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2020-11-03 20:17:31 +00:00
import hashes
import private/internal
Anchor* = distinct string ## \
## An ``Anchor`` identifies an anchor in the current document.
## It is not necessarily unique and references to an anchor must be
## resolved immediately on occurrence.
## Anchor provides the operator `$` for converting to string, `==` for
## comparison, and `hash` for usage in a hashmap.
TagId* = distinct int ## \
## A ``TagId`` identifies a tag URI, like for example
## ``",2002:str"``. The URI corresponding to a ``TagId`` can
## be queried from the `TagLibrary <#TagLibrary>`_ which was
## used to create this ``TagId``; e.g. when you parse a YAML character
## stream, the ``TagLibrary`` of the parser is the one which generates
## the resulting ``TagId`` s.
## URI strings are mapped to ``TagId`` s for efficiency reasons (you
## do not need to compare strings every time) and to be able to
## discover unknown tag URIs early in the parsing process.
ScalarStyle* = enum
## Original style of the scalar (for input),
## or desired style of the scalar (for output).
ssAny, ssPlain, ssSingleQuoted, ssDoubleQuoted, ssLiteral, ssFolded
CollectionStyle* = enum
csBlock, csFlow
EventKind* = enum
## Kinds of YAML events that may occur in an ``YamlStream``. Event kinds
## are discussed in `YamlStreamEvent <#YamlStreamEvent>`_.
yamlStartStream, yamlEndStream,
yamlStartDoc, yamlEndDoc, yamlStartMap, yamlEndMap,
yamlStartSeq, yamlEndSeq, yamlScalar, yamlAlias
Event* = object
## An element from a `YamlStream <#YamlStream>`_. Events that start an
## object (``yamlStartMap``, ``yamlStartSeq``, ``yamlScalar``) have
## an optional anchor and a tag associated with them. The anchor will be
## set to ``yAnchorNone`` if it doesn't exist.
## A missing tag in the YAML character stream generates
## the non-specific tags ``?`` or ``!`` according to the YAML
## specification. These are by convention mapped to the ``TagId`` s
## ``yTagQuestionMark`` and ``yTagExclamationMark`` respectively.
## Mapping is done by a `TagLibrary <#TagLibrary>`_.
## ``startPos`` and ``endPos`` are only relevant for events from an input
## stream - they are generally ignored if used with events that generate
## output.
startPos*, endPos*: Mark
case kind*: EventKind
of yamlStartStream, yamlEndStream: discard
of yamlStartMap:
mapProperties*: Properties
mapStyle*: CollectionStyle
of yamlStartSeq:
seqProperties*: Properties
seqStyle*: CollectionStyle
of yamlScalar:
scalarProperties*: Properties
scalarStyle* : ScalarStyle
scalarContent*: string
of yamlStartDoc:
explicitDirectivesEnd*: bool
version*: string
of yamlEndDoc:
explicitDocumentEnd*: bool
of yamlEndMap, yamlEndSeq: discard
of yamlAlias:
aliasTarget* : Anchor
Mark* = tuple[line, column: Positive]
Properties* = tuple[anchor: Anchor, tag: TagId]
