mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 03:00:52 +00:00
* progress * Normalize bity api response * Filter api response * Track swap information in component state * Update dropdown onchange * remove dead code * Update Min Max Validation * Update minmax err msg && fix onChangeOriginKind * Add origin & destination to redux state * Update types & Update tests * Update types * Update swap.spec.ts test * Remove commented out code * Remove hardcoded coin array * Create types.ts for swap reducer * Update swapinput type * Update bityRates in localStorage & Replace all instances of ...Kind / ...Amount props * Add shapeshift banner * initial work for sagas * Update Types * Update swap reducer initial state * Update Types & Store empty obj for bityRates / options * Update more types * added shapeshift file and rates comments * action reducers and prop mapping to components * add typings and swap icon * more actions reducers and sagas * debugging shapeshift service * add Headers * Fix content type * add order reset saga and ui fixes * remove console log and swap b/w Bity and Shapeshift * working state for Shapeshift and Bity - tested with mainnet * add icon component * UI improvements and fix select bug * fix timer bug * add bity fallback options and toFixed floats * tslint errors * add arrow to dropdown and add support footer * Add service provider * fix minor $ bug and stop timer on order complete * better load UX and dropdown UX * fixed single test * currRate prop bugs and reduce LS bloat * takeEvery on timer saga and don't clear state.options to restartSwap reducer * export tx sagas and fix minor type * Add ShapeShift Rates functionality when selecting a ShapeShift pair. * type fixes * BugFix: Don't change displayed ShapeShift Rate Inputs on every dropdown change Also contains some caching / performance improvements * BugFix: Don't remote rate inputs when falsy amount * fix type error * Progress commit * Implement saga logic * Make address field factory component * Shorten debounce time * Make new actions / sagas for handling single token lookup * Implement working version of litesend * Change saga into selector * Add failing spec * fix broken test * add debounce to error message * fix tests * update snapshots * test coverage * move setState disabled property from debounce so we instantly can go to next step on valid amounts * much deeper test coverage, fix debounce ux, and fix bity flashing at swap page load * fix minor failing test * seperate shapeshift erc20 token whitelist * fix saveState store bug * break orderTimeRemaining saga up and rewrite tests * add new swap icon * remove unused allowReadOnly prop * change offlineaware to walletdecrypt for litesend * fix LiteSend changewallet bug * fix error message UX * fix button styling to match develop * fix liteSend test * Fix LiteSend UX on unavl tokens, dropdown null value, and don't show decrypt in litesend after successful wallet decrypt. * add litesend network check
263 lines
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263 lines
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import { showNotification } from 'actions/notifications';
import {
} from 'actions/wallet';
import { Wei } from 'libs/units';
import { changeNodeIntent, web3UnsetNode, TypeKeys as ConfigTypeKeys } from 'actions/config';
import { AddCustomTokenAction, TypeKeys as CustomTokenTypeKeys } from 'actions/customTokens';
import { INode } from 'libs/nodes/INode';
import {
} from 'libs/wallet';
import { NODES, initWeb3Node, Token } from 'config/data';
import { SagaIterator } from 'redux-saga';
import { apply, call, fork, put, select, takeEvery, take } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { getNodeLib, getAllTokens } from 'selectors/config';
import {
} from 'selectors/wallet';
import translate from 'translations';
import Web3Node, { isWeb3Node } from 'libs/nodes/web3';
import { loadWalletConfig, saveWalletConfig } from 'utils/localStorage';
import { getTokenBalances, filterScannedTokenBalances } from './helpers';
export interface TokenBalanceLookup {
[symbol: string]: TokenBalance;
export function* updateAccountBalance(): SagaIterator {
try {
yield put(setBalancePending());
const wallet: null | IWallet = yield select(getWalletInst);
if (!wallet) {
const node: INode = yield select(getNodeLib);
const address: string = yield apply(wallet, wallet.getAddressString);
// network request
const balance: Wei = yield apply(node, node.getBalance, [address]);
yield put(setBalanceFullfilled(balance));
} catch (error) {
yield put(setBalanceRejected());
export function* updateTokenBalances(): SagaIterator {
try {
const wallet: null | IWallet = yield select(getWalletInst);
const tokens: MergedToken[] = yield select(getWalletConfigTokens);
if (!wallet || !tokens.length) {
yield put(setTokenBalancesPending());
const tokenBalances: TokenBalanceLookup = yield call(getTokenBalances, wallet, tokens);
yield put(setTokenBalancesFulfilled(tokenBalances));
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to get token balances', error);
yield put(setTokenBalancesRejected());
export function* updateTokenBalance(action: SetTokenBalancePendingAction): SagaIterator {
try {
