Daniel Ternyak d72b478c89 Broadcast Tx (#304)
* create MVP of broadcast TX component

* add broadcastTx to routes and tab options

* Update BroadcastTx path to /pushTx

* - add sanitizeHex and padLeftEven functions from V3

* - Move decodeTransaction logic out of ConfirmationModal.
- Add from key to getTransactionFields

* Simplify ConfirmationModal:

1. Move business logic out of component (decodeTransaction).
2. Don't pass node props when Component is already smart. Map from state instead.
3. Pass walletAddress instead of the entire wallet object to component as prop.
4. Handle

* - Don't map node state (child component grabs from state)
- implement and call setWalletAddressOnUpdate

* correct tab to path.

* 1. Integrate Confirmation Modal
2. Validate signedTx input and disable Send Transaction button when invalid

* disable tslint error. EthTx expect a Data type object, but a string is passed. However, tx object is created as expected. Need to investigate

* adjust type definition to match allowed string input. Remove tslint disable

* fix tslint errors

* add textarea valid/invalid stlying based on disabled status

* remove unused imports

* cleanup / address PR comments

* Address PR comments
2017-10-23 13:48:55 -07:00

318 lines
8.4 KiB

import { Token } from 'config/data';
import EthTx from 'ethereumjs-tx';
import { addHexPrefix, padToEven, toChecksumAddress } from 'ethereumjs-util';
import ERC20 from 'libs/erc20';
import { TransactionWithoutGas } from 'libs/messages';
import { RPCNode } from 'libs/nodes';
import { INode } from 'libs/nodes/INode';
import {
} from 'libs/units';
import { isValidETHAddress } from 'libs/validators';
import { stripHexPrefixAndLower, valueToHex, sanitizeHex } from 'libs/values';
import { IWallet } from 'libs/wallet';
import { translateRaw } from 'translations';
import Big, { BigNumber } from 'bignumber.js';
export interface TransactionInput {
token?: Token | null;
unit: UnitKey;
value: string;
to: string;
data: string;
export interface BroadcastTransactionStatus {
isBroadcasting: boolean;
signedTx: string;
successfullyBroadcast: boolean;
export interface BaseTransaction {
to: string;
value: string;
data: string;
gasLimit: BigNumber | string;
gasPrice: Wei | string;
chainId: number;
export interface RawTransaction extends BaseTransaction {
nonce: string;
export interface ExtendedRawTransaction extends RawTransaction {
// non-standard, legacy
from: string;
export interface CompleteTransaction extends RawTransaction {
rawTx: string;
signedTx: string;
// Get useable fields from an EthTx object.
export function getTransactionFields(tx: EthTx) {
// For some crazy reason, toJSON spits out an array, not keyed values.
const [nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data, v, r, s] = tx.toJSON();
return {
// No value comes back as '0x', but most things expect '0x00'
value: value === '0x' ? '0x00' : value,
// If data is 0x, it might as well not be there
data: data === '0x' ? null : data,
// To address is unchecksummed, which could cause mismatches in comparisons
to: toChecksumAddress(to),
from: sanitizeHex(tx.getSenderAddress().toString('hex')),
// Everything else is as-is
function getValue(
token: Token | null | undefined,
tx: ExtendedRawTransaction
): BigNumber {
let value;
if (token) {
value = new Big(ERC20.$transfer(;
} else {
value = new Big(tx.value);
return value;
async function getBalance(
node: INode,
tx: ExtendedRawTransaction,
token: Token | null | undefined
) {
const { from } = tx;
const ETHBalance = await node.getBalance(from);
let balance;
if (token) {
balance = toTokenUnit(await node.getTokenBalance(tx.from, token), token);
} else {
balance = ETHBalance.amount;
return {
async function balanceCheck(
node: INode,
tx: ExtendedRawTransaction,
token: Token | null | undefined,
value: BigNumber,
gasCost: Wei
) {
// Ensure their balance exceeds the amount they're sending
const { balance, ETHBalance } = await getBalance(node, tx, token);
if ( {
throw new Error(translateRaw('GETH_Balance'));
// ensure gas cost is not greaterThan current eth balance
// TODO check that eth balance is not lesser than txAmount + gasCost
if ( {
throw new Error(
`gasCost: ${gasCost.amount} greaterThan ETHBalance: ${ETHBalance.amount}`
function generateTxValidation(
to: string,
token: Token | null | undefined,
data: string,
gasLimit: BigNumber | string,
