mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 04:30:47 +00:00
* Set default unit to 'ETH' instead of 'ether' * Use 'isEtherUnit()' everywhere * Set default unit to empty string * Update isEthUnit to isNetworkUnit * Fix unit conversion for non-ethereum networks * Set default network unit properly * Fix tests * fix typos * Update isNetworkUnit selector * Update isNetworkUnit * Fix validationhelpers tests * Add mock state to tests & Move isNetworkUnit to selectors * Fix validation helper spec * fix unit swap spec
126 lines
3.4 KiB
126 lines
3.4 KiB
import { configuredStore } from 'store';
import { web3SetNode, web3UnsetNode } from 'actions/config';
import { staticNodes, INITIAL_STATE } from 'reducers/config/nodes/staticNodes';
import { EtherscanNode, InfuraNode, RPCNode } from 'libs/nodes';
import { Web3NodeConfig } from 'types/node';
import { Web3Service } from 'libs/nodes/web3';
const expectedInitialState = {
eth_mycrypto: {
network: 'ETH',
isCustom: false,
lib: new RPCNode('https://api.mycryptoapi.com/eth'),
service: 'MyCrypto',
estimateGas: true
eth_ethscan: {
network: 'ETH',
isCustom: false,
service: 'Etherscan.io',
lib: new EtherscanNode('https://api.etherscan.io/api'),
estimateGas: false
eth_infura: {
network: 'ETH',
isCustom: false,
service: 'infura.io',
lib: new InfuraNode('https://mainnet.infura.io/mycrypto'),
estimateGas: false
eth_blockscale: {
network: 'ETH',
isCustom: false,
lib: new RPCNode('https://api.dev.blockscale.net/dev/parity'),
service: 'Blockscale beta',
estimateGas: true
rop_infura: {
network: 'Ropsten',
isCustom: false,
service: 'infura.io',
lib: new InfuraNode('https://ropsten.infura.io/mycrypto'),
estimateGas: false
kov_ethscan: {
network: 'Kovan',
isCustom: false,
service: 'Etherscan.io',
lib: new EtherscanNode('https://kovan.etherscan.io/api'),
estimateGas: false
rin_ethscan: {
network: 'Rinkeby',
isCustom: false,
service: 'Etherscan.io',
lib: new EtherscanNode('https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/api'),
estimateGas: false
rin_infura: {
network: 'Rinkeby',
isCustom: false,
service: 'infura.io',
lib: new InfuraNode('https://rinkeby.infura.io/mycrypto'),
estimateGas: false
etc_epool: {
network: 'ETC',
isCustom: false,
service: 'Epool.io',
lib: new RPCNode('https://mewapi.epool.io'),
estimateGas: false
ubq: {
network: 'UBQ',
isCustom: false,
service: 'ubiqscan.io',
lib: new RPCNode('https://pyrus2.ubiqscan.io'),
estimateGas: true
exp_tech: {
network: 'EXP',
isCustom: false,
service: 'Expanse.tech',
lib: new RPCNode('https://node.expanse.tech/'),
estimateGas: true
const web3Id = 'web3';
const web3Node: Web3NodeConfig = {
isCustom: false,
network: 'ETH',
service: Web3Service,
lib: jest.fn() as any,
estimateGas: false,
hidden: true
const expectedState = {
initialState: expectedInitialState,
setWeb3: { ...INITIAL_STATE, [web3Id]: web3Node },
unsetWeb3: { ...INITIAL_STATE }
const actions = {
web3SetNode: web3SetNode({ id: web3Id, config: web3Node }),
web3UnsetNode: web3UnsetNode()
describe('static nodes reducer', () => {
it('should return the inital state', () =>
// turn the JSON into a string because we're storing function in the state
expect(JSON.stringify(staticNodes(undefined, {} as any))).toEqual(
it('should handle setting the web3 node', () =>
expect(staticNodes(INITIAL_STATE, actions.web3SetNode)).toEqual(expectedState.setWeb3));
it('should handle unsetting the web3 node', () =>
expect(staticNodes(expectedState.setWeb3, actions.web3UnsetNode)).toEqual(
export { actions as staticNodesActions, expectedState as staticNodesExpectedState };