import lexbase, unicode, streams type Encoding* = enum Unsupported, ## Unsupported encoding UTF8, ## UTF-8 UTF16LE, ## UTF-16 Little Endian UTF16BE, ## UTF-16 Big Endian UTF32LE, ## UTF-32 Little Endian UTF32BE ## UTF-32 Big Endian YamlLexerToken* = enum # separating tokens yamlDirectivesEnd, yamlDocumentEnd, yamlStreamEnd, # tokens only in directives yamlTagDirective, yamlYamlDirective, yamlUnknownDirective, yamlVersionPart, yamlTagURI, yamlUnknownDirectiveParam, # tokens in directives and content yamlTagHandle, yamlComment, # from here on tokens only in content yamlLineStart, # control characters yamlColon, yamlDash, yamlQuestionmark, yamlComma, yamlOpeningBrace, yamlOpeningBracket, yamlClosingBrace, yamlClosingBracket, yamlPipe, yamlGreater, # block scalar header yamlLiteralScalar, yamlFoldedScalar, yamlBlockIndentationIndicator, yamlBlockChompingIndicator, # scalar content yamlScalar, yamlScalarPart, # tags yamlVerbatimTag, yamlTagSuffix, # anchoring yamlAnchor, yamlAlias, # error reporting yamlError YamlLexerState = enum # initial states (not started reading any token) ylInitial, ylInitialSpaces, ylInitialUnknown, ylInitialContent, ylDefineTagHandleInitial, ylDefineTagURIInitial, ylInitialInLine, ylLineEnd, ylDirectiveLineEnd, # directive reading states ylDirective, ylDefineTagHandle, ylDefineTagURI, ylMajorVersion, ylMinorVersion, ylUnknownDirectiveParam, ylDirectiveComment, # scalar reading states ylPlainScalar, ylSingleQuotedScalar, ylDoublyQuotedScalar, ylEscape, ylBlockScalar, ylBlockScalarHeader, ylSpaceAfterPlainScalar, ylSpaceAfterQuotedScalar, # indentation ylIndentation, # comments ylComment, # tags ylTagHandle, ylTagSuffix, ylVerbatimTag, # document separation ylDashes, ylDots, # anchoring ylAnchor, ylAlias YamlLexer* = object of BaseLexer indentations: seq[int] encoding: Encoding charlen: int charoffset: int content*: string # my.content of the last returned token. line*, column*: int const UTF8NextLine = toUTF8(Rune(0x85)) UTF8NonBreakingSpace = toUTF8(Rune(0xA0)) UTF8LineSeparator = toUTF8(Rune(0x2028)) UTF8ParagraphSeparator = toUTF8(Rune(0x2029)) proc detect_encoding(my: var YamlLexer) = var numBomChars = 0 my.encoding = Unsupported if my.bufpos == 3: # BaseLexer already skipped UTF-8 BOM my.encoding = UTF8 else: case my.buf[0] of '\0': if my.buf[1] == '\0': if my.buf[2] == '\0': my.encoding = UTF32LE elif my.buf[2] == '\xFE' and my.buf[3] == '\xFF': my.encoding = UTF32BE numBomChars = 4 else: # this is probably not a unicode character stream, # but we just use the next match in the table my.encoding = UTF16BE else: # this is how a BOM-less UTF16BE input should actually look like my.encoding = UTF16BE of '\xFF': case my.buf[1] of '\xFE': if my.buf[2] == '\0' and my.buf[3] == '\0': my.encoding = UTF32LE numBomChars = 4 else: my.encoding = UTF16LE numBomChars = 2 of '\0': my.encoding = UTF16LE else: my.encoding = UTF8 of '\xFE': case my.buf[1] of '\xFF': my.encoding = UTF16BE numBomChars = 2 of '\0': my.encoding = UTF16LE else: my.encoding = UTF8 else: if my.buf[1] == '\0': my.encoding = UTF16LE else: my.encoding = UTF8 inc(my.bufPos, numBomChars) my.charlen = case my.encoding of UTF8, Unsupported: 1 of UTF16LE, UTF16BE: 2 of UTF32LE, UTF32BE: 4 my.charoffset = case my.encoding of UTF8, Unsupported, UTF16LE, UTF32LE: 0 of UTF16BE: 1 of UTF32BE: 3 proc open*(my: var YamlLexer, input: Stream) =, input) my.indentations = newSeq[int]() my.detect_encoding() my.content = "" my.line = 0 my.column = 0 template yieldToken(kind: YamlLexerToken) {.dirty.