Change log for May 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.75 spec update:
* Update release number to 75.
Github Issues:
* Use Github handles (e.g. @handle) for contact information in vk.xml,
when available (partial fix for public issue 630).
* Add size invariance guarantee to slink:VkMemoryRequirements for
buffer/image memory requirements (public issue 661).
* Correct scope (conditional constructs) in valid usage statement for
slink:VkBindImageMemoryInfo (public pull request 684).
* Clean up minor markup issues and typos in the
`VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension appendix
(public pull request 698).
* Modify registry processing script to avoid irrelevant warnings of benign
enumerant redefinitions (public pull request 705).
* Fix some duplicate words and some misspelled "`stagess`" (public pull
request 712)
Internal Issues:
* Enable continuous integration tests on the internal Khronos gitlab
server by adding a .gitlab-ci.yml file. Note: this does not implement CI
on the public Github repository (internal issue 408).
* Add link from description of depth clamping in the <<fragops-depth,
depth test>> section to the
parameter which enables it, making it easily searchable / findable
(internal issue 1125).
* Clarify that arrays of arrays of descriptors are not allowed in the
<<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> and
<<interfaces-resources-setandbinding, DescriptorSet and Binding
Assignment>> sections (internal issue 1192).
* Comment out some redundant nested asciidoctor conditionals in the
slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo valid usage block, and explain in all cases
why the redundant conditional exist and are commented out (internal
issue 1231).
* Move a valid usage statement from slink:VkCommandPoolCreateInfo to the
parent flink:vkCreateCommandPool, where the device queue is known
(internal issue 1233).
* Add new slink:VkBaseInStructure and slink:VkBaseOutStructure types which
can be used by extensions and implementations for handling Vulkan
sType/pNext style structures in a more generic way (internal issue
* Clarify that
only applies to external-format images. Add references to this in valid
usage statements that previously only referred to
slink:VkFormatProperties (internal issue 1244).
* Fix the description of elink:VkPipelineCreateFlagBits enumerant
name (internal issue 1279).
* Add a NOTE to the <<interfaces-resources-setandbinding, DescriptorSet
and Binding Assignment>> section making it clear that variables sharing
a storage class may use identical descriptor set and bindings.
Specifically state the sometimes misunderstood ability to have one or
more differently typed image descriptors sharing a descriptor set and
binding (internal SPIR-V issue 264).
* Make DynamicIndexing features and capabilities also control the
uniformity of the descriptor used in memory access instructions in the
<<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> section. This
makes them also apply to variable_pointer usage, which can bypass the
array indexing operation (internal SPIR-V issue 289).
Other Issues:
* Correct flink:vkCmdBlitImage limitations on cubic blits to be 2D only,
not 3D.
* Update valid usage statements for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and
* Move YCbCr-related VU statements from slink:VkDescriptorImageInfo to
slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet, where all needed information is known, and
remove redundant statements.
* Move SPIR-V restriction that images be of either sampled or storage
types from the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set
Interface>> section to the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation
Rules within a Module>> section of the SPIR-V appendix.
2018-05-17 02:38:41 -07:00
# Gitlab CI file for vulkan spec and header generation
# Build the vulkan specification and generate any associated files (such as vulkan.h)
stage: build
- apt-get update -qq
- apt-get install -y -qq gcc git python3 ruby
- apt-get install -y -qq cmake bison flex libffi-dev libxml2-dev libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev ttf-lyx
- gem install asciidoctor asciidoctor-mathematical coderay json-schema
Change log for November 18, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.93 spec update:
* Update release number to 93.
Public Issues:
* Add spec language for ename:VK_INDEX_TYPE_NONE_NV and fix up
slink:VkAccelerationStructureTypeNV (public issue 848).
* Add missing suffix in description of slink:VkSubpassDescription2KHR
parameters (public pull request 851).
* Fix miscellaneous typos (public pull request 855).
* Add driver ID for Pastel (public pull request 856).
* Add missing include directive for slink:VkMemoryWin32HandlePropertiesKHR
implicit valid usage statements (public pull request 857).
Internal Issues:
* Restrict the storage classes permitted for SPIR-V atomics to what is
actually supported, in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation
Rules within a Module>> section (internal issue 1123).
