import React from 'react'; import { translateRaw } from 'translations'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { inputGasPrice, TInputGasPrice, getNonceRequested, TGetNonceRequested, reset, TReset } from 'actions/transaction'; import { fetchCCRates, TFetchCCRates } from 'actions/rates'; import { getNetworkConfig, getOffline } from 'selectors/config'; import { AppState } from 'reducers'; import SimpleGas from './components/SimpleGas'; import AdvancedGas, { AdvancedOptions } from './components/AdvancedGas'; import './TXMetaDataPanel.scss'; import { getGasPrice } from 'selectors/transaction'; type SliderStates = 'simple' | 'advanced'; interface StateProps { gasPrice: AppState['transaction']['fields']['gasPrice']; offline: AppState['config']['offline']; network: AppState['config']['network']; } interface DispatchProps { inputGasPrice: TInputGasPrice; fetchCCRates: TFetchCCRates; getNonceRequested: TGetNonceRequested; reset: TReset; } // Set default props for props that can't be truthy or falsy interface DefaultProps { initialState: SliderStates; } interface OwnProps { initialState?: SliderStates; disableToggle?: boolean; advancedGasOptions?: AdvancedOptions; className?: string; } type Props = DispatchProps & OwnProps & StateProps; interface State { sliderState: SliderStates; } class TXMetaDataPanel extends React.Component { public static defaultProps: DefaultProps = { initialState: 'simple' }; public state: State = { sliderState: (this.props as DefaultProps).initialState }; public componentDidMount() { if (!this.props.offline) { this.props.reset(); this.props.fetchCCRates([]); this.props.getNonceRequested(); } } public componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: Props) { if (this.props.offline && !nextProps.offline) { this.props.fetchCCRates([]); } } public render() { const { offline, disableToggle, gasPrice, advancedGasOptions, className = '' } = this.props; const showAdvanced = this.state.sliderState === 'advanced' || offline; return (
{showAdvanced ? ( ) : ( )} {!offline && !disableToggle && (
{showAdvanced ? `- ${translateRaw('Back to simple')}` : `+ ${translateRaw('Advanced Settings')}`}
); } private toggleAdvanced = () => { this.setState({ sliderState: this.state.sliderState === 'advanced' ? 'simple' : 'advanced' }); }; } function mapStateToProps(state: AppState): StateProps { return { gasPrice: getGasPrice(state), offline: getOffline(state), network: getNetworkConfig(state) }; } export default connect(mapStateToProps, { inputGasPrice, fetchCCRates, getNonceRequested, reset })(TXMetaDataPanel);