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Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
#ifndef VULKAN_CORE_H_
#define VULKAN_CORE_H_ 1
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
** Copyright (c) 2015-2018 The Khronos Group Inc.
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
** This header is generated from the Khronos Vulkan XML API Registry.
#define VK_VERSION_1_0 1
#include "vk_platform.h"
#define VK_MAKE_VERSION(major, minor, patch) \
(((major) << 22) | ((minor) << 12) | (patch))
// DEPRECATED: This define has been removed. Specific version defines (e.g. VK_API_VERSION_1_0), or the VK_MAKE_VERSION macro, should be used instead.
//#define VK_API_VERSION VK_MAKE_VERSION(1, 0, 0) // Patch version should always be set to 0
// Vulkan 1.0 version number
#define VK_API_VERSION_1_0 VK_MAKE_VERSION(1, 0, 0)// Patch version should always be set to 0
#define VK_VERSION_MAJOR(version) ((uint32_t)(version) >> 22)
#define VK_VERSION_MINOR(version) (((uint32_t)(version) >> 12) & 0x3ff)
#define VK_VERSION_PATCH(version) ((uint32_t)(version) & 0xfff)
// Version of this file
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
#define VK_NULL_HANDLE 0
(The previous commit didn't actually include internal gitlab changes since 1.1.89; fixed now). Change log for October 28, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.90 spec update: * Update release number to 90. Public Issues: * Tag flink:vkQueueWaitIdle as `externsync` in `vk.xml` (public pull request 815). * Update README (public pull request 834). * `VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples` and `VK_AMD_mixed_attachment_samples` had confusing and contradictory valid usage statements when read in the all-extensions spec build. Change them to explicitly mention which extension each is for (public issue Vulkan-ValidationLayers/issues/353). Internal Issues: * Update `` to clarify how externally generated Vulkan Specifications (for translations, annotations, or other reasons) must be copyrighted, and acknowledge the Exception Clause on the `vk.xml` license (internal issue 1079). * Specify that flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties may: return pname:maxMipLevels 1 if the format is ycbcr (internal issue 1361). * Clarify previously underspecified language for flink:vkCmdPushConstants::pname:pStageFlags regarding use of push constants across multiple pipelines (internal issue 1403). * Fix typo in XML/headers for ename:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_EXPLICIT_CREATE_INFO_EXT, which was previously etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_EXCPLICIT_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_CREATE_INFO_EXT (internal issue 1428). * Fix markup of equations that were sporadically breaking the `optimize-pdf` step of PDF generation, due (apparently) to inconsistent treatment of unwrapped multicharacter terms by different LaTeX parsers (internal issue 1435). * For the <<memory-model-synchronizes-with synchronizes-with>> memory model relation cases involving a release barrier plus relaxed atomic write, treat the atomic as if it were a release atomic and allow the acquire side to read from its hypothetical release sequence. This is more consistent with how C++ defines synchronization for release fences (internal issue cross-api/memory-model#72). * Minor editorial changes to the <<memory-model, memory model>> appendix based on external feedback.
2018-10-28 23:53:18 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
#define VK_DEFINE_HANDLE(object) typedef struct object##_T* object;
#if defined(__LP64__) || defined(_WIN64) || (defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(__ILP32__) ) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(__ia64) || defined (_M_IA64) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__powerpc64__)
#define VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE(object) typedef struct object##_T *object;
#define VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE(object) typedef uint64_t object;
(The previous commit didn't actually include internal gitlab changes since 1.1.89; fixed now). Change log for October 28, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.90 spec update: * Update release number to 90. Public Issues: * Tag flink:vkQueueWaitIdle as `externsync` in `vk.xml` (public pull request 815). * Update README (public pull request 834). * `VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples` and `VK_AMD_mixed_attachment_samples` had confusing and contradictory valid usage statements when read in the all-extensions spec build. Change them to explicitly mention which extension each is for (public issue Vulkan-ValidationLayers/issues/353). Internal Issues: * Update `` to clarify how externally generated Vulkan Specifications (for translations, annotations, or other reasons) must be copyrighted, and acknowledge the Exception Clause on the `vk.xml` license (internal issue 1079). * Specify that flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties may: return pname:maxMipLevels 1 if the format is ycbcr (internal issue 1361). * Clarify previously underspecified language for flink:vkCmdPushConstants::pname:pStageFlags regarding use of push constants across multiple pipelines (internal issue 1403). * Fix typo in XML/headers for ename:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_EXPLICIT_CREATE_INFO_EXT, which was previously etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_EXCPLICIT_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_CREATE_INFO_EXT (internal issue 1428). * Fix markup of equations that were sporadically breaking the `optimize-pdf` step of PDF generation, due (apparently) to inconsistent treatment of unwrapped multicharacter terms by different LaTeX parsers (internal issue 1435). * For the <<memory-model-synchronizes-with synchronizes-with>> memory model relation cases involving a release barrier plus relaxed atomic write, treat the atomic as if it were a release atomic and allow the acquire side to read from its hypothetical release sequence. This is more consistent with how C++ defines synchronization for release fences (internal issue cross-api/memory-model#72). * Minor editorial changes to the <<memory-model, memory model>> appendix based on external feedback.
2018-10-28 23:53:18 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
typedef uint32_t VkFlags;
typedef uint32_t VkBool32;
typedef uint64_t VkDeviceSize;
typedef uint32_t VkSampleMask;
#define VK_LOD_CLAMP_NONE 1000.0f
#define VK_WHOLE_SIZE (~0ULL)
#define VK_TRUE 1
#define VK_FALSE 0
#define VK_UUID_SIZE 16
typedef enum VkPipelineCacheHeaderVersion {
} VkPipelineCacheHeaderVersion;
typedef enum VkResult {
VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR = 1000001003,
VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE_KHR = -1000001004,
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
Change log for March 5, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.72 spec update: * Update release number to 72. Github Issues: * Restructure the repository to put the specification `Makefile` and associated spec source material at the top level, `vk.xml` and associated scripts material in `xml/`, and generated include and source files in `include/vulkan/` and `src/ext_loader/`, respectively (public issue 436). * Add missing bullet point markup to flink:vkCmdCopyImage valid usage statement, so it gets a VUID assigned (public issue 627). * Fix broken links in a couple of extension appendices (public pull request 665). * Add the \<platform> tag to the index in section 4.1 of the registry schema documentation, and add the protect= attribute of \<extension> tags to the comments in `registry.rnc` (public issues 673, 678). * Add missing valid usage statements for sparse image interactions to flink:VkImageCreateInfo (public pull request 675). * Fix improper usage and grammar of "`can: not`" (public pull request 681). * Remove duplicate spec language and NOTE on present layout between the flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR and flink:vkAcquireNextImage2KHR commands (public pull request 685). * Fix some typos and markup issues (public pull request 689; public issues 642, 667, 687). * Fix typo etext:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_FENCE_FD_BIT -> ename:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_SYNC_FD_BIT in the <<external-semaphore-handle-types-compatibility, External semaphore handle types compatibility>> table (public pull request 691). Internal Issues: * Remove the need for the "`noautovalidity`" attribute on extension structures in `vk.xml`. It is now implied by the "`structextends`" attribute instead (internal issue 942). * Replace uses of "`currently bound`" with "`bound`", since "`currently`" is redundant and distracting, and add a corresponding rule to the style guide (internal issue 993). * Fixed subtle issues with the last updates to flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR language that had resulted in ambiguities (internal issue 1178). * Make it clear that only one query of a given type is allowed at a time by reordering valid usage statements for flink:vkCmdBeginQuery and flink:vkCmdEndQuery, and removing redundant ones (internal issue 1213). * Swapped OL1 and OL3 in `tessparamUL.svg` to match previous version, and fixed where "`(no edge)`" appears (internal issue 1215). Other Issues: * Fixed a minor problem with the valid usage statement extraction script, and corresponding markup in the spec source. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_shader_core_properties` * `VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing` * `VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned`
2018-04-05 04:24:56 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkResult;
typedef enum VkStructureType {
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
Change log for September 8, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.84 spec update: * Update release number to 84. Public Issues: * Fix code sample in the `<<VK_EXT_debug_utils>>` extension (public issue 751). * Fix misleading comment in `vk.xml` for slink:VkDescriptorBufferInfo::pname:buffer (public pull request 762). * Fix formatting of deprecation attributes in schema doc (public pull request 767). * Change `can` to `may` in the description of elink:VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits, which are return values from queries (public pull request 768). * Prettify generated contact list in extension appendices, adding logos and a New Issue link (public pull request 770). * Enable sRGB conversion based on the image view format, not the image format, in the <<textures-format-conversion, Format Conversion>> section (public pull request 773). * Fix typo in equation in the <<primsrast-lines-basic, Basic Line Segment Rasterization>> section (public pull request 780). * Fix special characters in GitHub contacts links (public pull request 783). * Make clean_pdf target remove pdf folder (public pull request 784). * Fix styleguide bad markup of block continuation (public pull request 792). Other Issues: * Allow a zero vertex attribute divisor in the `<<VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor>>` extension, exposed via the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT feature. * Add missing `structextends="VkDeviceCreateInfo"` to slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_memory_model` * `VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode` * `VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block`
2018-09-08 15:52:13 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
Change log for December 3, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.95 spec update: * Update release number to 95. Public Issues: * Fix valid usage and XML issues found in public issues 789 and 790 for the `VK_EXT_debug_utils` extension (public pull request 794). * Replace references to `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation` with links to the corresponding slink:slink:VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements and slink:slink:VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo structures in the description of elink:VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBits (public issue 801). * Fix miscellaneous minor markup and spelling issues in `VK_NV_ray_tracing` extension (public pull request 860). * Remove "returnedonly" from XML for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockFeaturesEXT and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (public issue 862). Internal Issues: * Add to the description of the <<features-limits-maxComputeSharedMemorySize, pname:maxCompureSharedMemorySize>> feature to state the shared variables should be packed at least as tightly as std430 (internal issue 1386). * Fix and clarify various references to image and image view usage in flink:vkCmdBindShadingRateImageNV, flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass, and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT (internal issue 1432). * Require that the slink:VkImage mipmap chain match the Android hardware buffer mipmap chain for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo (internal issue 1479). * Fix the definition of slink:VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR valid usage statement 01778 (Vulkan-ValidationLayers!15) * Fix descriptions of <<interfaces-builtin-variables-launchid, code:LaunchIDNV>> and <<interfaces-builtin-variables-launchsize, code:LaunchSizeNV>> to code:uvec3. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8` * `VK_KHR_shader_float_controls`
2018-12-03 02:41:34 -08:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
Change log for March 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.71 spec update: * First public update for Vulkan 1.1. Github Issues: * Refer to standard sparse image block shape format tables explicitly in the <<sparsememory-standard-shapes, Standard Sparse Image Block Shapes>> section (public issue 93). * Add the missing definition of the code:LocalInvocationIndex decoration in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (public issue 532). * Clarify dynamic state definition in the introduction to the <<pipelines, Pipelines>> section and the new <<pipelines-dynamic-state, Dynamic State>> subsection (public issue 620). * Clarified deprecation statement in the `VK_AMD_negative_viewport_height` appendix (public issue 674). * Fix parameter descriptions for flink:vkCreateIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX (public issue 677). Internal Issues: * Remove description of <<primsrast-points, rasterization point size>> being taken from the tessellation control shader, since there are no circumstances under which you can have TCS without TES (internal issue 522). * Define <<copies-images-format-size-compatibility, _size-compatible_ image formats>> for flink:vkCmdCopyImage, add it to the glossary, and use that definition for slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo (internal issue 771). * Change brief descriptions of enumerant names, and of parameters which are enumerants, from "`enum *indicates*`" to "`enum *specifies*`" for consistency, and add a markup style guide rule (internal issue 862). * Clarify how execution dependencies interact with <<synchronization-submission-order, submission order>> at numerous places in the <<renderpass, Render Pass>> and <<synchronization, Synchronization>> chapters (internal issue 1062). * Clarify statement in the <<interfaces-resources-setandbinding, DescriptorSet and Binding Assignment>> section that only interface variables statically used by the entry point used in a pipeline must be present in the descriptor set layout (internal issue 1172). * Flip sparse image diagrams with partially full mip levels vertically, to match graph origins of other image diagrams (internal issue 1176). * Update new SVG diagrams to have consistent style and base font size, increase consistency of primitive topology diagrams, and add a section to the style guide on creating and editing images in a consistent style (internal issue 1177). * Resolve problems with valid usage statement extraction by fixing existing VUID tags for interfaces promoted to version 1.1 and fixing conditional directives around VUID-VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo-image-01797 (internal issue 1184). * Strip `KHR` suffixes from a few interfaces promoted to Vulkan 1.1 that were missed previously (internal issue 1185). * Restrict code:OpImageQuerySizeLod and code:OpImageQueryLevels to only work on code:Image operands with their code:Sampled operand set to 1. In other words, these operations are not defined to work with storage images (internal issue 1193). * Recycle extension slot for extension #82 in `vk.xml`. This extension was never published (internal issue 1195). * Add an issue to the `VK_KHR_maintenance1` appendix noting that zero height viewports are allowed when this extension is enabled (internal issue 1202). * Fix slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding description so that shader stages always use descriptor bindings, not the other way around (internal issue 1206). * Fix field name for slink:VkInputAttachmentAspectReference::pname:inputAttachmentIndex (internal issue 1210). Other Issues: * Fix a few broken links in the <<versions-1.1, Version 1.1>> appendix. * Replace a few old refBegin/refEnd tags with open block markup around interfaces, and remove old KHX VUID tags that were breaking the valid usage statement extraction. * Fix error codes accidentally tagged as success codes in `vk.xml` for flink:vkGetSwapchainCounterEXT. * Added valid usage statements for ftext:vkBind*Memory2 input structures stext:VkBind*MemoryInfo, and fix a pname:image -> pname:buffer typo in a couple of places. * Fix swapped descriptions of elink:VkDescriptorType enums ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLED_IMAGE and ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE (reported via tweet). New Extensions: * `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer`
2018-03-17 04:04:05 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
Change log for September 8, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.84 spec update: * Update release number to 84. Public Issues: * Fix code sample in the `<<VK_EXT_debug_utils>>` extension (public issue 751). * Fix misleading comment in `vk.xml` for slink:VkDescriptorBufferInfo::pname:buffer (public pull request 762). * Fix formatting of deprecation attributes in schema doc (public pull request 767). * Change `can` to `may` in the description of elink:VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits, which are return values from queries (public pull request 768). * Prettify generated contact list in extension appendices, adding logos and a New Issue link (public pull request 770). * Enable sRGB conversion based on the image view format, not the image format, in the <<textures-format-conversion, Format Conversion>> section (public pull request 773). * Fix typo in equation in the <<primsrast-lines-basic, Basic Line Segment Rasterization>> section (public pull request 780). * Fix special characters in GitHub contacts links (public pull request 783). * Make clean_pdf target remove pdf folder (public pull request 784). * Fix styleguide bad markup of block continuation (public pull request 792). Other Issues: * Allow a zero vertex attribute divisor in the `<<VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor>>` extension, exposed via the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT feature. * Add missing `structextends="VkDeviceCreateInfo"` to slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_memory_model` * `VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode` * `VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block`
2018-09-08 15:52:13 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
Change log for October 28, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.90 spec update: * Update release number to 90. Public Issues: * Tag flink:vkQueueWaitIdle as `externsync` in `vk.xml` (public pull request 815). * Update README (public pull request 834). * `VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples` and `VK_AMD_mixed_attachment_samples` had confusing and contradictory valid usage statements when read in the all-extensions spec build. Change them to explicitly mention which extension each is for (public issue Vulkan-ValidationLayers/issues/353). Internal Issues: * Update `` to clarify how externally generated Vulkan Specifications (for translations, annotations, or other reasons) must be copyrighted, and acknowledge the Exception Clause on the `vk.xml` license (internal issue 1079). * Specify that flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties may: return pname:maxMipLevels 1 if the format is ycbcr (internal issue 1361). * Clarify previously underspecified language for flink:vkCmdPushConstants::pname:pStageFlags regarding use of push constants across multiple pipelines (internal issue 1403). * Fix typo in XML/headers for ename:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_EXPLICIT_CREATE_INFO_EXT, which was previously etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_EXCPLICIT_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_CREATE_INFO_EXT (internal issue 1428). * Fix markup of equations that were sporadically breaking the `optimize-pdf` step of PDF generation, due (apparently) to inconsistent treatment of unwrapped multicharacter terms by different LaTeX parsers (internal issue 1435). * For the <<memory-model-synchronizes-with synchronizes-with>> memory model relation cases involving a release barrier plus relaxed atomic write, treat the atomic as if it were a release atomic and allow the acquire side to read from its hypothetical release sequence. This is more consistent with how C++ defines synchronization for release fences (internal issue cross-api/memory-model#72). * Minor editorial changes to the <<memory-model, memory model>> appendix based on external feedback.
2018-10-28 21:32:44 -07:00
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
Change log for March 5, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.72 spec update: * Update release number to 72. Github Issues: * Restructure the repository to put the specification `Makefile` and associated spec source material at the top level, `vk.xml` and associated scripts material in `xml/`, and generated include and source files in `include/vulkan/` and `src/ext_loader/`, respectively (public issue 436). * Add missing bullet point markup to flink:vkCmdCopyImage valid usage statement, so it gets a VUID assigned (public issue 627). * Fix broken links in a couple of extension appendices (public pull request 665). * Add the \<platform> tag to the index in section 4.1 of the registry schema documentation, and add the protect= attribute of \<extension> tags to the comments in `registry.rnc` (public issues 673, 678). * Add missing valid usage statements for sparse image interactions to flink:VkImageCreateInfo (public pull request 675). * Fix improper usage and grammar of "`can: not`" (public pull request 681). * Remove duplicate spec language and NOTE on present layout between the flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR and flink:vkAcquireNextImage2KHR commands (public pull request 685). * Fix some typos and markup issues (public pull request 689; public issues 642, 667, 687). * Fix typo etext:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_FENCE_FD_BIT -> ename:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_SYNC_FD_BIT in the <<external-semaphore-handle-types-compatibility, External semaphore handle types compatibility>> table (public pull request 691). Internal Issues: * Remove the need for the "`noautovalidity`" attribute on extension structures in `vk.xml`. It is now implied by the "`structextends`" attribute instead (internal issue 942). * Replace uses of "`currently bound`" with "`bound`", since "`currently`" is redundant and distracting, and add a corresponding rule to the style guide (internal issue 993). * Fixed subtle issues with the last updates to flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR language that had resulted in ambiguities (internal issue 1178). * Make it clear that only one query of a given type is allowed at a time by reordering valid usage statements for flink:vkCmdBeginQuery and flink:vkCmdEndQuery, and removing redundant ones (internal issue 1213). * Swapped OL1 and OL3 in `tessparamUL.svg` to match previous version, and fixed where "`(no edge)`" appears (internal issue 1215). Other Issues: * Fixed a minor problem with the valid usage statement extraction script, and corresponding markup in the spec source. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_shader_core_properties` * `VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing` * `VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned`
2018-04-05 04:24:56 -07:00
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
Change log for March 5, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.72 spec update: * Update release number to 72. Github Issues: * Restructure the repository to put the specification `Makefile` and associated spec source material at the top level, `vk.xml` and associated scripts material in `xml/`, and generated include and source files in `include/vulkan/` and `src/ext_loader/`, respectively (public issue 436). * Add missing bullet point markup to flink:vkCmdCopyImage valid usage statement, so it gets a VUID assigned (public issue 627). * Fix broken links in a couple of extension appendices (public pull request 665). * Add the \<platform> tag to the index in section 4.1 of the registry schema documentation, and add the protect= attribute of \<extension> tags to the comments in `registry.rnc` (public issues 673, 678). * Add missing valid usage statements for sparse image interactions to flink:VkImageCreateInfo (public pull request 675). * Fix improper usage and grammar of "`can: not`" (public pull request 681). * Remove duplicate spec language and NOTE on present layout between the flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR and flink:vkAcquireNextImage2KHR commands (public pull request 685). * Fix some typos and markup issues (public pull request 689; public issues 642, 667, 687). * Fix typo etext:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_FENCE_FD_BIT -> ename:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_SYNC_FD_BIT in the <<external-semaphore-handle-types-compatibility, External semaphore handle types compatibility>> table (public pull request 691). Internal Issues: * Remove the need for the "`noautovalidity`" attribute on extension structures in `vk.xml`. It is now implied by the "`structextends`" attribute instead (internal issue 942). * Replace uses of "`currently bound`" with "`bound`", since "`currently`" is redundant and distracting, and add a corresponding rule to the style guide (internal issue 993). * Fixed subtle issues with the last updates to flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR language that had resulted in ambiguities (internal issue 1178). * Make it clear that only one query of a given type is allowed at a time by reordering valid usage statements for flink:vkCmdBeginQuery and flink:vkCmdEndQuery, and removing redundant ones (internal issue 1213). * Swapped OL1 and OL3 in `tessparamUL.svg` to match previous version, and fixed where "`(no edge)`" appears (internal issue 1215). Other Issues: * Fixed a minor problem with the valid usage statement extraction script, and corresponding markup in the spec source. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_shader_core_properties` * `VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing` * `VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned`
2018-04-05 04:24:56 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
Change log for September 8, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.84 spec update: * Update release number to 84. Public Issues: * Fix code sample in the `<<VK_EXT_debug_utils>>` extension (public issue 751). * Fix misleading comment in `vk.xml` for slink:VkDescriptorBufferInfo::pname:buffer (public pull request 762). * Fix formatting of deprecation attributes in schema doc (public pull request 767). * Change `can` to `may` in the description of elink:VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits, which are return values from queries (public pull request 768). * Prettify generated contact list in extension appendices, adding logos and a New Issue link (public pull request 770). * Enable sRGB conversion based on the image view format, not the image format, in the <<textures-format-conversion, Format Conversion>> section (public pull request 773). * Fix typo in equation in the <<primsrast-lines-basic, Basic Line Segment Rasterization>> section (public pull request 780). * Fix special characters in GitHub contacts links (public pull request 783). * Make clean_pdf target remove pdf folder (public pull request 784). * Fix styleguide bad markup of block continuation (public pull request 792). Other Issues: * Allow a zero vertex attribute divisor in the `<<VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor>>` extension, exposed via the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT feature. * Add missing `structextends="VkDeviceCreateInfo"` to slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_memory_model` * `VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode` * `VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block`
2018-09-08 15:52:13 -07:00
Change log for December 3, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.95 spec update: * Update release number to 95. Public Issues: * Fix valid usage and XML issues found in public issues 789 and 790 for the `VK_EXT_debug_utils` extension (public pull request 794). * Replace references to `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation` with links to the corresponding slink:slink:VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements and slink:slink:VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo structures in the description of elink:VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBits (public issue 801). * Fix miscellaneous minor markup and spelling issues in `VK_NV_ray_tracing` extension (public pull request 860). * Remove "returnedonly" from XML for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockFeaturesEXT and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (public issue 862). Internal Issues: * Add to the description of the <<features-limits-maxComputeSharedMemorySize, pname:maxCompureSharedMemorySize>> feature to state the shared variables should be packed at least as tightly as std430 (internal issue 1386). * Fix and clarify various references to image and image view usage in flink:vkCmdBindShadingRateImageNV, flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass, and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT (internal issue 1432). * Require that the slink:VkImage mipmap chain match the Android hardware buffer mipmap chain for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo (internal issue 1479). * Fix the definition of slink:VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR valid usage statement 01778 (Vulkan-ValidationLayers!15) * Fix descriptions of <<interfaces-builtin-variables-launchid, code:LaunchIDNV>> and <<interfaces-builtin-variables-launchsize, code:LaunchSizeNV>> to code:uvec3. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8` * `VK_KHR_shader_float_controls`
2018-12-03 02:41:34 -08:00
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for September 8, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.84 spec update: * Update release number to 84. Public Issues: * Fix code sample in the `<<VK_EXT_debug_utils>>` extension (public issue 751). * Fix misleading comment in `vk.xml` for slink:VkDescriptorBufferInfo::pname:buffer (public pull request 762). * Fix formatting of deprecation attributes in schema doc (public pull request 767). * Change `can` to `may` in the description of elink:VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits, which are return values from queries (public pull request 768). * Prettify generated contact list in extension appendices, adding logos and a New Issue link (public pull request 770). * Enable sRGB conversion based on the image view format, not the image format, in the <<textures-format-conversion, Format Conversion>> section (public pull request 773). * Fix typo in equation in the <<primsrast-lines-basic, Basic Line Segment Rasterization>> section (public pull request 780). * Fix special characters in GitHub contacts links (public pull request 783). * Make clean_pdf target remove pdf folder (public pull request 784). * Fix styleguide bad markup of block continuation (public pull request 792). Other Issues: * Allow a zero vertex attribute divisor in the `<<VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor>>` extension, exposed via the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT feature. * Add missing `structextends="VkDeviceCreateInfo"` to slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_memory_model` * `VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode` * `VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block`
2018-09-08 15:52:13 -07:00
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
Change log for October 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.87 spec update: * Update release number to 87. Public Issues: * Merge flink:vkCmdPipelineBarrier self-dependency barrier VUs referring to the same subpass dependency (public pull request 756). * Describe default value of `"optional"` attribute in the registry schema document (public issue 769) * Fix links in <<VK_NVX_raytracing>> extension (public pull request 805). * Mark the <<VK_KHR_mir_surface>> extension obsolete (see public issue 814 - does not close this, however). * Fix missing endif in Image Creation block (public issue 817). Internal Issues: * Clarify that the compressed texture formats corresponding to <<features-features-textureCompressionETC2>>, <<features-features-textureCompressionASTC_LDR>>, and <<features-features-textureCompressionBC>> is not contingent on the feature bits, and may be supported even if the features are not enabled (internal issue 663). * Clarify that code:FragStencilRefEXT is output only in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1173). * Identify and correct many overly-aggressive uses of "`undefined`", and narrow them down, where straightforward to do so. Mark such resolved uses of "`undefined`" with the custom undefined: macro. Add a new <<writing-undefined, Describing Undefined Behavior>> section (internal issue 1267). * Don't require code:inline_uniform_block descriptors to be populated before use in the flink:vkAllocateDescriptorSets section (internal issue 1380). * Allow suppressing inline SVG images by controlling this with an attribute set in the Makefile, rather than the explicit [%inline] directive (internal issue 1391). * Mark 'Khronos' as a registered trademark in several places, now that it is one. * Fix typo in the <<VK_KHR_shader_atomic_int64>> appendix using the GLSL naming of the compare exchange op when referring to the SPIR-V op. * Specify in the flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties section that all implementations must support at least one queue family, and that every queue family must contain at least one queue. * Make slink:VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo::pname:dynamicStateCount, slink:VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT::pname:sampleLocationsPerPixel, and slink:VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT::pname:sampleLocationsCount optional, to fix bogus implicit valid usage checks that were causing failures in the conformance tests. * Fix vendor tag in reserved extension 237 constants. Does not affect anything since it's just a placeholder, but this should avoid further comments. * Minor markup fixes in some extension appendices. New Extensions: * `<<VK_FUCHSIA_imagepipe_surface>>`
2018-10-07 06:10:21 -07:00
Change log for November 18, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.93 spec update: * Update release number to 93. Public Issues: * Add spec language for ename:VK_INDEX_TYPE_NONE_NV and fix up slink:VkAccelerationStructureTypeNV (public issue 848). * Add missing suffix in description of slink:VkSubpassDescription2KHR parameters (public pull request 851). * Fix miscellaneous typos (public pull request 855). * Add driver ID for Pastel (public pull request 856). * Add missing include directive for slink:VkMemoryWin32HandlePropertiesKHR implicit valid usage statements (public pull request 857). Internal Issues: * Restrict the storage classes permitted for SPIR-V atomics to what is actually supported, in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section (internal issue 1123). * Add a missing Valid Usage statement to slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo for the case pname:stencilLoadOp == ename:VK_LOAD_OP_CLEAR, pname:layout == ename:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL (internal issue 1408). * Modify optimize-pdf script and Makefile to retain non-optimized original PDF on errors (internal issue 1435). * Add <<spirvenv-module-validation, SPIR-V validation rules>> stating that only the listed code:BuiltIn decorations are permitted, and only when relevante features and extensions are enabled (internal issue 1449). * Remove some duplicated Valid Usage IDs created via cut & paste error (internal issue 1455). * Build HTML output for extension reference pages (internal issue 1461). ** Improve handling of aliases defined inside other refpages. ** Emit aliases in ** Add XML noautovalidity flag for VkRenderPassCreateFlags until there are some corresponding FlagBits defined. ** Corrected types= attribute on some refpage blocks to 'flags' ** Added refpage blocks for some missing types detected by CI tests. * Fixed many Valid Usage statement issues in slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo, slink:VkSubpassDescription, slink:VkSubpassDescription2KHR, slink:VkSubpassDependency2KHR, flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass, flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass2KHR, and slink:VkRenderPassBeginInfo discovered while adding `VK_KHR_create_renderpass2` to the validation layers. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout` * `VK_EXT_separate_stencil_usage`
2018-11-18 02:55:14 -08:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkStructureType;
typedef enum VkSystemAllocationScope {
} VkSystemAllocationScope;
typedef enum VkInternalAllocationType {
} VkInternalAllocationType;
typedef enum VkFormat {
VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_UINT = 88,
VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SINT = 89,
VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM = 91,
VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM = 92,
VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT = 95,
VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT = 96,
VK_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT = 101,
VK_FORMAT_R32G32_SINT = 102,
VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT = 104,
VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SINT = 105,
VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT = 107,
VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT = 108,
VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT = 109,
VK_FORMAT_R64G64_UINT = 113,
VK_FORMAT_R64G64_SINT = 114,
VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64_UINT = 116,
VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64_SINT = 117,
VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_UINT = 119,
VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_SINT = 120,
VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_SFLOAT = 121,
VK_FORMAT_G8B8G8R8_422_UNORM = 1000156000,
VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8G8_422_UNORM = 1000156001,
VK_FORMAT_G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_420_UNORM = 1000156002,
VK_FORMAT_G8_B8R8_2PLANE_420_UNORM = 1000156003,
VK_FORMAT_G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_422_UNORM = 1000156004,
VK_FORMAT_G8_B8R8_2PLANE_422_UNORM = 1000156005,
VK_FORMAT_G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_444_UNORM = 1000156006,
VK_FORMAT_R10X6_UNORM_PACK16 = 1000156007,
VK_FORMAT_R10X6G10X6_UNORM_2PACK16 = 1000156008,
VK_FORMAT_R10X6G10X6B10X6A10X6_UNORM_4PACK16 = 1000156009,
VK_FORMAT_G10X6B10X6G10X6R10X6_422_UNORM_4PACK16 = 1000156010,
VK_FORMAT_B10X6G10X6R10X6G10X6_422_UNORM_4PACK16 = 1000156011,
VK_FORMAT_G10X6_B10X6_R10X6_3PLANE_420_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156012,
VK_FORMAT_G10X6_B10X6R10X6_2PLANE_420_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156013,
VK_FORMAT_G10X6_B10X6_R10X6_3PLANE_422_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156014,
VK_FORMAT_G10X6_B10X6R10X6_2PLANE_422_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156015,
VK_FORMAT_G10X6_B10X6_R10X6_3PLANE_444_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156016,
VK_FORMAT_R12X4_UNORM_PACK16 = 1000156017,
VK_FORMAT_R12X4G12X4_UNORM_2PACK16 = 1000156018,
VK_FORMAT_R12X4G12X4B12X4A12X4_UNORM_4PACK16 = 1000156019,
VK_FORMAT_G12X4B12X4G12X4R12X4_422_UNORM_4PACK16 = 1000156020,
VK_FORMAT_B12X4G12X4R12X4G12X4_422_UNORM_4PACK16 = 1000156021,
VK_FORMAT_G12X4_B12X4_R12X4_3PLANE_420_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156022,
VK_FORMAT_G12X4_B12X4R12X4_2PLANE_420_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156023,
VK_FORMAT_G12X4_B12X4_R12X4_3PLANE_422_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156024,
VK_FORMAT_G12X4_B12X4R12X4_2PLANE_422_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156025,
VK_FORMAT_G12X4_B12X4_R12X4_3PLANE_444_UNORM_3PACK16 = 1000156026,
VK_FORMAT_G16B16G16R16_422_UNORM = 1000156027,
VK_FORMAT_B16G16R16G16_422_UNORM = 1000156028,
VK_FORMAT_G16_B16_R16_3PLANE_420_UNORM = 1000156029,
VK_FORMAT_G16_B16R16_2PLANE_420_UNORM = 1000156030,
VK_FORMAT_G16_B16_R16_3PLANE_422_UNORM = 1000156031,
VK_FORMAT_G16_B16R16_2PLANE_422_UNORM = 1000156032,
VK_FORMAT_G16_B16_R16_3PLANE_444_UNORM = 1000156033,
} VkFormat;
typedef enum VkImageType {
} VkImageType;
typedef enum VkImageTiling {
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkImageTiling;
typedef enum VkPhysicalDeviceType {
} VkPhysicalDeviceType;
typedef enum VkQueryType {
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkQueryType;
typedef enum VkSharingMode {
} VkSharingMode;
typedef enum VkImageLayout {
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkImageLayout;
typedef enum VkImageViewType {
} VkImageViewType;
typedef enum VkComponentSwizzle {
} VkComponentSwizzle;
typedef enum VkVertexInputRate {
} VkVertexInputRate;
typedef enum VkPrimitiveTopology {
} VkPrimitiveTopology;
typedef enum VkPolygonMode {
} VkPolygonMode;
typedef enum VkFrontFace {
} VkFrontFace;
typedef enum VkCompareOp {
} VkCompareOp;
typedef enum VkStencilOp {
} VkStencilOp;
typedef enum VkLogicOp {
} VkLogicOp;
typedef enum VkBlendFactor {
} VkBlendFactor;
typedef enum VkBlendOp {
VK_BLEND_OP_ZERO_EXT = 1000148000,
VK_BLEND_OP_SRC_EXT = 1000148001,
VK_BLEND_OP_DST_EXT = 1000148002,
VK_BLEND_OP_SRC_OVER_EXT = 1000148003,
VK_BLEND_OP_DST_OVER_EXT = 1000148004,
VK_BLEND_OP_SRC_IN_EXT = 1000148005,
VK_BLEND_OP_DST_IN_EXT = 1000148006,
VK_BLEND_OP_SRC_OUT_EXT = 1000148007,
VK_BLEND_OP_DST_OUT_EXT = 1000148008,
VK_BLEND_OP_SRC_ATOP_EXT = 1000148009,
VK_BLEND_OP_DST_ATOP_EXT = 1000148010,
VK_BLEND_OP_XOR_EXT = 1000148011,
VK_BLEND_OP_SCREEN_EXT = 1000148013,
VK_BLEND_OP_DARKEN_EXT = 1000148015,
VK_BLEND_OP_INVERT_EXT = 1000148023,
VK_BLEND_OP_HSL_HUE_EXT = 1000148031,
VK_BLEND_OP_PLUS_EXT = 1000148035,
VK_BLEND_OP_MINUS_EXT = 1000148039,
VK_BLEND_OP_RED_EXT = 1000148043,
VK_BLEND_OP_GREEN_EXT = 1000148044,
VK_BLEND_OP_BLUE_EXT = 1000148045,
} VkBlendOp;
typedef enum VkDynamicState {
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkDynamicState;
typedef enum VkFilter {
VK_FILTER_CUBIC_IMG = 1000015000,
} VkFilter;
typedef enum VkSamplerMipmapMode {
} VkSamplerMipmapMode;
typedef enum VkSamplerAddressMode {
} VkSamplerAddressMode;
typedef enum VkBorderColor {
} VkBorderColor;
typedef enum VkDescriptorType {
Change log for September 8, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.84 spec update: * Update release number to 84. Public Issues: * Fix code sample in the `<<VK_EXT_debug_utils>>` extension (public issue 751). * Fix misleading comment in `vk.xml` for slink:VkDescriptorBufferInfo::pname:buffer (public pull request 762). * Fix formatting of deprecation attributes in schema doc (public pull request 767). * Change `can` to `may` in the description of elink:VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits, which are return values from queries (public pull request 768). * Prettify generated contact list in extension appendices, adding logos and a New Issue link (public pull request 770). * Enable sRGB conversion based on the image view format, not the image format, in the <<textures-format-conversion, Format Conversion>> section (public pull request 773). * Fix typo in equation in the <<primsrast-lines-basic, Basic Line Segment Rasterization>> section (public pull request 780). * Fix special characters in GitHub contacts links (public pull request 783). * Make clean_pdf target remove pdf folder (public pull request 784). * Fix styleguide bad markup of block continuation (public pull request 792). Other Issues: * Allow a zero vertex attribute divisor in the `<<VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor>>` extension, exposed via the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT feature. * Add missing `structextends="VkDeviceCreateInfo"` to slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_memory_model` * `VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode` * `VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block`
2018-09-08 15:52:13 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkDescriptorType;
typedef enum VkAttachmentLoadOp {
} VkAttachmentLoadOp;
typedef enum VkAttachmentStoreOp {
} VkAttachmentStoreOp;
typedef enum VkPipelineBindPoint {
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkPipelineBindPoint;
typedef enum VkCommandBufferLevel {
} VkCommandBufferLevel;
typedef enum VkIndexType {
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VK_INDEX_TYPE_NONE_NV = 1000165000,
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkIndexType;
typedef enum VkSubpassContents {
} VkSubpassContents;
typedef enum VkObjectType {
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkObjectType;
Change log for July 1, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.79 spec update: * Update release number to 79. Public Issues: * Add a note to the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section clarifying that the required formats don't depend on the used flags (public issue 671). * Add a valid usage statement for flink:vkUpdateDescriptors that was previously described for slink:VkImageSubresourceRange, but not as a valid usage statement (public issue 713). * Modify implicit valid usage generator script to not emit 'must: not be 0' for a parameter that is a pointer to a flags field, such as pname:pPeerMemoryFeatures (public issue 729). Internal Issues: * Add definitions of "`obsoleted`" and "`deprecated`", and modify the definition of "`promoted`" in the <<glossary, Glossary>> (internal issue 988). * Add language for integer texel output conversions (the conversion is undefined) to the <<textures-output-format-conversion]] Texel Output Format Conversion>> section. Simplify and clarify the floating-point conversion language in the <<fundamentals-general, General Requirements>> section and the new <<fundamentals-fp-conversion, Floating-Point Format Conversions>> section, and remove obsolete language in the format-specific floating-point sections (internal issue 1275). * Add the elink:VkVendorId enumerated type to the Vulkan API / XML / header, so reserved Khronos vendor IDs can be referred to symbolically by clients. Note that only Khronos vendor IDs (e.g. non-PCI vendor IDs) are defined (internal issue 1299). * Fix typo in the <<fig-non-strict-lines, Non strict lines>> table (internal issue 1315). * Clean up and simplify the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, YCbCr format properties>> table and use symbols consistently with other tables. Add a column for the number of planes. * Add code:Float16 to the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table, List of optional SPIR-V capabilities>> for the `VK_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float` extension.
