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# NimYAML - YAML implementation in Nim
# (c) Copyright 2016 Felix Krause
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## =====================
## Module yaml/presenter
## =====================
## This is the presenter API, used for generating YAML character streams.
import std / [streams, deques, strutils, options]
import data, taglib, stream, private/internal, hints, parser
PresentationStyle* = enum
## Different styles for YAML character stream output.
## - ``ypsMinimal``: Single-line flow-only output which tries to
## use as few characters as possible.
## - ``ypsCanonical``: Canonical YAML output. Writes all tags except
## for the non-specific tags ``?`` and ``!``, uses flow style, quotes
## all string scalars.
## - ``ypsDefault``: Tries to be as human-readable as possible. Uses
## block style by default, but tries to condense mappings and
## sequences which only contain scalar nodes into a single line using
## flow style.
## - ``ypsJson``: Omits the ``%YAML`` directive and the ``---``
## marker. Uses flow style. Flattens anchors and aliases, omits tags.
## Output will be parseable as JSON. ``YamlStream`` to dump may only
## contain one document.
## - ``ypsBlockOnly``: Formats all output in block style, does not use
## flow style at all.
psMinimal, psCanonical, psDefault, psJson, psBlockOnly
TagStyle* = enum
## Whether object should be serialized with explicit tags.
## - ``tsNone``: No tags will be outputted unless necessary.
## - ``tsRootOnly``: A tag will only be outputted for the root tag and
## where necessary.
## - ``tsAll``: Tags will be outputted for every object.
tsNone, tsRootOnly, tsAll
AnchorStyle* = enum
## How ref object should be serialized.
## - ``asNone``: No anchors will be written. Values present at
## multiple places in the content that should be serialized will be
## fully serialized at every occurence. If the content is cyclic, this
## will raise a YamlSerializationError.
## - ``asTidy``: Anchors will only be generated for objects that
## actually occur more than once in the content to be serialized.
## This is a bit slower and needs more memory than ``asAlways``.
## - ``asAlways``: Achors will be generated for every ref object in the
## content to be serialized, regardless of whether the object is
## referenced again afterwards
asNone, asTidy, asAlways
NewLineStyle* = enum
## What kind of newline sequence is used when presenting.
## - ``nlLF``: Use a single linefeed char as newline.
## - ``nlCRLF``: Use a sequence of carriage return and linefeed as
## newline.
## - ``nlOSDefault``: Use the target operation system's default newline
## sequence (CRLF on Windows, LF everywhere else).
nlLF, nlCRLF, nlOSDefault
OutputYamlVersion* = enum
## Specify which YAML version number the presenter shall emit. The
## presenter will always emit content that is valid YAML 1.1, but by
## default will write a directive ``%YAML 1.2``. For compatibility with
## other YAML implementations, it is possible to change this here.
## It is also possible to specify that the presenter shall not emit any
## YAML version. The generated content is then guaranteed to be valid
## YAML 1.1 and 1.2 (but not 1.0 or any newer YAML version).
ov1_2, ov1_1, ovNone
PresentationOptions* = object
## Options for generating a YAML character stream
style*: PresentationStyle
indentationStep*: int
newlines*: NewLineStyle
outputVersion*: OutputYamlVersion
maxLineLength*: Option[int]
