mirror of https://github.com/status-im/NimYAML.git
986 lines
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986 lines
31 KiB
# NimYAML - YAML implementation in Nim
# (c) Copyright 2015 Felix Krause
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
FastParseLevelKind = enum
fplUnknown, fplSequence, fplMapKey, fplMapValue, fplSinglePairKey,
fplSinglePairValue, fplDocument
FastParseLevel = object
kind: FastParseLevelKind
indentation: int
ParserContext = ref object of YamlStream
p: YamlParser
lex: YamlLexer
storedState: proc(s: YamlStream, e: var YamlStreamEvent): bool
atSequenceItem: bool
flowdepth: int
ancestry: seq[FastParseLevel]
level: FastParseLevel
tag: TagId
anchor: AnchorId
shorthands: Table[string, string]
nextAnchorId: AnchorId
newlines: int
explicitFlowKey: bool
LevelEndResult = enum
lerNothing, lerOne, lerAdditionalMapEnd
proc newYamlParser*(tagLib: TagLibrary = initExtendedTagLibrary(),
callback: WarningCallback = nil): YamlParser =
result.tagLib = tagLib
result.callback = callback
template debug(message: string) {.dirty.} =
when defined(yamlDebug):
try: styledWriteLine(stdout, fgBlue, message)
except IOError: discard
proc generateError(c: ParserContext, message: string):
ref YamlParserError {.raises: [].} =
result = newException(YamlParserError, message)
(result.line, result.column) = c.lex.curStartPos
result.lineContent = c.lex.getTokenLine()
proc illegalToken(c: ParserContext, expected: string = ""):
ref YamlParserError {.raises: [].} =
var msg = "Illegal token"
if expected.len > 0: msg.add(" (expected " & expected & ")")
msg.add(": " & $c.lex.cur)
result = c.generateError(msg)
proc callCallback(c: ParserContext, msg: string) {.raises: [YamlParserError].} =
if not isNil(c.p.callback):
c.p.callback(c.lex.curStartPos.line, c.lex.curStartPos.column,
c.lex.getTokenLine(), msg)
var e = newException(YamlParserError,
"Warning callback raised exception: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg())
e.parent = getCurrentException()
raise e
proc initLevel(k: FastParseLevelKind): FastParseLevel {.raises: [], inline.} =
FastParseLevel(kind: k, indentation: UnknownIndentation)
proc emptyScalar(c: ParserContext): YamlStreamEvent {.raises: [], inline.} =
result = scalarEvent("", c.tag, c.anchor)
c.tag = yTagQuestionMark
c.anchor = yAnchorNone
proc currentScalar(c: ParserContext): YamlStreamEvent {.raises: [], inline.} =
result = YamlStreamEvent(kind: yamlScalar, scalarTag: c.tag,
scalarAnchor: c.anchor)
shallowCopy(result.scalarContent, c.lex.buf)
c.lex.buf = cast[string not nil](newStringOfCap(256))
c.tag = yTagQuestionMark
c.anchor = yAnchorNone
proc objectStart(c: ParserContext, k: static[YamlStreamEventKind],
single: bool = false): YamlStreamEvent {.raises: [].} =
yAssert(c.level.kind == fplUnknown)
when k == yamlStartMap:
result = startMapEvent(c.tag, c.anchor)
if single:
debug("started single-pair map at " &
(if c.level.indentation == UnknownIndentation:
$c.lex.indentation else: $c.level.indentation))
c.level.kind = fplSinglePairKey
debug("started map at " &
(if c.level.indentation == UnknownIndentation:
$c.lex.indentation else: $c.level.indentation))
c.level.kind = fplMapKey
result = startSeqEvent(c.tag, c.anchor)
debug("started sequence at " &
(if c.level.indentation == UnknownIndentation: $c.lex.indentation else:
c.level.kind = fplSequence
c.tag = yTagQuestionMark
c.anchor = yAnchorNone
if c.level.indentation == UnknownIndentation:
c.level.indentation = c.lex.indentation
c.level = initLevel(fplUnknown)
proc initDocValues(c: ParserContext) {.raises: [].} =
c.shorthands = initTable[string, string]()
c.p.anchors = initTable[string, AnchorId]()
c.shorthands["!"] = "!"