2018-07-01 21:26:49 -07:00
typedef enum VkVendorId {
VK_VENDOR_ID_VIV = 0x10001,
VK_VENDOR_ID_VSI = 0x10002,
} VkVendorId;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
typedef VkFlags VkInstanceCreateFlags;
typedef enum VkFormatFeatureFlagBits {
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkFormatFeatureFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkFormatFeatureFlags;
typedef enum VkImageUsageFlagBits {
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkImageUsageFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkImageUsageFlags;
typedef enum VkImageCreateFlagBits {
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkImageCreateFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkImageCreateFlags;
typedef enum VkSampleCountFlagBits {
VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT = 0x00000001,
VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_2_BIT = 0x00000002,
VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_4_BIT = 0x00000004,
VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_8_BIT = 0x00000008,
VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_16_BIT = 0x00000010,
VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_32_BIT = 0x00000020,
VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_64_BIT = 0x00000040,
} VkSampleCountFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkSampleCountFlags;
typedef enum VkQueueFlagBits {
VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT = 0x00000002,
} VkQueueFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkQueueFlags;
typedef enum VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits {
} VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkMemoryPropertyFlags;
typedef enum VkMemoryHeapFlagBits {
} VkMemoryHeapFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkMemoryHeapFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkDeviceCreateFlags;
typedef enum VkDeviceQueueCreateFlagBits {
} VkDeviceQueueCreateFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkDeviceQueueCreateFlags;
typedef enum VkPipelineStageFlagBits {
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkPipelineStageFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineStageFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkMemoryMapFlags;
typedef enum VkImageAspectFlagBits {
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkImageAspectFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkImageAspectFlags;
typedef enum VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits {
} VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkSparseImageFormatFlags;
typedef enum VkSparseMemoryBindFlagBits {
} VkSparseMemoryBindFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkSparseMemoryBindFlags;
typedef enum VkFenceCreateFlagBits {
} VkFenceCreateFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkFenceCreateFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkSemaphoreCreateFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkEventCreateFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkQueryPoolCreateFlags;
typedef enum VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlagBits {
} VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlags;
typedef enum VkQueryResultFlagBits {
VK_QUERY_RESULT_64_BIT = 0x00000001,
} VkQueryResultFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkQueryResultFlags;
typedef enum VkBufferCreateFlagBits {
} VkBufferCreateFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkBufferCreateFlags;
typedef enum VkBufferUsageFlagBits {
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkBufferUsageFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkBufferUsageFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkBufferViewCreateFlags;
typedef enum VkImageViewCreateFlagBits {
} VkImageViewCreateFlagBits;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
typedef VkFlags VkImageViewCreateFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkShaderModuleCreateFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineCacheCreateFlags;
typedef enum VkPipelineCreateFlagBits {
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkPipelineCreateFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineCreateFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags;
typedef enum VkShaderStageFlagBits {
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkShaderStageFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineViewportStateCreateFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateFlags;
typedef enum VkCullModeFlagBits {
VK_CULL_MODE_FRONT_BIT = 0x00000001,
VK_CULL_MODE_BACK_BIT = 0x00000002,
} VkCullModeFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkCullModeFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateFlags;
typedef enum VkColorComponentFlagBits {
} VkColorComponentFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkColorComponentFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineLayoutCreateFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkShaderStageFlags;
typedef enum VkSamplerCreateFlagBits {
} VkSamplerCreateFlagBits;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
typedef VkFlags VkSamplerCreateFlags;
typedef enum VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlagBits {
Change log for March 5, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.72 spec update: * Update release number to 72. Github Issues: * Restructure the repository to put the specification `Makefile` and associated spec source material at the top level, `vk.xml` and associated scripts material in `xml/`, and generated include and source files in `include/vulkan/` and `src/ext_loader/`, respectively (public issue 436). * Add missing bullet point markup to flink:vkCmdCopyImage valid usage statement, so it gets a VUID assigned (public issue 627). * Fix broken links in a couple of extension appendices (public pull request 665). * Add the \<platform> tag to the index in section 4.1 of the registry schema documentation, and add the protect= attribute of \<extension> tags to the comments in `registry.rnc` (public issues 673, 678). * Add missing valid usage statements for sparse image interactions to flink:VkImageCreateInfo (public pull request 675). * Fix improper usage and grammar of "`can: not`" (public pull request 681). * Remove duplicate spec language and NOTE on present layout between the flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR and flink:vkAcquireNextImage2KHR commands (public pull request 685). * Fix some typos and markup issues (public pull request 689; public issues 642, 667, 687). * Fix typo etext:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_FENCE_FD_BIT -> ename:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_SYNC_FD_BIT in the <<external-semaphore-handle-types-compatibility, External semaphore handle types compatibility>> table (public pull request 691). Internal Issues: * Remove the need for the "`noautovalidity`" attribute on extension structures in `vk.xml`. It is now implied by the "`structextends`" attribute instead (internal issue 942). * Replace uses of "`currently bound`" with "`bound`", since "`currently`" is redundant and distracting, and add a corresponding rule to the style guide (internal issue 993). * Fixed subtle issues with the last updates to flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR language that had resulted in ambiguities (internal issue 1178). * Make it clear that only one query of a given type is allowed at a time by reordering valid usage statements for flink:vkCmdBeginQuery and flink:vkCmdEndQuery, and removing redundant ones (internal issue 1213). * Swapped OL1 and OL3 in `tessparamUL.svg` to match previous version, and fixed where "`(no edge)`" appears (internal issue 1215). Other Issues: * Fixed a minor problem with the valid usage statement extraction script, and corresponding markup in the spec source. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_shader_core_properties` * `VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing` * `VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned`
2018-04-05 04:24:56 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlags;
typedef enum VkDescriptorPoolCreateFlagBits {
Change log for March 5, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.72 spec update: * Update release number to 72. Github Issues: * Restructure the repository to put the specification `Makefile` and associated spec source material at the top level, `vk.xml` and associated scripts material in `xml/`, and generated include and source files in `include/vulkan/` and `src/ext_loader/`, respectively (public issue 436). * Add missing bullet point markup to flink:vkCmdCopyImage valid usage statement, so it gets a VUID assigned (public issue 627). * Fix broken links in a couple of extension appendices (public pull request 665). * Add the \<platform> tag to the index in section 4.1 of the registry schema documentation, and add the protect= attribute of \<extension> tags to the comments in `registry.rnc` (public issues 673, 678). * Add missing valid usage statements for sparse image interactions to flink:VkImageCreateInfo (public pull request 675). * Fix improper usage and grammar of "`can: not`" (public pull request 681). * Remove duplicate spec language and NOTE on present layout between the flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR and flink:vkAcquireNextImage2KHR commands (public pull request 685). * Fix some typos and markup issues (public pull request 689; public issues 642, 667, 687). * Fix typo etext:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_FENCE_FD_BIT -> ename:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_SYNC_FD_BIT in the <<external-semaphore-handle-types-compatibility, External semaphore handle types compatibility>> table (public pull request 691). Internal Issues: * Remove the need for the "`noautovalidity`" attribute on extension structures in `vk.xml`. It is now implied by the "`structextends`" attribute instead (internal issue 942). * Replace uses of "`currently bound`" with "`bound`", since "`currently`" is redundant and distracting, and add a corresponding rule to the style guide (internal issue 993). * Fixed subtle issues with the last updates to flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR language that had resulted in ambiguities (internal issue 1178). * Make it clear that only one query of a given type is allowed at a time by reordering valid usage statements for flink:vkCmdBeginQuery and flink:vkCmdEndQuery, and removing redundant ones (internal issue 1213). * Swapped OL1 and OL3 in `tessparamUL.svg` to match previous version, and fixed where "`(no edge)`" appears (internal issue 1215). Other Issues: * Fixed a minor problem with the valid usage statement extraction script, and corresponding markup in the spec source. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_shader_core_properties` * `VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing` * `VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned`
2018-04-05 04:24:56 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkDescriptorPoolCreateFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkDescriptorPoolCreateFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkDescriptorPoolResetFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkFramebufferCreateFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkRenderPassCreateFlags;
typedef enum VkAttachmentDescriptionFlagBits {
} VkAttachmentDescriptionFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags;
typedef enum VkSubpassDescriptionFlagBits {
} VkSubpassDescriptionFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkSubpassDescriptionFlags;
typedef enum VkAccessFlagBits {
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkAccessFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkAccessFlags;
typedef enum VkDependencyFlagBits {
} VkDependencyFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkDependencyFlags;
typedef enum VkCommandPoolCreateFlagBits {
} VkCommandPoolCreateFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkCommandPoolCreateFlags;
typedef enum VkCommandPoolResetFlagBits {
} VkCommandPoolResetFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkCommandPoolResetFlags;
typedef enum VkCommandBufferUsageFlagBits {
} VkCommandBufferUsageFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkCommandBufferUsageFlags;
typedef enum VkQueryControlFlagBits {
} VkQueryControlFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkQueryControlFlags;
typedef enum VkCommandBufferResetFlagBits {
} VkCommandBufferResetFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkCommandBufferResetFlags;
typedef enum VkStencilFaceFlagBits {
} VkStencilFaceFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkStencilFaceFlags;
typedef struct VkApplicationInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
const char* pApplicationName;
uint32_t applicationVersion;
const char* pEngineName;
uint32_t engineVersion;
uint32_t apiVersion;
} VkApplicationInfo;
typedef struct VkInstanceCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkInstanceCreateFlags flags;
const VkApplicationInfo* pApplicationInfo;
uint32_t enabledLayerCount;
const char* const* ppEnabledLayerNames;
uint32_t enabledExtensionCount;
const char* const* ppEnabledExtensionNames;
} VkInstanceCreateInfo;
typedef void* (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkAllocationFunction)(
void* pUserData,
size_t size,
size_t alignment,
VkSystemAllocationScope allocationScope);
typedef void* (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkReallocationFunction)(
void* pUserData,
void* pOriginal,
size_t size,
size_t alignment,
VkSystemAllocationScope allocationScope);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkFreeFunction)(
void* pUserData,
void* pMemory);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkInternalAllocationNotification)(
void* pUserData,
size_t size,
VkInternalAllocationType allocationType,
VkSystemAllocationScope allocationScope);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkInternalFreeNotification)(
void* pUserData,
size_t size,
VkInternalAllocationType allocationType,
VkSystemAllocationScope allocationScope);
typedef struct VkAllocationCallbacks {
void* pUserData;
PFN_vkAllocationFunction pfnAllocation;
PFN_vkReallocationFunction pfnReallocation;
PFN_vkFreeFunction pfnFree;
PFN_vkInternalAllocationNotification pfnInternalAllocation;
PFN_vkInternalFreeNotification pfnInternalFree;
} VkAllocationCallbacks;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures {
VkBool32 robustBufferAccess;
VkBool32 fullDrawIndexUint32;
VkBool32 imageCubeArray;
VkBool32 independentBlend;
VkBool32 geometryShader;
VkBool32 tessellationShader;
VkBool32 sampleRateShading;
VkBool32 dualSrcBlend;
VkBool32 logicOp;
VkBool32 multiDrawIndirect;
VkBool32 drawIndirectFirstInstance;
VkBool32 depthClamp;
VkBool32 depthBiasClamp;
VkBool32 fillModeNonSolid;
VkBool32 depthBounds;
VkBool32 wideLines;
VkBool32 largePoints;
VkBool32 alphaToOne;
VkBool32 multiViewport;
VkBool32 samplerAnisotropy;
VkBool32 textureCompressionETC2;
VkBool32 textureCompressionASTC_LDR;
VkBool32 textureCompressionBC;
VkBool32 occlusionQueryPrecise;
VkBool32 pipelineStatisticsQuery;
VkBool32 vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics;
VkBool32 fragmentStoresAndAtomics;
VkBool32 shaderTessellationAndGeometryPointSize;
VkBool32 shaderImageGatherExtended;
VkBool32 shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats;
VkBool32 shaderStorageImageMultisample;
VkBool32 shaderStorageImageReadWithoutFormat;
VkBool32 shaderStorageImageWriteWithoutFormat;
VkBool32 shaderUniformBufferArrayDynamicIndexing;
VkBool32 shaderSampledImageArrayDynamicIndexing;
VkBool32 shaderStorageBufferArrayDynamicIndexing;
VkBool32 shaderStorageImageArrayDynamicIndexing;
VkBool32 shaderClipDistance;
VkBool32 shaderCullDistance;
VkBool32 shaderFloat64;
VkBool32 shaderInt64;
VkBool32 shaderInt16;
VkBool32 shaderResourceResidency;
VkBool32 shaderResourceMinLod;
VkBool32 sparseBinding;
VkBool32 sparseResidencyBuffer;
VkBool32 sparseResidencyImage2D;
VkBool32 sparseResidencyImage3D;
VkBool32 sparseResidency2Samples;
VkBool32 sparseResidency4Samples;
VkBool32 sparseResidency8Samples;
VkBool32 sparseResidency16Samples;
VkBool32 sparseResidencyAliased;
VkBool32 variableMultisampleRate;
VkBool32 inheritedQueries;
} VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures;
typedef struct VkFormatProperties {
VkFormatFeatureFlags linearTilingFeatures;
VkFormatFeatureFlags optimalTilingFeatures;
VkFormatFeatureFlags bufferFeatures;
} VkFormatProperties;
typedef struct VkExtent3D {
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
uint32_t depth;
} VkExtent3D;
typedef struct VkImageFormatProperties {
VkExtent3D maxExtent;
uint32_t maxMipLevels;
uint32_t maxArrayLayers;
VkSampleCountFlags sampleCounts;
VkDeviceSize maxResourceSize;
} VkImageFormatProperties;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceLimits {
uint32_t maxImageDimension1D;
uint32_t maxImageDimension2D;
uint32_t maxImageDimension3D;
uint32_t maxImageDimensionCube;
uint32_t maxImageArrayLayers;
uint32_t maxTexelBufferElements;
uint32_t maxUniformBufferRange;
uint32_t maxStorageBufferRange;
uint32_t maxPushConstantsSize;
uint32_t maxMemoryAllocationCount;
uint32_t maxSamplerAllocationCount;
VkDeviceSize bufferImageGranularity;
VkDeviceSize sparseAddressSpaceSize;
uint32_t maxBoundDescriptorSets;
uint32_t maxPerStageDescriptorSamplers;
uint32_t maxPerStageDescriptorUniformBuffers;
uint32_t maxPerStageDescriptorStorageBuffers;
uint32_t maxPerStageDescriptorSampledImages;
uint32_t maxPerStageDescriptorStorageImages;
uint32_t maxPerStageDescriptorInputAttachments;
uint32_t maxPerStageResources;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetSamplers;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffers;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffersDynamic;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffers;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffersDynamic;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetSampledImages;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetStorageImages;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetInputAttachments;
uint32_t maxVertexInputAttributes;
uint32_t maxVertexInputBindings;
uint32_t maxVertexInputAttributeOffset;
uint32_t maxVertexInputBindingStride;
uint32_t maxVertexOutputComponents;
uint32_t maxTessellationGenerationLevel;
uint32_t maxTessellationPatchSize;
uint32_t maxTessellationControlPerVertexInputComponents;
uint32_t maxTessellationControlPerVertexOutputComponents;
uint32_t maxTessellationControlPerPatchOutputComponents;
uint32_t maxTessellationControlTotalOutputComponents;
uint32_t maxTessellationEvaluationInputComponents;
uint32_t maxTessellationEvaluationOutputComponents;
uint32_t maxGeometryShaderInvocations;
uint32_t maxGeometryInputComponents;
uint32_t maxGeometryOutputComponents;
uint32_t maxGeometryOutputVertices;
uint32_t maxGeometryTotalOutputComponents;
uint32_t maxFragmentInputComponents;
uint32_t maxFragmentOutputAttachments;
uint32_t maxFragmentDualSrcAttachments;
uint32_t maxFragmentCombinedOutputResources;
uint32_t maxComputeSharedMemorySize;
uint32_t maxComputeWorkGroupCount[3];
uint32_t maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations;
uint32_t maxComputeWorkGroupSize[3];
uint32_t subPixelPrecisionBits;
uint32_t subTexelPrecisionBits;
uint32_t mipmapPrecisionBits;
uint32_t maxDrawIndexedIndexValue;
uint32_t maxDrawIndirectCount;
float maxSamplerLodBias;
float maxSamplerAnisotropy;
uint32_t maxViewports;
uint32_t maxViewportDimensions[2];
float viewportBoundsRange[2];
uint32_t viewportSubPixelBits;
size_t minMemoryMapAlignment;
VkDeviceSize minTexelBufferOffsetAlignment;
VkDeviceSize minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment;
VkDeviceSize minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment;
int32_t minTexelOffset;
uint32_t maxTexelOffset;
int32_t minTexelGatherOffset;
uint32_t maxTexelGatherOffset;
float minInterpolationOffset;
float maxInterpolationOffset;
uint32_t subPixelInterpolationOffsetBits;
uint32_t maxFramebufferWidth;
uint32_t maxFramebufferHeight;
uint32_t maxFramebufferLayers;
VkSampleCountFlags framebufferColorSampleCounts;
VkSampleCountFlags framebufferDepthSampleCounts;
VkSampleCountFlags framebufferStencilSampleCounts;
VkSampleCountFlags framebufferNoAttachmentsSampleCounts;
uint32_t maxColorAttachments;
VkSampleCountFlags sampledImageColorSampleCounts;
VkSampleCountFlags sampledImageIntegerSampleCounts;
VkSampleCountFlags sampledImageDepthSampleCounts;
VkSampleCountFlags sampledImageStencilSampleCounts;
VkSampleCountFlags storageImageSampleCounts;
uint32_t maxSampleMaskWords;
VkBool32 timestampComputeAndGraphics;
float timestampPeriod;
uint32_t maxClipDistances;
uint32_t maxCullDistances;
uint32_t maxCombinedClipAndCullDistances;
uint32_t discreteQueuePriorities;
float pointSizeRange[2];
float lineWidthRange[2];
float pointSizeGranularity;
float lineWidthGranularity;
VkBool32 strictLines;
VkBool32 standardSampleLocations;
VkDeviceSize optimalBufferCopyOffsetAlignment;
VkDeviceSize optimalBufferCopyRowPitchAlignment;
VkDeviceSize nonCoherentAtomSize;
} VkPhysicalDeviceLimits;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceSparseProperties {
VkBool32 residencyStandard2DBlockShape;
VkBool32 residencyStandard2DMultisampleBlockShape;
VkBool32 residencyStandard3DBlockShape;
VkBool32 residencyAlignedMipSize;
VkBool32 residencyNonResidentStrict;
} VkPhysicalDeviceSparseProperties;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceProperties {
uint32_t apiVersion;
uint32_t driverVersion;
uint32_t vendorID;
uint32_t deviceID;
VkPhysicalDeviceType deviceType;
uint8_t pipelineCacheUUID[VK_UUID_SIZE];
VkPhysicalDeviceLimits limits;
VkPhysicalDeviceSparseProperties sparseProperties;
} VkPhysicalDeviceProperties;
typedef struct VkQueueFamilyProperties {
VkQueueFlags queueFlags;
uint32_t queueCount;
uint32_t timestampValidBits;
VkExtent3D minImageTransferGranularity;
} VkQueueFamilyProperties;
typedef struct VkMemoryType {
VkMemoryPropertyFlags propertyFlags;
uint32_t heapIndex;
} VkMemoryType;
typedef struct VkMemoryHeap {
VkDeviceSize size;
VkMemoryHeapFlags flags;
} VkMemoryHeap;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties {
uint32_t memoryTypeCount;
VkMemoryType memoryTypes[VK_MAX_MEMORY_TYPES];
uint32_t memoryHeapCount;
VkMemoryHeap memoryHeaps[VK_MAX_MEMORY_HEAPS];
} VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkVoidFunction)(void);
typedef struct VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDeviceQueueCreateFlags flags;
uint32_t queueFamilyIndex;
uint32_t queueCount;
const float* pQueuePriorities;
} VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkDeviceCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDeviceCreateFlags flags;
uint32_t queueCreateInfoCount;
const VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo* pQueueCreateInfos;
uint32_t enabledLayerCount;
const char* const* ppEnabledLayerNames;
uint32_t enabledExtensionCount;
const char* const* ppEnabledExtensionNames;
const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures* pEnabledFeatures;
} VkDeviceCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkExtensionProperties {
char extensionName[VK_MAX_EXTENSION_NAME_SIZE];
uint32_t specVersion;
} VkExtensionProperties;
typedef struct VkLayerProperties {
uint32_t specVersion;
uint32_t implementationVersion;
char description[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE];
} VkLayerProperties;
typedef struct VkSubmitInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t waitSemaphoreCount;
const VkSemaphore* pWaitSemaphores;
const VkPipelineStageFlags* pWaitDstStageMask;
uint32_t commandBufferCount;
const VkCommandBuffer* pCommandBuffers;
uint32_t signalSemaphoreCount;
const VkSemaphore* pSignalSemaphores;
} VkSubmitInfo;
typedef struct VkMemoryAllocateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDeviceSize allocationSize;
uint32_t memoryTypeIndex;
} VkMemoryAllocateInfo;
typedef struct VkMappedMemoryRange {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDeviceMemory memory;
VkDeviceSize offset;
VkDeviceSize size;
} VkMappedMemoryRange;
typedef struct VkMemoryRequirements {
VkDeviceSize size;
VkDeviceSize alignment;
uint32_t memoryTypeBits;
} VkMemoryRequirements;
typedef struct VkSparseImageFormatProperties {
VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask;
VkExtent3D imageGranularity;
VkSparseImageFormatFlags flags;
} VkSparseImageFormatProperties;
typedef struct VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements {
VkSparseImageFormatProperties formatProperties;
uint32_t imageMipTailFirstLod;
VkDeviceSize imageMipTailSize;
VkDeviceSize imageMipTailOffset;
VkDeviceSize imageMipTailStride;
} VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements;
typedef struct VkSparseMemoryBind {
VkDeviceSize resourceOffset;
VkDeviceSize size;
VkDeviceMemory memory;
VkDeviceSize memoryOffset;
VkSparseMemoryBindFlags flags;
} VkSparseMemoryBind;
typedef struct VkSparseBufferMemoryBindInfo {
VkBuffer buffer;
uint32_t bindCount;
const VkSparseMemoryBind* pBinds;
} VkSparseBufferMemoryBindInfo;
typedef struct VkSparseImageOpaqueMemoryBindInfo {
VkImage image;
uint32_t bindCount;
const VkSparseMemoryBind* pBinds;
} VkSparseImageOpaqueMemoryBindInfo;
typedef struct VkImageSubresource {
VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask;
uint32_t mipLevel;
uint32_t arrayLayer;
} VkImageSubresource;
typedef struct VkOffset3D {
int32_t x;
int32_t y;
int32_t z;
} VkOffset3D;
typedef struct VkSparseImageMemoryBind {
VkImageSubresource subresource;
VkOffset3D offset;
VkExtent3D extent;
VkDeviceMemory memory;
VkDeviceSize memoryOffset;
VkSparseMemoryBindFlags flags;
} VkSparseImageMemoryBind;
typedef struct VkSparseImageMemoryBindInfo {
VkImage image;
uint32_t bindCount;
const VkSparseImageMemoryBind* pBinds;
} VkSparseImageMemoryBindInfo;
typedef struct VkBindSparseInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t waitSemaphoreCount;
const VkSemaphore* pWaitSemaphores;
uint32_t bufferBindCount;
const VkSparseBufferMemoryBindInfo* pBufferBinds;
uint32_t imageOpaqueBindCount;
const VkSparseImageOpaqueMemoryBindInfo* pImageOpaqueBinds;
uint32_t imageBindCount;
const VkSparseImageMemoryBindInfo* pImageBinds;
uint32_t signalSemaphoreCount;
const VkSemaphore* pSignalSemaphores;
} VkBindSparseInfo;
typedef struct VkFenceCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkFenceCreateFlags flags;
} VkFenceCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkSemaphoreCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkSemaphoreCreateFlags flags;
} VkSemaphoreCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkEventCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkEventCreateFlags flags;
} VkEventCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkQueryPoolCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkQueryPoolCreateFlags flags;
VkQueryType queryType;
uint32_t queryCount;
VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlags pipelineStatistics;
} VkQueryPoolCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkBufferCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBufferCreateFlags flags;
VkDeviceSize size;
VkBufferUsageFlags usage;
VkSharingMode sharingMode;
uint32_t queueFamilyIndexCount;
const uint32_t* pQueueFamilyIndices;
} VkBufferCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkBufferViewCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBufferViewCreateFlags flags;
VkBuffer buffer;
VkFormat format;
VkDeviceSize offset;
VkDeviceSize range;
} VkBufferViewCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkImageCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkImageCreateFlags flags;
VkImageType imageType;
VkFormat format;
VkExtent3D extent;
uint32_t mipLevels;
uint32_t arrayLayers;
VkSampleCountFlagBits samples;
VkImageTiling tiling;
VkImageUsageFlags usage;
VkSharingMode sharingMode;
uint32_t queueFamilyIndexCount;
const uint32_t* pQueueFamilyIndices;
VkImageLayout initialLayout;
} VkImageCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkSubresourceLayout {
VkDeviceSize offset;
VkDeviceSize size;
VkDeviceSize rowPitch;
VkDeviceSize arrayPitch;
VkDeviceSize depthPitch;
} VkSubresourceLayout;
typedef struct VkComponentMapping {
VkComponentSwizzle r;
VkComponentSwizzle g;
VkComponentSwizzle b;
VkComponentSwizzle a;
} VkComponentMapping;
typedef struct VkImageSubresourceRange {
VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask;
uint32_t baseMipLevel;
uint32_t levelCount;
uint32_t baseArrayLayer;
uint32_t layerCount;
} VkImageSubresourceRange;
typedef struct VkImageViewCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkImageViewCreateFlags flags;
VkImage image;
VkImageViewType viewType;
VkFormat format;
VkComponentMapping components;
VkImageSubresourceRange subresourceRange;
} VkImageViewCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkShaderModuleCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkShaderModuleCreateFlags flags;
size_t codeSize;
const uint32_t* pCode;
} VkShaderModuleCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkPipelineCacheCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineCacheCreateFlags flags;
size_t initialDataSize;
const void* pInitialData;
} VkPipelineCacheCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkSpecializationMapEntry {
uint32_t constantID;
uint32_t offset;
size_t size;
} VkSpecializationMapEntry;
typedef struct VkSpecializationInfo {
uint32_t mapEntryCount;
const VkSpecializationMapEntry* pMapEntries;
size_t dataSize;
const void* pData;
} VkSpecializationInfo;
typedef struct VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags flags;
VkShaderStageFlagBits stage;
VkShaderModule module;
const char* pName;
const VkSpecializationInfo* pSpecializationInfo;
} VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkVertexInputBindingDescription {
uint32_t binding;
uint32_t stride;
VkVertexInputRate inputRate;
} VkVertexInputBindingDescription;
typedef struct VkVertexInputAttributeDescription {
uint32_t location;
uint32_t binding;
VkFormat format;
uint32_t offset;
} VkVertexInputAttributeDescription;
typedef struct VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateFlags flags;
uint32_t vertexBindingDescriptionCount;
const VkVertexInputBindingDescription* pVertexBindingDescriptions;
uint32_t vertexAttributeDescriptionCount;
const VkVertexInputAttributeDescription* pVertexAttributeDescriptions;
} VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateFlags flags;
VkPrimitiveTopology topology;
VkBool32 primitiveRestartEnable;
} VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateFlags flags;
uint32_t patchControlPoints;
} VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkViewport {
float x;
float y;
float width;
float height;
float minDepth;
float maxDepth;
} VkViewport;
typedef struct VkOffset2D {
int32_t x;
int32_t y;
} VkOffset2D;
typedef struct VkExtent2D {
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
} VkExtent2D;
typedef struct VkRect2D {
VkOffset2D offset;
VkExtent2D extent;
} VkRect2D;
typedef struct VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineViewportStateCreateFlags flags;
uint32_t viewportCount;
const VkViewport* pViewports;
uint32_t scissorCount;
const VkRect2D* pScissors;
} VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateFlags flags;
VkBool32 depthClampEnable;
VkBool32 rasterizerDiscardEnable;
VkPolygonMode polygonMode;
VkCullModeFlags cullMode;
VkFrontFace frontFace;
VkBool32 depthBiasEnable;
float depthBiasConstantFactor;
float depthBiasClamp;
float depthBiasSlopeFactor;
float lineWidth;
} VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateFlags flags;
VkSampleCountFlagBits rasterizationSamples;
VkBool32 sampleShadingEnable;
float minSampleShading;
const VkSampleMask* pSampleMask;
VkBool32 alphaToCoverageEnable;
VkBool32 alphaToOneEnable;
} VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkStencilOpState {
VkStencilOp failOp;
VkStencilOp passOp;
VkStencilOp depthFailOp;
VkCompareOp compareOp;
uint32_t compareMask;
uint32_t writeMask;
uint32_t reference;
} VkStencilOpState;
typedef struct VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateFlags flags;
VkBool32 depthTestEnable;
VkBool32 depthWriteEnable;
VkCompareOp depthCompareOp;
VkBool32 depthBoundsTestEnable;
VkBool32 stencilTestEnable;
VkStencilOpState front;
VkStencilOpState back;
float minDepthBounds;
float maxDepthBounds;
} VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState {
VkBool32 blendEnable;
VkBlendFactor srcColorBlendFactor;
VkBlendFactor dstColorBlendFactor;
VkBlendOp colorBlendOp;
VkBlendFactor srcAlphaBlendFactor;
VkBlendFactor dstAlphaBlendFactor;
VkBlendOp alphaBlendOp;
VkColorComponentFlags colorWriteMask;
} VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState;
typedef struct VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateFlags flags;
VkBool32 logicOpEnable;
VkLogicOp logicOp;
uint32_t attachmentCount;
const VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState* pAttachments;
float blendConstants[4];
} VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateFlags flags;
uint32_t dynamicStateCount;
const VkDynamicState* pDynamicStates;
} VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineCreateFlags flags;
uint32_t stageCount;
const VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo* pStages;
const VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo* pVertexInputState;
const VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo* pInputAssemblyState;
const VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo* pTessellationState;
const VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo* pViewportState;
const VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo* pRasterizationState;
const VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo* pMultisampleState;
const VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo* pDepthStencilState;
const VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo* pColorBlendState;
const VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo* pDynamicState;
VkPipelineLayout layout;
VkRenderPass renderPass;
uint32_t subpass;
VkPipeline basePipelineHandle;
int32_t basePipelineIndex;
} VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkComputePipelineCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineCreateFlags flags;
VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo stage;
VkPipelineLayout layout;
VkPipeline basePipelineHandle;
int32_t basePipelineIndex;
} VkComputePipelineCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkPushConstantRange {
VkShaderStageFlags stageFlags;
uint32_t offset;
uint32_t size;
} VkPushConstantRange;
typedef struct VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineLayoutCreateFlags flags;
uint32_t setLayoutCount;
const VkDescriptorSetLayout* pSetLayouts;
uint32_t pushConstantRangeCount;
const VkPushConstantRange* pPushConstantRanges;
} VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkSamplerCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkSamplerCreateFlags flags;
VkFilter magFilter;
VkFilter minFilter;
VkSamplerMipmapMode mipmapMode;
VkSamplerAddressMode addressModeU;
VkSamplerAddressMode addressModeV;
VkSamplerAddressMode addressModeW;
float mipLodBias;
VkBool32 anisotropyEnable;
float maxAnisotropy;
VkBool32 compareEnable;
VkCompareOp compareOp;
float minLod;
float maxLod;
VkBorderColor borderColor;
VkBool32 unnormalizedCoordinates;
} VkSamplerCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding {
uint32_t binding;
VkDescriptorType descriptorType;
uint32_t descriptorCount;
VkShaderStageFlags stageFlags;
const VkSampler* pImmutableSamplers;
} VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding;
typedef struct VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlags flags;
uint32_t bindingCount;
const VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding* pBindings;
} VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkDescriptorPoolSize {
VkDescriptorType type;
uint32_t descriptorCount;
} VkDescriptorPoolSize;
typedef struct VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDescriptorPoolCreateFlags flags;
uint32_t maxSets;
uint32_t poolSizeCount;
const VkDescriptorPoolSize* pPoolSizes;
} VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkDescriptorSetAllocateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDescriptorPool descriptorPool;
uint32_t descriptorSetCount;
const VkDescriptorSetLayout* pSetLayouts;
} VkDescriptorSetAllocateInfo;
typedef struct VkDescriptorImageInfo {
VkSampler sampler;
VkImageView imageView;
VkImageLayout imageLayout;
} VkDescriptorImageInfo;
typedef struct VkDescriptorBufferInfo {
VkBuffer buffer;
VkDeviceSize offset;
VkDeviceSize range;
} VkDescriptorBufferInfo;
typedef struct VkWriteDescriptorSet {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDescriptorSet dstSet;
uint32_t dstBinding;
uint32_t dstArrayElement;
uint32_t descriptorCount;
VkDescriptorType descriptorType;
const VkDescriptorImageInfo* pImageInfo;
const VkDescriptorBufferInfo* pBufferInfo;
const VkBufferView* pTexelBufferView;
} VkWriteDescriptorSet;
typedef struct VkCopyDescriptorSet {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDescriptorSet srcSet;
uint32_t srcBinding;
uint32_t srcArrayElement;
VkDescriptorSet dstSet;
uint32_t dstBinding;
uint32_t dstArrayElement;
uint32_t descriptorCount;
} VkCopyDescriptorSet;
typedef struct VkFramebufferCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkFramebufferCreateFlags flags;
VkRenderPass renderPass;
uint32_t attachmentCount;
const VkImageView* pAttachments;
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
uint32_t layers;
} VkFramebufferCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkAttachmentDescription {
VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags flags;
VkFormat format;
VkSampleCountFlagBits samples;
VkAttachmentLoadOp loadOp;
VkAttachmentStoreOp storeOp;
VkAttachmentLoadOp stencilLoadOp;
VkAttachmentStoreOp stencilStoreOp;
VkImageLayout initialLayout;
VkImageLayout finalLayout;
} VkAttachmentDescription;
typedef struct VkAttachmentReference {
uint32_t attachment;
VkImageLayout layout;
} VkAttachmentReference;
typedef struct VkSubpassDescription {
VkSubpassDescriptionFlags flags;
VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint;
uint32_t inputAttachmentCount;
const VkAttachmentReference* pInputAttachments;
uint32_t colorAttachmentCount;
const VkAttachmentReference* pColorAttachments;
const VkAttachmentReference* pResolveAttachments;
const VkAttachmentReference* pDepthStencilAttachment;
uint32_t preserveAttachmentCount;
const uint32_t* pPreserveAttachments;
} VkSubpassDescription;
typedef struct VkSubpassDependency {
uint32_t srcSubpass;
uint32_t dstSubpass;
VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask;
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask;
VkAccessFlags srcAccessMask;
VkAccessFlags dstAccessMask;
VkDependencyFlags dependencyFlags;
} VkSubpassDependency;
typedef struct VkRenderPassCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkRenderPassCreateFlags flags;
uint32_t attachmentCount;
const VkAttachmentDescription* pAttachments;
uint32_t subpassCount;
const VkSubpassDescription* pSubpasses;
uint32_t dependencyCount;
const VkSubpassDependency* pDependencies;
} VkRenderPassCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkCommandPoolCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkCommandPoolCreateFlags flags;
uint32_t queueFamilyIndex;
} VkCommandPoolCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkCommandPool commandPool;
VkCommandBufferLevel level;
uint32_t commandBufferCount;
} VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo;
typedef struct VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkRenderPass renderPass;
uint32_t subpass;
VkFramebuffer framebuffer;
VkBool32 occlusionQueryEnable;
VkQueryControlFlags queryFlags;
VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlags pipelineStatistics;
} VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo;
typedef struct VkCommandBufferBeginInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkCommandBufferUsageFlags flags;
const VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo* pInheritanceInfo;
} VkCommandBufferBeginInfo;
typedef struct VkBufferCopy {
VkDeviceSize srcOffset;
VkDeviceSize dstOffset;
VkDeviceSize size;
} VkBufferCopy;
typedef struct VkImageSubresourceLayers {
VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask;
uint32_t mipLevel;
uint32_t baseArrayLayer;
uint32_t layerCount;
} VkImageSubresourceLayers;
typedef struct VkImageCopy {
VkImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresource;
VkOffset3D srcOffset;
VkImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresource;
VkOffset3D dstOffset;
VkExtent3D extent;
} VkImageCopy;
typedef struct VkImageBlit {
VkImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresource;
VkOffset3D srcOffsets[2];
VkImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresource;
VkOffset3D dstOffsets[2];
} VkImageBlit;
typedef struct VkBufferImageCopy {
VkDeviceSize bufferOffset;
uint32_t bufferRowLength;
uint32_t bufferImageHeight;
VkImageSubresourceLayers imageSubresource;
VkOffset3D imageOffset;
VkExtent3D imageExtent;
} VkBufferImageCopy;
typedef union VkClearColorValue {
float float32[4];
int32_t int32[4];
uint32_t uint32[4];
} VkClearColorValue;
typedef struct VkClearDepthStencilValue {
float depth;
uint32_t stencil;
} VkClearDepthStencilValue;
typedef union VkClearValue {
VkClearColorValue color;
VkClearDepthStencilValue depthStencil;
} VkClearValue;
typedef struct VkClearAttachment {
VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask;
uint32_t colorAttachment;
VkClearValue clearValue;
} VkClearAttachment;
typedef struct VkClearRect {
VkRect2D rect;
uint32_t baseArrayLayer;
uint32_t layerCount;
} VkClearRect;
typedef struct VkImageResolve {
VkImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresource;
VkOffset3D srcOffset;
VkImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresource;
VkOffset3D dstOffset;
VkExtent3D extent;
} VkImageResolve;
typedef struct VkMemoryBarrier {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkAccessFlags srcAccessMask;
VkAccessFlags dstAccessMask;
} VkMemoryBarrier;
typedef struct VkBufferMemoryBarrier {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkAccessFlags srcAccessMask;
VkAccessFlags dstAccessMask;
uint32_t srcQueueFamilyIndex;
uint32_t dstQueueFamilyIndex;
VkBuffer buffer;
VkDeviceSize offset;
VkDeviceSize size;
} VkBufferMemoryBarrier;
typedef struct VkImageMemoryBarrier {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkAccessFlags srcAccessMask;
VkAccessFlags dstAccessMask;
VkImageLayout oldLayout;
VkImageLayout newLayout;
uint32_t srcQueueFamilyIndex;
uint32_t dstQueueFamilyIndex;
VkImage image;
VkImageSubresourceRange subresourceRange;
} VkImageMemoryBarrier;
typedef struct VkRenderPassBeginInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkRenderPass renderPass;
VkFramebuffer framebuffer;
VkRect2D renderArea;
uint32_t clearValueCount;
const VkClearValue* pClearValues;
} VkRenderPassBeginInfo;
typedef struct VkDispatchIndirectCommand {
uint32_t x;
uint32_t y;
uint32_t z;
} VkDispatchIndirectCommand;
typedef struct VkDrawIndexedIndirectCommand {
uint32_t indexCount;
uint32_t instanceCount;
uint32_t firstIndex;
int32_t vertexOffset;
uint32_t firstInstance;
} VkDrawIndexedIndirectCommand;
typedef struct VkDrawIndirectCommand {
uint32_t vertexCount;
uint32_t instanceCount;
uint32_t firstVertex;
uint32_t firstInstance;
} VkDrawIndirectCommand;
