Tweaked TypeScript code to change 'let' declarations to 'const' wherever possible; but avoiding variables where objects are internally mutated (i.e. strict C++/Rust-style constness).

This commit is contained in:
Project Nayuki 2018-11-01 17:52:48 +00:00
parent 313b93d5b0
commit a24466089b

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@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
// QR Code version is automatically chosen for the output. The ECC level of the result may be higher than the
// ecl argument if it can be done without increasing the version.
public static encodeText(text: string, ecl: QrCode.Ecc): QrCode {
let segs: Array<QrSegment> = qrcodegen.QrSegment.makeSegments(text);
const segs: Array<QrSegment> = qrcodegen.QrSegment.makeSegments(text);
return QrCode.encodeSegments(segs, ecl);
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
// bytes allowed is 2953. The smallest possible QR Code version is automatically chosen for the output.
// The ECC level of the result may be higher than the ecl argument if it can be done without increasing the version.
public static encodeBinary(data: Array<byte>, ecl: QrCode.Ecc): QrCode {
let seg: QrSegment = qrcodegen.QrSegment.makeBytes(data);
const seg: QrSegment = qrcodegen.QrSegment.makeBytes(data);
return QrCode.encodeSegments([seg], ecl);
@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
let version: int;
let dataUsedBits: int;
for (version = minVersion; ; version++) {
let dataCapacityBits: int = QrCode.getNumDataCodewords(version, ecl) * 8; // Number of data bits available
let usedBits: number = QrSegment.getTotalBits(segs, version);
const dataCapacityBits: int = QrCode.getNumDataCodewords(version, ecl) * 8; // Number of data bits available
const usedBits: number = QrSegment.getTotalBits(segs, version);
if (usedBits <= dataCapacityBits) {
dataUsedBits = usedBits;
break; // This version number is found to be suitable
@ -108,24 +108,24 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
// Increase the error correction level while the data still fits in the current version number
for (let newEcl of [QrCode.Ecc.MEDIUM, QrCode.Ecc.QUARTILE, QrCode.Ecc.HIGH]) { // From low to high
for (const newEcl of [QrCode.Ecc.MEDIUM, QrCode.Ecc.QUARTILE, QrCode.Ecc.HIGH]) { // From low to high
if (boostEcl && dataUsedBits <= QrCode.getNumDataCodewords(version, newEcl) * 8)
ecl = newEcl;
// Concatenate all segments to create the data bit string
let bb = new BitBuffer();
for (let seg of segs) {
for (const seg of segs) {
bb.appendBits(seg.mode.modeBits, 4);
bb.appendBits(seg.numChars, seg.mode.numCharCountBits(version));
for (let b of seg.getData())
for (const b of seg.getData())
if (bb.length != dataUsedBits)
throw "Assertion error";
// Add terminator and pad up to a byte if applicable
let dataCapacityBits: int = QrCode.getNumDataCodewords(version, ecl) * 8;
const dataCapacityBits: int = QrCode.getNumDataCodewords(version, ecl) * 8;
if (bb.length > dataCapacityBits)
throw "Assertion error";
bb.appendBits(0, Math.min(4, dataCapacityBits - bb.length));
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
// Compute ECC, draw modules
let allCodewords: Array<byte> = this.addEccAndInterleave(dataCodewords);
const allCodewords: Array<byte> = this.addEccAndInterleave(dataCodewords);
// Do masking
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
let penalty: int = this.getPenaltyScore();
const penalty: int = this.getPenaltyScore();
if (penalty < minPenalty) {
mask = i;
minPenalty = penalty;
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
public drawCanvas(scale: int, border: int, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement): void {
if (scale <= 0 || border < 0)
throw "Value out of range";
let width: int = (this.size + border * 2) * scale;
const width: int = (this.size + border * 2) * scale;
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = width;
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d") as CanvasRenderingContext2D;
@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
this.drawFinderPattern(3, this.size - 4);
// Draw numerous alignment patterns
let alignPatPos: Array<int> = this.getAlignmentPatternPositions();
let numAlign: int = alignPatPos.length;
const alignPatPos: Array<int> = this.getAlignmentPatternPositions();
const numAlign: int = alignPatPos.length;
for (let i = 0; i < numAlign; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < numAlign; j++) {
// Don't draw on the three finder corners
@ -361,9 +361,9 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
// Draw two copies
for (let i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
let bt: boolean = getBit(bits, i);
let a: int = this.size - 11 + i % 3;
let b: int = Math.floor(i / 3);
const bt: boolean = getBit(bits, i);
const a: int = this.size - 11 + i % 3;
const b: int = Math.floor(i / 3);
this.setFunctionModule(a, b, bt);
this.setFunctionModule(b, a, bt);
@ -375,9 +375,9 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
private drawFinderPattern(x: int, y: int): void {
for (let dy = -4; dy <= 4; dy++) {
for (let dx = -4; dx <= 4; dx++) {
let dist: int = Math.max(Math.abs(dx), Math.abs(dy)); // Chebyshev/infinity norm
let xx: int = x + dx;
let yy: int = y + dy;
const dist: int = Math.max(Math.abs(dx), Math.abs(dy)); // Chebyshev/infinity norm
const xx: int = x + dx;
const yy: int = y + dy;
if (0 <= xx && xx < this.size && 0 <= yy && yy < this.size)
this.setFunctionModule(xx, yy, dist != 2 && dist != 4);
@ -414,19 +414,19 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
throw "Invalid argument";
