon Leech
ad9dc5cba2 Update vulkan.h after extension XML changes from recent MRs. 2016-05-31 23:39:04 -07:00
Jon Leech
36ce3ba5c1 Change log for May 27, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.15 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 15 for this

Github Issues:

  * Fixed the <<glossary,Glossary>> entry for Fragment Input Attachment
    Interface to specify code:UniformConstant storage class (public issue
  * Disallow lazily allocated memory for buffers in the description of
    slink:VkMemoryRequirements::pname:memoryTypeBits (public issue 196).
  * Add numbered figure captions (public issue 219).
  * Fix output variable names in the <<fundamentals-fpfixedconv,Conversion
    from Floating-Point to Normalized Fixed-Point>> section and related
    minor normative language and markup cleanup (public issue 220).

Internal Issues:

  * Fix reference to nonexistent etext:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_{SRC,DST}BIT
    to the actual etext:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT{SRC,DST}_OPTIMAL (internal issue
  * Update the <<sparsememory-sparse-memory-aliasing,Sparse Resource
    Implementation Guidelines>> to refer to the correct feature names
    (internal issue 305).
2016-05-27 03:37:56 -07:00
Jon Leech
b3d48022bb Change log for May 20, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.14 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 14 for this

Github Issues:

  * Fix validity language for sname:VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo to
    impose range limits on pname:commandBufferCount (public issue 178).
  * Fix validity language for flink:vkCmdExecuteCommands to refer to the
    correct structure names (public issue 179).
  * Fix two copy-and-paste errors in the WSI queries, where the wrong
    term was used for what was being returned (public issue 206).
  * Add a note in the documentation of
    flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR, about what it means if
    ename:VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED is returned (public issue 207).

Internal Issues:

  * Clarify the usage and correct the name for the bitmask referenced in
    <<queries-pipestats,Pipeline Statistics Queries>> (internal issue

Other Commits:

  * Fix the names of decorations listed in the
    <<interfaces-builtin-variables,Built-in Variables>> section such
    that they match the SPIR-V specification.
2016-05-18 20:07:40 -07:00
Jon Leech
2656f45933 Change log for May 13, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.13 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 13 for this

Github Issues:

  * Improve the description of ename:VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_RELAXED_KHR in the
    VK_KHR_surface extension (public issue 174).
  * Clarify use of etext:*_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT for secondary command
    buffers (public issue 182).
  * Fix typos in VK_KHR_wayland_surface extension where code:wl_device was
    used instead of code:wl_display (public issue 193).
  * Replaced {apiname} with ``Vulkan'' in XML validity statements (public
    issue 199).
  * Fix dead links for WSI handle types (public issue 200).
	*** N.b. this needs to be done in WSI branches as well ***
  * Use "signaled" instead of "signalled" spelling everywhere (public issue
	*** N.b. this needs to be done in WSI branches as well ***
  * Move readme.pdf target directory for XML schema documentation into the
    target generation directory, instead of leaving it checked into the spec
    source tree (public issue 203).
	*** N.b. need to add generated PDF to registry index/1.0 page
  * Fix duplicate 'which which' typo in description of
    elink:VkCommandPoolResetFlagBits (public issue 204).
  * Move the <<Programmable Primitive Shading>> section up one level, out of
    the <<drawing-primitive-topologies,Primitive Topologies>> section
    (public issue 209).

Internal Issues:

  * Clarify in the <<pipelines-cache,Pipeline Cache>> section that
    implementations should not manage the size of pipeline cache (internal
    issue 192).
  * Deprecate the concept of device layers and associated commands (internal
    issue 255).
  * Remove ename:VK_INCOMPLETE from the list of possible result codes of
    flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR (internal issue 314).
  * Add missing std140/std430 rule: the base alignment of a member following
    a structure is a multiple of the structure's base alignment (internal
    issue 321).
  * Fixes naming of the single elink:VkColorSpaceKHR enum from
    ename:VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR in XML/header and the
    VK_KHR_swapchain and VK_KHR_surface extensions to match the style of the
    typename (space and color are two words, not one) (internal issue 322).
  * Make it clear that code:LocalInvocationID should only be applied to an
    input variable and normalize the language describing
    code:LocalInvocationID to the language for other compute shader
    variables in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables,Built-in Variables>>
    section, and add normative language (internal issue 323).
  * Clarify in the <<fundamentals-returncodes,Return Codes>> section that
    the result pointer may be modified for specific commands, even if a
    runtime error is returned (internal issue 324).
2016-05-13 17:01:59 -07:00
Jon Leech
648049f625 Add generated header including VK_EXT_debug_marker. 2016-05-06 17:06:56 -07:00
Jon Leech
75bbb5f4d5 Change log for April 29, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.12 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 12 for this

