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synced 2025-03-02 19:50:38 +00:00
* Refactor BaseNode to be an interface INode * Initial contract commit * Remove redundant fallback ABI function * First working iteration of Contract generator to be used in ENS branch * Hide abi to clean up logging output * Strip 0x prefix from output decode * Handle unnamed output params * Implement ability to supply output mappings to ABI functions * Fix null case in outputMapping * Add flow typing * Add .call method to functions * Partial commit for type refactor * Temp contract type fix -- waiting for NPM modularization * Remove empty files * Cleanup contract * Add call request to node interface * Fix output mapping types * Revert destructuring overboard * Add sendCallRequest to rpcNode class and add typing * Use enum for selecting ABI methods * Add transaction capability to contracts * Cleanup privaite/public members * Remove broadcasting step from a contract transaction * Cleanup uneeded types * Refactor ens-base to typescript and add typings for ENS smart contracts * Migrate ens-name-search to TS * Add IResolveDomainRequest * Fix rest of TSC errors * Add definition file for bn.js * Remove types-bn * Fix some typings * make isBN a static property * progress commit -- swap out bignumber.js for bn.js * Swap out bignumber for bn in vendor * Change modn to number return * Start to strip out units lib for a string manipulation based lib * Convert codebase to only base units * Get rid of useless component * Handle only wei in values * Use unit conversion in sidebar * Automatically strip hex prefix, and handle decimal edge case * Handle base 16 wei in transactions * Make a render callback component for dealing with unit conversion * Switch contracts to use bn.js, and get transaction values from signedTx instead of state * Get send transaction working with bn.js * Remove redundant hex stripping, return base value of tokens * Cleanup unit file * Re-implement toFixed for strings * Use formatNumber in codebase * Cleanup code * Undo package test changes * Update snapshot and remove console logs * Use TokenValue / Wei more consistently where applicable * Add typing to deterministicWallets, fix confirmation modal, make UnitDisplay more flexible * Split different ENS modes into their own components * Fix Abi typedef * Remove redundant moment type package * Add Aux helper component * Split out resolve components * Make 'to' parameter optional * Change import type * Change typing to be base domain request * Split handling of resolving into object handler * Fix countdown component * Adjust element spacing * Implement reveal search functionality * Add unit display for highest bidder * Fill out forbidden/NYA modes * ENS wallet component skeleton * Clean up prop handling in UnitDisplay * Change instanceof to typeof check, change boolean of displayBalance * Add ENS wallet component * Cleanup spacing * Convert ConfModal for bidding in ENS * Make ui component for placing bids * Fix destructure in placeBid * Pass through entire wallet * Remove text center * Display inline notification ENS isValid & add some ENS tests * Add export of Aux * Reformat with prettier * progress... * Add ENSUnlockLayout * Add RevealBid component * organize NameResolve components * Merge ENS with transaction-refactor changes * Fix address resolution * Update styles * convert ens name to lowercase before checking * Add overflow-y:scroll to table * update ens snapshots & tests * cast 'undefined' state argument as any for testing * clean up components * Connect unitconverter to redux state * remove unnecessary type assertion * fix spinner size * remove old bidmodal * validate bidmask before opening modal * progress... * Update styles * Add saga / actions for placing a bid * Update types & clean up dead code * Delete old test * Dispatch PlaceBidRequested acitons * Progress commit -- get ENS bidding ready for tx generation via sagas * Seperate ENS action creators and types * Add reducer & actions for ENS fields * Add preliminary sagas for bid mask and bid value * Initial commit * Add loading indicator * Remove some bidding components * Revert bidding files * Remove more bidding code * Remove rest of bidding code * Fix ENS error message * Revert value saga changes * Remove error param from setting 'To' field * Fix existing ENS test * Cleanup address resolution, remove dead code * Remove error messages from unimplemented ENS * Fix last character being not set bug * Remove error state from Meta * Rename isGenesisAddress to isCreationAddress
541 lines
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541 lines
9.1 KiB
declare module 'bn.js' {
import { Buffer } from 'buffer';
type Endianness = 'le' | 'be';
type IPrimeName = 'k256' | 'p224' | 'p192' | 'p25519';
class RedBN {
redAdd(b: RedBN): RedBN;
redIAdd(b: RedBN): RedBN;
redSub(b: RedBN): RedBN;
redISub(b: RedBN): RedBN;
redShl(num: number): RedBN;
redMul(b: RedBN): RedBN;
redIMul(b: RedBN): RedBN;
redSqr(): RedBN;
redISqr(): RedBN;
* @description square root modulo reduction context's prime
redSqrt(): RedBN;
* @description modular inverse of the number
redInvm(): RedBN;
redNeg(): RedBN;
* @description modular exponentiation
redPow(b: RedBN): RedBN;
fromRed(): BN;
// FIXME: not sure how to specify the reduction context here
interface IReductionContext {
m: number;
prime: object;
[key: string]: any;
export default class BN {
number: number | string | number[] | Buffer | BN,
base?: number,
endian?: Endianness
* @description create a reduction context
static red(reductionContext: BN | IPrimeName): IReductionContext;
* @description create a reduction context with the Montgomery trick.
