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synced 2025-03-02 03:30:31 +00:00
* Make UnlockHeader a PureComponent * MVP * actually disable wallet format if not determined to be valid format for wallet * default to correct derivation in mnemonic modal * cleanup * fix tslint * use enums for HD wallet getPath * Add stricter typing * Fix labels not updating on selector * Ban hardware wallet support for custom network unsupported chainIds * Fix type error * Fix custom node dPath not being saved * Fix mnemonic modal * default path bugfixes * add react-select * misc fixes; rabbit holing hard. * fix tslint * revert identicon changes * reload on network change :/ * actually reload on network change * really really reload on network change * tslint fixes * Update styles * set table width * fix package versioning * push broken sagas * Fix saga test * fix tslint * address round of review * move non-selectors out to utilty; adjust reload timer * cleanup network util comments * manage wallet disable at WalletDecrypt instead of in both WalletDecrypt and WalletButton * Separate WalletDecrypt props into ownProps / StateProps * disable payment requests on non-eth networks * specialize connect; separate props * remove unused state prop * remove bad import * create tests for networks * Clarify Lite-Send error on non-ethereum networkS * remove string option for network config name * Create concept of always-on 'EXTRA_PATHS'; include SINGULAR_DTV legacy dPath in 'EXTRA_PATHS' * fix multiple imports * address PR comments
365 lines
8.5 KiB
365 lines
8.5 KiB
import { ethPlorer, ETHTokenExplorer, SecureWalletName, InsecureWalletName } from './data';
import { EtherscanNode, InfuraNode, RPCNode, Web3Node } from 'libs/nodes';
import { networkIdToName } from 'libs/values';
import {
} from 'config/dpaths';
export interface BlockExplorerConfig {
origin: string;
txUrl(txHash: string): string;
addressUrl(address: string): string;
export interface Token {
address: string;
symbol: string;
decimal: number;
error?: string | null;
export interface NetworkContract {
name: NetworkKeys;
address?: string;
abi: string;
export interface DPathFormats {
trezor: DPath;
ledgerNanoS: DPath;
mnemonicPhrase: DPath;
export interface NetworkConfig {
// TODO really try not to allow strings due to custom networks
name: NetworkKeys;
unit: string;
color?: string;
blockExplorer?: BlockExplorerConfig;
tokenExplorer?: {
name: string;
address(address: string): string;
chainId: number;
tokens: Token[];
contracts: NetworkContract[] | null;
dPathFormats: DPathFormats;
isTestnet?: boolean;
export interface CustomNetworkConfig {
name: string;
unit: string;
chainId: number;
dPathFormats: DPathFormats | null;
export interface NodeConfig {
network: NetworkKeys;
lib: RPCNode | Web3Node;
service: string;
estimateGas?: boolean;
hidden?: boolean;
export interface CustomNodeConfig {
name: string;
url: string;
port: number;
network: string;
auth?: {
username: string;
password: string;
// Must be a website that follows the ethplorer convention of /tx/[hash] and
// address/[address] to generate the correct functions.
function makeExplorer(origin: string): BlockExplorerConfig {
return {
txUrl: hash => `${origin}/tx/${hash}`,
addressUrl: address => `${origin}/address/${address}`
const ETH: NetworkConfig = {
name: 'ETH',
unit: 'ETH',
chainId: 1,
color: '#0e97c0',
blockExplorer: makeExplorer('https://etherscan.io'),
tokenExplorer: {
name: ethPlorer,
address: ETHTokenExplorer
tokens: require('./tokens/eth.json'),
contracts: require('./contracts/eth.json'),
dPathFormats: {
[SecureWalletName.TREZOR]: ETH_TREZOR,
const Ropsten: NetworkConfig = {
name: 'Ropsten',
unit: 'ETH',
chainId: 3,
color: '#adc101',
blockExplorer: makeExplorer('https://ropsten.etherscan.io'),
tokens: require('./tokens/ropsten.json'),
contracts: require('./contracts/ropsten.json'),
isTestnet: true,
dPathFormats: {
[SecureWalletName.TREZOR]: ETH_TESTNET,
const Kovan: NetworkConfig = {
name: 'Kovan',
unit: 'ETH',
chainId: 42,
color: '#adc101',
blockExplorer: makeExplorer('https://kovan.etherscan.io'),
tokens: require('./tokens/ropsten.json'),
contracts: require('./contracts/ropsten.json'),
isTestnet: true,
dPathFormats: {
[SecureWalletName.TREZOR]: ETH_TESTNET,
const Rinkeby: NetworkConfig = {
name: 'Rinkeby',