const wallet: null | IWallet = yield select(getWalletInst);
const { tokenSymbol } = action.payload;
const allTokens: Token[] = yield select(getAllTokens);
const token = allTokens.find(t => t.symbol === tokenSymbol);
if (!wallet) {
if (!token) {
throw Error('Token not found');
const tokenBalances: TokenBalanceLookup = yield call(getTokenBalances, wallet, [token]);
yield put(setTokenBalanceFulfilled(tokenBalances));
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to get token balance', error);
yield put(setTokenBalanceRejected());
export function* scanWalletForTokens(action: ScanWalletForTokensAction): SagaIterator {
try {
const wallet = action.payload;
const tokens: MergedToken[] = yield select(getTokens);
yield put(setTokenBalancesPending());
// Fetch all token balances, save ones we want to the config
const balances: TokenBalanceLookup = yield call(getTokenBalances, wallet, tokens);
const tokensToSave: string[] = yield call(filterScannedTokenBalances, wallet, balances);
const config: WalletConfig = yield call(saveWalletConfig, wallet, { tokens: tokensToSave });
yield put(setWalletConfig(config));
yield put(setTokenBalancesFulfilled(balances));
} catch (err) {
console.error('Failed to scan for tokens', err);
yield put(setTokenBalancesRejected());
export function* handleSetWalletTokens(action: SetWalletTokensAction): SagaIterator {
const wallet: null | IWallet = yield select(getWalletInst);
if (!wallet) {
const config: WalletConfig = yield call(saveWalletConfig, wallet, { tokens: action.payload });
yield put(setWalletConfig(config));
export function* updateBalances(): SagaIterator {
yield fork(updateAccountBalance);
yield fork(updateTokenBalances);
export function* handleNewWallet(): SagaIterator {
yield call(updateWalletConfig);
yield fork(updateBalances);
export function* updateWalletConfig(): SagaIterator {
const wallet: null | IWallet = yield select(getWalletInst);
if (!wallet) {
const config: WalletConfig = yield call(loadWalletConfig, wallet);
yield put(setWalletConfig(config));
export function* unlockPrivateKey(action: UnlockPrivateKeyAction): SagaIterator {
let wallet: IWallet | null = null;
const { key, password } = action.payload;
try {
wallet = getPrivKeyWallet(key, password);
} catch (e) {
yield put(showNotification('danger', translate('INVALID_PKEY')));
yield put(setWallet(wallet));
export function* unlockKeystore(action: UnlockKeystoreAction): SagaIterator {
const { file, password } = action.payload;
let wallet: null | IWallet = null;
try {
wallet = getKeystoreWallet(file, password);
} catch (e) {
yield put(showNotification('danger', translate('ERROR_6')));
// TODO: provide a more descriptive error than the two 'ERROR_6' (invalid pass) messages above
yield put(setWallet(wallet));
export function* unlockMnemonic(action: UnlockMnemonicAction): SagaIterator {
let wallet;
const { phrase, pass, path, address } = action.payload;
try {
wallet = MnemonicWallet(phrase, pass, path, address);
} catch (err) {
// TODO: use better error than 'ERROR_14' (wallet not found)
yield put(showNotification('danger', translate('ERROR_14')));
yield put(setWallet(wallet));
// inspired by v3:
// https://github.com/kvhnuke/etherwallet/blob/417115b0ab4dd2033d9108a1a5c00652d38db68d/app/scripts/controllers/decryptWalletCtrl.js#L311
export function* unlockWeb3(): SagaIterator {
try {
yield call(initWeb3Node);
yield put(changeNodeIntent('web3'));
yield take(
action =>
action.type === ConfigTypeKeys.CONFIG_NODE_CHANGE && action.payload.nodeSelection === 'web3'
const network = NODES.web3.network;
const nodeLib: INode | Web3Node = yield select(getNodeLib);
if (!isWeb3Node(nodeLib)) {
throw new Error('Cannot use Web3 wallet without a Web3 node.');
const accounts: string = yield apply(nodeLib, nodeLib.getAccounts);
const address = accounts[0];
if (!address) {
throw new Error('No accounts found in MetaMask / Mist.');
const wallet = new Web3Wallet(address, network);
yield put(setWallet(wallet));
} catch (err) {
// unset web3 node so node dropdown isn't disabled
yield put(web3UnsetNode());
yield put(showNotification('danger', translate(err.message)));
export function* handleCustomTokenAdd(action: AddCustomTokenAction): SagaIterator {
// Add the custom token to our current wallet's config
const wallet: null | IWallet = yield select(getWalletInst);
if (!wallet) {
const oldConfig: WalletConfig = yield call(loadWalletConfig, wallet);
const config: WalletConfig = yield call(saveWalletConfig, wallet, {
tokens: [...(oldConfig.tokens || []), action.payload.symbol]
yield put(setWalletConfig(config));
// Update token balances
yield fork(updateTokenBalances);
export default function* walletSaga(): SagaIterator {
yield [
takeEvery(TypeKeys.WALLET_UNLOCK_PRIVATE_KEY, unlockPrivateKey),
takeEvery(TypeKeys.WALLET_UNLOCK_KEYSTORE, unlockKeystore),
takeEvery(TypeKeys.WALLET_UNLOCK_MNEMONIC, unlockMnemonic),
takeEvery(TypeKeys.WALLET_UNLOCK_WEB3, unlockWeb3),
takeEvery(TypeKeys.WALLET_SET, handleNewWallet),
takeEvery(TypeKeys.WALLET_SCAN_WALLET_FOR_TOKENS, scanWalletForTokens),
takeEvery(TypeKeys.WALLET_SET_WALLET_TOKENS, handleSetWalletTokens),
takeEvery(CustomTokenTypeKeys.CUSTOM_TOKEN_ADD, handleCustomTokenAdd),
takeEvery(TypeKeys.WALLET_SET_TOKEN_BALANCE_PENDING, updateTokenBalance)