
651 lines
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Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Collabora, Ltd.
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author(s): Ryan Pavlik <>
# Purpose: This file contains tests for
import pytest
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
from check_spec_links import MacroChecker, MessageId, makeMacroChecker
from spec_tools.console_printer import ConsolePrinter
from spec_tools.macro_checker_file import shouldEntityBeText
# API-specific constants
PROTO = 'vkCreateInstance'
STRUCT = 'VkInstanceCreateInfo'
EXT = 'VK_KHR_display'
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
class CheckerWrapper(object):
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
"""Little wrapper object for a MacroChecker.
Intended for use in making test assertions shorter and easier to read."""
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
def __init__(self, capsys):
self.ckr = makeMacroChecker(set([]))
self.capsys = capsys
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
def enabled(self, enabled_messages):
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
"""Updates the checker's enable message type set, from an iterable."""
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
self.ckr.enabled_messages = set(enabled_messages)
return self
def check(self, string):
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
"""Checks a string (as if it were a file), outputs the results to the console, then returns the MacroCheckerFile."""
# Flush the captured output.
_ = self.capsys.readouterr()
# Process
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
f = self.ckr.processString(string + '\n')
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
# Dump messages
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
return f
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
def ckr(capsys):
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
"""Fixture - add an arg named ckr to your test function to automatically get one passed to you."""
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
return CheckerWrapper(capsys)
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
def msgReplacement(file_checker, which=0):
"""Return the replacement text associated with the specified message."""
assert(len(file_checker.messages) > which)
msg = file_checker.messages[which]
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
from pprint import pprint
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
return msg.replacement
def loneMsgReplacement(file_checker):
"""Assert there's only one message in a file checker, and return the replacement text associated with it."""
assert(len(file_checker.messages) == 1)
return msgReplacement(file_checker)
def message(file_checker, which=0):
"""Return a string of the message lines associated with the message of a file checker."""
assert(len(file_checker.messages) > which)
return "\n".join(file_checker.messages[which].message)
def allMessages(file_checker):
"""Return a list of strings, each being the combination of the message lines of a message from a file checker."""
return ['\n'.join(msg.message) for msg in file_checker.messages]
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
def test_missing_macro(ckr):
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
"""Verify correct functioning of MessageId.MISSING_MACRO."""
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# This should have a missing macro warning
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
assert(ckr.check('with %s by' % PROTO).numDiagnostics() == 1)
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
# These 3 should not have a missing macro warning because of their context
# (in a link)
assert(not ckr.check('<<%s' % PROTO).messages)
# These 2 are simulating links that broke over lines
assert(not ckr.check('%s>>' % PROTO).messages)
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
assert(not ckr.check(
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
'%s asdf>> table' % PROTO).messages)
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
def test_entity_detection(ckr):
# Should complain about BAD_ENTITY
assert(ckr.check('flink:abcd').numDiagnostics() == 1)
# Should just give BAD_ENTITY (an error), not MISSING_TEXT (a warning).
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# Verifying that wrapping in asterisks (for formatting) doesn't get picked up as
# an asterisk in the entity name (a placeholder).
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
assert(ckr.check('*flink:abcd*').numErrors() == 1)
def test_wrong_macro(ckr):
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# Should error - this ought to be code:uint32_t
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
assert(ckr.check('basetype:uint32_t').numErrors() == 1)
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# This shouldn't error
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
assert(ckr.check('code:uint32_t').numErrors() == 0)
def test_should_entity_be_text():
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# These 5 are all examples of patterns that would merit usage of a ptext/etext/etc
# macro, for various reasons:
# has variable in subscript
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
assert(shouldEntityBeText('pBuffers[i]', '[i]'))
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
assert(shouldEntityBeText('API_ENUM_[X]', '[X]'))
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# has asterisk
assert(shouldEntityBeText('maxPerStage*', None))
