William O'Beirne c9948626d1 Bundle and compress images with Webpack (#49)
* First pass at image loader

* Clean up config, convert some images as example.
2017-07-14 12:04:08 -05:00

43 lines
848 B

'use strict';
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
port: 3000,
title: 'MEW',
publicPath: process.env.BUILD_GH_PAGES ? '/react-semantic.ui-starter/' : '/',
srcPath: path.join(__dirname, './../common'),
// add these dependencies to a standalone vendor bundle
vendor: [
// enable babelrc
babel: {
babelrc: true
// Settings for webpack-image-loader image compression
imageCompressionOptions: {
optipng: {
optimizationLevel: 4
gifsicle: {
interlaced: false
mozjpeg: {
quality: 80
svgo: {
plugins: [
{ removeViewBox: true },
{ removeEmptyAttrs: false },
{ sortAttrs: true }