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// Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Khronos Group. This work is licensed under a
Change log for June 24, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.53 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 53 for this update. Github Issues: Internal Issues: * Clarify mappings of coordinates for mutable, compatible image views in slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo (internal issue 815). * Make ename:VK_BIND_SFR_BIT require a logical device with multiple physical devices, so that standard sparse image block dimensions are only required on systems that support multi-GPU (internal issue 835). * Convert all files from use of // refBegin .. // refEnd comments to delimit ref pages, to use of open blocks, and update style guide accordingly (internal issue 839). * Add valid usage for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet when performing updates to a ename:VK_STORAGE_IMAGE descriptor with layout ename:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL. * Add a hack to the validity generator script to support an odd interaction between flink:vkCmdFillBuffer and an extension (internal issue 853). * Remove redundant text describing slink:VkBufferCreateInfo::pname:usage, which was already covered by implicit valid usage (internal issue 854). * Update implicit validity generator script to properly handle the pname:sType and pname:pNext members of "returnedonly" structures (internal issue 874). * Note that slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:pApplicationName & slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:pEngineName are optional, and add missing implicit valid usage statements for flink:vkDestroyInstance. * Added missing valid usage for flink:vkCmdWriteTimestamp to require a timestamp query pool. * Simplify and/or split "`non-atomic`" valid usage statements. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_gpu_shader_int16` * `VK_EXT_blend_operation_advanced` * `VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax` * `VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples` ----------------------------------------------------- Note: the 1.0.52 spec wasn't published on github, so the 1.0.53 release combines both change sets. ----------------------------------------------------- Change log for June 13, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.52 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 52 for this update. Github Issues: Internal Issues: * Clarify behavior when non-coherent memory has <<memory-device-unmap-does-not-flush, not been flushed before being unmapped>> (internal issue 819). * Fix description of code:WorkgroupSize builtin to note it decorates an object, not a variable (internal issue 836). * Fix asciidoc attributes so that trailing '{plus}' symbols in [eq] style equations are rendered properly (internal issue 845). * Add language to the "`Extension Handles, Objects, Enums, and Typedefs`" section of the Procedures and Conventions document stating that any new handle type requires a corresponding entry in the elink:VkObjectType enumerated type (internal issue 856). * Update style guide to use slink macro for Vulkan handle type names, and define narrow conditions under which to use the *name and *text macros instead of *link (internal issue 886). * Add a dependency of the <<VK_KHX_device_group,VK_KHX_device_group>> extension on VK_KHX_device_group_creation to +vk.xml+ and the extension appendix. * Change the copyright on Vulkan specification asciidoc *source* files to CC-BY 4.0, and update the proprietary Khronos copyright applied to the generated *output* formats (internal issue 327). This enables broader re-use and modification of the Vulkan specification sources, while not affecting the Reciprocal IP License between Vulkan Adopters and Working Group Members. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_fill_rectangle` * `VK_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color`
2017-06-26 19:32:10 -07:00
// Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License; see
2016-02-16 01:53:44 -08:00
= Compressed Image Formats
The compressed texture formats used by Vulkan are described in the
Change log for September 16, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.27 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 27 for this update. Github Issues: * Weaken flink:vkGetPipelineCacheData invariance conditions; previous conditions were stronger than agreed and can't be guaranteed (public issue 280). * Add link to "Vulkan Loader Specification and Architecture Overview" document to Normative References section (public issue 359). Internal Issues: * Be more clear in the <<interfaces-resources-layout-std140, uniform buffer layout>> section that block offsets can be out of order (internal issue 396). * Document that extension authors should add support for their extensions to the validation layers (internal issue 398). * Clarify that the valid range of depth clear values should be limited to the 0..1 range and that copies to depth aspect must also be in this range (internal issue 412). * Specify ``a'' vs. ``an'' use in the style guide (internal issue 432). * Increase the maximum pname:nonCoherentAtomSize value in the <<features-limits-required,Required Limits>> section from 128 to 256 (internal issue 435). * Fix vk_platform.h for compiler errors on some Android platforms (internal issue 441). * Clarify that slink:VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures::pname:pEnabledFeatures == `NULL` disables all features, including the "required" feature pname:robustBufferAccess (internal issue 479). Other Issues: * Expand style guide and make it more self-consistent. * Use ISO 8601 date format everywhere. * Emphasise the correct way of using slink:VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR::pname:maxImageCount. * Added +VK_EXT_validation_flags+ extension for validation flag mechanism. * Fix an <<credits,author credit>> to include their current employer.
2016-09-16 21:22:17 -07:00
specifically identified sections of the <<data-format,Khronos Data Format
2016-02-16 01:53:44 -08:00
Specification>>, version 1.1.
Unless otherwise described, the quantities encoded in these compressed
formats are treated as normalized, unsigned values.
Change log for September 30, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.29 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 29 for this update. Github Issues: * Remove redundant constraint on slink:VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo::pname:queryFlags (public issue 224). * Fix typo and remove link in Note in the <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> section (public issue 359). * Fix erroneous validation statement for the pname:layout member of slink:VkComputePipelineCreateInfo (public issue 362). Internal Issues: * Restore long figure captions using asciidoc sidebar blocks, due to restrictions of asciidoc syntax (internal issue 101). * Replace most latexmath equations with comparable markup in straight asciidoc, which significantly improves time required to fully load and process the HTML forms of the Specification. There are known minor font and alignment inconsistencies with MathJax and PDF rendering of latexmath equations. Please do not file github issues about these. We are aware of the inconsistencies and will make refinements over time, while the performance improvements are compelling in at least some major browsers (internal issue 313). * Move handcoded validity statements from +vk.xml+ into the Specification body, easing work in the single-branch model. Specify the distinction between these explicit statements, and the implicit validity statements inferred from vk.xml. Validity statements now appear in two blocks for each command and structure - handcoded "Valid Usage" and the implicit "Valid Usage (Implicit)" (internal issue 392). * Add the +returnedonly="false"+ attribute to WSI output structures, removing incorrectly generated implicit validity statements for slink:VkDisplayPropertiesKHR, slink:VkDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR, slink:VkDisplayModePropertiesKHR, slink:VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR, slink:VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR, and slink:VkSurfaceFormatKHR structures (internal issue 486). * Update slink:VkImageLayout to require the ename:VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT be set for sampled depth/stencil images (internal issue 487). * Use an explicit format specifier string for the date command invocation in the +Makefile+ instead of the shorthand -R option, which doesn't work on BSD and MaxOS X date commands (internal issue 500). Other Issues: * Use the terms ``allocation scope'' and ``extension scope'' instead of just ``scope'', and add them to the glossary.
2016-09-30 21:13:37 -07:00
Those formats listed as sRGB-encoded have in-memory representations of
[eq]#R#, [eq]#G# and [eq]#B# components which are nonlinearly-encoded as
[eq]#R'#, [eq]#G'#, and [eq]#B'#; any alpha component is unchanged.
As part of filtering, the nonlinear [eq]#R'#, [eq]#G'#, and [eq]#B'# values
are converted to linear [eq]#R#, [eq]#G#, and [eq]#B# components; any alpha
component is unchanged.
Change log for September 23, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.28 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 28 for this update. Github Issues: * Minor spelling and typography cleanup, add definitions of ename:VK_FALSE and ename:VK_TRUE as just what their names say (public issues 220, 318, 325, 365; internal issues 451, 496) * Clarify that the pname:maxDescriptorSet limits in the <<features-limits-required,Required Limits>> table are n * maxPerStage limit (where n=number of supported stages) (public issue 254). * Minor cleanup to <<boilerplate-platform-macros,Platform-Specific Macro Definitions>> appendix (public issue 314). * Add valid usage statement to slink:VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo disallowing multiple push constant ranges for the same shader stage (public issue 340). * Clarify the elink:VkSharingMode description of what executing the "same" barriers means in case of ownership transfer (public issue 347). * Rename copyright.txt and add to try and reduce confusion about applicable copyrights (public issue 350). * Extend the table in the <<boilerplate-wsi-header, Window System-Specific Header Control>> section to describe the external headers included when each etext:VK_USE_PLATFORM_* macro is defined (public issue 376). Internal Issues: * Add "Revision History" to the PDF outputs following the table of contents, to match HTML outputs (internal issue 43). * Clarified that flink:vkMapMemory may fail due to virtual address space limitations (internal issue 346). * Add +refBody+ comment markup for ref page autoextraction when required (internal issue 400). * Document proper use of "mipmap" and "mip" in the style guide API naming rules, matching the spelling rules (internal issue 471). * Tweak the <<extensions,Layers and Extensions>> appendix to note that the Specification may be built with arbitrary combinations of extensions (internal issue 483). * Remove incorrect statement allowing slink:VkClearAttachment::pname:colorAttachment to be >= slink:VkSubpassDescription::pname:colorAttachmentCount (internal issue 488). * The <<features-limits-viewportboundsrange,viewportBoundsRange>> is expressed in terms of the pname:maxViewportDimensions but this is actually two values. Clarify that it's based on the larger of the two (if they differ) (internal issue 499). Other Issues: * Reflowed text of the entire spec using the 'reflow' Makefile gater, to (hopefully) reduce future internal git churn as edits are made and extensions added in return for one-time pain. This has no perceptible change on the spec outputs but considerable changes on the asciidoc source (internal issue 367).
