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synced 2025-02-21 15:38:10 +00:00
* Fixed TagIds for Nim's system types * Output JSON integers for Nim's integer types * Output JSON floats for Nim's float types
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657 lines
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# NimYAML - YAML implementation in Nim
# (c) Copyright 2015 Felix Krause
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## This module provides facilities to generate and interpret
## `YAML <http://yaml.org>`_ character streams. All primitive operations on
## data objects use a `YamlStream <#YamlStream>`_ either as source or as
## output. Because this stream is implemented as iterator, it is possible to
## process YAML input and output sequentially, i.e. without loading the
## processed data structure completely into RAM. This supports the processing of
## large data structures.
## As YAML is a strict superset of `JSON <http://json.org>`_, JSON input is
## automatically supported. While JSON is less readable than YAML,
## this enhances interoperability with other languages.
import streams, unicode, lexbase, tables, strutils, json, hashes, queues,
macros, typetraits, parseutils
export streams, tables, json
when defined(yamlDebug): import terminal
TypeHint* = enum
## A type hint can be computed from scalar content and tells you what
## NimYAML thinks the scalar's type is. It is generated by
## `guessType <#guessType,string>`_ The first matching RegEx
## in the following table will be the type hint of a scalar string.
## You can use it to determine the type of YAML scalars that have a '?'
## non-specific tag, but using this feature is completely optional.
## ================== =========================
## Name RegEx
## ================== =========================
## ``yTypeInteger`` ``0 | -? [1-9] [0-9]*``
## ``yTypeFloat`` ``-? [1-9] ( \. [0-9]* [1-9] )? ( e [-+] [1-9] [0-9]* )?``
## ``yTypeFloatInf`` ``-? \. (inf | Inf | INF)``
## ``yTypeFloatNaN`` ``-? \. (nan | NaN | NAN)``
## ``yTypeBoolTrue`` ``y|Y|yes|Yes|YES|true|True|TRUE|on|On|ON``
## ``yTypeBoolFalse`` ``n|N|no|No|NO|false|False|FALSE|off|Off|OFF``
## ``yTypeNull`` ``~ | null | Null | NULL``
## ``yTypeUnknown`` ``*``
## ================== =========================
yTypeInteger, yTypeFloat, yTypeFloatInf, yTypeFloatNaN, yTypeBoolTrue,
yTypeBoolFalse, yTypeNull, yTypeUnknown
YamlStreamEventKind* = enum
## Kinds of YAML events that may occur in an ``YamlStream``. Event kinds
## are discussed in `YamlStreamEvent <#YamlStreamEvent>`_.
yamlStartDoc, yamlEndDoc, yamlStartMap, yamlEndMap,
yamlStartSeq, yamlEndSeq, yamlScalar, yamlAlias
TagId* = distinct int ## \
## A ``TagId`` identifies a tag URI, like for example
## ``"tag:yaml.org,2002:str"``. The URI corresponding to a ``TagId`` can
## be queried from the `TagLibrary <#TagLibrary>`_ which was
## used to create this ``TagId``; e.g. when you parse a YAML character
## stream, the ``TagLibrary`` of the parser is the one which generates
## the resulting ``TagId`` s.
## URI strings are mapped to ``TagId`` s for efficiency reasons (you
## do not need to compare strings every time) and to be able to
## discover unknown tag URIs early in the parsing process.
AnchorId* = distinct int ## \
