Maciej Hirsz 307e941684 Parity Signer (#1349)
* Parity Signer Squashed

* ParitySigner to be a container

* Parity Signer: style and polish

* target blank on appstore links

* PR fixes

* Move QrSignerModal to SendTransaction container

* Rework redux, use signing saga

* Cleanup

* Use new logo, change helpLink

* Rework finalize actions and types a bit

* Webcam info + wiki link on unlock screen

* Make the Parity QR Signer its own component, that has error messaging and ismore robust about adding / removing cameras.

* Unneded l10n
2018-04-06 16:32:25 -05:00

99 lines
3.4 KiB

import React from 'react'; // For ANNOUNCEMENT_MESSAGE jsx
import NewTabLink from 'components/ui/NewTabLink';
import { getValues } from '../utils/helpers';
import packageJson from '../../package.json';
import { GasPriceSetting } from 'types/network';
import { makeExplorer } from 'utils/helpers';
export const languages = require('./languages.json');
export const discordURL = '';
// Displays in the footer
export const VERSION = `${packageJson.version} (BETA)`;
export const N_FACTOR = 8192;
// Displays at the top of the site, make message empty string to remove.
// Type can be primary, warning, danger, success, info, or blank for grey.
// Message must be a JSX element if you want to use HTML.
export const ANNOUNCEMENT_TYPE = '';
This is a Beta version of MyCrypto. Please submit any bug reports to our{' '}
<NewTabLink href="">GitHub</NewTabLink> and use{' '}
<NewTabLink href="">HackerOne</NewTabLink> for critical
vulnerabilities. Join the discussion on <NewTabLink href={discordURL}>Discord</NewTabLink>.
const etherScan = '';
const blockChainInfo = '';
export const ethPlorer = '';
export const ETHTxExplorer = (txHash: string): string => `${etherScan}/tx/${txHash}`;
export const BTCTxExplorer = (txHash: string): string => `${blockChainInfo}/tx/${txHash}`;
export const ETHAddressExplorer = (address: string): string => `${etherScan}/address/${address}`;
export const ETHTokenExplorer = (address: string): string => `${ethPlorer}/address/${address}`;
export const etherChainExplorerInst = makeExplorer({
name: 'Etherchain',
origin: '',
addressPath: 'account'
export const donationAddressMap = {
BTC: '32oirLEzZRhi33RCXDF9WHJjEb8RsrSss3',
ETH: '0x4bbeEB066eD09B7AEd07bF39EEe0460DFa261520',
REP: '0x4bbeEB066eD09B7AEd07bF39EEe0460DFa261520'
export const gasEstimateCacheTime = 60000;
export const gasPriceDefaults: GasPriceSetting = {
min: 1,
max: 60,
initial: 20
export const MINIMUM_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 12;
export const knowledgeBaseURL = '';
export const ledgerReferralURL = '';
export const trezorReferralURL = '';
export const bitboxReferralURL = '';
// TODO - Update url, this is MEW's
export const bityReferralURL = '';
// TODO - add the real referral url once you know it
export const shapeshiftReferralURL = '';
export const ethercardReferralURL =
export enum SecureWalletName {
WEB3 = 'web3',
LEDGER_NANO_S = 'ledgerNanoS',
TREZOR = 'trezor',
PARITY_SIGNER = 'paritySigner'
export enum HardwareWalletName {
LEDGER_NANO_S = 'ledgerNanoS',
TREZOR = 'trezor'
export enum InsecureWalletName {
PRIVATE_KEY = 'privateKey',
KEYSTORE_FILE = 'keystoreFile',
MNEMONIC_PHRASE = 'mnemonicPhrase'
export enum MiscWalletName {
VIEW_ONLY = 'viewOnly'
export const walletNames = getValues(
export type WalletName = SecureWalletName | InsecureWalletName | MiscWalletName;