ifdef::env-github[] :note-caption: :information_source: endif::[] = OpenXR™ API Documentation Project This repository contains sources for the formal documentation of the OpenXR API. This includes: [options="compact"] * the OpenXR API Specification * OpenXR header files (generated from the specification) * related tools and scripts. The authoritative public repository is located at https://github.com/KhronosGroup/OpenXR-Docs/. It hosts public Issue tracker, and accepts patches (Pull Requests) from the general public. == Directory Structure The directory structure is as follows: ``` README.adoc This file COPYING.md Copyright and licensing information CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Code of Conduct specification/ Specification - files to generate the spec include/openxr/ OpenXR headers, generated from the Registry ``` == Building the Specification and Reference Pages, and Regenerating Headers The document sources are marked up in Asciidoctor format, and we use `asciidoctor` and related toolchain components to generate output documents. See link:specification/README.md[specification/README.md] for more information on installing the toolchain and building the Specification.