} = when defined(yamlDebug): if kind == yamlScalar: echo "Lexer token: yamlScalar(\"", my.content, "\")" else: echo "Lexer token: ", kind yield kind my.content = "" template yieldError(message: string) {.dirty.} = when defined(yamlDebug): echo "Lexer error: " & message my.content = message yield yamlError my.content = "" template handleCR() {.dirty.} = my.bufpos = lexbase.handleLF(my, my.bufpos + my.charoffset) + my.charlen - my.charoffset - 1 curPos = 0 template handleLF() {.dirty.} = my.bufpos = lexbase.handleLF(my, my.bufpos + my.charoffset) + my.charlen - my.charoffset - 1 curPos = 0 template `or`(r: Rune, i: int): Rune = cast[Rune](cast[int](r) or i) iterator tokens*(my: var YamlLexer): YamlLexerToken {.closure.} = var # the following three values are used for parsing escaped unicode chars unicodeChar: Rune = cast[Rune](0) escapeLength = 0 expectedEscapeLength = 0 trailingSpace = "" # used to temporarily store whitespace after a plain scalar lastSpecialChar: char = '\0' # stores chars that behave differently dependent on the following # char. handling will be deferred to next loop iteration. flowDepth = 0 # Lexer must know whether it parses block or flow style. Therefore, # it counts the number of open flow arrays / maps here state = ylInitial # lexer state lastIndentationLength = 0 # after parsing the indentation of the line, this will hold the # indentation length of the current line. Needed for checking where # a block scalar ends. blockScalarIndentation = -1 # when parsing a block scalar, this will be set to the indentation # of the line that starts the flow scalar. curPos = 0 while true: let c = my.buf[my.bufpos + my.charoffset] case state of ylInitial: case c of '%': state = ylDirective continue of ' ', '\t': state = ylInitialSpaces continue of '#': state = ylDirectiveComment else: state = ylInitialContent continue of ylInitialSpaces: case c of ' ', '\t': my.content.add(c) of '#': my.content = "" state = ylDirectiveComment of EndOfFile, '\r', '\x0A': state = ylDirectiveLineEnd continue else: state = ylIndentation continue of ylInitialContent: case c of '-': my.column = 0 state = ylDashes continue of '.': yieldToken(yamlLineStart) my.column = 0 state = ylDots continue else: state = ylIndentation continue of ylDashes: case c of '-': my.content.add(c) of ' ', '\t', '\r', '\x0A', EndOfFile: case my.content.len of 3: yieldToken(yamlDirectivesEnd) state = ylInitialInLine of 1: my.content = "" yieldToken(yamlLineStart) lastSpecialChar = '-' state = ylInitialInLine else: let tmp = my.content my.content = "" yieldToken(yamlLineStart) my.content = tmp my.column = curPos state = ylPlainScalar continue else: state = ylPlainScalar continue of ylDots: case c of '.': my.content.add(c) of ' ', '\t', '\r', '\x0A', EndOfFile: case my.content.len of 3: yieldToken(yamlDocumentEnd) state = ylDirectiveLineEnd else: state = ylPlainScalar continue else: state = ylPlainScalar continue of ylDirectiveLineEnd: case c of '\r': handleCR() state = ylInitial continue of '\x0A': handleLF() state = ylInitial continue of EndOfFile: yieldToken(yamlStreamEnd) break of ' ', '\t': discard of '#': state = ylDirectiveComment else: yieldError("Unexpected content at end of directive: " & c) of ylLineEnd: case c of '\r': handleCR() of '\x0A': handleLF() of EndOfFile: yieldToken(yamlStreamEnd) break else: yieldError("Internal error: Unexpected char at line end: " & c) state = ylInitialContent continue of ylSingleQuotedScalar: if lastSpecialChar != '\0': # ' is the only special char case c of '\'': my.content.add(c) lastSpecialChar = '\0' of EndOfFile, '\r', '\x0A': yieldToken(yamlScalar) lastSpecialChar = '\0' state = ylLineEnd continue else: yieldToken(yamlScalar) lastSpecialChar = '\0' state = ylSpaceAfterQuotedScalar continue else: case c of '\'': lastSpecialChar = c of EndOfFile: yieldError("Unterminated single quoted string") yieldToken(yamlStreamEnd) break else: my.content.add(c) of ylDoublyQuotedScalar: case c of '"': yieldToken(yamlScalar) state = ylSpaceAfterQuotedScalar of EndOfFile: yieldError("Unterminated doubly quoted string") yieldToken(yamlStreamEnd) break of '\\': state = ylEscape escapeLength = 0 of '\r': my.content.add("\x0A") handleCR() of '\x0A': my.content.add(c) handleLF() else: my.content.add(c) of ylEscape: if escapeLength == 0: expectedEscapeLength = 0 case c of EndOfFile: yieldError("Unterminated doubly quoted string") of '0': my.content.add('\0') of 'a': my.content.add('\x07') of 'b': my.content.add('\x08') of '\t', 't': my.content.add('\t') of 'n': my.content.add('\x0A') of 'v': my.content.add('\v') of 'f': my.content.add('\f') of 'r': my.content.add('\r') of 'e': my.content.add('\e') of ' ': my.content.add(' ') of '"': my.content.add('"') of '/': my.content.add('/') of '\\': my.content.add('\\') of 'N': my.content.add(UTF8NextLine) of '_': my.content.add(UTF8NonBreakingSpace) of 'L': my.content.add(UTF8LineSeparator) of 'P': my.content.add(UTF8ParagraphSeparator) of 'x': unicodeChar = cast[Rune](0); expectedEscapeLength = 3 of 'u': unicodeChar = cast[Rune](0); expectedEscapeLength = 5 of 'U': unicodeChar = cast[Rune](0); expectedEscapeLength = 9 else: yieldError("Unsupported escape sequence: \\" & c) if expectedEscapeLength == 0: state = ylDoublyQuotedScalar else: let digitPosition = expectedEscapeLength - escapeLength - 1 case c of EndOFFile: yieldError("Unterminated escape sequence") state = ylLineEnd continue of '0' .. '9': unicodeChar = unicodechar or (cast[int](c) - 0x30) shl (digitPosition * 4) of 'A' .. 'F': unicodeChar = unicodechar or (cast[int](c) - 0x37) shl (digitPosition * 4) of 'a' .. 'f': unicodeChar = unicodechar or (cast[int](c) - 0x57) shl (digitPosition * 4) else: yieldError("unsupported char in unicode escape sequence: " & c) escapeLength = 0 state = ylDoublyQuotedScalar continue inc(escapeLength) if escapeLength == expectedEscapeLength and escapeLength > 0: my.content.add(toUTF8(unicodeChar)) state = ylDoublyQuotedScalar of ylSpaceAfterQuotedScalar: case c of ' ', '\t': trailingSpace.add(c) of '#': if trailingSpace.len > 0: yieldError("Missing space before comment start") state = ylComment trailingSpace = "" else: trailingSpace = "" state = ylInitialInLine continue of ylPlainScalar: case c of EndOfFile, '\r', '\x0A': yieldToken(yamlScalarPart) state = ylLineEnd continue of ':': lastSpecialChar = c state = ylSpaceAfterPlainScalar of ' ': state = ylSpaceAfterPlainScalar continue of ',': if flowDepth > 0: lastSpecialChar = c state = ylSpaceAfterPlainScalar else: my.content.add(c) of '[', ']', '{', '}': yieldToken(yamlScalar) state = ylInitialInLine continue else: my.content.add(c) of ylSpaceAfterPlainScalar: if lastSpecialChar != '\0': case c of ' ', '\t', EndOfFile, '\r', '\x0A': yieldToken(yamlScalarPart) state = ylInitialInLine else: my.content.add(trailingSpace) my.content.add(lastSpecialChar) lastSpecialChar = '\0' trailingSpace = "" state = ylPlainScalar continue case c of EndOfFile, '\r', '\x0A': trailingSpace = "" yieldToken(yamlScalarPart) state = ylLineEnd continue of ' ', '\t': trailingSpace.add(c) of ',': if flowDepth > 0: lastSpecialChar = c else: my.content.add(trailingSpace) my.content.add(c) trailingSpace = "" state = ylPlainScalar of ':', '#': lastSpecialChar = c of '[', ']', '{', '}': yieldToken(yamlScalar) trailingSpace = "" state = ylInitialInLine continue else: my.content.add(trailingSpace) my.content.add(c) trailingSpace = "" state = ylPlainScalar of ylInitialInLine: if lastSpecialChar != '\0': my.column = curPos - 1 case c of ' ', '\t', '\r', '\x0A', EndOfFile: case lastSpecialChar of '#': my.content = "#" state = ylComment of ':': yieldToken(yamlColon) of '?': yieldToken(yamlQuestionmark) of '-': yieldToken(yamlDash) of ',': yieldToken(yamlComma) else: yieldError("Unexpected special char: \"" & lastSpecialChar & "\"") lastSpecialChar = '\0' elif lastSpecialChar == '!': case c of '<': state = ylVerbatimTag lastSpecialChar = '\0' my.bufpos += my.charlen else: state = ylTagHandle my.content = "!" lastSpecialChar = '\0' else: my.content.add(lastSpecialChar) lastSpecialChar = '\0' my.column = curPos - 1 state = ylPlainScalar continue case c of '\r', '\x0A', EndOfFile: state = ylLineEnd continue of ',': if flowDepth > 0: yieldToken(yamlComma) else: my.content = "" & c my.column = curPos state = ylPlainScalar of '[': inc(flowDepth) yieldToken(yamlOpeningBracket) of '{': inc(flowDepth) yieldToken(yamlOpeningBrace) of ']': yieldToken(yamlClosingBracket) if flowDepth > 0: inc(flowDepth, -1) of '}': yieldToken(yamlClosingBrace) if flowDepth > 0: inc(flowDepth, -1) of '#': lastSpecialChar = '#' of '"': my.column = curPos state = ylDoublyQuotedScalar of '\'': my.column = curPos state = ylSingleQuotedScalar of '!': lastSpecialChar = '!' of '&': state = ylAnchor of '*': state = ylAlias of ' ': discard of '-': if flowDepth == 0: lastSpecialChar = '-' else: my.content = "" & c my.column = curPos state = ylPlainScalar of '?', ':': lastSpecialChar = c of '|': yieldToken(yamlPipe) state = ylBlockScalarHeader of '>': yieldToken(yamlGreater) state = ylBlockScalarHeader of '\t': discard else: my.content = "" & c my.column = curPos state = ylPlainScalar of ylComment, ylDirectiveComment: case c of EndOfFile, '\r', '\x0A': yieldToken(yamlComment) case state of ylComment: state = ylLineEnd of ylDirectiveComment: state = ylDirectiveLineEnd else: yieldError("Should never happen") continue else: my.content.add(c) of ylIndentation: case c of EndOfFile, '\r', '\x0A': lastIndentationLength = my.content.len yieldToken(yamlLineStart) state = ylLineEnd continue of ' ': my.content.add(' ') else: lastIndentationLength = my.content.len yieldToken(yamlLineStart) if blockScalarIndentation != -1: if lastIndentationLength <= blockScalarIndentation: blockScalarIndentation = -1 else: state = ylBlockScalar continue state = ylInitialInLine continue of ylTagHandle: case c of '!': my.content.add(c) yieldToken(yamlTagHandle) state = ylTagSuffix of 'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', '0' .. '9', '-': my.content.add(c) of ' ', '\t', EndOfFile, '\r', '\x0A': var suffix = my.content[1..^1] my.content = "!" yieldToken(yamlTagHandle) my.content = suffix yieldToken(yamlTagSuffix) state = ylInitialInLine continue else: yieldError("Invalid character in tag handle: " & c) my.content = "" state = ylInitialInLine of ylTagSuffix: case c of 'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', '0' .. '9', '#', ';', '/', '?', ':', '@', '&', '=', '+', '$', ',', '_', '.', '~', '*', '\'', '(', ')': my.content.add(c) of ' ', '\t', EndOfFile, '\r', '\x0A': yieldToken(yamlTagSuffix) state = ylInitialInLine continue else: yieldError("Invalid character in tag suffix: " & c) state = ylInitialInLine of ylVerbatimTag: case c of 'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', '0' .. '9', '#', ';', '/', '?', ':', '@', '&', '=', '+', '$', ',', '_', '.', '~', '*', '\'', '(', ')': my.content.add(c) of '>': yieldToken(yamlVerbatimTag) state = ylInitialInLine of EndOfFile, '\r', '\x0A': yieldError("Unfinished