
642 lines
26 KiB

proc initRefNodeData(p: pointer): RefNodeData =
result.p = p
result.count = 1
result.anchor = yAnchorNone
proc newConstructionContext(): ConstructionContext =
result.refs = initTable[AnchorId, pointer]()
proc newSerializationContext(s: AnchorStyle): SerializationContext =
result.refs = initTable[pointer, AnchorId]() = s
result.nextAnchorId = 0.AnchorId
proc initSerializationTagLibrary(): TagLibrary {.raises: [].} =
result = initTagLibrary()
result.tags["!"] = yTagExclamationMark
result.tags["?"] = yTagQuestionMark
result.tags[",2002:str"] = yTagString
result.tags[",2002:null"] = yTagNull
result.tags[",2002:bool"] = yTagBoolean
result.tags[",2002:float"] = yTagFloat
result.tags[",2002:timestamp"] = yTagTimestamp
result.tags[",2002:value"] = yTagValue
result.tags[",2002:binary"] = yTagBinary
serializationTagLibrary* = initSerializationTagLibrary() ## \
## contains all local tags that are used for type serialization. Does
## not contain any of the specific default tags for sequences or maps,
## as those are not suited for Nim's static type system.
## Should not be modified manually. Will be extended by
## `serializable <#serializable,stmt,stmt>`_.
template presentTag*(t: typedesc, ts: TagStyle): TagId =
if ts == tsNone: yTagQuestionMark else: yamlTag(t)
template setTagUriForType*(t: typedesc, uri: string): stmt =
## Associate the given uri with a certain type. This uri is used as YAML tag
## when loading and dumping values of this type.
let id {.gensym.} = serializationTagLibrary.registerUri(uri)
proc yamlTag*(T: typedesc[t]): TagId {.inline, raises: [].} = id
## autogenerated
template setTagUriForType*(t: typedesc, uri: string, idName: expr): stmt =
## Like `setTagUriForType <#setTagUriForType,typedesc,string>`_, but lets
## you choose a symbol for the `TagId <#TagId>`_ of the uri. This is only
## necessary if you want to implement serialization / construction yourself.
let idName* = serializationTagLibrary.registerUri(uri)
proc yamlTag*(T: typedesc[t]): TagId {.inline, raises: [].} =
## autogenerated
setTagUriForType(char, "!nim:system:char", yTagNimChar)
setTagUriForType(int8, "!nim:system:int8", yTagNimInt8)
setTagUriForType(int16, "!nim:system:int16", yTagNimInt16)
setTagUriForType(int32, "!nim:system:int32", yTagNimInt32)
setTagUriForType(int64, "!nim:system:int64", yTagNimInt64)
setTagUriForType(uint8, "!nim:system:uint8", yTagNimUInt8)
setTagUriForType(uint16, "!nim:system:uint16", yTagNimUInt16)
setTagUriForType(uint32, "!nim:system:uint32", yTagNimUInt32)
setTagUriForType(uint64, "!nim:system:uint64", yTagNimUInt64)
setTagUriForType(float32, "!nim:system:float32", yTagNimFloat32)
setTagUriForType(float64, "!nim:system:float64", yTagNimFloat64)
proc lazyLoadTag*(uri: string): TagId {.inline, raises: [].} =
## Internal function. Do not call explicitly.
result = serializationTagLibrary.tags[uri]
except KeyError:
result = serializationTagLibrary.registerUri(uri)
proc safeTagUri*(id: TagId): string {.raises: [].} =
## Internal function. Do not call explicitly.
let uri = serializationTagLibrary.uri(id)
if uri.len > 0 and uri[0] == '!':
return uri[1..uri.len - 1]
else: return uri
except KeyError:
# cannot happen (theoretically, you known)
template constructScalarItem*(bs: var YamlStream, item: YamlStreamEvent,
name: string, content: stmt) =
item =
if item.kind != yamlScalar:
raise newException(YamlConstructionError, "Expected scalar")
try: content
except YamlConstructionError: raise
except Exception:
var e = newException(YamlConstructionError,
"Cannot construct to " & name & ": " & item.scalarContent)
e.parent = getCurrentException()
raise e
proc constructChild*[T](s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext,
result: var T)