# double-underscores make italicized placeholders
# (triple are double-underscores delimited by underscores...)
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
assert(shouldEntityBeText('API_ENUM[__x__]', '[__x__]'))
assert(shouldEntityBeText('API_ENUM___i___EXT', None))
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# This shouldn't be a *text: macro because it only has single underscores
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
assert(False == shouldEntityBeText('API_ENUM_i_EXT', None))
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
def test_misused_text(ckr):
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# Tests the same patterns as test_should_entity_be_text(),
# but in a whole checker
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
assert(ckr.check('etext:API_ENUM_').numDiagnostics() == 0)
assert(ckr.check('etext:API_ENUM_[X]').numDiagnostics() == 0)
assert(ckr.check('etext:API_ENUM[i]').numDiagnostics() == 0)
assert(ckr.check('etext:API_ENUM[__x__]').numDiagnostics() == 0)
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
# Should be OK, since __i__ is a placeholder here
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
assert(ckr.check('etext:API_ENUM___i___EXT').numDiagnostics() == 0)
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# This shouldn't be a *text: macro because it only has single underscores
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
assert(ckr.check('API_ENUM_i_EXT').numDiagnostics() == 0)
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
def test_extension(ckr):
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# Check formatting of extension names:
# the following is the canonical way to refer to an extension
# (link wrapped in backticks)
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
expected_replacement = '`<<%s>>`' % EXT
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# Extension name mentioned without any markup, should be added
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
assert(loneMsgReplacement(ckr.check('asdf %s asdf' % EXT))
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
== expected_replacement)
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# Extension name mentioned without any markup and wrong case,
# should be added and have case fixed
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
assert(loneMsgReplacement(ckr.check('asdf %s asdf' % EXT.upper()))
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
== expected_replacement)
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# Extension name using wrong/old macro: ename isn't for extensions.
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
assert(loneMsgReplacement(ckr.check('asdf ename:%s asdf' % EXT))
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
== expected_replacement)
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# Extension name using wrong macro: elink isn't for extensions.
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
assert(loneMsgReplacement(ckr.check('asdf elink:%s asdf' % EXT))
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
== expected_replacement)
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
# Extension name using wrong macro and wrong case: should have markup and
# case fixed
assert(loneMsgReplacement(ckr.check('asdf elink:%s asdf' % EXT.upper()))
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
== expected_replacement)
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# This shouldn't cause errors because this is how we want it to look.
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
assert(not ckr.check('asdf `<<%s>>` asdf' % EXT).messages)
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# This doesn't (shouldn't?) cause errors because just backticks on their own
# "escape" names from the "missing markup" tests.
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
assert(not ckr.check('asdf `%s` asdf' % EXT).messages)
Change log for December 16, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.96 spec update: * Update release number to 96. Public Issues: * Fix typo in `vk.xml` for `structextends` attribute of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV (public PR 870). * Fix links in optimized PDF output (public PR 879). Internal Issues: * Add a link to GitHub contributors in the <<credits, Other Credits>> section (internal issue 808). * Clarify the behavior of command aliases described in the <<versions,Core Revisions>> and <<initialization-functionpointers, Command Function Pointers>> sections and the registry schema document with respect to whether they are or are not the same entry point, and what the behaviour of the ftext:vkGet*ProcAddr commands is for each alias (internal issue 1462). * Update slink:VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo valid usage statements for writing to code:Layer and code:viewportIndex to apply to any vertex processing stage (internal issue 1475). * Make sparse image creation optional for Y'C~B~C~R~ formats in the <<features-required-format-support, Required Format Support>> section and the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion, Formats requiring sampler Y'C~B~C~R~ conversion for ename:VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views>> table (internal issue 1476). * Modify the valid usage statement for flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT::pname:vertexStride to use the pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride limit rather than the pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride limit, which is a better match for transform feedback related operations (internal issue 1487). * Changed all members of slink:VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT to have the `uint32_t` type. This is an imcompatible change to an EXT that's very recently released; although this is against usual Vulkan WG policy, we discussed and consider this an acceptable risk, but have polled the mesa-dev list in case there are use cases we missed (internal issue 1492). * Set spec vetsion to 1 for `VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1` and `VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string` in `vk.xml` (internal MR 2948). * Remove redundant valid usage statement `VkImageCreateInfo-pNext-02395` (internal MR 2950). * Add `` script, use it in Gitlab CI, and fix many minor markup issues discovered by the script (internal MR 2955). * Update `` to the current Ruby version (2.5.3), and make some corresponding updates to per-platform build instructions (internal MR 2956). * Fix binding numbers and other details in flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate.txt example code blocks (internal MR 2960). * Remove some nautovalidity="true" in `vk.xml` for NV extensions where it's clearly wrong (internal MR 2970).
2018-12-16 22:22:53 -08:00
# TODO can we auto-correct this to add the backticks?
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# Doesn't error now, but would be nice if it did...