c.shorthands["!!"] = "tag:yaml.org,2002:"
c.nextAnchorId = 0.AnchorId
c.level = initLevel(fplUnknown)
c.tag = yTagQuestionMark
c.anchor = yAnchorNone
c.ancestry.add(FastParseLevel(kind: fplDocument, indentation: -1))
proc advance(c: ParserContext) {.inline.} =
try: c.lex.next()
except YamlLexerError:
let e = (ref YamlLexerError)(getCurrentException())
let pe = newException(YamlParserError, e.msg)
pe.line = e.line
pe.column = e.column
pe.lineContent = e.lineContent
raise pe
proc handleAnchor(c: ParserContext) {.raises: [YamlParserError].} =
if c.level.kind != fplUnknown: raise c.generateError("Unexpected token")
if c.anchor != yAnchorNone:
raise c.generateError("Only one anchor is allowed per node")
c.anchor = c.nextAnchorId
c.p.anchors[c.lex.buf] = c.anchor
c.nextAnchorId = AnchorId(int(c.nextAnchorId) + 1)
proc continueMultilineScalar(c: ParserContext) {.raises: [].} =
c.lex.buf.add(if c.newlines == 1: " " else: repeat('\l', c.newlines - 1))
c.newlines = 0
proc handleTagHandle(c: ParserContext) {.raises: [YamlParserError].} =
if c.level.kind != fplUnknown: raise c.generateError("Unexpected tag handle")
if c.tag != yTagQuestionMark:
raise c.generateError("Only one tag handle is allowed per node")
if c.lex.cur == ltTagHandle:
var tagUri = ""
tagUri.add(c.lex.buf[c.lex.shorthandEnd + 1 .. ^1])
except KeyError:
raise c.generateError(
"Undefined tag shorthand: " & c.lex.buf[0..c.lex.shorthandEnd])
try: c.tag = c.p.tagLib.tags[tagUri]
except KeyError: c.tag = c.p.tagLib.registerUri(tagUri)
try: c.tag = c.p.tagLib.tags[c.lex.buf]
except KeyError: c.tag = c.p.tagLib.registerUri(c.lex.buf)
proc handlePossibleMapStart(c: ParserContext, e: var YamlStreamEvent,
flow: bool = false, single: bool = false): bool =
result = false
if c.level.indentation == UnknownIndentation:
if c.lex.isImplicitKeyStart():
e = c.objectStart(yamlStartMap, single)
result = true
c.level.indentation = c.lex.indentation
proc handleMapKeyIndicator(c: ParserContext, e: var YamlStreamEvent): bool =
result = false
case c.level.kind
of fplUnknown:
e = c.objectStart(yamlStartMap)
result = true
of fplMapValue:
if c.level.indentation != c.lex.indentation:
raise c.generateError("Invalid p.indentation of map key indicator " &
"(expected" & $c.level.indentation & ", got " & $c.lex.indentation &
e = scalarEvent("", yTagQuestionMark, yAnchorNone)
result = true
c.level.kind = fplMapKey
c.level = initLevel(fplUnknown)
of fplMapKey:
if c.level.indentation != c.lex.indentation:
raise c.generateError("Invalid p.indentation of map key indicator")
c.level = initLevel(fplUnknown)
of fplSequence:
raise c.generateError("Unexpected map key indicator (expected '- ')")
of fplSinglePairKey, fplSinglePairValue, fplDocument:
internalError("Unexpected level kind: " & $c.level.kind)
if c.lex.cur != ltIndentation:
# this enables the parser to properly parse compact structures, like
# a: - a
# - b
# and such. At the first `-`, the indentation must equal its level to be
# parsed properly.
c.lex.indentation = c.lex.curStartPos.column - 1
proc handleBlockSequenceIndicator(c: ParserContext, e: var YamlStreamEvent):
bool =
result = false
case c.level.kind
of fplUnknown:
e = c.objectStart(yamlStartSeq)
result = true
of fplSequence:
if c.level.indentation != c.lex.indentation:
raise c.generateError(
"Invalid p.indentation of block sequence indicator (expected " &
$c.level.indentation & ", got " & $c.lex.indentation & ")")
c.level = initLevel(fplUnknown)
else: raise c.generateError("Illegal sequence item in map")
if c.lex.cur != ltIndentation:
# see comment in previous proc, this time with structures like
# - - a
# - b
c.lex.indentation = c.lex.curStartPos.column - 1
proc handleBlockItemStart(c: ParserContext, e: var YamlStreamEvent): bool =
result = false
case c.level.kind
of fplUnknown:
result = c.handlePossibleMapStart(e)
of fplSequence:
raise c.generateError(
"Unexpected token (expected block sequence indicator)")
of fplMapKey:
c.level = FastParseLevel(kind: fplUnknown, indentation: c.lex.indentation)
of fplMapValue:
e = emptyScalar(c)
result = true
c.level.kind = fplMapKey
c.level = FastParseLevel(kind: fplUnknown, indentation: c.lex.indentation)
of fplSinglePairKey, fplSinglePairValue, fplDocument:
internalError("Unexpected level kind: " & $c.level.kind)
proc handleFlowItemStart(c: ParserContext, e: var YamlStreamEvent): bool =
if c.level.kind == fplUnknown and
c.ancestry[c.ancestry.high].kind == fplSequence:
result = c.handlePossibleMapStart(e, true, true)
else: result = false
proc handleFlowPlainScalar(c: ParserContext) =
while c.lex.cur in {ltScalarPart, ltEmptyLine}:
c.lex.newlines = 0
# --- macros for defining parser states ---
template capitalize(s: string): string =
when declared(strutils.capitalizeAscii): strutils.capitalizeAscii(s)
else: strutils.capitalize(s)
macro parserStates(names: varargs[untyped]): typed =
## generates proc declaration for each state in list like this:
## proc name(s: YamlStream, e: var YamlStreamEvent):
## bool {.raises: [YamlParserError].}
result = newStmtList()
for name in names:
let nameId = newIdentNode("state" & capitalize($name.ident))
result.add(newProc(nameId, [ident("bool"), newIdentDefs(ident("s"),
ident("YamlStream")), newIdentDefs(ident("e"), newNimNode(nnkVarTy).add(
ident("YamlStreamEvent")))], newEmptyNode()))
result[0][4] = newNimNode(nnkPragma).add(newNimNode(nnkExprColonExpr).add(
ident("raises"), newNimNode(nnkBracket).add(ident("YamlParserError"),
proc processStateAsgns(source, target: NimNode) {.compileTime.} =
## copies children of source to target and replaces all assignments
## `state = [name]` with the appropriate code for changing states.
for child in source.children:
if child.kind == nnkAsgn and child[0].kind == nnkIdent:
if $child[0].ident == "state":
assert child[1].kind == nnkIdent
var newNameId: NimNode
if child[1].kind == nnkIdent and $child[1].ident == "stored":
newNameId = newDotExpr(ident("c"), ident("storedState"))
newNameId =
newIdentNode("state" & capitalize($child[1].ident))
newIdentNode("s"), newIdentNode("nextImpl")), newNameId))
elif $child[0].ident == "stored":
assert child[1].kind == nnkIdent
let newNameId =
newIdentNode("state" & capitalize($child[1].ident))
newIdentNode("storedState")), newNameId))
var processed = copyNimNode(child)
processStateAsgns(child, processed)
