# NimYAML - YAML implementation in Nim # (c) Copyright 2015 Felix Krause # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. import typetraits type DumperState = enum dBlockExplicitMapKey, dBlockImplicitMapKey, dBlockMapValue, dBlockInlineMap, dBlockSequenceItem, dFlowImplicitMapKey, dFlowMapValue, dFlowExplicitMapKey, dFlowSequenceItem, dFlowMapStart, dFlowSequenceStart proc needsEscaping(scalar: string): bool {.raises: [].} = scalar.len == 0 or scalar[0] in ['@', '`'] or scalar.find({'{', '}', '[', ']', ',', '#', '-', ':', '?', '%', '"', '\'', '\x0A', '\c'}) != -1 proc writeDoubleQuoted(scalar: string, s: Stream) {.raises: [YamlPresenterOutputError].} = try: s.write('"') for c in scalar: if c == '"': s.write('\\') s.write(c) s.write('"') except: var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError, "") e.parent = getCurrentException() raise e template safeWrite(s: string or char) {.dirty.} = try: target.write(s) except: var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError, "") e.parent = getCurrentException() raise e proc startItem(target: Stream, style: PresentationStyle, indentation: int, state: var DumperState, isObject: bool) {.raises: [YamlPresenterOutputError].} = try: case state of dBlockMapValue: target.write('\x0A') target.write(repeat(' ', indentation)) if isObject or style == psCanonical: target.write("? ") state = dBlockExplicitMapKey else: state = dBlockImplicitMapKey of dBlockInlineMap: state = dBlockImplicitMapKey of dBlockExplicitMapKey: target.write('\x0A') target.write(repeat(' ', indentation)) target.write(": ") state = dBlockMapValue of dBlockImplicitMapKey: target.write(": ") state = dBlockMapValue of dFlowExplicitMapKey: if style != psMinimal: target.write('\x0A') target.write(repeat(' ', indentation)) target.write(": ") state = dFlowMapValue of dFlowMapValue: if (isObject and style != psMinimal) or style in [psJson, psCanonical]: target.write(",\x0A" & repeat(' ', indentation)) if style == psJson: state = dFlowImplicitMapKey else: target.write("? ") state = dFlowExplicitMapKey elif isObject and style == psMinimal: target.write(", ? ") state = dFlowExplicitMapKey else: target.write(", ") state = dFlowImplicitMapKey of dFlowMapStart: if (isObject and style != psMinimal) or style in [psJson, psCanonical]: target.write("\x0A" & repeat(' ', indentation)) if style == psJson: state = dFlowImplicitMapKey else: target.write("? ") state = dFlowExplicitMapKey else: state = dFlowImplicitMapKey of dFlowImplicitMapKey: target.write(": ") state = dFlowMapValue of dBlockSequenceItem: target.write('\x0A') target.write(repeat(' ', indentation)) target.write("- ") of dFlowSequenceStart: case style of psMinimal, psDefault: discard of psCanonical, psJson: target.write('\x0A') target.write(repeat(' ', indentation)) of psBlockOnly: discard # can never happen state = dFlowSequenceItem of dFlowSequenceItem: case style of psMinimal, psDefault: target.write(", ") of psCanonical, psJson: target.write(",\x0A") target.write(repeat(' ', indentation)) of psBlockOnly: discard # can never happen except: var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError, "") e.parent = getCurrentException() raise e proc anchorName(a: AnchorId): string {.raises: [].} = result = "" var i = int(a) while i >= 0: let j = i mod 36 if j < 26: result.add(char(j + ord('a'))) else: result.add(char(j + ord('0') - 26)) i -= 36 proc writeTagAndAnchor(target: Stream, tag: TagId, tagLib: TagLibrary, anchor: AnchorId) {.raises:[YamlPresenterOutputError].} = try: if tag notin [yTagQuestionMark, yTagExclamationMark]: let tagUri = tagLib.uri(tag) if tagUri.startsWith(tagLib.secondaryPrefix): target.write("!!") target.write(tagUri[18..tagUri.high]) target.write(' ') elif tagUri.startsWith("!"): target.write(tagUri) target.write(' ') else: target.write("!