import { SagaIterator } from 'redux-saga'; import { select, call, put, take } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { cloneableGenerator } from 'redux-saga/utils'; import { makeTransaction } from 'libs/transaction'; import { toTokenBase, Wei } from 'libs/units'; import configuredStore from 'features/store'; import * as derivedSelectors from 'features/selectors'; import { getOffline } from 'features/config/meta/selectors'; import { getNetworkConfig, isNetworkUnit } from 'features/config/selectors'; import { walletSelectors } from 'features/wallet'; import { notificationsActions } from 'features/notifications'; import { transactionFieldsSelectors } from './fields'; import { transactionNetworkTypes, transactionNetworkActions } from './network'; import { transactionSignActions, transactionSignSagas } from './sign'; import * as helpers from './helpers'; configuredStore.getState(); describe('transaction: Helpers', () => { describe('Signing', () => { describe('signTransactionWrapper*', () => { const partialTx: any = { payload: 'payload' }; const IWalletAndTx: any = { wallet: 'wallet' }; const err = new Error('Error'); const func = jest.fn(); const gens: any = {}; gens.gen = cloneableGenerator(transactionSignSagas.signTransactionWrapper(func))(partialTx); it('should call getWalletAndTransAction', () => { expect( call(transactionSignSagas.getWalletAndTransaction, partialTx.payload) ); }); it('should call getFrom', () => { gens.clone = gens.gen.clone(); expect(; }); it('should call func with IWalletAndTx', () => { expect(, IWalletAndTx)); }); it('should handle errors', () => { expect(gens.clone.throw(err).value).toEqual( call(transactionSignSagas.handleFailedTransaction, err) ); }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('getWalletAndTransaction*', () => { const partialTx: any = { gasPrice: 'gasPrice', _chainId: '_chainId' }; const wallet = { data2: 'data2' }; const networkConfig = { chainId: 'chainId' }; const gens: any = {}; gens.gen = cloneableGenerator(transactionSignSagas.getWalletAndTransaction)(partialTx); it('should select getWalletInst', () => { expect(; }); it('should error on no wallet', () => { gens.clone = gens.gen.clone(); expect(() =>; }); it('should select getNetworkConfig', () => { expect(; }); it('should return expected', () => { expect({ wallet, tx: partialTx }); }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('handleFailedTransaction*', () => { const err = new Error('Message'); const gen = transactionSignSagas.handleFailedTransaction(err); let random: () => number; beforeAll(() => { random = Math.random; Math.random = () => 0.001; }); afterAll(() => { Math.random = random; }); it('should put showNotification', () => { expect( put(notificationsActions.showNotification('danger', err.message, 5000)) ); }); it('should put signTransactionFailed', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('getFrom*', () => { const getFromSucceeded = { type: transactionNetworkTypes.TransactionNetworkActions.GET_FROM_SUCCEEDED }; const getFromFailed = { type: transactionNetworkTypes.TransactionNetworkActions.GET_FROM_FAILED }; const gens: any = {}; gens.gen = cloneableGenerator(transactionSignSagas.getFromSaga)(); it('should put getFromRequested', () => { expect(; }); it('should take GET_FROM*', () => { expect( take([ transactionNetworkTypes.TransactionNetworkActions.GET_FROM_SUCCEEDED, transactionNetworkTypes.TransactionNetworkActions.GET_FROM_FAILED ]) ); }); it('should throw error if failed', () => { gens.clone = gens.gen.clone(); expect(() =>; }); it('should return if success', () => { expect(; }); }); }); describe('Validation', () => { const itShouldBeDone = (gen: SagaIterator) => { it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }; describe('rebaseUserInput*', () => { const validNumberValue = { raw: '1', value: Wei('1') }; const notValidNumberValue: any = { raw: '-1', value: '-1' }; const unit = 'unit'; const newDecimal = 1; const prevDecimal = 1; const gens: any = {}; gens.gen1 = helpers.rebaseUserInput(validNumberValue); gens.gen2 = helpers.rebaseUserInput(notValidNumberValue); describe('when a valid number', () => { it('should select getUnit', () => { expect(; }); it('should select getDecimalFromUnit with unit', () => { expect( select(derivedSelectors.getDecimalFromUnit, unit) ); }); it('should return correctly', () => { expect({ raw: validNumberValue.raw, value: toTokenBase(validNumberValue.raw, newDecimal) }); }); itShouldBeDone(gens.gen1); }); describe('when not a valid number', () => { it('should select getUnit', () => { expect(; }); it('should select getDecimalFromUnit with unit', () => { expect( select(derivedSelectors.getDecimalFromUnit, unit) ); }); it('should return correctly', () => { const result = JSON.stringify(; const expected = JSON.stringify({ raw: notValidNumberValue.raw, value: null }); expect(result).toEqual(expected); }); itShouldBeDone(gens.gen2); }); }); describe('validateInput*', () => { const input: any = 'input'; const unit = 'unit'; const etherBalance = Wei('1000'); const etherTransaction = true; const validationTx = { gasLimit: Wei('30'), gasPrice: Wei('1'), value: Wei('10') }; const gens: any = {}; gens.gen = cloneableGenerator(helpers.validateInput)(input, unit); it('should return when !input', () => { expect(helpers.validateInput(null, '').next().done).toEqual(true); }); it('should select getEtherBalance', () => { gens.clone2 = gens.gen.clone(); expect(; }); it('should select getOffline', () => { gens.clone2 = gens.gen.clone(); expect(; gens.clone1 = gens.gen.clone(); }); it('should call isNetworkUnit', () => { expect(, unit)); gens.clone3 = gens.gen.clone(); }); it('should return true when offline', () => { expect(, unit)); expect(; }); it('should return when !etherBalance', () => { expect(; expect(, unit)); expect(; }); it('should call makeCostCalculationTx', () => { expect( call(helpers.makeCostCalculationTx, input) ); }); it('should return true if etherTransaction', () => { expect(; }); it('should select getTokenBalance if !etherTransaction', () => {!etherTransaction); expect( select(derivedSelectors.getTokenBalance, unit) ); }); it('should return true if !etherTransaction', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('makeCostCalculationTx*', () => { const value = Wei('100'); const gasLimit = { value: Wei('10') }; const gasPrice = { value: Wei('1') }; const txObj = { gasLimit: gasLimit.value, gasPrice: gasPrice.value, value }; const gen = helpers.makeCostCalculationTx(value); it('should select getGasLimit', () => { expect(; }); it('should select getGasPrice', () => { expect(; }); it('should call makeTransaction', () => { expect(, txObj)); }); itShouldBeDone(gen); }); }); });