William O'Beirne b48617e95e Simplify custom node URL (#1141)
* Simplify custom nodes to just be a URL, not a url + port.

* Allow modals to specify max width (#1142)
2018-02-24 12:02:07 -06:00

185 lines
5.3 KiB

import { AppState } from 'reducers';
import {
} from 'selectors/config';
import {
} from 'types/node';
const getConfig = (state: AppState) => state.config;
import { INITIAL_STATE as SELECTED_NODE_INITIAL_STATE } from 'reducers/config/nodes/selectedNode';
export const getNodes = (state: AppState) => getConfig(state).nodes;
export function isNodeCustom(state: AppState, nodeId: string): CustomNodeConfig | undefined {
return getCustomNodeConfigs(state)[nodeId];
export const getCustomNodeFromId = (
state: AppState,
nodeId: string
): CustomNodeConfig | undefined => getCustomNodeConfigs(state)[nodeId];
export const getStaticAltNodeIdToWeb3 = (state: AppState) => {
const { web3, ...configs } = getStaticNodeConfigs(state);
if (!web3) {
const res = Object.entries(configs).find(
([_, config]: [StaticNodeId, StaticNodeConfig]) => web3.network === config.network
if (res) {
return res[0];
export const getStaticNodeFromId = (state: AppState, nodeId: StaticNodeId) =>
export const isStaticNodeId = (state: AppState, nodeId: string): nodeId is StaticNodeWithWeb3Id =>
const getStaticNodeConfigs = (state: AppState) => getNodes(state).staticNodes;
export const getStaticNodeConfig = (state: AppState) => {
const { staticNodes, selectedNode: { nodeId } } = getNodes(state);
const defaultNetwork = isStaticNodeId(state, nodeId) ? staticNodes[nodeId] : undefined;
return defaultNetwork;
export const getWeb3Node = (state: AppState): Web3NodeConfig | null => {
const isWeb3Node = (nodeId: string, _: StaticNodeConfig | Web3NodeConfig): _ is Web3NodeConfig =>
nodeId === 'web3';
const currNode = getStaticNodeConfig(state);
const currNodeId = getNodeId(state);
if (currNode && currNodeId && isWeb3Node(currNodeId, currNode)) {
return currNode;
return null;
export const getCustomNodeConfig = (state: AppState): CustomNodeConfig | undefined => {
const { customNodes, selectedNode: { nodeId } } = getNodes(state);
const customNode = customNodes[nodeId];
return customNode;
export function getCustomNodeConfigs(state: AppState) {
return getNodes(state).customNodes;
export function getStaticNodes(state: AppState) {
return getNodes(state).staticNodes;
export function getSelectedNode(state: AppState) {
return getNodes(state).selectedNode;
export function isNodeChanging(state): boolean {
return getSelectedNode(state).pending;
export function getNodeId(state: AppState): string {
return getSelectedNode(state).nodeId;
export function getIsWeb3Node(state: AppState): boolean {
return getNodeId(state) === 'web3';
export function getNodeConfig(state: AppState): StaticNodeConfig | CustomNodeConfig {
const config = getStaticNodeConfig(state) || getCustomNodeConfig(state);
if (!config) {
const { selectedNode } = getNodes(state);
throw Error(`No node config found for ${selectedNode.nodeId} in either static or custom nodes`);
return config;
export function getNodeLib(state: AppState) {
const config = getNodeConfig(state);
if (!config) {
throw Error('No node lib found when trying to select from state');
return config.lib;
export interface NodeOption {
isCustom: false;
value: string;
label: { network: string; service: string };
color?: string;
hidden?: boolean;
export function getStaticNodeOptions(state: AppState): NodeOption[] {
const staticNetworkConfigs = getStaticNetworkConfigs(state);
return Object.entries(getStaticNodes(state)).map(([nodeId, node]: [string, StaticNodeConfig]) => {
const associatedNetwork = staticNetworkConfigs[node.network];
const opt: NodeOption = {
isCustom: node.isCustom,
value: nodeId,
label: {
network: node.network,
service: node.service
color: associatedNetwork.color,
hidden: node.hidden
return opt;
export interface CustomNodeOption {
isCustom: true;
id: string;
value: string;
label: {
network: string;
nodeName: string;
color?: string;
hidden?: boolean;
export function getCustomNodeOptions(state: AppState): CustomNodeOption[] {
const staticNetworkConfigs = getStaticNetworkConfigs(state);
const customNetworkConfigs = getCustomNetworkConfigs(state);
return Object.entries(getCustomNodeConfigs(state)).map(
([_, node]: [string, CustomNodeConfig]) => {
const chainId = node.network;
const associatedNetwork = isStaticNetworkId(state, chainId)
? staticNetworkConfigs[chainId]
: customNetworkConfigs[chainId];
const opt: CustomNodeOption = {
isCustom: node.isCustom,
value: node.id,
label: {
network: associatedNetwork.unit,
nodeName: node.name
color: associatedNetwork.isCustom ? undefined : associatedNetwork.color,
hidden: false,
id: node.id
return opt;
export function getNodeOptions(state: AppState) {
return [...getStaticNodeOptions(state), ...getCustomNodeOptions(state)];