## An ``AnchorId`` identifies an anchor in the current document. It
## becomes invalid as soon as the current document scope is invalidated
## (for example, because the parser yielded a ``yamlEndDocument``
## event). ``AnchorId`` s exists because of efficiency, much like
## ``TagId`` s. The actual anchor name is a presentation detail and
## cannot be queried by the user.
YamlStreamEvent* = object
## An element from a `YamlStream <#YamlStream>`_. Events that start an
## object (``yamlStartMap``, ``yamlStartSeq``, ``yamlScalar``) have
## an optional anchor and a tag associated with them. The anchor will be
## set to ``yAnchorNone`` if it doesn't exist.
## A non-existing tag in the YAML character stream will be resolved to
## the non-specific tags ``?`` or ``!`` according to the YAML
## specification. These are by convention mapped to the ``TagId`` s
## ``yTagQuestionMark`` and ``yTagExclamationMark`` respectively.
## Mapping is done by a `TagLibrary <#TagLibrary>`_.
case kind*: YamlStreamEventKind
of yamlStartMap:
mapAnchor* : AnchorId
mapTag* : TagId
of yamlStartSeq:
seqAnchor* : AnchorId
seqTag* : TagId
of yamlScalar:
scalarAnchor* : AnchorId
scalarTag* : TagId
scalarContent*: string # may not be nil (but empty)
of yamlEndMap, yamlEndSeq, yamlStartDoc, yamlEndDoc:
of yamlAlias:
aliasTarget* : AnchorId
YamlStream* = object ## \
## A ``YamlStream`` is an iterator-like object that yields a
## well-formed stream of ``YamlStreamEvents``. Well-formed means that
## every ``yamlStartMap`` is terminated by a ``yamlEndMap``, every
## ``yamlStartSeq`` is terminated by a ``yamlEndSeq`` and every
## ``yamlStartDoc`` is terminated by a ``yamlEndDoc``. Moreover, every
## emitted mapping has an even number of children.
## The creator of a ``YamlStream`` is responsible for it being
## well-formed. A user of the stream may assume that it is well-formed
## and is not required to check for it. The procs in this module will
## always yield a well-formed ``YamlStream`` and expect it to be
## well-formed if they take it as input parameter.
backend: iterator(): YamlStreamEvent
peeked: bool
cached: YamlStreamEvent
TagLibrary* = ref object
## A ``TagLibrary`` maps tag URIs to ``TagId`` s.
## When `YamlParser <#YamlParser>`_ encounters tags not existing in the
## tag library, it will use
## `registerUri <#registerUri,TagLibrary,string>`_ to add
## the tag to the library.
## You can base your tag library on common tag libraries by initializing
## them with `initFailsafeTagLibrary <#initFailsafeTagLibrary>`_,
## `initCoreTagLibrary <#initCoreTagLibrary>`_ or
## `initExtendedTagLibrary <#initExtendedTagLibrary>`_.
tags*: Table[string, TagId]
nextCustomTagId*: TagId
secondaryPrefix*: string
WarningCallback* = proc(line, column: int, lineContent: string,
message: string)
## Callback for parser warnings. Currently, this callback may be called
## on two occasions while parsing a YAML document stream:
## - If the version number in the ``%YAML`` directive does not match
## ``1.2``.
## - If there is an unknown directive encountered.
YamlParser* = ref object
## A parser object. Retains its ``TagLibrary`` across calls to
## `parse <#parse,YamlParser,Stream>`_. Can be used
## to access anchor names while parsing a YAML character stream, but
## only until the document goes out of scope (i.e. until
## ``yamlEndDocument`` is yielded).
tagLib: TagLibrary
anchors: OrderedTable[string, AnchorId]