Github Issues:

  * Change valid usage statements intended to be "sub-points" to
    be actual sub-points (public issue 66).
  * Replace double negation in description of
    slink:VkRenderPassBeginInfo::pname:pClearValues (based on public
    merge 142).
  * Cleanup minor typos in spec, ref pages and XML, including those
    proposed in public pull requests 144, 150, 151, 167, 168, 181, and
  * Use *strict subset* in describing the partial order of memory
    property types for slink:VkMemoryType, and update the style guide
    accordingly (public issue 190).
  * Fix various "a image" -> "an image" typos (public issue 191).
  * Note in the <<fundamentals-validusage,Valid Usage>> and
    <<extensions-interactions,Extension Interactions>> sections that
    structures defined by extensions which may be passed in structure
    chains using the ptext:pNext member must: include initial
    ptext:sType and ptext:pNext members (public issue 192).

Internal Issues:

  * Remove duplicate language from the description of the pname:fence
    parameter to flink:vkQueueSubmit and improve validity language
    (internal issue 91).
  * Added documentation for "optional" attribute to XML readme.tex/pdf
    (internal issue 149).
  * Clarify the host-side data validity rules and behavior of
    flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges and
    flink:vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges (internal issue 266).

Other Commits:

  * Added clarification to flink:vkCmdFillBuffer regarding the use of
  * Fixed and documented implementation of "validextensionstructs"
    attribute. in XML processing scripts and readme.tex/pdf.
  * Add missing validity statements to flink:vkResetEvent and
  * Fix validity for the
    Correct all the draw/dispatch commands to mention optimally tiled
    images as well as linear tiled images, and say image VIEWS instead
    of images. Add validity statement to flink:vkCmdBlitImage
  * Replace the {apiname} macro with hardcoded "Vulkan", now that we've
    committed to that name.
  * Add the VK_AMD_rasterization_order extension to vk.xml.
2016-04-29 14:53:46 +02:00
Jon Leech
6db51e9241 Change log for April 22, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.11 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 11 for this

Github Issues:

  * Clarify the WSI extension language by switching from the fuzzier
    "ownership" language to more-consistent "acquire" language (public
    issue 117).
  * Clarify that memory barriers apply to all commands in the dependency
    chains in the flink:vkGetRenderAreaGranularity command and the
    <<synchronization-execution-and-memory-dependencies,Execution And
    Memory Dependencies>> section (public issue 132).
  * Clarify that a queue family is a set of queues in the
    <<fundamentals-execmodel,Execution Model>> section (public issue
  * Removed requirement from valid usage language that
    VkPresentInfoKHR::waitSemaphoreCount must be greater than 0 (public
    issue 171).
  * Fix broken internal links, describe structures consistently, use
    consistent style for SPIR-V codewords, and tag normative terms that
    were missing asciidoc tags (public issue 183 and ancillary
    markup/normative language fixes).
  * Fix typos for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits member names in
    slink:VkImageCreateInfo validity language (public issue 184).

Internal Issues:

  * Document that the requested patch version number specified as part
    of slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion is ignored when
    creating an instance (internal issue 176).
  * Clarify handling of extension structs in the
    <<fundamentals-validusageValid Usage>> section (internal issue 254).
  * Update required slink:VkImageFormatProperties::pname:maxMipLevels to
    be limited to the maximum allowed mipmap pyramid size corresponding
    to the actual maximum supported size for the format (internal issue
  * Modify the <<features-extentperimagetype,Allowed Extent Values Based
    On Image Type>> section so the allowed maximum extent is the maximum
    image dimension supported for each dimension of the type of texture
    being queried (internal issue 257).
  * Clarify in the <<spirvenv-module-validation,Validation Rules within
    a Module>> section that at least one of the code:LocalSize execution
    mode or code:WorkgroupSize decoration is required for each compute
    shader entry point in a shader module (internal issue 279).
  * Add validity rules for formats in flink:vkCmdClearColorImage and
    flink:vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage (internal issue 283).
  * Clarify that slink:VkImageFormatProperties::pname:maxResourceSize is
    an upper bound, and that it may not be possible to create an image
    anywhere near that size (internal issue 284).