<") target.write(tagUri) target.write("> ") if anchor != yAnchorNone: target.write("&") target.write(anchorName(anchor)) target.write(' ') except: var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError, "") e.parent = getCurrentException() raise e proc present*(s: var YamlStream, target: Stream, tagLib: TagLibrary, style: PresentationStyle = psDefault, indentationStep: int = 2) = var indentation = 0 levels = newSeq[DumperState]() cached = initQueue[YamlStreamEvent]() while cached.len > 0 or not s.finished(): let item = if cached.len > 0: cached.dequeue else: s.next() case item.kind of yamlStartDocument: if style != psJson: # TODO: tag directives try: target.write("%YAML 1.2\x0A") if tagLib.secondaryPrefix != yamlTagRepositoryPrefix: target.write("%TAG !! " & tagLib.secondaryPrefix & '\x0A') target.write("--- ") except: var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError, "") e.parent = getCurrentException() raise e of yamlScalar: if levels.len == 0: if style != psJson: safeWrite('\x0A') else: startItem(target, style, indentation, levels[levels.high], false) if style != psJson: writeTagAndAnchor(target, item.scalarTag, tagLib, item.scalarAnchor) if style == psJson: let hint = guessType(item.scalarContent) if item.scalarTag in [yTagQuestionMark, yTagBoolean] and hint in [yTypeBoolTrue, yTypeBoolFalse]: if hint == yTypeBoolTrue: safeWrite("true") else: safeWrite("false") elif item.scalarTag in [yTagQuestionMark, yTagNull] and hint == yTypeNull: safeWrite("null") elif item.scalarTag in [yTagQuestionMark, yTagInteger] and hint == yTypeInteger: safeWrite(item.scalarContent) elif item.scalarTag in [yTagQuestionMark, yTagFloat] and hint in [yTypeFloatInf, yTypeFloatNaN]: raise newException(YamlPresenterJsonError, "Infinity and not-a-number values cannot be presented as JSON!") elif item.scalarTag in [yTagQuestionMark, yTagFloat] and hint == yTypeFloat: safeWrite(item.scalarContent) else: writeDoubleQuoted(item.scalarContent, target) elif style == psCanonical or item.scalarContent.needsEscaping: writeDoubleQuoted(item.scalarContent, target) else: safeWrite(item.scalarContent) of yamlAlias: if style == psJson: raise newException(YamlPresenterJsonError, "Alias not allowed in JSON output") assert levels.len > 0 startItem(target, style, indentation, levels[levels.high], false) try: target.write('*') target.write(cast[byte]('a') + cast[byte](item.aliasTarget)) except: var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError, "") e.parent = getCurrentException() raise e of yamlStartSequence: var nextState: DumperState case style of psDefault: var length = 0 while true: assert(not(s.finished())) let next = s.next() cached.enqueue(next) case next.kind of yamlScalar: length += 2 + next.scalarContent.len of yamlAlias: length += 6 of yamlEndSequence: break else: length = high(int) break nextState = if length <= 60: dFlowSequenceStart else: dBlockSequenceItem of psJson: if levels.len > 0 and levels[levels.high] in [dFlowMapStart, dFlowMapValue]: raise newException(YamlPresenterJsonError, "Cannot have sequence as map key in JSON output!") nextState = dFlowSequenceStart of psMinimal, psCanonical: nextState = dFlowSequenceStart of psBlockOnly: nextState = dBlockSequenceItem if levels.len == 0: if nextState == dBlockSequenceItem: if style != psJson: writeTagAndAnchor(target, item.seqTag, tagLib, item.seqAnchor) else: if style != psJson: writeTagAndAnchor(target, item.seqTag, tagLib, item.seqAnchor) safeWrite('\x0A') indentation += indentationStep else: startItem(target, style, indentation, levels[levels.high], true) if style != psJson: writeTagAndAnchor(target, item.seqTag, tagLib, item.seqAnchor) indentation += indentationStep if nextState == dFlowSequenceStart: safeWrite('[') if levels.len > 0 and style in [psJson, psCanonical] and levels[levels.high] in [dBlockExplicitMapKey, dBlockMapValue, dBlockImplicitMapKey, dBlockSequenceItem]: indentation += indentationStep levels.add(nextState) of yamlStartMap: var nextState: DumperState case style of psDefault: type MapParseState = enum mpInitial, mpKey, mpValue, mpNeedBlock var mps: MapParseState = mpInitial while mps != mpNeedBlock: case s.peek().kind of yamlScalar, yamlAlias: case mps of mpInitial: mps = mpKey of mpKey: mps = mpValue else: mps = mpNeedBlock of yamlEndMap: break else: mps = mpNeedBlock nextState = if mps == mpNeedBlock: dBlockMapValue else: dBlockInlineMap of psMinimal: nextState = dFlowMapStart of psCanonical: nextState = dFlowMapStart of psJson: if levels.len > 0 and levels[levels.high] in [dFlowMapStart, dFlowMapValue]: raise newException(YamlPresenterJsonError, "Cannot have map as map key in JSON output!") nextState = dFlowMapStart of psBlockOnly: nextState = dBlockMapValue if levels.len == 0: if nextState == dBlockMapValue: if style != psJson: writeTagAndAnchor(target, item.mapTag, tagLib, item.mapAnchor) else: if style != psJson: safeWrite('\x0A') writeTagAndAnchor(target, item.mapTag, tagLib, item.mapAnchor) indentation += indentationStep else: if nextState in [dBlockMapValue, dBlockImplicitMapKey]: startItem(target, style, indentation, levels[levels.high], true) if style != psJson: writeTagAndAnchor(target, item.mapTag, tagLib, item.mapAnchor) else: startItem(target, style, indentation, levels[levels.high], true) if style != psJson: writeTagAndAnchor(target, item.mapTag, tagLib, item.mapAnchor) indentation += indentationStep if nextState == dFlowMapStart: safeWrite('{') if levels.len > 0 and style in [psJson, psCanonical] and levels[levels.high] in [dBlockExplicitMapKey, dBlockMapValue, dBlockImplicitMapKey, dBlockSequenceItem]: indentation += indentationStep levels.add(nextState) of yamlEndSequence: assert levels.len > 0 case levels.pop() of dFlowSequenceItem: case style of psDefault, psMinimal, psBlockOnly: safeWrite(']') of psJson, psCanonical: indentation -= indentationStep try: target.write('\x0A') target.write(repeat(' ', indentation)) target.write(']') except: var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError, "") e.parent = getCurrentException() raise e if levels.len == 0 or levels[levels.high] notin [dBlockExplicitMapKey, dBlockMapValue, dBlockImplicitMapKey, dBlockSequenceItem]: continue of dFlowSequenceStart: if levels.len > 0 and style in [psJson, psCanonical] and levels[levels.high] in [dBlockExplicitMapKey, dBlockMapValue, dBlockImplicitMapKey, dBlockSequenceItem]: indentation -= indentationStep safeWrite(']') of dBlockSequenceItem: discard else: assert false indentation -= indentationStep of yamlEndMap: assert levels.len > 0 let level = levels.pop() case level of dFlowMapValue: case style of psDefault, psMinimal, psBlockOnly: safeWrite('}') of psJson, psCanonical: indentation -= indentationStep try: target.write('\x0A') target.write(repeat(' ', indentation)) target.write('}') except: var e = newException(YamlPresenterOutputError, "") e.parent = getCurrentException() raise e if levels.len == 0 or levels[levels.high] notin [dBlockExplicitMapKey, dBlockMapValue, dBlockImplicitMapKey, dBlockSequenceItem]: continue of dFlowMapStart: if levels.len > 0 and style in [psJson, psCanonical] and levels[levels.high] in [dBlockExplicitMapKey, dBlockMapValue, dBlockImplicitMapKey, dBlockSequenceItem]: indentation -= indentationStep safeWrite('}') of dBlockMapValue, dBlockInlineMap: discard else: assert false indentation -= indentationStep of yamlEndDocument: if finished(s): break safeWrite("...\x0A") proc transform*(input: Stream, output: Stream, style: PresentationStyle, indentationStep: int = 2) = var taglib = initExtendedTagLibrary() parser = newYamlParser(tagLib) events = parser.parse(input) try: if style == psCanonical: var specificTagEvents = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent = for e in events: var event = e case event.kind of yamlStartDocument, yamlEndDocument, yamlEndMap, yamlAlias, yamlEndSequence: discard of yamlStartMap: if event.mapTag in [yTagQuestionMark, yTagExclamationMark]: event.mapTag = yTagMap of yamlStartSequence: if event.seqTag in [yTagQuestionMark, yTagExclamationMark]: event.seqTag = yTagSequence of yamlScalar: if event.scalarTag == yTagQuestionMark: case guessType(event.scalarContent) of yTypeInteger: event.scalarTag = yTagInteger of yTypeFloat, yTypeFloatInf, yTypeFloatNaN: event.scalarTag = yTagFloat of yTypeBoolTrue, yTypeBoolFalse: event.scalarTag = yTagBoolean of yTypeNull: event.scalarTag = yTagNull of yTypeUnknown: event.scalarTag = yTagString elif event.scalarTag == yTagExclamationMark: event.scalarTag = yTagString yield event var s = initYamlStream(specificTagEvents) present(s, output, tagLib, style, indentationStep) else: present(events, output, tagLib, style, indentationStep) except YamlStreamError: var e = getCurrentException() while e.parent of YamlStreamError: e = e.parent if e.parent of IOError: raise (ref IOError)(e.parent) elif e.parent of YamlParserError: raise (ref YamlParserError)(e.parent) else: # never happens assert(false) except YamlPresenterJsonError: raise (ref YamlPresenterJsonError)(getCurrentException()) except YamlPresenterOutputError: raise (ref YamlPresenterOutputError)(getCurrentException())