callback: WarningCallback
lexer: BaseLexer
tokenstart: int
PresentationStyle* = enum
## Different styles for YAML character stream output.
## - ``ypsMinimal``: Single-line flow-only output which tries to
## use as few characters as possible.
## - ``ypsCanonical``: Canonical YAML output. Writes all tags except
## for the non-specific tags ``?`` and ``!``, uses flow style, quotes
## all string scalars.
## - ``ypsDefault``: Tries to be as human-readable as possible. Uses
## block style by default, but tries to condense mappings and
## sequences which only contain scalar nodes into a single line using
## flow style.
## - ``ypsJson``: Omits the ``%YAML`` directive and the ``---``
## marker. Uses flow style. Flattens anchors and aliases, omits tags.
## Output will be parseable as JSON. ``YamlStream`` to dump may only
## contain one document.
## - ``ypsBlockOnly``: Formats all output in block style, does not use
## flow style at all.
psMinimal, psCanonical, psDefault, psJson, psBlockOnly
TagStyle* = enum
## Whether object should be serialized with explicit tags.
## - ``tsNone``: No tags will be outputted unless necessary.
## - ``tsRootOnly``: A tag will only be outputted for the root tag and
## where necessary.
## - ``tsAll``: Tags will be outputted for every object.
tsNone, tsRootOnly, tsAll
AnchorStyle* = enum
## How ref object should be serialized.
## - ``asNone``: No anchors will be outputted. Values present at
## multiple places in the content that should be serialized will be
## fully serialized at every occurence. If the content is cyclic, this
## will lead to an endless loop!
## - ``asTidy``: Anchors will only be generated for objects that
## actually occur more than once in the content to be serialized.
## This is a bit slower and needs more memory than ``asAlways``.
## - ``asAlways``: Achors will be generated for every ref object in the
## content to be serialized, regardless of whether the object is
## referenced again afterwards
asNone, asTidy, asAlways
NewLineStyle* = enum
## What kind of newline sequence is used when presenting.
## - ``nlLF``: Use a single linefeed char as newline.
## - ``nlCRLF``: Use a sequence of carriage return and linefeed as
## newline.
## - ``nlOSDefault``: Use the target operation system's default newline
## sequence (CRLF on Windows, LF everywhere else).
nlLF, nlCRLF, nlOSDefault
OutputYamlVersion* = enum
## Specify which YAML version number the presenter shall emit. The
## presenter will always emit content that is valid YAML 1.1, but by
## default will write a directive ``%YAML 1.2``. For compatibility with
## other YAML implementations, it is possible to change this here.
## It is also possible to specify that the presenter shall not emit any
## YAML version. The generated content is then guaranteed to be valid
## YAML 1.1 and 1.2 (but not 1.0 or any newer YAML version).
ov1_2, ov1_1, ovNone
PresentationOptions* = object
## Options for generating a YAML character stream
style*: PresentationStyle
indentationStep*: int
newlines*: NewLineStyle
outputVersion*: OutputYamlVersion
RefNodeData = object
p: pointer
count: int
anchor: AnchorId
ConstructionContext* = ref object
## Context information for the process of constructing Nim values from
## YAML.
refs: Table[AnchorId, pointer]
SerializationContext* = ref object
## Context information for the process of serializing YAML from Nim
## values.
refs: Table[pointer, AnchorId]
style: AnchorStyle
nextAnchorId: AnchorId
RawYamlStream* = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent {.raises: [].} ## \
## Stream of ``YamlStreamEvent``s returned by ``representObject`` procs.
YamlNodeKind* = enum
yScalar, yMapping, ySequence
YamlNode* = ref YamlNodeObj not nil
## Represents a node in a ``YamlDocument``.
YamlNodeObj* = object
tag*: string
case kind*: YamlNodeKind
of yScalar: content*: string
of ySequence: children*: seq[YamlNode]
of yMapping: pairs*: seq[tuple[key, value: YamlNode]]
