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# NimYAML - YAML implementation in Nim
# (c) Copyright 2015 Felix Krause
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
import "../yaml"
import unittest, strutils
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
MyTuple = tuple
str: string
i: int32
b: bool
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
TrafficLight = enum
tlGreen, tlYellow, tlRed
2016-02-01 19:16:35 +00:00
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
Person = object
firstnamechar: char
surname: string
age: int32
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
Node = object
value: string
next: ref Node
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
BetterInt = int
setTagUriForType(TrafficLight, "!tl")
setTagUriForType(Node, "!")
setTagUriForType(BetterInt, "!test:BetterInt")
proc representObject*(value: BetterInt, ts: TagStyle = tsNone,
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
c: SerializationContext, tag: TagId): RawYamlStream {.raises: [].} =
result = iterator(): YamlStreamEvent =
val = $value
i = val.len - 3
while i > 0:
val.insert("_", i)
i -= 3
yield scalarEvent(val, tag, yAnchorNone)
proc constructObject*(s: var YamlStream, c: ConstructionContext,
result: var BetterInt)
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
{.raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].} =
constructScalarItem(s, item, BetterInt):
result = BetterInt(parseBiggestInt(item.scalarContent) + 1)
template assertStringEqual(expected, actual: string) =
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
for i in countup(0, min(expected.len, actual.len)):
if expected[i] != actual[i]:
echo "string mismatch at character #", i, "(expected:\'",
expected[i], "\', was \'", actual[i], "\'):"
echo "expected:\n", expected, "\nactual:\n", actual
2016-01-28 21:57:14 +00:00
proc newNode(v: string): ref Node =
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
result.value = v = nil
suite "Serialization":
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
let blockOnly = defineOptions(style=psBlockOnly)
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Load string sequence":
let input = newStringStream(" - a\n - b")
var result: seq[string]
load(input, result)
assert result.len == 2
assert result[0] == "a"
assert result[1] == "b"
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Represent string sequence":
var input = @["a", "b"]
var output = newStringStream()
dump(input, output, tsNone, asTidy, blockOnly)
assertStringEqual "%YAML 1.2\n--- \n- a\n- b",
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Load Table[int, string]":
let input = newStringStream("23: dreiundzwanzig\n42: zweiundvierzig")
var result: Table[int32, string]
load(input, result)
assert result.len == 2
assert result[23] == "dreiundzwanzig"
assert result[42] == "zweiundvierzig"
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Represent Table[int, string]":
var input = initTable[int32, string]()
input[23] = "dreiundzwanzig"
input[42] = "zweiundvierzig"
var output = newStringStream()
dump(input, output, tsNone, asTidy, blockOnly)
assertStringEqual("%YAML 1.2\n--- \n23: dreiundzwanzig\n42: zweiundvierzig",
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Load OrderedTable[tuple[int32, int32], string]":
let input = newStringStream("- {a: 23, b: 42}: drzw\n- {a: 13, b: 47}: drsi")
var result: OrderedTable[tuple[a, b: int32], string]
load(input, result)
var i = 0
for key, value in result.pairs:
case i
of 0:
assert key == (a: 23'i32, b: 42'i32)
assert value == "drzw"
of 1:
assert key == (a: 13'i32, b: 47'i32)
assert value == "drsi"
else: assert false
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Represent OrderedTable[tuple[int32, int32], string]":
var input = initOrderedTable[tuple[a, b: int32], string]()
input.add((a: 23'i32, b: 42'i32), "dreiundzwanzigzweiundvierzig")
input.add((a: 13'i32, b: 47'i32), "dreizehnsiebenundvierzig")
var output = newStringStream()
dump(input, output, tsRootOnly, asTidy, blockOnly)
assertStringEqual("""%YAML 1.2
--- !nim:tables:OrderedTable(nim:tuple(nim:system:int32,nim:system:int32),,2002:str)
a: 23
b: 42
: dreiundzwanzigzweiundvierzig
a: 13
b: 47
: dreizehnsiebenundvierzig""",
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Load Sequences in Sequence":
let input = newStringStream(" - [1, 2, 3]\n - [4, 5]\n - [6]")
var result: seq[seq[int32]]
load(input, result)
assert result.len == 3
assert result[0] == @[1.int32, 2.int32, 3.int32]
assert result[1] == @[4.int32, 5.int32]
assert result[2] == @[6.int32]
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Represent Sequences in Sequence":
let input = @[@[1.int32, 2.int32, 3.int32], @[4.int32, 5.int32], @[6.int32]]
var output = newStringStream()
dump(input, output, tsNone)
assertStringEqual "%YAML 1.2\n--- \n- [1, 2, 3]\n- [4, 5]\n- [6]",
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Load Enum":
let input = newStringStream("!nim:system:seq(tl)\n- !tl tlRed\n- tlGreen\n- tlYellow")
var result: seq[TrafficLight]
load(input, result)
assert result.len == 3
assert result[0] == tlRed
assert result[1] == tlGreen
assert result[2] == tlYellow