2016-09-24 00:58:11 -07:00
The conversion between linear and nonlinear encoding is performed as
Change log for February 10, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.40 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 40 for this update. * There is a major build change in this release. We are now using the Ruby-based ``asciidoctor'' implementation, rather than the Python-based ``asciidoc'' implementation, to process the specification. While the actual specification markup changes were minimal, this requires a new set of build tools and a very different installation process, especially because we now use an experimental direct-to-PDF backend for Asciidoctor instead of Docbook->dblatex->PDF. It is no longer possible to build the Specification using asciidoc. See doc/specs/vulkan/README.adoc for some guidance on installing the new toolchain components. * There are some minor rendering issues in the PDF output due to teething problems with the asciidoctor toolchain, especially with mathematical equations. We are aware of these and working on them. Github Issues: * Updated sample code for the <<sparsememory-examples-basic,sparse resource binding example>> (public issue 97). * Modify line and point clipping behavior in the <<vertexpostproc-clipping, Primitive Clipping>> section to allow for pop-free behavior. The ability to check for which behavior is implemented may be added a future feature or extension (public issue 113). * Unify the discussions of implicit ordering throughout the spec, in particular in the new sections <<drawing-primitive-order, Primitive Order>>, <<primrast-order, Rasterization Order>>, and <<synchronization-implicit, Implicit Synchronization Guarantees>>; the discussion of <<synchronization-submission-order, submission order>>; and references elsewhere to these sections (public issue 133). * Clarify \<\<descriptorsets-compatibility,Pipeline Layout Compatibility>> language and introduce the term ``identically defined'' (public issue 164). * Add a dependency to the +VK_EXT_debug_marker+ extension that's needed to reuse the object type enum from +VK_EXT_debug_report+, and moves the definition of that enum into +VK_EXT_debug_report+ where it should be (public issue 409). * Remove redundant valid usage statement from slink:VkImageBlit (public issue 421). * Update GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl to allow the ternary operator to result in a specialization constant (public issue 424). * Fix valid usage for flink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo (public issue 426). * Correct typo in New Objects list for <<VK_EXT_debug_report>> (public issue 447). Internal Issues: * Moved to asciidoctor for spec builds (internal issue 121). * Update style guide to describe where to put new extensions-specific asciidoc files, and what to name them (internal issue 626). * Add src/spec/ to autogenerate registry index entries linking into the 1.0-extensions specification, instead of maintaining the index manually. (internal issue 642). * Autogenerate extension dependencies and lists of all extensions and all KHR extensions from the "supported" attributes in +vk.xml+. Execute +make config/ from +doc/specs/vulkan+ when a supported extension is added to vk.xml, to regenerate the dependency script. The consequence is that specifying a single extension to the +makeExt+ script will automatically enable all extensions it depends on as well, and that the +makeAllExts+ and +makeKHR+ scripts do not need to be updated when a new extension is supported (internal issue 648). * Put extension appendices all at the same asciidoc section level, so KHR WSI extensions show up in the HTML index (internal issue 648). Other Issues: * Imbed images in the generated HTML specs instead of loading them from the images/ directory. * Fix missing EXT in extension name (ename:VK_EXT_SWAPCHAIN_COLOR_SPACE_EXTENSION_NAME). * Add new +VK_EXT_SMPTE_2086_metadata+ extension. * In the <<platformCreateSurface_xlib,Xlib Surface>> section of the +VK_KHR_xlib_surface+ specification, add language warning users that they always need to call code:XinitThreads. * Use the term "presentable image" (rather than "swapchain image") consistently in +VK_KHR_swapchain+ and related extensions, and add a glossary term defining it. * Relocate the valid usage for samples of flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2KHR::pname:pFormatInfo to be below the flink:VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2KHR structure.
2017-02-10 20:37:39 -08:00
described in the "`KHR_DF_TRANSFER_SRGB`" section of the Khronos Data Format
Change log for September 23, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.28 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 28 for this update. Github Issues: * Minor spelling and typography cleanup, add definitions of ename:VK_FALSE and ename:VK_TRUE as just what their names say (public issues 220, 318, 325, 365; internal issues 451, 496) * Clarify that the pname:maxDescriptorSet limits in the <<features-limits-required,Required Limits>> table are n * maxPerStage limit (where n=number of supported stages) (public issue 254). * Minor cleanup to <<boilerplate-platform-macros,Platform-Specific Macro Definitions>> appendix (public issue 314). * Add valid usage statement to slink:VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo disallowing multiple push constant ranges for the same shader stage (public issue 340). * Clarify the elink:VkSharingMode description of what executing the "same" barriers means in case of ownership transfer (public issue 347). * Rename copyright.txt and add to try and reduce confusion about applicable copyrights (public issue 350). * Extend the table in the <<boilerplate-wsi-header, Window System-Specific Header Control>> section to describe the external headers included when each etext:VK_USE_PLATFORM_* macro is defined (public issue 376). Internal Issues: * Add "Revision History" to the PDF outputs following the table of contents, to match HTML outputs (internal issue 43). * Clarified that flink:vkMapMemory may fail due to virtual address space limitations (internal issue 346). * Add +refBody+ comment markup for ref page autoextraction when required (internal issue 400). * Document proper use of "mipmap" and "mip" in the style guide API naming rules, matching the spelling rules (internal issue 471). * Tweak the <<extensions,Layers and Extensions>> appendix to note that the Specification may be built with arbitrary combinations of extensions (internal issue 483). * Remove incorrect statement allowing slink:VkClearAttachment::pname:colorAttachment to be >= slink:VkSubpassDescription::pname:colorAttachmentCount (internal issue 488). * The <<features-limits-viewportboundsrange,viewportBoundsRange>> is expressed in terms of the pname:maxViewportDimensions but this is actually two values. Clarify that it's based on the larger of the two (if they differ) (internal issue 499). Other Issues: * Reflowed text of the entire spec using the 'reflow' Makefile gater, to (hopefully) reduce future internal git churn as edits are made and extensions added in return for one-time pain. This has no perceptible change on the spec outputs but considerable changes on the asciidoc source (internal issue 367).
2016-09-24 00:58:11 -07:00
2016-02-16 01:53:44 -08:00
Change log for March 10, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.6 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 6 for this update. Github Issues: * Define 'invocation group' for compute and graphics shaders. Cleanup definition and use of 'workgroup', and add glossary entries (public issue 1). * Various minor editorial fixes (public issue 33). * Clarify locations for block members in the &lt;&lt;interfaces-iointerfaces-locations,Location Assignment>> section (public issue 45). * Editorial fixes for &lt;&lt;commandbuffer-allocation,Command Buffer Allocation>> section (public issues 54, 59). * Clarify behavior of depth test in the &lt;&lt;fragops-depth,Depth Test&gt;&gt; section (public issues 80, 81). * Remove discussion of return codes from flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties and flink:vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements, which don't return values (public issue 82). * Allow flink:vkCmdDrawIndirect and flink:vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect pname:drawCount of 0, as well as 1, when the multiDrawIndirect feature is not supported (public issue 88). * Remove confusing wording in the &lt;&lt;features-limits,Limits>> section describing the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits pname:minTexelBufferOffsetAlignment, pname:minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment, and pname:minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment members as both minimums and maximums (public issue 91). * Clarified that only the RGB components should be affected in places where sRGB is referred to in the spec, such as ASTC formats. Minor re-wording to avoid "color space" when actively incorrect, now that we refer to the Data Format Spec which actually makes a distinction between color space and transfer function (public issue 94). * Treat pname:pPropertyCount == 0 consistently in flink:vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties and flink:vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties (public issue 99) * Cleanup minor editorial issues in chapters 14-17 (public issue 100). * Clarify definition of flink:vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties and flink:vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties (public issue 101). * Define the flink:vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties and flink:vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties pname:pLayerName parameter to be a pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string (public issue 101). * Rearrange "Missing information" references in mandatory format tables (public issue 101). * Clarify that the enumerated extensions returned by flink:vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties and flink:vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties will only include extensions provided by the platform or extensions implemented in implicitly enabled layers (public issue 101). * Miscellaneous editorial fixes. Include the Vulkan spec patch number in the PDF title. Fix label on &lt;&lt;fig-non-strict-lines,Non strict lines>> diagram. Use more easily distinguished symbols in tables in the &lt;&lt;features-required-format-support,Required Format Support>> section. Don't require FQDNs used as layer names be encoded in lower case if not possible, in the &lt;&lt;extensions-naming-conventions, Extension and Layer Naming Conventions>> section (public issues 101, 119, 121). Internal Issues: * Fixed excessive spacing in tables in XHTML (internal issue 18). * Clarify that ename:VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT applies to secondary command buffers. Previously spec only referred to the members of pname:pCommandBuffers being affected by this bit. Added a separate slink:VkSubmitInfo Valid Usage restriction specifying that ename:VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT also applies to any secondary command buffers that are recorded into the primary command buffers in pname:pCommandBuffers (internal issue 106). * Clarify that slink:VkDeviceCreateInfo::pname:pEnabledFeatures can be NULL (internal issue 117). * Remove "the value of" where it is redundant (e.g. speaking of an API parameter, struct member, or SPIR-V variable, but not when speaking of color components) (internal issue 175). * Forced patch version to always be 0 in the header. Add a "VK_API_VERSION_<major>_<minor>" macro for people to use to do the right thing. Add a VK_HEADER_VERSION which captures the header release number independent of the spec patch number (internal issue 176). * Correct description of slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo::pname:pName to "a pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string" (internal issue #197). Other Commits: * Updated DataFormat spec reference to the new date for revision 5 of that spec. * Fixed KEEP option (to retain LaTeX intermediate files) in the Makefile to be included when edited there, as well as set on the command line. * Reserve and add "VK_IMG_filter_cubic" to the registry, and implement script functionality to add and remove validity from existing functions. Includes schema and readme changes. * Update GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl so push_constants do not have descriptor sets.
2016-03-10 17:33:02 -08:00
Change log for March 25, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.7 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 7 for this update. Github Issues: * Fix slink:VkSpecializationMapEntry example to avoid C/C++ strict aliasing issues (public issue 14). * Clarify the meaning of "matching" in flink:vkCmdBindDescriptorSets validity language (public issue 33). * Add stub reference pages so xrefs to not-yet-written pages don't generate 404 errors. However, the actual content of these pages still needs to be filled in as time allows (public issue 44, but does not close that issue out). * Remove incorrect validity statement for flink:vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements (public issue 85). * Reword the <<features-limits-bufferImageGranularity,bufferImageGranularity>> feature in terms of "aliasing", and clarify that it applies to bindings in the same memory object (public issue 90). * Clarify the relationship of the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits pname:maxViewportDimensions and pname:viewportBoundsRange limits (public issue 92). * Specify sparse unbound texture replacement in the <<textures-texel-replacement,Texel Replacement>> section independently of robust buffer access language (public issue 100). * Add the <<fundamentals-architecture-model,Architecture Model>> section to explain architecture constraints Vulkan has chosen to accept in order to enable portable and performant code (public issue 122). * State that an object must not be destroyed until *all* (not *any*) uses of that object have completed (public issue 123). * Minor editorial cleanup (public issues 129, 134, 146, 148). * Add validity language for layer and extension names to slink:VkDeviceCreateInfo matching that used for slink:VkInstanceCreateInfo (public issue 130). * Clean up terminology for the case when the bits set in one bitmask are a subset of the bits set in another bitmask (public issue 138). * Document that input attachments are UniformConstant not Input, in the <<interfaces-inputattachment,Fragment Input Attachment Interface>> section (public glslang bug 169). Internal Issues: * Add max enum values to "flag bits" enums (internal issue #136). * Clarify language around the various uses of the term "block" in the <<appendix-compressedtex-bc,Block Compressed Image Formats>> section (internal issue #202). * Removed "expand" dependency from <enums> groups in vk.xml and added auto-generation code in the scripts to infer it instead, to ensure consistency. This caused renaming of sname:VkColorSpaceKHR and sname:VkPresentModeKHR etext:BEGIN_RANGE (etc.) tokens, but those tokens are metadata, not part of the API, and the Vulkan WG is OK with this change. This change adds ranges to two additional enums that were missing them due to not defining the "expand" attribute (internal issue 217). * Tweak makefile to generate ref page nroff (.3) files in the right output directory, working around an a2x limitation (internal issue 223). Other Commits: * Add validity requirements for flink:vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults pname:dstBuffer parameter. * Fix ref page build to generate .3 targets in the right output directory.
