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# NimYAML - YAML implementation in Nim
# (c) Copyright 2016 Felix Krause
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## =================
## Module yaml.hints
## =================
## The hints API enables you to guess the type of YAML scalars.
import macros
import ../private/internal
TypeHint* = enum
## A type hint can be computed from scalar content and tells you what
## NimYAML thinks the scalar's type is. It is generated by
## `guessType <#guessType,string>`_ The first matching RegEx
## in the following table will be the type hint of a scalar string.
## You can use it to determine the type of YAML scalars that have a '?'
## non-specific tag, but using this feature is completely optional.
## ================== =========================
## Name RegEx
## ================== =========================
## ``yTypeInteger`` ``0 | -? [1-9] [0-9]*``
## ``yTypeFloat`` ``-? [1-9] ( \. [0-9]* [1-9] )? ( e [-+] [1-9] [0-9]* )?``
## ``yTypeFloatInf`` ``-? \. (inf | Inf | INF)``
## ``yTypeFloatNaN`` ``-? \. (nan | NaN | NAN)``
## ``yTypeBoolTrue`` ``y|Y|yes|Yes|YES|true|True|TRUE|on|On|ON``
## ``yTypeBoolFalse`` ``n|N|no|No|NO|false|False|FALSE|off|Off|OFF``
## ``yTypeNull`` ``~ | null | Null | NULL``
## ``yTypeUnknown`` ``*``
## ================== =========================
yTypeInteger, yTypeFloat, yTypeFloatInf, yTypeFloatNaN, yTypeBoolTrue,
yTypeBoolFalse, yTypeNull, yTypeUnknown
YamlTypeHintState = enum
ythF, ythFA, ythFAL, ythFALS, ythFALSE,
ythN, ythNU, ythNUL, ythNULL,
ythO, ythON,
ythOF, ythOFF,
ythT, ythTR, ythTRU, ythTRUE,
ythY, ythYE, ythYES,
ythPoint, ythPointI, ythPointIN, ythPointINF,
ythPointN, ythPointNA, ythPointNAN,
ythLowerFA, ythLowerFAL, ythLowerFALS,
ythLowerNU, ythLowerNUL,
ythLowerTR, ythLowerTRU,
ythPointLowerIN, ythPointLowerN, ythPointLowerNA,
ythMinus, yth0, ythInt, ythDecimal, ythNumE, ythNumEPlusMinus, ythExponent
macro typeHintStateMachine(c: untyped, content: untyped): typed =
yAssert content.kind == nnkStmtList
result = newNimNode(nnkCaseStmt, content).add(copyNimNode(c))
for branch in content.children:
yAssert branch.kind == nnkOfBranch
charBranch = newNimNode(nnkOfBranch, branch)
i = 0
stateBranches = newNimNode(nnkCaseStmt, branch).add(
while branch[i].kind != nnkStmtList:
for rule in branch[i].children:
yAssert rule.kind == nnkInfix
yAssert $rule[0].ident == "=>"
var stateBranch = newNimNode(nnkOfBranch, rule)
case rule[1].kind
of nnkBracket:
for item in rule[1].children: stateBranch.add(item)
of nnkIdent: stateBranch.add(rule[1])
else: internalError("Invalid rule kind: " & $rule[1].kind)
if rule[2].kind == nnkNilLit:
newIdentNode("typeHintState"), copyNimTree(rule[2]))))
template advanceTypeHint(ch: char) {.dirty.} =
typeHintStateMachine ch:
of '~': ythInitial => ythNULL
of '.':
[yth0, ythInt] => ythDecimal
[ythInitial, ythMinus] => ythPoint
of '+': ythNumE => ythNumEPlusMinus
of '-':
ythInitial => ythMinus
ythNumE => ythNumEPlusMinus
of '0':
[ythInitial, ythMinus] => yth0
[ythNumE, ythNumEPlusMinus] => ythExponent
[ythInt, ythDecimal, ythExponent] => nil
of '1'..'9':
[ythInitial, ythMinus] => ythInt
[ythNumE, ythNumEPlusMinus] => ythExponent
[ythInt, ythDecimal, ythExponent] => nil
of 'a':
ythF => ythLowerFA
ythPointN => ythPointNA
ythPointLowerN => ythPointLowerNA
of 'A':
ythF => ythFA
ythPointN => ythPointNA
of 'e':
[yth0, ythInt, ythDecimal] => ythNumE
ythLowerFALS => ythFALSE
ythLowerTRU => ythTRUE
ythY => ythLowerYE
of 'E':
[yth0, ythInt, ythDecimal] => ythNumE
ythFALS => ythFALSE
ythTRU => ythTRUE
ythY => ythYE
of 'f':
ythInitial => ythF
ythO => ythLowerOF
ythLowerOF => ythOFF
ythPointLowerIN => ythPointINF
of 'F':
ythInitial => ythF
ythO => ythOF
ythOF => ythOFF
ythPointIN => ythPointINF
of 'i', 'I': ythPoint => ythPointI
of 'l':
ythLowerNU => ythLowerNUL
ythLowerNUL => ythNULL
ythLowerFA => ythLowerFAL
of 'L':
ythNU => ythNUL
ythNUL => ythNULL
ythFA => ythFAL
of 'n':
ythInitial => ythN
ythO => ythON
ythPoint => ythPointLowerN
ythPointI => ythPointLowerIN
ythPointLowerNA => ythPointNAN
of 'N':
ythInitial => ythN
ythO => ythON
ythPoint => ythPointN
ythPointI => ythPointIN
ythPointNA => ythPointNAN
of 'o', 'O':
ythInitial => ythO
ythN => ythNO
of 'r': ythT => ythLowerTR
of 'R': ythT => ythTR
of 's':
ythLowerFAL => ythLowerFALS
ythLowerYE => ythYES
of 'S':
ythFAL => ythFALS
ythYE => ythYES
of 't', 'T': ythInitial => ythT
of 'u':
ythN => ythLowerNU
ythLowerTR => ythLowerTRU
of 'U':
ythN => ythNU
ythTR => ythTRU
of 'y', 'Y': ythInitial => ythY
proc guessType*(scalar: string): TypeHint {.raises: [].} =
## Parse scalar string according to the RegEx table documented at
## `TypeHint <#TypeHind>`_.
var typeHintState: YamlTypeHintState = ythInitial
for c in scalar: advanceTypeHint(c)
case typeHintState
of ythNULL: result = yTypeNull
of ythTRUE, ythON, ythYES, ythY: result = yTypeBoolTrue
of ythFALSE, ythOFF, ythNO, ythN: result = yTypeBoolFalse
of ythInt, yth0: result = yTypeInteger
of ythDecimal, ythExponent: result = yTypeFloat
of ythPointINF: result = yTypeFloatInf
of ythPointNAN: result = yTypeFloatNaN
else: result = yTypeUnknown