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synced 2025-01-28 03:54:58 +00:00
175 lines
6.5 KiB
175 lines
6.5 KiB
import ../private/lex
import unittest, strutils
const tokensWithValue =
[ltScalarPart, ltQuotedScalar, ltYamlVersion, ltTagShorthand, ltTagUri,
ltUnknownDirective, ltUnknownDirectiveParams]
TokenWithValue = object
case kind: LexerToken
of tokensWithValue:
value: string
of ltIndentation:
indentation: int
of ltBlockScalarHeader:
folded: bool
chomp: ChompType
else: discard
proc actualRepr(lex: YamlLexer, t: LexerToken): string =
result = $t
case t
of tokensWithValue:
result.add("(" & escape(lex.buf) & ")")
of ltIndentation:
result.add("(" & $lex.indentation & ")")
of ltBlockScalarHeader:
result.add("(" & $lex.folded & ", " & $lex.chomp & ")")
else: discard
proc assertEquals(input: string, expected: varargs[TokenWithValue]) =
let lex = newYamlLexer(input)
i = 0
blockScalarEnd = -1
flowDepth = 0
for expectedToken in expected:
let t = lex.next()
doAssert t == expectedToken.kind, "Wrong token kind at #" & $i &
": Expected " & $expectedToken.kind & ", got " & lex.actualRepr(t)
case expectedToken.kind
of tokensWithValue:
doAssert lex.buf == expectedToken.value, "Wrong token content at #" &
$i & ": Expected " & escape(expectedToken.value) &
", got " & escape(lex.buf)
lex.buf = ""
of ltIndentation:
doAssert lex.indentation == expectedToken.indentation,
"Wrong indentation length at #" & $i & ": Expected " &
$expectedToken.indentation & ", got " & $lex.indentation
if lex.indentation <= blockScalarEnd:
blockScalarEnd = -1
of ltBlockScalarHeader:
doAssert lex.folded == expectedToken.folded,
"Wrong folded indicator at #" & $i & ": Expected " &
$expectedToken.folded & ", got " & $lex.folded
doAssert lex.chomp == expectedToken.chomp,
"Wrong chomp indicator at #" & $i & ": Expected " &
$expectedToken.chomp & ", got " & $lex.chomp
blockScalarEnd = lex.indentation
of ltBraceOpen, ltBracketOpen:
if flowDepth == 1: lex.setFlow(true)
of ltBraceClose, ltBracketClose:
if flowDepth == 0: lex.setFlow(false)
else: discard
except YamlLexerError:
let e = (ref YamlLexerError)(getCurrentException())
echo "Error at line " & $e.line & ", column " & $e.column & ":"
echo e.lineContent
assert false
proc i(indent: int): TokenWithValue =
TokenWithValue(kind: ltIndentation, indentation: indent)
proc sp(v: string): TokenWithValue =
TokenWithValue(kind: ltScalarPart, value: v)
proc qs(v: string): TokenWithValue =
TokenWithValue(kind: ltQuotedScalar, value: v)
proc se(): TokenWithValue = TokenWithValue(kind: ltStreamEnd)
proc mk(): TokenWithValue = TokenWithValue(kind: ltMapKeyInd)
proc mv(): TokenWithValue = TokenWithValue(kind: ltMapValInd)
proc si(): TokenWithValue = TokenWithValue(kind: ltSeqItemInd)
proc dy(): TokenWithValue = TokenWithValue(kind: ltYamlDirective)
proc dt(): TokenWithValue = TokenWithValue(kind: ltTagDirective)
proc du(v: string): TokenWithValue =
TokenWithValue(kind: ltUnknownDirective, value: v)
proc dp(v: string): TokenWithValue =