verbatim tag") state = ylLineEnd continue else: yieldError("Invalid character in tag URI: " & c) my.content = "" state = ylInitialInLine of ylDirective: case c of ' ', '\t', '\r', '\x0A', EndOfFile: if my.content == "%YAML": yieldToken(yamlYamlDirective) state = ylMajorVersion elif my.content == "%TAG": yieldToken(yamlTagDirective) state = ylDefineTagHandleInitial else: yieldToken(yamlUnknownDirective) state = ylInitialUnknown if c == EndOfFile: continue else: my.content.add(c) of ylInitialUnknown: case c of ' ', '\t': discard of '\r', '\x0A', EndOfFile: state = ylDirectiveLineEnd continue of '#': state = ylDirectiveComment continue else: state = ylUnknownDirectiveParam continue of ylUnknownDirectiveParam: case c of '\r', '\x0A', EndOfFile, ' ', '\t': yieldToken(yamlUnknownDirectiveParam) state = ylInitialUnknown continue else: my.content.add(c) of ylMajorVersion: case c of '0' .. '9': my.content.add(c) of '.': yieldToken(yamlVersionPart) state = ylMinorVersion of EndOfFile, '\r', '\x0A', ' ', '\t': yieldError("Missing YAML minor version.") state = ylDirectiveLineEnd continue else: yieldError("Invalid character in YAML version: " & c) state = ylInitialUnknown of ylMinorVersion: case c of '0' .. '9': my.content.add(c) of EndOfFile, '\r', '\x0A', ' ', '\t': yieldToken(yamlVersionPart) state = ylDirectiveLineEnd continue else: yieldError("Invalid character in YAML version: " & c) state = ylInitialUnknown of ylDefineTagHandleInitial: case c of ' ', '\t': discard of EndOfFile, '\r', '\x0A': yieldError("Unfinished %TAG directive") state = ylDirectiveLineEnd continue of '!': my.content.add(c) state = ylDefineTagHandle else: yieldError("Unexpected character in %TAG directive: " & c) state = ylInitialInLine of ylDefineTagHandle: case c of '!': my.content.add(c) yieldToken(yamlTagHandle) state = ylDefineTagURIInitial of 'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', '-': my.content.add(c) of EndOfFile, '\r', '\x0A': yieldError("Unfinished %TAG directive") state = ylDirectiveLineEnd continue else: yieldError("Unexpected char in %TAG directive: " & c) state = ylInitialInLine of ylDefineTagURIInitial: case c of '\t', ' ': my.content.add(c) of '\x0A', '\r', EndOfFile: yieldError("Unfinished %TAG directive") state = ylDirectiveLineEnd continue else: if my.content.len == 0: yieldError("Missing whitespace in %TAG directive") my.content = "" state = ylDefineTagURI continue of ylDefineTagURI: case c of 'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', '0' .. '9', '#', ';', '/', '?', ':', '@', '&', '=', '+', '$', ',', '_', '.', '~', '*', '\'', '(', ')': my.content.add(c) of '\x0A', '\r', EndOfFile, ' ', '\t': yieldToken(yamlTagURI) state = ylDirectiveLineEnd continue else: yieldError("Invalid URI character: " & c) state = ylInitialInLine continue of ylBlockScalarHeader: case c of '0' .. '9': my.content = "" & c yieldToken(yamlBlockIndentationIndicator) of '+', '-': my.content = "" & c yieldToken(yamlBlockChompingIndicator) of '\r', '\x0A', EndOfFile: blockScalarIndentation = lastIndentationLength state = ylLineEnd continue else: yieldError("Unexpected character in block scalar header: " & c) of ylBlockScalar: case c of EndOfFile, '\r', '\x0A': yieldToken(yamlScalarPart) state = ylLineEnd continue else: my.content.add(c) of ylAnchor: case c of EndOfFile, '\r', '\x0A', ' ', '\t', '{', '}', '[', ']': yieldToken(yamlAnchor) state = ylInitialInLine continue else: my.content.add(c) of ylAlias: case c of EndOfFile, '\r', '\x0A', ' ', '\t', '{', '}', '[', ']': yieldToken(yamlAlias) state = ylInitialInLine continue else: my.content.add(c) my.bufpos += my.charlen