import { addCustomNode, removeCustomNode } from 'actions/config'; import { CustomNodeConfig } from 'types/node'; import { customNodes } from 'reducers/config/nodes/customNodes'; const firstCustomNodeId = 'customNode1'; const firstCustomNode: CustomNodeConfig = { isCustom: true, id: firstCustomNodeId, lib: jest.fn() as any, name: 'My cool custom node', network: 'CustomNetworkId', port: 8080, service: 'your custom node', url: '' }; const secondCustomNodeId = 'customNode2'; const secondCustomNode: CustomNodeConfig = { ...firstCustomNode, id: secondCustomNodeId }; const expectedStates = { initialState: {}, addFirstCustomNode: { [firstCustomNodeId]: firstCustomNode }, addSecondCustomNode: { [firstCustomNodeId]: firstCustomNode, [secondCustomNodeId]: secondCustomNode }, removeFirstCustomNode: { [secondCustomNodeId]: secondCustomNode } }; const actions = { addFirstCustomNode: addCustomNode({ id: firstCustomNodeId, config: firstCustomNode }), addSecondCustomNode: addCustomNode({ id: secondCustomNodeId, config: secondCustomNode }), removeFirstCustomNode: removeCustomNode({ id: firstCustomNodeId }) }; describe('custom nodes reducer', () => { it('should return the initial state', () => expect(customNodes(undefined, {} as any)).toEqual({})); it('should handle adding the first custom node', () => expect(customNodes(expectedStates.initialState, actions.addFirstCustomNode)).toEqual( expectedStates.addFirstCustomNode )); it('should handle adding a second custom node', () => expect(customNodes(expectedStates.addFirstCustomNode, actions.addSecondCustomNode)).toEqual( expectedStates.addSecondCustomNode )); it('should handle removing the first custom node', () => expect(customNodes(expectedStates.addSecondCustomNode, actions.removeFirstCustomNode)).toEqual( expectedStates.removeFirstCustomNode )); });