macro parserState(name: untyped, impl: untyped): typed =
## Creates a parser state. Every parser state is a proc with the signature
## proc(s: YamlStream, e: var YamlStreamEvent):
## bool {.raises: [YamlParserError].}
## The proc name will be prefixed with "state" and the original name will be
## capitalized, so a state "foo" will yield a proc named "stateFoo".
## Inside the proc, you have access to the ParserContext with the let variable
## `c`. You can change the parser state by a assignment `state = [newState]`.
## The [newState] must have been declared with states(...) previously.
nameStr = $name.ident
nameId = newIdentNode("state" & capitalize(nameStr))
var procImpl = quote do:
debug("state: " & `nameStr`)
procImpl.add(newLetStmt(ident("c"), newCall("ParserContext", ident("s"))))
procImpl.add(newAssignment(newIdentNode("result"), newLit(false)))
assert impl.kind == nnkStmtList
processStateAsgns(impl, procImpl)
result = newProc(nameId, [ident("bool"),
newIdentDefs(ident("s"), ident("YamlStream")), newIdentDefs(ident("e"),
newNimNode(nnkVarTy).add(ident("YamlStreamEvent")))], procImpl)
# --- parser states ---
parserStates(initial, blockLineStart, blockObjectStart, blockAfterObject,
scalarEnd, plainScalarEnd, objectEnd, expectDocEnd, startDoc,
endDoc, afterDocument, closeStream, closeMoreIndentedLevels,
emitEmptyScalar, tagHandle, anchor, alias, flow, leaveFlowMap,
leaveFlowSeq, flowAfterObject, leaveFlowSinglePairMap)
proc closeEverything(c: ParserContext) =
c.lex.indentation = -1
c.nextImpl = stateCloseMoreIndentedLevels
proc endLevel(c: ParserContext, e: var YamlStreamEvent):
LevelEndResult =
result = lerOne
case c.level.kind
of fplSequence:
e = endSeqEvent()
of fplMapKey:
e = endMapEvent()
of fplMapValue, fplSinglePairValue:
e = emptyScalar(c)
c.level.kind = fplMapKey
result = lerAdditionalMapEnd
of fplUnknown:
if c.ancestry.len > 1:
e = emptyScalar(c) # don't yield scalar for empty doc
result = lerNothing
of fplDocument:
e = endDocEvent()
of fplSinglePairKey:
internalError("Unexpected level kind: " & $c.level.kind)
proc handleMapValueIndicator(c: ParserContext, e: var YamlStreamEvent): bool =
result = false
case c.level.kind
of fplUnknown:
if c.level.indentation == UnknownIndentation:
e = c.objectStart(yamlStartMap)
result = true
c.storedState = c.nextImpl
c.nextImpl = stateEmitEmptyScalar
e = emptyScalar(c)
result = true
c.ancestry[c.ancestry.high].kind = fplMapValue
of fplMapKey:
if c.level.indentation != c.lex.indentation:
raise c.generateError("Invalid p.indentation of map key indicator")
e = scalarEvent("", yTagQuestionMark, yAnchorNone)
result = true
c.level.kind = fplMapValue
c.level = initLevel(fplUnknown)
of fplMapValue:
if c.level.indentation != c.lex.indentation:
raise c.generateError("Invalid p.indentation of map key indicator")
c.level = initLevel(fplUnknown)
of fplSequence:
raise c.generateError("Unexpected map value indicator (expected '- ')")
of fplSinglePairKey, fplSinglePairValue, fplDocument:
internalError("Unexpected level kind: " & $c.level.kind)
template handleObjectEnd(c: ParserContext, mayHaveEmptyValue: bool = false):
bool =
var result = false
c.level = c.ancestry.pop()
when mayHaveEmptyValue:
if c.level.kind == fplSinglePairValue:
result = true
c.level = c.ancestry.pop()
case c.level.kind