YamlDocument* = object
## Represents a YAML document.
root*: YamlNode
YamlLoadingError* = object of Exception
## Base class for all exceptions that may be raised during the process
## of loading a YAML character stream.
line*: int ## line number (1-based) where the error was encountered
column*: int ## \
## column number (1-based) where the error was encountered
lineContent*: string ## \
## content of the line where the error was encountered. Includes a
## second line with a marker ``^`` at the position where the error
## was encountered.
YamlParserError* = object of YamlLoadingError
## A parser error is raised if the character stream that is parsed is
## not a valid YAML character stream. This stream cannot and will not be
## parsed wholly nor partially and all events that have been emitted by
## the YamlStream the parser provides should be discarded.
## A character stream is invalid YAML if and only if at least one of the
## following conditions apply:
## - There are invalid characters in an element whose contents is
## restricted to a limited set of characters. For example, there are
## characters in a tag URI which are not valid URI characters.
## - An element has invalid indentation. This can happen for example if
## a block list element indicated by ``"- "`` is less indented than
## the element in the previous line, but there is no block sequence
## list open at the same indentation level.
## - The YAML structure is invalid. For example, an explicit block map
## indicated by ``"? "`` and ``": "`` may not suddenly have a block
## sequence item (``"- "``) at the same indentation level. Another
## possible violation is closing a flow style object with the wrong
## closing character (``}``, ``]``) or not closing it at all.
## - A custom tag shorthand is used that has not previously been
## declared with a ``%TAG`` directive.
## - Multiple tags or anchors are defined for the same node.
## - An alias is used which does not map to any anchor that has
## previously been declared in the same document.
## - An alias has a tag or anchor associated with it.
## Some elements in this list are vague. For a detailed description of a
## valid YAML character stream, see the YAML specification.
YamlPresenterJsonError* = object of Exception
## Exception that may be raised by the YAML presenter when it is
## instructed to output JSON, but is unable to do so. This may occur if:
## - The given `YamlStream <#YamlStream>`_ contains a map which has any
## non-scalar type as key.
## - Any float scalar bears a ``NaN`` or positive/negative infinity
## value
YamlPresenterOutputError* = object of Exception
## Exception that may be raised by the YAML presenter. This occurs if
## writing character data to the output stream raises any exception.
## The error that has occurred is available from ``parent``.
YamlStreamError* = object of Exception
## Exception that may be raised by a ``YamlStream`` when the underlying
## backend raises an exception. The error that has occurred is
## available from ``parent``.
YamlConstructionError* = object of YamlLoadingError
## Exception that may be raised when constructing data objects from a
## `YamlStream <#YamlStream>`_. The fields ``line``, ``column`` and
## ``lineContent`` are only available if the costructing proc also does
## parsing, because otherwise this information is not available to the
## costruction proc.
# failsafe schema
yTagExclamationMark*: TagId = 0.TagId ## ``!`` non-specific tag
yTagQuestionMark* : TagId = 1.TagId ## ``?`` non-specific tag
yTagString* : TagId = 2.TagId ## \
## `!!str <http://yaml.org/type/str.html >`_ tag
yTagSequence* : TagId = 3.TagId ## \
## `!!seq <http://yaml.org/type/seq.html>`_ tag
yTagMapping* : TagId = 4.TagId ## \
## `!!map <http://yaml.org/type/map.html>`_ tag
# json & core schema
yTagNull* : TagId = 5.TagId ## \
## `!!null <http://yaml.org/type/null.html>`_ tag
yTagBoolean* : TagId = 6.TagId ## \
## `!!bool <http://yaml.org/type/bool.html>`_ tag
yTagInteger* : TagId = 7.TagId ## \
## `!!int <http://yaml.org/type/int.html>`_ tag
yTagFloat* : TagId = 8.TagId ## \