2016-03-25 02:25:04 -07:00
== Block-Compressed Image Formats
Change log for March 10, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.6 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 6 for this update. Github Issues: * Define 'invocation group' for compute and graphics shaders. Cleanup definition and use of 'workgroup', and add glossary entries (public issue 1). * Various minor editorial fixes (public issue 33). * Clarify locations for block members in the &lt;&lt;interfaces-iointerfaces-locations,Location Assignment>> section (public issue 45). * Editorial fixes for &lt;&lt;commandbuffer-allocation,Command Buffer Allocation>> section (public issues 54, 59). * Clarify behavior of depth test in the &lt;&lt;fragops-depth,Depth Test&gt;&gt; section (public issues 80, 81). * Remove discussion of return codes from flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties and flink:vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements, which don't return values (public issue 82). * Allow flink:vkCmdDrawIndirect and flink:vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect pname:drawCount of 0, as well as 1, when the multiDrawIndirect feature is not supported (public issue 88). * Remove confusing wording in the &lt;&lt;features-limits,Limits>> section describing the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits pname:minTexelBufferOffsetAlignment, pname:minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment, and pname:minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment members as both minimums and maximums (public issue 91). * Clarified that only the RGB components should be affected in places where sRGB is referred to in the spec, such as ASTC formats. Minor re-wording to avoid "color space" when actively incorrect, now that we refer to the Data Format Spec which actually makes a distinction between color space and transfer function (public issue 94). * Treat pname:pPropertyCount == 0 consistently in flink:vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties and flink:vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties (public issue 99) * Cleanup minor editorial issues in chapters 14-17 (public issue 100). * Clarify definition of flink:vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties and flink:vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties (public issue 101). * Define the flink:vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties and flink:vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties pname:pLayerName parameter to be a pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string (public issue 101). * Rearrange "Missing information" references in mandatory format tables (public issue 101). * Clarify that the enumerated extensions returned by flink:vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties and flink:vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties will only include extensions provided by the platform or extensions implemented in implicitly enabled layers (public issue 101). * Miscellaneous editorial fixes. Include the Vulkan spec patch number in the PDF title. Fix label on &lt;&lt;fig-non-strict-lines,Non strict lines>> diagram. Use more easily distinguished symbols in tables in the &lt;&lt;features-required-format-support,Required Format Support>> section. Don't require FQDNs used as layer names be encoded in lower case if not possible, in the &lt;&lt;extensions-naming-conventions, Extension and Layer Naming Conventions>> section (public issues 101, 119, 121). Internal Issues: * Fixed excessive spacing in tables in XHTML (internal issue 18). * Clarify that ename:VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT applies to secondary command buffers. Previously spec only referred to the members of pname:pCommandBuffers being affected by this bit. Added a separate slink:VkSubmitInfo Valid Usage restriction specifying that ename:VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT also applies to any secondary command buffers that are recorded into the primary command buffers in pname:pCommandBuffers (internal issue 106). * Clarify that slink:VkDeviceCreateInfo::pname:pEnabledFeatures can be NULL (internal issue 117). * Remove "the value of" where it is redundant (e.g. speaking of an API parameter, struct member, or SPIR-V variable, but not when speaking of color components) (internal issue 175). * Forced patch version to always be 0 in the header. Add a "VK_API_VERSION_<major>_<minor>" macro for people to use to do the right thing. Add a VK_HEADER_VERSION which captures the header release number independent of the spec patch number (internal issue 176). * Correct description of slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo::pname:pName to "a pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string" (internal issue #197). Other Commits: * Updated DataFormat spec reference to the new date for revision 5 of that spec. * Fixed KEEP option (to retain LaTeX intermediate files) in the Makefile to be included when edited there, as well as set on the command line. * Reserve and add "VK_IMG_filter_cubic" to the registry, and implement script functionality to add and remove validity from existing functions. Includes schema and readme changes. * Update GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl so push_constants do not have descriptor sets.
2016-03-10 17:33:02 -08:00
Change log for April 29, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.12 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 12 for this update. Github Issues: * Change valid usage statements intended to be "sub-points" to be actual sub-points (public issue 66). * Replace double negation in description of slink:VkRenderPassBeginInfo::pname:pClearValues (based on public merge 142). * Cleanup minor typos in spec, ref pages and XML, including those proposed in public pull requests 144, 150, 151, 167, 168, 181, and 186. * Use *strict subset* in describing the partial order of memory property types for slink:VkMemoryType, and update the style guide accordingly (public issue 190). * Fix various "a image" -> "an image" typos (public issue 191). * Note in the <<fundamentals-validusage,Valid Usage>> and <<extensions-interactions,Extension Interactions>> sections that structures defined by extensions which may be passed in structure chains using the ptext:pNext member must: include initial ptext:sType and ptext:pNext members (public issue 192). Internal Issues: * Remove duplicate language from the description of the pname:fence parameter to flink:vkQueueSubmit and improve validity language (internal issue 91). * Added documentation for "optional" attribute to XML readme.tex/pdf (internal issue 149). * Clarify the host-side data validity rules and behavior of flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges and flink:vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges (internal issue 266). Other Commits: * Added clarification to flink:vkCmdFillBuffer regarding the use of ename:VK_WHOLE_SIZE. * Fixed and documented implementation of "validextensionstructs" attribute. in XML processing scripts and readme.tex/pdf. * Add missing validity statements to flink:vkResetEvent and flink:vkCmdResetEvent. * Fix validity for the ename:VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT flag. Correct all the draw/dispatch commands to mention optimally tiled images as well as linear tiled images, and say image VIEWS instead of images. Add validity statement to flink:vkCmdBlitImage * Replace the {apiname} macro with hardcoded "Vulkan", now that we've committed to that name. * Add the VK_AMD_rasterization_order extension to vk.xml.
2016-04-29 14:53:46 +02:00
.Mapping of Vulkan BC formats to descriptions
2016-02-16 01:53:44 -08:00
Change log for September 16, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.27 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 27 for this update. Github Issues: * Weaken flink:vkGetPipelineCacheData invariance conditions; previous conditions were stronger than agreed and can't be guaranteed (public issue 280). * Add link to "Vulkan Loader Specification and Architecture Overview" document to Normative References section (public issue 359). Internal Issues: * Be more clear in the <<interfaces-resources-layout-std140, uniform buffer layout>> section that block offsets can be out of order (internal issue 396). * Document that extension authors should add support for their extensions to the validation layers (internal issue 398). * Clarify that the valid range of depth clear values should be limited to the 0..1 range and that copies to depth aspect must also be in this range (internal issue 412). * Specify ``a'' vs. ``an'' use in the style guide (internal issue 432). * Increase the maximum pname:nonCoherentAtomSize value in the <<features-limits-required,Required Limits>> section from 128 to 256 (internal issue 435). * Fix vk_platform.h for compiler errors on some Android platforms (internal issue 441). * Clarify that slink:VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures::pname:pEnabledFeatures == `NULL` disables all features, including the "required" feature pname:robustBufferAccess (internal issue 479). Other Issues: * Expand style guide and make it more self-consistent. * Use ISO 8601 date format everywhere. * Emphasise the correct way of using slink:VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR::pname:maxImageCount. * Added +VK_EXT_validation_flags+ extension for validation flag mechanism. * Fix an <<credits,author credit>> to include their current employer.
2016-09-16 21:22:17 -07:00
2018-06-11 16:24:43 +02:00
| elink:VkFormat | <<data-format,Khronos Data Format Specification>> description
Change log for February 10, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.40 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 40 for this update. * There is a major build change in this release. We are now using the Ruby-based ``asciidoctor'' implementation, rather than the Python-based ``asciidoc'' implementation, to process the specification. While the actual specification markup changes were minimal, this requires a new set of build tools and a very different installation process, especially because we now use an experimental direct-to-PDF backend for Asciidoctor instead of Docbook->dblatex->PDF. It is no longer possible to build the Specification using asciidoc. See doc/specs/vulkan/README.adoc for some guidance on installing the new toolchain components. * There are some minor rendering issues in the PDF output due to teething problems with the asciidoctor toolchain, especially with mathematical equations. We are aware of these and working on them. Github Issues: * Updated sample code for the <<sparsememory-examples-basic,sparse resource binding example>> (public issue 97). * Modify line and point clipping behavior in the <<vertexpostproc-clipping, Primitive Clipping>> section to allow for pop-free behavior. The ability to check for which behavior is implemented may be added a future feature or extension (public issue 113). * Unify the discussions of implicit ordering throughout the spec, in particular in the new sections <<drawing-primitive-order, Primitive Order>>, <<primrast-order, Rasterization Order>>, and <<synchronization-implicit, Implicit Synchronization Guarantees>>; the discussion of <<synchronization-submission-order, submission order>>; and references elsewhere to these sections (public issue 133). * Clarify \<\<descriptorsets-compatibility,Pipeline Layout Compatibility>> language and introduce the term ``identically defined'' (public issue 164). * Add a dependency to the +VK_EXT_debug_marker+ extension that's needed to reuse the object type enum from +VK_EXT_debug_report+, and moves the definition of that enum into +VK_EXT_debug_report+ where it should be (public issue 409). * Remove redundant valid usage statement from slink:VkImageBlit (public issue 421). * Update GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl to allow the ternary operator to result in a specialization constant (public issue 424). * Fix valid usage for flink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo (public issue 426). * Correct typo in New Objects list for <<VK_EXT_debug_report>> (public issue 447). Internal Issues: * Moved to asciidoctor for spec builds (internal issue 121). * Update style guide to describe where to put new extensions-specific asciidoc files, and what to name them (internal issue 626). * Add src/spec/ to autogenerate registry index entries linking into the 1.0-extensions specification, instead of maintaining the index manually. (internal issue 642). * Autogenerate extension dependencies and lists of all extensions and all KHR extensions from the "supported" attributes in +vk.xml+. Execute +make config/ from +doc/specs/vulkan+ when a supported extension is added to vk.xml, to regenerate the dependency script. The consequence is that specifying a single extension to the +makeExt+ script will automatically enable all extensions it depends on as well, and that the +makeAllExts+ and +makeKHR+ scripts do not need to be updated when a new extension is supported (internal issue 648). * Put extension appendices all at the same asciidoc section level, so KHR WSI extensions show up in the HTML index (internal issue 648). Other Issues: * Imbed images in the generated HTML specs instead of loading them from the images/ directory. * Fix missing EXT in extension name (ename:VK_EXT_SWAPCHAIN_COLOR_SPACE_EXTENSION_NAME). * Add new +VK_EXT_SMPTE_2086_metadata+ extension. * In the <<platformCreateSurface_xlib,Xlib Surface>> section of the +VK_KHR_xlib_surface+ specification, add language warning users that they always need to call code:XinitThreads. * Use the term "presentable image" (rather than "swapchain image") consistently in +VK_KHR_swapchain+ and related extensions, and add a glossary term defining it. * Relocate the valid usage for samples of flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2KHR::pname:pFormatInfo to be below the flink:VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2KHR structure.
