3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Jon Leech
e8cbffbd25 Change log for March 24, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.45 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 45 for this update.

Github Issues:

  * Defined the lifetime of the memory pointed to by
    slink:VkDisplayPropertiesKHR::pname:displayName to be equal to that of
    its associated display handle (public issue 460).
  * Correct several cases where the sparse memory feature name
    pname:residencyNonResidentStrict was written as
    pname:sparseResidencyNonResidentStrict (public issue 475).

Internal Issues:

  * Fix ptext:pNext member of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceGroupPropertiesKHX to be
    a non-const pointer. Properties structures return values, so the chain
    should be non-const.
  * Clarify definition of memory aliasing to consistently use the terms
    "linear" and "non-linear" when referring to resources, and define what
    those terms mean.
  * Modified XML schema and implicit validity scripts to generate language
    for all ptext:pNext values in a ptext:pNext chain instead of just the
    top level struct, and made `noautovalidity` functional for ptext:sType
    and ptext:pNext (internal issue 535).
  * Add more detail for BT2020 and scRGB color spaces in
    `VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace` extension (internal issue 632).
  * Add naming rules for Extension Structure Names (structures added to the
    ptext:pNext chain of a base structure) to the style guide (internal
    issue 706).
  * Define the glossary term "ptext:pNext chain", and use it consistently in
    the spec (internal issue 744).

New Extensions:
2017-03-25 01:46:58 -07:00
Jon Leech
43f1fd5550 Change log for March 17, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.44 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 44 for this update.

Github Issues:

  * Fix description of <<features-extentperimagetype, Allowed Extent Values
    Based On Image Type>> (public issue 290).
  * Better specify VK_DEVICE_LOST behavior around flink:vkQueueSubmit,
    flink:vkWaitForFences, and flink:vkGetFenceStatus (public issue 423).
  * Clarify definition of flink:vkGetQueryPoolResults::pname:queryCount
    (public issue 441).
  * Simplify and clean up normative language. Remove shall and replace
    recommend and variants with should wherever possible (public issue 448).
  * Fix all dangling internal cross-references in the 1.0-extensions
    specification, and add scripts/checkXrefs to find these in the future
    (public issue 456).
  * Reverse order of ChangeLog.txt entries so the most recent version is
    documented first (public issue 463)
  * Removes "become invalid" which clashes with invalid state for command
    buffers. (public issue 467)
  * Disallowed pending state in spec text for vkResetCommandBuffer, matching
    valid usage (public issue 468)
  * Removes sentence describing invalid state "like initial state". (public
    issue 469)
  * Disallows begin command buffer from resetting command buffers in the
    "recording" state. (public issue 470)
  * Removes mention of state from description of
  * Removed extra valid usage statement in VkSubmitInfo (public issue 472)

Internal Issues:

  * Clarify description of the pname:imageLayout member of
  * Fix typos where etext:VK_VIEW_TYPE* was used instead of
  * Removed the <<VK_KHR_display>> and <<VK_KHR_display_swapchain>> example
    code from the specification and noted it has been moved to the Vulkan
    SDK cube demo (internal issue 179).
  * Reorder VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBitsNV description (internal issue
  * Clarify than an implementation is
    <<fundamentals-validusage-flags,permitted to return 'undefined' bit
    flags>> in a bitfield (internal issue 640).
  * Break Valid Usage statements describing unrelated parameters into
    separate statements, and add a style guide entry to follow this approach
    (internal issue 685).
  * Move valid usage statement for slink:VkImageCreateInfo from spec body to
    the explicit valid usage block (internal issue 693).
  * Fix typos in the descriptions of slink:VkDisplaySurfaceCreateInfoKHR,
    flink:vkCreateDisplayModeKHR, and
    flink:vkGetDisplayPlaneSupportedDisplaysKHR in the <<display,Presenting
    Directly to Display Devices>> section (internal issue 698, 704, 716).
  * Clarified that mandatory depth/stencil formats are only a requirement
    for 2D images (internal issue 719).
  * Clarify that variables decorated with DeviceIndex/ViewIndex must be in
    the Input storage class (internal issue 733).
  * Work around generator script problem with removal of Unicode literals
    from Python 3.0-3.2 using `future` package (internal issue 737).
  * Remove nonexistent structure type enums from vk.xml (internal issue
  * Fix validextensionstructs attributes for structures in the pname:pNext
    chain for VkPresentInfoKHR, fixing implicit valid usage statements for
    those structures (internal issue 740).

New Extensions:
2017-03-17 22:53:58 -07:00
Jon Leech
3e4bee3d11 Change log for March 10, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.43 spec update:
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 43 for this update.

Github Issues:

  * Make clearer that color write mask is applied regardless of whether
    blending is enabled, by referring to the
    <<framebuffer-color-write-mask,Color Write Mask>> section (public issue
  * Fix public issue 414:
  ** Added two new command buffer states (invalid, pending), and an explicit
     "command buffer lifecycle" section to explain them.
  ** Replaced "pending execution" with "in the pending state".
  ** Replaced a bunch of "this will invalidate the command buffer" language
     with "this will move the command buffer to the invalid state", and added
     validation language for what state those command buffers should be in.
  ** Added additional validation language about what state a command buffer
     should be in for various commands that affect it.
  ** Added invalidation language to destroy commands in the lifetimes section
     of fundamentals.
  ** Added command buffers to list of objects which must not be deleted
     whilst a (primary) command buffer is in the recording or pending state.
  * Update `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` extension to allow anonymous push constant
    blocks (public issue 428).

Internal Issues:

  * Document rules about extension interactions in the style guide (internal
    issue 579).
  * Require ename:VK_PRESENT_MODE_MAILBOX_KHR support in queries of surfaces
    created with flink:vkCreateWaylandSurfaceKHR using the
    VK_KHR_wayland_surface extension (internal issue 666).
  * Remove Valid Usage constraints for flink:vkAllocateDescriptorSets when
    the `VK_KHR_maintainance1` extension is present (internal issue 686).
  * Remove undocumented KHX-variants of vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR
    and vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2KHR from the
    <<VK_KHX_external_memory_capabilities>> and
    <<VK_KHX_external_semaphore_capabilities>> extensions.

New Extensions:

  * `VK_EXT_hdr_metadata`
  * `VK_GOOGLE_display_timing`
2017-03-10 17:39:29 -08:00