Other Commits:

  * Fix various minor markup errors reported by validation scripts.
  * Change copyright from Khronos Free Use License to Apache 2.0 license
    on relevant script/XML/header files. This does not affect the
    specification source copyright.
2016-04-21 01:08:38 -07:00
Jon Leech
3b32b240f6 Change log for April 15, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.10 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 10 for this

Github Issues:

  * Slightly tweak the <<memory-allocation,Host Memory>> allocator language
    so that an application wrapping the standard C alloc/free/realloc
    functions is still correct - the previous language was too strong with
    regards to freeing memory. Also made certain scenarios clearer - an
    implementation may now continue without error if an allocation failed
    and it is able to continue correctly (public issue 21).
  * Require that etext:VK_*_CREATE_SPARSE_BINDING_BIT is set when the
    corresponding etext:VK_*_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT is used, in the
    <<sparsememory-miptail,Mip Tail Regions>> section and related commands
    flink:vkCreateBuffer and flink:vkCreateImage (public issue 84).
  * Update the <<features,Features, Limits, and Formats>> chapter to clarify
    interactions between optional features and dynamic state for the
    pname:depthBiasClamp and pname:wideLines features (public issue 89).
  * Describe the code:WorkgroupSize builtin in the
    <<interfaces-builtin-variables,Built-In Variables>> section, and update
    the <<compute-shaders,Compute Shaders>> section to further clarify how
    to set the number of workgroups to execute in a compute shader (public
    issue 145).
  * Use the term *image subresource* everywhere instead of *subresource*,
    except for the special case of *host-accessible subresource*, which may
    be either an image subresource or buffer range (public issue 120)
  * Add a note to the <<features,Features, Limits, and Formats>> section
    about extensibility of structures (Public issue 165).
  * Fix return code flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR when the timeout parameter
    is 0 to ename:VK_NOT_READY instead of ename:VK_TIMEOUT (public issue
  * Fix typo in slink:VkLayerProperties::pname:apiVersion field (public
    issue 172).

Internal Issues:

  * Fix a few minor internally-detected typos.
  * Minor formatting tweaks to pseudocode in the <<resources,Resource
    Creation>> chapter (internal issue 179).
  * Fix typo in the definition of point sampling for
    elink:VkCullModeFlagBits (internal issue 268).
2016-04-14 01:58:49 -07:00
Jon Leech
5d10fc3089 Change log for April 8, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.9 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 9 for this

Github Issues:

  * Fix memory type preorder definition and clarify example list and source
    code for slink:VkMemoryRequirements and slink:VkMemoryHeap (public issue
  * Ensure slink:VkAllocationCallbacks are properly defined (public issue
  * Clarify the WSI extension language by switching from the fuzzier
    "ownership" language to more-consistent "acquire" language (public issue
  * Add language allowing allocation and freeing of memory scoped to the
    duration of any API command in the <<memory-allocation,Memory
    Allocation>> section (public issue 136).
  * Clarify the explicit location assignment always overrides the inherited
    location in the <<interfaces-iointerfaces-locations,Location
    Assignment>> section, even for the first member of a block (public issue
  * Fixed references to
    slink:VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo::pname:pipelineStatistics (public
    issue 158).
  * Fix name of slink:VkBufferCopy::pname:size field in validity language
    for flink:vkCmdCopyBuffer (public issue 162).