of fplMapKey: c.level.kind = fplMapValue
of fplSinglePairKey: c.level.kind = fplSinglePairValue
of fplMapValue: c.level.kind = fplMapKey
of fplSequence, fplDocument: discard
of fplUnknown, fplSinglePairValue:
internalError("Unexpected level kind: " & $c.level.kind)
proc leaveFlowLevel(c: ParserContext, e: var YamlStreamEvent): bool =
result = (c.endLevel(e) == lerOne) # lerAdditionalMapEnd cannot happen
if c.flowdepth == 0:
c.storedState = stateBlockAfterObject
c.storedState = stateFlowAfterObject
c.nextImpl = stateObjectEnd
parserState initial:
case c.lex.cur
of ltYamlDirective:
assert c.lex.cur == ltYamlVersion, $c.lex.cur
if c.lex.buf != "1.2":
c.callCallback("Version is not 1.2, but " & c.lex.buf)
of ltTagDirective:
assert c.lex.cur == ltTagShorthand
var tagShorthand: string
shallowCopy(tagShorthand, c.lex.buf)
c.lex.buf = ""
assert c.lex.cur == ltTagUri
c.shorthands[tagShorthand] = c.lex.buf
of ltUnknownDirective:
c.callCallback("Unknown directive: " & c.lex.buf)
if c.lex.cur == ltUnknownDirectiveParams:
of ltIndentation:
e = startDocEvent()
result = true
state = blockObjectStart
of ltStreamEnd: c.isFinished = true
of ltDirectivesEnd:
e = startDocEvent()
result = true
state = blockObjectStart
of ltDocumentEnd:
e = startDocEvent()
result = true
state = endDoc
else: internalError("Unexpected lexer token: " & $c.lex.cur)
parserState blockLineStart:
case c.lex.cur
of ltIndentation: c.advance()
of ltEmptyLine: c.advance()
of ltStreamEnd:
stored = afterDocument
if c.lex.indentation <= c.ancestry[^1].indentation:
state = closeMoreIndentedLevels
stored = blockObjectStart
state = blockObjectStart
parserState blockObjectStart:
case c.lex.cur
of ltEmptyLine: c.advance()
of ltIndentation:
c.level.indentation = UnknownIndentation
state = blockLineStart
of ltDirectivesEnd:
stored = startDoc
of ltDocumentEnd:
stored = afterDocument
of ltMapKeyInd:
result = c.handleMapKeyIndicator(e)
of ltMapValInd:
result = c.handleMapValueIndicator(e)
of ltQuotedScalar:
result = c.handleBlockItemStart(e)
state = scalarEnd
of ltBlockScalarHeader:
c.lex.indentation = c.ancestry[^1].indentation
assert c.lex.cur == ltBlockScalar
if c.level.indentation == UnknownIndentation:
c.level.indentation = c.lex.indentation
state = scalarEnd
of ltScalarPart:
result = c.handleBlockItemStart(e)
while true:
case c.lex.cur
of ltIndentation:
if c.lex.indentation <= c.ancestry[^1].indentation: break
of ltScalarPart: discard
of ltEmptyLine: c.lex.newlines.inc()
else: break
c.lex.newlines = 0
state = plainScalarEnd
stored = blockAfterObject
of ltSeqItemInd:
result = c.handleBlockSequenceIndicator(e)
of ltTagHandle:
result = c.handleBlockItemStart(e)
state = tagHandle
stored = blockObjectStart
of ltAnchor:
result = c.handleBlockItemStart(e)
state = anchor
stored = blockObjectStart
of ltAlias:
result = c.handleBlockItemStart(e)
state = alias
stored = blockAfterObject
of ltBraceOpen, ltBracketOpen:
result = c.handleBlockItemStart(e)
state = flow
of ltStreamEnd:
stored = afterDocument
raise c.generateError("Unexpected token: " & $c.lex.cur)
parserState scalarEnd:
if c.tag == yTagQuestionMark: c.tag = yTagExclamationMark
e = c.currentScalar()
result = true
state = objectEnd
stored = blockAfterObject
parserState plainScalarEnd:
e = c.currentScalar()
result = true
state = objectEnd