Change log for May 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.75 spec update: * Update release number to 75. Github Issues: * Use Github handles (e.g. @handle) for contact information in vk.xml, when available (partial fix for public issue 630). * Add size invariance guarantee to slink:VkMemoryRequirements for buffer/image memory requirements (public issue 661). * Correct scope (conditional constructs) in valid usage statement for slink:VkBindImageMemoryInfo (public pull request 684). * Clean up minor markup issues and typos in the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension appendix (public pull request 698). * Modify registry processing script to avoid irrelevant warnings of benign enumerant redefinitions (public pull request 705). * Fix some duplicate words and some misspelled "`stagess`" (public pull request 712) Internal Issues: * Enable continuous integration tests on the internal Khronos gitlab server by adding a .gitlab-ci.yml file. Note: this does not implement CI on the public Github repository (internal issue 408). * Add link from description of depth clamping in the <<fragops-depth, depth test>> section to the slink:VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo::pname:depthClampEnable parameter which enables it, making it easily searchable / findable (internal issue 1125). * Clarify that arrays of arrays of descriptors are not allowed in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> and <<interfaces-resources-setandbinding, DescriptorSet and Binding Assignment>> sections (internal issue 1192). * Comment out some redundant nested asciidoctor conditionals in the slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo valid usage block, and explain in all cases why the redundant conditional exist and are commented out (internal issue 1231). * Move a valid usage statement from slink:VkCommandPoolCreateInfo to the parent flink:vkCreateCommandPool, where the device queue is known (internal issue 1233). * Add new slink:VkBaseInStructure and slink:VkBaseOutStructure types which can be used by extensions and implementations for handling Vulkan sType/pNext style structures in a more generic way (internal issue 1265). * Clarify that slink:VkAndroidHardwareBufferFormatPropertiesANDROID::pname:formatFeatures only applies to external-format images. Add references to this in valid usage statements that previously only referred to slink:VkFormatProperties (internal issue 1244). * Fix the description of elink:VkPipelineCreateFlagBits enumerant ename:VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_VIEW_INDEX_FROM_DEVICE_INDEX_BIT to match the name (internal issue 1279). * Add a NOTE to the <<interfaces-resources-setandbinding, DescriptorSet and Binding Assignment>> section making it clear that variables sharing a storage class may use identical descriptor set and bindings. Specifically state the sometimes misunderstood ability to have one or more differently typed image descriptors sharing a descriptor set and binding (internal SPIR-V issue 264). * Make DynamicIndexing features and capabilities also control the uniformity of the descriptor used in memory access instructions in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> section. This makes them also apply to variable_pointer usage, which can bypass the array indexing operation (internal SPIR-V issue 289). Other Issues: * Correct flink:vkCmdBlitImage limitations on cubic blits to be 2D only, not 3D. * Update valid usage statements for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkInputAttachmentAspectReference. * Move YCbCr-related VU statements from slink:VkDescriptorImageInfo to slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet, where all needed information is known, and remove redundant statements. * Move SPIR-V restriction that images be of either sampled or storage types from the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> section to the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section of the SPIR-V appendix.
2018-05-17 02:38:41 -07:00
typedef struct VkBaseOutStructure {
VkStructureType sType;
struct VkBaseOutStructure* pNext;
} VkBaseOutStructure;
typedef struct VkBaseInStructure {
VkStructureType sType;
const struct VkBaseInStructure* pNext;
} VkBaseInStructure;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateInstance)(const VkInstanceCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkInstance* pInstance);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyInstance)(VkInstance instance, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices)(VkInstance instance, uint32_t* pPhysicalDeviceCount, VkPhysicalDevice* pPhysicalDevices);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures* pFeatures);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkFormat format, VkFormatProperties* pFormatProperties);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkFormat format, VkImageType type, VkImageTiling tiling, VkImageUsageFlags usage, VkImageCreateFlags flags, VkImageFormatProperties* pImageFormatProperties);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkPhysicalDeviceProperties* pProperties);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, uint32_t* pQueueFamilyPropertyCount, VkQueueFamilyProperties* pQueueFamilyProperties);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties* pMemoryProperties);
typedef PFN_vkVoidFunction (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr)(VkInstance instance, const char* pName);
typedef PFN_vkVoidFunction (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr)(VkDevice device, const char* pName);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateDevice)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkDeviceCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkDevice* pDevice);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyDevice)(VkDevice device, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties)(const char* pLayerName, uint32_t* pPropertyCount, VkExtensionProperties* pProperties);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const char* pLayerName, uint32_t* pPropertyCount, VkExtensionProperties* pProperties);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties)(uint32_t* pPropertyCount, VkLayerProperties* pProperties);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, uint32_t* pPropertyCount, VkLayerProperties* pProperties);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetDeviceQueue)(VkDevice device, uint32_t queueFamilyIndex, uint32_t queueIndex, VkQueue* pQueue);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkQueueSubmit)(VkQueue queue, uint32_t submitCount, const VkSubmitInfo* pSubmits, VkFence fence);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkQueueWaitIdle)(VkQueue queue);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDeviceWaitIdle)(VkDevice device);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkAllocateMemory)(VkDevice device, const VkMemoryAllocateInfo* pAllocateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkDeviceMemory* pMemory);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkFreeMemory)(VkDevice device, VkDeviceMemory memory, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkMapMemory)(VkDevice device, VkDeviceMemory memory, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size, VkMemoryMapFlags flags, void** ppData);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkUnmapMemory)(VkDevice device, VkDeviceMemory memory);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges)(VkDevice device, uint32_t memoryRangeCount, const VkMappedMemoryRange* pMemoryRanges);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges)(VkDevice device, uint32_t memoryRangeCount, const VkMappedMemoryRange* pMemoryRanges);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetDeviceMemoryCommitment)(VkDevice device, VkDeviceMemory memory, VkDeviceSize* pCommittedMemoryInBytes);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkBindBufferMemory)(VkDevice device, VkBuffer buffer, VkDeviceMemory memory, VkDeviceSize memoryOffset);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkBindImageMemory)(VkDevice device, VkImage image, VkDeviceMemory memory, VkDeviceSize memoryOffset);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements)(VkDevice device, VkBuffer buffer, VkMemoryRequirements* pMemoryRequirements);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetImageMemoryRequirements)(VkDevice device, VkImage image, VkMemoryRequirements* pMemoryRequirements);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements)(VkDevice device, VkImage image, uint32_t* pSparseMemoryRequirementCount, VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements* pSparseMemoryRequirements);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkFormat format, VkImageType type, VkSampleCountFlagBits samples, VkImageUsageFlags usage, VkImageTiling tiling, uint32_t* pPropertyCount, VkSparseImageFormatProperties* pProperties);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkQueueBindSparse)(VkQueue queue, uint32_t bindInfoCount, const VkBindSparseInfo* pBindInfo, VkFence fence);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateFence)(VkDevice device, const VkFenceCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkFence* pFence);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyFence)(VkDevice device, VkFence fence, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkResetFences)(VkDevice device, uint32_t fenceCount, const VkFence* pFences);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetFenceStatus)(VkDevice device, VkFence fence);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkWaitForFences)(VkDevice device, uint32_t fenceCount, const VkFence* pFences, VkBool32 waitAll, uint64_t timeout);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateSemaphore)(VkDevice device, const VkSemaphoreCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkSemaphore* pSemaphore);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroySemaphore)(VkDevice device, VkSemaphore semaphore, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateEvent)(VkDevice device, const VkEventCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkEvent* pEvent);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyEvent)(VkDevice device, VkEvent event, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetEventStatus)(VkDevice device, VkEvent event);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkSetEvent)(VkDevice device, VkEvent event);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkResetEvent)(VkDevice device, VkEvent event);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateQueryPool)(VkDevice device, const VkQueryPoolCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkQueryPool* pQueryPool);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyQueryPool)(VkDevice device, VkQueryPool queryPool, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetQueryPoolResults)(VkDevice device, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t firstQuery, uint32_t queryCount, size_t dataSize, void* pData, VkDeviceSize stride, VkQueryResultFlags flags);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateBuffer)(VkDevice device, const VkBufferCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkBuffer* pBuffer);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyBuffer)(VkDevice device, VkBuffer buffer, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateBufferView)(VkDevice device, const VkBufferViewCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkBufferView* pView);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyBufferView)(VkDevice device, VkBufferView bufferView, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateImage)(VkDevice device, const VkImageCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkImage* pImage);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyImage)(VkDevice device, VkImage image, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetImageSubresourceLayout)(VkDevice device, VkImage image, const VkImageSubresource* pSubresource, VkSubresourceLayout* pLayout);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateImageView)(VkDevice device, const VkImageViewCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkImageView* pView);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyImageView)(VkDevice device, VkImageView imageView, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateShaderModule)(VkDevice device, const VkShaderModuleCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkShaderModule* pShaderModule);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyShaderModule)(VkDevice device, VkShaderModule shaderModule, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreatePipelineCache)(VkDevice device, const VkPipelineCacheCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkPipelineCache* pPipelineCache);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyPipelineCache)(VkDevice device, VkPipelineCache pipelineCache, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPipelineCacheData)(VkDevice device, VkPipelineCache pipelineCache, size_t* pDataSize, void* pData);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkMergePipelineCaches)(VkDevice device, VkPipelineCache dstCache, uint32_t srcCacheCount, const VkPipelineCache* pSrcCaches);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateGraphicsPipelines)(VkDevice device, VkPipelineCache pipelineCache, uint32_t createInfoCount, const VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo* pCreateInfos, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkPipeline* pPipelines);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateComputePipelines)(VkDevice device, VkPipelineCache pipelineCache, uint32_t createInfoCount, const VkComputePipelineCreateInfo* pCreateInfos, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkPipeline* pPipelines);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyPipeline)(VkDevice device, VkPipeline pipeline, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreatePipelineLayout)(VkDevice device, const VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkPipelineLayout* pPipelineLayout);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyPipelineLayout)(VkDevice device, VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateSampler)(VkDevice device, const VkSamplerCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkSampler* pSampler);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroySampler)(VkDevice device, VkSampler sampler, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout)(VkDevice device, const VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkDescriptorSetLayout* pSetLayout);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout)(VkDevice device, VkDescriptorSetLayout descriptorSetLayout, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateDescriptorPool)(VkDevice device, const VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkDescriptorPool* pDescriptorPool);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyDescriptorPool)(VkDevice device, VkDescriptorPool descriptorPool, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkResetDescriptorPool)(VkDevice device, VkDescriptorPool descriptorPool, VkDescriptorPoolResetFlags flags);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkAllocateDescriptorSets)(VkDevice device, const VkDescriptorSetAllocateInfo* pAllocateInfo, VkDescriptorSet* pDescriptorSets);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkFreeDescriptorSets)(VkDevice device, VkDescriptorPool descriptorPool, uint32_t descriptorSetCount, const VkDescriptorSet* pDescriptorSets);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkUpdateDescriptorSets)(VkDevice device, uint32_t descriptorWriteCount, const VkWriteDescriptorSet* pDescriptorWrites, uint32_t descriptorCopyCount, const VkCopyDescriptorSet* pDescriptorCopies);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateFramebuffer)(VkDevice device, const VkFramebufferCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkFramebuffer* pFramebuffer);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyFramebuffer)(VkDevice device, VkFramebuffer framebuffer, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateRenderPass)(VkDevice device, const VkRenderPassCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkRenderPass* pRenderPass);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyRenderPass)(VkDevice device, VkRenderPass renderPass, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetRenderAreaGranularity)(VkDevice device, VkRenderPass renderPass, VkExtent2D* pGranularity);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateCommandPool)(VkDevice device, const VkCommandPoolCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkCommandPool* pCommandPool);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyCommandPool)(VkDevice device, VkCommandPool commandPool, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkResetCommandPool)(VkDevice device, VkCommandPool commandPool, VkCommandPoolResetFlags flags);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkAllocateCommandBuffers)(VkDevice device, const VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo* pAllocateInfo, VkCommandBuffer* pCommandBuffers);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkFreeCommandBuffers)(VkDevice device, VkCommandPool commandPool, uint32_t commandBufferCount, const VkCommandBuffer* pCommandBuffers);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkBeginCommandBuffer)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkCommandBufferBeginInfo* pBeginInfo);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkEndCommandBuffer)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkResetCommandBuffer)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkCommandBufferResetFlags flags);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdBindPipeline)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint, VkPipeline pipeline);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetViewport)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t firstViewport, uint32_t viewportCount, const VkViewport* pViewports);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetScissor)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t firstScissor, uint32_t scissorCount, const VkRect2D* pScissors);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetLineWidth)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, float lineWidth);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetDepthBias)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, float depthBiasConstantFactor, float depthBiasClamp, float depthBiasSlopeFactor);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetBlendConstants)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const float blendConstants[4]);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetDepthBounds)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, float minDepthBounds, float maxDepthBounds);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetStencilCompareMask)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkStencilFaceFlags faceMask, uint32_t compareMask);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetStencilWriteMask)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkStencilFaceFlags faceMask, uint32_t writeMask);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetStencilReference)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkStencilFaceFlags faceMask, uint32_t reference);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdBindDescriptorSets)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint, VkPipelineLayout layout, uint32_t firstSet, uint32_t descriptorSetCount, const VkDescriptorSet* pDescriptorSets, uint32_t dynamicOffsetCount, const uint32_t* pDynamicOffsets);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdBindIndexBuffer)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkIndexType indexType);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdBindVertexBuffers)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t firstBinding, uint32_t bindingCount, const VkBuffer* pBuffers, const VkDeviceSize* pOffsets);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDraw)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t vertexCount, uint32_t instanceCount, uint32_t firstVertex, uint32_t firstInstance);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDrawIndexed)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t indexCount, uint32_t instanceCount, uint32_t firstIndex, int32_t vertexOffset, uint32_t firstInstance);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDrawIndirect)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, uint32_t drawCount, uint32_t stride);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, uint32_t drawCount, uint32_t stride);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDispatch)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t groupCountX, uint32_t groupCountY, uint32_t groupCountZ);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDispatchIndirect)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer buffer, VkDeviceSize offset);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdCopyBuffer)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer srcBuffer, VkBuffer dstBuffer, uint32_t regionCount, const VkBufferCopy* pRegions);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdCopyImage)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage srcImage, VkImageLayout srcImageLayout, VkImage dstImage, VkImageLayout dstImageLayout, uint32_t regionCount, const VkImageCopy* pRegions);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdBlitImage)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage srcImage, VkImageLayout srcImageLayout, VkImage dstImage, VkImageLayout dstImageLayout, uint32_t regionCount, const VkImageBlit* pRegions, VkFilter filter);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdCopyBufferToImage)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer srcBuffer, VkImage dstImage, VkImageLayout dstImageLayout, uint32_t regionCount, const VkBufferImageCopy* pRegions);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage srcImage, VkImageLayout srcImageLayout, VkBuffer dstBuffer, uint32_t regionCount, const VkBufferImageCopy* pRegions);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdUpdateBuffer)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer dstBuffer, VkDeviceSize dstOffset, VkDeviceSize dataSize, const void* pData);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdFillBuffer)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer dstBuffer, VkDeviceSize dstOffset, VkDeviceSize size, uint32_t data);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdClearColorImage)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage image, VkImageLayout imageLayout, const VkClearColorValue* pColor, uint32_t rangeCount, const VkImageSubresourceRange* pRanges);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage image, VkImageLayout imageLayout, const VkClearDepthStencilValue* pDepthStencil, uint32_t rangeCount, const VkImageSubresourceRange* pRanges);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdClearAttachments)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t attachmentCount, const VkClearAttachment* pAttachments, uint32_t rectCount, const VkClearRect* pRects);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdResolveImage)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImage srcImage, VkImageLayout srcImageLayout, VkImage dstImage, VkImageLayout dstImageLayout, uint32_t regionCount, const VkImageResolve* pRegions);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetEvent)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkEvent event, VkPipelineStageFlags stageMask);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdResetEvent)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkEvent event, VkPipelineStageFlags stageMask);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdWaitEvents)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t eventCount, const VkEvent* pEvents, VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask, VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask, uint32_t memoryBarrierCount, const VkMemoryBarrier* pMemoryBarriers, uint32_t bufferMemoryBarrierCount, const VkBufferMemoryBarrier* pBufferMemoryBarriers, uint32_t imageMemoryBarrierCount, const VkImageMemoryBarrier* pImageMemoryBarriers);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdPipelineBarrier)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask, VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask, VkDependencyFlags dependencyFlags, uint32_t memoryBarrierCount, const VkMemoryBarrier* pMemoryBarriers, uint32_t bufferMemoryBarrierCount, const VkBufferMemoryBarrier* pBufferMemoryBarriers, uint32_t imageMemoryBarrierCount, const VkImageMemoryBarrier* pImageMemoryBarriers);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdBeginQuery)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t query, VkQueryControlFlags flags);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdEndQuery)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t query);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdResetQueryPool)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t firstQuery, uint32_t queryCount);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdWriteTimestamp)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkPipelineStageFlagBits pipelineStage, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t query);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t firstQuery, uint32_t queryCount, VkBuffer dstBuffer, VkDeviceSize dstOffset, VkDeviceSize stride, VkQueryResultFlags flags);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdPushConstants)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkPipelineLayout layout, VkShaderStageFlags stageFlags, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, const void* pValues);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdBeginRenderPass)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkRenderPassBeginInfo* pRenderPassBegin, VkSubpassContents contents);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdNextSubpass)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkSubpassContents contents);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdEndRenderPass)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdExecuteCommands)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t commandBufferCount, const VkCommandBuffer* pCommandBuffers);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateInstance(
const VkInstanceCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkInstance* pInstance);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyInstance(
VkInstance instance,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices(
VkInstance instance,
uint32_t* pPhysicalDeviceCount,
VkPhysicalDevice* pPhysicalDevices);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures* pFeatures);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkFormat format,
VkFormatProperties* pFormatProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkFormat format,
VkImageType type,
VkImageTiling tiling,
VkImageUsageFlags usage,
VkImageCreateFlags flags,
VkImageFormatProperties* pImageFormatProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties* pProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
uint32_t* pQueueFamilyPropertyCount,
VkQueueFamilyProperties* pQueueFamilyProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties* pMemoryProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR PFN_vkVoidFunction VKAPI_CALL vkGetInstanceProcAddr(
VkInstance instance,
const char* pName);
VKAPI_ATTR PFN_vkVoidFunction VKAPI_CALL vkGetDeviceProcAddr(
VkDevice device,
const char* pName);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateDevice(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const VkDeviceCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkDevice* pDevice);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyDevice(
VkDevice device,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(
const char* pLayerName,
uint32_t* pPropertyCount,
VkExtensionProperties* pProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const char* pLayerName,
uint32_t* pPropertyCount,
VkExtensionProperties* pProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties(
uint32_t* pPropertyCount,
VkLayerProperties* pProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
uint32_t* pPropertyCount,
VkLayerProperties* pProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetDeviceQueue(
VkDevice device,
uint32_t queueFamilyIndex,
uint32_t queueIndex,
VkQueue* pQueue);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkQueueSubmit(
VkQueue queue,
uint32_t submitCount,
const VkSubmitInfo* pSubmits,
VkFence fence);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkQueueWaitIdle(
VkQueue queue);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkDeviceWaitIdle(
VkDevice device);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkAllocateMemory(
VkDevice device,
const VkMemoryAllocateInfo* pAllocateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkDeviceMemory* pMemory);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkFreeMemory(
VkDevice device,
VkDeviceMemory memory,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VkDevice device,
VkDeviceMemory memory,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize size,
VkMemoryMapFlags flags,
void** ppData);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkUnmapMemory(
VkDevice device,
VkDeviceMemory memory);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges(
VkDevice device,
uint32_t memoryRangeCount,
const VkMappedMemoryRange* pMemoryRanges);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges(
VkDevice device,
uint32_t memoryRangeCount,
const VkMappedMemoryRange* pMemoryRanges);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetDeviceMemoryCommitment(
VkDevice device,
VkDeviceMemory memory,
VkDeviceSize* pCommittedMemoryInBytes);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkBindBufferMemory(
VkDevice device,
VkBuffer buffer,
VkDeviceMemory memory,
VkDeviceSize memoryOffset);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkBindImageMemory(
VkDevice device,
VkImage image,
VkDeviceMemory memory,
VkDeviceSize memoryOffset);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements(
VkDevice device,
VkBuffer buffer,
VkMemoryRequirements* pMemoryRequirements);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetImageMemoryRequirements(
VkDevice device,
VkImage image,
VkMemoryRequirements* pMemoryRequirements);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements(
VkDevice device,
VkImage image,
uint32_t* pSparseMemoryRequirementCount,
VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements* pSparseMemoryRequirements);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkFormat format,
VkImageType type,
VkSampleCountFlagBits samples,
VkImageUsageFlags usage,
VkImageTiling tiling,
uint32_t* pPropertyCount,
VkSparseImageFormatProperties* pProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkQueueBindSparse(
VkQueue queue,
uint32_t bindInfoCount,
const VkBindSparseInfo* pBindInfo,
VkFence fence);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateFence(
VkDevice device,
const VkFenceCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkFence* pFence);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyFence(
VkDevice device,
VkFence fence,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkResetFences(
VkDevice device,
uint32_t fenceCount,
const VkFence* pFences);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetFenceStatus(
VkDevice device,
VkFence fence);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkWaitForFences(
VkDevice device,
uint32_t fenceCount,
const VkFence* pFences,
VkBool32 waitAll,
uint64_t timeout);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateSemaphore(
VkDevice device,
const VkSemaphoreCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkSemaphore* pSemaphore);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroySemaphore(
VkDevice device,
VkSemaphore semaphore,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateEvent(
VkDevice device,
const VkEventCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkEvent* pEvent);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyEvent(
VkDevice device,
VkEvent event,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetEventStatus(
VkDevice device,
VkEvent event);
VkDevice device,
VkEvent event);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkResetEvent(
VkDevice device,
VkEvent event);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateQueryPool(
VkDevice device,
const VkQueryPoolCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkQueryPool* pQueryPool);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyQueryPool(
VkDevice device,
VkQueryPool queryPool,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetQueryPoolResults(
VkDevice device,
VkQueryPool queryPool,
uint32_t firstQuery,
uint32_t queryCount,
size_t dataSize,
void* pData,
VkDeviceSize stride,
VkQueryResultFlags flags);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateBuffer(
VkDevice device,
const VkBufferCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkBuffer* pBuffer);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyBuffer(
VkDevice device,
VkBuffer buffer,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateBufferView(
VkDevice device,
const VkBufferViewCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkBufferView* pView);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyBufferView(
VkDevice device,
VkBufferView bufferView,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateImage(
VkDevice device,
const VkImageCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkImage* pImage);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyImage(
VkDevice device,
VkImage image,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetImageSubresourceLayout(
VkDevice device,
VkImage image,
const VkImageSubresource* pSubresource,
VkSubresourceLayout* pLayout);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateImageView(
VkDevice device,
const VkImageViewCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkImageView* pView);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyImageView(
VkDevice device,
VkImageView imageView,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateShaderModule(
VkDevice device,
const VkShaderModuleCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkShaderModule* pShaderModule);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyShaderModule(
VkDevice device,
VkShaderModule shaderModule,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreatePipelineCache(
VkDevice device,
const VkPipelineCacheCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkPipelineCache* pPipelineCache);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyPipelineCache(
VkDevice device,
VkPipelineCache pipelineCache,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPipelineCacheData(
VkDevice device,
VkPipelineCache pipelineCache,
size_t* pDataSize,
void* pData);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkMergePipelineCaches(
VkDevice device,
VkPipelineCache dstCache,
uint32_t srcCacheCount,
const VkPipelineCache* pSrcCaches);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateGraphicsPipelines(
VkDevice device,
VkPipelineCache pipelineCache,
uint32_t createInfoCount,
const VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo* pCreateInfos,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkPipeline* pPipelines);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateComputePipelines(
VkDevice device,
VkPipelineCache pipelineCache,
uint32_t createInfoCount,
const VkComputePipelineCreateInfo* pCreateInfos,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkPipeline* pPipelines);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyPipeline(
VkDevice device,
VkPipeline pipeline,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreatePipelineLayout(
VkDevice device,
const VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkPipelineLayout* pPipelineLayout);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyPipelineLayout(
VkDevice device,
VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateSampler(
VkDevice device,
const VkSamplerCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkSampler* pSampler);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroySampler(
VkDevice device,
VkSampler sampler,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout(
VkDevice device,
const VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkDescriptorSetLayout* pSetLayout);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout(
VkDevice device,
VkDescriptorSetLayout descriptorSetLayout,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateDescriptorPool(
VkDevice device,
const VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkDescriptorPool* pDescriptorPool);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyDescriptorPool(
VkDevice device,
VkDescriptorPool descriptorPool,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkResetDescriptorPool(
VkDevice device,
VkDescriptorPool descriptorPool,
VkDescriptorPoolResetFlags flags);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkAllocateDescriptorSets(
VkDevice device,
const VkDescriptorSetAllocateInfo* pAllocateInfo,
VkDescriptorSet* pDescriptorSets);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkFreeDescriptorSets(
VkDevice device,
VkDescriptorPool descriptorPool,
uint32_t descriptorSetCount,
const VkDescriptorSet* pDescriptorSets);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkUpdateDescriptorSets(
VkDevice device,
uint32_t descriptorWriteCount,
const VkWriteDescriptorSet* pDescriptorWrites,
uint32_t descriptorCopyCount,
const VkCopyDescriptorSet* pDescriptorCopies);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateFramebuffer(
VkDevice device,
const VkFramebufferCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkFramebuffer* pFramebuffer);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyFramebuffer(
VkDevice device,
VkFramebuffer framebuffer,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateRenderPass(
VkDevice device,
const VkRenderPassCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkRenderPass* pRenderPass);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyRenderPass(
VkDevice device,
VkRenderPass renderPass,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetRenderAreaGranularity(
VkDevice device,
VkRenderPass renderPass,
VkExtent2D* pGranularity);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateCommandPool(
VkDevice device,
const VkCommandPoolCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkCommandPool* pCommandPool);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyCommandPool(
VkDevice device,
VkCommandPool commandPool,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkResetCommandPool(
VkDevice device,
VkCommandPool commandPool,
VkCommandPoolResetFlags flags);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkAllocateCommandBuffers(
VkDevice device,
const VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo* pAllocateInfo,
VkCommandBuffer* pCommandBuffers);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkFreeCommandBuffers(
VkDevice device,
VkCommandPool commandPool,
uint32_t commandBufferCount,
const VkCommandBuffer* pCommandBuffers);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkBeginCommandBuffer(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkCommandBufferBeginInfo* pBeginInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkEndCommandBuffer(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkResetCommandBuffer(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkCommandBufferResetFlags flags);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdBindPipeline(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint,
VkPipeline pipeline);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdSetViewport(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t firstViewport,
uint32_t viewportCount,
const VkViewport* pViewports);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdSetScissor(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t firstScissor,
uint32_t scissorCount,
const VkRect2D* pScissors);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdSetLineWidth(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
float lineWidth);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdSetDepthBias(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
float depthBiasConstantFactor,
float depthBiasClamp,
float depthBiasSlopeFactor);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdSetBlendConstants(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const float blendConstants[4]);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdSetDepthBounds(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
float minDepthBounds,
float maxDepthBounds);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdSetStencilCompareMask(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkStencilFaceFlags faceMask,
uint32_t compareMask);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdSetStencilWriteMask(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkStencilFaceFlags faceMask,
uint32_t writeMask);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdSetStencilReference(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkStencilFaceFlags faceMask,
uint32_t reference);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint,
VkPipelineLayout layout,
uint32_t firstSet,
uint32_t descriptorSetCount,
const VkDescriptorSet* pDescriptorSets,
uint32_t dynamicOffsetCount,
const uint32_t* pDynamicOffsets);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdBindIndexBuffer(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkBuffer buffer,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkIndexType indexType);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdBindVertexBuffers(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t firstBinding,
uint32_t bindingCount,
const VkBuffer* pBuffers,
const VkDeviceSize* pOffsets);
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t vertexCount,
uint32_t instanceCount,
uint32_t firstVertex,
uint32_t firstInstance);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDrawIndexed(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t indexCount,
uint32_t instanceCount,
uint32_t firstIndex,
int32_t vertexOffset,
uint32_t firstInstance);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDrawIndirect(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkBuffer buffer,
VkDeviceSize offset,
uint32_t drawCount,
uint32_t stride);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkBuffer buffer,
VkDeviceSize offset,
uint32_t drawCount,
uint32_t stride);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDispatch(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t groupCountX,
uint32_t groupCountY,
uint32_t groupCountZ);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDispatchIndirect(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkBuffer buffer,
VkDeviceSize offset);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdCopyBuffer(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkBuffer srcBuffer,
VkBuffer dstBuffer,
uint32_t regionCount,
const VkBufferCopy* pRegions);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdCopyImage(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkImage srcImage,
VkImageLayout srcImageLayout,
VkImage dstImage,
VkImageLayout dstImageLayout,
uint32_t regionCount,
const VkImageCopy* pRegions);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdBlitImage(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkImage srcImage,
VkImageLayout srcImageLayout,
VkImage dstImage,
VkImageLayout dstImageLayout,
uint32_t regionCount,
const VkImageBlit* pRegions,
VkFilter filter);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdCopyBufferToImage(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkBuffer srcBuffer,
VkImage dstImage,
VkImageLayout dstImageLayout,
uint32_t regionCount,
const VkBufferImageCopy* pRegions);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkImage srcImage,
VkImageLayout srcImageLayout,
VkBuffer dstBuffer,
uint32_t regionCount,
const VkBufferImageCopy* pRegions);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdUpdateBuffer(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkBuffer dstBuffer,
VkDeviceSize dstOffset,
VkDeviceSize dataSize,
const void* pData);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdFillBuffer(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkBuffer dstBuffer,
VkDeviceSize dstOffset,
VkDeviceSize size,
uint32_t data);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdClearColorImage(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkImage image,
VkImageLayout imageLayout,
const VkClearColorValue* pColor,
uint32_t rangeCount,
const VkImageSubresourceRange* pRanges);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkImage image,
VkImageLayout imageLayout,
const VkClearDepthStencilValue* pDepthStencil,
uint32_t rangeCount,
const VkImageSubresourceRange* pRanges);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdClearAttachments(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t attachmentCount,