YamlPresenterJsonError* = object of ValueError
## Exception that may be raised by the YAML presenter when it is
## instructed to output JSON, but is unable to do so. This may occur if:
## - The given `YamlStream <#YamlStream>`_ contains a map which has any
## non-scalar type as key.
## - Any float scalar bears a ``NaN`` or positive/negative infinity value
YamlPresenterOutputError* = object of ValueError
## Exception that may be raised by the YAML presenter. This occurs if
## writing character data to the output stream raises any exception.
## The error that has occurred is available from ``parent``.
DumperState = enum
dBlockExplicitMapKey, dBlockImplicitMapKey, dBlockMapValue,
dBlockInlineMap, dBlockSequenceItem, dFlowImplicitMapKey, dFlowMapValue,
dFlowExplicitMapKey, dFlowSequenceItem, dFlowMapStart, dFlowSequenceStart
ScalarStyle = enum
sLiteral, sFolded, sPlain, sDoubleQuoted
Context = object
target: Stream
options: PresentationOptions
handles: seq[tuple[handle, uriPrefix: string]]
levels: seq[DumperState]
defaultPresentationOptions* =
PresentationOptions(style: psDefault, indentationStep: 2,
newlines: nlOSDefault, maxLineLength: some(80))
proc defineOptions*(style: PresentationStyle = psDefault,
indentationStep: int = 2,
newlines: NewLineStyle = nlOSDefault,
outputVersion: OutputYamlVersion = ov1_2,
maxLineLength: Option[int] = some(80)):
PresentationOptions {.raises: [].} =
## Define a set of options for presentation. Convenience proc that requires
## you to only set those values that should not equal the default.
PresentationOptions(style: style, indentationStep: indentationStep,
newlines: newlines, outputVersion: outputVersion,
maxLineLength: maxLineLength)
proc state(c: Context): DumperState = c.levels[^1]
proc `state=`(c: var Context, v: DumperState) =
c.levels[^1] = v
proc searchHandle(c: Context, tag: string):
tuple[handle: string, len: int] {.raises: [].} =
## search in the registered tag handles for one whose prefix matches the start
## of the given tag. If multiple registered handles match, the one with the
## longest prefix is returned. If no registered handle matches, ("", 0) is
## returned.
result.len = 0
for item in c.handles:
if item.uriPrefix.len > result.len:
if tag.startsWith(item.uriPrefix):
result.len = item.uriPrefix.len
result.handle = item.handle
proc inspect(scalar: string, indentation: int,
words, lines: var seq[tuple[start, finish: int]],
lineLength: Option[int]):
ScalarStyle {.raises: [].} =
inLine = false
inWord = false
multipleSpaces = true
curWord, curLine: tuple[start, finish: int]
canUseFolded = true
canUseLiteral = true
canUsePlain = scalar.len > 0 and
scalar[0] notin {'@', '`', '|', '>', '&', '*', '!', ' ', '\t'}
for i, c in scalar:
case c
of ' ':
if inWord:
if not multipleSpaces:
curWord.finish = i - 1
inWord = false
multipleSpaces = true
inWord = true
if not inLine:
inLine = true
curLine.start = i
# space at beginning of line will preserve previous and next
# linebreak. that is currently too complex to handle.
canUseFolded = false
of '\l':
canUsePlain = false # we don't use multiline plain scalars
curWord.finish = i - 1
if lineLength.isSome and
curWord.finish - curWord.start + 1 > lineLength.get() - indentation:
return if canUsePlain: sPlain else: sDoubleQuoted
inWord = false
curWord.start = i + 1
multipleSpaces = true
if not inLine: curLine.start = i
inLine = false
curLine.finish = i - 1
if lineLength.isSome and
curLine.finish - curLine.start + 1 > lineLength.get() - indentation:
canUseLiteral = false
if c in {'{', '}', '[', ']', ',', '#', '-', ':', '?', '%', '"', '\''} or
c.ord < 32: canUsePlain = false
if not inLine:
curLine.start = i
inLine = true
if not inWord:
if not multipleSpaces:
if lineLength.isSome and
curWord.finish - curWord.start + 1 > lineLength.get() - indentation:
return if canUsePlain: sPlain else: sDoubleQuoted
curWord.start = i
inWord = true
multipleSpaces = false
if inWord:
curWord.finish = scalar.len - 1
if lineLength.isSome and
curWord.finish - curWord.start + 1 > lineLength.get() - indentation:
return if canUsePlain: sPlain else: sDoubleQuoted