// Calculate parameter numbers
let numBlocks: int = QrCode.NUM_ERROR_CORRECTION_BLOCKS[ecl.ordinal][ver];
let blockEccLen: int = QrCode.ECC_CODEWORDS_PER_BLOCK [ecl.ordinal][ver];
let rawCodewords: int = Math.floor(QrCode.getNumRawDataModules(ver) / 8);
let numShortBlocks: int = numBlocks - rawCodewords % numBlocks;
let shortBlockLen: int = Math.floor(rawCodewords / numBlocks);
const numBlocks: int = QrCode.NUM_ERROR_CORRECTION_BLOCKS[ecl.ordinal][ver];
const blockEccLen: int = QrCode.ECC_CODEWORDS_PER_BLOCK [ecl.ordinal][ver];
const rawCodewords: int = Math.floor(QrCode.getNumRawDataModules(ver) / 8);
const numShortBlocks: int = numBlocks - rawCodewords % numBlocks;
const shortBlockLen: int = Math.floor(rawCodewords / numBlocks);
// Split data into blocks and append ECC to each block
let blocks: Array<Array<byte>> = [];
let rs = new ReedSolomonGenerator(blockEccLen);
const rs = new ReedSolomonGenerator(blockEccLen);
for (let i = 0, k = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) {
let dat: Array<byte> = data.slice(k, k + shortBlockLen - blockEccLen + (i < numShortBlocks ? 0 : 1));
k += dat.length;
let ecc: Array<byte> = rs.getRemainder(dat);
const ecc: Array<byte> = rs.getRemainder(dat);
if (i < numShortBlocks)
@ -459,9 +459,9 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
right = 5;
for (let vert = 0; vert < this.size; vert++) { // Vertical counter
for (let j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
let x: int = right - j; // Actual x coordinate
let upward: boolean = ((right + 1) & 2) == 0;
let y: int = upward ? this.size - 1 - vert : vert; // Actual y coordinate
const x: int = right - j; // Actual x coordinate
const upward: boolean = ((right + 1) & 2) == 0;
const y: int = upward ? this.size - 1 - vert : vert; // Actual y coordinate
if (!this.isFunction[y][x] && i < data.length * 8) {
this.modules[y][x] = getBit(data[i >>> 3], 7 - (i & 7));
@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
// 2*2 blocks of modules having same color
for (let y = 0; y < this.size - 1; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < this.size - 1; x++) {
let color: boolean = this.modules[y][x];
const color: boolean = this.modules[y][x];
if ( color == this.modules[y][x + 1] &&
color == this.modules[y + 1][x] &&
color == this.modules[y + 1][x + 1])
@ -576,15 +576,15 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
// Balance of black and white modules
let black: int = 0;
for (let row of this.modules) {
for (let color of row) {
for (const row of this.modules) {
for (const color of row) {
if (color)
let total: int = this.size * this.size; // Note that size is odd, so black/total != 1/2
const total: int = this.size * this.size; // Note that size is odd, so black/total != 1/2
// Compute the smallest integer k >= 0 such that (45-5k)% <= black/total <= (55+5k)%
let k: int = Math.ceil(Math.abs(black * 20 - total * 10) / total) - 1;
const k: int = Math.ceil(Math.abs(black * 20 - total * 10) / total) - 1;
result += k * QrCode.PENALTY_N4;
return result;
@ -599,8 +599,8 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
if (this.version == 1)
return [];
else {
let numAlign: int = Math.floor(this.version / 7) + 2;
let step: int = (this.version == 32) ? 26 :
const numAlign: int = Math.floor(this.version / 7) + 2;
const step: int = (this.version == 32) ? 26 :
Math.ceil((this.size - 13) / (numAlign*2 - 2)) * 2;
let result: Array<int> = [6];
for (let pos = this.size - 7; result.length < numAlign; pos -= step)
@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
throw "Version number out of range";
let result: int = (16 * ver + 128) * ver + 64;
if (ver >= 2) {
let numAlign: int = Math.floor(ver / 7) + 2;
const numAlign: int = Math.floor(ver / 7) + 2;
result -= (25 * numAlign - 10) * numAlign - 55;
if (ver >= 7)
result -= 36;
@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
// can be converted to UTF-8 bytes and encoded as a byte mode segment.
public static makeBytes(data: Array<byte>): QrSegment {
let bb = new BitBuffer();
for (let b of data)
for (const b of data)
bb.appendBits(b, 8);
return new QrSegment(QrSegment.Mode.BYTE, data.length, bb);
@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
throw "String contains non-numeric characters";
let bb = new BitBuffer();
for (let i = 0; i < digits.length; ) { // Consume up to 3 digits per iteration
let n: int = Math.min(digits.length - i, 3);
const n: int = Math.min(digits.length - i, 3);
bb.appendBits(parseInt(digits.substr(i, n), 10), n * 3 + 1);
i += n;
@ -827,8 +827,8 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
// the given version. The result is infinity if a segment has too many characters to fit its length field.
public static getTotalBits(segs: Array<QrSegment>, version: int): number {
let result: number = 0;
for (let seg of segs) {
let ccbits: int = seg.mode.numCharCountBits(version);
for (const seg of segs) {
const ccbits: int = seg.mode.numCharCountBits(version);
if (seg.numChars >= (1 << ccbits))
return Infinity; // The segment's length doesn't fit the field's bit width
result += 4 + ccbits + seg.bitData.length;
@ -922,8 +922,8 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
public getRemainder(data: Array<byte>): Array<byte> {
// Compute the remainder by performing polynomial division
let result: Array<byte> = => 0);
for (let b of data) {
let factor: byte = b ^ (result.shift() as int);
for (const b of data) {
const factor: byte = b ^ (result.shift() as int);
for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
result[i] ^= ReedSolomonGenerator.multiply(this.coefficients[i], factor);