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
assert(not ckr.check('asdf <<%s>> asdf' % EXT).messages)
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
def test_refpage_tag(ckr):
# Should error: missing refpage='' field
assert(ckr.check("[open,desc='',type='',xrefs='']").numErrors() == 1)
# Should error: missing desc='' field
assert(ckr.check("[open,refpage='',type='',xrefs='']").numErrors() == 1)
# Should error: missing type='' field
assert(ckr.check("[open,refpage='',desc='',xrefs='']").numErrors() == 1)
# Should not error: missing xrefs field is optional
assert(not ckr.check("[open,refpage='',desc='',type='']").messages)
def test_refpage_name(ckr):
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
# Should not error: actually exists.
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
"[open,refpage='%s',desc='',type='']" % PROTO).numDiagnostics() == 0)
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
# Should error: does not exist.
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
ckr.check("[open,refpage='bogus',desc='',type='']").numDiagnostics() == 1)
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
def test_refpage_missing_desc(ckr):
# Should not warn: non-empty description actually exists.
"[open,refpage='',desc='non-empty description',type='']").numDiagnostics() == 0)
# Should warn: desc field is empty.
ckr.check("[open,refpage='',desc='',type='']").numDiagnostics() == 1)
def test_refpage_type(ckr):
# Should not error: this is of type 'protos'.
assert(not ckr.check(
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
"[open,refpage='%s',desc='',type='protos']" % PROTO).messages)
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# Should error: this is of type 'protos', not 'structs'.
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
ckr.check("[open,refpage='%s',desc='',type='structs']" % PROTO).messages)
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
def test_refpage_xrefs(ckr):
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
# Should not error: this is a valid entity to have an xref to.
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
assert(not ckr.check(
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
"[open,refpage='',desc='',type='protos',xrefs='%s']" % STRUCT).messages)
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# case difference:
# should error but offer a replacement.
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
assert(loneMsgReplacement(ckr.check("[open,refpage='',xrefs='%s']" % STRUCT.lower()))
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
# Should error: not a valid entity.
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
"[open,refpage='',desc='',type='protos',xrefs='bogus']").numDiagnostics() == 1)
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
def test_refpage_xrefs_comma(ckr):
# Should not error: no commas in the xrefs field
assert(not ckr.check(
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
# Should error: commas shouldn't be there since it's space-delimited.
ckr.check("[open,refpage='',xrefs='abc,']")) == 'abc')
# All should correct to the same thing.
equivalent_tags_with_commas = [
"[open,refpage='',xrefs='abc, 123']",
"[open,refpage='',xrefs='abc , 123']"]
for has_comma in equivalent_tags_with_commas:
assert(loneMsgReplacement(ckr.check(has_comma)) == 'abc 123')
def test_refpage_block(ckr):
"""Tests of the REFPAGE_BLOCK message."""
# Should not error: have the tag, an open, and a close
assert(not ckr.check(
assert(not ckr.check(
# Should have 1 error: file ends immediately after tag
"[open,]").numDiagnostics() == 1)
# Should have 1 error: line after tag isn't --
--""").numDiagnostics() == 1)
# Checking precedence of checks: this should have 1 error because line after tag isn't --
# (but it is something that causes a line to be handled differently)
== Heading
--""").numDiagnostics() == 1)
this is in a code block
--""").numDiagnostics() == 1)
# Should have 1 error: tag inside refpage.
tag_inside = """[open,]
assert(ckr.check(tag_inside).numDiagnostics() == 1)
assert("already in a refpage block" in
def test_refpage_missing(ckr):
"""Test the REFPAGE_MISSING message."""
# Should not error: have the tag, an open, and the include
assert(not ckr.check(
include::../../generated/api/protos/%s.txt[]""" % (PROTO, PROTO)).messages)
assert(not ckr.check(
include::../../generated/validity/protos/%s.txt[]""" % (PROTO, PROTO)).messages)
# Should not error: manual anchors shouldn't trigger this.
assert(not ckr.check("[[%s]]" % PROTO).messages)
# Should have 1 error: file ends immediately after include
"include::../../generated/api/protos/%s.txt[]" % PROTO).numDiagnostics() == 1)
"include::../../generated/validity/protos/%s.txt[]" % PROTO).numDiagnostics() == 1)
# Should have 1 error: include is before the refpage open
--""" % (PROTO, PROTO)).numDiagnostics() == 1)
--""" % (PROTO, PROTO)).numDiagnostics() == 1)
def test_refpage_mismatch(ckr):
"""Test the REFPAGE_MISMATCH message."""