stored = blockAfterObject
parserState blockAfterObject:
case c.lex.cur
of ltIndentation, ltEmptyLine:
state = blockLineStart
of ltMapValInd:
case c.level.kind
of fplUnknown:
e = c.objectStart(yamlStartMap)
result = true
of fplMapKey:
e = scalarEvent("", yTagQuestionMark, yAnchorNone)
result = true
c.level.kind = fplMapValue
c.level = initLevel(fplUnknown)
of fplMapValue:
c.level.kind = fplMapValue
c.level = initLevel(fplUnknown)
of fplSequence: raise c.illegalToken("sequence item")
of fplSinglePairKey, fplSinglePairValue, fplDocument:
internalError("Unexpected level kind: " & $c.level.kind)
state = blockObjectStart
of ltDirectivesEnd:
stored = startDoc
of ltStreamEnd:
stored = afterDocument
else: raise c.illegalToken("':', comment or line end")
parserState objectEnd:
if c.handleObjectEnd(true):
e = endMapEvent()
result = true
if c.level.kind == fplDocument: state = expectDocEnd
else: state = stored
parserState expectDocEnd:
case c.lex.cur
of ltIndentation, ltEmptyLine: c.advance()
of ltDirectivesEnd:
e = endDocEvent()
result = true
state = startDoc
of ltDocumentEnd:
e = endDocEvent()
result = true
state = afterDocument
of ltStreamEnd:
e = endDocEvent()
result = true
c.isFinished = true
raise c.generateError("Unexpected token (expected document end): " &
parserState startDoc:
e = startDocEvent()
result = true
state = blockObjectStart
parserState endDoc:
e = endDocEvent()
result = true
state = initial
parserState afterDocument:
case c.lex.cur
of ltStreamEnd: c.isFinished = true
of ltEmptyLine: c.advance()
state = initial
parserState closeStream:
case c.level.kind
of fplUnknown: discard c.ancestry.pop()
of fplDocument: discard
case c.endLevel(e)
of lerNothing: discard
of lerOne: result = true
of lerAdditionalMapEnd: return true
c.level = c.ancestry.pop()
if result: return
e = endDocEvent()
result = true
c.isFinished = true
parserState closeMoreIndentedLevels:
if c.ancestry.len > 0:
let parent = c.ancestry[c.ancestry.high]
if parent.indentation >= c.lex.indentation:
if c.lex.cur == ltSeqItemInd:
if (c.lex.indentation == c.level.indentation and
c.level.kind == fplSequence) or
(c.lex.indentation == parent.indentation and
c.level.kind == fplUnknown and parent.kind != fplSequence):
state = stored
return false
debug("Closing because parent.indentation (" & $parent.indentation &
") >= indentation(" & $c.lex.indentation & ")")
case c.endLevel(e)
of lerNothing: discard
of lerOne: result = true
of lerAdditionalMapEnd: return true
discard c.handleObjectEnd(false)
return result
if c.level.kind == fplDocument: state = expectDocEnd
else: state = stored
elif c.lex.indentation == c.level.indentation:
let res = c.endLevel(e)
yAssert(res == lerOne)
result = true
state = stored
state = stored
parserState emitEmptyScalar:
e = scalarEvent("", yTagQuestionMark, yAnchorNone)
result = true
state = stored
parserState tagHandle:
state = stored
parserState anchor:
state = stored
parserState alias:
if c.level.kind != fplUnknown: raise c.generateError("Unexpected token")
if c.anchor != yAnchorNone or c.tag != yTagQuestionMark:
raise c.generateError("Alias may not have anchor or tag")
var id: AnchorId
try: id = c.p.anchors[c.lex.buf]
except KeyError: raise c.generateError("Unknown anchor")
e = aliasEvent(id)
result = true
state = objectEnd
