import BN from 'bn.js'; import abi from 'ethereumjs-abi'; import { toBuffer } from 'ethereumjs-util'; import { ICurrentValue } from 'features/types'; import { toWei, Units, gasPriceToBase, Address, Wei } from '../units'; import RequestFactory from './contracts/RequestFactory'; const TIME_BOUNTY_MIN = Wei('1'); export const EAC_SCHEDULING_CONFIG = { DAPP_ADDRESS: '', SCHEDULE_GAS_LIMIT_FALLBACK: Wei('21000'), SCHEDULE_GAS_PRICE_FALLBACK: 20, // Gwei FEE: Wei('0'), FUTURE_EXECUTION_COST: Wei('180000'), SCHEDULING_GAS_LIMIT: Wei('1500000'), WINDOW_SIZE_DEFAULT_TIME: 10, WINDOW_SIZE_DEFAULT_BLOCK: 90, TIME_BOUNTY_MIN, TIME_BOUNTY_DEFAULT: TIME_BOUNTY_MIN, TIME_BOUNTY_MAX: toWei('900', Units.ether.length - 1), // 900 ETH SCHEDULE_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', DEFAULT_SCHEDULING_METHOD: 'time', ALLOW_SCHEDULING_MIN_AFTER_NOW: 5 }; export const EAC_ADDRESSES = { KOVAN: { blockScheduler: '0x394ce9fe06c72f18e5a845842974f0c1224b1ff5', requestFactory: '0x98c128b3d8a0ac240f7b7dd4969ea0ad54f9d330', timestampScheduler: '0x31bbbf5180f2bd9c213e2e1d91a439677243268a' } }; export const calcEACFutureExecutionCost = ( callGas: Wei, callGasPrice: Wei, timeBounty: Wei | null ) => { const totalGas = callGas.add(EAC_SCHEDULING_CONFIG.FUTURE_EXECUTION_COST); if (!timeBounty) { timeBounty = EAC_SCHEDULING_CONFIG.TIME_BOUNTY_MIN; } return timeBounty.add(EAC_SCHEDULING_CONFIG.FEE).add(totalGas.mul(callGasPrice)); }; export const calcEACEndowment = ( callGas: Wei | null, callValue: Wei | null, callGasPrice: Wei | null, timeBounty: Wei | null ) => { callValue = callValue || Wei('0'); timeBounty = timeBounty || Wei('0'); return callValue.add( calcEACFutureExecutionCost( callGas || EAC_SCHEDULING_CONFIG.SCHEDULE_GAS_LIMIT_FALLBACK, callGasPrice || gasPriceToBase(EAC_SCHEDULING_CONFIG.SCHEDULE_GAS_PRICE_FALLBACK), timeBounty ) ); }; export const calcEACTotalCost = ( callGas: Wei, gasPrice: Wei, callGasPrice: Wei | null, timeBounty: Wei | null ) => { if (!callGasPrice) { callGasPrice = gasPriceToBase(EAC_SCHEDULING_CONFIG.SCHEDULE_GAS_PRICE_FALLBACK); } const deployCost = gasPrice.mul(EAC_SCHEDULING_CONFIG.SCHEDULING_GAS_LIMIT); const futureExecutionCost = calcEACFutureExecutionCost(callGas, callGasPrice, timeBounty); return deployCost.add(futureExecutionCost); }; export const getScheduleData = ( toAddress: string, callData: string | Buffer = '', callGas: Wei | null, callValue: Wei | null, windowSize: BN | null, windowStart: number, callGasPrice: Wei | null, timeBounty: Wei | null, requiredDeposit: Wei | null ) => { if (!requiredDeposit ||'0'))) { requiredDeposit = Wei('0'); } if (typeof callData === 'string') { callData = toBuffer(callData); } /* * Checks if any of these values are null or invalid * due to an user input. */ if ( !callValue || !callGas || !callGasPrice || !windowStart || !windowSize || !timeBounty ||'0')) ||'0')) || BN(0)) || windowSize.bitLength() > 256 ) { return; } return abi.simpleEncode('schedule(address,bytes,uint[8]):(address)', toAddress, callData, [ callGas, callValue, windowSize, windowStart, callGasPrice, EAC_SCHEDULING_CONFIG.FEE, timeBounty, requiredDeposit ]); }; enum SchedulingParamsError { InsufficientEndowment, ReservedWindowBiggerThanExecutionWindow, InvalidTemporalUnit, ExecutionWindowTooSoon, CallGasTooHigh, EmptyToAddress } export const parseSchedulingParametersValidity = (isValid: boolean[]) => { const errorsIndexMapping = [ SchedulingParamsError.InsufficientEndowment, SchedulingParamsError.ReservedWindowBiggerThanExecutionWindow, SchedulingParamsError.InvalidTemporalUnit, SchedulingParamsError.ExecutionWindowTooSoon, SchedulingParamsError.CallGasTooHigh, SchedulingParamsError.EmptyToAddress ]; const errors: SchedulingParamsError[] = []; isValid.forEach((boolIsTrue, index) => { if (!boolIsTrue) { errors.push(errorsIndexMapping[index]); } }); return errors; }; export const getValidateRequestParamsData = ( toAddress: string, callGas: Wei, callValue: ICurrentValue['value'], windowSize: BN | null, windowStart: number, gasPrice: Wei, timeBounty: Wei | null, requiredDeposit: Wei, isTimestamp: boolean, endowment: Wei, fromAddress: string ): string => { windowSize = windowSize || new BN(0); timeBounty = timeBounty || Wei('0'); const temporalUnit = isTimestamp ? 2 : 1; const freezePeriod = isTimestamp ? 3 * 60 : 10; // 3 minutes or 10 blocks const reservedWindowSize = isTimestamp ? 5 * 60 : 16; // 5 minutes or 16 blocks const claimWindowSize = isTimestamp ? 60 * 60 : 255; // 60 minutes or 255 blocks const feeRecipient = '0x0'; // stub return RequestFactory.validateRequestParams.encodeInput({ _addressArgs: [fromAddress, feeRecipient, toAddress], _uintArgs: [ EAC_SCHEDULING_CONFIG.FEE, timeBounty, claimWindowSize, freezePeriod, reservedWindowSize, temporalUnit, windowSize, windowStart, callGas, callValue, gasPrice, requiredDeposit ], _endowment: endowment }); }; export const getTXDetailsCheckURL = (txHash: string) => { return `${EAC_SCHEDULING_CONFIG.DAPP_ADDRESS}/awaiting/scheduler/${txHash}`; }; export const getSchedulerAddress = (scheduleType: string | null): Address => Address( scheduleType === 'time' ? EAC_ADDRESSES.KOVAN.timestampScheduler : EAC_ADDRESSES.KOVAN.blockScheduler );