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
## Used for implementing ``constructObject`` on a non-scalar type. Call it
## for constructing child values of the object that is constructed. It will
## ensure correct tag and anchor on the input stream for the child object
## and then call ``constructObject`` on the child object.
proc constructChild*[O](s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext,
result: var ref O)
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
## Used for implementing ``constructObject`` on a non-scalar type. Call it
## for constructing child values of the object that is constructed. It will
## handle anchors, aliases and nil values, and then call ``constructChild``
## on the base type.
proc yamlTag*(T: typedesc[string]): TagId {.inline, noSideEffect, raises: [].} =
proc constructObject*(s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext,
result: var string)
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].} =
var item: YamlStreamEvent
constructScalarItem(s, item, "string"):
result = item.scalarContent
proc representObject*(value: string, ts: TagStyle = tsNone,
c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.raises: [].} =
result = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent =
yield scalarEvent(value, presentTag(string, ts), yAnchorNone)
proc constructObject*[T: int8|int16|int32|int64](
s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext, result: var T)
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].} =
var item: YamlStreamEvent
constructScalarItem(s, item, name(T)):
result = T(parseBiggestInt(item.scalarContent))
template constructObject*(s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext,
result: var int) =
{.fatal: "The length of `int` is platform dependent. Use int[8|16|32|64].".}
proc representObject*[T: int8|int16|int32|int64](
value: T, ts: TagStyle = tsNone, c: SerializationContext):
RawYamlStream {.raises: [].} =
result = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent =
yield scalarEvent($value, presentTag(T, ts), yAnchorNone)
template representObject*(value: int, tagStyle: TagStyle,
c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream =
{.fatal: "The length of `int` is platform dependent. Use int[8|16|32|64].".}
{.push overflowChecks: on.}
proc parseBiggestUInt(s: string): uint64 =
result = 0
for c in s:
if c in {'0'..'9'}:
result *= 10.uint64 + (uint64(c) - uint64('0'))
elif c == '_':
raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid char in uint: " & c)
proc constructObject*[T: uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64](
s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext, result: var T)
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].} =
var item: YamlStreamEvent
constructScalarItem(s, item, name[T]):
result = T(parseBiggestUInt(item.scalarContent))
template constructObject*(s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext,
result: var uint) =
"The length of `uint` is platform dependent. Use uint[8|16|32|64].".}
proc representObject*[T: uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64](
value: T, ts: TagStyle, c: SerializationContext):
RawYamlStream {.raises: [].} =
result = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent =
yield scalarEvent($value, presentTag(T, ts), yAnchorNone)
template representObject*(value: uint, ts: TagStyle, c: SerializationContext):
RawYamlStream =
"The length of `uint` is platform dependent. Use uint[8|16|32|64].".}
proc constructObject*[T: float32|float64](
s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext, result: var T)
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].} =
var item: YamlStreamEvent
constructScalarItem(s, item, name(T)):
let hint = guessType(item.scalarContent)
case hint
of yTypeFloat:
result = T(parseBiggestFloat(item.scalarContent))
of yTypeFloatInf:
if item.scalarContent[0] == '-':
result = NegInf
result = Inf
of yTypeFloatNaN:
result = NaN
raise newException(YamlConstructionError,
"Cannot construct to float: " & item.scalarContent)
template constructObject*(s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext,
result: var float) =
{.fatal: "The length of `float` is platform dependent. Use float[32|64].".}
proc representObject*[T: float32|float64](value: T, ts: TagStyle,
c: SerializationContext):
RawYamlStream {.raises: [].} =
result = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent =
asString: string
case value
of Inf: asString = ".inf"
of NegInf: asString = "-.inf"
of NaN: asString = ".nan"
else: asString = $value
yield scalarEvent(asString, presentTag(T, ts), yAnchorNone)
template representObject*(value: float, tagStyle: TagStyle,
c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream =
{.fatal: "The length of `float` is platform dependent. Use float[32|64].".}
