Added advanced example to index.html

This commit is contained in:
Felix Krause 2016-03-25 23:12:00 +01:00
parent 5ec086081c
commit 7063e72ace
4 changed files with 91 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -339,3 +339,83 @@ Loading Nim objects from JSON
.. raw:: html
Processing a Sequence of Heterogeneous Items
.. raw:: html
<table class="quickstart-example"><thead><tr><th>code.nim</th>
.. code-block:: nim
import yaml
type Person = object
name: string
setTagUriForType(Person, "!nim:demo:Person",
s = newFileStream("in.yaml", fmRead)
context = newConstructionContext()
parser = newYamlParser(serializationTagLibrary)
events = parser.parse(s)
assert == yamlStartDoc
assert == yamlStartSeq
var nextEvent = events.peek()
while nextEvent.kind != yamlEndSeq:
var curTag = nextEvent.tag()
if curTag == yTagQuestionMark:
# we only support implicitly tagged scalar events
assert nextEvent.kind == yamlScalar
case guessType(nextEvent.scalarContent)
of yTypeInteger: curTag = yTagInteger
of yTypeBoolTrue, yTypeBoolFalse:
curTag = yTagBoolean
of yTypeUnknown: curTag = yTagString
else: assert false, "Type not supported!"
elif curTag == yTagExclamationMark:
curTag = yTagString
case curTag
of yTagString:
var s: string
events.constructChild(context, s)
echo "got string: ", s
of yTagInteger:
var i: int32
events.constructChild(context, i)
echo "got integer: ", i
of yTagBoolean:
var b: bool
events.constructChild(context, b)
echo "got boolean: ", b
# non-standard tag ids are not available
# at compile time
if curTag == yTagPerson:
var p: Person
events.constructChild(context, p)
echo "got Person with name: ",
else: assert false, "unsupported tag: " & $curTag
nextEvent = events.peek()
assert == yamlEndSeq
assert == yamlEndDoc
assert events.finished()
.. raw:: html
.. code-block:: yaml
%YAML 1.2
--- !!seq
- this is a string
- 42
- false
- !!str 23
- !nim:demo:Person {name: Trillian}
.. raw:: html

View File

@ -42,6 +42,13 @@ proc `$`*(event: YamlStreamEvent): string =
result &= "aliasTarget=" & $event.aliasTarget
result &= ")"
proc tag*(event: YamlStreamEvent): TagId =
case event.kind
of yamlStartMap: result = event.mapTag
of yamlStartSeq: result = event.seqTag
of yamlScalar: result = event.scalarTag
else: raise newException(FieldError, "Event " & $event.kind & " has no tag")
proc startDocEvent*(): YamlStreamEvent =
result = YamlStreamEvent(kind: yamlStartDoc)

View File

@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ proc initRefNodeData(p: pointer): RefNodeData =
result.count = 1
result.anchor = yAnchorNone
proc newConstructionContext(): ConstructionContext =
proc newConstructionContext*(): ConstructionContext =
result.refs = initTable[AnchorId, pointer]()
proc newSerializationContext(s: AnchorStyle): SerializationContext =
proc newSerializationContext*(s: AnchorStyle): SerializationContext =
result.refs = initTable[pointer, AnchorId]() = s

View File

@ -401,6 +401,8 @@ proc `==`*(left: YamlStreamEvent, right: YamlStreamEvent): bool {.raises: [].}
proc `$`*(event: YamlStreamEvent): string {.raises: [].}
## outputs a human-readable string describing the given event
proc tag*(event: YamlStreamEvent): TagId {.raises: [FieldError].}
proc startDocEvent*(): YamlStreamEvent {.inline, raises: [].}
proc endDocEvent*(): YamlStreamEvent {.inline, raises: [].}
proc startMapEvent*(tag: TagId = yTagQuestionMark,