# NimYAML - YAML implementation in Nim # (c) Copyright 2016 Felix Krause # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. ## =============== ## Module yaml/dom ## =============== ## ## This is the DOM API, which enables you to load YAML into a tree-like ## structure. It can also dump the structure back to YAML. Formally, it ## represents the *Representation Graph* as defined in the YAML specification. ## ## The main interface of this API are ``loadDom`` and ``dumpDom``. The other ## exposed procs are low-level and useful if you want to load or generate parts ## of a ``YamlStream``. ## ## The ``YamlNode`` objects in the DOM can be used similarly to the ``JsonNode`` ## objects of Nim's `json module `_. import tables, streams, hashes, sets, strutils import data, stream, taglib, serialization, private/internal, parser, presenter when defined(gcArc) and not defined(gcOrc): {.error: "NimYAML's DOM API only supports ORC because ARC can't deal with cycles".} const defaultMark: Mark = (1.Positive, 1.Positive) ## \ ## used for events that are not generated from input. when defined(nimNoNil): {.experimental: "notnil".} type YamlNodeKind* = enum yScalar, yMapping, ySequence YamlNode* = ref YamlNodeObj ## Represents a node in a ``YamlDocument``. YamlNodeObj* = object tag*: Tag startPos*, endPos*: Mark case kind*: YamlNodeKind of yScalar: content* : string scalarStyle*: ScalarStyle of ySequence: elems* : seq[YamlNode] seqStyle*: CollectionStyle of yMapping: fields* : TableRef[YamlNode, YamlNode] mapStyle*: CollectionStyle # compiler does not like Table[YamlNode, YamlNode] YamlDocument* {.deprecated: "use YamlNode with serialization API instead".} = object ## Represents a YAML document. root*: YamlNode proc hash*(o: YamlNode): Hash = result = o.tag.hash case o.kind of yScalar: result = result !& o.content.hash of yMapping: for key, value in o.fields.pairs: result = result !& key.hash !& value.hash of ySequence: for item in o.elems: result = result !& item.hash result = !$result proc eqImpl(x, y: YamlNode, alreadyVisited: var HashSet[pointer]): bool = template compare(a, b: YamlNode) {.dirty.} = if cast[pointer](a) != cast[pointer](b): if cast[pointer](a) in alreadyVisited and cast[pointer](b) in alreadyVisited: # prevent infinite loop! return false elif a != b: return false if x.kind != y.kind or x.tag != y.tag: return false alreadyVisited.incl(cast[pointer](x)) alreadyVisited.incl(cast[pointer](y)) case x.kind of yScalar: result = x.content == y.content of ySequence: if x.elems.len != y.elems.len: return false for i in 0.. " case n.kind of yScalar: result.add(escape(n.content)) of ySequence: result.add('[') for item in n.elems: result.add($item) result.add(", ") result.setLen(result.len - 1) result[^1] = ']' of yMapping: result.add('{') for key, value in n.fields.pairs: result.add($key) result.add(": ") result.add($value) result.add(", ") result.setLen(result.len - 1) result[^1] = '}' proc newYamlNode*(content: string, tag: Tag = yTagQuestionMark, style: ScalarStyle = ssAny, startPos, endPos: Mark = defaultMark): YamlNode = YamlNode(kind: yScalar, content: content, tag: tag, startPos: startPos, endPos: endPos) proc newYamlNode*(elems: openarray[YamlNode], tag: Tag = yTagQuestionMark, style: CollectionStyle = csAny, startPos, endPos: Mark = defaultMark): YamlNode = YamlNode(kind: ySequence, elems: @elems, tag: tag, startPos: startPos, endPos: endPos) proc newYamlNode*(fields: openarray[(YamlNode, YamlNode)], tag: Tag = yTagQuestionMark, style: CollectionStyle = csAny, startPos, endPos: Mark = defaultMark): YamlNode = YamlNode(kind: yMapping, fields: newTable(fields), tag: tag, startPos: startPos, endPos: endPos) proc initYamlDoc*(root: YamlNode): YamlDocument = result = YamlDocument(root: root) proc constructChild*(s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext, result: var YamlNode) {.raises: [YamlStreamError, YamlConstructionError].} = template addAnchor(c: ConstructionContext, target: Anchor) = if target != yAnchorNone: yAssert(not c.refs.hasKey(target)) c.refs[target] = (tag: yamlTag(YamlNode), p: cast[pointer](result)) var start: Event shallowCopy(start, s.next()) case start.kind of yamlStartMap: result = YamlNode(tag: start.mapProperties.tag, kind: yMapping, fields: newTable[YamlNode, YamlNode](), mapStyle: start.mapStyle, startPos: start.startPos, endPos: start.endPos) while s.peek().kind != yamlEndMap: var key: YamlNode = nil value: YamlNode = nil constructChild(s, c, key) constructChild(s, c, value) if result.fields.hasKeyOrPut(key, value): raise newException(YamlConstructionError, "Duplicate key: " & $key) discard s.next() addAnchor(c, start.mapProperties.anchor) of yamlStartSeq: result = YamlNode(tag: start.seqProperties.tag, kind: ySequence, elems: newSeq[YamlNode](), seqStyle: start.seqStyle, startPos: start.startPos, endPos: start.endPos) while s.peek().kind != yamlEndSeq: var item: YamlNode = nil constructChild(s, c, item) result.elems.add(item) addAnchor(c, start.seqProperties.anchor) discard s.next() of yamlScalar: result = YamlNode(tag: start.scalarProperties.tag, kind: yScalar, scalarStyle: start.scalarStyle, startPos: start.startPos, endPos: start.endPos) shallowCopy(result.content, start.scalarContent) addAnchor(c, start.scalarProperties.anchor) of yamlAlias: result = cast[YamlNode](c.refs.getOrDefault(start.aliasTarget).p) else: internalError("Malformed YamlStream") proc compose*(s: var YamlStream): YamlDocument {.raises: [YamlStreamError, YamlConstructionError], deprecated: "use construct(s, root) instead".