
113 lines
3.9 KiB

import { SagaIterator, delay } from 'redux-saga';
import { select, put, call, take, race, fork, cancel, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { getOrigin, getPaymentAddress } from 'selectors/swap';
import {
TypeKeys as TransactionTK,
} from 'actions/transaction';
import { TypeKeys as WalletTK, setTokenBalancePending } from 'actions/wallet';
import { AppState } from 'reducers';
import { showNotification } from 'actions/notifications';
import { isSupportedUnit, isNetworkUnit } from 'selectors/config';
import { showLiteSend, configureLiteSend } from 'actions/swap';
import { TypeKeys as SwapTK } from 'actions/swap/constants';
import { isUnlocked, isEtherBalancePending } from 'selectors/wallet';
type SwapState = AppState['swap'];
export function* configureLiteSendSaga(): SagaIterator {
const { amount, label }: SwapState['origin'] = yield select(getOrigin);
const paymentAddress: SwapState['paymentAddress'] = yield call(fetchPaymentAddress);
if (!paymentAddress) {
yield put(showNotification('danger', 'Could not fetch payment address'));
return yield put(showLiteSend(false));
const supportedUnit: boolean = yield select(isSupportedUnit, label);
if (!supportedUnit) {
return yield put(showLiteSend(false));
const unlocked: boolean = yield select(isUnlocked);
yield put(showLiteSend(true));
// wait for wallet to be unlocked to continue
if (!unlocked) {
yield take(WalletTK.WALLET_SET);
const isNetwrkUnit = yield select(isNetworkUnit, label);
//if it's a token, manually scan for that tokens balance and wait for it to resolve
if (!isNetwrkUnit) {
yield put(setTokenBalancePending({ tokenSymbol: label }));
yield take([
} else {
const etherBalanceResolving: boolean = yield select(isEtherBalancePending);
if (etherBalanceResolving) {
yield put(setUnitMeta(label));
yield put(setCurrentValue(amount.toString()));
yield put(setCurrentTo(paymentAddress));
export function* handleConfigureLiteSend(): SagaIterator {
while (true) {
const liteSendProc = yield fork(configureLiteSendSaga);
const result = yield race({
transactionReset: take(TransactionTK.RESET),
userNavigatedAway: take(WalletTK.WALLET_RESET),
bityPollingFinished: take(SwapTK.SWAP_STOP_POLL_BITY_ORDER_STATUS),
shapeshiftPollingFinished: take(SwapTK.SWAP_STOP_POLL_SHAPESHIFT_ORDER_STATUS)
//if polling is finished we should clear state and hide this tab
if (result.bityPollingFinished || result.shapeshiftPollingFinished) {
//clear transaction state and cancel saga
yield cancel(liteSendProc);
yield put(showLiteSend(false));
return yield put(reset());
if (result.transactionReset) {
yield cancel(liteSendProc);
// if wallet reset is called, that means the user navigated away from the page, so we cancel everything
if (result.userNavigatedAway) {
yield cancel(liteSendProc);
yield put(showLiteSend(false));
return yield put(configureLiteSend());
// else the user just swapped to a new wallet, and we'll race against liteSend again to re-apply
// the same transaction parameters again
export function* fetchPaymentAddress(): SagaIterator {
const MAX_RETRIES = 5;
let currentTry = 0;
while (currentTry <= MAX_RETRIES) {
yield call(delay, 500);
const paymentAddress: SwapState['paymentAddress'] = yield select(getPaymentAddress);
if (paymentAddress) {
return paymentAddress;
yield put(showNotification('danger', 'Payment address not found'));
return false;
export default function* swapLiteSend(): SagaIterator {
yield takeEvery(SwapTK.SWAP_CONFIGURE_LITE_SEND, handleConfigureLiteSend);