Internal Issues:

  * Update GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl specification to clarify disallowance of
    spec-const arrays in initializers (internal issue 248).
  * Clarify <<interfaces-iointerfaces-matching,Interface Matching>> section
    to state that user-defined variable interface must match too (internal
    issue 250).
2016-04-07 03:53:04 -07:00
Jon Leech
ce3204c7dd Change log for April 1, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.8 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 8 for this

Github Issues:

  * Specify in the validity language for flink:vkBeginCommandBuffer that
    pname:commandBuffer mustnot: currently be pending execution (public
    issue 96).
  * Describe depth comparison using the correct temporary variable names
    in the <<textures-depth-compare-operation,Depth Compare Operation>>
    section (public issue 100).
  * Clarify the order of descriptor update operations in the
    flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets command (public issue 115).
  * Specify in the VK_KHR_swapchain extension that
    flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR's pname:semaphore and pname:fence
    parameters cannot both be sname:VK_NULL_HANDLE (partly addresses,
    but does not fully close, public issue 117 / internal issue 246).
  * Change reference to the "lifetime" of a Vulkan command to
    "duration", and define the "duration" term (public issue 135).
  * Added valid usage language for slink:VkImageLayout to require both
    pname:height and pname:depth to be 1 for 1D images and pname:depth
    to be 1 for 2D images (public issue 137).
  * Fix SPIR-V example code in the
    <<descriptorsets-inputattachment,Input Attachment>> section to
    properly decorate the code:InputAttachmentIndex (public issue 139).
  * Fix reference to nonexistent pname:imageInfo in the description of
    flink:VkWriteDescriptorSet to refer to pname:pImageInfo (public
    issue 140).

Internal Issues:

  * Link to the fixed-function vertex chapter from the drawing chapter
    (internal issue #110)
  * Fix typo in slink:VkImageCreateInfo validity language:
    ptext:maxExtent.sampleCounts -> pname:sampleCounts (internal issue
  * Explain why the non-core token etext:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PRESENT_SRC_KHR
    is used in the example in the
    <<synchronization-semaphores,Semaphores>> section (internal issue
  * Attempt to clarify in the VK_KHR_android_surface extension's
    <<platformQuerySupport_android,Android Platform Support>> section
    that there is no Android-specific WSI query, and why (internal issue

Other Commits:

  * Add missing language about ename:VK_INCOMPLETE being returned from
    array queries when the passed array is too short, in the
    VK_KHR_display, VK_KHR_swapchain, and VK_KHR_surface extensions.
2016-04-01 03:04:38 -07:00
Jon Leech
8c3c9b4c85 Change log for March 25, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.7 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 7 for this

Github Issues:

  * Fix slink:VkSpecializationMapEntry example to avoid C/C++ strict
    aliasing issues (public issue 14).

  * Clarify the meaning of "matching" in flink:vkCmdBindDescriptorSets
    validity language (public issue 33).

  * Add stub reference pages so xrefs to not-yet-written pages don't
    generate 404 errors. However, the actual content of these pages
    still needs to be filled in as time allows (public issue 44, but
    does not close that issue out).

  * Remove incorrect validity statement for
    flink:vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements (public issue 85).

  * Reword the
    feature in terms of "aliasing", and clarify that it applies to
    bindings in the same memory object (public issue 90).

  * Clarify the relationship of the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits
    pname:maxViewportDimensions and pname:viewportBoundsRange limits
    (public issue 92).

  * Specify sparse unbound texture replacement in the
    <<textures-texel-replacement,Texel Replacement>> section
    independently of robust buffer access language (public issue 100).

  * Add the <<fundamentals-architecture-model,Architecture Model>>
    section to explain architecture constraints Vulkan has chosen to
    accept in order to enable portable and performant code (public issue

  * State that an object must not be destroyed until *all* (not *any*)
    uses of that object have completed (public issue 123).

  * Minor editorial cleanup (public issues 129, 134, 146, 148).

  * Add validity language for layer and extension names to
    slink:VkDeviceCreateInfo matching that used for
    slink:VkInstanceCreateInfo (public issue 130).

  * Clean up terminology for the case when the bits set in one bitmask
    are a subset of the bits set in another bitmask (public issue 138).

  * Document that input attachments are UniformConstant not Input, in
    the <<interfaces-inputattachment,Fragment Input Attachment
    Interface>> section (public glslang bug 169).

Internal Issues:

  * Add max enum values to "flag bits" enums (internal issue #136).

  * Clarify language around the various uses of the term "block" in the
    <<appendix-compressedtex-bc,Block Compressed Image Formats>> section
    (internal issue #202).