# Should not error: have the tag, an open, and a matching include
assert(not ckr.check(
include::../../generated/api/protos/%s.txt[]""" % (PROTO, PROTO)).messages)
assert(not ckr.check(
include::../../generated/validity/protos/%s.txt[]""" % (PROTO, PROTO)).messages)
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
# Should error: have the tag, an open, and a mis-matching include
include::../../generated/api/structs/%s.txt[]""" % (PROTO, STRUCT)).numDiagnostics() == 1)
Change log for January 13, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.98 spec update: * Update release number to 98. Public Issues: * Fix missing markup in flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout valid usage statement (pull request 882). * Add missing contributors for `<<VK_EXT_buffer_device_address>>` (public pull request 891). Internal Issues: * Detect nested bullet points in valid usage blocks and warn about them during VUID assignment (internal issue 1382). * Update the style guide to document the process for reserving new bits in bitmask types (internal issue 1411). * Clarify for slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:apiVersion and in the <<fundamentals-validusage-versions, Valid Usage for Newer Core Versions>> section when it is valid for an application to use a certain version of Vulkan API functionality (for an instance and for a device/physical device); and when the validation layers must generate an error (internal issue 1412). * Add optional <<memory-model-availability-visibility, transitive availability/visibility operations to the memory model, including a new pname:vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains feature for slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR (internal issue 1460). * Add the code:StorageBuffer storage class to those in the <<interfaces-resources-descset, Descriptor Set Interface>> (internal issue 1480). * Add missing `returnedonly` tags for a number of returned extension structures that can be passed in pname:pNext chains (internal issue 1515). * Clean up and rearrange some spec language for slink:VkRenderPassCreateInfo and slink:VkAttachmentReference.txt (internal issue 1522). * Correctly round the code:OpVectorTimesScalar and code:OpMatrixTimesScalar SPIR-V operations in the <<Precision of core SPIR-V Instructions>> table (internal merge request 2996). * Work around cases in flink:vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT, flink:vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT, and slink:VkPipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV where an array parameter is `optional` but the length is not in `vk.xml`. This is an interim fix using `noautovalidity` + handcoded VU replacing those that should be autogenerated (internal issue 2944 and * Remove redundant capability validation of the code:float16 and code:int8 SPIR-V capabilities from the <<spirvenv-capabilities, Capabilities>> section, since they are already covered in the preceding table. * Update check_spec_links script, including validation for reference page open blocks. Fix errors identified by the script.
2019-01-13 05:53:27 -08:00
Change log for February 3, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.99 spec update: * Update release number to 99. Public Issues: * Add missing pname:pMemoryHostPointerProperties description to flink:vkGetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT.txt (public pull request 896). * Minor markup fixes (public pull request 900). * Minor update to `khronos.css` and markup fixes (originally proposed in public pull request 901, but done via an internal MR). Internal Issues: * Document restrictions on image queries for Y'CbCr formats in the <<features-formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion>> table as well as for slink:sname:VkImageFormatProperties and slink:VkImageCreateInfo (internal issue 1361). * Correct type of the code:FragSizeEXT built-in in the <<interfaces-builtin-variables, Built-In Variables>> section (internal issue 1526). * Clean up math in the <<textures, Image Operations>> chapter by refactoring, using better naming conventions, updating diagrams to use the correct orientation, etc. (internal merge request 2968). * Fix minor typos for slink:VkImageCreateInfo and slink:VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT. * Add missing documentation for tlink:VkResolveModeFlagsKHR. * Fix extension dependency of pname:scalarBlockLayout in the <<features-features-requirements, Feature Requirements>> section. * Fix indexing math for shader binding table calculations in the <<shader-binding-table-indexing-rules, Indexing Rules>> section, and use spelling "`any-hit`" consistently. * Reconcile valid usage statement and text for sampled image layouts in slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet ( * Make SPIR-V code:OpConvertUToPtr and code:OpConvertPtrToU operations require a 64-bit integer for physical storage buffer pointers in the <<spirvenv-module-validation, Validation Rules within a Module>> section. * Update to KaTeX 10.0. New Extensions: * `VK_EXT_filter_cubic` * `VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing`
2019-02-04 01:26:23 -08:00
include::../../generated/validity/structs/%s.txt[]""" % (PROTO, STRUCT)).numDiagnostics() == 1)
def test_refpage_unknown_attrib(ckr):
"""Check the REFPAGE_UNKNOWN_ATTRIB message."""
# Should not error: these are known attribute names
assert(not ckr.check(
# Should error: xref isn't an attribute name.
"[open,xref='']").numDiagnostics() == 1)
def test_refpage_self_xref(ckr):
"""Check the REFPAGE_SELF_XREF message."""