2017-02-10 20:37:39 -08:00
2+^| Formats described in the "`S3TC Compressed Texture Image Formats`" chapter
2016-02-16 01:53:44 -08:00
| ename:VK_FORMAT_BC1_RGB_UNORM_BLOCK |BC1 with no alpha
| ename:VK_FORMAT_BC1_RGB_SRGB_BLOCK |BC1 with no alpha, sRGB-encoded
| ename:VK_FORMAT_BC1_RGBA_UNORM_BLOCK|BC1 with alpha
| ename:VK_FORMAT_BC1_RGBA_SRGB_BLOCK |BC1 with alpha, sRGB-encoded
| ename:VK_FORMAT_BC2_SRGB_BLOCK |BC2, sRGB-encoded
| ename:VK_FORMAT_BC3_SRGB_BLOCK |BC3, sRGB-encoded
Change log for February 10, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.40 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 40 for this update. * There is a major build change in this release. We are now using the Ruby-based ``asciidoctor'' implementation, rather than the Python-based ``asciidoc'' implementation, to process the specification. While the actual specification markup changes were minimal, this requires a new set of build tools and a very different installation process, especially because we now use an experimental direct-to-PDF backend for Asciidoctor instead of Docbook->dblatex->PDF. It is no longer possible to build the Specification using asciidoc. See doc/specs/vulkan/README.adoc for some guidance on installing the new toolchain components. * There are some minor rendering issues in the PDF output due to teething problems with the asciidoctor toolchain, especially with mathematical equations. We are aware of these and working on them. Github Issues: * Updated sample code for the <<sparsememory-examples-basic,sparse resource binding example>> (public issue 97). * Modify line and point clipping behavior in the <<vertexpostproc-clipping, Primitive Clipping>> section to allow for pop-free behavior. The ability to check for which behavior is implemented may be added a future feature or extension (public issue 113). * Unify the discussions of implicit ordering throughout the spec, in particular in the new sections <<drawing-primitive-order, Primitive Order>>, <<primrast-order, Rasterization Order>>, and <<synchronization-implicit, Implicit Synchronization Guarantees>>; the discussion of <<synchronization-submission-order, submission order>>; and references elsewhere to these sections (public issue 133). * Clarify \<\<descriptorsets-compatibility,Pipeline Layout Compatibility>> language and introduce the term ``identically defined'' (public issue 164). * Add a dependency to the +VK_EXT_debug_marker+ extension that's needed to reuse the object type enum from +VK_EXT_debug_report+, and moves the definition of that enum into +VK_EXT_debug_report+ where it should be (public issue 409). * Remove redundant valid usage statement from slink:VkImageBlit (public issue 421). * Update GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl to allow the ternary operator to result in a specialization constant (public issue 424). * Fix valid usage for flink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo (public issue 426). * Correct typo in New Objects list for <<VK_EXT_debug_report>> (public issue 447). Internal Issues: * Moved to asciidoctor for spec builds (internal issue 121). * Update style guide to describe where to put new extensions-specific asciidoc files, and what to name them (internal issue 626). * Add src/spec/ to autogenerate registry index entries linking into the 1.0-extensions specification, instead of maintaining the index manually. (internal issue 642). * Autogenerate extension dependencies and lists of all extensions and all KHR extensions from the "supported" attributes in +vk.xml+. Execute +make config/ from +doc/specs/vulkan+ when a supported extension is added to vk.xml, to regenerate the dependency script. The consequence is that specifying a single extension to the +makeExt+ script will automatically enable all extensions it depends on as well, and that the +makeAllExts+ and +makeKHR+ scripts do not need to be updated when a new extension is supported (internal issue 648). * Put extension appendices all at the same asciidoc section level, so KHR WSI extensions show up in the HTML index (internal issue 648). Other Issues: * Imbed images in the generated HTML specs instead of loading them from the images/ directory. * Fix missing EXT in extension name (ename:VK_EXT_SWAPCHAIN_COLOR_SPACE_EXTENSION_NAME). * Add new +VK_EXT_SMPTE_2086_metadata+ extension. * In the <<platformCreateSurface_xlib,Xlib Surface>> section of the +VK_KHR_xlib_surface+ specification, add language warning users that they always need to call code:XinitThreads. * Use the term "presentable image" (rather than "swapchain image") consistently in +VK_KHR_swapchain+ and related extensions, and add a glossary term defining it. * Relocate the valid usage for samples of flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2KHR::pname:pFormatInfo to be below the flink:VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2KHR structure.
2017-02-10 20:37:39 -08:00
2+^| Formats described in the "`RGTC Compressed Texture Image Formats`" chapter
2016-02-16 01:53:44 -08:00
| ename:VK_FORMAT_BC4_UNORM_BLOCK |BC4 unsigned
| ename:VK_FORMAT_BC4_SNORM_BLOCK |BC4 signed
| ename:VK_FORMAT_BC5_UNORM_BLOCK |BC5 unsigned
| ename:VK_FORMAT_BC5_SNORM_BLOCK |BC5 signed
Change log for February 10, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.40 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 40 for this update. * There is a major build change in this release. We are now using the Ruby-based ``asciidoctor'' implementation, rather than the Python-based ``asciidoc'' implementation, to process the specification. While the actual specification markup changes were minimal, this requires a new set of build tools and a very different installation process, especially because we now use an experimental direct-to-PDF backend for Asciidoctor instead of Docbook->dblatex->PDF. It is no longer possible to build the Specification using asciidoc. See doc/specs/vulkan/README.adoc for some guidance on installing the new toolchain components. * There are some minor rendering issues in the PDF output due to teething problems with the asciidoctor toolchain, especially with mathematical equations. We are aware of these and working on them. Github Issues: * Updated sample code for the <<sparsememory-examples-basic,sparse resource binding example>> (public issue 97). * Modify line and point clipping behavior in the <<vertexpostproc-clipping, Primitive Clipping>> section to allow for pop-free behavior. The ability to check for which behavior is implemented may be added a future feature or extension (public issue 113). * Unify the discussions of implicit ordering throughout the spec, in particular in the new sections <<drawing-primitive-order, Primitive Order>>, <<primrast-order, Rasterization Order>>, and <<synchronization-implicit, Implicit Synchronization Guarantees>>; the discussion of <<synchronization-submission-order, submission order>>; and references elsewhere to these sections (public issue 133). * Clarify \<\<descriptorsets-compatibility,Pipeline Layout Compatibility>> language and introduce the term ``identically defined'' (public issue 164). * Add a dependency to the +VK_EXT_debug_marker+ extension that's needed to reuse the object type enum from +VK_EXT_debug_report+, and moves the definition of that enum into +VK_EXT_debug_report+ where it should be (public issue 409). * Remove redundant valid usage statement from slink:VkImageBlit (public issue 421). * Update GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl to allow the ternary operator to result in a specialization constant (public issue 424). * Fix valid usage for flink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo (public issue 426). * Correct typo in New Objects list for <<VK_EXT_debug_report>> (public issue 447). Internal Issues: * Moved to asciidoctor for spec builds (internal issue 121). * Update style guide to describe where to put new extensions-specific asciidoc files, and what to name them (internal issue 626). * Add src/spec/ to autogenerate registry index entries linking into the 1.0-extensions specification, instead of maintaining the index manually. (internal issue 642). * Autogenerate extension dependencies and lists of all extensions and all KHR extensions from the "supported" attributes in +vk.xml+. Execute +make config/ from +doc/specs/vulkan+ when a supported extension is added to vk.xml, to regenerate the dependency script. The consequence is that specifying a single extension to the +makeExt+ script will automatically enable all extensions it depends on as well, and that the +makeAllExts+ and +makeKHR+ scripts do not need to be updated when a new extension is supported (internal issue 648). * Put extension appendices all at the same asciidoc section level, so KHR WSI extensions show up in the HTML index (internal issue 648). Other Issues: * Imbed images in the generated HTML specs instead of loading them from the images/ directory. * Fix missing EXT in extension name (ename:VK_EXT_SWAPCHAIN_COLOR_SPACE_EXTENSION_NAME). * Add new +VK_EXT_SMPTE_2086_metadata+ extension. * In the <<platformCreateSurface_xlib,Xlib Surface>> section of the +VK_KHR_xlib_surface+ specification, add language warning users that they always need to call code:XinitThreads. * Use the term "presentable image" (rather than "swapchain image") consistently in +VK_KHR_swapchain+ and related extensions, and add a glossary term defining it. * Relocate the valid usage for samples of flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2KHR::pname:pFormatInfo to be below the flink:VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2KHR structure.
2017-02-10 20:37:39 -08:00
2+^| Formats described in the "`BPTC Compressed Texture Image Formats`" chapter
2016-02-16 01:53:44 -08:00
| ename:VK_FORMAT_BC6H_UFLOAT_BLOCK |BC6H (unsigned version)
| ename:VK_FORMAT_BC6H_SFLOAT_BLOCK |BC6H (signed version)
| ename:VK_FORMAT_BC7_SRGB_BLOCK |BC7, sRGB-encoded
Change log for September 16, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.27 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 27 for this update. Github Issues: * Weaken flink:vkGetPipelineCacheData invariance conditions; previous conditions were stronger than agreed and can't be guaranteed (public issue 280). * Add link to "Vulkan Loader Specification and Architecture Overview" document to Normative References section (public issue 359). Internal Issues: * Be more clear in the <<interfaces-resources-layout-std140, uniform buffer layout>> section that block offsets can be out of order (internal issue 396). * Document that extension authors should add support for their extensions to the validation layers (internal issue 398). * Clarify that the valid range of depth clear values should be limited to the 0..1 range and that copies to depth aspect must also be in this range (internal issue 412). * Specify ``a'' vs. ``an'' use in the style guide (internal issue 432). * Increase the maximum pname:nonCoherentAtomSize value in the <<features-limits-required,Required Limits>> section from 128 to 256 (internal issue 435). * Fix vk_platform.h for compiler errors on some Android platforms (internal issue 441). * Clarify that slink:VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures::pname:pEnabledFeatures == `NULL` disables all features, including the "required" feature pname:robustBufferAccess (internal issue 479). Other Issues: * Expand style guide and make it more self-consistent. * Use ISO 8601 date format everywhere. * Emphasise the correct way of using slink:VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR::pname:maxImageCount. * Added +VK_EXT_validation_flags+ extension for validation flag mechanism. * Fix an <<credits,author credit>> to include their current employer.