## `!!float <http://yaml.org/type/float.html>`_ tag
# other language-independent YAML types (from http://yaml.org/type/ )
yTagOrderedMap* : TagId = 9.TagId ## \
## `!!omap <http://yaml.org/type/omap.html>`_ tag
yTagPairs* : TagId = 10.TagId ## \
## `!!pairs <http://yaml.org/type/pairs.html>`_ tag
yTagSet* : TagId = 11.TagId ## \
## `!!set <http://yaml.org/type/set.html>`_ tag
yTagBinary* : TagId = 12.TagId ## \
## `!!binary <http://yaml.org/type/binary.html>`_ tag
yTagMerge* : TagId = 13.TagId ## \
## `!!merge <http://yaml.org/type/merge.html>`_ tag
yTagTimestamp* : TagId = 14.TagId ## \
## `!!timestamp <http://yaml.org/type/timestamp.html>`_ tag
yTagValue* : TagId = 15.TagId ## \
## `!!value <http://yaml.org/type/value.html>`_ tag
yTagYaml* : TagId = 16.TagId ## \
## `!!yaml <http://yaml.org/type/yaml.html>`_ tag
yFirstCustomTagId* : TagId = 1000.TagId ## \
## The first ``TagId`` which should be assigned to an URI that does not
## exist in the ``YamlTagLibrary`` which is used for parsing.
yAnchorNone*: AnchorId = (-1).AnchorId ## \
## yielded when no anchor was defined for a YAML node
yamlTagRepositoryPrefix* = "tag:yaml.org,2002:"
defaultPresentationOptions* =
PresentationOptions(style: psDefault, indentationStep: 2,
newlines: nlOSDefault)
# interface
proc `==`*(left: YamlStreamEvent, right: YamlStreamEvent): bool {.raises: [].}
## compares all existing fields of the given items
proc `$`*(event: YamlStreamEvent): string {.raises: [].}
## outputs a human-readable string describing the given event
proc startDocEvent*(): YamlStreamEvent {.inline, raises: [].}
proc endDocEvent*(): YamlStreamEvent {.inline, raises: [].}
proc startMapEvent*(tag: TagId = yTagQuestionMark,
anchor: AnchorId = yAnchorNone):
YamlStreamEvent {.inline, raises: [].}
proc endMapEvent*(): YamlStreamEvent {.inline, raises: [].}
proc startSeqEvent*(tag: TagId = yTagQuestionMark,
anchor: AnchorId = yAnchorNone):
YamlStreamEvent {.inline, raises: [].}
proc endSeqEvent*(): YamlStreamEvent {.inline, raises: [].}
proc scalarEvent*(content: string = "", tag: TagId = yTagQuestionMark,
anchor: AnchorId = yAnchorNone):
YamlStreamEvent {.inline, raises: [].}
proc aliasEvent*(anchor: AnchorId): YamlStreamEvent {.inline, raises: [].}
proc `==`*(left, right: TagId): bool {.borrow.}
proc `$`*(id: TagId): string
proc hash*(id: TagId): Hash {.borrow.}
proc `==`*(left, right: AnchorId): bool {.borrow.}
proc `$`*(id: AnchorId): string {.borrow.}
proc hash*(id: AnchorId): Hash {.borrow.}
proc initYamlStream*(backend: iterator(): YamlStreamEvent):
YamlStream {.raises: [].}
## Creates a new ``YamlStream`` that uses the given iterator as backend.
proc next*(s: var YamlStream): YamlStreamEvent {.raises: [YamlStreamError].}
## Get the next item of the stream. Requires ``finished(s) == true``.
## If the backend yields an exception, that exception will be encapsulated
## into a ``YamlStreamError``, which will be raised.
proc peek*(s: var YamlStream): YamlStreamEvent {.raises: [YamlStreamError].}
## Get the next item of the stream without advancing the stream.
## Requires ``finished(s) == true``. Handles exceptions of the backend like
## ``next()``.
proc `peek=`*(s: var YamlStream, value: YamlStreamEvent) {.raises: [].}
## Set the next item of the stream. Will replace a previously peeked item,
## if one exists.
proc finished*(s: var YamlStream): bool {.raises: [YamlStreamError].}
## ``true`` if no more items are available in the stream. Handles exceptions
## of the backend like ``next()``.
iterator items*(s: var YamlStream): YamlStreamEvent
{.raises: [YamlStreamError].} =
## Iterate over all items of the stream. You may not use ``peek()`` on the
## stream while iterating.
if s.peeked:
s.peeked = false
yield s.cached
while true:
var event: YamlStreamEvent
event = s.backend()
if finished(s.backend): break
except AssertionError: raise
except YamlStreamError:
let cur = getCurrentException()
var e = newException(YamlStreamError, cur.msg)
e.parent = cur.parent
raise e
except Exception:
var e = newException(YamlStreamError, getCurrentExceptionMsg())
e.parent = getCurrentException()