if inLine:
curLine.finish = scalar.len - 1
if lineLength.isSome and
curLine.finish - curLine.start + 1 > lineLength.get() - indentation:
canUseLiteral = false
if lineLength.isNone or scalar.len <= lineLength.get() - indentation:
result = if canUsePlain: sPlain else: sDoubleQuoted
elif canUseLiteral: result = sLiteral
elif canUseFolded: result = sFolded
elif canUsePlain: result = sPlain
else: result = sDoubleQuoted
template append(target: Stream, val: string | char) =
template append(target: ptr[string], val: string | char) =
proc writeDoubleQuoted(c: Context, scalar: string, indentation: int,
newline: string, lineLength: Option[int])
{.raises: [YamlPresenterOutputError].} =
var curPos = indentation
let t = c.target
for c in scalar:
if lineLength.isSome and curPos == lineLength.get() - 1:
t.append(repeat(' ', indentation))
curPos = indentation
if c == ' ':
case c
of '"':
of '\l':
of '\t':
of '\\':
if ord(c) < 32:
t.append("\\x" & toHex(ord(c), 2))
except CatchableError as ce:
var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError,
"Error while writing to output stream")
e.parent = ce
raise e
proc writeDoubleQuotedJson(c: Context, scalar: string)
{.raises: [YamlPresenterOutputError].} =
let t = c.target
for c in scalar:
case c
of '"': t.append("\\\"")
of '\\': t.append("\\\\")
of '\l': t.append("\\n")
of '\t': t.append("\\t")
of '\f': t.append("\\f")
of '\b': t.append("\\b")
if ord(c) < 32: t.append("\\u" & toHex(ord(c), 4)) else: t.append(c)
var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError,
"Error while writing to output stream")
e.parent = getCurrentException()
raise e
proc writeLiteral(c: Context, scalar: string, indentation, indentStep: int,
lines: seq[tuple[start, finish: int]], newline: string)
{.raises: [YamlPresenterOutputError].} =
let t = c.target
if scalar[^1] != '\l': t.append('-')
if scalar[0] in [' ', '\t']: t.append($indentStep)
for line in lines:
t.append(repeat(' ', indentation + indentStep))
if line.finish >= line.start:
t.append(scalar[line.start .. line.finish])
except CatchableError as ce:
var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError,
"Error while writing to output stream")
e.parent = ce
raise e
proc writeFolded(c: Context, scalar: string, indentation, indentStep: int,
words: seq[tuple[start, finish: int]],
newline: string)
{.raises: [YamlPresenterOutputError].} =
let t = c.target
let lineLength = (
if c.options.maxLineLength.isSome: c.options.maxLineLength.get() else: 1024)
if scalar[^1] != '\l': t.append('-')
if scalar[0] in [' ', '\t']: t.append($indentStep)
var curPos = lineLength
for word in words:
if word.start > 0 and scalar[word.start - 1] == '\l':
t.append(newline & newline)
t.append(repeat(' ', indentation + indentStep))
curPos = indentation + indentStep
elif curPos + (word.finish - word.start + 1) > lineLength:
t.append(repeat(' ', indentation + indentStep))
curPos = indentation + indentStep
t.append(' ')
t.append(scalar[word.start .. word.finish])
curPos += word.finish - word.start + 1
except CatchableError as ce:
var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError,
"Error while writing to output stream")
e.parent = ce
raise e
template safeWrite(c: Context, s: string or char) =
try: c.target.append(s)
except CatchableError as ce:
var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError, "")
e.parent = ce
raise e
proc startItem(c: var Context, indentation: int, isObject: bool,
newline: string) {.raises: [YamlPresenterOutputError].} =
let t = c.target
case c.state
of dBlockMapValue:
t.append(repeat(' ', indentation))
if isObject or c.options.style == psCanonical:
t.append("? ")
c.state = dBlockExplicitMapKey
else: c.state = dBlockImplicitMapKey
of dBlockInlineMap: c.state = dBlockImplicitMapKey
of dBlockExplicitMapKey:
t.append(repeat(' ', indentation))
t.append(": ")
c.state = dBlockMapValue
of dBlockImplicitMapKey:
t.append(": ")
c.state = dBlockMapValue
of dFlowExplicitMapKey:
if c.options.style != psMinimal:
t.append(repeat(' ', indentation))
t.append(": ")
c.state = dFlowMapValue
of dFlowMapValue:
if (isObject and c.options.style != psMinimal) or c.options.style in [psJson, psCanonical]:
t.append(',' & newline & repeat(' ', indentation))
if c.options.style == psJson: c.state = dFlowImplicitMapKey
t.append("? ")
c.state = dFlowExplicitMapKey
elif isObject and c.options.style == psMinimal:
t.append(", ? ")
c.state = dFlowExplicitMapKey
t.append(", ")
c.state = dFlowImplicitMapKey
of dFlowMapStart:
if (isObject and c.options.style != psMinimal) or c.options.style in [psJson, psCanonical]:
t.append(newline & repeat(' ', indentation))
if c.options.style == psJson: c.state = dFlowImplicitMapKey
t.append("? ")
c.state = dFlowExplicitMapKey
else: c.state = dFlowImplicitMapKey
of dFlowImplicitMapKey:
t.append(": ")
c.state = dFlowMapValue
of dBlockSequenceItem:
t.append(repeat(' ', indentation))
t.append("- ")
of dFlowSequenceStart:
case c.options.style
of psMinimal, psDefault: discard
of psCanonical, psJson:
t.append(repeat(' ', indentation))
of psBlockOnly: discard # can never happen
c.state = dFlowSequenceItem
of dFlowSequenceItem:
case c.options.style
of psMinimal, psDefault: t.append(", ")
of psCanonical, psJson:
t.append(',' & newline)
t.append(repeat(' ', indentation))
of psBlockOnly: discard # can never happen
except CatchableError as ce:
var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError, "")
e.parent = ce
raise e
proc writeTagAndAnchor(c: Context, props: Properties) {.raises: [YamlPresenterOutputError].} =
let t = c.target
if props.tag notin [yTagQuestionMark, yTagExclamationMark]:
let tagUri = $props.tag
let (handle, length) = c.searchHandle(tagUri)
if length > 0:
t.append(' ')
t.append("> ")
if props.anchor != yAnchorNone:
t.append(' ')
except CatchableError as ce:
var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError, "")
e.parent = ce
raise e
proc nextItem(c: var Deque, s: var YamlStream):
Event {.raises: [YamlStreamError].} =
if c.len > 0:
try: result = c.popFirst
except IndexDefect: internalError("Unexpected IndexError")
result = s.next()
proc doPresent(c: var Context, s: var YamlStream) =
indentation = 0
cached = initDeQue[Event]()
let newline = if c.options.newlines == nlLF: "\l"
elif c.options.newlines == nlCRLF: "\c\l" else: "\n"
var firstDoc = true
while true:
let item = nextItem(cached, s)
case item.kind
of yamlStartStream: discard
of yamlEndStream: break
of yamlStartDoc:
for v in item.handles:
discard registerHandle(c.handles, v.handle, v.uriPrefix)
if not firstDoc:
if c.options.style == psJson:
raise newException(YamlPresenterJsonError,
"Cannot output more than one document in JSON style")
c.safeWrite("..." & newline)
if c.options.style != psJson:
case c.options.outputVersion
of ov1_2: c.target.append("%YAML 1.2" & newline)
of ov1_1: c.target.append("%YAML 1.1" & newLine)
of ovNone: discard
for v in c.handles:
if v.handle == "!":
if v.uriPrefix != "!":
c.target.append("%TAG ! " & v.uriPrefix & newline)
elif v.handle == "!!":
if v.uriPrefix != yamlTagRepositoryPrefix:
c.target.append("%TAG !! " & v.uriPrefix & newline)
c.target.append("%TAG " & v.handle & ' ' & v.uriPrefix & newline)
c.target.append("--- ")
except CatchableError as ce:
var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError, "")
e.parent = ce
raise e
of yamlScalar:
if c.levels.len == 0:
if c.options.style != psJson: c.safeWrite(newline)
c.startItem(indentation, false, newline)
if c.options.style != psJson:
if c.options.style == psJson:
let hint = guessType(item.scalarContent)
let tag = item.scalarProperties.tag
if tag in [yTagQuestionMark, yTagBoolean] and
hint in {yTypeBoolTrue, yTypeBoolFalse}:
c.safeWrite(if hint == yTypeBoolTrue: "true" else: "false")
elif tag in [yTagQuestionMark, yTagNull] and
hint == yTypeNull:
elif tag in [yTagQuestionMark, yTagInteger,
yTagNimInt8, yTagNimInt16, yTagNimInt32, yTagNimInt64,
yTagNimUInt8, yTagNimUInt16, yTagNimUInt32, yTagNimUInt64] and
hint == yTypeInteger:
elif tag in [yTagQuestionMark, yTagFloat, yTagNimFloat32,
yTagNimFloat64] and hint in {yTypeFloatInf, yTypeFloatNaN}:
raise newException(YamlPresenterJsonError,
"Infinity and not-a-number values cannot be presented as JSON!")