2016-09-16 21:22:17 -07:00
2016-02-16 01:53:44 -08:00
== ETC Compressed Image Formats
Change log for February 10, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.40 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 40 for this update. * There is a major build change in this release. We are now using the Ruby-based ``asciidoctor'' implementation, rather than the Python-based ``asciidoc'' implementation, to process the specification. While the actual specification markup changes were minimal, this requires a new set of build tools and a very different installation process, especially because we now use an experimental direct-to-PDF backend for Asciidoctor instead of Docbook->dblatex->PDF. It is no longer possible to build the Specification using asciidoc. See doc/specs/vulkan/README.adoc for some guidance on installing the new toolchain components. * There are some minor rendering issues in the PDF output due to teething problems with the asciidoctor toolchain, especially with mathematical equations. We are aware of these and working on them. Github Issues: * Updated sample code for the <<sparsememory-examples-basic,sparse resource binding example>> (public issue 97). * Modify line and point clipping behavior in the <<vertexpostproc-clipping, Primitive Clipping>> section to allow for pop-free behavior. The ability to check for which behavior is implemented may be added a future feature or extension (public issue 113). * Unify the discussions of implicit ordering throughout the spec, in particular in the new sections <<drawing-primitive-order, Primitive Order>>, <<primrast-order, Rasterization Order>>, and <<synchronization-implicit, Implicit Synchronization Guarantees>>; the discussion of <<synchronization-submission-order, submission order>>; and references elsewhere to these sections (public issue 133). * Clarify \<\<descriptorsets-compatibility,Pipeline Layout Compatibility>> language and introduce the term ``identically defined'' (public issue 164). * Add a dependency to the +VK_EXT_debug_marker+ extension that's needed to reuse the object type enum from +VK_EXT_debug_report+, and moves the definition of that enum into +VK_EXT_debug_report+ where it should be (public issue 409). * Remove redundant valid usage statement from slink:VkImageBlit (public issue 421). * Update GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl to allow the ternary operator to result in a specialization constant (public issue 424). * Fix valid usage for flink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo (public issue 426). * Correct typo in New Objects list for <<VK_EXT_debug_report>> (public issue 447). Internal Issues: * Moved to asciidoctor for spec builds (internal issue 121). * Update style guide to describe where to put new extensions-specific asciidoc files, and what to name them (internal issue 626). * Add src/spec/ to autogenerate registry index entries linking into the 1.0-extensions specification, instead of maintaining the index manually. (internal issue 642). * Autogenerate extension dependencies and lists of all extensions and all KHR extensions from the "supported" attributes in +vk.xml+. Execute +make config/ from +doc/specs/vulkan+ when a supported extension is added to vk.xml, to regenerate the dependency script. The consequence is that specifying a single extension to the +makeExt+ script will automatically enable all extensions it depends on as well, and that the +makeAllExts+ and +makeKHR+ scripts do not need to be updated when a new extension is supported (internal issue 648). * Put extension appendices all at the same asciidoc section level, so KHR WSI extensions show up in the HTML index (internal issue 648). Other Issues: * Imbed images in the generated HTML specs instead of loading them from the images/ directory. * Fix missing EXT in extension name (ename:VK_EXT_SWAPCHAIN_COLOR_SPACE_EXTENSION_NAME). * Add new +VK_EXT_SMPTE_2086_metadata+ extension. * In the <<platformCreateSurface_xlib,Xlib Surface>> section of the +VK_KHR_xlib_surface+ specification, add language warning users that they always need to call code:XinitThreads. * Use the term "presentable image" (rather than "swapchain image") consistently in +VK_KHR_swapchain+ and related extensions, and add a glossary term defining it. * Relocate the valid usage for samples of flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2KHR::pname:pFormatInfo to be below the flink:VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2KHR structure.
2017-02-10 20:37:39 -08:00
The following formats are described in the "`ETC2 Compressed Texture Image
Formats`" chapter of the <<data-format,Khronos Data Format Specification>>.
2016-02-16 01:53:44 -08:00
Change log for April 29, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.12 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 12 for this update. Github Issues: * Change valid usage statements intended to be "sub-points" to be actual sub-points (public issue 66). * Replace double negation in description of slink:VkRenderPassBeginInfo::pname:pClearValues (based on public merge 142). * Cleanup minor typos in spec, ref pages and XML, including those proposed in public pull requests 144, 150, 151, 167, 168, 181, and 186. * Use *strict subset* in describing the partial order of memory property types for slink:VkMemoryType, and update the style guide accordingly (public issue 190). * Fix various "a image" -> "an image" typos (public issue 191). * Note in the <<fundamentals-validusage,Valid Usage>> and <<extensions-interactions,Extension Interactions>> sections that structures defined by extensions which may be passed in structure chains using the ptext:pNext member must: include initial ptext:sType and ptext:pNext members (public issue 192). Internal Issues: * Remove duplicate language from the description of the pname:fence parameter to flink:vkQueueSubmit and improve validity language (internal issue 91). * Added documentation for "optional" attribute to XML readme.tex/pdf (internal issue 149). * Clarify the host-side data validity rules and behavior of flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges and flink:vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges (internal issue 266). Other Commits: * Added clarification to flink:vkCmdFillBuffer regarding the use of ename:VK_WHOLE_SIZE. * Fixed and documented implementation of "validextensionstructs" attribute. in XML processing scripts and readme.tex/pdf. * Add missing validity statements to flink:vkResetEvent and flink:vkCmdResetEvent. * Fix validity for the ename:VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT flag. Correct all the draw/dispatch commands to mention optimally tiled images as well as linear tiled images, and say image VIEWS instead of images. Add validity statement to flink:vkCmdBlitImage * Replace the {apiname} macro with hardcoded "Vulkan", now that we've committed to that name. * Add the VK_AMD_rasterization_order extension to vk.xml.
2016-04-29 14:53:46 +02:00
.Mapping of Vulkan ETC formats to descriptions
2016-02-16 01:53:44 -08:00
Change log for September 16, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.27 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 27 for this update. Github Issues: * Weaken flink:vkGetPipelineCacheData invariance conditions; previous conditions were stronger than agreed and can't be guaranteed (public issue 280). * Add link to "Vulkan Loader Specification and Architecture Overview" document to Normative References section (public issue 359). Internal Issues: * Be more clear in the <<interfaces-resources-layout-std140, uniform buffer layout>> section that block offsets can be out of order (internal issue 396). * Document that extension authors should add support for their extensions to the validation layers (internal issue 398). * Clarify that the valid range of depth clear values should be limited to the 0..1 range and that copies to depth aspect must also be in this range (internal issue 412). * Specify ``a'' vs. ``an'' use in the style guide (internal issue 432). * Increase the maximum pname:nonCoherentAtomSize value in the <<features-limits-required,Required Limits>> section from 128 to 256 (internal issue 435). * Fix vk_platform.h for compiler errors on some Android platforms (internal issue 441). * Clarify that slink:VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures::pname:pEnabledFeatures == `NULL` disables all features, including the "required" feature pname:robustBufferAccess (internal issue 479). Other Issues: * Expand style guide and make it more self-consistent. * Use ISO 8601 date format everywhere. * Emphasise the correct way of using slink:VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR::pname:maxImageCount. * Added +VK_EXT_validation_flags+ extension for validation flag mechanism. * Fix an <<credits,author credit>> to include their current employer.
2016-09-16 21:22:17 -07:00
2018-06-11 16:24:43 +02:00
| elink:VkFormat | <<data-format,Khronos Data Format Specification>> description
2016-02-16 01:53:44 -08:00
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8_SRGB_BLOCK |RGB ETC2 with sRGB encoding
Change log for September 6, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.26 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 26 for this update. Github Issues: * Bring sample code in the +VK_KHR_surface+ and +VK_KHR_swapchain+ extension summary appendices up to date, and note they will be replaced with pointers to the LunarG SDK examples in the future (public issue 279). * Add a new <<fundamentals-commandsyntax-results-lifetime,Lifetime of Retrieved Results>> section specifying that ftext:vkGet* and ftext:VkEnumerate* results are invariant unless otherwise specified, and specify behavior for individual commands which are not invariant (public issue 280). * Remove conflicting definition of slink:VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR::pname:maxSrcPosition and clean up language of the remaining definition (public issue 351). * Fix many minor spelling errors and add rules to the style guide to prevent recurrences (public issue 352). Internal Issues: * Remove redundant descriptions of the etext:VK_USE_PLATFORM_* macros from the <<wsi,Window System Integration>> chapter in favor of the description in the <<boilerplate-wsi-header,Window System-Specific Header Control>> appendix (internal issue 6). * Replace misleading 'can: be destroyed when not X' with more correct 'must: not be destroyed while X' in the <<fundamentals-objectmodel-lifetime,Object Lifetime>> section. Disallow destroying a pipeline layout while a command buffer using it is recording (internal issue 241). * Clarify that ename:VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSIENT_ATTACHMENT_BIT is valid for all images used as attachments in elink:VkImageUsageFlagBits and the slink:VkImageLayout validity language (internal issue 320). * Note that <<extended-functionality-layers,Layers>> may wrap object handles, but that this is a generally discouraged. A link to additional information in the documentation for layer authors is provided (issue 398) * Replace the mustnot: and shouldnot: macros with equivalent must: not and should: not to get rid of non-English words while still highlighting normative language (internal issue 407). * Disallow creating multisampled images with ename:VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CUBE_COMPATIBLE_BIT in the slink:VkImageLayout validity language and the <<features-supported-sample-counts,Supported Sample Counts>> section (internal issue 445). * Fix typo so that flink:vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect is defined in terms of flink:vkCmdDrawIndexed rather than flink:vkCmdDrawIndirect (internal issue 446). * Reorganize the per-extension information sections to all be in the <<extensions,Layers & Extensions>> appendix. Also fix a typo in +VK_IMG_filter_cubic+ which incorrectly identified it as a +KHR+ extension (internal issue 461). Other Issues: * Use asciidoc markup instead of latexmath to simplify diagrams in the <<features-formats-non-packed,byte mapping tables>> for color formats. * Fix a markup problem with the wildcarded enumerant names in a NOTE in the <<textures-texel-replacement,Texel Replacement>> section. * Fix missing attributes in the XML interface for elink:VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBitsNV and elink:VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBitsNV (KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Hpp issue #25) * Cleanup reference page builds so only core pages are built for releases.
2016-09-06 06:17:27 -07:00
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8A1_UNORM_BLOCK |RGB ETC2 with punch-through alpha
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8A1_SRGB_BLOCK |RGB ETC2 with punch-through alpha and sRGB
2016-02-16 01:53:44 -08:00
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8A8_SRGB_BLOCK |RGBA ETC2 with sRGB encoding
| ename:VK_FORMAT_EAC_R11_UNORM_BLOCK |Unsigned R11 EAC
| ename:VK_FORMAT_EAC_R11G11_UNORM_BLOCK |Unsigned RG11 EAC
Change log for September 16, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.27 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 27 for this update. Github Issues: * Weaken flink:vkGetPipelineCacheData invariance conditions; previous conditions were stronger than agreed and can't be guaranteed (public issue 280). * Add link to "Vulkan Loader Specification and Architecture Overview" document to Normative References section (public issue 359). Internal Issues: * Be more clear in the <<interfaces-resources-layout-std140, uniform buffer layout>> section that block offsets can be out of order (internal issue 396). * Document that extension authors should add support for their extensions to the validation layers (internal issue 398). * Clarify that the valid range of depth clear values should be limited to the 0..1 range and that copies to depth aspect must also be in this range (internal issue 412). * Specify ``a'' vs. ``an'' use in the style guide (internal issue 432). * Increase the maximum pname:nonCoherentAtomSize value in the <<features-limits-required,Required Limits>> section from 128 to 256 (internal issue 435). * Fix vk_platform.h for compiler errors on some Android platforms (internal issue 441). * Clarify that slink:VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures::pname:pEnabledFeatures == `NULL` disables all features, including the "required" feature pname:robustBufferAccess (internal issue 479). Other Issues: * Expand style guide and make it more self-consistent. * Use ISO 8601 date format everywhere. * Emphasise the correct way of using slink:VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR::pname:maxImageCount. * Added +VK_EXT_validation_flags+ extension for validation flag mechanism. * Fix an <<credits,author credit>> to include their current employer.