* Add a missing Valid Usage statement to slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo for
the case pname:stencilLoadOp == ename:VK_LOAD_OP_CLEAR, pname:layout ==
* Modify optimize-pdf script and Makefile to retain non-optimized original
PDF on errors (internal issue 1435).
* Add <<spirvenv-module-validation, SPIR-V validation rules>> stating that
only the listed code:BuiltIn decorations are permitted, and only when
relevante features and extensions are enabled (internal issue 1449).
* Remove some duplicated Valid Usage IDs created via cut & paste error
(internal issue 1455).
* Build HTML output for extension reference pages (internal issue 1461).
** Improve handling of aliases defined inside other refpages.
** Emit aliases in
** Add XML noautovalidity flag for VkRenderPassCreateFlags until there
are some corresponding FlagBits defined.
** Corrected types= attribute on some refpage blocks to 'flags'
** Added refpage blocks for some missing types detected by CI tests.
* Fixed many Valid Usage statement issues in slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo,
slink:VkSubpassDescription, slink:VkSubpassDescription2KHR,
slink:VkSubpassDependency2KHR, flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass,
flink:vkCmdBeginRenderPass2KHR, and slink:VkRenderPassBeginInfo
discovered while adding `VK_KHR_create_renderpass2` to the validation
New Extensions:
* `VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout`
* `VK_EXT_separate_stencil_usage`
2018-11-18 02:55:14 -08:00
- ./makeAllExts QUIET= -j${nproc} -Otarget html styleguide registry manhtmlpages checkinc checklinks validusage
Change log for May 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.75 spec update:
* Update release number to 75.
Github Issues:
* Use Github handles (e.g. @handle) for contact information in vk.xml,
when available (partial fix for public issue 630).
* Add size invariance guarantee to slink:VkMemoryRequirements for
buffer/image memory requirements (public issue 661).
* Correct scope (conditional constructs) in valid usage statement for
slink:VkBindImageMemoryInfo (public pull request 684).
* Clean up minor markup issues and typos in the
`VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension appendix
(public pull request 698).
* Modify registry processing script to avoid irrelevant warnings of benign
enumerant redefinitions (public pull request 705).
* Fix some duplicate words and some misspelled "`stagess`" (public pull
request 712)
Internal Issues:
* Enable continuous integration tests on the internal Khronos gitlab
server by adding a .gitlab-ci.yml file. Note: this does not implement CI
on the public Github repository (internal issue 408).
* Add link from description of depth clamping in the <<fragops-depth,
depth test>> section to the
parameter which enables it, making it easily searchable / findable
(internal issue 1125).
* Clarify that arrays of arrays of descriptors are not allowed in the
<<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> and
<<interfaces-resources-setandbinding, DescriptorSet and Binding
Assignment>> sections (internal issue 1192).
* Comment out some redundant nested asciidoctor conditionals in the
slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo valid usage block, and explain in all cases
why the redundant conditional exist and are commented out (internal
issue 1231).
* Move a valid usage statement from slink:VkCommandPoolCreateInfo to the
parent flink:vkCreateCommandPool, where the device queue is known
(internal issue 1233).
* Add new slink:VkBaseInStructure and slink:VkBaseOutStructure types which
can be used by extensions and implementations for handling Vulkan
sType/pNext style structures in a more generic way (internal issue
* Clarify that
only applies to external-format images. Add references to this in valid
usage statements that previously only referred to
slink:VkFormatProperties (internal issue 1244).
* Fix the description of elink:VkPipelineCreateFlagBits enumerant
name (internal issue 1279).
* Add a NOTE to the <<interfaces-resources-setandbinding, DescriptorSet
and Binding Assignment>> section making it clear that variables sharing
a storage class may use identical descriptor set and bindings.
Specifically state the sometimes misunderstood ability to have one or
more differently typed image descriptors sharing a descriptor set and
binding (internal SPIR-V issue 264).
* Make DynamicIndexing features and capabilities also control the
uniformity of the descriptor used in memory access instructions in the
<<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> section. This
makes them also apply to variable_pointer usage, which can bypass the
array indexing operation (internal SPIR-V issue 289).
Other Issues:
* Correct flink:vkCmdBlitImage limitations on cubic blits to be 2D only,
not 3D.