gasPrice: Wei | string,
skipEthAddressValidation: boolean
) {
// Reject bad addresses
if (!isValidETHAddress(to) && !skipEthAddressValidation) {
throw new Error(translateRaw('ERROR_5'));
// Reject token transactions without data
if (token && !data) {
throw new Error('Tokens must be sent with data');
if (typeof gasLimit === 'string' || typeof gasPrice === 'string') {
throw Error('Gas Limit and Gas Price should be of type bignumber');
// Reject gas limit under 21000 (Minimum for transaction)
// Reject if limit over 5000000
// TODO: Make this dynamic, the limit shifts
if (gasLimit.lessThan(21000)) {
throw new Error('Gas limit must be at least 21000 for transactions');
// Reject gasLimit over 5000000gwei
if (gasLimit.greaterThan(5000000)) {
throw new Error(translateRaw('GETH_GasLimit'));
// Reject gasPrice over 1000gwei (1000000000000)
const gwei = new Big('1000000000000');
if (gasPrice.amount.greaterThan(gwei)) {
throw new Error(
'Gas price too high. Please contact support if this was not a mistake.'
export async function generateCompleteTransactionFromRawTransaction(
node: INode,
tx: ExtendedRawTransaction,
wallet: IWallet,
token: Token | null | undefined,
skipValidation: boolean,
offline?: boolean
): Promise<CompleteTransaction> {
const { to, data, gasLimit, gasPrice, chainId, nonce } = tx;
// validation
generateTxValidation(to, token, data, gasLimit, gasPrice, skipValidation);
// duplicated from generateTxValidation -- typescript bug
if (typeof gasLimit === 'string' || typeof gasPrice === 'string') {
throw Error('Gas Limit and Gas Price should be of type bignumber');
// computed gas cost (gasprice * gaslimit)
const gasCost: Wei = new Wei(gasPrice.amount.times(gasLimit));
// get amount value (either in ETH or in Token)
const value = getValue(token, tx);
// if not offline, ensure that balance exceeds costs
if (!offline) {
await balanceCheck(node, tx, token, value, gasCost);
// Taken from v3's `sanitizeHex`, ensures that the value is a %2 === 0
// prefix'd hex value.
const cleanHex = hex => addHexPrefix(padToEven(stripHexPrefixAndLower(hex)));
const cleanedRawTx = {
nonce: cleanHex(nonce),
gasPrice: cleanHex(gasPrice.toString(16)),
gasLimit: cleanHex(gasLimit.toString(16)),
to: toChecksumAddress(cleanHex(to)),
value: token ? '0x00' : cleanHex(value.toString(16)),
data: data ? cleanHex(data) : '',
chainId: chainId || 1
// Sign the transaction
const rawTxJson = JSON.stringify(cleanedRawTx);
const signedTx = await wallet.signRawTransaction(cleanedRawTx);
return {
rawTx: rawTxJson,
export async function formatTxInput(
wallet: IWallet,
{ token, unit, value, to, data }: TransactionInput
): Promise<TransactionWithoutGas> {
if (unit === 'ether') {
return {
from: await wallet.getAddress(),
value: valueToHex(new Ether(value)),
} else {
if (!token) {
throw new Error('No matching token');
const bigAmount = new Big(value);
const ERC20Data = ERC20.transfer(to, bigAmount);
return {
to: token.address,
from: await wallet.getAddress(),
value: '0x0',
data: ERC20Data
export async function generateCompleteTransaction(
wallet: IWallet,
nodeLib: RPCNode,
gasPrice: Wei,
gasLimit: BigNumber,
chainId: number,
transactionInput: TransactionInput,
skipValidation: boolean,
nonce?: number | null,
offline?: boolean
): Promise<CompleteTransaction> {
const { token } = transactionInput;
const { from, to, value, data } = await formatTxInput(
const transaction: ExtendedRawTransaction = {
nonce: nonce ? `0x${nonce}` : await nodeLib.getTransactionCount(from),
return await generateCompleteTransactionFromRawTransaction(
// TODO determine best place for helper function
export function getBalanceMinusGasCosts(
gasLimit: BigNumber,
gasPrice: Wei,
balance: Wei
): Ether {
const weiGasCosts = gasPrice.amount.times(gasLimit);
const weiBalanceMinusGasCosts = balance.amount.minus(weiGasCosts);
return new Ether(weiBalanceMinusGasCosts);
export function decodeTransaction(transaction: EthTx, token: Token | false) {
const { to, value, data, gasPrice, nonce, from } = getTransactionFields(
let fixedValue;
let toAddress;
if (token) {
const tokenData = ERC20.$transfer(data);
fixedValue = toTokenDisplay(new Big(tokenData.value), token).toString();
toAddress =;
} else {
fixedValue = toUnit(new Big(value, 16), 'wei', 'ether').toString();
toAddress = to;
return {
value: fixedValue,
gasPrice: toUnit(new Big(gasPrice, 16), 'wei', 'gwei').toString(),