2016-09-16 21:22:17 -07:00
2016-02-16 01:53:44 -08:00
== ASTC Compressed Image Formats
Change log for February 10, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.40 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 40 for this update. * There is a major build change in this release. We are now using the Ruby-based ``asciidoctor'' implementation, rather than the Python-based ``asciidoc'' implementation, to process the specification. While the actual specification markup changes were minimal, this requires a new set of build tools and a very different installation process, especially because we now use an experimental direct-to-PDF backend for Asciidoctor instead of Docbook->dblatex->PDF. It is no longer possible to build the Specification using asciidoc. See doc/specs/vulkan/README.adoc for some guidance on installing the new toolchain components. * There are some minor rendering issues in the PDF output due to teething problems with the asciidoctor toolchain, especially with mathematical equations. We are aware of these and working on them. Github Issues: * Updated sample code for the <<sparsememory-examples-basic,sparse resource binding example>> (public issue 97). * Modify line and point clipping behavior in the <<vertexpostproc-clipping, Primitive Clipping>> section to allow for pop-free behavior. The ability to check for which behavior is implemented may be added a future feature or extension (public issue 113). * Unify the discussions of implicit ordering throughout the spec, in particular in the new sections <<drawing-primitive-order, Primitive Order>>, <<primrast-order, Rasterization Order>>, and <<synchronization-implicit, Implicit Synchronization Guarantees>>; the discussion of <<synchronization-submission-order, submission order>>; and references elsewhere to these sections (public issue 133). * Clarify \<\<descriptorsets-compatibility,Pipeline Layout Compatibility>> language and introduce the term ``identically defined'' (public issue 164). * Add a dependency to the +VK_EXT_debug_marker+ extension that's needed to reuse the object type enum from +VK_EXT_debug_report+, and moves the definition of that enum into +VK_EXT_debug_report+ where it should be (public issue 409). * Remove redundant valid usage statement from slink:VkImageBlit (public issue 421). * Update GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl to allow the ternary operator to result in a specialization constant (public issue 424). * Fix valid usage for flink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo (public issue 426). * Correct typo in New Objects list for <<VK_EXT_debug_report>> (public issue 447). Internal Issues: * Moved to asciidoctor for spec builds (internal issue 121). * Update style guide to describe where to put new extensions-specific asciidoc files, and what to name them (internal issue 626). * Add src/spec/ to autogenerate registry index entries linking into the 1.0-extensions specification, instead of maintaining the index manually. (internal issue 642). * Autogenerate extension dependencies and lists of all extensions and all KHR extensions from the "supported" attributes in +vk.xml+. Execute +make config/ from +doc/specs/vulkan+ when a supported extension is added to vk.xml, to regenerate the dependency script. The consequence is that specifying a single extension to the +makeExt+ script will automatically enable all extensions it depends on as well, and that the +makeAllExts+ and +makeKHR+ scripts do not need to be updated when a new extension is supported (internal issue 648). * Put extension appendices all at the same asciidoc section level, so KHR WSI extensions show up in the HTML index (internal issue 648). Other Issues: * Imbed images in the generated HTML specs instead of loading them from the images/ directory. * Fix missing EXT in extension name (ename:VK_EXT_SWAPCHAIN_COLOR_SPACE_EXTENSION_NAME). * Add new +VK_EXT_SMPTE_2086_metadata+ extension. * In the <<platformCreateSurface_xlib,Xlib Surface>> section of the +VK_KHR_xlib_surface+ specification, add language warning users that they always need to call code:XinitThreads. * Use the term "presentable image" (rather than "swapchain image") consistently in +VK_KHR_swapchain+ and related extensions, and add a glossary term defining it. * Relocate the valid usage for samples of flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2KHR::pname:pFormatInfo to be below the flink:VkPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2KHR structure.
2017-02-10 20:37:39 -08:00
ASTC formats are described in the "`ASTC Compressed Texture Image Formats`"
Change log for September 16, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.27 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 27 for this update. Github Issues: * Weaken flink:vkGetPipelineCacheData invariance conditions; previous conditions were stronger than agreed and can't be guaranteed (public issue 280). * Add link to "Vulkan Loader Specification and Architecture Overview" document to Normative References section (public issue 359). Internal Issues: * Be more clear in the <<interfaces-resources-layout-std140, uniform buffer layout>> section that block offsets can be out of order (internal issue 396). * Document that extension authors should add support for their extensions to the validation layers (internal issue 398). * Clarify that the valid range of depth clear values should be limited to the 0..1 range and that copies to depth aspect must also be in this range (internal issue 412). * Specify ``a'' vs. ``an'' use in the style guide (internal issue 432). * Increase the maximum pname:nonCoherentAtomSize value in the <<features-limits-required,Required Limits>> section from 128 to 256 (internal issue 435). * Fix vk_platform.h for compiler errors on some Android platforms (internal issue 441). * Clarify that slink:VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures::pname:pEnabledFeatures == `NULL` disables all features, including the "required" feature pname:robustBufferAccess (internal issue 479). Other Issues: * Expand style guide and make it more self-consistent. * Use ISO 8601 date format everywhere. * Emphasise the correct way of using slink:VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR::pname:maxImageCount. * Added +VK_EXT_validation_flags+ extension for validation flag mechanism. * Fix an <<credits,author credit>> to include their current employer.
2016-09-16 21:22:17 -07:00
chapter of the <<data-format,Khronos Data Format Specification>>.
2016-02-16 01:53:44 -08:00
Change log for April 29, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.12 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 12 for this update. Github Issues: * Change valid usage statements intended to be "sub-points" to be actual sub-points (public issue 66). * Replace double negation in description of slink:VkRenderPassBeginInfo::pname:pClearValues (based on public merge 142). * Cleanup minor typos in spec, ref pages and XML, including those proposed in public pull requests 144, 150, 151, 167, 168, 181, and 186. * Use *strict subset* in describing the partial order of memory property types for slink:VkMemoryType, and update the style guide accordingly (public issue 190). * Fix various "a image" -> "an image" typos (public issue 191). * Note in the <<fundamentals-validusage,Valid Usage>> and <<extensions-interactions,Extension Interactions>> sections that structures defined by extensions which may be passed in structure chains using the ptext:pNext member must: include initial ptext:sType and ptext:pNext members (public issue 192). Internal Issues: * Remove duplicate language from the description of the pname:fence parameter to flink:vkQueueSubmit and improve validity language (internal issue 91). * Added documentation for "optional" attribute to XML readme.tex/pdf (internal issue 149). * Clarify the host-side data validity rules and behavior of flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges and flink:vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges (internal issue 266). Other Commits: * Added clarification to flink:vkCmdFillBuffer regarding the use of ename:VK_WHOLE_SIZE. * Fixed and documented implementation of "validextensionstructs" attribute. in XML processing scripts and readme.tex/pdf. * Add missing validity statements to flink:vkResetEvent and flink:vkCmdResetEvent. * Fix validity for the ename:VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT flag. Correct all the draw/dispatch commands to mention optimally tiled images as well as linear tiled images, and say image VIEWS instead of images. Add validity statement to flink:vkCmdBlitImage * Replace the {apiname} macro with hardcoded "Vulkan", now that we've committed to that name. * Add the VK_AMD_rasterization_order extension to vk.xml.
2016-04-29 14:53:46 +02:00
.Mapping of Vulkan ASTC formats to descriptions
Change log for March 10, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.6 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 6 for this update. Github Issues: * Define 'invocation group' for compute and graphics shaders. Cleanup definition and use of 'workgroup', and add glossary entries (public issue 1). * Various minor editorial fixes (public issue 33). * Clarify locations for block members in the &lt;&lt;interfaces-iointerfaces-locations,Location Assignment>> section (public issue 45). * Editorial fixes for &lt;&lt;commandbuffer-allocation,Command Buffer Allocation>> section (public issues 54, 59). * Clarify behavior of depth test in the &lt;&lt;fragops-depth,Depth Test&gt;&gt; section (public issues 80, 81). * Remove discussion of return codes from flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties and flink:vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements, which don't return values (public issue 82). * Allow flink:vkCmdDrawIndirect and flink:vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect pname:drawCount of 0, as well as 1, when the multiDrawIndirect feature is not supported (public issue 88). * Remove confusing wording in the &lt;&lt;features-limits,Limits>> section describing the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits pname:minTexelBufferOffsetAlignment, pname:minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment, and pname:minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment members as both minimums and maximums (public issue 91). * Clarified that only the RGB components should be affected in places where sRGB is referred to in the spec, such as ASTC formats. Minor re-wording to avoid "color space" when actively incorrect, now that we refer to the Data Format Spec which actually makes a distinction between color space and transfer function (public issue 94). * Treat pname:pPropertyCount == 0 consistently in flink:vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties and flink:vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties (public issue 99) * Cleanup minor editorial issues in chapters 14-17 (public issue 100). * Clarify definition of flink:vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties and flink:vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties (public issue 101). * Define the flink:vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties and flink:vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties pname:pLayerName parameter to be a pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string (public issue 101). * Rearrange "Missing information" references in mandatory format tables (public issue 101). * Clarify that the enumerated extensions returned by flink:vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties and flink:vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties will only include extensions provided by the platform or extensions implemented in implicitly enabled layers (public issue 101). * Miscellaneous editorial fixes. Include the Vulkan spec patch number in the PDF title. Fix label on &lt;&lt;fig-non-strict-lines,Non strict lines>> diagram. Use more easily distinguished symbols in tables in the &lt;&lt;features-required-format-support,Required Format Support>> section. Don't require FQDNs used as layer names be encoded in lower case if not possible, in the &lt;&lt;extensions-naming-conventions, Extension and Layer Naming Conventions>> section (public issues 101, 119, 121). Internal Issues: * Fixed excessive spacing in tables in XHTML (internal issue 18). * Clarify that ename:VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT applies to secondary command buffers. Previously spec only referred to the members of pname:pCommandBuffers being affected by this bit. Added a separate slink:VkSubmitInfo Valid Usage restriction specifying that ename:VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT also applies to any secondary command buffers that are recorded into the primary command buffers in pname:pCommandBuffers (internal issue 106). * Clarify that slink:VkDeviceCreateInfo::pname:pEnabledFeatures can be NULL (internal issue 117). * Remove "the value of" where it is redundant (e.g. speaking of an API parameter, struct member, or SPIR-V variable, but not when speaking of color components) (internal issue 175). * Forced patch version to always be 0 in the header. Add a "VK_API_VERSION_<major>_<minor>" macro for people to use to do the right thing. Add a VK_HEADER_VERSION which captures the header release number independent of the spec patch number (internal issue 176). * Correct description of slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo::pname:pName to "a pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string" (internal issue #197). Other Commits: * Updated DataFormat spec reference to the new date for revision 5 of that spec. * Fixed KEEP option (to retain LaTeX intermediate files) in the Makefile to be included when edited there, as well as set on the command line. * Reserve and add "VK_IMG_filter_cubic" to the registry, and implement script functionality to add and remove validity from existing functions. Includes schema and readme changes. * Update GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl so push_constants do not have descriptor sets.