TokenWithValue(kind: ltUnknownDirectiveParams, value: v)
proc yv(v: string): TokenWithValue =
TokenWithValue(kind: ltYamlVersion, value: v)
proc ts(v: string): TokenWithValue =
TokenWithValue(kind: ltTagShorthand, value: v)
proc tu(v: string): TokenWithValue =
TokenWithValue(kind: ltTagUri, value: v)
proc dirE(): TokenWithValue = TokenWithValue(kind: ltDirectivesEnd)
proc docE(): TokenWithValue = TokenWithValue(kind: ltDocumentEnd)
proc bs(folded: bool, chomp: ChompType): TokenWithValue =
TokenWithValue(kind: ltBlockScalarHeader, folded: folded, chomp: chomp)
proc el(): TokenWithValue = TokenWithValue(kind: ltEmptyLine)
proc ao(): TokenWithValue = TokenWithValue(kind: ltBracketOpen)
proc ac(): TokenWithValue = TokenWithValue(kind: ltBracketClose)
proc oo(): TokenWithValue = TokenWithValue(kind: ltBraceOpen)
proc oc(): TokenWithValue = TokenWithValue(kind: ltBraceClose)
proc c(): TokenWithValue = TokenWithValue(kind: ltComma)
suite "Lexer":
test "Empty document":
assertEquals("", se())
test "Single-line scalar":
assertEquals("scalar", i(0), sp("scalar"), se())
test "Multiline scalar":
assertEquals("scalar\l line two", i(0), sp("scalar"), i(2),
sp("line two"), se())
test "Single-line mapping":
assertEquals("key: value", i(0), sp("key"), mv(), sp("value"), se())
test "Multiline mapping":
assertEquals("key:\n value", i(0), sp("key"), mv(), i(2), sp("value"),
test "Explicit mapping":
assertEquals("? key\n: value", i(0), mk(), sp("key"), i(0), mv(),
sp("value"), se())
test "Sequence":
assertEquals("- a\n- b", i(0), si(), sp("a"), i(0), si(), sp("b"), se())
test "Single-line single-quoted scalar":
assertEquals("'quoted scalar'", i(0), qs("quoted scalar"), se())
test "Multiline single-quoted scalar":
assertEquals("'quoted\l multi line \l\lscalar'", i(0),
qs("quoted multi line\lscalar"), se())
test "Single-line double-quoted scalar":
assertEquals("\"quoted scalar\"", i(0), qs("quoted scalar"), se())
test "Multiline double-quoted scalar":
assertEquals("\"quoted\l multi line \l\lscalar\"", i(0),
qs("quoted multi line\lscalar"), se())
test "Escape sequences":
assertEquals(""""\n\x31\u0032\U00000033"""", i(0), qs("\l123"), se())
test "Directives":
assertEquals("%YAML 1.2\n---\n%TAG\n...\n\n%TAG ! example.html",
dy(), yv("1.2"), dirE(), i(0), sp("%TAG"), i(0), docE(), dt(),
ts("!"), tu("example.html"), se())
test "Markers and Unknown Directive":
assertEquals("---\n---\n...\n%UNKNOWN warbl", dirE(), dirE(), i(0),
docE(), du("UNKNOWN"), dp("warbl"), se())
test "Block scalar":
assertEquals("|\l a\l\l b\l # comment", i(0), bs(false, ctClip), i(2),
sp("a"), el(), i(2), sp("b"), i(1), se())
test "Block Scalars":
assertEquals("one : >2-\l foo\l bar\ltwo: |+\l bar\l baz", i(0),
sp("one"), mv(), bs(true, ctStrip), i(3), sp(" foo"), i(2), sp("bar"),
i(0), sp("two"), mv(), bs(false, ctKeep), i(1), sp("bar"), i(2),
sp(" baz"), se())
test "Flow indicators":
assertEquals("bla]: {c: d, [e]: f}", i(0), sp("bla]"), mv(), oo(), sp("c"),
mv(), sp("d"), c(), ao(), sp("e"), ac(), mv(), sp("f"), oc(), se()) |