  * Removed "expand" dependency from <enums> groups in vk.xml and added
    auto-generation code in the scripts to infer it instead, to ensure
    consistency. This caused renaming of sname:VkColorSpaceKHR and
    sname:VkPresentModeKHR etext:BEGIN_RANGE (etc.) tokens, but those
    tokens are metadata, not part of the API, and the Vulkan WG is OK
    with this change. This change adds ranges to two additional enums
    that were missing them due to not defining the "expand" attribute
    (internal issue 217).

  * Tweak makefile to generate ref page nroff (.3) files in the right
    output directory, working around an a2x limitation (internal issue

Other Commits:

  * Add validity requirements for flink:vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults
    pname:dstBuffer parameter.

  * Fix ref page build to generate .3 targets in the right output
2016-03-25 02:25:04 -07:00
Jon Leech
1f875738fd Change log for March 10, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.6 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 6 for this

Github Issues:
  * Define 'invocation group' for compute and graphics shaders. Cleanup
    definition and use of 'workgroup', and add glossary entries (public
    issue 1).
  * Various minor editorial fixes (public issue 33).
  * Clarify locations for block members in the
    &lt;&lt;interfaces-iointerfaces-locations,Location Assignment>>
    section (public issue 45).
  * Editorial fixes for &lt;&lt;commandbuffer-allocation,Command Buffer
    Allocation>> section (public issues 54, 59).
  * Clarify behavior of depth test in the &lt;&lt;fragops-depth,Depth
    Test&gt;&gt; section (public issues 80, 81).
  * Remove discussion of return codes from
    flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties and
    flink:vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements, which don't return values
    (public issue 82).
  * Allow flink:vkCmdDrawIndirect and flink:vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect
    pname:drawCount of 0, as well as 1, when the multiDrawIndirect
    feature is not supported (public issue 88).
  * Remove confusing wording in the &lt;&lt;features-limits,Limits>>
    section describing the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits
    pname:minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment, and
    pname:minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment members as both minimums and
    maximums (public issue 91).
  * Clarified that only the RGB components should be affected in places
    where sRGB is referred to in the spec, such as ASTC formats. Minor
    re-wording to avoid "color space" when actively incorrect, now that
    we refer to the Data Format Spec which actually makes a distinction
    between color space and transfer function (public issue 94).
  * Treat pname:pPropertyCount == 0 consistently in
    flink:vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties and
    flink:vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties (public issue 99)
  * Cleanup minor editorial issues in chapters 14-17 (public issue 100).
  * Clarify definition of flink:vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties
    and flink:vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties (public issue 101).
  * Define the flink:vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties and
    flink:vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties pname:pLayerName
    parameter to be a pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string (public
    issue 101).
  * Rearrange "Missing information" references in mandatory format
    tables (public issue 101).
  * Clarify that the enumerated extensions returned by
    flink:vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties and
    flink:vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties will only include
    extensions provided by the platform or extensions implemented in
    implicitly enabled layers (public issue 101).
  * Miscellaneous editorial fixes. Include the Vulkan spec patch number
    in the PDF title. Fix label on &lt;&lt;fig-non-strict-lines,Non
    strict lines>> diagram. Use more easily distinguished symbols in
    tables in the &lt;&lt;features-required-format-support,Required
    Format Support>> section. Don't require FQDNs used as layer names be
    encoded in lower case if not possible, in the
    &lt;&lt;extensions-naming-conventions, Extension and Layer Naming
    Conventions>> section (public issues 101, 119, 121).

Internal Issues:
  * Fixed excessive spacing in tables in XHTML (internal issue 18).
    applies to secondary command buffers. Previously spec only referred
    to the members of pname:pCommandBuffers being affected by this bit.
    Added a separate slink:VkSubmitInfo Valid Usage restriction
    also applies to any secondary command buffers that are recorded into
    the primary command buffers in pname:pCommandBuffers (internal issue
  * Clarify that slink:VkDeviceCreateInfo::pname:pEnabledFeatures can be
    NULL (internal issue 117).
  * Remove "the value of" where it is redundant (e.g. speaking of an API
    parameter, struct member, or SPIR-V variable, but not when speaking
    of color components) (internal issue 175).
  * Forced patch version to always be 0 in the header. Add a
    "VK_API_VERSION_<major>_<minor>" macro for people to use to do the
    right thing. Add a VK_HEADER_VERSION which captures the header
    release number independent of the spec patch number (internal issue
  * Correct description of
    slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo::pname:pName to "a pointer to
    a null-terminated UTF-8 string" (internal issue #197).