2016-03-10 17:33:02 -08:00
Change log for September 16, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.27 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 27 for this update. Github Issues: * Weaken flink:vkGetPipelineCacheData invariance conditions; previous conditions were stronger than agreed and can't be guaranteed (public issue 280). * Add link to "Vulkan Loader Specification and Architecture Overview" document to Normative References section (public issue 359). Internal Issues: * Be more clear in the <<interfaces-resources-layout-std140, uniform buffer layout>> section that block offsets can be out of order (internal issue 396). * Document that extension authors should add support for their extensions to the validation layers (internal issue 398). * Clarify that the valid range of depth clear values should be limited to the 0..1 range and that copies to depth aspect must also be in this range (internal issue 412). * Specify ``a'' vs. ``an'' use in the style guide (internal issue 432). * Increase the maximum pname:nonCoherentAtomSize value in the <<features-limits-required,Required Limits>> section from 128 to 256 (internal issue 435). * Fix vk_platform.h for compiler errors on some Android platforms (internal issue 441). * Clarify that slink:VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures::pname:pEnabledFeatures == `NULL` disables all features, including the "required" feature pname:robustBufferAccess (internal issue 479). Other Issues: * Expand style guide and make it more self-consistent. * Use ISO 8601 date format everywhere. * Emphasise the correct way of using slink:VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR::pname:maxImageCount. * Added +VK_EXT_validation_flags+ extension for validation flag mechanism. * Fix an <<credits,author credit>> to include their current employer.
2016-09-16 21:22:17 -07:00
2018-06-11 16:24:43 +02:00
| elink:VkFormat ^| Compressed texel block dimensions ^| sRGB-encoded
Change log for September 30, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.29 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 29 for this update. Github Issues: * Remove redundant constraint on slink:VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo::pname:queryFlags (public issue 224). * Fix typo and remove link in Note in the <<extended-functionality-instance-extensions-and-devices, Instance Extensions and Device Extensions>> section (public issue 359). * Fix erroneous validation statement for the pname:layout member of slink:VkComputePipelineCreateInfo (public issue 362). Internal Issues: * Restore long figure captions using asciidoc sidebar blocks, due to restrictions of asciidoc syntax (internal issue 101). * Replace most latexmath equations with comparable markup in straight asciidoc, which significantly improves time required to fully load and process the HTML forms of the Specification. There are known minor font and alignment inconsistencies with MathJax and PDF rendering of latexmath equations. Please do not file github issues about these. We are aware of the inconsistencies and will make refinements over time, while the performance improvements are compelling in at least some major browsers (internal issue 313). * Move handcoded validity statements from +vk.xml+ into the Specification body, easing work in the single-branch model. Specify the distinction between these explicit statements, and the implicit validity statements inferred from vk.xml. Validity statements now appear in two blocks for each command and structure - handcoded "Valid Usage" and the implicit "Valid Usage (Implicit)" (internal issue 392). * Add the +returnedonly="false"+ attribute to WSI output structures, removing incorrectly generated implicit validity statements for slink:VkDisplayPropertiesKHR, slink:VkDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR, slink:VkDisplayModePropertiesKHR, slink:VkDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR, slink:VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR, and slink:VkSurfaceFormatKHR structures (internal issue 486). * Update slink:VkImageLayout to require the ename:VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT be set for sampled depth/stencil images (internal issue 487). * Use an explicit format specifier string for the date command invocation in the +Makefile+ instead of the shorthand -R option, which doesn't work on BSD and MaxOS X date commands (internal issue 500). Other Issues: * Use the terms ``allocation scope'' and ``extension scope'' instead of just ``scope'', and add them to the glossary.
2016-09-30 21:13:37 -07:00
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x4_UNORM_BLOCK ^|[eq]#4 {times} 4# ^|No
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x4_SRGB_BLOCK ^|[eq]#4 {times} 4# ^|Yes
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x4_UNORM_BLOCK ^|[eq]#5 {times} 4# ^|No
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x4_SRGB_BLOCK ^|[eq]#5 {times} 4# ^|Yes
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x5_UNORM_BLOCK ^|[eq]#5 {times} 5# ^|No
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x5_SRGB_BLOCK ^|[eq]#5 {times} 5# ^|Yes
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x5_UNORM_BLOCK ^|[eq]#6 {times} 5# ^|No
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x5_SRGB_BLOCK ^|[eq]#6 {times} 5# ^|Yes
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x6_UNORM_BLOCK ^|[eq]#6 {times} 6# ^|No
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x6_SRGB_BLOCK ^|[eq]#6 {times} 6# ^|Yes
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x5_UNORM_BLOCK ^|[eq]#8 {times} 5# ^|No
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x5_SRGB_BLOCK ^|[eq]#8 {times} 5# ^|Yes
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x6_UNORM_BLOCK ^|[eq]#8 {times} 6# ^|No
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x6_SRGB_BLOCK ^|[eq]#8 {times} 6# ^|Yes
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x8_UNORM_BLOCK ^|[eq]#8 {times} 8# ^|No
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x8_SRGB_BLOCK ^|[eq]#8 {times} 8# ^|Yes
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x5_UNORM_BLOCK ^|[eq]#10 {times} 5# ^|No
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x5_SRGB_BLOCK ^|[eq]#10 {times} 5# ^|Yes
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x6_UNORM_BLOCK ^|[eq]#10 {times} 6# ^|No
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x6_SRGB_BLOCK ^|[eq]#10 {times} 6# ^|Yes
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x8_UNORM_BLOCK ^|[eq]#10 {times} 8# ^|No
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x8_SRGB_BLOCK ^|[eq]#10 {times} 8# ^|Yes
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x10_UNORM_BLOCK ^|[eq]#10 {times} 10# ^|No
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x10_SRGB_BLOCK ^|[eq]#10 {times} 10# ^|Yes
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x10_UNORM_BLOCK ^|[eq]#12 {times} 10# ^|No
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x10_SRGB_BLOCK ^|[eq]#12 {times} 10# ^|Yes
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x12_UNORM_BLOCK ^|[eq]#12 {times} 12# ^|No
| ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x12_SRGB_BLOCK ^|[eq]#12 {times} 12# ^|Yes
Change log for September 16, 2016 Vulkan 1.0.27 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 27 for this update. Github Issues: * Weaken flink:vkGetPipelineCacheData invariance conditions; previous conditions were stronger than agreed and can't be guaranteed (public issue 280). * Add link to "Vulkan Loader Specification and Architecture Overview" document to Normative References section (public issue 359). Internal Issues: * Be more clear in the <<interfaces-resources-layout-std140, uniform buffer layout>> section that block offsets can be out of order (internal issue 396). * Document that extension authors should add support for their extensions to the validation layers (internal issue 398). * Clarify that the valid range of depth clear values should be limited to the 0..1 range and that copies to depth aspect must also be in this range (internal issue 412). * Specify ``a'' vs. ``an'' use in the style guide (internal issue 432). * Increase the maximum pname:nonCoherentAtomSize value in the <<features-limits-required,Required Limits>> section from 128 to 256 (internal issue 435). * Fix vk_platform.h for compiler errors on some Android platforms (internal issue 441). * Clarify that slink:VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures::pname:pEnabledFeatures == `NULL` disables all features, including the "required" feature pname:robustBufferAccess (internal issue 479). Other Issues: * Expand style guide and make it more self-consistent. * Use ISO 8601 date format everywhere. * Emphasise the correct way of using slink:VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR::pname:maxImageCount. * Added +VK_EXT_validation_flags+ extension for validation flag mechanism. * Fix an <<credits,author credit>> to include their current employer.
2016-09-16 21:22:17 -07:00
Change log for September 8, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.84 spec update: * Update release number to 84. Public Issues: * Fix code sample in the `<<VK_EXT_debug_utils>>` extension (public issue 751). * Fix misleading comment in `vk.xml` for slink:VkDescriptorBufferInfo::pname:buffer (public pull request 762). * Fix formatting of deprecation attributes in schema doc (public pull request 767). * Change `can` to `may` in the description of elink:VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits, which are return values from queries (public pull request 768). * Prettify generated contact list in extension appendices, adding logos and a New Issue link (public pull request 770). * Enable sRGB conversion based on the image view format, not the image format, in the <<textures-format-conversion, Format Conversion>> section (public pull request 773). * Fix typo in equation in the <<primsrast-lines-basic, Basic Line Segment Rasterization>> section (public pull request 780). * Fix special characters in GitHub contacts links (public pull request 783). * Make clean_pdf target remove pdf folder (public pull request 784). * Fix styleguide bad markup of block continuation (public pull request 792). Other Issues: * Allow a zero vertex attribute divisor in the `<<VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor>>` extension, exposed via the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT feature. * Add missing `structextends="VkDeviceCreateInfo"` to slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_memory_model` * `VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode` * `VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block`
2018-09-08 15:52:13 -07:00
=== ASTC decode mode
(The previous commit didn't actually include internal gitlab changes since 1.1.89; fixed now). Change log for October 28, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.90 spec update: * Update release number to 90. Public Issues: * Tag flink:vkQueueWaitIdle as `externsync` in `vk.xml` (public pull request 815). * Update README (public pull request 834). * `VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples` and `VK_AMD_mixed_attachment_samples` had confusing and contradictory valid usage statements when read in the all-extensions spec build. Change them to explicitly mention which extension each is for (public issue Vulkan-ValidationLayers/issues/353). Internal Issues: * Update `` to clarify how externally generated Vulkan Specifications (for translations, annotations, or other reasons) must be copyrighted, and acknowledge the Exception Clause on the `vk.xml` license (internal issue 1079). * Specify that flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties may: return pname:maxMipLevels 1 if the format is ycbcr (internal issue 1361). * Clarify previously underspecified language for flink:vkCmdPushConstants::pname:pStageFlags regarding use of push constants across multiple pipelines (internal issue 1403). * Fix typo in XML/headers for ename:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_EXPLICIT_CREATE_INFO_EXT, which was previously etext:VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_EXCPLICIT_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_CREATE_INFO_EXT (internal issue 1428). * Fix markup of equations that were sporadically breaking the `optimize-pdf` step of PDF generation, due (apparently) to inconsistent treatment of unwrapped multicharacter terms by different LaTeX parsers (internal issue 1435). * For the <<memory-model-synchronizes-with synchronizes-with>> memory model relation cases involving a release barrier plus relaxed atomic write, treat the atomic as if it were a release atomic and allow the acquire side to read from its hypothetical release sequence. This is more consistent with how C++ defines synchronization for release fences (internal issue cross-api/memory-model#72). * Minor editorial changes to the <<memory-model, memory model>> appendix based on external feedback.