const VkClearAttachment* pAttachments,
uint32_t rectCount,
const VkClearRect* pRects);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdResolveImage(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkImage srcImage,
VkImageLayout srcImageLayout,
VkImage dstImage,
VkImageLayout dstImageLayout,
uint32_t regionCount,
const VkImageResolve* pRegions);
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkEvent event,
VkPipelineStageFlags stageMask);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdResetEvent(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkEvent event,
VkPipelineStageFlags stageMask);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdWaitEvents(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t eventCount,
const VkEvent* pEvents,
VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask,
uint32_t memoryBarrierCount,
const VkMemoryBarrier* pMemoryBarriers,
uint32_t bufferMemoryBarrierCount,
const VkBufferMemoryBarrier* pBufferMemoryBarriers,
uint32_t imageMemoryBarrierCount,
const VkImageMemoryBarrier* pImageMemoryBarriers);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdPipelineBarrier(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask,
VkDependencyFlags dependencyFlags,
uint32_t memoryBarrierCount,
const VkMemoryBarrier* pMemoryBarriers,
uint32_t bufferMemoryBarrierCount,
const VkBufferMemoryBarrier* pBufferMemoryBarriers,
uint32_t imageMemoryBarrierCount,
const VkImageMemoryBarrier* pImageMemoryBarriers);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdBeginQuery(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkQueryPool queryPool,
uint32_t query,
VkQueryControlFlags flags);
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkQueryPool queryPool,
uint32_t query);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdResetQueryPool(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkQueryPool queryPool,
uint32_t firstQuery,
uint32_t queryCount);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdWriteTimestamp(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkPipelineStageFlagBits pipelineStage,
VkQueryPool queryPool,
uint32_t query);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkQueryPool queryPool,
uint32_t firstQuery,
uint32_t queryCount,
VkBuffer dstBuffer,
VkDeviceSize dstOffset,
VkDeviceSize stride,
VkQueryResultFlags flags);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdPushConstants(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkPipelineLayout layout,
VkShaderStageFlags stageFlags,
uint32_t offset,
uint32_t size,
const void* pValues);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdBeginRenderPass(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkRenderPassBeginInfo* pRenderPassBegin,
VkSubpassContents contents);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdNextSubpass(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkSubpassContents contents);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdEndRenderPass(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdExecuteCommands(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t commandBufferCount,
const VkCommandBuffer* pCommandBuffers);
#define VK_VERSION_1_1 1
// Vulkan 1.1 version number
#define VK_API_VERSION_1_1 VK_MAKE_VERSION(1, 1, 0)// Patch version should always be set to 0
#define VK_LUID_SIZE 8
typedef enum VkPointClippingBehavior {
} VkPointClippingBehavior;
typedef enum VkTessellationDomainOrigin {
} VkTessellationDomainOrigin;
typedef enum VkSamplerYcbcrModelConversion {
} VkSamplerYcbcrModelConversion;
typedef enum VkSamplerYcbcrRange {
} VkSamplerYcbcrRange;
typedef enum VkChromaLocation {
} VkChromaLocation;
typedef enum VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateType {
} VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateType;
typedef enum VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits {
Change log for March 5, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.72 spec update: * Update release number to 72. Github Issues: * Restructure the repository to put the specification `Makefile` and associated spec source material at the top level, `vk.xml` and associated scripts material in `xml/`, and generated include and source files in `include/vulkan/` and `src/ext_loader/`, respectively (public issue 436). * Add missing bullet point markup to flink:vkCmdCopyImage valid usage statement, so it gets a VUID assigned (public issue 627). * Fix broken links in a couple of extension appendices (public pull request 665). * Add the \<platform> tag to the index in section 4.1 of the registry schema documentation, and add the protect= attribute of \<extension> tags to the comments in `registry.rnc` (public issues 673, 678). * Add missing valid usage statements for sparse image interactions to flink:VkImageCreateInfo (public pull request 675). * Fix improper usage and grammar of "`can: not`" (public pull request 681). * Remove duplicate spec language and NOTE on present layout between the flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR and flink:vkAcquireNextImage2KHR commands (public pull request 685). * Fix some typos and markup issues (public pull request 689; public issues 642, 667, 687). * Fix typo etext:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_FENCE_FD_BIT -> ename:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_SYNC_FD_BIT in the <<external-semaphore-handle-types-compatibility, External semaphore handle types compatibility>> table (public pull request 691). Internal Issues: * Remove the need for the "`noautovalidity`" attribute on extension structures in `vk.xml`. It is now implied by the "`structextends`" attribute instead (internal issue 942). * Replace uses of "`currently bound`" with "`bound`", since "`currently`" is redundant and distracting, and add a corresponding rule to the style guide (internal issue 993). * Fixed subtle issues with the last updates to flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR language that had resulted in ambiguities (internal issue 1178). * Make it clear that only one query of a given type is allowed at a time by reordering valid usage statements for flink:vkCmdBeginQuery and flink:vkCmdEndQuery, and removing redundant ones (internal issue 1213). * Swapped OL1 and OL3 in `tessparamUL.svg` to match previous version, and fixed where "`(no edge)`" appears (internal issue 1215). Other Issues: * Fixed a minor problem with the valid usage statement extraction script, and corresponding markup in the spec source. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_shader_core_properties` * `VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing` * `VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned`
2018-04-05 04:24:56 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkSubgroupFeatureFlags;
typedef enum VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits {
} VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags;
typedef enum VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits {
} VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkMemoryAllocateFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkCommandPoolTrimFlags;
typedef VkFlags VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateFlags;
typedef enum VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits {
Change log for March 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.71 spec update: * First public update for Vulkan 1.1. Github Issues: * Refer to standard sparse image block shape format tables explicitly in the <<sparsememory-standard-shapes, Standard Sparse Image Block Shapes>> section (public issue 93). * Add the missing definition of the code:LocalInvocationIndex decoration in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (public issue 532). * Clarify dynamic state definition in the introduction to the <<pipelines, Pipelines>> section and the new <<pipelines-dynamic-state, Dynamic State>> subsection (public issue 620). * Clarified deprecation statement in the `VK_AMD_negative_viewport_height` appendix (public issue 674). * Fix parameter descriptions for flink:vkCreateIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX (public issue 677). Internal Issues: * Remove description of <<primsrast-points, rasterization point size>> being taken from the tessellation control shader, since there are no circumstances under which you can have TCS without TES (internal issue 522). * Define <<copies-images-format-size-compatibility, _size-compatible_ image formats>> for flink:vkCmdCopyImage, add it to the glossary, and use that definition for slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo (internal issue 771). * Change brief descriptions of enumerant names, and of parameters which are enumerants, from "`enum *indicates*`" to "`enum *specifies*`" for consistency, and add a markup style guide rule (internal issue 862). * Clarify how execution dependencies interact with <<synchronization-submission-order, submission order>> at numerous places in the <<renderpass, Render Pass>> and <<synchronization, Synchronization>> chapters (internal issue 1062). * Clarify statement in the <<interfaces-resources-setandbinding, DescriptorSet and Binding Assignment>> section that only interface variables statically used by the entry point used in a pipeline must be present in the descriptor set layout (internal issue 1172). * Flip sparse image diagrams with partially full mip levels vertically, to match graph origins of other image diagrams (internal issue 1176). * Update new SVG diagrams to have consistent style and base font size, increase consistency of primitive topology diagrams, and add a section to the style guide on creating and editing images in a consistent style (internal issue 1177). * Resolve problems with valid usage statement extraction by fixing existing VUID tags for interfaces promoted to version 1.1 and fixing conditional directives around VUID-VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo-image-01797 (internal issue 1184). * Strip `KHR` suffixes from a few interfaces promoted to Vulkan 1.1 that were missed previously (internal issue 1185). * Restrict code:OpImageQuerySizeLod and code:OpImageQueryLevels to only work on code:Image operands with their code:Sampled operand set to 1. In other words, these operations are not defined to work with storage images (internal issue 1193). * Recycle extension slot for extension #82 in `vk.xml`. This extension was never published (internal issue 1195). * Add an issue to the `VK_KHR_maintenance1` appendix noting that zero height viewports are allowed when this extension is enabled (internal issue 1202). * Fix slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding description so that shader stages always use descriptor bindings, not the other way around (internal issue 1206). * Fix field name for slink:VkInputAttachmentAspectReference::pname:inputAttachmentIndex (internal issue 1210). Other Issues: * Fix a few broken links in the <<versions-1.1, Version 1.1>> appendix. * Replace a few old refBegin/refEnd tags with open block markup around interfaces, and remove old KHX VUID tags that were breaking the valid usage statement extraction. * Fix error codes accidentally tagged as success codes in `vk.xml` for flink:vkGetSwapchainCounterEXT. * Added valid usage statements for ftext:vkBind*Memory2 input structures stext:VkBind*MemoryInfo, and fix a pname:image -> pname:buffer typo in a couple of places. * Fix swapped descriptions of elink:VkDescriptorType enums ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLED_IMAGE and ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE (reported via tweet). New Extensions: * `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer`
2018-03-17 04:04:05 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags;
typedef enum VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBits {
} VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlags;
typedef enum VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagBits {
} VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags;
typedef enum VkExternalFenceFeatureFlagBits {
} VkExternalFenceFeatureFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkExternalFenceFeatureFlags;
typedef enum VkFenceImportFlagBits {
} VkFenceImportFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkFenceImportFlags;
typedef enum VkSemaphoreImportFlagBits {
} VkSemaphoreImportFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkSemaphoreImportFlags;
typedef enum VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits {
} VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags;
typedef enum VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlagBits {
} VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlags;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t subgroupSize;
VkShaderStageFlags supportedStages;
VkSubgroupFeatureFlags supportedOperations;
VkBool32 quadOperationsInAllStages;
} VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties;
typedef struct VkBindBufferMemoryInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBuffer buffer;
VkDeviceMemory memory;
VkDeviceSize memoryOffset;
} VkBindBufferMemoryInfo;
typedef struct VkBindImageMemoryInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkImage image;
VkDeviceMemory memory;
VkDeviceSize memoryOffset;
} VkBindImageMemoryInfo;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeatures {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 storageBuffer16BitAccess;
VkBool32 uniformAndStorageBuffer16BitAccess;
VkBool32 storagePushConstant16;
VkBool32 storageInputOutput16;
} VkPhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeatures;
typedef struct VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 prefersDedicatedAllocation;
VkBool32 requiresDedicatedAllocation;
} VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements;
typedef struct VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkImage image;
VkBuffer buffer;
} VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo;
typedef struct VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkMemoryAllocateFlags flags;
uint32_t deviceMask;
} VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo;
typedef struct VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t deviceMask;
uint32_t deviceRenderAreaCount;
const VkRect2D* pDeviceRenderAreas;
} VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo;
typedef struct VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t deviceMask;
} VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo;
typedef struct VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t waitSemaphoreCount;
const uint32_t* pWaitSemaphoreDeviceIndices;
uint32_t commandBufferCount;
const uint32_t* pCommandBufferDeviceMasks;
uint32_t signalSemaphoreCount;
const uint32_t* pSignalSemaphoreDeviceIndices;
} VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo;
typedef struct VkDeviceGroupBindSparseInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t resourceDeviceIndex;
uint32_t memoryDeviceIndex;
} VkDeviceGroupBindSparseInfo;
typedef struct VkBindBufferMemoryDeviceGroupInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t deviceIndexCount;
const uint32_t* pDeviceIndices;
} VkBindBufferMemoryDeviceGroupInfo;
typedef struct VkBindImageMemoryDeviceGroupInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t deviceIndexCount;
const uint32_t* pDeviceIndices;
uint32_t splitInstanceBindRegionCount;
const VkRect2D* pSplitInstanceBindRegions;
} VkBindImageMemoryDeviceGroupInfo;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t physicalDeviceCount;
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevices[VK_MAX_DEVICE_GROUP_SIZE];
VkBool32 subsetAllocation;
} VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties;
typedef struct VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t physicalDeviceCount;
const VkPhysicalDevice* pPhysicalDevices;
} VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkBufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2 {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBuffer buffer;
} VkBufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2;
typedef struct VkImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2 {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkImage image;
} VkImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2;
typedef struct VkImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2 {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkImage image;
} VkImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2;
typedef struct VkMemoryRequirements2 {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkMemoryRequirements memoryRequirements;
} VkMemoryRequirements2;
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
typedef VkMemoryRequirements2 VkMemoryRequirements2KHR;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
typedef struct VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements2 {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements memoryRequirements;
} VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements2;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures features;
} VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties properties;
} VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2;
typedef struct VkFormatProperties2 {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkFormatProperties formatProperties;
} VkFormatProperties2;
typedef struct VkImageFormatProperties2 {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkImageFormatProperties imageFormatProperties;
} VkImageFormatProperties2;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2 {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkFormat format;
VkImageType type;
VkImageTiling tiling;
VkImageUsageFlags usage;
VkImageCreateFlags flags;
} VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2;
typedef struct VkQueueFamilyProperties2 {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkQueueFamilyProperties queueFamilyProperties;
} VkQueueFamilyProperties2;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2 {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties memoryProperties;
} VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2;
typedef struct VkSparseImageFormatProperties2 {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkSparseImageFormatProperties properties;
} VkSparseImageFormatProperties2;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2 {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkFormat format;
VkImageType type;
VkSampleCountFlagBits samples;
VkImageUsageFlags usage;
VkImageTiling tiling;
} VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDevicePointClippingProperties {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkPointClippingBehavior pointClippingBehavior;
} VkPhysicalDevicePointClippingProperties;
typedef struct VkInputAttachmentAspectReference {
uint32_t subpass;
uint32_t inputAttachmentIndex;
VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask;
} VkInputAttachmentAspectReference;
typedef struct VkRenderPassInputAttachmentAspectCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t aspectReferenceCount;
const VkInputAttachmentAspectReference* pAspectReferences;
} VkRenderPassInputAttachmentAspectCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkImageViewUsageCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkImageUsageFlags usage;
} VkImageViewUsageCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkPipelineTessellationDomainOriginStateCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkTessellationDomainOrigin domainOrigin;
} VkPipelineTessellationDomainOriginStateCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkRenderPassMultiviewCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t subpassCount;
const uint32_t* pViewMasks;
uint32_t dependencyCount;
const int32_t* pViewOffsets;
uint32_t correlationMaskCount;
const uint32_t* pCorrelationMasks;
} VkRenderPassMultiviewCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewFeatures {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 multiview;
VkBool32 multiviewGeometryShader;
VkBool32 multiviewTessellationShader;
} VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewFeatures;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewProperties {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t maxMultiviewViewCount;
uint32_t maxMultiviewInstanceIndex;
} VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewProperties;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointerFeatures {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 variablePointersStorageBuffer;
VkBool32 variablePointers;
} VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointerFeatures;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryFeatures {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 protectedMemory;
} VkPhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryFeatures;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryProperties {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 protectedNoFault;
} VkPhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryProperties;
typedef struct VkDeviceQueueInfo2 {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDeviceQueueCreateFlags flags;
uint32_t queueFamilyIndex;
uint32_t queueIndex;
} VkDeviceQueueInfo2;
typedef struct VkProtectedSubmitInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBool32 protectedSubmit;
} VkProtectedSubmitInfo;
typedef struct VkSamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkFormat format;
VkSamplerYcbcrModelConversion ycbcrModel;
VkSamplerYcbcrRange ycbcrRange;
VkComponentMapping components;
VkChromaLocation xChromaOffset;
VkChromaLocation yChromaOffset;
VkFilter chromaFilter;
VkBool32 forceExplicitReconstruction;
} VkSamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkSamplerYcbcrConversionInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkSamplerYcbcrConversion conversion;
} VkSamplerYcbcrConversionInfo;
typedef struct VkBindImagePlaneMemoryInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkImageAspectFlagBits planeAspect;
} VkBindImagePlaneMemoryInfo;
typedef struct VkImagePlaneMemoryRequirementsInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkImageAspectFlagBits planeAspect;
} VkImagePlaneMemoryRequirementsInfo;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerYcbcrConversionFeatures {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 samplerYcbcrConversion;
} VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerYcbcrConversionFeatures;
typedef struct VkSamplerYcbcrConversionImageFormatProperties {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t combinedImageSamplerDescriptorCount;
} VkSamplerYcbcrConversionImageFormatProperties;
typedef struct VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateEntry {
uint32_t dstBinding;
uint32_t dstArrayElement;
uint32_t descriptorCount;
VkDescriptorType descriptorType;
size_t offset;
size_t stride;
} VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateEntry;
typedef struct VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateFlags flags;
uint32_t descriptorUpdateEntryCount;
const VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateEntry* pDescriptorUpdateEntries;
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateType templateType;
VkDescriptorSetLayout descriptorSetLayout;
VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint;
VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout;
uint32_t set;
} VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkExternalMemoryProperties {
VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlags externalMemoryFeatures;
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags exportFromImportedHandleTypes;
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags compatibleHandleTypes;
} VkExternalMemoryProperties;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits handleType;
} VkPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatInfo;
typedef struct VkExternalImageFormatProperties {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkExternalMemoryProperties externalMemoryProperties;
} VkExternalImageFormatProperties;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBufferCreateFlags flags;
VkBufferUsageFlags usage;
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits handleType;
} VkPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfo;
typedef struct VkExternalBufferProperties {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkExternalMemoryProperties externalMemoryProperties;
} VkExternalBufferProperties;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceIDProperties {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint8_t deviceUUID[VK_UUID_SIZE];
uint8_t driverUUID[VK_UUID_SIZE];
uint8_t deviceLUID[VK_LUID_SIZE];
uint32_t deviceNodeMask;
VkBool32 deviceLUIDValid;
} VkPhysicalDeviceIDProperties;
typedef struct VkExternalMemoryImageCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags handleTypes;
} VkExternalMemoryImageCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkExternalMemoryBufferCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags handleTypes;
} VkExternalMemoryBufferCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkExportMemoryAllocateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags handleTypes;
} VkExportMemoryAllocateInfo;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagBits handleType;
} VkPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfo;
typedef struct VkExternalFenceProperties {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags exportFromImportedHandleTypes;
VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags compatibleHandleTypes;
VkExternalFenceFeatureFlags externalFenceFeatures;
} VkExternalFenceProperties;
typedef struct VkExportFenceCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags handleTypes;
} VkExportFenceCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkExportSemaphoreCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags handleTypes;
} VkExportSemaphoreCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits handleType;
} VkPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfo;
typedef struct VkExternalSemaphoreProperties {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags exportFromImportedHandleTypes;
VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags compatibleHandleTypes;
VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlags externalSemaphoreFeatures;
} VkExternalSemaphoreProperties;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance3Properties {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t maxPerSetDescriptors;
VkDeviceSize maxMemoryAllocationSize;
} VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance3Properties;
typedef struct VkDescriptorSetLayoutSupport {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 supported;
} VkDescriptorSetLayoutSupport;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 shaderDrawParameters;
} VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkEnumerateInstanceVersion)(uint32_t* pApiVersion);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkBindBufferMemory2)(VkDevice device, uint32_t bindInfoCount, const VkBindBufferMemoryInfo* pBindInfos);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkBindImageMemory2)(VkDevice device, uint32_t bindInfoCount, const VkBindImageMemoryInfo* pBindInfos);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeatures)(VkDevice device, uint32_t heapIndex, uint32_t localDeviceIndex, uint32_t remoteDeviceIndex, VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags* pPeerMemoryFeatures);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetDeviceMask)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t deviceMask);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDispatchBase)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t baseGroupX, uint32_t baseGroupY, uint32_t baseGroupZ, uint32_t groupCountX, uint32_t groupCountY, uint32_t groupCountZ);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroups)(VkInstance instance, uint32_t* pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount, VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties* pPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2)(VkDevice device, const VkImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2* pInfo, VkMemoryRequirements2* pMemoryRequirements);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2)(VkDevice device, const VkBufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2* pInfo, VkMemoryRequirements2* pMemoryRequirements);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements2)(VkDevice device, const VkImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2* pInfo, uint32_t* pSparseMemoryRequirementCount, VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements2* pSparseMemoryRequirements);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2* pFeatures);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2* pProperties);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkFormat format, VkFormatProperties2* pFormatProperties);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2* pImageFormatInfo, VkImageFormatProperties2* pImageFormatProperties);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, uint32_t* pQueueFamilyPropertyCount, VkQueueFamilyProperties2* pQueueFamilyProperties);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2* pMemoryProperties);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2* pFormatInfo, uint32_t* pPropertyCount, VkSparseImageFormatProperties2* pProperties);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkTrimCommandPool)(VkDevice device, VkCommandPool commandPool, VkCommandPoolTrimFlags flags);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetDeviceQueue2)(VkDevice device, const VkDeviceQueueInfo2* pQueueInfo, VkQueue* pQueue);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateSamplerYcbcrConversion)(VkDevice device, const VkSamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkSamplerYcbcrConversion* pYcbcrConversion);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroySamplerYcbcrConversion)(VkDevice device, VkSamplerYcbcrConversion ycbcrConversion, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateDescriptorUpdateTemplate)(VkDevice device, const VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate* pDescriptorUpdateTemplate);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyDescriptorUpdateTemplate)(VkDevice device, VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate descriptorUpdateTemplate, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate)(VkDevice device, VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet, VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate descriptorUpdateTemplate, const void* pData);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferProperties)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfo* pExternalBufferInfo, VkExternalBufferProperties* pExternalBufferProperties);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceProperties)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfo* pExternalFenceInfo, VkExternalFenceProperties* pExternalFenceProperties);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreProperties)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfo* pExternalSemaphoreInfo, VkExternalSemaphoreProperties* pExternalSemaphoreProperties);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutSupport)(VkDevice device, const VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, VkDescriptorSetLayoutSupport* pSupport);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkEnumerateInstanceVersion(
uint32_t* pApiVersion);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkBindBufferMemory2(
VkDevice device,
uint32_t bindInfoCount,
const VkBindBufferMemoryInfo* pBindInfos);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkBindImageMemory2(
VkDevice device,
uint32_t bindInfoCount,
const VkBindImageMemoryInfo* pBindInfos);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeatures(
VkDevice device,
uint32_t heapIndex,
uint32_t localDeviceIndex,
uint32_t remoteDeviceIndex,
VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags* pPeerMemoryFeatures);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdSetDeviceMask(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t deviceMask);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDispatchBase(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t baseGroupX,
uint32_t baseGroupY,
uint32_t baseGroupZ,
uint32_t groupCountX,
uint32_t groupCountY,
uint32_t groupCountZ);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroups(
VkInstance instance,
uint32_t* pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount,
VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties* pPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2(
VkDevice device,
const VkImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2* pInfo,
VkMemoryRequirements2* pMemoryRequirements);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2(
VkDevice device,
const VkBufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2* pInfo,
VkMemoryRequirements2* pMemoryRequirements);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements2(
VkDevice device,
const VkImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2* pInfo,
uint32_t* pSparseMemoryRequirementCount,
VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements2* pSparseMemoryRequirements);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2* pFeatures);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2* pProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkFormat format,
VkFormatProperties2* pFormatProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2* pImageFormatInfo,
VkImageFormatProperties2* pImageFormatProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
uint32_t* pQueueFamilyPropertyCount,
VkQueueFamilyProperties2* pQueueFamilyProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2* pMemoryProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2* pFormatInfo,
uint32_t* pPropertyCount,
VkSparseImageFormatProperties2* pProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkTrimCommandPool(
VkDevice device,
VkCommandPool commandPool,
VkCommandPoolTrimFlags flags);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetDeviceQueue2(
VkDevice device,
const VkDeviceQueueInfo2* pQueueInfo,
VkQueue* pQueue);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateSamplerYcbcrConversion(
VkDevice device,
const VkSamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkSamplerYcbcrConversion* pYcbcrConversion);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroySamplerYcbcrConversion(
VkDevice device,
VkSamplerYcbcrConversion ycbcrConversion,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateDescriptorUpdateTemplate(
VkDevice device,
const VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate* pDescriptorUpdateTemplate);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyDescriptorUpdateTemplate(
VkDevice device,
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate descriptorUpdateTemplate,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate(
VkDevice device,
VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet,
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate descriptorUpdateTemplate,
const void* pData);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferProperties(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const VkPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfo* pExternalBufferInfo,
VkExternalBufferProperties* pExternalBufferProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceProperties(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const VkPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfo* pExternalFenceInfo,
VkExternalFenceProperties* pExternalFenceProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreProperties(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const VkPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfo* pExternalSemaphoreInfo,
VkExternalSemaphoreProperties* pExternalSemaphoreProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutSupport(
VkDevice device,
const VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
VkDescriptorSetLayoutSupport* pSupport);
#define VK_KHR_surface 1
typedef enum VkColorSpaceKHR {
VK_COLOR_SPACE_BT2020_LINEAR_EXT = 1000104007,
VK_COLOR_SPACE_HDR10_ST2084_EXT = 1000104008,
VK_COLOR_SPACE_HDR10_HLG_EXT = 1000104010,
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkColorSpaceKHR;
typedef enum VkPresentModeKHR {
} VkPresentModeKHR;
typedef enum VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR {
} VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR;
typedef VkFlags VkSurfaceTransformFlagsKHR;
typedef enum VkCompositeAlphaFlagBitsKHR {
} VkCompositeAlphaFlagBitsKHR;
typedef VkFlags VkCompositeAlphaFlagsKHR;
typedef struct VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR {
uint32_t minImageCount;
uint32_t maxImageCount;
VkExtent2D currentExtent;
VkExtent2D minImageExtent;
VkExtent2D maxImageExtent;
uint32_t maxImageArrayLayers;
VkSurfaceTransformFlagsKHR supportedTransforms;
VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR currentTransform;
VkCompositeAlphaFlagsKHR supportedCompositeAlpha;
VkImageUsageFlags supportedUsageFlags;
} VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR;
typedef struct VkSurfaceFormatKHR {
VkFormat format;
VkColorSpaceKHR colorSpace;
} VkSurfaceFormatKHR;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroySurfaceKHR)(VkInstance instance, VkSurfaceKHR surface, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, uint32_t queueFamilyIndex, VkSurfaceKHR surface, VkBool32* pSupported);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkSurfaceKHR surface, VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR* pSurfaceCapabilities);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkSurfaceKHR surface, uint32_t* pSurfaceFormatCount, VkSurfaceFormatKHR* pSurfaceFormats);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkSurfaceKHR surface, uint32_t* pPresentModeCount, VkPresentModeKHR* pPresentModes);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroySurfaceKHR(
VkInstance instance,
VkSurfaceKHR surface,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
uint32_t queueFamilyIndex,
VkSurfaceKHR surface,
VkBool32* pSupported);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkSurfaceKHR surface,
VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR* pSurfaceCapabilities);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkSurfaceKHR surface,
uint32_t* pSurfaceFormatCount,
VkSurfaceFormatKHR* pSurfaceFormats);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkSurfaceKHR surface,
uint32_t* pPresentModeCount,
VkPresentModeKHR* pPresentModes);
#define VK_KHR_swapchain 1
typedef enum VkSwapchainCreateFlagBitsKHR {
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkSwapchainCreateFlagBitsKHR;
typedef VkFlags VkSwapchainCreateFlagsKHR;
typedef enum VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagBitsKHR {
} VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagBitsKHR;
typedef VkFlags VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR;
typedef struct VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkSwapchainCreateFlagsKHR flags;
VkSurfaceKHR surface;
uint32_t minImageCount;
VkFormat imageFormat;
VkColorSpaceKHR imageColorSpace;
VkExtent2D imageExtent;
uint32_t imageArrayLayers;
VkImageUsageFlags imageUsage;
VkSharingMode imageSharingMode;
uint32_t queueFamilyIndexCount;
const uint32_t* pQueueFamilyIndices;
VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR preTransform;
VkCompositeAlphaFlagBitsKHR compositeAlpha;
VkPresentModeKHR presentMode;
VkBool32 clipped;
VkSwapchainKHR oldSwapchain;
} VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR;
typedef struct VkPresentInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t waitSemaphoreCount;
const VkSemaphore* pWaitSemaphores;
uint32_t swapchainCount;
const VkSwapchainKHR* pSwapchains;
const uint32_t* pImageIndices;
VkResult* pResults;
} VkPresentInfoKHR;
typedef struct VkImageSwapchainCreateInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkSwapchainKHR swapchain;
} VkImageSwapchainCreateInfoKHR;
typedef struct VkBindImageMemorySwapchainInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkSwapchainKHR swapchain;
uint32_t imageIndex;
} VkBindImageMemorySwapchainInfoKHR;
typedef struct VkAcquireNextImageInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkSwapchainKHR swapchain;
uint64_t timeout;
VkSemaphore semaphore;
VkFence fence;
uint32_t deviceMask;
} VkAcquireNextImageInfoKHR;
typedef struct VkDeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t presentMask[VK_MAX_DEVICE_GROUP_SIZE];
VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR modes;
} VkDeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR;
typedef struct VkDeviceGroupPresentInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t swapchainCount;
const uint32_t* pDeviceMasks;
VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagBitsKHR mode;
} VkDeviceGroupPresentInfoKHR;
typedef struct VkDeviceGroupSwapchainCreateInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR modes;
} VkDeviceGroupSwapchainCreateInfoKHR;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateSwapchainKHR)(VkDevice device, const VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkSwapchainKHR* pSwapchain);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroySwapchainKHR)(VkDevice device, VkSwapchainKHR swapchain, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR)(VkDevice device, VkSwapchainKHR swapchain, uint32_t* pSwapchainImageCount, VkImage* pSwapchainImages);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkAcquireNextImageKHR)(VkDevice device, VkSwapchainKHR swapchain, uint64_t timeout, VkSemaphore semaphore, VkFence fence, uint32_t* pImageIndex);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkQueuePresentKHR)(VkQueue queue, const VkPresentInfoKHR* pPresentInfo);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetDeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR)(VkDevice device, VkDeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR* pDeviceGroupPresentCapabilities);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetDeviceGroupSurfacePresentModesKHR)(VkDevice device, VkSurfaceKHR surface, VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR* pModes);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDevicePresentRectanglesKHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkSurfaceKHR surface, uint32_t* pRectCount, VkRect2D* pRects);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkAcquireNextImage2KHR)(VkDevice device, const VkAcquireNextImageInfoKHR* pAcquireInfo, uint32_t* pImageIndex);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateSwapchainKHR(
VkDevice device,
const VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkSwapchainKHR* pSwapchain);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroySwapchainKHR(
VkDevice device,
VkSwapchainKHR swapchain,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR(
VkDevice device,
VkSwapchainKHR swapchain,
uint32_t* pSwapchainImageCount,
VkImage* pSwapchainImages);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkAcquireNextImageKHR(
VkDevice device,
VkSwapchainKHR swapchain,
uint64_t timeout,
VkSemaphore semaphore,
VkFence fence,
uint32_t* pImageIndex);
VkQueue queue,
const VkPresentInfoKHR* pPresentInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetDeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR(
VkDevice device,
VkDeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR* pDeviceGroupPresentCapabilities);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetDeviceGroupSurfacePresentModesKHR(
VkDevice device,
VkSurfaceKHR surface,
VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR* pModes);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDevicePresentRectanglesKHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkSurfaceKHR surface,
uint32_t* pRectCount,
VkRect2D* pRects);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkAcquireNextImage2KHR(
VkDevice device,
const VkAcquireNextImageInfoKHR* pAcquireInfo,
uint32_t* pImageIndex);
#define VK_KHR_display 1
typedef enum VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagBitsKHR {
} VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagBitsKHR;