proc yamlTag*(T: typedesc[bool]): TagId {.inline, raises: [].} = yTagBoolean
proc constructObject*(s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext,
result: var bool)
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].} =
var item: YamlStreamEvent
constructScalarItem(s, item, "bool"):
case guessType(item.scalarContent)
of yTypeBoolTrue:
result = true
of yTypeBoolFalse:
result = false
raise newException(YamlConstructionError,
"Cannot construct to bool: " & item.scalarContent)
proc representObject*(value: bool, ts: TagStyle,
c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.raises: [].} =
result = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent =
yield scalarEvent(if value: "y" else: "n", presentTag(bool, ts),
proc constructObject*(s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext,
result: var char)
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].} =
var item: YamlStreamEvent
constructScalarItem(s, item, "char"):
if item.scalarContent.len != 1:
raise newException(YamlConstructionError,
"Cannot construct to char (length != 1): " &
result = item.scalarContent[0]
proc representObject*(value: char, ts: TagStyle,
c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.raises: [].} =
result = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent =
yield scalarEvent("" & value, presentTag(char, ts), yAnchorNone)
proc yamlTag*[I](T: typedesc[seq[I]]): TagId {.inline, raises: [].} =
let uri = "!nim:system:seq(" & safeTagUri(yamlTag(I)) & ")"
result = lazyLoadTag(uri)
proc constructObject*[T](s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext,
result: var seq[T])
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].} =
let event =
if event.kind != yamlStartSequence:
raise newException(YamlConstructionError, "Expected sequence start")
result = newSeq[T]()
while s.peek().kind != yamlEndSequence:
var item: T
constructChild(s, c, item)
proc representObject*[T](value: seq[T], ts: TagStyle,
c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.raises: [].} =
result = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent =
let childTagStyle = if ts == tsRootOnly: tsNone else: ts
yield YamlStreamEvent(kind: yamlStartSequence,
seqTag: presentTag(seq[T], ts),
seqAnchor: yAnchorNone)
for item in value:
var events = representObject(item, childTagStyle, c)
while true:
let event = events()
if finished(events): break
yield event
yield YamlStreamEvent(kind: yamlEndSequence)
proc yamlTag*[K, V](T: typedesc[Table[K, V]]): TagId {.inline, raises: [].} =
let uri = "!nim:tables:Table(" & safeTagUri(yamlTag(K)) & "," &
safeTagUri(yamlTag(V)) & ")"
result = lazyLoadTag(uri)
except KeyError:
# cannot happen (theoretically, you known)
proc constructObject*[K, V](s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext,
result: var Table[K, V])
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].} =
let event =
if event.kind != yamlStartMap:
raise newException(YamlConstructionError, "Expected map start, got " &
result = initTable[K, V]()
while s.peek.kind != yamlEndMap:
key: K
value: V
constructChild(s, c, key)
constructChild(s, c, value)
result[key] = value
proc representObject*[K, V](value: Table[K, V], ts: TagStyle,
c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.raises:[].} =
result = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent =
let childTagStyle = if ts == tsRootOnly: tsNone else: ts
yield YamlStreamEvent(kind: yamlStartMap,
mapTag: presentTag(Table[K, V], ts),
mapAnchor: yAnchorNone)
for key, value in value.pairs:
var events = representObject(key, childTagStyle, c)
while true:
let event = events()
if finished(events): break
yield event
events = representObject(value, childTagStyle, c)
while true:
let event = events()
if finished(events): break
yield event
yield YamlStreamEvent(kind: yamlEndMap)
template yamlTag*(T: typedesc[object|enum]): expr =
var uri = when compiles(yamlTagId(T)): yamlTagId(T) else:
"!nim:custom:" & (
except KeyError:
template yamlTag*(T: typedesc[tuple]): expr =
i: T
uri = "!nim:tuple("
first = true
for name, value in fieldPairs(i):
if first: first = false
else: uri.add(",")
try: serializationTagLibrary.tags[uri]
except KeyError: serializationTagLibrary.registerUri(uri)
proc constructObject*[O: object|tuple](s: var YamlStream,
c: ConstructionContext,
result: var O)
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].} =
let e =
if e.kind != yamlStartMap:
raise newException(YamlConstructionError, "Expected map start, got " &
while s.peek.kind != yamlEndMap:
let e =
if e.kind != yamlScalar:
raise newException(YamlConstructionError,
"Expected field name, got " & $e.kind)
let name = e.scalarContent
for fname, value in fieldPairs(result):
if fname == name:
constructChild(s, c, value)
