Noelia 40db66f763 feat(StatusCommunityCard): New design
- Added community banner.
- Added community restrictions / private.
- Modified card background shape.
- Modified logo shape and position.
- Modified text position and size.
- Modified `loading state` card.
- Added `DropShadow` effect.
- Added new icons.
- Added new community images and updated model.
- Added numbers format function.
- Added following new properties: `banner`,`activeUsers` `communityColor`, `isPrivate` and `tokenLogo`.

Closes #692
2022-06-13 09:48:25 +02:00

157 lines
4.9 KiB

import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import "../demoapp/data" 1.0
ScrollView {
id: root
QtObject {
id: d
property ListModel featuredCommunitiesModel: Models.featuredCommunitiesModel
property ListModel popularCommunitiesModel: Models.curatedCommunitiesModel
property ListModel tagsModel: Models.tagsModel
property string searchText: ""
property int layoutVMargin: 70
property int layoutHMargin: 64
property int titlePixelSize: 28
property int subtitlePixelSize: 17
property int stylePadding: 16
function navigateToCommunity(communityId) {"Clicked community ID: " + communityId)
contentHeight: column.height + d.layoutVMargin
contentWidth: column.width + d.layoutHMargin
clip: true
ColumnLayout {
id: column
spacing: 18
StatusBaseText {
Layout.topMargin: d.layoutVMargin
Layout.leftMargin: d.layoutHMargin
text: qsTr("Find community")
font.weight: Font.Bold
font.pixelSize: d.titlePixelSize
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
// Tags definition - Now hidden - Out of scope
// TODO: Replace by `StatusListItemTagRow`
Row {
visible: d.tagsModel.count > 0
Layout.leftMargin: d.layoutHMargin
Layout.rightMargin: d.layoutHMargin
width: 1234 // by design
spacing: d.stylePadding/2
Repeater {
model: d.tagsModel
delegate: StatusListItemTag {
border.color: Theme.palette.baseColor2
color: "transparent"
height: 32
radius: 36
closeButtonVisible: false
icon.emoji: model.emoji
icon.height: 32
icon.width: icon.height
icon.color: "transparent"
icon.isLetterIdenticon: true
titleText.font.pixelSize: 15
titleText.color: Theme.palette.primaryColor1
StatusBaseText {
Layout.leftMargin: d.layoutHMargin
Layout.topMargin: 20
text: qsTr("Featured")
font.weight: Font.Bold
font.pixelSize: d.subtitlePixelSize
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
GridLayout {
id: featuredGrid
Layout.leftMargin: d.layoutHMargin
columns: 3
columnSpacing: d.stylePadding
rowSpacing: d.stylePadding
Repeater {
model: d.featuredCommunitiesModel
delegate: StatusCommunityCard {
locale: "es"
communityId: model.communityId
loaded: model.available
logo: model.logo
description: model.description
members: model.members
popularity: model.popularity
communityColor: model.communityColor
categories: ListModel {
ListElement { name: "sport"; emoji: "🎾"}
ListElement { name: "food"; emoji: "🥑"}
ListElement { name: "privacy"; emoji: "👻"}
onClicked: { d.navigateToCommunity(communityId) }
StatusBaseText {
Layout.leftMargin: d.layoutHMargin
Layout.topMargin: 20
text: qsTr("Popular")
font.weight: Font.Bold
font.pixelSize: d.subtitlePixelSize
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
GridLayout {
Layout.leftMargin: d.layoutHMargin
columns: 3
columnSpacing: d.stylePadding
rowSpacing: d.stylePadding
Repeater {
model: d.popularCommunitiesModel
delegate: StatusCommunityCard {
locale: "es"
communityId: model.communityId
loaded: model.available
logo: model.logo
description: model.description
members: model.members
activeUsers: model.activeUsers
popularity: model.popularity
tokenLogo: model.tokenLogo
isPrivate: model.isPrivate
banner: model.banner
onClicked: { d.navigateToCommunity(communityId) }