Can load fields of parent types. ref #131

* dumping fields of parent types not working yet
This commit is contained in:
Felix Krause 2023-04-04 19:29:20 +02:00
parent 8e1b07975b
commit 576cf11d81
2 changed files with 117 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -61,6 +61,11 @@ type
WithIgnoredField {.ignore: ["z"].} = object
x, y: int
Parent = object of RootObj
i*: int
Child = object of Parent
s*: string
proc `$`(v: BetterInt): string {.borrow.}
proc `==`(left, right: BetterInt): bool {.borrow.}
@ -458,6 +463,14 @@ suite "Serialization":
assertStringEqual(yamlDirs &
"!n!custom:Person \nfirstnamechar: P\nsurname: Pan\nage: 12\n", output)
test "Load object with inherited fields":
let input =
"i: 4\ns: hello"
var result: Child
load(input, result)
assert result.i == 4
assert result.s == "hello"
test "Load custom variant object":
let input =
"---\n- - name: Bastet\n - kind: akCat\n - purringIntensity: 7\n" &

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@ -598,41 +598,65 @@ proc recListNode(n: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
if n.kind == nnkRecList: result = n[0]
else: result = n
proc fieldCount(t: NimNode): int {.compiletime.} =
result = 0
let tDesc = getType(getType(t)[1])
if tDesc.kind == nnkBracketExpr:
# tuple
result = tDesc.len - 1
# object
for child in tDesc[2].children:
if child.kind == nnkRecCase:
for bIndex in 1..<len(child):
var increment = 0
case child[bIndex].kind
of nnkOfBranch:
let content = child[bIndex][len(child[bIndex])-1]
# We cannot assume that child[bIndex][1] is a RecList due to
# a one-liner like 'of akDog: barkometer' not resulting in a
# RecList but in an Ident node.
case content.kind
of nnkRecList:
increment = len(content)
increment = 1
of nnkElse:
# Same goes for the else branch.
case child[bIndex][0].kind
of nnkRecList:
increment = len(child[bIndex][0])
increment = 1
internalError("Unexpected child kind: " & $child[bIndex].kind)
inc(result, increment)
proc parentType(tDesc: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
var name: NimNode
case tDesc[1].kind
of nnkEmpty: return nil
of nnkBracketExpr:
# happens when parent type is `ref X`
name = tDesc[1][1]
of nnkObjectTy, nnkSym:
name = tDesc[1]
return nil
result = newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr)
proc fieldCount(t: NimNode): int {.compiletime.} =
result = 0
var tTypedesc: NimNode
if t.kind == nnkSym:
tTypedesc = getType(t)
tTypedesc = t
let tDesc = getType(tTypedesc[1])
if tDesc.kind == nnkBracketExpr:
# tuple
result = tDesc.len - 1
# object
let tParent = parentType(tDesc)
if tParent != nil:
# inherited fields
result += fieldCount(tParent)
for child in tDesc[2].children:
if child.kind == nnkRecCase:
for bIndex in 1..<len(child):
var increment = 0
case child[bIndex].kind
of nnkOfBranch:
let content = child[bIndex][len(child[bIndex])-1]
# We cannot assume that child[bIndex][1] is a RecList due to
# a one-liner like 'of akDog: barkometer' not resulting in a
# RecList but in an Ident node.
case content.kind
of nnkRecList:
increment = len(content)
increment = 1
of nnkElse:
# Same goes for the else branch.
case child[bIndex][0].kind
of nnkRecList:
increment = len(child[bIndex][0])
increment = 1
internalError("Unexpected child kind: " & $child[bIndex].kind)
inc(result, increment)
macro matchMatrix(t: typedesc): untyped =
let numFields = fieldCount(t)
@ -703,18 +727,18 @@ proc ifNotTransient(o, field: NimNode,
when not `o`.`field`.hasCustomPragma(transient):
macro ensureAllFieldsPresent(s: YamlStream, t: typedesc, o: typed,
matched: typed, m: Mark) =
result = newStmtList()
tDecl = getType(t)
tName = $tDecl[1]
proc recEnsureAllFieldsPresent(
s: NimNode, tDecl: NimNode, o: NimNode, matched: NimNode, m: NimNode,
tName: string, field: var int, stmt: NimNode) {.compileTime.} =
tDesc = getType(tDecl[1])
var field = 0
tParent = parentType(tDesc)
if tParent != nil:
recEnsureAllFieldsPresent(s, tParent, o, matched, m, tName, field, stmt)
for child in tDesc[2].children:
if child.kind == nnkRecCase:
s, t, tName, child[0], field, matched, o, m))
s, tDecl, tName, child[0], field, matched, o, m))
for bIndex in 1 .. len(child) - 1:
let discChecks = newStmtList()
@ -731,13 +755,22 @@ macro ensureAllFieldsPresent(s: YamlStream, t: typedesc, o: typed,
for item in child[bIndex][recListIndex].recListItems:
s, t, tName, item, field, matched, o, m))
result.add(newIfStmt((infix(newDotExpr(o, newIdentNode($child[0])),
s, tDecl, tName, item, field, matched, o, m))
stmt.add(newIfStmt((infix(newDotExpr(o, newIdentNode($child[0])),
"in", curValues), discChecks)))
result.add(checkMissing(s, t, tName, child, field, matched, o, m))
stmt.add(checkMissing(s, tDecl, tName, child, field, matched, o, m))
macro ensureAllFieldsPresent(s: YamlStream, t: typedesc, o: typed,
matched: typed, m: Mark) =
result = newStmtList()
tDecl = getType(t)
tName = $tDecl[1]
var field = 0
recEnsureAllFieldsPresent(s, tDecl, o, matched, m, tName, field, result)
proc skipOverValue(s: var YamlStream) =
var e =
var depth = int(e.kind in {yamlStartMap, yamlStartSeq})
@ -748,16 +781,15 @@ proc skipOverValue(s: var YamlStream) =
of yamlScalar, yamlAlias: discard
else: internalError("Unexpected event kind.")
macro constructFieldValue(t: typedesc, stream: untyped,
context: untyped, name: untyped, o: untyped,
matched: untyped, failOnUnknown: bool, m: untyped) =
tDecl = getType(t)
tName = $tDecl[1]
proc addFieldCases(
tDecl: NimNode, stream: NimNode, context: NimNode, name: NimNode, o: NimNode,
matched: NimNode, failOnUnknown: NimNode, m: NimNode, tName: string, caseStmt: NimNode,
fieldIndex: var int) {.compileTime.} =
tDesc = getType(tDecl[1])
result = newStmtList()
var caseStmt = newNimNode(nnkCaseStmt).add(name)
var fieldIndex = 0
tParent = parentType(tDesc)
if tParent != nil:
addFieldCases(tParent, stream, context, name, o, matched, failOnUnknown, m, tName, caseStmt, fieldIndex)
for child in tDesc[2].children:
if child.kind == nnkRecCase:
@ -828,6 +860,18 @@ macro constructFieldValue(t: typedesc, stream: untyped,
markAsFound(fieldIndex, matched)], true, stream, m, tName, $child))
macro constructFieldValue(t: typedesc, stream: untyped,
context: untyped, name: untyped, o: untyped,
matched: untyped, failOnUnknown: bool, m: untyped) =
tDecl = getType(t)
tName = $tDecl[1]
tDesc = getType(tDecl[1])
result = newStmtList()
var caseStmt = newNimNode(nnkCaseStmt).add(name)
var fieldIndex = 0
addFieldCases(tDecl, stream, context, name, o, matched, failOnUnknown, m, tName, caseStmt, fieldIndex)
@ -854,6 +898,11 @@ proc hasIgnore(t: typedesc): bool {.compileTime.} =
return false
proc constructObjectDefault*(
s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext, result: var RootObj) =
# specialization of generic proc for RootObj, doesn't do anything
proc constructObjectDefault*[O: object|tuple](
s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext, result: var O)
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].} =