Other Commits:
  * Updated DataFormat spec reference to the new date for revision 5 of
    that spec.
  * Fixed KEEP option (to retain LaTeX intermediate files) in the
    Makefile to be included when edited there, as well as set on the
    command line.
  * Reserve and add "VK_IMG_filter_cubic" to the registry, and implement
    script functionality to add and remove validity from existing
    functions. Includes schema and readme changes.
  * Update GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl so push_constants do not have descriptor
2016-03-10 17:33:02 -08:00
Jon Leech
7380aee56b Change log for March 4, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.5 spec update:
* Bump API patch number to 5 for this update.

Github Issues:
  * Correctly describe slink:VkPhysicalDeviceProperties pname:deviceName
    member as a string, not a pointer to a string. Also one typo fix for
    "hetereogeneous" (public issue 4).
  * Replace maynot: macro with may: not, and "may: or maynot:" with
    "may:" (public issue 4).
  * Clarify that redundantly setting the state of a fence or event has
    no effect (public issue 4).
  * Minor fixes to ref pages to track descriptions of memory bits that
    changed in the core spec. Fix name of a member in the description of
    sname:sname:VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo (public issues 8,
  * Remove redundant validity statement for
    sname:VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo::pname:stageCount (public issue
  * Fix typos in chapters 7-9 (public issue 14).
  * Clarify the example demonstrating the behavior of
    code:OpMemoryBarrier in the
    &lt;&lt;shaders-execution-memory-ordering,shader memory acces
    ordering>> section (public issue 16).
  * Specify that freeing mapped memory implicitly unmaps the memory in
    the description of flink:vkFreeMemory (public issue 17).
  * Forbid allocation callbacks from calling into the API in the
    &lt;&lt;memory-allocation,memory allocation>> section (public issue
  * Add missing validity rules about size being greater than 0 and
    offset being less than size of object. Fix
    flink:VkMappedMemoryRange's misinterpretation of offset (public
    issues 27, 31).
  * Add validity rule disallowing overlapping source/destination
    descriptors in flink:VkCopyDescriptorSet (public issue 32).
  * Clarify that array and matrix stride has to be a multiple of the
    base alignment of the array or matrix in the
    &lt;&lt;interfaces-resources-layout,Offset and Stride Assignment>>
    section (public issue 38).
  * Correct parenthesis floor nesting error in equation for
    &lt;&lt;textures-RGB-sexp,RGB to shared exponent conversion>>.
    Clarify case of when exp' is forced to 0, avoiding log2(0) undefined
    problem (public issue 40).
  * Remove redundant statement from the code:FragDepth description in
    the &lt;&lt;interfaces-builtin-variables,Built-In Variables>>
    section (public issue 47).
  * Define the clamping of the
    &lt;&lt;textures-level-of-detail-operation,bias added to the scale
    factor>> by linking to the slink:VkPhysicalDevice feature
    pname:maxSamplerLodBias (public issue 64).
  * Fix typo "optimal linear resources" and clarify the set of resources
    pname:bufferImageGranularity resource>> applies to (public issue
  * Replace 'descriptor accessed by a pipeline' language for
    sname:VkDescriptorSetAllocateInfo with more precise phrasing about
    binding a descriptor set before a command that invokes work using
    that set (public issue 69).
  * tstripadj.svg contained an Inkscape tag which caused Firefox and IE
    11 to fail to render it, and was illegal SVG. Generating Plain SVG
    from the Inkscape SVG source fixes this (public issue 70).
  * Fix validity for sname:VkVertexInputBindingDescription and
    sname:VkVertexInputAttributeDescription numbers (public issue 72).

Internal Issues:
  * Clarify the meaning of
    elink:VkFormatFeatureFlagBits with respect to depth compare
    (internal issue 107).
  * Added a note explaining that ename:VK_QUEUE_TRANSFER_BIT may or may
    not be reported for a queue family that already supports
    former is a strict subset of the latter ones (internal issue 116).
  * Add validity language for sname:VkDescriptorSetAllocateInfo about
    exceeding the descriptor pool capacity (internal issue 140).
  * Add ename:VK_INCOMPLETE success code for
    flink:vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices query (internal issue 163).

