3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Jon Leech
f1a7c4b4f3 Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update:
* Update release number to 98.

Public Issues:

  * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage
    statement (pull request 882).
  * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public
    pull request 891).

Internal Issues:

  * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them
    during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382).
  * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in
    bitmask types (internal issue 1411).
  * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the
    <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core
    Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain
    version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a
    device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an
    error (internal issue 1412).
  * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive
    availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new
    pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for
    slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue
  * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the
    <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal
    issue 1480).
  * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension
    structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue
  * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for
    slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt
    (internal issue 1522).
  * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and
    code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core
    SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996).
  * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT,
    flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and
    slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array
    parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an
    interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that
    should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and
  * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8
    SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>>
    section, since they are already covered in the preceding table.
  * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page
    open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
Jon Leech
56e0289318 Change log for January 05, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.97 spec update:
* Update release number to 97.

Public Issues:

  * Add a special case to the <<renderpass-compatibility, Render Pass
    Compatibility>> rules allowing single-subpass renderpasses to be
    compatible even if they have different resolve attachment references
    (public issue 835).
  * Fix the miss shader binding table record address rule in the
    <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Miss Shaders>> section to index
    by code:missIndex, not code:sbtOffset (public issue 875).

Internal Issues:

  * Add a missing anchor to the elink:VkSamplerCreateFlagBits language
    (internal issue 1483).
  * Add missing implicit valid usage include for slink:VkHdrMetadataEXT and
    corresponding `noautovalidity` attributes in `vk.xml` for the
    externally-defined metadata properties (internal issue 1514).
  * Remove restrictions on the `mask` parameter of SPIR-V's
    code:OpGroupNonUniformXor in the <<spirvenv-module-validation,
    Validation Rules within a Module>> appendix (internal merge request
  * Restore `noautovalidity` attribute for
    in `vk.xml` (internal merge request 2975).
  * Update copyright dates on Khronos-copyrighted files to 2019 (internal
    merge request 2980).

New Extensions:

  * `VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve`
  * `VK_EXT_buffer_device_address`
  * `VK_EXT_memory_budget`
  * `VK_EXT_memory_priority`
  * `VK_EXT_validation_features`
2019-01-05 19:40:12 -08:00
Jon Leech
ee13fc355f Change log for May 25, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.76 spec update:
* Update release number to 76.

Internal Issues:

  * Add an exception clause to the license on `vk.xml`, enabling its use
    with GPL-based projects (internal issue 1017).
  * Remove the generated `vulkan_ext.[ch]` files, which are no longer
    supported. Add `src/ext_loader/README.md` explaining why, and update
    files in `xml/` to not generate them by default (internal issue 1268)

Other Issues:

  * Fix typos in valid usage statements for the
    ftext:vkDrawIndexedIndirectCount* commands, replacing
    sizeof(VkDrawIndirectComment) with sizeof(VkDrawIndexedIndirectCommand).
  * Modify the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a
    Module>> section to require code:NonReadable or code:NonWriteable in
    SPIR-V code for images with an image format of code:Unknown if one of
    the requisite code:shaderImageReadWithoutFormat or
    code:shaderImageWriteWithoutFormat features is disabled.

New Extensions:

  * `VK_KHR_get_display_properties2`
  * `VK_KHR_draw_indirect_count`
2018-05-25 04:00:32 -07:00