yAnchorNone*: Anchor = "".Anchor ## \
## yielded when no anchor was defined for a YAML node
defaultMark: Mark = (1.Positive, 1.Positive) ## \
## used for events that are not generated from input.
yTagExclamationMark*: TagId = 0.TagId ## ``!`` non-specific tag
yTagQuestionMark* : TagId = 1.TagId ## ``?`` non-specific tag
# failsafe schema
yTagString* : TagId = 2.TagId ## \
## `!!str < >`_ tag
yTagSequence* : TagId = 3.TagId ## \
## `!!seq <>`_ tag
yTagMapping* : TagId = 4.TagId ## \
## `!!map <>`_ tag
# json & core schema
yTagNull* : TagId = 5.TagId ## \
## `!!null <>`_ tag
yTagBoolean* : TagId = 6.TagId ## \
## `!!bool <>`_ tag
yTagInteger* : TagId = 7.TagId ## \
## `!!int <>`_ tag
yTagFloat* : TagId = 8.TagId ## \
## `!!float <>`_ tag
# other language-independent YAML types (from )
yTagOrderedMap* : TagId = 9.TagId ## \
## `!!omap <>`_ tag
yTagPairs* : TagId = 10.TagId ## \
## `!!pairs <>`_ tag
yTagSet* : TagId = 11.TagId ## \
## `!!set <>`_ tag
yTagBinary* : TagId = 12.TagId ## \
## `!!binary <>`_ tag
yTagMerge* : TagId = 13.TagId ## \
## `!!merge <>`_ tag
yTagTimestamp* : TagId = 14.TagId ## \
## `!!timestamp <>`_ tag
yTagValue* : TagId = 15.TagId ## \
## `!!value <>`_ tag
yTagYaml* : TagId = 16.TagId ## \
## `!!yaml <>`_ tag
yTagNimField* : TagId = 100.TagId ## \
## This tag is used in serialization for the name of a field of an
## object. It may contain any string scalar that is a valid Nim symbol.
yFirstStaticTagId* : TagId = 1000.TagId ## \
## The first ``TagId`` assigned by the ``setTagId`` templates.
yFirstCustomTagId* : TagId = 10000.TagId ## \
## The first ``TagId`` which should be assigned to an URI that does not
## exist in the ``YamlTagLibrary`` which is used for parsing.
yamlTagRepositoryPrefix* = ",2002:"
nimyamlTagRepositoryPrefix* = ",2016:"
proc properties*(event: Event): Properties =
## returns the tag of the given event
case event.kind
of yamlStartMap: result = event.mapProperties
of yamlStartSeq: result = event.seqProperties
of yamlScalar: result = event.scalarProperties
else: raise newException(FieldDefect, "Event " & $event.kind & " has no properties")
proc collectionStyle*(event: Event): CollectionStyle =
## returns the style of the given collection start event
case event.kind
of yamlStartMap: result = event.mapStyle
of yamlStartSeq: result = event.seqStyle
else: raise (ref FieldDefect)(msg: "Event " & $event.kind & " has no collectionStyle")
proc startDocEvent*(explicit: bool = false, startPos, endPos: Mark = defaultMark): Event
{.inline, raises: [].} =
## creates a new event that marks the start of a YAML document
result = Event(startPos: startPos, endPos: endPos,
kind: yamlStartDoc,
explicitDirectivesEnd: explicit)
proc endDocEvent*(explicit: bool = false, startPos, endPos: Mark = defaultMark): Event
{.inline, raises: [].} =
## creates a new event that marks the end of a YAML document
result = Event(startPos: startPos, endPos: endPos,
kind: yamlEndDoc, explicitDocumentEnd: explicit)
proc startMapEvent*(style: CollectionStyle, props: Properties,
startPos, endPos: Mark = defaultMark): Event {.inline, raises: [].} =
2020-11-03 20:17:31 +00:00
## creates a new event that marks the start of a YAML mapping
result = Event(startPos: startPos, endPos: endPos,
kind: yamlStartMap, mapProperties: props,
mapStyle: style)
proc startMapEvent*(style: CollectionStyle,
tag: TagId = yTagQuestionMark,
anchor: Anchor = yAnchorNone,
startPos, endPos: Mark): Event {.inline.} =
return startMapEvent(style, (anchor, tag), startPos, endPos)
proc endMapEvent*(startPos, endPos: Mark = defaultMark): Event {.inline, raises: [].} =
## creates a new event that marks the end of a YAML mapping
result = Event(startPos: startPos, endPos: endPos, kind: yamlEndMap)
proc startSeqEvent*(style: CollectionStyle,
props: Properties,
startPos, endPos: Mark = defaultMark): Event {.inline, raises: [].} =
## creates a new event that marks the beginning of a YAML sequence
result = Event(startPos: startPos, endPos: endPos,