unit: 'ETH',
chainId: 4,
color: '#adc101',
blockExplorer: makeExplorer('https://rinkeby.etherscan.io'),
tokens: require('./tokens/rinkeby.json'),
contracts: require('./contracts/rinkeby.json'),
isTestnet: true,
dPathFormats: {
[SecureWalletName.TREZOR]: ETH_TESTNET,
const ETC: NetworkConfig = {
name: 'ETC',
unit: 'ETC',
chainId: 61,
color: '#669073',
blockExplorer: makeExplorer('https://gastracker.io'),
tokens: require('./tokens/etc.json'),
contracts: require('./contracts/etc.json'),
dPathFormats: {
[SecureWalletName.TREZOR]: ETC_TREZOR,
const UBQ: NetworkConfig = {
name: 'UBQ',
unit: 'UBQ',
chainId: 8,
color: '#b37aff',
blockExplorer: makeExplorer('https://ubiqscan.io/en'),
tokens: require('./tokens/ubq.json'),
contracts: require('./contracts/ubq.json'),
dPathFormats: {
[SecureWalletName.TREZOR]: UBQ_DEFAULT,
const EXP: NetworkConfig = {
name: 'EXP',
unit: 'EXP',
chainId: 2,
color: '#673ab7',
blockExplorer: makeExplorer('http://www.gander.tech'),
tokens: require('./tokens/exp.json'),
contracts: require('./contracts/exp.json'),
dPathFormats: {
[SecureWalletName.TREZOR]: EXP_DEFAULT,
export const NETWORKS = {
export type NetworkKeys = keyof typeof NETWORKS;
enum NodeName {
ETH_MEW = 'eth_mew',
ETH_ETHSCAN = 'eth_ethscan',
ETH_INFURA = 'eth_infura',
ROP_MEW = 'rop_mew',
ROP_INFURA = 'rop_infura',
KOV_ETHSCAN = 'kov_ethscan',
RIN_ETHSCAN = 'rin_ethscan',
RIN_INFURA = 'rin_infura',
ETC_EPOOL = 'etc_epool',
UBQ = 'ubq',
EXP_TECH = 'exp_tech'
type NonWeb3NodeConfigs = { [key in NodeName]: NodeConfig };
interface Web3NodeConfig {
web3?: NodeConfig;
type NodeConfigs = NonWeb3NodeConfigs & Web3NodeConfig;
export const NODES: NodeConfigs = {
eth_mew: {
network: 'ETH',
lib: new RPCNode('https://api.myetherapi.com/eth'),
service: 'MyEtherWallet',
estimateGas: true
eth_ethscan: {
network: 'ETH',
service: 'Etherscan.io',
lib: new EtherscanNode('https://api.etherscan.io/api'),
estimateGas: false
eth_infura: {
network: 'ETH',
service: 'infura.io',
lib: new InfuraNode('https://mainnet.infura.io/mew'),
estimateGas: false
rop_mew: {
network: 'Ropsten',
service: 'MyEtherWallet',
lib: new RPCNode('https://api.myetherapi.com/rop'),
estimateGas: false
rop_infura: {
network: 'Ropsten',
service: 'infura.io',
lib: new InfuraNode('https://ropsten.infura.io/mew'),
estimateGas: false
kov_ethscan: {
network: 'Kovan',
service: 'Etherscan.io',
lib: new EtherscanNode('https://kovan.etherscan.io/api'),
estimateGas: false
rin_ethscan: {
network: 'Rinkeby',
service: 'Etherscan.io',
lib: new EtherscanNode('https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/api'),
estimateGas: false
rin_infura: {
network: 'Rinkeby',
service: 'infura.io',
lib: new InfuraNode('https://rinkeby.infura.io/mew'),
estimateGas: false
etc_epool: {
network: 'ETC',
service: 'Epool.io',
lib: new RPCNode('https://mewapi.epool.io'),
estimateGas: false
ubq: {
network: 'UBQ',
service: 'ubiqscan.io',
lib: new RPCNode('https://pyrus2.ubiqscan.io'),
estimateGas: true
exp_tech: {
network: 'EXP',
service: 'Expanse.tech',
lib: new RPCNode('https://node.expanse.tech/'),
estimateGas: true
interface Web3NodeInfo {
networkId: string;
lib: Web3Node;
export async function setupWeb3Node(): Promise<Web3NodeInfo> {
const { web3 } = window as any;
if (!web3 || !web3.currentProvider || !web3.currentProvider.sendAsync) {
throw new Error(
'Web3 not found. Please check that MetaMask is installed, or that MyEtherWallet is open in Mist.'
const lib = new Web3Node();
const networkId = await lib.getNetVersion();
const accounts = await lib.getAccounts();
if (!accounts.length) {
throw new Error('No accounts found in MetaMask / Mist.');
if (networkId === 'loading') {
throw new Error('MetaMask / Mist is still loading. Please refresh the page and try again.');
return { networkId, lib };
export async function isWeb3NodeAvailable(): Promise<boolean> {
try {
await setupWeb3Node();
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
export const Web3Service = 'MetaMask / Mist';
export interface NodeConfigOverride extends NodeConfig {
network: any;
export async function initWeb3Node(): Promise<void> {
const { networkId, lib } = await setupWeb3Node();
const web3: NodeConfigOverride = {
network: networkIdToName(networkId),
service: Web3Service,
estimateGas: false,
hidden: true
NODES.web3 = web3;