* Update valid usage statements for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and
* Move YCbCr-related VU statements from slink:VkDescriptorImageInfo to
slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet, where all needed information is known, and
remove redundant statements.
* Move SPIR-V restriction that images be of either sampled or storage
types from the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set
Interface>> section to the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation
Rules within a Module>> section of the SPIR-V appendix.
2018-05-17 02:38:41 -07:00
Change log for November 12, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.92 spec update:
* Update release number to 92.
Public Issues:
* Move and modify valid usage statements dealing with pname:aspectMask in
flink:vkCmdClearColorImage, flink:vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage, and
slink:VkClearAttachment, so they are in places where all necessary
information is available (public issue 529).
* Fix math markup in <<textures-texel-anisotropic-filtering, Texel
Anisotropic Filtering>> (public pull request 840).
* Fix misspellings (public pull request 845).
Internal Issues:
* Add installation instructions and a Makefile "`chunked`" target for
chunked HTML generation (internal issue 1352).
* Fix pipeline mesh diagram style; also fix a minor bug in the classic
pipeline diagram where vertex/index buffers wrongly fed into the vertex
shader (internal issue 1436).
* Make asciidoctor ERROR output raise an error, and don't suppress
executed command output from CI make invocation (internal issue 1454).
* Minor typo fixes and clarifications for `VK_NV_raytracing`.
* Cleanup extension-specific properties
** Remove duplicated documentation for pname:maxDiscardRectangles,
pname:pointClippingBehavior, and pname:maxVertexAttribDivisor (they
shouldn't be documented with the other members of
slink:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits at all).
** Remove duplicate anchor for pname:maxVertexAttribDivisor
** Consistently document stext:VkPhysicalDevice<Extension>PropertiesKHR
*** Always document pname:sType/pname:pNext (was inconsistent before)
*** Always mention chaining to slink:VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 (and not
as slink:VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR)
*** Always include Valid Usage statements last
* Update Makefile 'checklinks' target and associated scripts, and fix
markup problems identified by, so that we can rely on the
checklinks script as part of Gitlab CI.
2018-11-12 04:40:40 -08:00
when: always
Change log for May 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.75 spec update:
* Update release number to 75.
Github Issues:
* Use Github handles (e.g. @handle) for contact information in vk.xml,
when available (partial fix for public issue 630).
* Add size invariance guarantee to slink:VkMemoryRequirements for
buffer/image memory requirements (public issue 661).
* Correct scope (conditional constructs) in valid usage statement for
slink:VkBindImageMemoryInfo (public pull request 684).
* Clean up minor markup issues and typos in the
`VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension appendix
(public pull request 698).
* Modify registry processing script to avoid irrelevant warnings of benign
enumerant redefinitions (public pull request 705).
* Fix some duplicate words and some misspelled "`stagess`" (public pull
request 712)
Internal Issues:
* Enable continuous integration tests on the internal Khronos gitlab
server by adding a .gitlab-ci.yml file. Note: this does not implement CI
on the public Github repository (internal issue 408).
* Add link from description of depth clamping in the <<fragops-depth,
depth test>> section to the
parameter which enables it, making it easily searchable / findable
(internal issue 1125).
* Clarify that arrays of arrays of descriptors are not allowed in the
<<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> and
<<interfaces-resources-setandbinding, DescriptorSet and Binding
Assignment>> sections (internal issue 1192).
* Comment out some redundant nested asciidoctor conditionals in the
slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo valid usage block, and explain in all cases
why the redundant conditional exist and are commented out (internal
issue 1231).
* Move a valid usage statement from slink:VkCommandPoolCreateInfo to the
parent flink:vkCreateCommandPool, where the device queue is known
(internal issue 1233).
* Add new slink:VkBaseInStructure and slink:VkBaseOutStructure types which
can be used by extensions and implementations for handling Vulkan
sType/pNext style structures in a more generic way (internal issue
* Clarify that
only applies to external-format images. Add references to this in valid
usage statements that previously only referred to
slink:VkFormatProperties (internal issue 1244).
* Fix the description of elink:VkPipelineCreateFlagBits enumerant
name (internal issue 1279).
* Add a NOTE to the <<interfaces-resources-setandbinding, DescriptorSet
and Binding Assignment>> section making it clear that variables sharing
a storage class may use identical descriptor set and bindings.