elif tag in [yTagQuestionMark, yTagFloat] and
hint == yTypeFloat:
else: c.writeDoubleQuotedJson(item.scalarContent)
elif c.options.style == psCanonical:
indentation + c.options.indentationStep, newline,
var words, lines = newSeq[tuple[start, finish: int]]()
case item.scalarContent.inspect(
indentation + c.options.indentationStep, words, lines,
of sLiteral: c.writeLiteral(item.scalarContent, indentation,
c.options.indentationStep, lines, newline)
of sFolded: c.writeFolded(item.scalarContent, indentation,
c.options.indentationStep, words, newline)
of sPlain: c.safeWrite(item.scalarContent)
of sDoubleQuoted: c.writeDoubleQuoted(item.scalarContent,
indentation + c.options.indentationStep, newline,
of yamlAlias:
if c.options.style == psJson:
raise newException(YamlPresenterJsonError,
"Alias not allowed in JSON output")
yAssert c.levels.len > 0
c.startItem(indentation, false, newline)
except CatchableError as ce:
var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError, "")
e.parent = ce
raise e
of yamlStartSeq:
var nextState: DumperState
case c.options.style
of psDefault:
var length = 0
while true:
let next = s.next()
case next.kind
of yamlScalar: length += 2 + next.scalarContent.len
of yamlAlias: length += 6
of yamlEndSeq: break
length = high(int)
nextState = if length <= 60: dFlowSequenceStart else: dBlockSequenceItem
of psJson:
if c.levels.len > 0 and c.state in [dFlowMapStart, dFlowMapValue]:
raise newException(YamlPresenterJsonError, "Cannot have sequence as map key in JSON output!")
nextState = dFlowSequenceStart
of psMinimal, psCanonical: nextState = dFlowSequenceStart
of psBlockOnly:
let next = s.peek()
if next.kind == yamlEndSeq: nextState = dFlowSequenceStart
else: nextState = dBlockSequenceItem
if c.levels.len == 0:
case nextState
of dBlockSequenceItem:
if c.options.style != psJson:
of dFlowSequenceStart:
if c.options.style != psJson:
indentation += c.options.indentationStep
else: internalError("Invalid nextState: " & $nextState)
c.startItem(indentation, true, newline)
if c.options.style != psJson:
indentation += c.options.indentationStep
if nextState == dFlowSequenceStart: c.safeWrite('[')
if c.levels.len > 0 and c.options.style in [psJson, psCanonical] and
c.state in [dBlockExplicitMapKey, dBlockMapValue,
dBlockImplicitMapKey, dBlockSequenceItem]:
indentation += c.options.indentationStep
of yamlStartMap:
var nextState: DumperState
case c.options.style
of psDefault:
type MapParseState = enum
mpInitial, mpKey, mpValue, mpNeedBlock
var mps: MapParseState = mpInitial
while mps != mpNeedBlock:
case s.peek().kind
of yamlScalar, yamlAlias:
case mps
of mpInitial: mps = mpKey
of mpKey: mps = mpValue
else: mps = mpNeedBlock
of yamlEndMap: break
else: mps = mpNeedBlock
nextState = if mps == mpNeedBlock: dBlockMapValue else: dBlockInlineMap
of psMinimal: nextState = dFlowMapStart
of psCanonical: nextState = dFlowMapStart
of psJson:
if c.levels.len > 0 and c.state in [dFlowMapStart, dFlowMapValue]:
raise newException(YamlPresenterJsonError,
"Cannot have map as map key in JSON output!")