static mont(num: BN): IReductionContext;
* @description Convert number to red
* @description returns true if the supplied object is a BN.js instance
static isBN(b: object): boolean;
toRed(reductionContext: IReductionContext): RedBN;
* @description clone number
clone(): BN;
* @description convert to base-string and pad with zeroes
toString(base?: number | 'hex', length?: number): string;
* @description convert to Javascript Number (limited to 53 bits)
toNumber(): number;
* @description convert to JSON compatible hex string (alias of toString(16))
toJSON(): string;
* @description convert to byte Array, and optionally zero pad to length, throwing if already exceeding
toArray(endian?: Endianness, length?: number): number[];
* @description convert to an instance of `type`, which must behave like an Array
ArrayType: Buffer | Array<any>,
endian?: Endianness,
length?: number
): Buffer | Array<any>;
* @description convert to Node.js Buffer (if available). For compatibility with browserify and similar tools, use this instead: a.toArrayLike(Buffer, endian, length)
toBuffer(endian?: Endianness, length?: number): Buffer;
* @description get number of bits occupied
bitLength(): number;
* @description return number of less-significant consequent zero bits (example: 1010000 has 4 zero bits)
zeroBits(): number;
* @description return number of bytes occupied
byteLength(): number;
* @description true if the number is negative
isNeg(): boolean;
* @description no comments
isEven(): boolean;
* @description no comments
isOdd(): boolean;
* @description no comments
isZero(): boolean;
* @description compare numbers and return `-1 (a < b)`, `0 (a == b)`, or `1 (a > b)` depending on the comparison result
cmp(b: BN): -1 | 0 | 1;
* @description compare numbers and return `-1 (a < b)`, `0 (a == b)`, or `1 (a > b)` depending on the comparison result
ucmp(b: BN): -1 | 0 | 1;
* @description compare numbers and return `-1 (a < b)`, `0 (a == b)`, or `1 (a > b)` depending on the comparison result
cmpn(b: number): -1 | 0 | 1;
* @description a less than b
lt(b: BN): boolean;
* @description a less than b
ltn(b: number): boolean;
* @description a less than or equals b
lte(b: BN): boolean;
* @description a less than or equals b
lten(b: number): boolean;
* @description a greater than b
gt(b: BN): boolean;
* @description a greater than b
gtn(b: number): boolean;
* @description a greater than or equals b
gte(b: BN): boolean;
* @description a greater than or equals b
gten(b: number): boolean;
* @description a equals b
eq(b: BN): boolean;
* @description a equals b
eqn(b: number): boolean;
* @description convert to two's complement representation, where width is bit width
toTwos(width: number): BN;
* @description convert from two's complement representation, where width is the bit width
fromTwos(width: number): BN;
* @description negate sign
neg(): BN;
* @description negate sign
ineg(): BN;
* @description absolute value
abs(): BN;
* @description absolute value
iabs(): BN;
* @description addition
add(b: BN): BN;
* @description addition
iadd(b: BN): BN;
* @description addition
addn(b: number): BN;
* @description addition
iaddn(b: number): BN;
* @description subtraction
sub(b: BN): BN;
* @description subtraction
isub(b: BN): BN;
* @description subtraction
subn(b: number): BN;
* @description subtraction
isubn(b: number): BN;
* @description multiply
mul(b: BN): BN;
* @description multiply
imul(b: BN): BN;
* @description multiply
muln(b: number): BN;
* @description multiply
imuln(b: number): BN;
* @description square
sqr(): BN;
* @description square
isqr(): BN;
* @description raise `a` to the power of `b`
pow(b: BN): BN;
* @description divide
div(b: BN): BN;
* @description divide
divn(b: number): BN;
* @description divide
idivn(b: number): BN;
* @description reduct
mod(b: BN): BN;
* @description reduct
umod(b: BN): BN;
* @description reduct
modn(b: number): number; //API consistency https://github.com/indutny/bn.js/pull/130
* @description rounded division
divRound(b: BN): BN;
* @description or
or(b: BN): BN;
* @description or
ior(b: BN): BN;
* @description or
uor(b: BN): BN;
* @description or
iuor(b: BN): BN;
* @description and
and(b: BN): BN;
* @description and
iand(b: BN): BN;
* @description and
uand(b: BN): BN;
* @description and
iuand(b: BN): BN;
* @description and (NOTE: `andln` is going to be replaced with `andn` in future)
andln(b: number): BN;
* @description xor
xor(b: BN): BN;
* @description xor
ixor(b: BN): BN;
* @description xor
uxor(b: BN): BN;
* @description xor
iuxor(b: BN): BN;
* @description set specified bit to 1
setn(b: number): BN;
* @description shift left
shln(b: number): BN;
* @description shift left
ishln(b: number): BN;
* @description shift left
ushln(b: number): BN;
* @description shift left
iushln(b: number): BN;
* @description shift right
shrn(b: number): BN;
* @description shift right
ishrn(b: number): BN;
* @description shift right
ushrn(b: number): BN;
* @description shift right
iushrn(b: number): BN;
* @description test if specified bit is set
testn(b: number): boolean;
* @description clear bits with indexes higher or equal to `b`
maskn(b: number): BN;
* @description clear bits with indexes higher or equal to `b`
imaskn(b: number): BN;
* @description add `1 << b` to the number
bincn(b: number): BN;
* @description not (for the width specified by `w`)
notn(w: number): BN;
* @description not (for the width specified by `w`)
inotn(w: number): BN;
* @description GCD
gcd(b: BN): BN;
* @description Extended GCD results `({ a: ..., b: ..., gcd: ... })`
egcd(b: BN): { a: BN; b: BN; gcd: BN };
* @description inverse `a` modulo `b`
invm(b: BN): BN;