kind: yamlStartSeq, seqProperties: props,
seqStyle: style)
proc startSeqEvent*(style: CollectionStyle,
tag: TagId = yTagQuestionMark,
anchor: Anchor = yAnchorNone,
startPos, endPos: Mark = defaultMark): Event {.inline.} =
return startSeqEvent(style, (anchor, tag), startPos, endPos)
proc endSeqEvent*(startPos, endPos: Mark = defaultMark): Event {.inline, raises: [].} =
## creates a new event that marks the end of a YAML sequence
result = Event(startPos: startPos, endPos: endPos, kind: yamlEndSeq)
proc scalarEvent*(content: string, props: Properties,
style: ScalarStyle = ssAny,
startPos, endPos: Mark = defaultMark): Event {.inline, raises: [].} =
## creates a new event that represents a YAML scalar
result = Event(startPos: startPos, endPos: endPos,
kind: yamlScalar, scalarProperties: props,
scalarContent: content, scalarStyle: style)
proc scalarEvent*(content: string = "", tag: TagId = yTagQuestionMark,
anchor: Anchor = yAnchorNone,
style: ScalarStyle = ssAny,
startPos, endPos: Mark = defaultMark): Event {.inline.} =
return scalarEvent(content, (anchor, tag), style, startPos, endPos)
proc aliasEvent*(target: Anchor, startPos, endPos: Mark = defaultMark): Event {.inline, raises: [].} =
## creates a new event that represents a YAML alias
result = Event(startPos: startPos, endPos: endPos, kind: yamlAlias, aliasTarget: target)
proc `==`*(left, right: Anchor): bool {.borrow.}
proc `$`*(id: Anchor): string {.borrow.}
proc hash*(id: Anchor): Hash {.borrow.}
proc `==`*(left, right: TagId): bool {.borrow.}
proc hash*(id: TagId): Hash {.borrow.}
proc `$`*(id: TagId): string {.raises: [].} =
case id
of yTagQuestionMark: "?"
of yTagExclamationMark: "!"
of yTagString: "!!str"
of yTagSequence: "!!seq"
of yTagMapping: "!!map"
of yTagNull: "!!null"
of yTagBoolean: "!!bool"
of yTagInteger: "!!int"
of yTagFloat: "!!float"
of yTagOrderedMap: "!!omap"
of yTagPairs: "!!pairs"
of yTagSet: "!!set"
of yTagBinary: "!!binary"
of yTagMerge: "!!merge"
of yTagTimestamp: "!!timestamp"
of yTagValue: "!!value"
of yTagYaml: "!!yaml"
of yTagNimField: "!nim:field"
else: "<" & $int(id) & ">"
proc `==`*(left: Event, right: Event): bool {.raises: [].} =
## compares all existing fields of the given items
if left.kind != right.kind: return false
case left.kind
of yamlStartStream, yamlEndStream, yamlStartDoc, yamlEndDoc, yamlEndMap, yamlEndSeq:
result = true
of yamlStartMap:
result = left.mapProperties == right.mapProperties
of yamlStartSeq:
result = left.seqProperties == right.seqProperties
of yamlScalar:
result = left.scalarProperties == right.scalarProperties and
left.scalarContent == right.scalarContent
of yamlAlias: result = left.aliasTarget == right.aliasTarget
proc renderAttrs*(props: Properties, isPlain: bool = true): string =
result = ""
if props.anchor != yAnchorNone: result &= " &" & $props.anchor
case props.tag
of yTagQuestionmark: discard
of yTagExclamationmark:
if isPlain: result &= " <!>"
result &= " <" & $props.tag & ">"
proc `$`*(event: Event): string {.raises: [].} =
## outputs a human-readable string describing the given event.
## This string is compatible to the format used in the yaml test suite.
case event.kind
of yamlStartStream: result = "+STR"
of yamlEndStream: result = "-STR"
of yamlEndMap: result = "-MAP"
of yamlEndSeq: result = "-SEQ"
of yamlStartDoc:
result = "+DOC"
if event.explicitDirectivesEnd: result &= " ---"
of yamlEndDoc:
result = "-DOC"
if event.explicitDocumentEnd: result &= " ..."
of yamlStartMap: result = "+MAP" & renderAttrs(event.mapProperties)
of yamlStartSeq: result = "+SEQ" & renderAttrs(event.mapProperties)
of yamlScalar:
result = "=VAL" & renderAttrs(event.scalarProperties,
event.scalarStyle == ssPlain or
event.scalarStyle == ssAny)
case event.scalarStyle
of ssPlain, ssAny: result &= " :"
of ssSingleQuoted: result &= " \'"
of ssDoubleQuoted: result &= " \""
of ssLiteral: result &= " |"
of ssFolded: result &= " >"
result &= yamlTestSuiteEscape(event.scalarContent)
of yamlAlias: result = "=ALI *" & $event.aliasTarget