Specifically state the sometimes misunderstood ability to have one or
more differently typed image descriptors sharing a descriptor set and
binding (internal SPIR-V issue 264).
* Make DynamicIndexing features and capabilities also control the
uniformity of the descriptor used in memory access instructions in the
<<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> section. This
makes them also apply to variable_pointer usage, which can bypass the
array indexing operation (internal SPIR-V issue 289).
Other Issues:
* Correct flink:vkCmdBlitImage limitations on cubic blits to be 2D only,
not 3D.
* Update valid usage statements for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and
* Move YCbCr-related VU statements from slink:VkDescriptorImageInfo to
slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet, where all needed information is known, and
remove redundant statements.
* Move SPIR-V restriction that images be of either sampled or storage
types from the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set
Interface>> section to the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation
Rules within a Module>> section of the SPIR-V appendix.
2018-05-17 02:38:41 -07:00
- include/
- src/
- out/
expire_in: 1 month
# Generate the vulkan C++ header (vulkan.hpp)
stage: build
image: ubuntu:16.04
- apt-get update -qq
- apt-get install -y -qq cmake git g++
- cd /tmp
- rm -rf Vulkan-Hpp
- git clone
- cd Vulkan-Hpp
- git submodule update --init --recursive -- tinyxml2
- rm -rf Vulkan-Docs
- cp -r "${SPEC_DIR}" Vulkan-Docs
- cd /tmp/Vulkan-Hpp
- cmake -H. -Bbuild
- make -C build
- cd build
- ./VulkanHppGenerator
- mkdir -p Vulkan-Hpp/vulkan/
- cp /tmp/Vulkan-Hpp/vulkan/vulkan.hpp Vulkan-Hpp/vulkan/
- Vulkan-Hpp/vulkan/
expire_in: 1 month
allow_failure: true
# Compile a simple test program that uses vulkan.h
stage: test
- spec-generate
- apt-get update -qq
- apt-get install -y -qq gcc clang
- echo "#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>" > /tmp/htest.c
- echo "int main()" >> /tmp/htest.c
- echo "{" >> /tmp/htest.c
- echo " const VkInstanceCreateInfo instance_info = {" >> /tmp/htest.c
- echo " .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO," >> /tmp/htest.c
- echo " .pNext = NULL," >> /tmp/htest.c
- echo " .flags = 0," >> /tmp/htest.c
- echo " .pApplicationInfo = NULL," >> /tmp/htest.c
- echo " .enabledLayerCount = 0," >> /tmp/htest.c
- echo " .ppEnabledLayerNames = NULL," >> /tmp/htest.c
- echo " .enabledExtensionCount = 0," >> /tmp/htest.c
- echo " .ppEnabledExtensionNames = NULL," >> /tmp/htest.c
- echo " };" >> /tmp/htest.c
- echo " VkInstance instance;" >> /tmp/htest.c
- echo " vkCreateInstance(&instance_info, NULL, &instance);" >> /tmp/htest.c
- echo " vkDestroyInstance(instance, NULL);" >>/tmp/htest.c
- echo "}" >> /tmp/htest.c
- gcc -c -std=c11 -Iinclude -Wall -Wextra -Werror /tmp/htest.c
- clang -c -std=c11 -Iinclude -Wall -Wextra -Werror /tmp/htest.c
# Compile a simple test program that uses vulkan.hpp
stage: test
- spec-generate
- hpp-generate
- apt-get update -qq
- apt-get install -y -qq g++ clang
- echo "#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>" > /tmp/hpptest.cpp
- echo "int main()" >> /tmp/hpptest.cpp
- echo "{" >> /tmp/hpptest.cpp
- echo " auto const instance_info = vk::InstanceCreateInfo();" >> /tmp/hpptest.cpp
- echo " vk::Instance instance;" >> /tmp/hpptest.cpp
- echo " vk::createInstance(&instance_info, nullptr, &instance);" >> /tmp/hpptest.cpp
- echo "}" >> /tmp/hpptest.cpp
- g++ -c -std=c++11 -Iinclude -IVulkan-Hpp -Wall -Wextra -Werror /tmp/hpptest.cpp
- clang++ -c -std=c++11 -Iinclude -IVulkan-Hpp -Wall -Wextra -Werror /tmp/hpptest.cpp
allow_failure: true