import ../yaml/stream, ../yaml/parser, ../yaml/taglib, streams var tags = initExtendedTagLibrary() p = newYamlParser(tags) events = p.parse(newFileStream(stdin)) proc start(name: string, tag: TagId, anchor: AnchorId, finish: bool = true) = stdout.write(name) if tag != yTagQuestionMark: stdout.write(" <" & tags.uri(tag) & ">") if anchor != yAnchorNone: stdout.write(" &" & p.anchorName(anchor)) if finish: stdout.write("\n") proc writeEscaped(str: string) = for c in str: case c of '\\': stdout.write("\\\\") of '\l': stdout.write("\\n") of '\r': stdout.write("\\r") of '\0': stdout.write("\\0") of '\b': stdout.write("\\b") of '\t': stdout.write("\\t") else: stdout.write(c) stdout.write("+STR\n") while not(events.finished()): let cur = case cur.kind of yamlStartDoc: stdout.write("+DOC\n") of yamlStartMap: start("+MAP", cur.mapTag, cur.mapAnchor) of yamlStartSeq: start("+SEQ", cur.seqTag, cur.seqAnchor) of yamlEndMap: stdout.write("-MAP\n") of yamlEndSeq: stdout.write("-SEQ\n") of yamlEndDoc: stdout.write("-DOC\n") of yamlScalar: var isQuoted = false tag = cur.scalartag if cur.scalarTag == yTagExclamationMark: isQuoted = true tag = yTagQuestionMark start("=VAL", tag, cur.scalarAnchor, false) if isQuoted: stdout.write(" \"") else: stdout.write(" :") writeEscaped(cur.scalarContent) stdout.write("\n") of yamlAlias: stdout.write("=ALI *" & p.anchorName(cur.aliasTarget) & "\n") stdout.write("-STR\n")