proc representObject*[O: object|tuple](value: O, ts: TagStyle,
c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.raises: [].} =
result = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent =
let childTagStyle = if ts == tsRootOnly: tsNone else: ts
yield startMapEvent(presentTag(O, ts), yAnchorNone)
for name, value in fieldPairs(value):
yield scalarEvent(name, presentTag(string, childTagStyle),
var events = representObject(value, childTagStyle, c)
while true:
let event = events()
if finished(events): break
yield event
yield endMapEvent()
proc constructObject*[O: enum](s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext,
result: var O)
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].} =
let e =
if e.kind != yamlScalar:
raise newException(YamlConstructionError, "Expected scalar, got " &
try: result = parseEnum[O](e.scalarContent)
except ValueError:
var ex = newException(YamlConstructionError, "Cannot parse '" &
e.scalarContent & "' as " & type(O).name)
ex.parent = getCurrentException()
raise ex
proc representObject*[O: enum](value: O, ts: TagStyle,
c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.raises: [].} =
result = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent =
yield scalarEvent($value, presentTag(O, ts), yAnchorNone)
proc yamlTag*[O](T: typedesc[ref O]): TagId {.inline, raises: [].} = yamlTag(O)
proc constructChild*[T](s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext,
result: var T) =
let item = s.peek()
case item.kind
of yamlScalar:
if item.scalarTag notin [yTagQuestionMark, yTagExclamationMark,
raise newException(YamlConstructionError, "Wrong tag for " &
elif item.scalarAnchor != yAnchorNone:
raise newException(YamlConstructionError, "Anchor on non-ref type")
of yamlStartMap:
if item.mapTag notin [yTagQuestionMark, yamlTag(T)]:
raise newException(YamlConstructionError, "Wrong tag for " &
elif item.mapAnchor != yAnchorNone:
raise newException(YamlConstructionError, "Anchor on non-ref type")
of yamlStartSequence:
if item.seqTag notin [yTagQuestionMark, yamlTag(T)]:
raise newException(YamlConstructionError, "Wrong tag for " &
elif item.seqAnchor != yAnchorNone:
raise newException(YamlConstructionError, "Anchor on non-ref type")
else: assert false
constructObject(s, c, result)
proc constructChild*[O](s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext,
result: var ref O) =
var e = s.peek()
if e.kind == yamlScalar:
if e.scalarTag == yTagNull or (
e.scalarTag == yTagQuestionMark and
guessType(e.scalarContent) == yTypeNull):
result = nil
elif e.kind == yamlAlias:
result = cast[ref O](c.refs[e.aliasTarget])
except KeyError:
template removeAnchor(anchor: var AnchorId) {.dirty.} =
if anchor != yAnchorNone:
assert(not c.refs.hasKey(anchor))
c.refs[anchor] = cast[pointer](result)
anchor = yAnchorNone
case e.kind
of yamlScalar: removeAnchor(e.scalarAnchor)
of yamlStartMap: removeAnchor(e.mapAnchor)
of yamlStartSequence: removeAnchor(e.seqAnchor)
else: assert(false)
s.peek = e
constructChild(s, c, result[])
except YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError, AssertionError:
except Exception:
var e = newException(YamlStreamError,
e.parent = getCurrentException()
raise e
proc representObject*[O](value: ref O, ts: TagStyle, c: SerializationContext):
RawYamlStream {.raises: [].} =
if value == nil:
result = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent =
yield scalarEvent("~", yTagNull)
elif == asNone:
result = representObject(value[], ts, c)
let p = cast[pointer](value)
if c.refs.hasKey(p):
if c.refs[p] == yAnchorNone:
c.refs[p] = c.nextAnchorId
c.nextAnchorId = AnchorId(int(c.nextAnchorId) + 1)
except KeyError: assert false, "Can never happen"
result = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent {.raises: [].} =
var event: YamlStreamEvent
try: event = aliasEvent(c.refs[p])
except KeyError: assert false, "Can never happen"
yield event
if == asAlways:
c.refs[p] = c.nextAnchorId
c.nextAnchorId = AnchorId(int(c.nextAnchorId) + 1)
else: c.refs[p] = yAnchorNone
a = if == asAlways: c.refs[p] else: cast[AnchorId](p)
childTagStyle = if ts == tsAll: tsAll else: tsRootOnly
result = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent =
var child = representObject(value[], childTagStyle, c)
var first = child()
assert(not finished(child))
case first.kind
of yamlStartMap:
first.mapAnchor = a
if ts == tsNone: first.mapTag = yTagQuestionMark
of yamlStartSequence:
first.seqAnchor = a
if ts == tsNone: first.seqTag = yTagQuestionMark
of yamlScalar:
first.scalarAnchor = a
if ts == tsNone and guessType(first.scalarContent) != yTypeNull:
first.scalarTag = yTagQuestionMark
else: discard
yield first
while true:
let event = child()
if finished(child): break
yield event
except KeyError: assert false, "Can never happen"
proc construct*[T](s: var YamlStream, target: var T)