raise e
yield event
proc initTagLibrary*(): TagLibrary {.raises: [].}
## initializes the ``tags`` table and sets ``nextCustomTagId`` to
## ``yFirstCustomTagId``.
proc registerUri*(tagLib: TagLibrary, uri: string): TagId {.raises: [].}
## registers a custom tag URI with a ``TagLibrary``. The URI will get
## the ``TagId`` ``nextCustomTagId``, which will be incremented.
proc uri*(tagLib: TagLibrary, id: TagId): string {.raises: [KeyError].}
## retrieve the URI a ``TagId`` maps to.
proc initFailsafeTagLibrary*(): TagLibrary {.raises: [].}
## Contains only:
## - ``!``
## - ``?``
## - ``!!str``
## - ``!!map``
## - ``!!seq``
proc initCoreTagLibrary*(): TagLibrary {.raises: [].}
## Contains everything in ``initFailsafeTagLibrary`` plus:
## - ``!!null``
## - ``!!bool``
## - ``!!int``
## - ``!!float``
proc initExtendedTagLibrary*(): TagLibrary {.raises: [].}
## Contains everything from ``initCoreTagLibrary`` plus:
## - ``!!omap``
## - ``!!pairs``
## - ``!!set``
## - ``!!binary``
## - ``!!merge``
## - ``!!timestamp``
## - ``!!value``
## - ``!!yaml``
proc initSerializationTagLibrary(): TagLibrary {.raises: [].}
proc guessType*(scalar: string): TypeHint {.raises: [].}
## Parse scalar string according to the RegEx table documented at
## `TypeHint <#TypeHind>`_.
proc newYamlParser*(tagLib: TagLibrary = initExtendedTagLibrary(),
callback: WarningCallback = nil): YamlParser {.raises: [].}
## Creates a YAML parser. if ``callback`` is not ``nil``, it will be called
## whenever the parser yields a warning.
proc getLineNumber*(p: YamlParser): int {.raises: [].}
## Get the line number (1-based) of the recently yielded parser token.
## Useful for error reporting at later loading stages.
proc getColNumber*(p: YamlParser): int {.raises: [].}
## Get the column number (1-based) of the recently yielded parser token.
## Useful for error reporting at later parsing stages.
proc getLineContent*(p: YamlParser, marker: bool = true): string {.raises: [].}
## Get the content of the input line containing the recently yielded parser
## token. Useful for error reporting at later parsing stages. The line will
## be terminated by ``"\n"``. If ``marker`` is ``true``, a second line will
## be returned containing a ``^`` at the position of the recent parser
## token.
proc parse*(p: YamlParser, s: Stream): YamlStream {.raises: [].}
## Parse the given stream as YAML character stream.
proc defineOptions*(style: PresentationStyle = psDefault,
indentationStep: int = 2,
newlines: NewLineStyle = nlOSDefault,
outputVersion: OutputYamlVersion = ov1_2):
PresentationOptions {.raises: [].}
## Define a set of options for presentation. Convenience proc that requires
## you to only set those values that should not equal the default.
proc constructJson*(s: var YamlStream): seq[JsonNode]
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
## Construct an in-memory JSON tree from a YAML event stream. The stream may
## not contain any tags apart from those in ``coreTagLibrary``. Anchors and
## aliases will be resolved. Maps in the input must not contain
## non-scalars as keys. Each element of the result represents one document
## in the YAML stream.
## **Warning:** The special float values ``[+-]Inf`` and ``NaN`` will be
## parsed into Nim's JSON structure without error. However, they cannot be
## rendered to a JSON character stream, because these values are not part
## of the JSON specification. Nim's JSON implementation currently does not
## check for these values and will output invalid JSON when rendering one
## of these values into a JSON character stream.
proc loadToJson*(s: Stream): seq[JsonNode] {.raises: [].}
## Uses `YamlParser <#YamlParser>`_ and
## `constructJson <#constructJson>`_ to construct an in-memory JSON tree
## from a YAML character stream.
proc present*(s: var YamlStream, target: Stream, tagLib: TagLibrary,
options: PresentationOptions = defaultPresentationOptions)
{.raises: [YamlPresenterJsonError, YamlPresenterOutputError,
## Convert ``s`` to a YAML character stream and write it to ``target``.
proc transform*(input: Stream, output: Stream,
options: PresentationOptions = defaultPresentationOptions)
{.raises: [IOError, YamlParserError, YamlPresenterJsonError,
## Parser ``input`` as YAML character stream and then dump it to ``output``
## while resolving non-specific tags to the ones in the YAML core tag
## library.
proc constructChild*[T](s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext,
result: var T)