Other Commits:
  * Add the VK_NV_glsl_shader extension definitions to the API.
  * Update GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl with 1) origin_upper_left as default 2)
    specialization array constant semantics.
  * Corrected/updated Data Format Specification date.
2016-03-03 05:06:18 -08:00
Jon Leech
1f35f84e2b Fixes for #101 (public issue 101)
This is for people to review edits for @philiptaylor's points, but I'll
probably pull equivalent changes back into the private repo and merge
there before bringing it back to github in one of the (hopefully) weekly

[ChangeLog] This bundles up low-hanging editorial issues from public issue
101. Some items from that issue are more complex and remain to be done.
There's also some related cleanup of the extensions appendix to clarify the
distinction between a Vulkan API command, and the functions and function
pointers corresponding to that command which may be provided by the API
loader and runtime.

Remaining todo from #101 :

- [ ] 24.5.1 "Ab, Yb, Zb" -> "Xb, Yb, Zb".
- [ ] 29.2 "explicitly enabled layers" clarification.
- [ ] 30.3.3 Confusingly similar tiny circle symbols in format tables.
- [ ] 30.3.3 Missing information about some formats.
- [ ] C.3 Clarify or punt on "lower-case UTF-8" in FQDN layer names.
2016-02-28 02:53:20 -08:00
Jon Leech
5a4c5e5925 Change log for February 25, 2015 Vulkan 1.0.4 spec update:
* Bump API patch number from 3 to 4 for the first public update to the
    spec. Add patch number to the spec title (this will be done
    automatically from XML, later).
  * Fixes for numerous editorial issues. Regularize descriptions of
    variable-length array queries. Properly tag enumerants so they come
    out in the right font (many were mislabeled in usage tags in vk.xml,
    or not tagged). Spelling and markup corrections (public issue 4).
  * Fix typos and clearly separate description of different types of
    memory areas (public issue 5).
  * Use standards-compliant preprocessor guard symbols on headers
    (public issue 7).
  * Note that Github users can't currently set labels on issues, and
    recommend a fallback approach (public issue 15).
  * Use latexmath prefix on len= attributes (public issue 29).
  * Make flink:vkCmdUpdateBuffer pname:dataSize limit consistent (public
    issue 65).
  * Add VK_KHR_mirror_clamp_to_edge extension to core API branch, as an
    optional feature not introducing new commands or enums (internal
    issue 104).
  * Cleanup invariance language inherited from the GL specification to
    not refer to nonexistent (GL-specific) state (internal issue 111).
  * Modify the flink:vkCmdDrawIndexed pname:vertexOffset definition to
    not be the "base offset within the index buffer" but rather the
    "value added to the vertex index before indexing into the vertex
    buffer" (internal issue 118).
  * Fix drawing chapter in the "Programmable Primitive Shading" section
    where it described categories of drawing commands. It referenced
    flink:vkCmdDrawIndexed twice. Replace the second reference with
    flink:vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect (internal issue 119).
  * Typo fixed in <<sparsememory-examples-advanced,Advanced Sparse
    Resources>> sparse memory example (internal issue 122).
  * Add flink:VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR to <require> section of
    VK_KHR_display extension (internal issue 125)
  * Add missing optional="false,true" to
    pname:pSparseMemoryRequirementCount parameter (internal issue 132)
    (internal issue 133)
  * Fix a handful of broken cross-references in the
    <<samplers,Samplers>> chapter (internal issue 134).
  * Fix "Input Attachement" GLSL example to use correct syntax (internal
    issue 135).
  * Update XML schema and documentation to accomodate recently added
    attributes for validity. Add some introductory material describing
    design choices and pointing to the public repository to file issues.
  * Put include of validity in the core spec extensions chapter on its
    own line, so that asciidoc is happy.
  * Fix vertexOffset language to specify that it's the value added to
    the vertex index before indexing into the vertex buffer, not the
    base offset within the index buffer.
  * Fix error in the description of flink:vkCmdNextSubpass.
2016-02-24 22:02:34 -08:00
Jon Leech
d204ac2f69 Vulkan 1.0 branch 1.0 for release 2016-02-16 01:53:44 -08:00