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synced 2025-02-25 02:55:34 +00:00
Added property `textPixelSize` to be configurable in `StatusPickerButton`. Added signal `itemPickerChanged` to be directly notified when an item changes its selected property value. Updated `selected` property properly in `StatusListPicker`. Added new property `enableSelectableItem` to highlight an item when hovering. Some documentation improvements.
80 lines
2.1 KiB
80 lines
2.1 KiB
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import "../demoapp/data" 1.0
GridLayout {
id: root
columns: 1
rowSpacing: 150
GridLayout {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter
rows: 4
columns: 2
rowSpacing: 170
columnSpacing: 150
z: 100
StatusListPicker {
id: languagePicker
z: 100
inputList: Models.languagePickerModel
searchText: qsTr("Search Languages")
StatusListPicker {
id: languagePicker2
z: 100
inputList: Models.languageNoImagePickerModel
searchText: qsTr("Search Languages")
StatusListPicker {
id: currencyPicker
inputList: Models.currencyPickerModel
searchText: qsTr("Search Currencies")
multiSelection: true
StatusListPicker {
id: currencyPicker2
inputList: Models.currencyPickerModel2
searchText: qsTr("Search Currencies")
multiSelection: true
printSymbol: true
enableSelectableItem: false
StatusBaseText {
id: pageDesc
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter
height: 100
width: 500
text: "4 different configurations for the `StatusListPicker` component:\n
* Single selection. \n
* Single selection but dynamically changed to multiple selection (model provides multiple selected items).\n
* Multiple selection.\n
* Multiple selection and displayed name is the symbol + shortName\n"
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
font.pixelSize: 15
// Outsite area
MouseArea {
height: root.height
width: root.width
onClicked: {