parserState flow:
case c.lex.cur
of ltBraceOpen:
if c.handleFlowItemStart(e): return true
e = c.objectStart(yamlStartMap)
result = true
c.explicitFlowKey = false
of ltBracketOpen:
if c.handleFlowItemStart(e): return true
e = c.objectStart(yamlStartSeq)
result = true
of ltBraceClose:
yAssert(c.level.kind == fplUnknown)
c.level = c.ancestry.pop()
state = leaveFlowMap
of ltBracketClose:
yAssert(c.level.kind == fplUnknown)
c.level = c.ancestry.pop()
state = leaveFlowSeq
of ltComma:
yAssert(c.level.kind == fplUnknown)
c.level = c.ancestry.pop()
case c.level.kind
of fplSequence:
e = c.emptyScalar()
result = true
of fplMapValue:
e = c.emptyScalar()
result = true
c.level.kind = fplMapKey
c.explicitFlowKey = false
of fplMapKey:
e = c.emptyScalar()
c.level.kind = fplMapValue
return true
of fplSinglePairValue:
e = c.emptyScalar()
result = true
c.level = c.ancestry.pop()
state = leaveFlowSinglePairMap
stored = flow
of fplUnknown, fplSinglePairKey, fplDocument:
internalError("Unexpected level kind: " & $c.level.kind)
c.level = initLevel(fplUnknown)
of ltMapValInd:
c.level = c.ancestry.pop()
case c.level.kind
of fplSequence:
e = startMapEvent(c.tag, c.anchor)
result = true
debug("started single-pair map at " &
(if c.level.indentation == UnknownIndentation:
$c.lex.indentation else: $c.level.indentation))
c.tag = yTagQuestionMark
c.anchor = yAnchorNone
if c.level.indentation == UnknownIndentation:
c.level.indentation = c.lex.indentation
c.level = initLevel(fplSinglePairKey)
of fplMapValue, fplSinglePairValue:
raise c.generateError("Unexpected token (expected ',')")
of fplMapKey:
e = c.emptyScalar()
result = true
c.level.kind = fplMapValue
of fplSinglePairKey:
e = c.emptyScalar()
result = true
c.level.kind = fplSinglePairValue
of fplUnknown, fplDocument:
internalError("Unexpected level kind: " & $c.level.kind)
if c.level.kind != fplSinglePairKey: c.advance()
c.level = initLevel(fplUnknown)
of ltQuotedScalar:
if c.handleFlowItemStart(e): return true
if c.tag == yTagQuestionMark: c.tag = yTagExclamationMark
e = c.currentScalar()
result = true
state = objectEnd
stored = flowAfterObject
of ltTagHandle:
if c.handleFlowItemStart(e): return true
of ltAnchor:
if c.handleFlowItemStart(e): return true
of ltAlias:
state = alias
stored = flowAfterObject
of ltMapKeyInd:
if c.explicitFlowKey:
raise c.generateError("Duplicate '?' in flow mapping")
elif c.level.kind == fplUnknown:
case c.ancestry[c.ancestry.high].kind
of fplMapKey, fplMapValue, fplDocument: discard
of fplSequence:
e = c.objectStart(yamlStartMap, true)
result = true
raise c.generateError("Unexpected token")
c.explicitFlowKey = true
of ltScalarPart:
if c.handleFlowItemStart(e): return true
e = c.currentScalar()
result = true
state = objectEnd
stored = flowAfterObject
raise c.generateError("Unexpected toked: " & $c.lex.cur)
parserState leaveFlowMap:
case c.level.kind
of fplMapValue:
e = c.emptyScalar()
c.level.kind = fplMapKey
return true
of fplMapKey:
if c.tag != yTagQuestionMark or c.anchor != yAnchorNone or
e = c.emptyScalar()
c.level.kind = fplMapValue
c.explicitFlowKey = false
return true
of fplSequence:
raise c.generateError("Unexpected token (expected ']')")
of fplSinglePairValue:
raise c.generateError("Unexpected token (expected ']')")
of fplUnknown, fplSinglePairKey, fplDocument:
internalError("Unexpected level kind: " & $c.level.kind)
result = c.leaveFlowLevel(e)
parserState leaveFlowSeq:
case c.level.kind
of fplSequence:
if c.tag != yTagQuestionMark or c.anchor != yAnchorNone:
e = c.emptyScalar()
return true
of fplSinglePairValue:
e = c.emptyScalar()
c.level = c.ancestry.pop()
state = leaveFlowSinglePairMap
stored = leaveFlowSeq
return true
of fplMapKey, fplMapValue:
raise c.generateError("Unexpected token (expected '}')")
of fplUnknown, fplSinglePairKey, fplDocument:
internalError("Unexpected level kind: " & $c.level.kind)
result = c.leaveFlowLevel(e)
parserState leaveFlowSinglePairMap:
e = endMapEvent()
result = true
state = stored
parserState flowAfterObject:
case c.lex.cur
of ltBracketClose:
case c.level.kind
of fplSequence: discard
of fplMapKey, fplMapValue:
raise c.generateError("Unexpected token (expected '}')")
of fplSinglePairValue:
c.level = c.ancestry.pop()
yAssert(c.level.kind == fplSequence)
e = endMapEvent()
return true
of fplUnknown, fplSinglePairKey, fplDocument:
internalError("Unexpected level kind: " & $c.level.kind)
result = c.leaveFlowLevel(e)
of ltBraceClose:
case c.level.kind
of fplMapKey, fplMapValue: discard
of fplSequence, fplSinglePairValue:
raise c.generateError("Unexpected token (expected ']')")
of fplUnknown, fplSinglePairKey, fplDocument:
internalError("Unexpected level kind: " & $c.level.kind)
result = c.leaveFlowLevel(e)
of ltComma:
case c.level.kind
of fplSequence: discard
of fplMapValue:
e = scalarEvent("", yTagQuestionMark, yAnchorNone)
result = true
c.level.kind = fplMapKey
c.explicitFlowKey = false
of fplSinglePairValue:
c.level = c.ancestry.pop()
yAssert(c.level.kind == fplSequence)
e = endMapEvent()
result = true
of fplMapKey: c.explicitFlowKey = false
of fplUnknown, fplSinglePairKey, fplDocument:
internalError("Unexpected level kind: " & $c.level.kind)
c.level = initLevel(fplUnknown)
state = flow
of ltMapValInd:
case c.level.kind
of fplSequence, fplMapKey:
raise c.generateError("Unexpected token (expected ',')")
of fplMapValue, fplSinglePairValue: discard
of fplUnknown, fplSinglePairKey, fplDocument:
internalError("Unexpected level kind: " & $c.level.kind)
c.level = initLevel(fplUnknown)
state = flow
of ltStreamEnd:
raise c.generateError("Unclosed flow content")
raise c.generateError("Unexpected content (expected flow indicator)")
proc lastTokenContext(s: YamlStream, line, column: var int,
lineContent: var string): bool =
let c = ParserContext(s)
line = c.lex.curStartPos.line
column = c.lex.curStartPos.column
lineContent = c.lex.getTokenLine(true)
result = true
# --- parser initialization ---
proc init(c: ParserContext, p: YamlParser) =
c.p = p
c.ancestry = newSeq[FastParseLevel]()
c.flowdepth = 0
c.isFinished = false
c.peeked = false
c.nextImpl = stateInitial
c.explicitFlowKey = false
c.lastTokenContextImpl = lastTokenContext
proc parse*(p: YamlParser, s: Stream): YamlStream =
let c = new(ParserContext)
try: c.lex = newYamlLexer(s)
let e = newException(YamlParserError,
"Error while opening stream: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg())
e.parent = getCurrentException()
e.line = 1
e.column = 1
e.lineContent = ""
raise e
result = c
proc parse*(p: YamlParser, str: string): YamlStream =
let c = new(ParserContext)
c.lex = newYamlLexer(str)
result = c