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synced 2025-02-04 23:33:24 +00:00
* Replace all mentions of MyEtherWallet in translations with MyCrypto * Replace all translation mentions of kvhnuke/etherwallet repo with MyCryptoHQ/MyCrypto repo. * Replace all instances of MEW with MyCrypto in translations. * Replace all instances of myetherwallet.com with mycrypto.com * First pass of myetherwallet -> mycrypto in codebase. * Replace most MEWs and mews with MyCrypto or MyC or myc * Update all assets, clean out unused old assets. * Adjust v3 url * Convert all links to help articles to a help link component to make future changes easier. * Rework onboarding images * Adjust logo colors due to CMY issue. * Update donation address, remove mentions of mewtopia.eth * Update license * Update sosh meed and referral links. * Fix more translations strings. * Tscheck fix. * Update shapeshift api key.
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89 lines
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import React from 'react'; // For ANNOUNCEMENT_MESSAGE jsx
import { getValues } from '../utils/helpers';
export const languages = require('./languages.json');
// Displays in the header
export const VERSION = '4.0.0 (Alpha 0.1.0)';
export const N_FACTOR = 8192;
// Displays at the top of the site, make message empty string to remove.
// Type can be primary, warning, danger, success, or info.
// Message must be a JSX element if you want to use HTML.
export const ANNOUNCEMENT_TYPE = 'warning';
This is an Alpha build of MyCrypto v4. Please only use for testing, or use v3 at{' '}
<a href="https://myetherwallet.com">{'https://myetherwallet.com'}</a>.
<br />
<span className="hidden-xs">
If you're interested in recieving updates about the MyCrypto V4 Alpha, you can subscribe via{' '}
<a href="https://myetherwallet.us16.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=afced8afb6eb2968ba407a144&id=15a7c74eab">
</a>{' '}
const etherScan = 'https://etherscan.io';
const blockChainInfo = 'https://blockchain.info';
export const ethPlorer = 'https://ethplorer.io';
export const ETHTxExplorer = (txHash: string): string => `${etherScan}/tx/${txHash}`;
export const BTCTxExplorer = (txHash: string): string => `${blockChainInfo}/tx/${txHash}`;
export const ETHAddressExplorer = (address: string): string => `${etherScan}/address/${address}`;
export const ETHTokenExplorer = (address: string): string => `${ethPlorer}/address/${address}`;
export const donationAddressMap = {
BTC: '32oirLEzZRhi33RCXDF9WHJjEb8RsrSss3',
ETH: '0x4bbeEB066eD09B7AEd07bF39EEe0460DFa261520',
REP: '0x4bbeEB066eD09B7AEd07bF39EEe0460DFa261520'
export const gasPriceDefaults = {
gasPriceMinGwei: 1,
gasPriceMaxGwei: 60
export const MINIMUM_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 12;
export const knowledgeBaseURL = 'https://support.mycrypto.com';
export const ledgerReferralURL = 'https://www.ledgerwallet.com/r/1985?path=/products/';
export const trezorReferralURL = 'https://trezor.io/?a=mycrypto.com';
export const bitboxReferralURL = 'https://digitalbitbox.com/?ref=mycrypto';
// TODO - Update url, this is MEW's
export const bityReferralURL = 'https://bity.com/af/jshkb37v';
// TODO - add the real referral url once you know it
export const shapeshiftReferralURL = 'https://shapeshift.io';
export enum SecureWalletName {
WEB3 = 'web3',
LEDGER_NANO_S = 'ledgerNanoS',
TREZOR = 'trezor'
export enum HardwareWalletName {
LEDGER_NANO_S = 'ledgerNanoS',
TREZOR = 'trezor'
export enum InsecureWalletName {
PRIVATE_KEY = 'privateKey',
KEYSTORE_FILE = 'keystoreFile',
MNEMONIC_PHRASE = 'mnemonicPhrase'
export enum MiscWalletName {
VIEW_ONLY = 'viewOnly'
export const walletNames = getValues(
export type WalletName = SecureWalletName | InsecureWalletName | MiscWalletName;