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
## Constructs an arbitrary Nim value from a part of a YAML stream.
## The stream will advance until after the finishing token that was used
## for constructing the value. The ``ConstructionContext`` is needed for
## potential child objects which may be refs.
proc constructChild*[O](s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext,
result: var ref O)
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
## Constructs an arbitrary Nim value from a part of a YAML stream.
## The stream will advance until after the finishing token that was used
## for constructing the value. The object may be constructed from an alias
## node which will be resolved using the ``ConstructionContext``.
proc representObject*[O](value: ref O, ts: TagStyle, c: SerializationContext):
RawYamlStream {.raises: [].}
## Represents an arbitrary Nim value as YAML object. The object may be
## represented as alias node if the object is already present in the
## ``SerializationContext``.
proc construct*[T](s: var YamlStream, target: var T)
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
## Constructs a Nim value from a YAML stream.
proc load*[K](input: Stream, target: var K)
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, IOError, YamlParserError].}
## Loads a Nim value from a YAML character stream.
proc represent*[T](value: T, ts: TagStyle = tsRootOnly,
a: AnchorStyle = asTidy): YamlStream {.raises: [].}
## Represents a Nim value as ``YamlStream``
proc dump*[K](value: K, target: Stream, tagStyle: TagStyle = tsRootOnly,
anchorStyle: AnchorStyle = asTidy,
options: PresentationOptions = defaultPresentationOptions)
{.raises: [YamlPresenterJsonError, YamlPresenterOutputError].}
## Dump a Nim value as YAML character stream.
serializationTagLibrary* = initSerializationTagLibrary() ## \
## contains all local tags that are used for type serialization. Does
## not contain any of the specific default tags for sequences or maps,
## as those are not suited for Nim's static type system.
## Should not be modified manually. Will be extended by
## `serializable <#serializable,stmt,stmt>`_.
template setTagUriForType*(t: typedesc, uri: string): stmt =
## Associate the given uri with a certain type. This uri is used as YAML tag
## when loading and dumping values of this type.
let id {.gensym.} = serializationTagLibrary.registerUri(uri)
proc yamlTag*(T: typedesc[t]): TagId {.inline, raises: [].} = id
## autogenerated
template setTagUriForType*(t: typedesc, uri: string, idName: expr): stmt =
## Like `setTagUriForType <#setTagUriForType,typedesc,string>`_, but lets
## you choose a symbol for the `TagId <#TagId>`_ of the uri. This is only
## necessary if you want to implement serialization / construction yourself.
let idName* = serializationTagLibrary.registerUri(uri)
proc yamlTag*(T: typedesc[t]): TagId {.inline, raises: [].} = idName
## autogenerated
# tags for Nim's standard types
setTagUriForType(char, "!nim:system:char", yTagNimChar)
setTagUriForType(int8, "!nim:system:int8", yTagNimInt8)
setTagUriForType(int16, "!nim:system:int16", yTagNimInt16)
setTagUriForType(int32, "!nim:system:int32", yTagNimInt32)
setTagUriForType(int64, "!nim:system:int64", yTagNimInt64)
setTagUriForType(uint8, "!nim:system:uint8", yTagNimUInt8)
setTagUriForType(uint16, "!nim:system:uint16", yTagNimUInt16)
setTagUriForType(uint32, "!nim:system:uint32", yTagNimUInt32)
setTagUriForType(uint64, "!nim:system:uint64", yTagNimUInt64)
setTagUriForType(float32, "!nim:system:float32", yTagNimFloat32)
setTagUriForType(float64, "!nim:system:float64", yTagNimFloat64)
# implementation
include private.tagLibrary
include private.events
include private.json
include private.presenter
include private.hints
include private.fastparse
include private.streams
include private.serialization
include private.dom |