typedef VkFlags VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR;
typedef VkFlags VkDisplayModeCreateFlagsKHR;
typedef VkFlags VkDisplaySurfaceCreateFlagsKHR;
typedef struct VkDisplayPropertiesKHR {
VkDisplayKHR display;
const char* displayName;
VkExtent2D physicalDimensions;
VkExtent2D physicalResolution;
VkSurfaceTransformFlagsKHR supportedTransforms;
VkBool32 planeReorderPossible;
VkBool32 persistentContent;
} VkDisplayPropertiesKHR;
typedef struct VkDisplayModeParametersKHR {
VkExtent2D visibleRegion;
uint32_t refreshRate;
} VkDisplayModeParametersKHR;
typedef struct VkDisplayModePropertiesKHR {
VkDisplayModeKHR displayMode;
VkDisplayModeParametersKHR parameters;
} VkDisplayModePropertiesKHR;
typedef struct VkDisplayModeCreateInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDisplayModeCreateFlagsKHR flags;
VkDisplayModeParametersKHR parameters;
} VkDisplayModeCreateInfoKHR;
typedef struct VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR {
VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR supportedAlpha;
VkOffset2D minSrcPosition;
VkOffset2D maxSrcPosition;
VkExtent2D minSrcExtent;
VkExtent2D maxSrcExtent;
VkOffset2D minDstPosition;
VkOffset2D maxDstPosition;
VkExtent2D minDstExtent;
VkExtent2D maxDstExtent;
} VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR;
typedef struct VkDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR {
VkDisplayKHR currentDisplay;
uint32_t currentStackIndex;
} VkDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR;
typedef struct VkDisplaySurfaceCreateInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDisplaySurfaceCreateFlagsKHR flags;
VkDisplayModeKHR displayMode;
uint32_t planeIndex;
uint32_t planeStackIndex;
VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR transform;
float globalAlpha;
VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagBitsKHR alphaMode;
VkExtent2D imageExtent;
} VkDisplaySurfaceCreateInfoKHR;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPropertiesKHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, uint32_t* pPropertyCount, VkDisplayPropertiesKHR* pProperties);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, uint32_t* pPropertyCount, VkDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR* pProperties);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetDisplayPlaneSupportedDisplaysKHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, uint32_t planeIndex, uint32_t* pDisplayCount, VkDisplayKHR* pDisplays);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetDisplayModePropertiesKHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkDisplayKHR display, uint32_t* pPropertyCount, VkDisplayModePropertiesKHR* pProperties);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateDisplayModeKHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkDisplayKHR display, const VkDisplayModeCreateInfoKHR* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkDisplayModeKHR* pMode);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkDisplayModeKHR mode, uint32_t planeIndex, VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR* pCapabilities);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateDisplayPlaneSurfaceKHR)(VkInstance instance, const VkDisplaySurfaceCreateInfoKHR* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkSurfaceKHR* pSurface);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPropertiesKHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
uint32_t* pPropertyCount,
VkDisplayPropertiesKHR* pProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
uint32_t* pPropertyCount,
VkDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR* pProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetDisplayPlaneSupportedDisplaysKHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
uint32_t planeIndex,
uint32_t* pDisplayCount,
VkDisplayKHR* pDisplays);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetDisplayModePropertiesKHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkDisplayKHR display,
uint32_t* pPropertyCount,
VkDisplayModePropertiesKHR* pProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateDisplayModeKHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkDisplayKHR display,
const VkDisplayModeCreateInfoKHR* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkDisplayModeKHR* pMode);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkDisplayModeKHR mode,
uint32_t planeIndex,
VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR* pCapabilities);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateDisplayPlaneSurfaceKHR(
VkInstance instance,
const VkDisplaySurfaceCreateInfoKHR* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkSurfaceKHR* pSurface);
#define VK_KHR_display_swapchain 1
typedef struct VkDisplayPresentInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkRect2D srcRect;
VkRect2D dstRect;
VkBool32 persistent;
} VkDisplayPresentInfoKHR;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateSharedSwapchainsKHR)(VkDevice device, uint32_t swapchainCount, const VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR* pCreateInfos, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkSwapchainKHR* pSwapchains);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateSharedSwapchainsKHR(
VkDevice device,
uint32_t swapchainCount,
const VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR* pCreateInfos,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkSwapchainKHR* pSwapchains);
#define VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge 1
#define VK_KHR_SAMPLER_MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge"
#define VK_KHR_multiview 1
typedef VkRenderPassMultiviewCreateInfo VkRenderPassMultiviewCreateInfoKHR;
typedef VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewFeatures VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewFeaturesKHR;
typedef VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewProperties VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewPropertiesKHR;
#define VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 1
#define VK_KHR_GET_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_PROPERTIES_2_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2"
typedef VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR;
typedef VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR;
typedef VkFormatProperties2 VkFormatProperties2KHR;
typedef VkImageFormatProperties2 VkImageFormatProperties2KHR;
typedef VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2 VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2KHR;
typedef VkQueueFamilyProperties2 VkQueueFamilyProperties2KHR;
typedef VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2 VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2KHR;
typedef VkSparseImageFormatProperties2 VkSparseImageFormatProperties2KHR;
typedef VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2 VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2KHR;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2* pFeatures);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2* pProperties);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2KHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkFormat format, VkFormatProperties2* pFormatProperties);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2KHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2* pImageFormatInfo, VkImageFormatProperties2* pImageFormatProperties);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2KHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, uint32_t* pQueueFamilyPropertyCount, VkQueueFamilyProperties2* pQueueFamilyProperties);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2KHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2* pMemoryProperties);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2KHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2* pFormatInfo, uint32_t* pPropertyCount, VkSparseImageFormatProperties2* pProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2* pFeatures);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2* pProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2KHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkFormat format,
VkFormatProperties2* pFormatProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2KHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2* pImageFormatInfo,
VkImageFormatProperties2* pImageFormatProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2KHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
uint32_t* pQueueFamilyPropertyCount,
VkQueueFamilyProperties2* pQueueFamilyProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2KHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2* pMemoryProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2KHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2* pFormatInfo,
uint32_t* pPropertyCount,
VkSparseImageFormatProperties2* pProperties);
#define VK_KHR_device_group 1
typedef VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagsKHR;
typedef VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBitsKHR;
typedef VkMemoryAllocateFlags VkMemoryAllocateFlagsKHR;
typedef VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits VkMemoryAllocateFlagBitsKHR;
typedef VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfoKHR;
typedef VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfoKHR;
typedef VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfoKHR;
typedef VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfoKHR;
typedef VkDeviceGroupBindSparseInfo VkDeviceGroupBindSparseInfoKHR;
typedef VkBindBufferMemoryDeviceGroupInfo VkBindBufferMemoryDeviceGroupInfoKHR;
typedef VkBindImageMemoryDeviceGroupInfo VkBindImageMemoryDeviceGroupInfoKHR;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeaturesKHR)(VkDevice device, uint32_t heapIndex, uint32_t localDeviceIndex, uint32_t remoteDeviceIndex, VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags* pPeerMemoryFeatures);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetDeviceMaskKHR)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t deviceMask);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDispatchBaseKHR)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t baseGroupX, uint32_t baseGroupY, uint32_t baseGroupZ, uint32_t groupCountX, uint32_t groupCountY, uint32_t groupCountZ);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeaturesKHR(
VkDevice device,
uint32_t heapIndex,
uint32_t localDeviceIndex,
uint32_t remoteDeviceIndex,
VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags* pPeerMemoryFeatures);
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t deviceMask);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDispatchBaseKHR(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t baseGroupX,
uint32_t baseGroupY,
uint32_t baseGroupZ,
uint32_t groupCountX,
uint32_t groupCountY,
uint32_t groupCountZ);
#define VK_KHR_shader_draw_parameters 1
#define VK_KHR_maintenance1 1
Change log for March 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.71 spec update: * First public update for Vulkan 1.1. Github Issues: * Refer to standard sparse image block shape format tables explicitly in the <<sparsememory-standard-shapes, Standard Sparse Image Block Shapes>> section (public issue 93). * Add the missing definition of the code:LocalInvocationIndex decoration in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (public issue 532). * Clarify dynamic state definition in the introduction to the <<pipelines, Pipelines>> section and the new <<pipelines-dynamic-state, Dynamic State>> subsection (public issue 620). * Clarified deprecation statement in the `VK_AMD_negative_viewport_height` appendix (public issue 674). * Fix parameter descriptions for flink:vkCreateIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX (public issue 677). Internal Issues: * Remove description of <<primsrast-points, rasterization point size>> being taken from the tessellation control shader, since there are no circumstances under which you can have TCS without TES (internal issue 522). * Define <<copies-images-format-size-compatibility, _size-compatible_ image formats>> for flink:vkCmdCopyImage, add it to the glossary, and use that definition for slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo (internal issue 771). * Change brief descriptions of enumerant names, and of parameters which are enumerants, from "`enum *indicates*`" to "`enum *specifies*`" for consistency, and add a markup style guide rule (internal issue 862). * Clarify how execution dependencies interact with <<synchronization-submission-order, submission order>> at numerous places in the <<renderpass, Render Pass>> and <<synchronization, Synchronization>> chapters (internal issue 1062). * Clarify statement in the <<interfaces-resources-setandbinding, DescriptorSet and Binding Assignment>> section that only interface variables statically used by the entry point used in a pipeline must be present in the descriptor set layout (internal issue 1172). * Flip sparse image diagrams with partially full mip levels vertically, to match graph origins of other image diagrams (internal issue 1176). * Update new SVG diagrams to have consistent style and base font size, increase consistency of primitive topology diagrams, and add a section to the style guide on creating and editing images in a consistent style (internal issue 1177). * Resolve problems with valid usage statement extraction by fixing existing VUID tags for interfaces promoted to version 1.1 and fixing conditional directives around VUID-VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo-image-01797 (internal issue 1184). * Strip `KHR` suffixes from a few interfaces promoted to Vulkan 1.1 that were missed previously (internal issue 1185). * Restrict code:OpImageQuerySizeLod and code:OpImageQueryLevels to only work on code:Image operands with their code:Sampled operand set to 1. In other words, these operations are not defined to work with storage images (internal issue 1193). * Recycle extension slot for extension #82 in `vk.xml`. This extension was never published (internal issue 1195). * Add an issue to the `VK_KHR_maintenance1` appendix noting that zero height viewports are allowed when this extension is enabled (internal issue 1202). * Fix slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding description so that shader stages always use descriptor bindings, not the other way around (internal issue 1206). * Fix field name for slink:VkInputAttachmentAspectReference::pname:inputAttachmentIndex (internal issue 1210). Other Issues: * Fix a few broken links in the <<versions-1.1, Version 1.1>> appendix. * Replace a few old refBegin/refEnd tags with open block markup around interfaces, and remove old KHX VUID tags that were breaking the valid usage statement extraction. * Fix error codes accidentally tagged as success codes in `vk.xml` for flink:vkGetSwapchainCounterEXT. * Added valid usage statements for ftext:vkBind*Memory2 input structures stext:VkBind*MemoryInfo, and fix a pname:image -> pname:buffer typo in a couple of places. * Fix swapped descriptions of elink:VkDescriptorType enums ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLED_IMAGE and ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE (reported via tweet). New Extensions: * `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer`
2018-03-17 04:04:05 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
typedef VkCommandPoolTrimFlags VkCommandPoolTrimFlagsKHR;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkTrimCommandPoolKHR)(VkDevice device, VkCommandPool commandPool, VkCommandPoolTrimFlags flags);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkTrimCommandPoolKHR(
VkDevice device,
VkCommandPool commandPool,
VkCommandPoolTrimFlags flags);
#define VK_KHR_device_group_creation 1
typedef VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties VkPhysicalDeviceGroupPropertiesKHR;
typedef VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfoKHR;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroupsKHR)(VkInstance instance, uint32_t* pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount, VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties* pPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroupsKHR(
VkInstance instance,
uint32_t* pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount,
VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties* pPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties);
#define VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities 1
typedef VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsKHR;
typedef VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBitsKHR;
typedef VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlags VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsKHR;
typedef VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBits VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBitsKHR;
typedef VkExternalMemoryProperties VkExternalMemoryPropertiesKHR;
typedef VkPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatInfo VkPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatInfoKHR;
typedef VkExternalImageFormatProperties VkExternalImageFormatPropertiesKHR;
typedef VkPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfo VkPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfoKHR;
typedef VkExternalBufferProperties VkExternalBufferPropertiesKHR;
typedef VkPhysicalDeviceIDProperties VkPhysicalDeviceIDPropertiesKHR;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferPropertiesKHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfo* pExternalBufferInfo, VkExternalBufferProperties* pExternalBufferProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferPropertiesKHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const VkPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfo* pExternalBufferInfo,
VkExternalBufferProperties* pExternalBufferProperties);
#define VK_KHR_external_memory 1
typedef VkExternalMemoryImageCreateInfo VkExternalMemoryImageCreateInfoKHR;
typedef VkExternalMemoryBufferCreateInfo VkExternalMemoryBufferCreateInfoKHR;
typedef VkExportMemoryAllocateInfo VkExportMemoryAllocateInfoKHR;
#define VK_KHR_external_memory_fd 1
typedef struct VkImportMemoryFdInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits handleType;
int fd;
} VkImportMemoryFdInfoKHR;
typedef struct VkMemoryFdPropertiesKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t memoryTypeBits;
} VkMemoryFdPropertiesKHR;
typedef struct VkMemoryGetFdInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDeviceMemory memory;
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits handleType;
} VkMemoryGetFdInfoKHR;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetMemoryFdKHR)(VkDevice device, const VkMemoryGetFdInfoKHR* pGetFdInfo, int* pFd);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetMemoryFdPropertiesKHR)(VkDevice device, VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits handleType, int fd, VkMemoryFdPropertiesKHR* pMemoryFdProperties);
VkDevice device,
const VkMemoryGetFdInfoKHR* pGetFdInfo,
int* pFd);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetMemoryFdPropertiesKHR(
VkDevice device,
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits handleType,
int fd,
VkMemoryFdPropertiesKHR* pMemoryFdProperties);
#define VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities 1
typedef VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagsKHR;
typedef VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBitsKHR;
typedef VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlags VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlagsKHR;
typedef VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlagBits VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlagBitsKHR;
typedef VkPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfo VkPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfoKHR;
typedef VkExternalSemaphoreProperties VkExternalSemaphorePropertiesKHR;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphorePropertiesKHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfo* pExternalSemaphoreInfo, VkExternalSemaphoreProperties* pExternalSemaphoreProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphorePropertiesKHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const VkPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfo* pExternalSemaphoreInfo,
VkExternalSemaphoreProperties* pExternalSemaphoreProperties);
#define VK_KHR_external_semaphore 1
typedef VkSemaphoreImportFlags VkSemaphoreImportFlagsKHR;
typedef VkSemaphoreImportFlagBits VkSemaphoreImportFlagBitsKHR;
typedef VkExportSemaphoreCreateInfo VkExportSemaphoreCreateInfoKHR;
#define VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd 1
typedef struct VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkSemaphore semaphore;
VkSemaphoreImportFlags flags;
VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits handleType;
int fd;
} VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR;
typedef struct VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkSemaphore semaphore;
VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits handleType;
} VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkImportSemaphoreFdKHR)(VkDevice device, const VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR* pImportSemaphoreFdInfo);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetSemaphoreFdKHR)(VkDevice device, const VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR* pGetFdInfo, int* pFd);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkImportSemaphoreFdKHR(
VkDevice device,
const VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR* pImportSemaphoreFdInfo);
VkDevice device,
const VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR* pGetFdInfo,
int* pFd);
#define VK_KHR_push_descriptor 1
typedef struct VkPhysicalDevicePushDescriptorPropertiesKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t maxPushDescriptors;
} VkPhysicalDevicePushDescriptorPropertiesKHR;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdPushDescriptorSetKHR)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint, VkPipelineLayout layout, uint32_t set, uint32_t descriptorWriteCount, const VkWriteDescriptorSet* pDescriptorWrites);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdPushDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate descriptorUpdateTemplate, VkPipelineLayout layout, uint32_t set, const void* pData);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdPushDescriptorSetKHR(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint,
VkPipelineLayout layout,
uint32_t set,
uint32_t descriptorWriteCount,
const VkWriteDescriptorSet* pDescriptorWrites);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdPushDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate descriptorUpdateTemplate,
VkPipelineLayout layout,
uint32_t set,
const void* pData);
Change log for December 3, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.95 spec update: * Update release number to 95. Public Issues: * Fix valid usage and XML issues found in public issues 789 and 790 for the `VK_EXT_debug_utils` extension (public pull request 794). * Replace references to `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation` with links to the corresponding slink:slink:VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements and slink:slink:VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo structures in the description of elink:VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBits (public issue 801). * Fix miscellaneous minor markup and spelling issues in `VK_NV_ray_tracing` extension (public pull request 860). * Remove "returnedonly" from XML for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockFeaturesEXT and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (public issue 862). Internal Issues: * Add to the description of the <<features-limits-maxComputeSharedMemorySize, pname:maxCompureSharedMemorySize>> feature to state the shared variables should be packed at least as tightly as std430 (internal issue 1386). * Fix and clarify various references to image and image view usage in flink:vkCmdBindShadingRateImageNV, flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass, and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT (internal issue 1432). * Require that the slink:VkImage mipmap chain match the Android hardware buffer mipmap chain for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo (internal issue 1479). * Fix the definition of slink:VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR valid usage statement 01778 (Vulkan-ValidationLayers!15) * Fix descriptions of <<interfaces-builtin-variables-launchid, code:LaunchIDNV>> and <<interfaces-builtin-variables-launchsize, code:LaunchSizeNV>> to code:uvec3. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8` * `VK_KHR_shader_float_controls`
2018-12-03 02:41:34 -08:00
#define VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8 1
#define VK_KHR_SHADER_FLOAT16_INT8_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8"
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceFloat16Int8FeaturesKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 shaderFloat16;
VkBool32 shaderInt8;
} VkPhysicalDeviceFloat16Int8FeaturesKHR;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
#define VK_KHR_16bit_storage 1
#define VK_KHR_16BIT_STORAGE_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_KHR_16bit_storage"
typedef VkPhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeatures VkPhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeaturesKHR;
#define VK_KHR_incremental_present 1
typedef struct VkRectLayerKHR {
VkOffset2D offset;
VkExtent2D extent;
uint32_t layer;
} VkRectLayerKHR;
typedef struct VkPresentRegionKHR {
uint32_t rectangleCount;
const VkRectLayerKHR* pRectangles;
} VkPresentRegionKHR;
typedef struct VkPresentRegionsKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t swapchainCount;
const VkPresentRegionKHR* pRegions;
} VkPresentRegionsKHR;
#define VK_KHR_descriptor_update_template 1
typedef VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR;
typedef VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateType VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateTypeKHR;
typedef VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateFlags VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateFlagsKHR;
typedef VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateEntry VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateEntryKHR;
typedef VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfoKHR;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR)(VkDevice device, const VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate* pDescriptorUpdateTemplate);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR)(VkDevice device, VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate descriptorUpdateTemplate, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR)(VkDevice device, VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet, VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate descriptorUpdateTemplate, const void* pData);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR(
VkDevice device,
const VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate* pDescriptorUpdateTemplate);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR(
VkDevice device,
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate descriptorUpdateTemplate,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR(
VkDevice device,
VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet,
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate descriptorUpdateTemplate,
const void* pData);
#define VK_KHR_create_renderpass2 1
typedef struct VkAttachmentDescription2KHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags flags;
VkFormat format;
VkSampleCountFlagBits samples;
VkAttachmentLoadOp loadOp;
VkAttachmentStoreOp storeOp;
VkAttachmentLoadOp stencilLoadOp;
VkAttachmentStoreOp stencilStoreOp;
VkImageLayout initialLayout;
VkImageLayout finalLayout;
} VkAttachmentDescription2KHR;
typedef struct VkAttachmentReference2KHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t attachment;
VkImageLayout layout;
VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask;
} VkAttachmentReference2KHR;
typedef struct VkSubpassDescription2KHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkSubpassDescriptionFlags flags;
VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint;
uint32_t viewMask;
uint32_t inputAttachmentCount;
const VkAttachmentReference2KHR* pInputAttachments;
uint32_t colorAttachmentCount;
const VkAttachmentReference2KHR* pColorAttachments;
const VkAttachmentReference2KHR* pResolveAttachments;
const VkAttachmentReference2KHR* pDepthStencilAttachment;
uint32_t preserveAttachmentCount;
const uint32_t* pPreserveAttachments;
} VkSubpassDescription2KHR;
typedef struct VkSubpassDependency2KHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t srcSubpass;
uint32_t dstSubpass;
VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask;
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask;
VkAccessFlags srcAccessMask;
VkAccessFlags dstAccessMask;
VkDependencyFlags dependencyFlags;
int32_t viewOffset;
} VkSubpassDependency2KHR;
typedef struct VkRenderPassCreateInfo2KHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkRenderPassCreateFlags flags;
uint32_t attachmentCount;
const VkAttachmentDescription2KHR* pAttachments;
uint32_t subpassCount;
const VkSubpassDescription2KHR* pSubpasses;
uint32_t dependencyCount;
const VkSubpassDependency2KHR* pDependencies;
uint32_t correlatedViewMaskCount;
const uint32_t* pCorrelatedViewMasks;
} VkRenderPassCreateInfo2KHR;
typedef struct VkSubpassBeginInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkSubpassContents contents;
} VkSubpassBeginInfoKHR;
typedef struct VkSubpassEndInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
} VkSubpassEndInfoKHR;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateRenderPass2KHR)(VkDevice device, const VkRenderPassCreateInfo2KHR* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkRenderPass* pRenderPass);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdBeginRenderPass2KHR)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkRenderPassBeginInfo* pRenderPassBegin, const VkSubpassBeginInfoKHR* pSubpassBeginInfo);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdNextSubpass2KHR)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkSubpassBeginInfoKHR* pSubpassBeginInfo, const VkSubpassEndInfoKHR* pSubpassEndInfo);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdEndRenderPass2KHR)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkSubpassEndInfoKHR* pSubpassEndInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateRenderPass2KHR(
VkDevice device,
const VkRenderPassCreateInfo2KHR* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkRenderPass* pRenderPass);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdBeginRenderPass2KHR(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkRenderPassBeginInfo* pRenderPassBegin,
const VkSubpassBeginInfoKHR* pSubpassBeginInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdNextSubpass2KHR(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkSubpassBeginInfoKHR* pSubpassBeginInfo,
const VkSubpassEndInfoKHR* pSubpassEndInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdEndRenderPass2KHR(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkSubpassEndInfoKHR* pSubpassEndInfo);
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
#define VK_KHR_shared_presentable_image 1
typedef struct VkSharedPresentSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkImageUsageFlags sharedPresentSupportedUsageFlags;
} VkSharedPresentSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetSwapchainStatusKHR)(VkDevice device, VkSwapchainKHR swapchain);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetSwapchainStatusKHR(
VkDevice device,
VkSwapchainKHR swapchain);
#define VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities 1
typedef VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagsKHR;
typedef VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagBits VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagBitsKHR;
typedef VkExternalFenceFeatureFlags VkExternalFenceFeatureFlagsKHR;
typedef VkExternalFenceFeatureFlagBits VkExternalFenceFeatureFlagBitsKHR;
typedef VkPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfo VkPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfoKHR;
typedef VkExternalFenceProperties VkExternalFencePropertiesKHR;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalFencePropertiesKHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfo* pExternalFenceInfo, VkExternalFenceProperties* pExternalFenceProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalFencePropertiesKHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const VkPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfo* pExternalFenceInfo,
VkExternalFenceProperties* pExternalFenceProperties);
#define VK_KHR_external_fence 1
typedef VkFenceImportFlags VkFenceImportFlagsKHR;
typedef VkFenceImportFlagBits VkFenceImportFlagBitsKHR;
typedef VkExportFenceCreateInfo VkExportFenceCreateInfoKHR;
#define VK_KHR_external_fence_fd 1
typedef struct VkImportFenceFdInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkFence fence;
VkFenceImportFlags flags;
VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagBits handleType;
int fd;
} VkImportFenceFdInfoKHR;
typedef struct VkFenceGetFdInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkFence fence;
VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagBits handleType;
} VkFenceGetFdInfoKHR;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkImportFenceFdKHR)(VkDevice device, const VkImportFenceFdInfoKHR* pImportFenceFdInfo);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetFenceFdKHR)(VkDevice device, const VkFenceGetFdInfoKHR* pGetFdInfo, int* pFd);
VkDevice device,
const VkImportFenceFdInfoKHR* pImportFenceFdInfo);
VkDevice device,
const VkFenceGetFdInfoKHR* pGetFdInfo,
int* pFd);
#define VK_KHR_maintenance2 1
typedef VkPointClippingBehavior VkPointClippingBehaviorKHR;
typedef VkTessellationDomainOrigin VkTessellationDomainOriginKHR;
typedef VkPhysicalDevicePointClippingProperties VkPhysicalDevicePointClippingPropertiesKHR;
typedef VkRenderPassInputAttachmentAspectCreateInfo VkRenderPassInputAttachmentAspectCreateInfoKHR;
typedef VkInputAttachmentAspectReference VkInputAttachmentAspectReferenceKHR;
typedef VkImageViewUsageCreateInfo VkImageViewUsageCreateInfoKHR;
typedef VkPipelineTessellationDomainOriginStateCreateInfo VkPipelineTessellationDomainOriginStateCreateInfoKHR;
#define VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2 1
#define VK_KHR_GET_SURFACE_CAPABILITIES_2_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2"
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkSurfaceKHR surface;
} VkPhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR;
typedef struct VkSurfaceCapabilities2KHR {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR surfaceCapabilities;
} VkSurfaceCapabilities2KHR;
typedef struct VkSurfaceFormat2KHR {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkSurfaceFormatKHR surfaceFormat;
} VkSurfaceFormat2KHR;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2KHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkPhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR* pSurfaceInfo, VkSurfaceCapabilities2KHR* pSurfaceCapabilities);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormats2KHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkPhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR* pSurfaceInfo, uint32_t* pSurfaceFormatCount, VkSurfaceFormat2KHR* pSurfaceFormats);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2KHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const VkPhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR* pSurfaceInfo,
VkSurfaceCapabilities2KHR* pSurfaceCapabilities);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormats2KHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const VkPhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR* pSurfaceInfo,
uint32_t* pSurfaceFormatCount,
VkSurfaceFormat2KHR* pSurfaceFormats);
#define VK_KHR_variable_pointers 1
typedef VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointerFeatures VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointerFeaturesKHR;
#define VK_KHR_get_display_properties2 1
#define VK_KHR_GET_DISPLAY_PROPERTIES_2_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_KHR_get_display_properties2"
typedef struct VkDisplayProperties2KHR {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkDisplayPropertiesKHR displayProperties;
} VkDisplayProperties2KHR;
typedef struct VkDisplayPlaneProperties2KHR {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR displayPlaneProperties;
} VkDisplayPlaneProperties2KHR;
typedef struct VkDisplayModeProperties2KHR {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkDisplayModePropertiesKHR displayModeProperties;
} VkDisplayModeProperties2KHR;
typedef struct VkDisplayPlaneInfo2KHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDisplayModeKHR mode;
uint32_t planeIndex;
} VkDisplayPlaneInfo2KHR;
typedef struct VkDisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR capabilities;
} VkDisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayProperties2KHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, uint32_t* pPropertyCount, VkDisplayProperties2KHR* pProperties);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPlaneProperties2KHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, uint32_t* pPropertyCount, VkDisplayPlaneProperties2KHR* pProperties);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetDisplayModeProperties2KHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkDisplayKHR display, uint32_t* pPropertyCount, VkDisplayModeProperties2KHR* pProperties);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetDisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkDisplayPlaneInfo2KHR* pDisplayPlaneInfo, VkDisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR* pCapabilities);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayProperties2KHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
uint32_t* pPropertyCount,
VkDisplayProperties2KHR* pProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPlaneProperties2KHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
uint32_t* pPropertyCount,
VkDisplayPlaneProperties2KHR* pProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetDisplayModeProperties2KHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkDisplayKHR display,
uint32_t* pPropertyCount,
VkDisplayModeProperties2KHR* pProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetDisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
const VkDisplayPlaneInfo2KHR* pDisplayPlaneInfo,
VkDisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR* pCapabilities);
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
#define VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation 1
typedef VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements VkMemoryDedicatedRequirementsKHR;
typedef VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR;
#define VK_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class 1
#define VK_KHR_STORAGE_BUFFER_STORAGE_CLASS_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class"
#define VK_KHR_relaxed_block_layout 1
#define VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 1
#define VK_KHR_GET_MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS_2_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2"
typedef VkBufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2 VkBufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR;
typedef VkImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2 VkImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR;
typedef VkImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2 VkImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR;
typedef VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements2 VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements2KHR;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR)(VkDevice device, const VkImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2* pInfo, VkMemoryRequirements2* pMemoryRequirements);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR)(VkDevice device, const VkBufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2* pInfo, VkMemoryRequirements2* pMemoryRequirements);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements2KHR)(VkDevice device, const VkImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2* pInfo, uint32_t* pSparseMemoryRequirementCount, VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements2* pSparseMemoryRequirements);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR(
VkDevice device,
const VkImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2* pInfo,
VkMemoryRequirements2* pMemoryRequirements);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR(
VkDevice device,
const VkBufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2* pInfo,
VkMemoryRequirements2* pMemoryRequirements);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements2KHR(
VkDevice device,
const VkImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2* pInfo,
uint32_t* pSparseMemoryRequirementCount,
VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements2* pSparseMemoryRequirements);
#define VK_KHR_image_format_list 1
typedef struct VkImageFormatListCreateInfoKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t viewFormatCount;
const VkFormat* pViewFormats;
} VkImageFormatListCreateInfoKHR;
#define VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion 1
typedef VkSamplerYcbcrConversion VkSamplerYcbcrConversionKHR;
typedef VkSamplerYcbcrModelConversion VkSamplerYcbcrModelConversionKHR;
typedef VkSamplerYcbcrRange VkSamplerYcbcrRangeKHR;
typedef VkChromaLocation VkChromaLocationKHR;
typedef VkSamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo VkSamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfoKHR;
typedef VkSamplerYcbcrConversionInfo VkSamplerYcbcrConversionInfoKHR;
typedef VkBindImagePlaneMemoryInfo VkBindImagePlaneMemoryInfoKHR;
typedef VkImagePlaneMemoryRequirementsInfo VkImagePlaneMemoryRequirementsInfoKHR;
typedef VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerYcbcrConversionFeatures VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerYcbcrConversionFeaturesKHR;
typedef VkSamplerYcbcrConversionImageFormatProperties VkSamplerYcbcrConversionImageFormatPropertiesKHR;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateSamplerYcbcrConversionKHR)(VkDevice device, const VkSamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkSamplerYcbcrConversion* pYcbcrConversion);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroySamplerYcbcrConversionKHR)(VkDevice device, VkSamplerYcbcrConversion ycbcrConversion, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateSamplerYcbcrConversionKHR(
VkDevice device,
const VkSamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkSamplerYcbcrConversion* pYcbcrConversion);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroySamplerYcbcrConversionKHR(
VkDevice device,
VkSamplerYcbcrConversion ycbcrConversion,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
#define VK_KHR_bind_memory2 1
typedef VkBindBufferMemoryInfo VkBindBufferMemoryInfoKHR;
typedef VkBindImageMemoryInfo VkBindImageMemoryInfoKHR;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkBindBufferMemory2KHR)(VkDevice device, uint32_t bindInfoCount, const VkBindBufferMemoryInfo* pBindInfos);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkBindImageMemory2KHR)(VkDevice device, uint32_t bindInfoCount, const VkBindImageMemoryInfo* pBindInfos);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkBindBufferMemory2KHR(
VkDevice device,
uint32_t bindInfoCount,
const VkBindBufferMemoryInfo* pBindInfos);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkBindImageMemory2KHR(
VkDevice device,
uint32_t bindInfoCount,
const VkBindImageMemoryInfo* pBindInfos);
#define VK_KHR_maintenance3 1
typedef VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance3Properties VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance3PropertiesKHR;
typedef VkDescriptorSetLayoutSupport VkDescriptorSetLayoutSupportKHR;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutSupportKHR)(VkDevice device, const VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, VkDescriptorSetLayoutSupport* pSupport);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutSupportKHR(