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].} =
## Construct a Nim value from a YAML stream.
context = newConstructionContext()
var e =
assert(e.kind == yamlStartDocument)
constructChild(s, context, target)
e =
assert(e.kind == yamlEndDocument)
except YamlConstructionError:
raise (ref YamlConstructionError)(getCurrentException())
except YamlStreamError:
raise (ref YamlStreamError)(getCurrentException())
except AssertionError:
raise (ref AssertionError)(getCurrentException())
except Exception:
# may occur while calling s()
var ex = newException(YamlStreamError, "")
ex.parent = getCurrentException()
raise ex
proc load*[K](input: Stream, target: var K)
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, IOError, YamlParserError].} =
## Load a Nim value from a YAML character stream.
parser = newYamlParser(serializationTagLibrary)
events = parser.parse(input)
construct(events, target)
except YamlConstructionError:
var e = (ref YamlConstructionError)(getCurrentException())
e.line = parser.getLineNumber()
e.column = parser.getColNumber()
e.lineContent = parser.getLineContent()
raise e
except YamlStreamError:
let e = (ref YamlStreamError)(getCurrentException())
if e.parent of IOError:
raise (ref IOError)(e.parent)
elif e.parent of YamlParserError:
raise (ref YamlParserError)(e.parent)
proc setAnchor(a: var AnchorId, q: var Table[pointer, AnchorId])
{.inline.} =
if a != yAnchorNone:
try:a = q[cast[pointer](a)]
except KeyError: assert false, "Can never happen"
proc represent*[T](value: T, ts: TagStyle = tsRootOnly,
a: AnchorStyle = asTidy): YamlStream {.raises: [].} =
## Represent a Nim value as ``YamlStream``.
context = newSerializationContext(a)
objStream = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent =
yield YamlStreamEvent(kind: yamlStartDocument)
var events = representObject(value, ts, context)
while true:
let e = events()
if finished(events): break
yield e
yield YamlStreamEvent(kind: yamlEndDocument)
if a == asTidy:
var objQueue = newSeq[YamlStreamEvent]()
for event in objStream():
except Exception:
var backend = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent =
for i in countup(0, objQueue.len - 1):
var event = objQueue[i]
case event.kind
of yamlStartMap:
of yamlStartSequence:
of yamlScalar:
else: discard
yield event
result = initYamlStream(backend)
result = initYamlStream(objStream)
proc dump*[K](value: K, target: Stream, style: PresentationStyle = psDefault,
tagStyle: TagStyle = tsRootOnly,
anchorStyle: AnchorStyle = asTidy, indentationStep: int = 2)
{.raises: [YamlPresenterJsonError, YamlPresenterOutputError].} =
## Dump a Nim value as YAML character stream.
var events = represent(value, if style == psCanonical: tsAll else: tagStyle,
if style == psJson: asNone else: anchorStyle)
present(events, target, serializationTagLibrary, style, indentationStep)
except YamlStreamError:
# serializing object does not raise any errors, so we can ignore this
assert false, "Can never happen"