nextState = dFlowMapStart
of psBlockOnly:
let next = s.peek()
if next.kind == yamlEndMap: nextState = dFlowMapStart
else: nextState = dBlockMapValue
if c.levels.len == 0:
case nextState
of dBlockMapValue:
if c.options.style != psJson:
if c.options.style != psJson:
indentation += c.options.indentationStep
of dFlowMapStart:
if c.options.style != psJson:
indentation += c.options.indentationStep
of dBlockInlineMap: discard
else: internalError("Invalid nextState: " & $nextState)
if nextState in [dBlockMapValue, dBlockImplicitMapKey]:
c.startItem(indentation, true, newline)
if c.options.style != psJson:
c.startItem(indentation, true, newline)
if c.options.style != psJson:
indentation += c.options.indentationStep
if nextState == dFlowMapStart: c.safeWrite('{')
if c.levels.len > 0 and c.options.style in [psJson, psCanonical] and
c.state in [dBlockExplicitMapKey, dBlockMapValue,
dBlockImplicitMapKey, dBlockImplicitMapKey,
indentation += c.options.indentationStep
of yamlEndSeq:
yAssert c.levels.len > 0
case c.levels.pop()
of dFlowSequenceItem:
case c.options.style
of psDefault, psMinimal, psBlockOnly: c.safeWrite(']')
of psJson, psCanonical:
indentation -= c.options.indentationStep
c.target.append(repeat(' ', indentation))
except CatchableError as ce:
var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError, "")
e.parent = ce
raise e
if c.levels.len == 0 or c.state notin
[dBlockExplicitMapKey, dBlockMapValue,
dBlockImplicitMapKey, dBlockSequenceItem]:
of dFlowSequenceStart:
if c.levels.len > 0 and c.options.style in [psJson, psCanonical] and
c.state in [dBlockExplicitMapKey, dBlockMapValue,
dBlockImplicitMapKey, dBlockSequenceItem]:
indentation -= c.options.indentationStep
of dBlockSequenceItem: discard
else: internalError("Invalid popped level")
indentation -= c.options.indentationStep
of yamlEndMap:
yAssert c.levels.len > 0
let level = c.levels.pop()
case level
of dFlowMapValue:
case c.options.style
of psDefault, psMinimal, psBlockOnly: c.safeWrite('}')
of psJson, psCanonical:
indentation -= c.options.indentationStep
c.target.append(repeat(' ', indentation))
except CatchableError as ce:
var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError, "")
e.parent = ce
raise e
if c.levels.len == 0 or c.state notin
[dBlockExplicitMapKey, dBlockMapValue,
dBlockImplicitMapKey, dBlockSequenceItem]:
of dFlowMapStart:
if c.levels.len > 0 and c.options.style in [psJson, psCanonical] and
c.state in [dBlockExplicitMapKey, dBlockMapValue,
dBlockImplicitMapKey, dBlockSequenceItem]:
indentation -= c.options.indentationStep
of dBlockMapValue, dBlockInlineMap: discard
else: internalError("Invalid level: " & $level)
indentation -= c.options.indentationStep
of yamlEndDoc:
firstDoc = false
proc present*(s: var YamlStream, target: Stream,
options: PresentationOptions = defaultPresentationOptions)
