* NimYAML now uses the tag prefix tag:nimyaml.org,2016:
* That tag handle is shortened to !n! when presenting
* Also fixed some minor bugs dealing with tag handles
* Ensure no duplicate fields
* Ensure no missing fields
* Ensure no unknown fields
* Implemented for both tuples and objects,
including variant objects
* renamed serialize to serializeObject and construct to constructObject
* added new serialize() and construct() procs that handle document
start & end
* re-raise AssertionError instead of swallowing it
* fastparse now used for everything
* private/[lexer|parser].nim gone
* Made fastparse use YamlParser object
* Got all tests working with fastparse
* Some more smaller changes to API
* Added YamlWarningCallback that may be used to capture
parser warnings
* Removed yamlWarning as event kind
* Replaced checks for well-formedness in presenter with asserts
* Added checks for JSON compatibility of YamlStream in presenter
* Added proper type hints for special float values in
serializer to be able to check for them in the presenter
* Parser: Properly support explicit keys in flow style.
* Parser: Properly support object tags in flow style.
* Serializer: Basic support for tuples.
* Serializer: Properly parse int and bool types when given as
string with explicit tag.
* Yield tag of custom type serialization when using ytsRootOnly,
but don't yield tags of map keys or values
* Yield proper tag of Table[K, V] serialization if requested
* renamed dumper.nim to presenter.nim to conform to YAML spec
* Fixed a bug in the lexer where an error would be raised if
characters not allowed in tag shorthands are used in local tags
* Fixed processing of object tags for all kinds of root nodes in Parser
* Improved dumper to output a space after a local tag
* Renamed some enumeration types to conform better to the YAML spec
* Added secondaryPrefix to YamlTagLibrary
* Added possibility to control tag output style independently from
presentation style in serializer
* Created local tags for all types that are serialized and use them in
construction and serialization