} = construct(s, result.root) proc loadDom*(s: Stream | string): YamlDocument {.raises: [IOError, OSError, YamlParserError, YamlConstructionError] deprecated: "use loadAs[YamlNode](s) instead".} = load(s, result.root) proc loadMultiDom*(s: Stream | string): seq[YamlDocument] {.raises: [IOError, OSError, YamlParserError, YamlConstructionError] deprecated: "use loadMultiDoc[YamlNode](s, target) instead".} = var parser = initYamlParser(tagLib) events = parser.parse(s) e: Event try: e = events.next() yAssert(e.kind == yamlStartStream) while events.peek().kind == yamlStartDoc: result.add(compose(events, tagLib)) e = events.next() yAssert(e.kind != yamlEndStream) except YamlStreamError: let ex = getCurrentException() if ex.parent of YamlParserError: raise (ref YamlParserError)(ex.parent) elif ex.parent of IOError: raise (ref IOError)(ex.parent) elif ex.parent of OSError: raise (ref OSError)(ex.parent) else: internalError("Unexpected exception: " & ex.parent.repr) proc representChild*(value: YamlNodeObj, ts: TagStyle, c: SerializationContext) = let childTagStyle = if ts == tsRootOnly: tsNone else: ts case value.kind of yScalar: c.put(scalarEvent(value.content, value.tag, style = value.scalarStyle, startPos = value.startPos, endPos = value.endPos)) of ySequence: c.put(startSeqEvent(tag = value.tag, style = value.seqStyle, startPos = value.startPos, endPos = value.endPos)) for item in value.elems: representChild(item, childTagStyle, c) c.put(endSeqEvent()) of yMapping: c.put(startMapEvent(tag = value.tag, style = value.mapStyle, startPos = value.startPos, endPos = value.endPos)) for key, value in value.fields.pairs: representChild(key, childTagStyle, c) representChild(value, childTagStyle, c) c.put(endMapEvent()) proc serialize*(doc: YamlDocument, a: AnchorStyle = asTidy): YamlStream {.deprecated: "use represent[YamlNode] instead".} = result = represent(doc.root, tsAll, a = a, handles = @[]) proc dumpDom*(doc: YamlDocument, target: Stream, anchorStyle: AnchorStyle = asTidy, options: PresentationOptions = defaultPresentationOptions) {.deprecated: "use dump[YamlNode] instead".} = ## Dump a YamlDocument as YAML character stream. dump(doc.root, target, tsAll, anchorStyle = anchorStyle, options = options, handles = @[]) proc `[]`*(node: YamlNode, i: int): YamlNode = ## Get the node at index *i* from a sequence. *node* must be a *ySequence*. assert node.kind == ySequence node.elems[i] proc `[]=`*(node: var YamlNode, i: int, val: YamlNode) = ## Set the node at index *i* of a sequence. *node* must be a *ySequence*. assert node.kind == ySequence node.elems[i] = val proc `[]`*(node: YamlNode, key: YamlNode): YamlNode = ## Get the value for a key in a mapping. *node* must be a *yMapping*. assert node.kind == yMapping node.fields[key] proc `[]=`*(node: YamlNode, key: YamlNode, value: YamlNode) = ## Set the value for a key in a mapping. *node* must be a *yMapping*. node.fields[key] = value proc `[]`*(node: YamlNode, key: string): YamlNode = ## Get the value for a string key in a mapping. *node* must be a *yMapping*. ## This searches for a scalar key with content *key* and either no explicit ## tag or the explicit tag ``!!str``. assert node.kind == yMapping var keyNode = YamlNode(kind: yScalar, tag: yTagExclamationMark, content: key) result = node.fields.getOrDefault(keyNode) if isNil(result): keyNode.tag = yTagQuestionMark result = node.fields.getOrDefault(keyNode) if isNil(result): keyNode.tag = nimTag(yamlTagRepositoryPrefix & "str") result = node.fields.getOrDefault(keyNode) if isNil(result): raise newException(KeyError, "No key " & escape(key) & " exists!") proc len*(node: YamlNode): int = ## If *node* is a *yMapping*, return the number of key-value pairs. If *node* ## is a *ySequence*, return the number of elements. Else, return ``0`` case node.kind of yMapping: result = node.fields.len of ySequence: result = node.elems.len of yScalar: result = 0 iterator items*(node: YamlNode): YamlNode = ## Iterates over all items of a sequence. *node* must be a *ySequence*. assert node.kind == ySequence for item in node.elems: yield item iterator mitems*(node: var YamlNode): YamlNode = ## Iterates over all items of a sequence. *node* must be a *ySequence*. ## Values can be modified. assert node.kind == ySequence for item in node.elems.mitems: yield item iterator pairs*(node: YamlNode): tuple[key, value: YamlNode] = ## Iterates over all key-value pairs of a mapping. *node* must be a ## *yMapping*. assert node.kind == yMapping for key, value in node.fields: yield (key, value) iterator mpairs*(node: var YamlNode): tuple[key: YamlNode, value: var YamlNode] = ## Iterates over all key-value pairs of a mapping. *node* must be a ## *yMapping*. Values can be modified. doAssert node.kind == yMapping for key, value in node.fields.mpairs: yield (key, value)