{.raises: [YamlPresenterJsonError, YamlPresenterOutputError,
YamlStreamError].} =
## Convert ``s`` to a YAML character stream and write it to ``target``.
var c = Context(target: target, options: options)
doPresent(c, s)
proc present*(s: var YamlStream,
options: PresentationOptions = defaultPresentationOptions):
string {.raises: [YamlPresenterJsonError, YamlPresenterOutputError,
YamlStreamError].} =
## Convert ``s`` to a YAML character stream and return it as string.
ss = newStringStream()
c = Context(target: ss, options: options)
doPresent(c, s)
return ss.data
proc doTransform(c: var Context, input: Stream,
resolveToCoreYamlTags: bool) =
var parser: YamlParser
var events = parser.parse(input)
if c.options.style == psCanonical:
var bys: YamlStream = newBufferYamlStream()
for e in events:
if resolveToCoreYamlTags:
var event = e
case event.kind
of yamlStartStream, yamlEndStream, yamlStartDoc, yamlEndDoc, yamlEndMap, yamlAlias, yamlEndSeq:
of yamlStartMap:
if event.mapProperties.tag in [yTagQuestionMark, yTagExclamationMark]:
event.mapProperties.tag = yTagMapping
of yamlStartSeq:
if event.seqProperties.tag in [yTagQuestionMark, yTagExclamationMark]:
event.seqProperties.tag = yTagSequence
of yamlScalar:
if event.scalarProperties.tag == yTagQuestionMark:
case guessType(event.scalarContent)
of yTypeInteger: event.scalarProperties.tag = yTagInteger
of yTypeFloat, yTypeFloatInf, yTypeFloatNaN:
event.scalarProperties.tag = yTagFloat
of yTypeBoolTrue, yTypeBoolFalse: event.scalarProperties.tag = yTagBoolean
of yTypeNull: event.scalarProperties.tag = yTagNull
of yTypeTimestamp: event.scalarProperties.tag = yTagTimestamp
of yTypeUnknown: event.scalarProperties.tag = yTagString
elif event.scalarProperties.tag == yTagExclamationMark:
event.scalarProperties.tag = yTagString
else: BufferYamlStream(bys).put(e)
doPresent(c, bys)
doPresent(c, events)
except YamlStreamError as e:
var curE: ref Exception = e
while curE.parent of YamlStreamError: curE = curE.parent
if curE.parent of IOError: raise (ref IOError)(curE.parent)
elif curE.parent of OSError: raise (ref OSError)(curE.parent)
elif curE.parent of YamlParserError: raise (ref YamlParserError)(curE.parent)
else: internalError("Unexpected exception: " & curE.parent.repr)
proc genInput(input: Stream): Stream = input
proc genInput(input: string): Stream = newStringStream(input)
proc transform*(input: Stream | string, output: Stream,
options: PresentationOptions = defaultPresentationOptions,
resolveToCoreYamlTags: bool = false)
{.raises: [IOError, OSError, YamlParserError, YamlPresenterJsonError,
YamlPresenterOutputError].} =
## Parser ``input`` as YAML character stream and then dump it to ``output``
## while resolving non-specific tags to the ones in the YAML core tag
## library. If ``resolveToCoreYamlTags`` is ``true``, non-specific tags will
## be replaced by specific tags according to the YAML core schema.
var c = Context(target: output, options: options)
doTransform(c, genInput(input), resolveToCoreYamlTags)
proc transform*(input: Stream | string,
options: PresentationOptions = defaultPresentationOptions,
resolveToCoreYamlTags: bool = false):
string {.raises: [IOError, OSError, YamlParserError, YamlPresenterJsonError,
YamlPresenterOutputError].} =
## Parser ``input`` as YAML character stream, resolves non-specific tags to
## the ones in the YAML core tag library, and then returns a serialized
## YAML string that represents the stream. If ``resolveToCoreYamlTags`` is
## ``true``, non-specific tags will be replaced by specific tags according to
## the YAML core schema.
ss = newStringStream()
c = Context(target: ss, options: options)
doTransform(c, genInput(input), resolveToCoreYamlTags)
return ss.data