* Update release number to 122.
Internal Issues:
* Add style guide language on not using standalone `+` signs (internal
issue 736); not using leading whitespace for markup (internal issue
747); and on keeping descriptions of a single API in a contiguous block
of markup (internal issue 949), and apply them to the specification.
* Add a glossary definition of "`constant integral expression`", pointing
to the SPIR-V "`constant instruction`" definition (internal issue 1225).
* Many minor edits to improve writing style consistency and capture
additional style guidelines (internal issue 1553).
* Clarify that <<fragops-depth-write, depth writes are not performed>> if
there is no depth framebuffer attachment (internal issue 1771).
* Allow implementations to use rectangular line style of interpolation for
<<primsrast-lines-bresenham, wide Bresenham lines>>, though replicating
attributes is still preferred. Clarify that code:FragCoord is not
replicated (internal issue 1772).
* Resolve a contradiction in valid usage statements for
slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT
(internal issue 1773).
* Add style guide discussion of markup for indented equations, and use
markup workaround for asciidoctor 2 compatibility (internal issue 1793).
* Deprecate the `<<VK_EXT_validation_flags>>` extension in `vk.xml` and
the extension appendix (internal issue 1801).
* Add a new checker script `scripts/xml_consistency.py`. This is not
currently run as part of internal CI (internal merge request 3285).
* Correct "`an`" -> "`a`" prepositions where needed (internal merge
request 3334).
* Clarify that the <<features-uniformBufferStandardLayout,
pname:uniformBufferStandardLayout>> feature is only required when the
extension defining it is supported (internal merge request 3341).
* Bring scripts into closer sync with OpenXR, mainly through conversion of
comments to docstrings where appropriate, and add gen-scripts-docs.sh
(internal merge request 3324).
* Correct pname:maxDrawMeshTasksCount to 2^16^-1 in the <<limits-required,
Required Limits>> table (internal merge requests 3361).
New Extensions
* `<<VK_IMG_format_pvrtc>>` (public issue 512).
* Update release number to 109.
Github Issues:
* Require matching for physical devices to be in a device group in the
<<devsandqueues-devices, Devices>> section (public issue 695).
* Fix typo in an equation in the <<fragmentdensitymap-fetch-density-value,
Fetch Density Value>> section (public issue 954).
* Fix styleguide links (public pull request 965).
Internal Issues:
* Allow <<renderpass-compatibility, compatibility of single-subpass
renderpasses>> with different resolve attachments (internal issue 1464).
* Add some missing empty flags types to API spec so custom refpage
generation doesn't break (internal issue 1607).
* Add a "`SPIR-V Sampled Type`" column to the <<formats-numericformat,
Interpretation of Numeric Formats>> table, and clarify the requirement
that the code:OpTypeImage sampled type match the bound image's numeric
format for slink:VkClearColorValue and in the
<<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> section
(internal issue 1646).
* Fix a typo in the <<tessellation-quad-tessellation, Quad Tessellation>>
section which should refer to rectangles, not triangles (internal issue
* Clarify the definition of time domains in elink:VkTimeDomainEXT
(internal merge request 3110).
* Add R10X6 and R12X4 formats to the <<formats-mandatory-features-10bit>>
table (internal merge request 3137).
* Don't require extern sync on wait/signal semaphores in `vk.xml` for
flink:vkQueueSubmit and flink:vkQueueBindSparse (internal merge request
* Improve phrasing of compute and mesh shader size related to
code:LocalSize and code:WorkgroupSize in
slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV and
slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance3Properties (internal merge request
* Make the flink:vkCmdBindShadingRateImageNV pname:imageView parameter
optional in `vk.xml` (internal merge request 3157).
New Extensions:
* `<<VK_INTEL_performance_query>>`
* `<<VK_INTEL_shader_integer_functions2>>`
* Update release number to 97.
Public Issues:
* Add a special case to the <<renderpass-compatibility, Render Pass
Compatibility>> rules allowing single-subpass renderpasses to be
compatible even if they have different resolve attachment references
(public issue 835).
* Fix the miss shader binding table record address rule in the
<<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Miss Shaders>> section to index
by code:missIndex, not code:sbtOffset (public issue 875).
Internal Issues:
* Add a missing anchor to the elink:VkSamplerCreateFlagBits language
(internal issue 1483).
* Add missing implicit valid usage include for slink:VkHdrMetadataEXT and
corresponding `noautovalidity` attributes in `vk.xml` for the
externally-defined metadata properties (internal issue 1514).
* Remove restrictions on the `mask` parameter of SPIR-V's
code:OpGroupNonUniformXor in the <<spirvenv-module-validation,
Validation Rules within a Module>> appendix (internal merge request
* Restore `noautovalidity` attribute for
in `vk.xml` (internal merge request 2975).
* Update copyright dates on Khronos-copyrighted files to 2019 (internal
merge request 2980).
New Extensions:
* `VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve`
* `VK_EXT_buffer_device_address`
* `VK_EXT_memory_budget`
* `VK_EXT_memory_priority`
* `VK_EXT_validation_features`
* Update release number to 94.
Public Issues:
* Use the terms "`texel block`" and "`texel block size`" instead of "`data
element`" and "`element size`", and define "`element`" as an array slot.
In addition to the terminology changes, retitled the <<texel-block-size,
Representation and Texel Block Size>> section and added texel block size
/ no. of texels/block information to the
<<features-formats-compatibility, Compatible Formats>> table. There is
some additional work underway to make sure the compatibility language
makes sense for all of uncompressed, compressed, and multiplanar formats
(public issue 763).
* Cleanup `VK_NV_ray_tracing` language (public issues 858, 859).
Internal Issues:
* Specify in <<shaders-invocationgroups, Invocation and Derivative
Groups>> and <<textures-output-format-conversion, Texel Output Format
Conversion>> that derivative groups are quads when code:SubgroupSize >=
4 (internal issue 1390).
* Make the type of slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo::pNext
`const` following pattern for the other stext:Vk*CreateInfo structures
(internal issue 1459).
* Specify that flink:vkCmdClearAttachments executes as a drawing command,
rather than a transfer command (internal issue 1463).
* Update `VK_NV_ray_tracing` to use code:InstanceId instead of
New Extensions:
* `VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format`
* `VK_EXT_fragment_density_map`