VkDevice device,
const VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
VkDescriptorSetLayoutSupport* pSupport);
#define VK_KHR_draw_indirect_count 1
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDrawIndirectCountKHR)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkBuffer countBuffer, VkDeviceSize countBufferOffset, uint32_t maxDrawCount, uint32_t stride);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCountKHR)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkBuffer countBuffer, VkDeviceSize countBufferOffset, uint32_t maxDrawCount, uint32_t stride);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDrawIndirectCountKHR(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkBuffer buffer,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkBuffer countBuffer,
VkDeviceSize countBufferOffset,
uint32_t maxDrawCount,
uint32_t stride);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCountKHR(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkBuffer buffer,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkBuffer countBuffer,
VkDeviceSize countBufferOffset,
uint32_t maxDrawCount,
uint32_t stride);
#define VK_KHR_8bit_storage 1
typedef struct VkPhysicalDevice8BitStorageFeaturesKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 storageBuffer8BitAccess;
VkBool32 uniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess;
VkBool32 storagePushConstant8;
} VkPhysicalDevice8BitStorageFeaturesKHR;
#define VK_KHR_shader_atomic_int64 1
#define VK_KHR_SHADER_ATOMIC_INT64_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_KHR_shader_atomic_int64"
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicInt64FeaturesKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 shaderBufferInt64Atomics;
VkBool32 shaderSharedInt64Atomics;
} VkPhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicInt64FeaturesKHR;
#define VK_KHR_driver_properties 1
typedef enum VkDriverIdKHR {
} VkDriverIdKHR;
typedef struct VkConformanceVersionKHR {
uint8_t major;
uint8_t minor;
uint8_t subminor;
uint8_t patch;
} VkConformanceVersionKHR;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
VkDriverIdKHR driverID;
VkConformanceVersionKHR conformanceVersion;
} VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR;
Change log for December 3, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.95 spec update: * Update release number to 95. Public Issues: * Fix valid usage and XML issues found in public issues 789 and 790 for the `VK_EXT_debug_utils` extension (public pull request 794). * Replace references to `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation` with links to the corresponding slink:slink:VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements and slink:slink:VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo structures in the description of elink:VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBits (public issue 801). * Fix miscellaneous minor markup and spelling issues in `VK_NV_ray_tracing` extension (public pull request 860). * Remove "returnedonly" from XML for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockFeaturesEXT and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (public issue 862). Internal Issues: * Add to the description of the <<features-limits-maxComputeSharedMemorySize, pname:maxCompureSharedMemorySize>> feature to state the shared variables should be packed at least as tightly as std430 (internal issue 1386). * Fix and clarify various references to image and image view usage in flink:vkCmdBindShadingRateImageNV, flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass, and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT (internal issue 1432). * Require that the slink:VkImage mipmap chain match the Android hardware buffer mipmap chain for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo (internal issue 1479). * Fix the definition of slink:VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR valid usage statement 01778 (Vulkan-ValidationLayers!15) * Fix descriptions of <<interfaces-builtin-variables-launchid, code:LaunchIDNV>> and <<interfaces-builtin-variables-launchsize, code:LaunchSizeNV>> to code:uvec3. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8` * `VK_KHR_shader_float_controls`
2018-12-03 02:41:34 -08:00
#define VK_KHR_shader_float_controls 1
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsPropertiesKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 separateDenormSettings;
VkBool32 separateRoundingModeSettings;
VkBool32 shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat16;
VkBool32 shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat32;
VkBool32 shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat64;
VkBool32 shaderDenormPreserveFloat16;
VkBool32 shaderDenormPreserveFloat32;
VkBool32 shaderDenormPreserveFloat64;
VkBool32 shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat16;
VkBool32 shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat32;
VkBool32 shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat64;
VkBool32 shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat16;
VkBool32 shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat32;
VkBool32 shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat64;
VkBool32 shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat16;
VkBool32 shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat32;
VkBool32 shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat64;
} VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsPropertiesKHR;
#define VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format 1
Change log for September 8, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.84 spec update: * Update release number to 84. Public Issues: * Fix code sample in the `<<VK_EXT_debug_utils>>` extension (public issue 751). * Fix misleading comment in `vk.xml` for slink:VkDescriptorBufferInfo::pname:buffer (public pull request 762). * Fix formatting of deprecation attributes in schema doc (public pull request 767). * Change `can` to `may` in the description of elink:VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits, which are return values from queries (public pull request 768). * Prettify generated contact list in extension appendices, adding logos and a New Issue link (public pull request 770). * Enable sRGB conversion based on the image view format, not the image format, in the <<textures-format-conversion, Format Conversion>> section (public pull request 773). * Fix typo in equation in the <<primsrast-lines-basic, Basic Line Segment Rasterization>> section (public pull request 780). * Fix special characters in GitHub contacts links (public pull request 783). * Make clean_pdf target remove pdf folder (public pull request 784). * Fix styleguide bad markup of block continuation (public pull request 792). Other Issues: * Allow a zero vertex attribute divisor in the `<<VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor>>` extension, exposed via the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT feature. * Add missing `structextends="VkDeviceCreateInfo"` to slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_memory_model` * `VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode` * `VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block`
2018-09-08 15:52:13 -07:00
#define VK_KHR_vulkan_memory_model 1
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 vulkanMemoryModel;
VkBool32 vulkanMemoryModelDeviceScope;
} VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
#define VK_EXT_debug_report 1
typedef enum VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT {
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT;
typedef enum VkDebugReportFlagBitsEXT {
} VkDebugReportFlagBitsEXT;
typedef VkFlags VkDebugReportFlagsEXT;
typedef VkBool32 (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDebugReportCallbackEXT)(
VkDebugReportFlagsEXT flags,
VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT objectType,
uint64_t object,
size_t location,
int32_t messageCode,
const char* pLayerPrefix,
const char* pMessage,
void* pUserData);
typedef struct VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDebugReportFlagsEXT flags;
PFN_vkDebugReportCallbackEXT pfnCallback;
void* pUserData;
} VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT)(VkInstance instance, const VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkDebugReportCallbackEXT* pCallback);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT)(VkInstance instance, VkDebugReportCallbackEXT callback, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDebugReportMessageEXT)(VkInstance instance, VkDebugReportFlagsEXT flags, VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT objectType, uint64_t object, size_t location, int32_t messageCode, const char* pLayerPrefix, const char* pMessage);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT(
VkInstance instance,
const VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkDebugReportCallbackEXT* pCallback);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT(
VkInstance instance,
VkDebugReportCallbackEXT callback,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDebugReportMessageEXT(
VkInstance instance,
VkDebugReportFlagsEXT flags,
VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT objectType,
uint64_t object,
size_t location,
int32_t messageCode,
const char* pLayerPrefix,
const char* pMessage);
#define VK_NV_glsl_shader 1
#define VK_EXT_depth_range_unrestricted 1
#define VK_IMG_filter_cubic 1
#define VK_AMD_rasterization_order 1
typedef enum VkRasterizationOrderAMD {
} VkRasterizationOrderAMD;
typedef struct VkPipelineRasterizationStateRasterizationOrderAMD {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkRasterizationOrderAMD rasterizationOrder;
} VkPipelineRasterizationStateRasterizationOrderAMD;
#define VK_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax 1
#define VK_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter 1
#define VK_AMD_SHADER_EXPLICIT_VERTEX_PARAMETER_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter"
#define VK_EXT_debug_marker 1
typedef struct VkDebugMarkerObjectNameInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT objectType;
uint64_t object;
const char* pObjectName;
} VkDebugMarkerObjectNameInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkDebugMarkerObjectTagInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT objectType;
uint64_t object;
uint64_t tagName;
size_t tagSize;
const void* pTag;
} VkDebugMarkerObjectTagInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkDebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
const char* pMarkerName;
float color[4];
} VkDebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDebugMarkerSetObjectTagEXT)(VkDevice device, const VkDebugMarkerObjectTagInfoEXT* pTagInfo);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDebugMarkerSetObjectNameEXT)(VkDevice device, const VkDebugMarkerObjectNameInfoEXT* pNameInfo);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDebugMarkerBeginEXT)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkDebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT* pMarkerInfo);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDebugMarkerEndEXT)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDebugMarkerInsertEXT)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkDebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT* pMarkerInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkDebugMarkerSetObjectTagEXT(
VkDevice device,
const VkDebugMarkerObjectTagInfoEXT* pTagInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkDebugMarkerSetObjectNameEXT(
VkDevice device,
const VkDebugMarkerObjectNameInfoEXT* pNameInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDebugMarkerBeginEXT(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkDebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT* pMarkerInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDebugMarkerEndEXT(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDebugMarkerInsertEXT(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkDebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT* pMarkerInfo);
#define VK_AMD_gcn_shader 1
#define VK_NV_dedicated_allocation 1
typedef struct VkDedicatedAllocationImageCreateInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBool32 dedicatedAllocation;
} VkDedicatedAllocationImageCreateInfoNV;
typedef struct VkDedicatedAllocationBufferCreateInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBool32 dedicatedAllocation;
} VkDedicatedAllocationBufferCreateInfoNV;
typedef struct VkDedicatedAllocationMemoryAllocateInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkImage image;
VkBuffer buffer;
} VkDedicatedAllocationMemoryAllocateInfoNV;
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
#define VK_EXT_transform_feedback 1
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineRasterizationStateStreamCreateFlagsEXT;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackFeaturesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 transformFeedback;
VkBool32 geometryStreams;
} VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackFeaturesEXT;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackPropertiesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t maxTransformFeedbackStreams;
uint32_t maxTransformFeedbackBuffers;
VkDeviceSize maxTransformFeedbackBufferSize;
uint32_t maxTransformFeedbackStreamDataSize;
uint32_t maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataSize;
uint32_t maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride;
VkBool32 transformFeedbackQueries;
VkBool32 transformFeedbackStreamsLinesTriangles;
VkBool32 transformFeedbackRasterizationStreamSelect;
VkBool32 transformFeedbackDraw;
} VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackPropertiesEXT;
typedef struct VkPipelineRasterizationStateStreamCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineRasterizationStateStreamCreateFlagsEXT flags;
uint32_t rasterizationStream;
} VkPipelineRasterizationStateStreamCreateInfoEXT;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdBindTransformFeedbackBuffersEXT)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t firstBinding, uint32_t bindingCount, const VkBuffer* pBuffers, const VkDeviceSize* pOffsets, const VkDeviceSize* pSizes);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t firstCounterBuffer, uint32_t counterBufferCount, const VkBuffer* pCounterBuffers, const VkDeviceSize* pCounterBufferOffsets);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t firstCounterBuffer, uint32_t counterBufferCount, const VkBuffer* pCounterBuffers, const VkDeviceSize* pCounterBufferOffsets);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdBeginQueryIndexedEXT)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t query, VkQueryControlFlags flags, uint32_t index);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdEndQueryIndexedEXT)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t query, uint32_t index);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t instanceCount, uint32_t firstInstance, VkBuffer counterBuffer, VkDeviceSize counterBufferOffset, uint32_t counterOffset, uint32_t vertexStride);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdBindTransformFeedbackBuffersEXT(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t firstBinding,
uint32_t bindingCount,
const VkBuffer* pBuffers,
const VkDeviceSize* pOffsets,
const VkDeviceSize* pSizes);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t firstCounterBuffer,
uint32_t counterBufferCount,
const VkBuffer* pCounterBuffers,
const VkDeviceSize* pCounterBufferOffsets);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t firstCounterBuffer,
uint32_t counterBufferCount,
const VkBuffer* pCounterBuffers,
const VkDeviceSize* pCounterBufferOffsets);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdBeginQueryIndexedEXT(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkQueryPool queryPool,
uint32_t query,
VkQueryControlFlags flags,
uint32_t index);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdEndQueryIndexedEXT(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkQueryPool queryPool,
uint32_t query,
uint32_t index);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t instanceCount,
uint32_t firstInstance,
VkBuffer counterBuffer,
VkDeviceSize counterBufferOffset,
uint32_t counterOffset,
uint32_t vertexStride);
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
#define VK_AMD_draw_indirect_count 1
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDrawIndirectCountAMD)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkBuffer countBuffer, VkDeviceSize countBufferOffset, uint32_t maxDrawCount, uint32_t stride);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCountAMD)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkBuffer countBuffer, VkDeviceSize countBufferOffset, uint32_t maxDrawCount, uint32_t stride);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDrawIndirectCountAMD(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkBuffer buffer,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkBuffer countBuffer,
VkDeviceSize countBufferOffset,
uint32_t maxDrawCount,
uint32_t stride);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCountAMD(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkBuffer buffer,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkBuffer countBuffer,
VkDeviceSize countBufferOffset,
uint32_t maxDrawCount,
uint32_t stride);
#define VK_AMD_negative_viewport_height 1
#define VK_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float 1
#define VK_AMD_GPU_SHADER_HALF_FLOAT_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float"
#define VK_AMD_shader_ballot 1
#define VK_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod 1
#define VK_AMD_TEXTURE_GATHER_BIAS_LOD_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod"
typedef struct VkTextureLODGatherFormatPropertiesAMD {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 supportsTextureGatherLODBiasAMD;
} VkTextureLODGatherFormatPropertiesAMD;
#define VK_AMD_shader_info 1
typedef enum VkShaderInfoTypeAMD {
} VkShaderInfoTypeAMD;
typedef struct VkShaderResourceUsageAMD {
uint32_t numUsedVgprs;
uint32_t numUsedSgprs;
uint32_t ldsSizePerLocalWorkGroup;
size_t ldsUsageSizeInBytes;
size_t scratchMemUsageInBytes;
} VkShaderResourceUsageAMD;
typedef struct VkShaderStatisticsInfoAMD {
VkShaderStageFlags shaderStageMask;
VkShaderResourceUsageAMD resourceUsage;
uint32_t numPhysicalVgprs;
uint32_t numPhysicalSgprs;
uint32_t numAvailableVgprs;
uint32_t numAvailableSgprs;
uint32_t computeWorkGroupSize[3];
} VkShaderStatisticsInfoAMD;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetShaderInfoAMD)(VkDevice device, VkPipeline pipeline, VkShaderStageFlagBits shaderStage, VkShaderInfoTypeAMD infoType, size_t* pInfoSize, void* pInfo);
VkDevice device,
VkPipeline pipeline,
VkShaderStageFlagBits shaderStage,
VkShaderInfoTypeAMD infoType,
size_t* pInfoSize,
void* pInfo);
#define VK_AMD_shader_image_load_store_lod 1
#define VK_AMD_SHADER_IMAGE_LOAD_STORE_LOD_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_AMD_shader_image_load_store_lod"
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
#define VK_NV_corner_sampled_image 1
#define VK_NV_CORNER_SAMPLED_IMAGE_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_NV_corner_sampled_image"
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceCornerSampledImageFeaturesNV {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 cornerSampledImage;
} VkPhysicalDeviceCornerSampledImageFeaturesNV;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
#define VK_IMG_format_pvrtc 1
#define VK_NV_external_memory_capabilities 1
#define VK_NV_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_CAPABILITIES_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_NV_external_memory_capabilities"
typedef enum VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBitsNV {
} VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBitsNV;
typedef VkFlags VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV;
typedef enum VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBitsNV {
} VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBitsNV;
typedef VkFlags VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsNV;
typedef struct VkExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV {
VkImageFormatProperties imageFormatProperties;
VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsNV externalMemoryFeatures;
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV exportFromImportedHandleTypes;
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV compatibleHandleTypes;
} VkExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkFormat format, VkImageType type, VkImageTiling tiling, VkImageUsageFlags usage, VkImageCreateFlags flags, VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV externalHandleType, VkExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV* pExternalImageFormatProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkFormat format,
VkImageType type,
VkImageTiling tiling,
VkImageUsageFlags usage,
VkImageCreateFlags flags,
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV externalHandleType,
VkExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV* pExternalImageFormatProperties);
#define VK_NV_external_memory 1
typedef struct VkExternalMemoryImageCreateInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV handleTypes;
} VkExternalMemoryImageCreateInfoNV;
typedef struct VkExportMemoryAllocateInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV handleTypes;
} VkExportMemoryAllocateInfoNV;
#define VK_EXT_validation_flags 1
typedef enum VkValidationCheckEXT {
} VkValidationCheckEXT;
typedef struct VkValidationFlagsEXT {
Change log for July 23, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.81 spec update: * Update release number to 81. Public Issues: * Fix missing "`valid`" phrasing in some obscure cases (public pull request 605). * Replace improper use of cannot: referring to the implementation in the description of the <<features-limits-maxUpdateAfterBindDescriptorsInAllPools, pname:maxUpdateAfterBindDescriptorsInAllPools>> limit (public pull request 738). * Reorder description of bits in elink:VkPipelineStageFlagBits and the <<synchronization-pipeline-stages-supported, Supported pipeline stage flags>> table to match their definition order (public pull request 740). * Add description of ename:VK_BUFFER_USAGE_CONDITIONAL_RENDERING_BIT_EXT to elink:VkBufferUsageFlagBits (public pull request 741). * Fix value usage statement for slink:VkSubpassDependency stage mask parameters (public pull request 742). * Fix visible markup in registry schema document (public pull request #745). Internal Issues: * Make the <<geometry-invocations, geometry shader invocation description>> and <<shaders-geometry-execution, Geometry Shader Execution>> descriptions consistent with other pipeline stages (internal issue 1325). * Mark the `VK_NV_glsl_shader` extension as deprecated. * Adjust the per-instance vertex attribute offset formula specified by `VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor` for slink:VkVertexInputBindingDivisorDescriptionEXT so that the interaction between pname:firstInstance and pname:divisor matches the OpenGL convention (internal issue 1333).
2018-07-23 02:15:08 -07:00
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t disabledValidationCheckCount;
const VkValidationCheckEXT* pDisabledValidationChecks;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkValidationFlagsEXT;
#define VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_ballot 1
#define VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_vote 1
Change log for September 8, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.84 spec update: * Update release number to 84. Public Issues: * Fix code sample in the `<<VK_EXT_debug_utils>>` extension (public issue 751). * Fix misleading comment in `vk.xml` for slink:VkDescriptorBufferInfo::pname:buffer (public pull request 762). * Fix formatting of deprecation attributes in schema doc (public pull request 767). * Change `can` to `may` in the description of elink:VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits, which are return values from queries (public pull request 768). * Prettify generated contact list in extension appendices, adding logos and a New Issue link (public pull request 770). * Enable sRGB conversion based on the image view format, not the image format, in the <<textures-format-conversion, Format Conversion>> section (public pull request 773). * Fix typo in equation in the <<primsrast-lines-basic, Basic Line Segment Rasterization>> section (public pull request 780). * Fix special characters in GitHub contacts links (public pull request 783). * Make clean_pdf target remove pdf folder (public pull request 784). * Fix styleguide bad markup of block continuation (public pull request 792). Other Issues: * Allow a zero vertex attribute divisor in the `<<VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor>>` extension, exposed via the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT feature. * Add missing `structextends="VkDeviceCreateInfo"` to slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_memory_model` * `VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode` * `VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block`
2018-09-08 15:52:13 -07:00
#define VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode 1
typedef struct VkImageViewASTCDecodeModeEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkFormat decodeMode;
} VkImageViewASTCDecodeModeEXT;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceASTCDecodeFeaturesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 decodeModeSharedExponent;
} VkPhysicalDeviceASTCDecodeFeaturesEXT;
#define VK_EXT_conditional_rendering 1
typedef enum VkConditionalRenderingFlagBitsEXT {
} VkConditionalRenderingFlagBitsEXT;
typedef VkFlags VkConditionalRenderingFlagsEXT;
typedef struct VkConditionalRenderingBeginInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBuffer buffer;
VkDeviceSize offset;
VkConditionalRenderingFlagsEXT flags;
} VkConditionalRenderingBeginInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceConditionalRenderingFeaturesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 conditionalRendering;
VkBool32 inheritedConditionalRendering;
} VkPhysicalDeviceConditionalRenderingFeaturesEXT;
typedef struct VkCommandBufferInheritanceConditionalRenderingInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBool32 conditionalRenderingEnable;
} VkCommandBufferInheritanceConditionalRenderingInfoEXT;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdBeginConditionalRenderingEXT)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkConditionalRenderingBeginInfoEXT* pConditionalRenderingBegin);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdEndConditionalRenderingEXT)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdBeginConditionalRenderingEXT(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkConditionalRenderingBeginInfoEXT* pConditionalRenderingBegin);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdEndConditionalRenderingEXT(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer);
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
#define VK_NVX_device_generated_commands 1
typedef enum VkIndirectCommandsTokenTypeNVX {
} VkIndirectCommandsTokenTypeNVX;
typedef enum VkObjectEntryTypeNVX {
} VkObjectEntryTypeNVX;
typedef enum VkIndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagBitsNVX {
} VkIndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagBitsNVX;
typedef VkFlags VkIndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagsNVX;
typedef enum VkObjectEntryUsageFlagBitsNVX {
} VkObjectEntryUsageFlagBitsNVX;
typedef VkFlags VkObjectEntryUsageFlagsNVX;
typedef struct VkDeviceGeneratedCommandsFeaturesNVX {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBool32 computeBindingPointSupport;
} VkDeviceGeneratedCommandsFeaturesNVX;
typedef struct VkDeviceGeneratedCommandsLimitsNVX {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t maxIndirectCommandsLayoutTokenCount;
uint32_t maxObjectEntryCounts;
uint32_t minSequenceCountBufferOffsetAlignment;
uint32_t minSequenceIndexBufferOffsetAlignment;
uint32_t minCommandsTokenBufferOffsetAlignment;
} VkDeviceGeneratedCommandsLimitsNVX;
typedef struct VkIndirectCommandsTokenNVX {
VkIndirectCommandsTokenTypeNVX tokenType;
VkBuffer buffer;
VkDeviceSize offset;
} VkIndirectCommandsTokenNVX;
typedef struct VkIndirectCommandsLayoutTokenNVX {
VkIndirectCommandsTokenTypeNVX tokenType;
uint32_t bindingUnit;
uint32_t dynamicCount;
uint32_t divisor;
} VkIndirectCommandsLayoutTokenNVX;
typedef struct VkIndirectCommandsLayoutCreateInfoNVX {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint;
VkIndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagsNVX flags;
uint32_t tokenCount;
const VkIndirectCommandsLayoutTokenNVX* pTokens;
} VkIndirectCommandsLayoutCreateInfoNVX;
typedef struct VkCmdProcessCommandsInfoNVX {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkObjectTableNVX objectTable;
VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX indirectCommandsLayout;
uint32_t indirectCommandsTokenCount;
const VkIndirectCommandsTokenNVX* pIndirectCommandsTokens;
uint32_t maxSequencesCount;
VkCommandBuffer targetCommandBuffer;
VkBuffer sequencesCountBuffer;
VkDeviceSize sequencesCountOffset;
VkBuffer sequencesIndexBuffer;
VkDeviceSize sequencesIndexOffset;
} VkCmdProcessCommandsInfoNVX;
typedef struct VkCmdReserveSpaceForCommandsInfoNVX {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkObjectTableNVX objectTable;
VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX indirectCommandsLayout;
uint32_t maxSequencesCount;
} VkCmdReserveSpaceForCommandsInfoNVX;
typedef struct VkObjectTableCreateInfoNVX {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t objectCount;
const VkObjectEntryTypeNVX* pObjectEntryTypes;
const uint32_t* pObjectEntryCounts;
const VkObjectEntryUsageFlagsNVX* pObjectEntryUsageFlags;
uint32_t maxUniformBuffersPerDescriptor;
uint32_t maxStorageBuffersPerDescriptor;
uint32_t maxStorageImagesPerDescriptor;
uint32_t maxSampledImagesPerDescriptor;
uint32_t maxPipelineLayouts;
} VkObjectTableCreateInfoNVX;
typedef struct VkObjectTableEntryNVX {
VkObjectEntryTypeNVX type;
VkObjectEntryUsageFlagsNVX flags;
} VkObjectTableEntryNVX;
typedef struct VkObjectTablePipelineEntryNVX {
VkObjectEntryTypeNVX type;
VkObjectEntryUsageFlagsNVX flags;
VkPipeline pipeline;
} VkObjectTablePipelineEntryNVX;
typedef struct VkObjectTableDescriptorSetEntryNVX {
VkObjectEntryTypeNVX type;
VkObjectEntryUsageFlagsNVX flags;
VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout;
VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet;
} VkObjectTableDescriptorSetEntryNVX;
typedef struct VkObjectTableVertexBufferEntryNVX {
VkObjectEntryTypeNVX type;
VkObjectEntryUsageFlagsNVX flags;
VkBuffer buffer;
} VkObjectTableVertexBufferEntryNVX;
typedef struct VkObjectTableIndexBufferEntryNVX {
VkObjectEntryTypeNVX type;
VkObjectEntryUsageFlagsNVX flags;
VkBuffer buffer;
VkIndexType indexType;
} VkObjectTableIndexBufferEntryNVX;
typedef struct VkObjectTablePushConstantEntryNVX {
VkObjectEntryTypeNVX type;
VkObjectEntryUsageFlagsNVX flags;
VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout;
VkShaderStageFlags stageFlags;
} VkObjectTablePushConstantEntryNVX;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdProcessCommandsNVX)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkCmdProcessCommandsInfoNVX* pProcessCommandsInfo);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdReserveSpaceForCommandsNVX)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkCmdReserveSpaceForCommandsInfoNVX* pReserveSpaceInfo);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX)(VkDevice device, const VkIndirectCommandsLayoutCreateInfoNVX* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX* pIndirectCommandsLayout);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX)(VkDevice device, VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX indirectCommandsLayout, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateObjectTableNVX)(VkDevice device, const VkObjectTableCreateInfoNVX* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkObjectTableNVX* pObjectTable);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyObjectTableNVX)(VkDevice device, VkObjectTableNVX objectTable, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkRegisterObjectsNVX)(VkDevice device, VkObjectTableNVX objectTable, uint32_t objectCount, const VkObjectTableEntryNVX* const* ppObjectTableEntries, const uint32_t* pObjectIndices);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkUnregisterObjectsNVX)(VkDevice device, VkObjectTableNVX objectTable, uint32_t objectCount, const VkObjectEntryTypeNVX* pObjectEntryTypes, const uint32_t* pObjectIndices);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesNVX)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkDeviceGeneratedCommandsFeaturesNVX* pFeatures, VkDeviceGeneratedCommandsLimitsNVX* pLimits);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdProcessCommandsNVX(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkCmdProcessCommandsInfoNVX* pProcessCommandsInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdReserveSpaceForCommandsNVX(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkCmdReserveSpaceForCommandsInfoNVX* pReserveSpaceInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX(
VkDevice device,
const VkIndirectCommandsLayoutCreateInfoNVX* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX* pIndirectCommandsLayout);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX(
VkDevice device,
VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX indirectCommandsLayout,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateObjectTableNVX(
VkDevice device,
const VkObjectTableCreateInfoNVX* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkObjectTableNVX* pObjectTable);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyObjectTableNVX(
VkDevice device,
VkObjectTableNVX objectTable,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkRegisterObjectsNVX(
VkDevice device,
VkObjectTableNVX objectTable,
uint32_t objectCount,
const VkObjectTableEntryNVX* const* ppObjectTableEntries,
const uint32_t* pObjectIndices);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkUnregisterObjectsNVX(
VkDevice device,
VkObjectTableNVX objectTable,
uint32_t objectCount,
const VkObjectEntryTypeNVX* pObjectEntryTypes,
const uint32_t* pObjectIndices);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesNVX(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkDeviceGeneratedCommandsFeaturesNVX* pFeatures,
VkDeviceGeneratedCommandsLimitsNVX* pLimits);
#define VK_NV_clip_space_w_scaling 1
#define VK_NV_CLIP_SPACE_W_SCALING_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_NV_clip_space_w_scaling"
typedef struct VkViewportWScalingNV {
float xcoeff;
float ycoeff;
} VkViewportWScalingNV;
typedef struct VkPipelineViewportWScalingStateCreateInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBool32 viewportWScalingEnable;
uint32_t viewportCount;
const VkViewportWScalingNV* pViewportWScalings;
} VkPipelineViewportWScalingStateCreateInfoNV;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetViewportWScalingNV)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t firstViewport, uint32_t viewportCount, const VkViewportWScalingNV* pViewportWScalings);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdSetViewportWScalingNV(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t firstViewport,
uint32_t viewportCount,
const VkViewportWScalingNV* pViewportWScalings);
#define VK_EXT_direct_mode_display 1
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkReleaseDisplayEXT)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkDisplayKHR display);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkReleaseDisplayEXT(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkDisplayKHR display);
#define VK_EXT_display_surface_counter 1
typedef enum VkSurfaceCounterFlagBitsEXT {
} VkSurfaceCounterFlagBitsEXT;
typedef VkFlags VkSurfaceCounterFlagsEXT;
typedef struct VkSurfaceCapabilities2EXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t minImageCount;
uint32_t maxImageCount;
VkExtent2D currentExtent;
VkExtent2D minImageExtent;
VkExtent2D maxImageExtent;
uint32_t maxImageArrayLayers;
VkSurfaceTransformFlagsKHR supportedTransforms;
VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR currentTransform;
VkCompositeAlphaFlagsKHR supportedCompositeAlpha;
VkImageUsageFlags supportedUsageFlags;
VkSurfaceCounterFlagsEXT supportedSurfaceCounters;
} VkSurfaceCapabilities2EXT;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2EXT)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkSurfaceKHR surface, VkSurfaceCapabilities2EXT* pSurfaceCapabilities);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2EXT(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkSurfaceKHR surface,
VkSurfaceCapabilities2EXT* pSurfaceCapabilities);
#define VK_EXT_display_control 1
typedef enum VkDisplayPowerStateEXT {
} VkDisplayPowerStateEXT;
typedef enum VkDeviceEventTypeEXT {
} VkDeviceEventTypeEXT;
typedef enum VkDisplayEventTypeEXT {
} VkDisplayEventTypeEXT;
typedef struct VkDisplayPowerInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDisplayPowerStateEXT powerState;
} VkDisplayPowerInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkDeviceEventInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDeviceEventTypeEXT deviceEvent;
} VkDeviceEventInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkDisplayEventInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDisplayEventTypeEXT displayEvent;
} VkDisplayEventInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkSwapchainCounterCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkSurfaceCounterFlagsEXT surfaceCounters;
} VkSwapchainCounterCreateInfoEXT;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDisplayPowerControlEXT)(VkDevice device, VkDisplayKHR display, const VkDisplayPowerInfoEXT* pDisplayPowerInfo);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkRegisterDeviceEventEXT)(VkDevice device, const VkDeviceEventInfoEXT* pDeviceEventInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkFence* pFence);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkRegisterDisplayEventEXT)(VkDevice device, VkDisplayKHR display, const VkDisplayEventInfoEXT* pDisplayEventInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkFence* pFence);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetSwapchainCounterEXT)(VkDevice device, VkSwapchainKHR swapchain, VkSurfaceCounterFlagBitsEXT counter, uint64_t* pCounterValue);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkDisplayPowerControlEXT(
VkDevice device,
VkDisplayKHR display,
const VkDisplayPowerInfoEXT* pDisplayPowerInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkRegisterDeviceEventEXT(
VkDevice device,
const VkDeviceEventInfoEXT* pDeviceEventInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkFence* pFence);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkRegisterDisplayEventEXT(
VkDevice device,
VkDisplayKHR display,
const VkDisplayEventInfoEXT* pDisplayEventInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkFence* pFence);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetSwapchainCounterEXT(
VkDevice device,
VkSwapchainKHR swapchain,
VkSurfaceCounterFlagBitsEXT counter,
uint64_t* pCounterValue);
#define VK_GOOGLE_display_timing 1
typedef struct VkRefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE {
uint64_t refreshDuration;
} VkRefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE;
typedef struct VkPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE {
uint32_t presentID;
uint64_t desiredPresentTime;
uint64_t actualPresentTime;
uint64_t earliestPresentTime;
uint64_t presentMargin;
} VkPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE;
typedef struct VkPresentTimeGOOGLE {
uint32_t presentID;
uint64_t desiredPresentTime;
} VkPresentTimeGOOGLE;
typedef struct VkPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t swapchainCount;
const VkPresentTimeGOOGLE* pTimes;
} VkPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetRefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE)(VkDevice device, VkSwapchainKHR swapchain, VkRefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE* pDisplayTimingProperties);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE)(VkDevice device, VkSwapchainKHR swapchain, uint32_t* pPresentationTimingCount, VkPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE* pPresentationTimings);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetRefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE(
VkDevice device,
VkSwapchainKHR swapchain,
VkRefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE* pDisplayTimingProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE(
VkDevice device,
VkSwapchainKHR swapchain,
uint32_t* pPresentationTimingCount,
VkPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE* pPresentationTimings);
#define VK_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage 1
#define VK_NV_SAMPLE_MASK_OVERRIDE_COVERAGE_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage"
#define VK_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough 1
#define VK_NV_GEOMETRY_SHADER_PASSTHROUGH_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough"
#define VK_NV_viewport_array2 1
#define VK_NV_VIEWPORT_ARRAY2_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_NV_viewport_array2"
#define VK_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes 1
#define VK_NVX_MULTIVIEW_PER_VIEW_ATTRIBUTES_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes"
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewPerViewAttributesPropertiesNVX {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 perViewPositionAllComponents;
} VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewPerViewAttributesPropertiesNVX;
#define VK_NV_viewport_swizzle 1
typedef enum VkViewportCoordinateSwizzleNV {
} VkViewportCoordinateSwizzleNV;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateFlagsNV;
typedef struct VkViewportSwizzleNV {
VkViewportCoordinateSwizzleNV x;
VkViewportCoordinateSwizzleNV y;
VkViewportCoordinateSwizzleNV z;
VkViewportCoordinateSwizzleNV w;
} VkViewportSwizzleNV;
typedef struct VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateFlagsNV flags;
uint32_t viewportCount;
const VkViewportSwizzleNV* pViewportSwizzles;
} VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV;
#define VK_EXT_discard_rectangles 1
typedef enum VkDiscardRectangleModeEXT {
} VkDiscardRectangleModeEXT;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineDiscardRectangleStateCreateFlagsEXT;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceDiscardRectanglePropertiesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t maxDiscardRectangles;
} VkPhysicalDeviceDiscardRectanglePropertiesEXT;
typedef struct VkPipelineDiscardRectangleStateCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineDiscardRectangleStateCreateFlagsEXT flags;
VkDiscardRectangleModeEXT discardRectangleMode;
uint32_t discardRectangleCount;
const VkRect2D* pDiscardRectangles;
} VkPipelineDiscardRectangleStateCreateInfoEXT;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleEXT)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t firstDiscardRectangle, uint32_t discardRectangleCount, const VkRect2D* pDiscardRectangles);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleEXT(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t firstDiscardRectangle,
uint32_t discardRectangleCount,
const VkRect2D* pDiscardRectangles);
#define VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization 1
typedef enum VkConservativeRasterizationModeEXT {
} VkConservativeRasterizationModeEXT;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineRasterizationConservativeStateCreateFlagsEXT;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceConservativeRasterizationPropertiesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
float primitiveOverestimationSize;
float maxExtraPrimitiveOverestimationSize;
float extraPrimitiveOverestimationSizeGranularity;
VkBool32 primitiveUnderestimation;
VkBool32 conservativePointAndLineRasterization;
VkBool32 degenerateTrianglesRasterized;