2016-02-01 19:16:35 +00:00
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Represent Enum":
let input = @[tlRed, tlGreen, tlYellow]
var output = newStringStream()
dump(input, output, tsNone, asTidy, blockOnly)
assertStringEqual "%YAML 1.2\n--- \n- tlRed\n- tlGreen\n- tlYellow",
2016-02-01 19:16:35 +00:00
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Load Tuple":
let input = newStringStream("str: value\ni: 42\nb: true")
var result: MyTuple
load(input, result)
assert result.str == "value"
assert result.i == 42
assert result.b == true
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Represent Tuple":
let input = (str: "value", i: 42.int32, b: true)
var output = newStringStream()
dump(input, output, tsNone)
assertStringEqual "%YAML 1.2\n--- \nstr: value\ni: 42\nb: y",
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Load custom object":
let input = newStringStream("firstnamechar: P\nsurname: Pan\nage: 12")
var result: Person
load(input, result)
assert result.firstnamechar == 'P'
assert result.surname == "Pan"
assert result.age == 12
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Represent custom object":
let input = Person(firstnamechar: 'P', surname: "Pan", age: 12)
var output = newStringStream()
dump(input, output, tsNone, asTidy, blockOnly)
"%YAML 1.2\n--- \nfirstnamechar: P\nsurname: Pan\nage: 12",
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Load sequence with explicit tags":
let input = newStringStream("--- !nim:system:seq(" &
",2002:str)\n- !!str one\n- !!str two")
var result: seq[string]
load(input, result)
assert result[0] == "one"
assert result[1] == "two"
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Represent sequence with explicit tags":
let input = @["one", "two"]
var output = newStringStream()
dump(input, output, tsAll, asTidy, blockOnly)
assertStringEqual("%YAML 1.2\n--- !nim:system:seq(" &
",2002:str) \n- !!str one\n- !!str two",
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Load custom object with explicit root tag":
let input = newStringStream(
"--- !nim:custom:Person\nfirstnamechar: P\nsurname: Pan\nage: 12")
var result: Person
load(input, result)
assert result.firstnamechar == 'P'
assert result.surname == "Pan"
assert result.age == 12
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Represent custom object with explicit root tag":
let input = Person(firstnamechar: 'P', surname: "Pan", age: 12)
var output = newStringStream()
dump(input, output, tsRootOnly, asTidy, blockOnly)
assertStringEqual("%YAML 1.2\n" &
"--- !nim:custom:Person \nfirstnamechar: P\nsurname: Pan\nage: 12",
2016-01-28 21:57:14 +00:00
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Represent cyclic data structure":
a = newNode("a")
b = newNode("b")
c = newNode("c") = b = c = a
var output = newStringStream()
dump(a, output, tsRootOnly, asTidy, blockOnly)
assertStringEqual """%YAML 1.2
--- ! &a
2016-01-28 21:57:14 +00:00
value: a
value: b
value: c
next: *a""",
2016-01-28 21:57:14 +00:00
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Load cyclic data structure":
let input = newStringStream("""%YAML 1.2
--- !nim:system:seq(
2016-01-28 21:57:14 +00:00
- &a
value: a
next: &b
value: b
next: &c
value: c
next: *a
- *b
- *c
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
var result: seq[ref Node]
try: load(input, result)
except YamlConstructionError:
let ex = (ref YamlConstructionError)(getCurrentException())
echo "line ", ex.line, ", column ", ex.column, ": ", ex.msg
echo ex.lineContent
raise ex
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
assert(result.len == 3)
assert(result[0].value == "a")
assert(result[1].value == "b")
assert(result[2].value == "c")
assert(result[0].next == result[1])
assert(result[1].next == result[2])
assert(result[2].next == result[0])
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Load nil values":
let input = newStringStream("- ~\n- !!str ~")
var result: seq[ref string]
try: load(input, result)
except YamlConstructionError:
let ex = (ref YamlConstructionError)(getCurrentException())
echo "line ", ex.line, ", column ", ex.column, ": ", ex.msg
echo ex.lineContent
raise ex
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
assert(result.len == 2)
assert(result[0] == nil)
assert(result[1][] == "~")
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Represent nil values":
var input = newSeq[ref string]()
input.add(new string)
input[1][] = "~"
var output = newStringStream()
dump(input, output, tsRootOnly, asTidy, blockOnly)
"%YAML 1.2\n--- !nim:system:seq(,2002:str) \n- !!null ~\n- !!str ~",
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Custom constructObject":
let input = newStringStream("- 1\n- !test:BetterInt 2")
var result: seq[BetterInt]
load(input, result)
assert(result.len == 2)
assert(result[0] == 2)
assert(result[1] == 3)
2016-04-02 15:48:22 +00:00
test "Serialization: Custom representObject":
let input = @[1.BetterInt, 9998887.BetterInt, 98312.BetterInt]
var output = newStringStream()
dump(input, output, tsAll, asTidy, blockOnly)
assertStringEqual """%YAML 1.2
--- !nim:system:seq(test:BetterInt)
- !test:BetterInt 1
- !test:BetterInt 9_998_887
- !test:BetterInt 98_312""",