rewrote some logic, added the ability for bounties to be paid out infinitely (until deadline / funds run out)
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,16 +8,21 @@ pragma solidity ^0.4.8;
contract StandardBounty{
contract StandardBounty{
address public issuer; //the creator of the bounty
address public issuer; //the creator of the bounty
//is this needed?
uint public bountyStage; // the stage of the bounty: 0 for draft, 1 for active, 2 for fulfilled, 3 for dead bounties (past deadline with no accepted fulfillments)
uint public bountyStage; // the stage of the bounty: 0 for draft, 1 for active, 2 for fulfilled, 3 for dead bounties (past deadline with no accepted fulfillments)
uint public deadline; //unix timestamp for deadline
uint public deadline; //unix timestamp for deadline
string public data; //data representing the requirements for the bounty, and any associated files - this is commonly an IPFS hash but in reality could be anything the bounty creator desires
string public data; //data representing the requirements for the bounty, and any associated files - this is commonly an IPFS hash but in reality could be anything the bounty creator desires
uint public fulfillmentAmount; // the amount of wei to be rewarded to the user who fulfills the bounty
uint public fulfillmentAmount; // the amount of wei to be rewarded to the user who fulfills the bounty
bool public fulfillmentApproval; // whether or not a fulfillment must be approved before the bounty can be claimed
bool public fulfillmentApproval; // whether or not a fulfillment must be approved before the bounty can be claimed
Fulfillment[] public fulfillments; // the list of submitted fulfillments
Fulfillment[] public fulfillments; // the list of submitted fulfillments
uint public numFulfillments;
uint public numFulfillments;
Fulfillment public selected;
Fulfillment[] public accepted;
uint public numAccepted;
@ -28,9 +33,19 @@ contract StandardBounty{
string dataType;
string dataType;
function Bounty(uint _deadline, string _data, uint _fulfillmentAmount, bool _fulfillmentApproval) payable {
instantiates a new draft bounty, activating it if sufficient funds exist to pay out the bounty
_deadline: the unix timestamp after which fulfillments will no longer be accepted
_data: the requirements of the bounty
_fulfillmentAmount: the amount of wei to be paid out for each successful fulfillment
_fulfillmentApproval: whether or not a fulfillment must be approved for one to claim the reward
_activateNow: Whether the issuer wishes to activate the bounty now (assuming sufficient funds are held) or wait until a later date to activate it
function Bounty(uint _deadline, string _data, uint _fulfillmentAmount, bool _fulfillmentApproval, bool _activateNow) payable {
issuer = msg.sender;
issuer = msg.sender;
bountyStage = 0;
bountyStage = 0; //automatically in draft stage
deadline = _deadline;
deadline = _deadline;
data = _data;
data = _data;
@ -39,67 +54,81 @@ contract StandardBounty{
fulfillmentAmount = _fulfillmentAmount;
fulfillmentAmount = _fulfillmentAmount;
numFulfillments = 0;
numFulfillments = 0;
numSelected = 0;
if (msg.value >= (_fulfillmentAmount) && _activateNow){
if (msg.value > 0){
bountyStage = 1; // Sender supplied bounty with sufficient funds
if (msg.value != (_fulfillmentAmount)){
fulfillmentApproval = _fulfillmentApproval;
bountyStage = 1;
function activateBounty(uint _fulfillmentAmount) payable {
if (bountyStage != 0 ||
msg.sender != issuer ||
adds more funds to a bounty so it may continue to pay out to fulfillers
(msg.value + this.balance) < _fulfillmentAmount) throw;
function addFundsToActivateBounty() payable {
fulfillmentAmount = _fulfillmentAmount;
if (block.timestamp >= deadline) throw;
bountyStage = 1;
if (this.balance >= fulfillmentAmount && msg.sender == issuer){
bountyStage = 1;
submit a fulfillment for the given bounty, while also claiming the reward (if approval isn't required)
_data: the data artifacts representing the fulfillment of the bounty
_dataType: a meaningful description of the type of data the fulfillment represents
function fulfillBounty(string _data, string _dataType){
function fulfillBounty(string _data, string _dataType){
if (msg.sender == issuer && block.timestamp < deadline) {
if (msg.sender != issuer || block.timestamp > deadline) throw;
fulfillments[numFulfillments] = Fulfillment({data: _data,
dataType: _dataType,
fulfuller: msg.sender});
numFulfillments ++;
numFulfillments ++;
Fulfillment newFul = fulfillments[numFulfillments];
|||||| = _data;
newFul.dataType = _dataType;
newFul.fulfiller = msg.sender;
} else {
if (!fulfillmentApproval){
if (!msg.sender.send(fulfillmentAmount)) throw;
if (this.balance < fulfillmentAmount){
bountyStage = 2;
accept a given fulfillment, and send the fulfiller their owed funds
fulNum: the index of the fulfillment being accepted
function acceptFulfillment(uint fulNum){
function acceptFulfillment(uint fulNum){
if (msg.sender!= issuer) throw;
if (msg.sender!= issuer) throw;
if (bountyStage != 1) throw;
if (bountyStage != 1) throw;
if (fulNum >= numFulfillments) throw;
if (fulNum >= numFulfillments) throw;
selected = fulfillments[fulNum];
accepted[numSelected] = fulfillments[fulNum];
bountyStage = 2;
numSelected ++;
if (!fulfillments[fulNum].fulfiller.send(fulfillmentAmount)) throw;
function claimBounty(uint fulNum){
if (!fulfillmentApproval){
} else {
if (this.balance < fulfillmentAmount){
if (msg.sender != selected.fulfiller) throw;
bountyStage = 2;
if (!issuer.send(this.balance)) throw;
if (!msg.sender.send(fulfillmentAmount)) throw;
drains the contract of it's remaining funds, and moves the bounty into stage 3 (dead)
since it was either killed in draft stage, or never accepted any fulfillments
function reclaimBounty(){
function reclaimBounty(){
if (msg.sender!= issuer) throw;
if (bountyStage != 1) throw;
if (!msg.sender.send(this.balance)) throw;
if (bountyStage == 0 || bountyStage == 1){
bountyStage = 3;
bountyStage = 3;
if (!issuer.send(this.balance)) throw;
Reference in New Issue