VkBool32 degenerateLinesRasterized;
VkBool32 fullyCoveredFragmentShaderInputVariable;
VkBool32 conservativeRasterizationPostDepthCoverage;
} VkPhysicalDeviceConservativeRasterizationPropertiesEXT;
typedef struct VkPipelineRasterizationConservativeStateCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineRasterizationConservativeStateCreateFlagsEXT flags;
VkConservativeRasterizationModeEXT conservativeRasterizationMode;
float extraPrimitiveOverestimationSize;
} VkPipelineRasterizationConservativeStateCreateInfoEXT;
#define VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace 1
#define VK_EXT_hdr_metadata 1
typedef struct VkXYColorEXT {
float x;
float y;
} VkXYColorEXT;
typedef struct VkHdrMetadataEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkXYColorEXT displayPrimaryRed;
VkXYColorEXT displayPrimaryGreen;
VkXYColorEXT displayPrimaryBlue;
VkXYColorEXT whitePoint;
float maxLuminance;
float minLuminance;
float maxContentLightLevel;
float maxFrameAverageLightLevel;
} VkHdrMetadataEXT;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkSetHdrMetadataEXT)(VkDevice device, uint32_t swapchainCount, const VkSwapchainKHR* pSwapchains, const VkHdrMetadataEXT* pMetadata);
VkDevice device,
uint32_t swapchainCount,
const VkSwapchainKHR* pSwapchains,
const VkHdrMetadataEXT* pMetadata);
#define VK_EXT_external_memory_dma_buf 1
#define VK_EXT_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_DMA_BUF_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_EXT_external_memory_dma_buf"
#define VK_EXT_queue_family_foreign 1
#define VK_EXT_debug_utils 1
typedef VkFlags VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataFlagsEXT;
typedef VkFlags VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateFlagsEXT;
typedef enum VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT {
} VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT;
typedef VkFlags VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT;
typedef enum VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagBitsEXT {
} VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagBitsEXT;
typedef VkFlags VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT;
typedef struct VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkObjectType objectType;
uint64_t objectHandle;
const char* pObjectName;
} VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkDebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkObjectType objectType;
uint64_t objectHandle;
uint64_t tagName;
size_t tagSize;
const void* pTag;
} VkDebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
const char* pLabelName;
float color[4];
} VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT;
typedef struct VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataFlagsEXT flags;
const char* pMessageIdName;
int32_t messageIdNumber;
const char* pMessage;
uint32_t queueLabelCount;
Change log for December 3, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.95 spec update: * Update release number to 95. Public Issues: * Fix valid usage and XML issues found in public issues 789 and 790 for the `VK_EXT_debug_utils` extension (public pull request 794). * Replace references to `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation` with links to the corresponding slink:slink:VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements and slink:slink:VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo structures in the description of elink:VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBits (public issue 801). * Fix miscellaneous minor markup and spelling issues in `VK_NV_ray_tracing` extension (public pull request 860). * Remove "returnedonly" from XML for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockFeaturesEXT and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (public issue 862). Internal Issues: * Add to the description of the <<features-limits-maxComputeSharedMemorySize, pname:maxCompureSharedMemorySize>> feature to state the shared variables should be packed at least as tightly as std430 (internal issue 1386). * Fix and clarify various references to image and image view usage in flink:vkCmdBindShadingRateImageNV, flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass, and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT (internal issue 1432). * Require that the slink:VkImage mipmap chain match the Android hardware buffer mipmap chain for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo (internal issue 1479). * Fix the definition of slink:VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR valid usage statement 01778 (Vulkan-ValidationLayers!15) * Fix descriptions of <<interfaces-builtin-variables-launchid, code:LaunchIDNV>> and <<interfaces-builtin-variables-launchsize, code:LaunchSizeNV>> to code:uvec3. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8` * `VK_KHR_shader_float_controls`
2018-12-03 02:41:34 -08:00
const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT* pQueueLabels;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
uint32_t cmdBufLabelCount;
Change log for December 3, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.95 spec update: * Update release number to 95. Public Issues: * Fix valid usage and XML issues found in public issues 789 and 790 for the `VK_EXT_debug_utils` extension (public pull request 794). * Replace references to `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation` with links to the corresponding slink:slink:VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements and slink:slink:VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo structures in the description of elink:VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBits (public issue 801). * Fix miscellaneous minor markup and spelling issues in `VK_NV_ray_tracing` extension (public pull request 860). * Remove "returnedonly" from XML for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockFeaturesEXT and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (public issue 862). Internal Issues: * Add to the description of the <<features-limits-maxComputeSharedMemorySize, pname:maxCompureSharedMemorySize>> feature to state the shared variables should be packed at least as tightly as std430 (internal issue 1386). * Fix and clarify various references to image and image view usage in flink:vkCmdBindShadingRateImageNV, flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass, and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT (internal issue 1432). * Require that the slink:VkImage mipmap chain match the Android hardware buffer mipmap chain for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo (internal issue 1479). * Fix the definition of slink:VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR valid usage statement 01778 (Vulkan-ValidationLayers!15) * Fix descriptions of <<interfaces-builtin-variables-launchid, code:LaunchIDNV>> and <<interfaces-builtin-variables-launchsize, code:LaunchSizeNV>> to code:uvec3. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8` * `VK_KHR_shader_float_controls`
2018-12-03 02:41:34 -08:00
const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT* pCmdBufLabels;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
uint32_t objectCount;
Change log for December 3, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.95 spec update: * Update release number to 95. Public Issues: * Fix valid usage and XML issues found in public issues 789 and 790 for the `VK_EXT_debug_utils` extension (public pull request 794). * Replace references to `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation` with links to the corresponding slink:slink:VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements and slink:slink:VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo structures in the description of elink:VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBits (public issue 801). * Fix miscellaneous minor markup and spelling issues in `VK_NV_ray_tracing` extension (public pull request 860). * Remove "returnedonly" from XML for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockFeaturesEXT and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (public issue 862). Internal Issues: * Add to the description of the <<features-limits-maxComputeSharedMemorySize, pname:maxCompureSharedMemorySize>> feature to state the shared variables should be packed at least as tightly as std430 (internal issue 1386). * Fix and clarify various references to image and image view usage in flink:vkCmdBindShadingRateImageNV, flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass, and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT (internal issue 1432). * Require that the slink:VkImage mipmap chain match the Android hardware buffer mipmap chain for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo (internal issue 1479). * Fix the definition of slink:VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR valid usage statement 01778 (Vulkan-ValidationLayers!15) * Fix descriptions of <<interfaces-builtin-variables-launchid, code:LaunchIDNV>> and <<interfaces-builtin-variables-launchsize, code:LaunchSizeNV>> to code:uvec3. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8` * `VK_KHR_shader_float_controls`
2018-12-03 02:41:34 -08:00
const VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT* pObjects;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
} VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT;
typedef VkBool32 (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT)(
VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT messageSeverity,
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT messageTypes,
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
const VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT* pCallbackData,
void* pUserData);
typedef struct VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateFlagsEXT flags;
VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT messageSeverity;
VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT messageType;
PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT pfnUserCallback;
void* pUserData;
} VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT)(VkDevice device, const VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT* pNameInfo);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkSetDebugUtilsObjectTagEXT)(VkDevice device, const VkDebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT* pTagInfo);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkQueueBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT)(VkQueue queue, const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT* pLabelInfo);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkQueueEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT)(VkQueue queue);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkQueueInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT)(VkQueue queue, const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT* pLabelInfo);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT* pLabelInfo);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT* pLabelInfo);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT)(VkInstance instance, const VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT* pMessenger);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT)(VkInstance instance, VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT)(VkInstance instance, VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT messageSeverity, VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT messageTypes, const VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT* pCallbackData);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT(
VkDevice device,
const VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT* pNameInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkSetDebugUtilsObjectTagEXT(
VkDevice device,
const VkDebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT* pTagInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkQueueBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT(
VkQueue queue,
const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT* pLabelInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkQueueEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT(
VkQueue queue);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkQueueInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT(
VkQueue queue,
const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT* pLabelInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT* pLabelInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT* pLabelInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(
VkInstance instance,
const VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT* pMessenger);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(
VkInstance instance,
VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT(
VkInstance instance,
VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT messageSeverity,
VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT messageTypes,
const VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT* pCallbackData);
#define VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax 1
typedef enum VkSamplerReductionModeEXT {
} VkSamplerReductionModeEXT;
typedef struct VkSamplerReductionModeCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkSamplerReductionModeEXT reductionMode;
} VkSamplerReductionModeCreateInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerFilterMinmaxPropertiesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 filterMinmaxSingleComponentFormats;
VkBool32 filterMinmaxImageComponentMapping;
} VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerFilterMinmaxPropertiesEXT;
#define VK_AMD_gpu_shader_int16 1
#define VK_AMD_GPU_SHADER_INT16_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_AMD_gpu_shader_int16"
#define VK_AMD_mixed_attachment_samples 1
#define VK_AMD_shader_fragment_mask 1
Change log for September 8, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.84 spec update: * Update release number to 84. Public Issues: * Fix code sample in the `<<VK_EXT_debug_utils>>` extension (public issue 751). * Fix misleading comment in `vk.xml` for slink:VkDescriptorBufferInfo::pname:buffer (public pull request 762). * Fix formatting of deprecation attributes in schema doc (public pull request 767). * Change `can` to `may` in the description of elink:VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits, which are return values from queries (public pull request 768). * Prettify generated contact list in extension appendices, adding logos and a New Issue link (public pull request 770). * Enable sRGB conversion based on the image view format, not the image format, in the <<textures-format-conversion, Format Conversion>> section (public pull request 773). * Fix typo in equation in the <<primsrast-lines-basic, Basic Line Segment Rasterization>> section (public pull request 780). * Fix special characters in GitHub contacts links (public pull request 783). * Make clean_pdf target remove pdf folder (public pull request 784). * Fix styleguide bad markup of block continuation (public pull request 792). Other Issues: * Allow a zero vertex attribute divisor in the `<<VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor>>` extension, exposed via the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT feature. * Add missing `structextends="VkDeviceCreateInfo"` to slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_memory_model` * `VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode` * `VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block`
2018-09-08 15:52:13 -07:00
#define VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block 1
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockFeaturesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 inlineUniformBlock;
VkBool32 descriptorBindingInlineUniformBlockUpdateAfterBind;
} VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockFeaturesEXT;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockPropertiesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t maxInlineUniformBlockSize;
uint32_t maxPerStageDescriptorInlineUniformBlocks;
uint32_t maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInlineUniformBlocks;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlocks;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindInlineUniformBlocks;
} VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockPropertiesEXT;
typedef struct VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t dataSize;
const void* pData;
} VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT;
typedef struct VkDescriptorPoolInlineUniformBlockCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t maxInlineUniformBlockBindings;
} VkDescriptorPoolInlineUniformBlockCreateInfoEXT;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
#define VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export 1
#define VK_EXT_sample_locations 1
typedef struct VkSampleLocationEXT {
float x;
float y;
} VkSampleLocationEXT;
typedef struct VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkSampleCountFlagBits sampleLocationsPerPixel;
VkExtent2D sampleLocationGridSize;
uint32_t sampleLocationsCount;
const VkSampleLocationEXT* pSampleLocations;
} VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkAttachmentSampleLocationsEXT {
uint32_t attachmentIndex;
VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT sampleLocationsInfo;
} VkAttachmentSampleLocationsEXT;
typedef struct VkSubpassSampleLocationsEXT {
uint32_t subpassIndex;
VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT sampleLocationsInfo;
} VkSubpassSampleLocationsEXT;
typedef struct VkRenderPassSampleLocationsBeginInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t attachmentInitialSampleLocationsCount;
const VkAttachmentSampleLocationsEXT* pAttachmentInitialSampleLocations;
uint32_t postSubpassSampleLocationsCount;
const VkSubpassSampleLocationsEXT* pPostSubpassSampleLocations;
} VkRenderPassSampleLocationsBeginInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkPipelineSampleLocationsStateCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBool32 sampleLocationsEnable;
VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT sampleLocationsInfo;
} VkPipelineSampleLocationsStateCreateInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceSampleLocationsPropertiesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkSampleCountFlags sampleLocationSampleCounts;
VkExtent2D maxSampleLocationGridSize;
float sampleLocationCoordinateRange[2];
uint32_t sampleLocationSubPixelBits;
VkBool32 variableSampleLocations;
} VkPhysicalDeviceSampleLocationsPropertiesEXT;
typedef struct VkMultisamplePropertiesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkExtent2D maxSampleLocationGridSize;
} VkMultisamplePropertiesEXT;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetSampleLocationsEXT)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT* pSampleLocationsInfo);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceMultisamplePropertiesEXT)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkSampleCountFlagBits samples, VkMultisamplePropertiesEXT* pMultisampleProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdSetSampleLocationsEXT(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const VkSampleLocationsInfoEXT* pSampleLocationsInfo);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceMultisamplePropertiesEXT(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
VkSampleCountFlagBits samples,
VkMultisamplePropertiesEXT* pMultisampleProperties);
#define VK_EXT_blend_operation_advanced 1
typedef enum VkBlendOverlapEXT {
} VkBlendOverlapEXT;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 advancedBlendCoherentOperations;
} VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedPropertiesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t advancedBlendMaxColorAttachments;
VkBool32 advancedBlendIndependentBlend;
VkBool32 advancedBlendNonPremultipliedSrcColor;
VkBool32 advancedBlendNonPremultipliedDstColor;
VkBool32 advancedBlendCorrelatedOverlap;
VkBool32 advancedBlendAllOperations;
} VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedPropertiesEXT;
typedef struct VkPipelineColorBlendAdvancedStateCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBool32 srcPremultiplied;
VkBool32 dstPremultiplied;
VkBlendOverlapEXT blendOverlap;
} VkPipelineColorBlendAdvancedStateCreateInfoEXT;
#define VK_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color 1
#define VK_NV_FRAGMENT_COVERAGE_TO_COLOR_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color"
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineCoverageToColorStateCreateFlagsNV;
typedef struct VkPipelineCoverageToColorStateCreateInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineCoverageToColorStateCreateFlagsNV flags;
VkBool32 coverageToColorEnable;
uint32_t coverageToColorLocation;
} VkPipelineCoverageToColorStateCreateInfoNV;
#define VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples 1
#define VK_NV_FRAMEBUFFER_MIXED_SAMPLES_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples"
typedef enum VkCoverageModulationModeNV {
} VkCoverageModulationModeNV;
typedef VkFlags VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateFlagsNV;
typedef struct VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateFlagsNV flags;
VkCoverageModulationModeNV coverageModulationMode;
VkBool32 coverageModulationTableEnable;
uint32_t coverageModulationTableCount;
const float* pCoverageModulationTable;
} VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV;
#define VK_NV_fill_rectangle 1
#define VK_EXT_post_depth_coverage 1
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
#define VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier 1
#define VK_EXT_IMAGE_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier"
typedef struct VkDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT {
uint64_t drmFormatModifier;
uint32_t drmFormatModifierPlaneCount;
VkFormatFeatureFlags drmFormatModifierTilingFeatures;
} VkDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT;
typedef struct VkDrmFormatModifierPropertiesListEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t drmFormatModifierCount;
VkDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT* pDrmFormatModifierProperties;
} VkDrmFormatModifierPropertiesListEXT;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceImageDrmFormatModifierInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint64_t drmFormatModifier;
VkSharingMode sharingMode;
uint32_t queueFamilyIndexCount;
const uint32_t* pQueueFamilyIndices;
} VkPhysicalDeviceImageDrmFormatModifierInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkImageDrmFormatModifierListCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t drmFormatModifierCount;
const uint64_t* pDrmFormatModifiers;
} VkImageDrmFormatModifierListCreateInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkImageDrmFormatModifierExplicitCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint64_t drmFormatModifier;
uint32_t drmFormatModifierPlaneCount;
const VkSubresourceLayout* pPlaneLayouts;
} VkImageDrmFormatModifierExplicitCreateInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint64_t drmFormatModifier;
} VkImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT)(VkDevice device, VkImage image, VkImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT* pProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT(
VkDevice device,
VkImage image,
VkImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT* pProperties);
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
#define VK_EXT_validation_cache 1
typedef enum VkValidationCacheHeaderVersionEXT {
} VkValidationCacheHeaderVersionEXT;
typedef VkFlags VkValidationCacheCreateFlagsEXT;
typedef struct VkValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkValidationCacheCreateFlagsEXT flags;
size_t initialDataSize;
const void* pInitialData;
} VkValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkShaderModuleValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkValidationCacheEXT validationCache;
} VkShaderModuleValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateValidationCacheEXT)(VkDevice device, const VkValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkValidationCacheEXT* pValidationCache);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyValidationCacheEXT)(VkDevice device, VkValidationCacheEXT validationCache, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkMergeValidationCachesEXT)(VkDevice device, VkValidationCacheEXT dstCache, uint32_t srcCacheCount, const VkValidationCacheEXT* pSrcCaches);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetValidationCacheDataEXT)(VkDevice device, VkValidationCacheEXT validationCache, size_t* pDataSize, void* pData);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateValidationCacheEXT(
VkDevice device,
const VkValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkValidationCacheEXT* pValidationCache);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyValidationCacheEXT(
VkDevice device,
VkValidationCacheEXT validationCache,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkMergeValidationCachesEXT(
VkDevice device,
VkValidationCacheEXT dstCache,
uint32_t srcCacheCount,
const VkValidationCacheEXT* pSrcCaches);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetValidationCacheDataEXT(
VkDevice device,
VkValidationCacheEXT validationCache,
size_t* pDataSize,
void* pData);
Change log for March 5, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.72 spec update: * Update release number to 72. Github Issues: * Restructure the repository to put the specification `Makefile` and associated spec source material at the top level, `vk.xml` and associated scripts material in `xml/`, and generated include and source files in `include/vulkan/` and `src/ext_loader/`, respectively (public issue 436). * Add missing bullet point markup to flink:vkCmdCopyImage valid usage statement, so it gets a VUID assigned (public issue 627). * Fix broken links in a couple of extension appendices (public pull request 665). * Add the \<platform> tag to the index in section 4.1 of the registry schema documentation, and add the protect= attribute of \<extension> tags to the comments in `registry.rnc` (public issues 673, 678). * Add missing valid usage statements for sparse image interactions to flink:VkImageCreateInfo (public pull request 675). * Fix improper usage and grammar of "`can: not`" (public pull request 681). * Remove duplicate spec language and NOTE on present layout between the flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR and flink:vkAcquireNextImage2KHR commands (public pull request 685). * Fix some typos and markup issues (public pull request 689; public issues 642, 667, 687). * Fix typo etext:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_FENCE_FD_BIT -> ename:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_SYNC_FD_BIT in the <<external-semaphore-handle-types-compatibility, External semaphore handle types compatibility>> table (public pull request 691). Internal Issues: * Remove the need for the "`noautovalidity`" attribute on extension structures in `vk.xml`. It is now implied by the "`structextends`" attribute instead (internal issue 942). * Replace uses of "`currently bound`" with "`bound`", since "`currently`" is redundant and distracting, and add a corresponding rule to the style guide (internal issue 993). * Fixed subtle issues with the last updates to flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR language that had resulted in ambiguities (internal issue 1178). * Make it clear that only one query of a given type is allowed at a time by reordering valid usage statements for flink:vkCmdBeginQuery and flink:vkCmdEndQuery, and removing redundant ones (internal issue 1213). * Swapped OL1 and OL3 in `tessparamUL.svg` to match previous version, and fixed where "`(no edge)`" appears (internal issue 1215). Other Issues: * Fixed a minor problem with the valid usage statement extraction script, and corresponding markup in the spec source. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_shader_core_properties` * `VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing` * `VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned`
2018-04-05 04:24:56 -07:00
#define VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing 1
typedef enum VkDescriptorBindingFlagBitsEXT {
} VkDescriptorBindingFlagBitsEXT;
typedef VkFlags VkDescriptorBindingFlagsEXT;
typedef struct VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t bindingCount;
const VkDescriptorBindingFlagsEXT* pBindingFlags;
} VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeaturesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 shaderInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing;
VkBool32 shaderUniformTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing;
VkBool32 shaderStorageTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing;
VkBool32 shaderUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing;
VkBool32 shaderSampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexing;
VkBool32 shaderStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing;
VkBool32 shaderStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexing;
VkBool32 shaderInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexing;
VkBool32 shaderUniformTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing;
VkBool32 shaderStorageTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing;
VkBool32 descriptorBindingUniformBufferUpdateAfterBind;
VkBool32 descriptorBindingSampledImageUpdateAfterBind;
VkBool32 descriptorBindingStorageImageUpdateAfterBind;
VkBool32 descriptorBindingStorageBufferUpdateAfterBind;
VkBool32 descriptorBindingUniformTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind;
VkBool32 descriptorBindingStorageTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind;
VkBool32 descriptorBindingUpdateUnusedWhilePending;
VkBool32 descriptorBindingPartiallyBound;
VkBool32 descriptorBindingVariableDescriptorCount;
VkBool32 runtimeDescriptorArray;
} VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeaturesEXT;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingPropertiesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t maxUpdateAfterBindDescriptorsInAllPools;
VkBool32 shaderUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative;
VkBool32 shaderSampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative;
VkBool32 shaderStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative;
VkBool32 shaderStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative;
VkBool32 shaderInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexingNative;
VkBool32 robustBufferAccessUpdateAfterBind;
VkBool32 quadDivergentImplicitLod;
uint32_t maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSamplers;
uint32_t maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers;
uint32_t maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers;
uint32_t maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSampledImages;
uint32_t maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageImages;
uint32_t maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments;
uint32_t maxPerStageUpdateAfterBindResources;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSamplers;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffersDynamic;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffersDynamic;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSampledImages;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageImages;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments;
} VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingPropertiesEXT;
typedef struct VkDescriptorSetVariableDescriptorCountAllocateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t descriptorSetCount;
const uint32_t* pDescriptorCounts;
} VkDescriptorSetVariableDescriptorCountAllocateInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkDescriptorSetVariableDescriptorCountLayoutSupportEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t maxVariableDescriptorCount;
} VkDescriptorSetVariableDescriptorCountLayoutSupportEXT;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
#define VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer 1
#define VK_EXT_SHADER_VIEWPORT_INDEX_LAYER_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer"
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
#define VK_NV_shading_rate_image 1
#define VK_NV_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_NV_shading_rate_image"
typedef enum VkShadingRatePaletteEntryNV {
} VkShadingRatePaletteEntryNV;
typedef enum VkCoarseSampleOrderTypeNV {
} VkCoarseSampleOrderTypeNV;
typedef struct VkShadingRatePaletteNV {
uint32_t shadingRatePaletteEntryCount;
const VkShadingRatePaletteEntryNV* pShadingRatePaletteEntries;
} VkShadingRatePaletteNV;
typedef struct VkPipelineViewportShadingRateImageStateCreateInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBool32 shadingRateImageEnable;
uint32_t viewportCount;
const VkShadingRatePaletteNV* pShadingRatePalettes;
} VkPipelineViewportShadingRateImageStateCreateInfoNV;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImageFeaturesNV {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 shadingRateImage;
VkBool32 shadingRateCoarseSampleOrder;
} VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImageFeaturesNV;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkExtent2D shadingRateTexelSize;
uint32_t shadingRatePaletteSize;
uint32_t shadingRateMaxCoarseSamples;
} VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV;
typedef struct VkCoarseSampleLocationNV {
uint32_t pixelX;
uint32_t pixelY;
uint32_t sample;
} VkCoarseSampleLocationNV;
typedef struct VkCoarseSampleOrderCustomNV {
VkShadingRatePaletteEntryNV shadingRate;
uint32_t sampleCount;
uint32_t sampleLocationCount;
const VkCoarseSampleLocationNV* pSampleLocations;
} VkCoarseSampleOrderCustomNV;
typedef struct VkPipelineViewportCoarseSampleOrderStateCreateInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkCoarseSampleOrderTypeNV sampleOrderType;
uint32_t customSampleOrderCount;
const VkCoarseSampleOrderCustomNV* pCustomSampleOrders;
} VkPipelineViewportCoarseSampleOrderStateCreateInfoNV;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdBindShadingRateImageNV)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkImageView imageView, VkImageLayout imageLayout);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetViewportShadingRatePaletteNV)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t firstViewport, uint32_t viewportCount, const VkShadingRatePaletteNV* pShadingRatePalettes);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetCoarseSampleOrderNV)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkCoarseSampleOrderTypeNV sampleOrderType, uint32_t customSampleOrderCount, const VkCoarseSampleOrderCustomNV* pCustomSampleOrders);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdBindShadingRateImageNV(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkImageView imageView,
VkImageLayout imageLayout);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdSetViewportShadingRatePaletteNV(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t firstViewport,
uint32_t viewportCount,
const VkShadingRatePaletteNV* pShadingRatePalettes);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdSetCoarseSampleOrderNV(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkCoarseSampleOrderTypeNV sampleOrderType,
uint32_t customSampleOrderCount,
const VkCoarseSampleOrderCustomNV* pCustomSampleOrders);
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
#define VK_NV_ray_tracing 1
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
typedef enum VkRayTracingShaderGroupTypeNV {
} VkRayTracingShaderGroupTypeNV;
typedef enum VkGeometryTypeNV {
} VkGeometryTypeNV;
typedef enum VkAccelerationStructureTypeNV {
} VkAccelerationStructureTypeNV;
typedef enum VkCopyAccelerationStructureModeNV {
} VkCopyAccelerationStructureModeNV;
typedef enum VkAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsTypeNV {
} VkAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsTypeNV;
typedef enum VkGeometryFlagBitsNV {
} VkGeometryFlagBitsNV;
typedef VkFlags VkGeometryFlagsNV;
typedef enum VkGeometryInstanceFlagBitsNV {
} VkGeometryInstanceFlagBitsNV;
typedef VkFlags VkGeometryInstanceFlagsNV;
typedef enum VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagBitsNV {
} VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagBitsNV;
typedef VkFlags VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsNV;
typedef struct VkRayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkRayTracingShaderGroupTypeNV type;
uint32_t generalShader;
uint32_t closestHitShader;
uint32_t anyHitShader;
uint32_t intersectionShader;
} VkRayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoNV;
typedef struct VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkPipelineCreateFlags flags;
uint32_t stageCount;
const VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo* pStages;
uint32_t groupCount;
const VkRayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoNV* pGroups;
uint32_t maxRecursionDepth;
VkPipelineLayout layout;
VkPipeline basePipelineHandle;
int32_t basePipelineIndex;
} VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoNV;
typedef struct VkGeometryTrianglesNV {
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBuffer vertexData;
VkDeviceSize vertexOffset;
uint32_t vertexCount;
VkDeviceSize vertexStride;
VkFormat vertexFormat;
VkBuffer indexData;
VkDeviceSize indexOffset;
uint32_t indexCount;
VkIndexType indexType;
VkBuffer transformData;
VkDeviceSize transformOffset;
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
} VkGeometryTrianglesNV;
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
typedef struct VkGeometryAABBNV {
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBuffer aabbData;
uint32_t numAABBs;
uint32_t stride;
VkDeviceSize offset;
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
} VkGeometryAABBNV;
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
typedef struct VkGeometryDataNV {
VkGeometryTrianglesNV triangles;
VkGeometryAABBNV aabbs;
} VkGeometryDataNV;
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
typedef struct VkGeometryNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkGeometryTypeNV geometryType;
VkGeometryDataNV geometry;
VkGeometryFlagsNV flags;
} VkGeometryNV;
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
typedef struct VkAccelerationStructureInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkAccelerationStructureTypeNV type;
VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsNV flags;
uint32_t instanceCount;
uint32_t geometryCount;
const VkGeometryNV* pGeometries;
} VkAccelerationStructureInfoNV;
typedef struct VkAccelerationStructureCreateInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkDeviceSize compactedSize;
VkAccelerationStructureInfoNV info;
} VkAccelerationStructureCreateInfoNV;
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
typedef struct VkBindAccelerationStructureMemoryInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkAccelerationStructureNV accelerationStructure;
VkDeviceMemory memory;
VkDeviceSize memoryOffset;
uint32_t deviceIndexCount;
const uint32_t* pDeviceIndices;
} VkBindAccelerationStructureMemoryInfoNV;
typedef struct VkWriteDescriptorSetAccelerationStructureNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t accelerationStructureCount;
const VkAccelerationStructureNV* pAccelerationStructures;
} VkWriteDescriptorSetAccelerationStructureNV;
typedef struct VkAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsTypeNV type;
VkAccelerationStructureNV accelerationStructure;
} VkAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsInfoNV;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesNV {
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
uint32_t shaderGroupHandleSize;
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
uint32_t maxRecursionDepth;
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
uint32_t maxShaderGroupStride;
uint32_t shaderGroupBaseAlignment;
uint64_t maxGeometryCount;
uint64_t maxInstanceCount;
uint64_t maxTriangleCount;
uint32_t maxDescriptorSetAccelerationStructures;
} VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesNV;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateAccelerationStructureNV)(VkDevice device, const VkAccelerationStructureCreateInfoNV* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkAccelerationStructureNV* pAccelerationStructure);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDestroyAccelerationStructureNV)(VkDevice device, VkAccelerationStructureNV accelerationStructure, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsNV)(VkDevice device, const VkAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsInfoNV* pInfo, VkMemoryRequirements2KHR* pMemoryRequirements);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkBindAccelerationStructureMemoryNV)(VkDevice device, uint32_t bindInfoCount, const VkBindAccelerationStructureMemoryInfoNV* pBindInfos);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdBuildAccelerationStructureNV)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const VkAccelerationStructureInfoNV* pInfo, VkBuffer instanceData, VkDeviceSize instanceOffset, VkBool32 update, VkAccelerationStructureNV dst, VkAccelerationStructureNV src, VkBuffer scratch, VkDeviceSize scratchOffset);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdCopyAccelerationStructureNV)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkAccelerationStructureNV dst, VkAccelerationStructureNV src, VkCopyAccelerationStructureModeNV mode);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdTraceRaysNV)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer raygenShaderBindingTableBuffer, VkDeviceSize raygenShaderBindingOffset, VkBuffer missShaderBindingTableBuffer, VkDeviceSize missShaderBindingOffset, VkDeviceSize missShaderBindingStride, VkBuffer hitShaderBindingTableBuffer, VkDeviceSize hitShaderBindingOffset, VkDeviceSize hitShaderBindingStride, VkBuffer callableShaderBindingTableBuffer, VkDeviceSize callableShaderBindingOffset, VkDeviceSize callableShaderBindingStride, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t depth);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateRayTracingPipelinesNV)(VkDevice device, VkPipelineCache pipelineCache, uint32_t createInfoCount, const VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoNV* pCreateInfos, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkPipeline* pPipelines);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetRayTracingShaderGroupHandlesNV)(VkDevice device, VkPipeline pipeline, uint32_t firstGroup, uint32_t groupCount, size_t dataSize, void* pData);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetAccelerationStructureHandleNV)(VkDevice device, VkAccelerationStructureNV accelerationStructure, size_t dataSize, void* pData);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdWriteAccelerationStructuresPropertiesNV)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t accelerationStructureCount, const VkAccelerationStructureNV* pAccelerationStructures, VkQueryType queryType, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t firstQuery);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCompileDeferredNV)(VkDevice device, VkPipeline pipeline, uint32_t shader);
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateAccelerationStructureNV(
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
VkDevice device,
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
const VkAccelerationStructureCreateInfoNV* pCreateInfo,
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VkAccelerationStructureNV* pAccelerationStructure);
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroyAccelerationStructureNV(
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
VkDevice device,
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VkAccelerationStructureNV accelerationStructure,
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsNV(
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
VkDevice device,
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
const VkAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsInfoNV* pInfo,
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
VkMemoryRequirements2KHR* pMemoryRequirements);
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkBindAccelerationStructureMemoryNV(
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
VkDevice device,
uint32_t bindInfoCount,
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
const VkBindAccelerationStructureMemoryInfoNV* pBindInfos);
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdBuildAccelerationStructureNV(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
const VkAccelerationStructureInfoNV* pInfo,
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
VkBuffer instanceData,
VkDeviceSize instanceOffset,
VkBool32 update,
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VkAccelerationStructureNV dst,
VkAccelerationStructureNV src,
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
VkBuffer scratch,
VkDeviceSize scratchOffset);
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdCopyAccelerationStructureNV(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VkAccelerationStructureNV dst,
VkAccelerationStructureNV src,
VkCopyAccelerationStructureModeNV mode);
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
VkBuffer raygenShaderBindingTableBuffer,
VkDeviceSize raygenShaderBindingOffset,
VkBuffer missShaderBindingTableBuffer,
VkDeviceSize missShaderBindingOffset,
VkDeviceSize missShaderBindingStride,
VkBuffer hitShaderBindingTableBuffer,
VkDeviceSize hitShaderBindingOffset,
VkDeviceSize hitShaderBindingStride,
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VkBuffer callableShaderBindingTableBuffer,
VkDeviceSize callableShaderBindingOffset,
VkDeviceSize callableShaderBindingStride,
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
uint32_t width,
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
uint32_t height,
uint32_t depth);
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateRayTracingPipelinesNV(
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
VkDevice device,
VkPipelineCache pipelineCache,
uint32_t createInfoCount,
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
const VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoNV* pCreateInfos,
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkPipeline* pPipelines);
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetRayTracingShaderGroupHandlesNV(
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
VkDevice device,
VkPipeline pipeline,
uint32_t firstGroup,
uint32_t groupCount,
size_t dataSize,
void* pData);
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetAccelerationStructureHandleNV(
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
VkDevice device,
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VkAccelerationStructureNV accelerationStructure,
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
size_t dataSize,
void* pData);
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdWriteAccelerationStructuresPropertiesNV(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
uint32_t accelerationStructureCount,
const VkAccelerationStructureNV* pAccelerationStructures,
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
VkQueryType queryType,
VkQueryPool queryPool,
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
uint32_t firstQuery);
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCompileDeferredNV(
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
VkDevice device,
VkPipeline pipeline,
uint32_t shader);
#define VK_NV_representative_fragment_test 1
#define VK_NV_REPRESENTATIVE_FRAGMENT_TEST_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_NV_representative_fragment_test"
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceRepresentativeFragmentTestFeaturesNV {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 representativeFragmentTest;
} VkPhysicalDeviceRepresentativeFragmentTestFeaturesNV;
typedef struct VkPipelineRepresentativeFragmentTestStateCreateInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkBool32 representativeFragmentTestEnable;
} VkPipelineRepresentativeFragmentTestStateCreateInfoNV;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
#define VK_EXT_global_priority 1
typedef enum VkQueueGlobalPriorityEXT {
} VkQueueGlobalPriorityEXT;
typedef struct VkDeviceQueueGlobalPriorityCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkQueueGlobalPriorityEXT globalPriority;
} VkDeviceQueueGlobalPriorityCreateInfoEXT;
#define VK_EXT_external_memory_host 1
typedef struct VkImportMemoryHostPointerInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits handleType;
void* pHostPointer;
} VkImportMemoryHostPointerInfoEXT;
typedef struct VkMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t memoryTypeBits;
} VkMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceExternalMemoryHostPropertiesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkDeviceSize minImportedHostPointerAlignment;
} VkPhysicalDeviceExternalMemoryHostPropertiesEXT;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT)(VkDevice device, VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits handleType, const void* pHostPointer, VkMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT* pMemoryHostPointerProperties);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT(
VkDevice device,
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits handleType,
const void* pHostPointer,
VkMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT* pMemoryHostPointerProperties);
#define VK_AMD_buffer_marker 1
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdWriteBufferMarkerAMD)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkPipelineStageFlagBits pipelineStage, VkBuffer dstBuffer, VkDeviceSize dstOffset, uint32_t marker);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdWriteBufferMarkerAMD(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkPipelineStageFlagBits pipelineStage,
VkBuffer dstBuffer,
VkDeviceSize dstOffset,
uint32_t marker);
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
#define VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps 1
typedef enum VkTimeDomainEXT {
} VkTimeDomainEXT;
typedef struct VkCalibratedTimestampInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkTimeDomainEXT timeDomain;
} VkCalibratedTimestampInfoEXT;
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceCalibrateableTimeDomainsEXT)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, uint32_t* pTimeDomainCount, VkTimeDomainEXT* pTimeDomains);
typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetCalibratedTimestampsEXT)(VkDevice device, uint32_t timestampCount, const VkCalibratedTimestampInfoEXT* pTimestampInfos, uint64_t* pTimestamps, uint64_t* pMaxDeviation);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceCalibrateableTimeDomainsEXT(
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
uint32_t* pTimeDomainCount,
VkTimeDomainEXT* pTimeDomains);
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetCalibratedTimestampsEXT(
VkDevice device,
uint32_t timestampCount,
const VkCalibratedTimestampInfoEXT* pTimestampInfos,
uint64_t* pTimestamps,
uint64_t* pMaxDeviation);
Change log for March 5, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.72 spec update: * Update release number to 72. Github Issues: * Restructure the repository to put the specification `Makefile` and associated spec source material at the top level, `vk.xml` and associated scripts material in `xml/`, and generated include and source files in `include/vulkan/` and `src/ext_loader/`, respectively (public issue 436). * Add missing bullet point markup to flink:vkCmdCopyImage valid usage statement, so it gets a VUID assigned (public issue 627). * Fix broken links in a couple of extension appendices (public pull request 665). * Add the \<platform> tag to the index in section 4.1 of the registry schema documentation, and add the protect= attribute of \<extension> tags to the comments in `registry.rnc` (public issues 673, 678). * Add missing valid usage statements for sparse image interactions to flink:VkImageCreateInfo (public pull request 675). * Fix improper usage and grammar of "`can: not`" (public pull request 681). * Remove duplicate spec language and NOTE on present layout between the flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR and flink:vkAcquireNextImage2KHR commands (public pull request 685). * Fix some typos and markup issues (public pull request 689; public issues 642, 667, 687). * Fix typo etext:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_FENCE_FD_BIT -> ename:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_SYNC_FD_BIT in the <<external-semaphore-handle-types-compatibility, External semaphore handle types compatibility>> table (public pull request 691). Internal Issues: * Remove the need for the "`noautovalidity`" attribute on extension structures in `vk.xml`. It is now implied by the "`structextends`" attribute instead (internal issue 942). * Replace uses of "`currently bound`" with "`bound`", since "`currently`" is redundant and distracting, and add a corresponding rule to the style guide (internal issue 993). * Fixed subtle issues with the last updates to flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR language that had resulted in ambiguities (internal issue 1178). * Make it clear that only one query of a given type is allowed at a time by reordering valid usage statements for flink:vkCmdBeginQuery and flink:vkCmdEndQuery, and removing redundant ones (internal issue 1213). * Swapped OL1 and OL3 in `tessparamUL.svg` to match previous version, and fixed where "`(no edge)`" appears (internal issue 1215). Other Issues: * Fixed a minor problem with the valid usage statement extraction script, and corresponding markup in the spec source. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_shader_core_properties` * `VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing` * `VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned`
2018-04-05 04:24:56 -07:00
#define VK_AMD_shader_core_properties 1
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCorePropertiesAMD {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t shaderEngineCount;
uint32_t shaderArraysPerEngineCount;
uint32_t computeUnitsPerShaderArray;
uint32_t simdPerComputeUnit;
uint32_t wavefrontsPerSimd;
uint32_t wavefrontSize;
uint32_t sgprsPerSimd;
uint32_t minSgprAllocation;
uint32_t maxSgprAllocation;
uint32_t sgprAllocationGranularity;
uint32_t vgprsPerSimd;
uint32_t minVgprAllocation;
uint32_t maxVgprAllocation;
uint32_t vgprAllocationGranularity;
} VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCorePropertiesAMD;
Change log for November 4, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.91 spec update: * Update release number to 91. Public Issues: * Update Ubuntu subsystem build instructions in `BUILD.adoc` (public pull request 624). * Delete the `VK_KHR_mir_surface` extension from the Specification and XML, due to EOL of the only driver known to have supported it, and near-EOL of Mir itself (public issue 814). * Fix options for some figures that were using old ones (public pull request 841). * Fix various accidentally repeated words (public pull request 843). * Use `time.process_time()`, introduced in Python 3.3, in the scripts instead of `time.clock()`, which will be removed in Python 3.8 (public pull request 844). Internal Issues: * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID, and flink:vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID to actually be verifiable (internal issue 1419). * Update valid usage statements for `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` in slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo, slink:VkImageCreateInfo, and slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo to move valid usage statements in doubly-nested bullet points up one level, accomodating limitations of the valid usage extraction script that creates `validusage.json` (internal issue 1434). * Fix typo etext:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BIT_NV to the correct ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_READ_BIT_NV. * Add missing etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_* tokens to appendices for extensions missing them. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior` * `VK_NV_ray_tracing`, replacing `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-11-03 23:50:13 -07:00
#define VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior 1
typedef enum VkMemoryOverallocationBehaviorAMD {
} VkMemoryOverallocationBehaviorAMD;
typedef struct VkDeviceMemoryOverallocationCreateInfoAMD {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkMemoryOverallocationBehaviorAMD overallocationBehavior;
} VkDeviceMemoryOverallocationCreateInfoAMD;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
#define VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor 1
Change log for September 8, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.84 spec update: * Update release number to 84. Public Issues: * Fix code sample in the `<<VK_EXT_debug_utils>>` extension (public issue 751). * Fix misleading comment in `vk.xml` for slink:VkDescriptorBufferInfo::pname:buffer (public pull request 762). * Fix formatting of deprecation attributes in schema doc (public pull request 767). * Change `can` to `may` in the description of elink:VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits, which are return values from queries (public pull request 768). * Prettify generated contact list in extension appendices, adding logos and a New Issue link (public pull request 770). * Enable sRGB conversion based on the image view format, not the image format, in the <<textures-format-conversion, Format Conversion>> section (public pull request 773). * Fix typo in equation in the <<primsrast-lines-basic, Basic Line Segment Rasterization>> section (public pull request 780). * Fix special characters in GitHub contacts links (public pull request 783). * Make clean_pdf target remove pdf folder (public pull request 784). * Fix styleguide bad markup of block continuation (public pull request 792). Other Issues: * Allow a zero vertex attribute divisor in the `<<VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor>>` extension, exposed via the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT feature. * Add missing `structextends="VkDeviceCreateInfo"` to slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_memory_model` * `VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode` * `VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block`
2018-09-08 15:52:13 -07:00
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorPropertiesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t maxVertexAttribDivisor;
} VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorPropertiesEXT;
typedef struct VkVertexInputBindingDivisorDescriptionEXT {
uint32_t binding;
uint32_t divisor;
} VkVertexInputBindingDivisorDescriptionEXT;
typedef struct VkPipelineVertexInputDivisorStateCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t vertexBindingDivisorCount;
const VkVertexInputBindingDivisorDescriptionEXT* pVertexBindingDivisors;
} VkPipelineVertexInputDivisorStateCreateInfoEXT;
Change log for September 8, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.84 spec update: * Update release number to 84. Public Issues: * Fix code sample in the `<<VK_EXT_debug_utils>>` extension (public issue 751). * Fix misleading comment in `vk.xml` for slink:VkDescriptorBufferInfo::pname:buffer (public pull request 762). * Fix formatting of deprecation attributes in schema doc (public pull request 767). * Change `can` to `may` in the description of elink:VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits, which are return values from queries (public pull request 768). * Prettify generated contact list in extension appendices, adding logos and a New Issue link (public pull request 770). * Enable sRGB conversion based on the image view format, not the image format, in the <<textures-format-conversion, Format Conversion>> section (public pull request 773). * Fix typo in equation in the <<primsrast-lines-basic, Basic Line Segment Rasterization>> section (public pull request 780). * Fix special characters in GitHub contacts links (public pull request 783). * Make clean_pdf target remove pdf folder (public pull request 784). * Fix styleguide bad markup of block continuation (public pull request 792). Other Issues: * Allow a zero vertex attribute divisor in the `<<VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor>>` extension, exposed via the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT feature. * Add missing `structextends="VkDeviceCreateInfo"` to slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_memory_model` * `VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode` * `VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block`
2018-09-08 15:52:13 -07:00
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 vertexAttributeInstanceRateDivisor;
VkBool32 vertexAttributeInstanceRateZeroDivisor;
} VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
Change log for March 5, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.72 spec update: * Update release number to 72. Github Issues: * Restructure the repository to put the specification `Makefile` and associated spec source material at the top level, `vk.xml` and associated scripts material in `xml/`, and generated include and source files in `include/vulkan/` and `src/ext_loader/`, respectively (public issue 436). * Add missing bullet point markup to flink:vkCmdCopyImage valid usage statement, so it gets a VUID assigned (public issue 627). * Fix broken links in a couple of extension appendices (public pull request 665). * Add the \<platform> tag to the index in section 4.1 of the registry schema documentation, and add the protect= attribute of \<extension> tags to the comments in `registry.rnc` (public issues 673, 678). * Add missing valid usage statements for sparse image interactions to flink:VkImageCreateInfo (public pull request 675). * Fix improper usage and grammar of "`can: not`" (public pull request 681). * Remove duplicate spec language and NOTE on present layout between the flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR and flink:vkAcquireNextImage2KHR commands (public pull request 685). * Fix some typos and markup issues (public pull request 689; public issues 642, 667, 687). * Fix typo etext:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_FENCE_FD_BIT -> ename:VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_SYNC_FD_BIT in the <<external-semaphore-handle-types-compatibility, External semaphore handle types compatibility>> table (public pull request 691). Internal Issues: * Remove the need for the "`noautovalidity`" attribute on extension structures in `vk.xml`. It is now implied by the "`structextends`" attribute instead (internal issue 942). * Replace uses of "`currently bound`" with "`bound`", since "`currently`" is redundant and distracting, and add a corresponding rule to the style guide (internal issue 993). * Fixed subtle issues with the last updates to flink:vkAcquireNextImageKHR language that had resulted in ambiguities (internal issue 1178). * Make it clear that only one query of a given type is allowed at a time by reordering valid usage statements for flink:vkCmdBeginQuery and flink:vkCmdEndQuery, and removing redundant ones (internal issue 1213). * Swapped OL1 and OL3 in `tessparamUL.svg` to match previous version, and fixed where "`(no edge)`" appears (internal issue 1215). Other Issues: * Fixed a minor problem with the valid usage statement extraction script, and corresponding markup in the spec source. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_shader_core_properties` * `VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing` * `VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned`
2018-04-05 04:24:56 -07:00
#define VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned 1
#define VK_NV_SHADER_SUBGROUP_PARTITIONED_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned"
Change log for September 19, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.85 spec update: * Update release number to 85. Public Issues: * Add self-dependency ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT valid usage statements for slink:VkSubpassDependency(public pull request 778). * Apply fix from pull request 742 to slink:VkSubpassDependency and slink:VkSubpassDependency2 (public pull request 779). * Specify the units of slink:VkBufferImageCopy::pname:bufferRowLength and pname:bufferImageHeight as texels (public pull request 781). * Better specify promoted parameter mapping in the `<<VK_KHR_create_renderpass2>>` appendix (public pull request 782). Internal Issues: * Only include the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section in Vulkan 1.1 or later (internal issue 1381). Other Issues: * Clean up redundant valid usage language for the `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension interaction with slink:VkImageCreateInfo. * Fix error in a flag name within valid usage statements for slink:VkMemoryAllocateInfo. * Clarify that memory types are not totally ordered in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties. * For slink:VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT, set structextends="VkWriteDescriptorSet" in `vk.xml`, and make slink:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT::pname:pBindingFlags optional. * Add documentation of 'provisional' XML attribute to registry.txt. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives` * `VK_NV_corner_sampled_image` * `VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric` * `VK_NV_mesh_shader` * `VK_NV_representative_fragment_test` * `VK_NV_scissor_exclusive` * `VK_NV_shader_image_footprint` * `VK_NV_shading_rate_image` * `VK_NVX_raytracing`
2018-09-15 18:35:16 -07:00
#define VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives 1
#define VK_NV_COMPUTE_SHADER_DERIVATIVES_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives"
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceComputeShaderDerivativesFeaturesNV {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 computeDerivativeGroupQuads;
VkBool32 computeDerivativeGroupLinear;
} VkPhysicalDeviceComputeShaderDerivativesFeaturesNV;
#define VK_NV_mesh_shader 1
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderFeaturesNV {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 taskShader;
VkBool32 meshShader;
} VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderFeaturesNV;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t maxDrawMeshTasksCount;
uint32_t maxTaskWorkGroupInvocations;
uint32_t maxTaskWorkGroupSize[3];
uint32_t maxTaskTotalMemorySize;
uint32_t maxTaskOutputCount;
uint32_t maxMeshWorkGroupInvocations;
uint32_t maxMeshWorkGroupSize[3];
uint32_t maxMeshTotalMemorySize;
uint32_t maxMeshOutputVertices;
uint32_t maxMeshOutputPrimitives;
uint32_t maxMeshMultiviewViewCount;
uint32_t meshOutputPerVertexGranularity;
uint32_t meshOutputPerPrimitiveGranularity;
} VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV;
typedef struct VkDrawMeshTasksIndirectCommandNV {
uint32_t taskCount;
uint32_t firstTask;
} VkDrawMeshTasksIndirectCommandNV;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t taskCount, uint32_t firstTask);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, uint32_t drawCount, uint32_t stride);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkBuffer buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkBuffer countBuffer, VkDeviceSize countBufferOffset, uint32_t maxDrawCount, uint32_t stride);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t taskCount,
uint32_t firstTask);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkBuffer buffer,
VkDeviceSize offset,
uint32_t drawCount,
uint32_t stride);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkBuffer buffer,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkBuffer countBuffer,
VkDeviceSize countBufferOffset,
uint32_t maxDrawCount,
uint32_t stride);
#define VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric 1
#define VK_NV_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BARYCENTRIC_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric"
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricFeaturesNV {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 fragmentShaderBarycentric;
} VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricFeaturesNV;
#define VK_NV_shader_image_footprint 1
#define VK_NV_SHADER_IMAGE_FOOTPRINT_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_NV_shader_image_footprint"
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageFootprintFeaturesNV {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 imageFootprint;
} VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageFootprintFeaturesNV;
#define VK_NV_scissor_exclusive 1
typedef struct VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
uint32_t exclusiveScissorCount;
const VkRect2D* pExclusiveScissors;
} VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceExclusiveScissorFeaturesNV {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 exclusiveScissor;
} VkPhysicalDeviceExclusiveScissorFeaturesNV;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetExclusiveScissorNV)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t firstExclusiveScissor, uint32_t exclusiveScissorCount, const VkRect2D* pExclusiveScissors);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdSetExclusiveScissorNV(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
uint32_t firstExclusiveScissor,
uint32_t exclusiveScissorCount,
const VkRect2D* pExclusiveScissors);
#define VK_NV_device_diagnostic_checkpoints 1
#define VK_NV_DEVICE_DIAGNOSTIC_CHECKPOINTS_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_NV_device_diagnostic_checkpoints"
typedef struct VkQueueFamilyCheckpointPropertiesNV {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkPipelineStageFlags checkpointExecutionStageMask;
} VkQueueFamilyCheckpointPropertiesNV;
typedef struct VkCheckpointDataNV {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkPipelineStageFlagBits stage;
void* pCheckpointMarker;
} VkCheckpointDataNV;
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCmdSetCheckpointNV)(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, const void* pCheckpointMarker);
typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetQueueCheckpointDataNV)(VkQueue queue, uint32_t* pCheckpointDataCount, VkCheckpointDataNV* pCheckpointData);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdSetCheckpointNV(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
const void* pCheckpointMarker);
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetQueueCheckpointDataNV(
VkQueue queue,
uint32_t* pCheckpointDataCount,
VkCheckpointDataNV* pCheckpointData);
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
#define VK_EXT_pci_bus_info 1
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
typedef struct VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
uint32_t pciDomain;
uint32_t pciBus;
uint32_t pciDevice;
uint32_t pciFunction;
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
} VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT;
#define VK_EXT_fragment_density_map 1
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapFeaturesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 fragmentDensityMap;
VkBool32 fragmentDensityMapDynamic;
VkBool32 fragmentDensityMapNonSubsampledImages;
} VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapFeaturesEXT;
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapPropertiesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkExtent2D minFragmentDensityTexelSize;
VkExtent2D maxFragmentDensityTexelSize;
VkBool32 fragmentDensityInvocations;
} VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapPropertiesEXT;
typedef struct VkRenderPassFragmentDensityMapCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkAttachmentReference fragmentDensityMapAttachment;
} VkRenderPassFragmentDensityMapCreateInfoEXT;
Change log for November 18, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.93 spec update: * Update release number to 93. Public Issues: * Add spec language for ename:VK_INDEX_TYPE_NONE_NV and fix up slink:VkAccelerationStructureTypeNV (public issue 848). * Add missing suffix in description of slink:VkSubpassDescription2KHR parameters (public pull request 851). * Fix miscellaneous typos (public pull request 855). * Add driver ID for Pastel (public pull request 856). * Add missing include directive for slink:VkMemoryWin32HandlePropertiesKHR implicit valid usage statements (public pull request 857). Internal Issues: * Restrict the storage classes permitted for SPIR-V atomics to what is actually supported, in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section (internal issue 1123). * Add a missing Valid Usage statement to slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo for the case pname:stencilLoadOp == ename:VK_LOAD_OP_CLEAR, pname:layout == ename:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL (internal issue 1408). * Modify optimize-pdf script and Makefile to retain non-optimized original PDF on errors (internal issue 1435). * Add <<spirvenv-module-validation, SPIR-V validation rules>> stating that only the listed code:BuiltIn decorations are permitted, and only when relevante features and extensions are enabled (internal issue 1449). * Remove some duplicated Valid Usage IDs created via cut & paste error (internal issue 1455). * Build HTML output for extension reference pages (internal issue 1461). ** Improve handling of aliases defined inside other refpages. ** Emit aliases in ** Add XML noautovalidity flag for VkRenderPassCreateFlags until there are some corresponding FlagBits defined. ** Corrected types= attribute on some refpage blocks to 'flags' ** Added refpage blocks for some missing types detected by CI tests. * Fixed many Valid Usage statement issues in slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo, slink:VkSubpassDescription, slink:VkSubpassDescription2KHR, slink:VkSubpassDependency2KHR, flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass, flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass2KHR, and slink:VkRenderPassBeginInfo discovered while adding `VK_KHR_create_renderpass2` to the validation layers. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout` * `VK_EXT_separate_stencil_usage`
2018-11-18 02:55:14 -08:00
#define VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout 1
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceScalarBlockLayoutFeaturesEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 scalarBlockLayout;
} VkPhysicalDeviceScalarBlockLayoutFeaturesEXT;
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
#define VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1 1
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
#define VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string 1
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
Change log for October 13, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.88 spec update: * Update release number to 88. Public Issues: * Make clear that tname:PFN_vkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT::pname:messageTypes is a bitmask, and correct a typo in the spelling of slink:VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT.txt::pname:messageType (public pull request 800). * Make an ABI-compatible change of the type of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR::pname:driverID to use the new elink:VkDriverIdKHR type (public issue 811). Internal Issues: * Clarify for the <<features-features-shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats>> feature and in the <<spirvenv-capabilities-table>> that the feature means that all of the formats are supported, and that otherwise the features can be queried per-format (internal issue 1273). * Clarified interactions of `VK_EXT_external_memory_host` with host cache management commands and structures flink:vkMapMemory, flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges, slink:VkMappedMemoryRange, and flink:vkUnmapMemory using the new glossary term "`Host Mapped Device Memory`" (internal issue 1385). * Update the language for flink:vkCreateViSurfaceNN.txt describing the pname:currentExtent of a VI surface to more accurately reflect current capabilities, replacing "`undefined`" with more explicit behavior (internal issue 1410). New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps` * `VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier` (this extension was previously disabled in vk.xml, and has now been enabled after some changes to fix performance issues). * `VK_EXT_pci_bus_info` * `VK_EXT_transform_feedback` * `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1`. * `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string`, exposing support for `SPV_GOOGLE_decorate_string`.
2018-10-13 03:23:03 -07:00
Change log for November 18, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.93 spec update: * Update release number to 93. Public Issues: * Add spec language for ename:VK_INDEX_TYPE_NONE_NV and fix up slink:VkAccelerationStructureTypeNV (public issue 848). * Add missing suffix in description of slink:VkSubpassDescription2KHR parameters (public pull request 851). * Fix miscellaneous typos (public pull request 855). * Add driver ID for Pastel (public pull request 856). * Add missing include directive for slink:VkMemoryWin32HandlePropertiesKHR implicit valid usage statements (public pull request 857). Internal Issues: * Restrict the storage classes permitted for SPIR-V atomics to what is actually supported, in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section (internal issue 1123). * Add a missing Valid Usage statement to slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo for the case pname:stencilLoadOp == ename:VK_LOAD_OP_CLEAR, pname:layout == ename:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL (internal issue 1408). * Modify optimize-pdf script and Makefile to retain non-optimized original PDF on errors (internal issue 1435). * Add <<spirvenv-module-validation, SPIR-V validation rules>> stating that only the listed code:BuiltIn decorations are permitted, and only when relevante features and extensions are enabled (internal issue 1449). * Remove some duplicated Valid Usage IDs created via cut & paste error (internal issue 1455). * Build HTML output for extension reference pages (internal issue 1461). ** Improve handling of aliases defined inside other refpages. ** Emit aliases in ** Add XML noautovalidity flag for VkRenderPassCreateFlags until there are some corresponding FlagBits defined. ** Corrected types= attribute on some refpage blocks to 'flags' ** Added refpage blocks for some missing types detected by CI tests. * Fixed many Valid Usage statement issues in slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo, slink:VkSubpassDescription, slink:VkSubpassDescription2KHR, slink:VkSubpassDependency2KHR, flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass, flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass2KHR, and slink:VkRenderPassBeginInfo discovered while adding `VK_KHR_create_renderpass2` to the validation layers. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout` * `VK_EXT_separate_stencil_usage`
2018-11-18 02:55:14 -08:00
#define VK_EXT_separate_stencil_usage 1
typedef struct VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkImageUsageFlags stencilUsage;
} VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT;
Change log for March 7, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.70 spec update: * Vulkan 1.1 initial release. Bump API patch number and header version number to 70 for this update. The patch number will be used for both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 updates, and continues to increment continuously from the previous Vulkan 1.0.69 update. NOTE: We are not publishing an updated 1.0.70 specification, or 1.1 reference pages, along with 1.1.70. There are still minor issues to work out with those build targets. However, we will soon generate all three types of documents as part of the regular spec update cycle. NOTE: The GitHub KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs repository now maintains the current specification in the `master` branch. The `1.0` branch is out of date and will not be maintained, since we will be generating both 1.1 and 1.0 specifications from the `master` branch in the future. Github Issues: * Clarify how mapped memory ranges are flushed in flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (public issue 127). * Specify that <<synchronization-pipeline-stages, Pipeline Stages>> are a list of tasks that each command performs, rather than necessarily being discrete pieces of hardware that one task flows through. Add a "`synchronization command`" pipeline type which all synchronization command execute (it's just TOP + BOTTOM), with an explanatory note (public issue 554). Internal Issues: * Regenerate all images used in the spec in Inkscape with a consistent look-and-feel, and adjust image size attributes so they're all legible, and not too large with respect to the spec body text (internal issue 701). * Document in the <<extensions,extensions>> appendix and in the style guide that `KHX` extensions are no longer supported or used in the Vulkan 1.1 timeframe (internal issue 714). * Remove the leftover equations_temp directory after PDF build completes (internal issue 925). * Update the <<credits, Credits (Informative)>> appendix to include contributors to Vulkan 1.1, and to list them according to the API version(s) they contributed to (internal issue 987). * Add a NOTE to the introduction explaining that interfaces defined by extensions which were promoted to Vulkan 1.1 are now expressed as aliases of the Vulkan 1.1 type (internal issue 991). * Instrument spec source conditionals so spec can be built with 1.1 features, extensions promoted to 1.1, or both (internal issues 992, 998). * Modify the XML schema and tools to support explicit aliasing of types, structures, and commands, and use this to express the promotion of 1.0 extensions to 1.1 core features, by making the extension interfaces aliases of the core features they were promoted to. Mark up promoted interfaces to allow still generating 1.0 + extension specifications (internal issue 991). * Platform names, along with corresponding preprocessor symbols to enable extensions specific to those platforms, are now reserved in vk.xml using the <platform> tag. Update the registry schema and schema specification to match (internal issue 1011). * Updated the <<textures-texel-replacement, Texel Replacement>> section to clarify that reads from invalid texels for image resources result in undefined values (internal issue 1014). * Modify description of patch version so it continues to increment across minor version changes (internal issue 1033). * Clarify and unify language describing physical device-level core and extension functionality in the <<fundamentals-validusage-extensions, Valid Usage for Extensions>>, <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>>, <<initialization-functionpointers Command Function Pointers>>, <<initialization-phys-dev-extensions, Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions>> <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> sections and for flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2. This documents that instance-level functionality is tied to the loader, and independent of the ICD; physical device-level functionality is tied to the ICD, and associated with device extensions; physical devices are treated more uniformly between core and extensions; and instance and physical versions can be different (internal issue 1048). * Updated the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, Command Buffer Lifecycle>> section to clarify the ability for pending command buffers to transition to the invalid state after submission, and add a command buffer lifecycle diagram (internal issue 1050). * Clarify that some flink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo parameters are ignored when push descriptors are not supported (internal issue 1054). * Specify that flink:vkCreateImage will return an error if the image is too large, in a NOTE in the slink:VkImageFormatProperties description (internal issue 1078). * Remove near-duplicate NOTEs about when to query function pointers dynamically in the <<initialization, Initialization>> chapter and replace by extending the NOTE in the <<fundamentals-abi, Application Binary Interface>> section (internal issue 1085). * Restore missing references to "`Sparse Resource Features`" in the flink:VkBufferCreateFlagBits description (internal issue 1086). * Tidy up definitions of descriptor types in the `GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl` specification, the <<descriptorsets, Resource Descriptors>> section and its subsections, and the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> for consistency, reduction of duplicate information, and removal of GLSL correspondance/examples (internal issue 1090). * Correctly describe code:PrimitiveId as an Input for tessellation control and evaluation shaders, not an Output (internal issue 1109). * Relax the requirements on chroma offsets for nearest filtering in <<textures-implict-reconstruction, Implicit Reconstruction>> (internal issue 1116). Other Issues: * Clarify the intended relationship between specification language and certain terms defined in the Khronos Intellectual Property Rights policy. Specific changes include: ** Rewrote IP/Copyright preamble and introduction to better agree with normative language both as laid out in the introduction, and the Khronos IPR policy. ** Added notion of fully informative sections, which are now tagged with "`(Informative)`" in their titles. ** Removed non-normative uses of the phrase "`not required`" ** Clarified the distinction between terms "`optional`" and "`not required:`" as they relate to the IPR Policy, and updated specification text to use terms consistent with the intent. ** Reduced additions to RFC 2119, and ensured the specification agreed with the leaner language. ** Removed the terms "`hardware`", "`software`", "`CPU`", and "`GPU`" from normative text. ** Moved several paragraphs that should not have been normative to informative notes. ** Clarified a number of definitions in the Glossary. ** Updated the document writing guide to match new terminology changes. * Explicitly state in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime-acquire, application memory lifetime>> language that that for objects other than descriptor sets, a slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout object used in the creation of another object (such as slink:VkPipelineLayout or slink:VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR) is only in use during the creation of that object and can be safely destroyed afterwards. * Updated the <<textures-scale-factor, Scale Factor Operation>> section to use the ratio of anisotropy, rather than the integer sample rate, to perform the LOD calculation. The spec still allows use of the sample rate as the value used to calculate the LOD, but no longer requires it. * Update `vulkan_ext.c` to include all platform-related definitions from the Vulkan platform headers, following the split of the headers into platform-specific and non-platform-specific files. * Fix bogus anchor name in the <<commandbuffers, Command Buffers>> chapter which accidentally duplicated an anchor in the pipelines chapter. There were no reference to this anchor, fortunately. * Add valid usage statement for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet and slink:VkCopyDescriptorSet requiring that the slink:VkDescriptorSetLayout used to allocate the source and destination sets must not have been destroyed at the time flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets is called. * Document mapping of subgroup barrier functions to SPIR-V, and clarify a place where subgroupBarrier sounds like it's execution-only in the standalone `GL_KHR_shader_subgroup` specification. * Use an HTML stylesheet derived from the Asciidoctor `colony` theme, with the default Arial font family replaced by the sans-serif Noto font family. * Numerous minor updates to README.adoc, build scripts, Makefiles, and registry and style guide specifications to support Vulkan 1.1 outputs, use them as defaults, and remove mention of `KHX` extensions, which are no longer supported. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_vertex_attrib_divisor`
2018-03-07 04:18:52 -08:00
#ifdef __cplusplus