William O'Beirne 9b2156ed4f WIP: Generating transaction on Send tab (Pt 1) (#100)
* Generating transaction ,placing into read only textareas.

* Fix async wallet getAddress cases.

* Chain id from network

* remove leftover console log

* Check balance before generating transaction.

* Translate error msgs, check for invalid address.

* Errors for gas limit and gas price issues.
2017-08-11 22:54:10 +01:00

156 lines
4.4 KiB

// @flow
import Big from 'bignumber.js';
import { addHexPrefix } from 'ethereumjs-util';
import translate from 'translations';
import BaseNode from '../base';
import type {
} from 'libs/transaction';
import RPCClient, {
} from './client';
import type { Token } from 'config/data';
import ERC20 from 'libs/erc20';
import type { BaseWallet } from 'libs/wallet';
import { toWei } from 'libs/units';
import { isValidETHAddress } from 'libs/validators';
export default class RpcNode extends BaseNode {
client: RPCClient;
constructor(endpoint: string) {
this.client = new RPCClient(endpoint);
async getBalance(address: string): Promise<Big> {
return this.client.call(getBalance(address)).then(response => {
if (response.error) {
throw new Error('getBalance error');
return new Big(Number(response.result));
async estimateGas(transaction: TransactionWithoutGas): Promise<Big> {
return this.client.call(estimateGas(transaction)).then(response => {
if (response.error) {
throw new Error('estimateGas error');
return new Big(Number(response.result));
async getTokenBalances(address: string, tokens: Token[]): Promise<Big[]> {
const data = ERC20.balanceOf(address);
return this.client
tokens.map(t =>
to: t.address,
.then(response => {
return response.map((item, idx) => {
// FIXME wrap in maybe-like
if (item.error) {
return new Big(0);
return new Big(Number(item.result)).div(
new Big(10).pow(tokens[idx].decimal)
async generateTransaction(
tx: Transaction,
wallet: BaseWallet
): Promise<BroadcastTransaction> {
// Reject bad addresses
if (!isValidETHAddress(tx.to)) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(translate('ERROR_5')));
// Reject gas limit under 21000 (Minimum for transaction)
// Reject if limit over 5000000
// TODO: Make this dynamic, the limit shifts
const limitBig = new Big(tx.gasLimit);
if (limitBig.lessThan(21000)) {
return Promise.reject(
new Error(
translate('Gas limit must be at least 21000 for transactions')
if (limitBig.greaterThan(5000000)) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(translate('GETH_GasLimit')));
// Reject gas over 1000gwei (1000000000000)
const priceBig = new Big(tx.gasPrice);
if (priceBig.greaterThan(new Big('1000000000000'))) {
return Promise.reject(
new Error(
'Gas price too high. Please contact support if this was not a mistake.'
const calls = [getBalance(tx.from), getTransactionCount(tx.from)];
return this.client.batch(calls).then(async results => {
const [balance, txCount] = results;
if (balance.error) {
throw new Error(`Failed to retrieve balance for ${tx.from}`);
if (txCount.error) {
throw new Error(`Failed to retrieve transaction count for ${tx.from}`);
// TODO: Handle token values
const valueWei = new Big(toWei(new Big(tx.value), 'ether'));
const balanceWei = new Big(balance.result);
if (valueWei.gte(balanceWei)) {
throw new Error(translate('GETH_Balance'));
const rawTx = {
nonce: addHexPrefix(txCount.result),
gasPrice: addHexPrefix(new Big(tx.gasPrice).toString(16)),
gasLimit: addHexPrefix(new Big(tx.gasLimit).toString(16)),
to: addHexPrefix(tx.to),
value: addHexPrefix(valueWei.toString(16)),
data: tx.data ? addHexPrefix(tx.data) : '',
chainId: tx.chainId || 1
const rawTxJson = JSON.stringify(rawTx);
const signedTx = await wallet.signRawTransaction(rawTx);
// Repeat all of this shit for Flow typechecking. Sealed objects don't
// like spreads, so we have to be explicit.
return {
nonce: rawTx.nonce,
gasPrice: rawTx.gasPrice,
gasLimit: rawTx.gasLimit,
to: rawTx.to,
value: rawTx.value,
data: rawTx.data,
chainId: rawTx.chainId,
rawTx: rawTxJson,
signedTx: signedTx