2018-10-28 23:53:18 -07:00
If the `VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode` extension is enabled the ASTC decoding
Change log for September 8, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.84 spec update: * Update release number to 84. Public Issues: * Fix code sample in the `<<VK_EXT_debug_utils>>` extension (public issue 751). * Fix misleading comment in `vk.xml` for slink:VkDescriptorBufferInfo::pname:buffer (public pull request 762). * Fix formatting of deprecation attributes in schema doc (public pull request 767). * Change `can` to `may` in the description of elink:VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits, which are return values from queries (public pull request 768). * Prettify generated contact list in extension appendices, adding logos and a New Issue link (public pull request 770). * Enable sRGB conversion based on the image view format, not the image format, in the <<textures-format-conversion, Format Conversion>> section (public pull request 773). * Fix typo in equation in the <<primsrast-lines-basic, Basic Line Segment Rasterization>> section (public pull request 780). * Fix special characters in GitHub contacts links (public pull request 783). * Make clean_pdf target remove pdf folder (public pull request 784). * Fix styleguide bad markup of block continuation (public pull request 792). Other Issues: * Allow a zero vertex attribute divisor in the `<<VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor>>` extension, exposed via the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT feature. * Add missing `structextends="VkDeviceCreateInfo"` to slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_memory_model` * `VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode` * `VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block`
2018-09-08 15:52:13 -07:00
described in the <<data-format,Khronos Data Format Specification>> is
modified by replacing or modifying the corresponding sections as described
.Mapping of Vulkan ASTC decoding format to ASTC decoding modes
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
| elink:VkFormat ^| Decoding mode
Change log for September 8, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.84 spec update: * Update release number to 84. Public Issues: * Fix code sample in the `<<VK_EXT_debug_utils>>` extension (public issue 751). * Fix misleading comment in `vk.xml` for slink:VkDescriptorBufferInfo::pname:buffer (public pull request 762). * Fix formatting of deprecation attributes in schema doc (public pull request 767). * Change `can` to `may` in the description of elink:VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits, which are return values from queries (public pull request 768). * Prettify generated contact list in extension appendices, adding logos and a New Issue link (public pull request 770). * Enable sRGB conversion based on the image view format, not the image format, in the <<textures-format-conversion, Format Conversion>> section (public pull request 773). * Fix typo in equation in the <<primsrast-lines-basic, Basic Line Segment Rasterization>> section (public pull request 780). * Fix special characters in GitHub contacts links (public pull request 783). * Make clean_pdf target remove pdf folder (public pull request 784). * Fix styleguide bad markup of block continuation (public pull request 792). Other Issues: * Allow a zero vertex attribute divisor in the `<<VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor>>` extension, exposed via the slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT feature. * Add missing `structextends="VkDeviceCreateInfo"` to slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures and slink:VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT. New Extensions: * `VK_KHR_memory_model` * `VK_EXT_astc_decode_mode` * `VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block`
2018-09-08 15:52:13 -07:00
| ename:VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT ^| decode_float16
| ename:VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM ^| decode_unorm8
| ename:VK_FORMAT_E5B9G9R9_UFLOAT_PACK32 ^| decode_rgb9e5
==== LDR and HDR Modes
This replaces section 16.5 in the <<data-format,Khronos Data Format
The decoding process for LDR content can be simplified if it is known in
advance that sRGB output is required.
This selection is therefore included as part of the global configuration.
The two modes differ in various ways, as shown in
<<appendix-compressedtex-astc-differences-between-ldr-and-hdr-modes, ASTC
differences between LDR and HDR modes>>.
.ASTC differences between LDR and HDR modes
| Operation | LDR Mode | HDR Mode
| Returned Value | Determined by decoding mode | Determined by decoding mode
| sRGB compatible | Yes | No
| LDR endpoint decoding precision | 16 bits, or 8 bits for sRGB | 16 bits
| HDR endpoint mode results | Error color | As decoded
| Error results | Error color | Vector of NaNs (0xFFFF)
The type of the values returned by the decoding process is determined by the
decoding mode as shown in <<appendix-compressedtex-astc-decoding-modes, ASTC
decoding modes>>.
.ASTC decoding modes
| Decode mode | LDR Mode | HDR Mode
| decode_float16 | Vector of FP16 values | Vector of FP16 values
| decode_unorm8 | Vector of 8-bit unsigned normalized values | invalid
| decode_rgb9e5 | Vector using a shared exponent format | Vector using a shared exponent format
Using the decode_unorm8 decoding mode in HDR mode gives undefined results.
For sRGB, the decoding mode is ignored, and the decoding always returns a
vector of 8-bit unsigned normalized values.
The error color is opaque fully-saturated magenta [eq]#[(R,G,B,A) =
This has been chosen as it is much more noticeable than black or white, and
occurs far less often in valid images.
For linear RGB decode, the error color may: be either opaque fully-saturated
magenta [eq]#(R,G,B,A) = (1.0,0.0,1.0,1.0)# or a vector of four NaNs
[eq]#(R,G,B,A) = (NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN)#.
In the latter case, the recommended [eq]#NaN# value returned is
When using the decode_rgb9e5 decoding mode in HDR mode, error results will
return the error color because NaN cannot be represented.
The error color is returned as an informative response to invalid
conditions, including invalid block encodings or use of reserved endpoint
Future, forward-compatible extensions to ASTC may define valid
interpretations of these conditions, which will decode to some other color.
Therefore, encoders and applications must not rely on invalid encodings as a
way of generating the error color.
This replaces section 16.19 in the <<data-format,Khronos Data Format
Once the effective weight _i_ for the texel has been calculated, the color
endpoints are interpolated and expanded.
For LDR endpoint modes, each color component C is calculated from the
corresponding 8-bit endpoint components C~0~ and C~1~ as follows:
If sRGB conversion is not enabled, or for the alpha channel in any case,
C~0~ and C~1~ are first expanded to 16 bits by bit replication:
C0 = (C0 << 8) | C0; C1 = (C1 << 8) | C1;
If sRGB conversion is enabled, C~0~ and C~1~ for the R, G, and B channels
are expanded to 16 bits differently, as follows:
C0 = (C0 << 8) | 0x80; C1 = (C1 << 8) | 0x80;
C~0~ and C~1~ are then interpolated to produce a UNORM16 result C:
C = floor( (C0*(64-i) + C1*i + 32)/64 )
If sRGB conversion is not enabled and the decoding mode is decode_float16,
then if C = 65535 the final result is 1.0 (0x3C00); otherwise C is divided
by 65536 and the infinite-precision result of the division is converted to
FP16 with round-to-zero semantics.
If sRGB conversion is not enabled and the decoding mode is decode_unorm8,
then top 8 bits of the interpolation result for the R, G, B, and A channels
are used as the final result.
If sRGB conversion is not enabled and the decoding mode is decode_rgb9e5,
then the final result is a combination of the (UNORM16) values of C for the
three color components (Cr, Cg, and Cb) computed as follows:
int lz = clz17( Cr | Cg | Cb | 1);
if (Cr == 65535 ) { Cr = 65536; lz = 0; }
if (Cg == 65535 ) { Cg = 65536; lz = 0; }
if (Cb == 65535 ) { Cb = 65536; lz = 0; }
Cr <<= lz;
Cg <<= lz;
Cb <<= lz;
Cr = (Cr >> 8) & 0x1FF;
Cg = (Cg >> 8) & 0x1FF;
Cb = (Cb >> 8) & 0x1FF;
uint32_t exponent = 16 - lz;
uint32_t texel = (exponent << 27) | (Cb << 18) | (Cg << 9) | Cr;
The clz17() function counts leading zeros in a 17-bit value.
If sRGB conversion is enabled, then the decoding mode is ignored, and the
top 8 bits of the interpolation result for the R, G and B channels are
passed to the external sRGB conversion block and used as the final result.
The A channle uses the decode_float16 decoding mode.
For HDR endpoint modes, color values are represented in a 12-bit
pseudo-logarithmic representation, and interpolation occurs in a
piecewise-approximate logarithmic manner as follows:
In LDR mode, the error result is returned.
In HDR mode, the color components from each endpoint, C~0~ and C~1~, are
initially shifted left 4 bits to become 16-bit integer values and these are
interpolated in the same way as LDR.
The 16-bit value C is then decomposed into the top five bits, E, and the
bottom 11 bits M, which are then processed and recombined with E to form the
final value C~f~:
C = floor( (C0*(64-i) + C1*i + 32)/64 )
E = (C & 0xF800) >> 11; M = C & 0x7FF;
if (M < 512) { Mt = 3*M; }
else if (M >= 1536) { Mt = 5*M - 2048; }
else { Mt = 4*M - 512; }
Cf = (E<<10) + (Mt>>3)
This interpolation is a considerably closer approximation to a logarithmic
space than simple 16-bit interpolation.
This final value C~f~ is interpreted as an IEEE FP16 value.
If the result is +Inf or NaN, it is converted to the bit pattern 0x7BFF,
which is the largest representable finite value.
If the decoding mode is decode_rgb9e5, then the final result is a
combination of the (IEEE FP16) values of Cf for the three color components
(Cr, Cg, and Cb) computed as follows:
if( Cr > 0x7c00 ) Cr = 0; else if( Cr == 0x7c00 ) Cr = 0x7bff;
if( Cg > 0x7c00 ) Cg = 0; else if( Cg == 0x7c00 ) Cg = 0x7bff;
if( Cb > 0x7c00 ) Cb = 0; else if( Cb == 0x7c00 ) Cb = 0x7bff;
int Re = (Cr >> 10) & 0x1F;
int Ge = (Cg >> 10) & 0x1F;
int Be = (Cb >> 10) & 0x1F;
int Rex = Re == 0 ? 1 : Re;
int Gex = Ge == 0 ? 1 : Ge;
int Bex = Be == 0 ? 1 : Be;
int Xm = ((Cr | Cg | Cb) & 0x200) >> 9;
int Xe = Re | Ge | Be;
uint32_t rshift, gshift, bshift, expo;
if (Xe == 0)
expo = rshift = gshift = bshift = Xm;
else if (Re >= Ge && Re >= Be)
expo = Rex + 1;
rshift = 2;
gshift = Rex - Gex + 2;
bshift = Rex - Bex + 2;
else if (Ge >= Be)
expo = Gex + 1;
rshift = Gex - Rex + 2;
gshift = 2;
bshift = Gex - Bex + 2;
expo = Bex + 1;
rshift = Bex - Rex + 2;
gshift = Bex - Gex + 2;
bshift = 2;
int Rm = (Cr & 0x3FF) | (Re == 0 ? 0 : 0x400);
int Gm = (Cg & 0x3FF) | (Ge == 0 ? 0 : 0x400);
int Bm = (Cb & 0x3FF) | (Be == 0 ? 0 : 0x400);
Rm = (Rm >> rshift) & 0x1FF;
Gm = (Gm >> gshift) & 0x1FF;
Bm = (Bm >> bshift) & 0x1FF;
uint32_t texel = (expo << 27) | (Bm << 18) | (Gm << 9) | (Rm << 0);
=== Void-Extent Blocks
This modifies section 16.23 in the <<data-format,Khronos Data Format
In the HDR case, if the decoding mode is decode_rgb9e5, then any negative
color component values are set to 0 before conversion to the shared exponent
format (as described in <<appendix-compressedtex-astc-weight-application,
Weight Application>>).
2018-09-08 19:44:35 -07:00