# Should not error: not self-referencing
assert(not ckr.check(
assert(not ckr.check(
# Should error: self-referencing isn't an attribute name.
ckr.check("[open,refpage='abc',xrefs='abc']")) == '')
ckr.check("[open,refpage='abc',xrefs='abc 123']")) == '123')
ckr.check("[open,refpage='abc',xrefs='123 abc']")) == '123')
def test_refpage_xref_dupe(ckr):
"""Check the REFPAGE_XREF_DUPE message."""
# Should not error: no dupes
assert(not ckr.check("[open,xrefs='']").messages)
assert(not ckr.check("[open,xrefs='123']").messages)
assert(not ckr.check("[open,xrefs='abc 123']").messages)
# Should error: one dupe.
ckr.check("[open,xrefs='abc abc']")) == 'abc')
ckr.check("[open,xrefs='abc abc']")) == 'abc')
ckr.check("[open,xrefs='abc abc abc']")) == 'abc')
ckr.check("[open,xrefs='abc 123 abc']")) == 'abc 123')
ckr.check("[open,xrefs='123 abc abc']")) == '123 abc')
"""Check the REFPAGE_WHITESPACE message."""
# Should not error: no extra whitspace
assert(not ckr.check("[open,xrefs='']").messages)
assert(not ckr.check("[open,xrefs='123']").messages)
assert(not ckr.check("[open,xrefs='abc 123']").messages)
# Should error: some extraneous whitespace.
ckr.check("[open,xrefs=' \t ']")) == '')
ckr.check("[open,xrefs=' abc 123 ']")) == 'abc 123')
ckr.check("[open,xrefs=' abc\t123 xyz ']")) == 'abc 123 xyz')
# Should *NOT* remove self-reference, just extra whitespace
ckr.check("[open,refpage='abc',xrefs=' abc 123 ']")) == 'abc 123')
# Even if we turn on the self-reference warning
ckr.enabled([MessageId.REFPAGE_WHITESPACE, MessageId.REFPAGE_SELF_XREF])
ckr.check("[open,refpage='abc',xrefs=' abc 123 ']"), 1) == 'abc 123')
def test_REFPAGE_DUPLICATE(ckr):
"""Check the REFPAGE_DUPLICATE message."""
# Should not error: no duplicate refpages.
assert(not ckr.check("[open,refpage='abc']").messages)
assert(not ckr.check("[open,refpage='123']").messages)
# Should error: repeated refpage
# Should error: repeated refpage with something intervening
def test_UNCLOSED_BLOCK(ckr):
"""Check the UNCLOSED_BLOCK message."""
# These should all have 0 errors
assert(not ckr.check("== Heading").messages)
assert(not ckr.check(
== Heading
assert(not ckr.check(
assert(not ckr.check(
this is code
assert(not ckr.check(
this is code
* this is in a box
Now we can close the ref page.
# These should all have 1 error because I removed a block close.
# Because some of them, the missing block close is an interior one, the stack might look weird,
# but it's still only 1 error - no matter how many are left unclosed.
== Heading""").numDiagnostics() == 1)
contents""").numDiagnostics() == 1)
this is code
****""").numDiagnostics() == 1)
this is code
----""").numDiagnostics() == 1)
this is code
* this is in a box
****""").numDiagnostics() == 1)
this is code
* this is in a box
--""").numDiagnostics() == 1)
this is code
* this is in a box
Now we can close the ref page.
--""").numDiagnostics() == 1)
this is code
* this is in a box
Now we can close the ref page.
--""").numDiagnostics() == 1)
this is code
* this is in a box""").numDiagnostics() == 1)
# This should have 0 errors of UNCLOSED_BLOCK: the missing opening -- should get automatically fake-inserted,
assert(not ckr.check(
== Heading
# Should have 1 error: block left open at end of file
bla""").numDiagnostics() == 1)
def test_code_block_tracking(ckr):
"""Check to make sure that no other messages get triggered in a code block."""
# Should have 1 error: not a valid entity
assert(ckr.check("slink:BogusStruct").numDiagnostics() == 1)
* slink:BogusStruct
****""").numDiagnostics() == 1)
# should have zero errors: the invalid entity is inside a code block,
# so it shouldn't be parsed.
# (In reality, it's mostly the MISSING_MACRO message that might interact with code block tracking,
# but this is easier to test in an API-agnostic way.)
assert(not ckr.check(
This code happens to include the characters slink:BogusStruct